Psychocorrection of deviations in children

Microwave cupcake with banana

You don’t need to spend a lot of time on delicious homemade cakes. Especially if the house has a microwave oven. Today there are many very quick recipes for treats. For example, you can easily...


Reversed meaning

The next card after the Star is the Major Arcana - the Moon. The moon dominates the night, and its meaning symbolizes darkness and uncertainty. This card is a guide to the unconscious world that will lead...


When is All Saints' Day celebrated?

“All Saints Sunday” is the day of remembrance of all saints. In the Orthodox tradition, All Saints' Day is celebrated on the 1st Sunday (week) after the day of Pentecost (movable holiday), i.e. on the 8th Sunday...


Alexander Blok - Snow and snow: Verse

From the tops of the sad mountains you came down to us to sing and perish, and again from the top to throw your sparkling fire. So walk in a quick dance, Joy, mountain thunderstorm! So that spark after spark Burns us...