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Purpose of the study: To understand the essence of the observed natural phenomenon; Explain a physical phenomenon based on physical laws and theories; Discuss rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.

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A thunderstorm is a beautiful but dangerous natural phenomenon. In ancient times, people could not explain why thunderstorms occur. They believed that the gods were angry with people. In ancient times, the Eastern Slavs revered the god Perun, the “creator” of lightning and thunder. Later, our ancestors attributed thunder and lightning to the “activities” of Elijah the prophet, who “rides across the sky in a thundering chariot and in anger throws stones and fiery arrows to the ground.”

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Now people know that thunderstorms occur because the air in one place is very hot, and in another, on the contrary, it is very cold. Where moist and warm air met dry and cold air, a thundercloud formed. Electrical discharges - lightning - always appear in a thundercloud.

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Thanks to the hard work of researchers, it was possible to show that there is nothing supernatural in the phenomenon of thunder and lightning, that there is no place for divine activity in it and there is no reason for superstitious fears. Among the first scientists to prove the electrical nature of thunderstorms were the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov and his friend G.V. Richman. During experiments in 1753, Richmann was killed by ball lightning. Richman G.V. Lomonosov M.V.

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A thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon in which electrical discharges - lightning - accompanied by thunder occur inside clouds or between a cloud and the earth's surface. Typically, thunderstorms form in powerful cumulonimbus clouds and are associated with heavy rain, hail and strong winds.

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Lightning is a huge electrical spark or discharge in the atmosphere. Most often we observe lightning that resembles a winding river with tributaries. Such lightning is called linear; when discharged between clouds, their length reaches more than 20 km. An electrical discharge in the atmosphere in the form of linear lightning is an electric current. Approximately 65% ​​of all lightning strikes have a maximum current of 10,000 A, but in rare cases it reaches 230,000 A. The time for the maximum current to flow in a lightning discharge is very short - about 100 microseconds.

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The lightning channel through which the current flows becomes very hot and shines brightly. The temperature of the channel reaches tens of thousands of degrees, and the air pressure rises to several hundred megapascals. Then the air expands, causing an explosion of hot gases. This is what we perceive as thunder. A lightning strike to a ground object can cause a fire.

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Air conducts electricity differently in different places, so the electrical discharge travels to those places where the least resistance is encountered. This is why we often see a sinuous line of lightning. Lightning more often strikes tall structures, i.e. places where the thickness of the air layer between a thundercloud and a ground object is less - a tall building, a tall tree, etc. Lightning can strike a flat surface of the earth, but where the electrical resistance of the soil is less. For this reason, lightning strikes the banks of rivers and streams.

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Lightning can also produce magnetic effects: magnetize iron and steel objects, remagnetize a compass. It happened that this circumstance caused a change in the ship's course. Such “jokes” of lightning sometimes led to ship accidents.

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In cities, lightning is not dangerous; all tall buildings and structures have lightning rods. To protect yourself from a thunderstorm, a lightning rod is used. Rising along the lightning rod, positive charges neutralize negative ones. Very often this is enough for lightning not to strike at all. If lightning does strike, it it hits the lightning rod as if it were the tallest object. And it goes down the wires into the ground.

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If lightning strikes a person or animal, in most cases the strike is fatal. Therefore, when you are outside your home and see a thunderstorm approaching, you must leave dangerous places: mountains and hilltops, open peaks, banks of reservoirs. Do not approach tall single objects (pillars, trees). It is recommended to take shelter in a small depression on the hillside, choosing a place between two trees growing at a distance of 15 - 25 m. An unconscious lightning victim must be given artificial respiration until a doctor arrives.

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Both the structure of the root and the tree's resistance to current play a role in lightning damage to trees. Trees with roots penetrating into deep aquifers of the soil are better “grounded”, so significant charges flowing from the ground accumulate on them, having a sign opposite to the sign of the charge of the clouds. For example, an oak tree has roots deep into the soil, so it is more often struck by lightning than others.

“Objects of living and inanimate nature” - What happened to the plant. Didactic material. Its tail wags under the bridge. Seasonal phenomena. Read the text. Nature. Definition of natural phenomena. Introduction to the topic. Living and inanimate nature. Crossword "Living - nonliving." Learning new things.

“Nature of the native land” - To recognize animals, insects, birds. So that we can admire plants and animals. Why do children need to study the nature of their native land? Because plants purify the air. To know the inhabitants of the forest. Do not get poisoned by poisonous mushrooms or berries. To know and study our region, to know more about our region.

“Nature corner” - Lesson summary. Begonia Chlorophytum. What flowers? What is a corner of nature? Practical work. What is the fish's body covered with? Veiltail. Hamster Parrot. Guinea Pig Rabbits. What leaves? Swordtail Guppies. How can you grow a houseplant? Consider the plant. Let's draw a conclusion. Indoor flowers. Our corner of nature.

"Nature" - The goal of the project. A group of theorists. Nasturtium. Dandelion. What do we want to know? Chamomile. Fundamental question. A group of sociologists. Viola. Is it necessary to protect nature? - this question is not difficult to answer. Outputs (results) of student activities. Data. Group of practitioners. What flowers would you like to see in the flower beds of your home?

“Living and inanimate nature” - Tulip. Objects of nature do not include only those things made by human hands. Live nature. Nature can be: living, non-living. Water, Inanimate nature. Non-living. The Earth is the chosen one of the solar system on which life exists. Human. Water. “Saving nature means saving life!” Alive. Squirrel, Ant,

“Inanimate and living nature” - Sky... Journey of a droplet. Sun... Inanimate nature in autumn. The first drop fell - drop! You can't live without water. Well, look at the shoes - they became wet. Air... Insects... Exercise. Inanimate nature in spring. Inanimate nature in winter. Every living thing needs clean water. Let's run away from the rain and sit under a bush. Water must be conserved.

There are a total of 36 presentations in the topic

If you are in a rural area: close windows, doors, chimneys and vents. Do not light the stove because the high temperature gases coming out of the stove pipe have low resistance. Don't talk on the phone: lightning sometimes strikes wires stretched between poles.

During lightning strikes, do not come close to electrical wiring, lightning rods, roof gutters, antennas, do not stand near a window, and if possible, turn off the TV, radio and other electrical appliances.

If you are in the forest, then take cover in a low-growing area of ​​the forest. Avoid shelter near tall trees, especially pine, oak and poplar trees.

Do not be in a body of water or on its shore. Move away from the shore, go down from a high place to a low place.

In the steppe, field, or in the absence of shelter (buildings), do not lie on the ground, exposing your entire body to electric current, but squat down in a hollow, ravine or other natural depression, clasping your legs with your hands.

If a thunderstorm hits you while playing sports, stop immediately. Place metal objects (motorcycle, bicycle, ice ax, etc.) to the side, move away from them 20-30 m.

If a thunderstorm finds you in your car, do not leave it, while closing the windows and lowering the radio antenna

Forest fires

Fire safety rules in forests

Do not light fires in young coniferous forests; in places with dry grass; under the forest canopy; on old fire pits; in forest areas subjected to windfall and windfall; on peat soils; on cutting areas that have not been cleared of logging residues and harvested wood.

If necessary, you can make a fire in open places, surrounding it with a mineralized strip of at least 0.5 m. When necessary, the fire should be filled with water or covered with earth.

Do not throw away burning matches, cigarette butts or ash from smoking pipes.

Do not fill the tanks of internal combustion engines with fuel while the engines are running.

Do not operate machines with a faulty power supply system.

Do not smoke or use open flames near vehicles being refueled.

Do not burn dry grass in forest clearings and meadows, stubble in fields and land adjacent to forests

in protective and landscaping forest plantations.

If you find yourself near a fire in a forest or on a peat bog and you do not have the ability to localize it, prevent the spread and extinguish the fire on your own, immediately warn all people nearby about the need to leave the danger zone.

Organize their exit onto a road or clearing, a wide clearing, to the bank of a river or reservoir, or into a field.

Leave the danger zone quickly, perpendicular to the direction of fire movement.

If it is impossible to escape the fire, enter a body of water or cover yourself with wet clothes.

When you go out into an open space or clearing, breathe the air near the ground - there it is less smoky, while covering your mouth and nose cotton-gauze bandage or rag.

If you find yourself near a fire in a forest or peat bog

After leaving the fire zone, report the location, size and nature of the fire to the local administration, forestry or fire service, as well as the local population.

The flames of small ground fires can be knocked down by overwhelming them with branches of deciduous trees, filling them with water, throwing them with wet soil, or trampling them underfoot.

Peat fires are extinguished by digging up burning peat and pouring water on it.

When extinguishing a fire, act carefully, do not go far from roads and clearings, do not lose sight of other participants, maintain visual and audio contact with them.

When extinguishing a peat fire, keep in mind that deep craters can form in the combustion zone, so you should move carefully, having first checked the depth of the burnt layer.

Classification of man-made emergencies

Transport accidents


and disasters

Fires, explosions,

bomb threats

Accidents at wastewater treatment plants

Blowout accidents

(threat of release)


Chemically hazardous substances

Man-made emergency

Blowout accidents

Accidents in utilities

(threat of release)

life support systems

radioactive substances

Electrical accidents

Blowout accidents

(threat of release)


biologically hazardous


Sudden collapse

buildings, structures

Explosive and fire hazardous

Explosion and fire hazardous facilities are those facilities where flammable products or products that acquire the ability to ignite and (or) explode under certain conditions are produced, stored, transported.

Accidents that occur at explosion- and fire-hazardous facilities are characterized by explosions and fires and pose a particular danger to the population.

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The work was completed by 4th grade student Evsikova Ekaterina Supervisor: Mamontova L.V.

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A thunderstorm is a beautiful and majestic natural phenomenon. But a thunderstorm also carries a huge danger - lightning strikes. To protect yourself from them, you need to follow some rules.

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Science cannot fully understand the nature of lightning. Every year there are new surprises. Even installing a lightning rod does not guarantee complete protection of the building from troubles. A lightning rod protects against direct lightning strikes, but does not protect against so-called secondary effects. The fact is that when lightning strikes the ground or some object within a radius of up to 1500 meters from the building, there is a possibility of electrical discharges moving to it through various communications capable of conducting current: power supply systems, communications, gas pipelines. This causes a sharp increase in voltage in electrical networks, leading to various emergency situations - from burnout of microcircuits in household appliances to complete failure of electrical equipment. Specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations recommend turning off all household electrical appliances in the house during a thunderstorm and not using a regular telephone, not standing near windows and doors, and not touching water taps. This way you will protect both your equipment and your health from unexpected problems. Make sure there is no draft in the room, which could attract ball lightning. It is better not to light a stove or fireplace at this time, since the smoke coming out of the chimney has high electrical conductivity, and the likelihood of a lightning strike into the chimney increases.

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When on the street, in a park area or in a forest, you should not hide under tall trees; it is better to move 30-40 meters away from them. The likelihood of lightning striking a particular tree is directly proportional to its height. Especially, as people say, poplars, oaks, pines and spruces “attract lightning.” Birches, maples, and hazel trees are practically not subject to lightning strikes. The danger increases if there are already trees nearby that have been previously struck by lightning. In the city, try to find shelter in a store or residential building as soon as possible; they have reliable lightning protection, unlike public transport stops. If there are no such options, you need to wait out the thunderstorm by squatting under low plants. It is better to turn off your cell phone when you are outside.

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Oddly enough, experts advise not to open your umbrella over yourself! Probably due to the presence of many metal parts on it. It is also quite dangerous to stand near a wall near which a tall tree grows; it is better to stay away from electrical wires, antennas and simply damp walls. It is not recommended to stay at high places and in open, unprotected places. Especially if there are metal or mesh fences, power lines, or large metal structures nearby.

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When a thunderstorm approaches, those who like swimming and fishing are advised not only to immediately stop these activities, but also to move away from the reservoir. Don’t even think about looking for shelter in the floodplain bushes! If there is an open field around, you need to get to the nearest forest (but not a bunch of trees in an open area) or to a village as soon as possible (but do not run if a thunderstorm has already begun). At the same time, try to avoid, about two hundred meters away, isolated trees and other tall objects.

A thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon in which electrical discharges - lightning - accompanied by thunder occur inside clouds or between clouds and the earth's surface. Typically a thunderstorm
formed in powerful cumulonimbus clouds and associated with showers
rain, hail and strong winds.
Thunderstorm is one of the most dangerous phenomena for humans associated with
weather: based on the number of registered deaths only
flash floods cause greater loss of life

How to behave during a thunderstorm When a thunderstorm front forms at any point on the horizon, powerful cumulonimbus, tower-shaped

should be closely monitored
development of cloudiness. At the same time it is necessary
remember that the wind does not give
correct idea about
direction of movement of the thunderstorm. Thunderstorms
often go against the wind!

The distance to an approaching thunderstorm can be determined by counting the seconds separating the flash of lightning and the sound of the first clap of thunder:

a second pause means that a thunderstorm is at a distance of 300400 m,
three second - 1 km,
four-second - 1.3 km, etc.

What is lightning Lightning is an electrical discharge of high voltage, enormous current, high power and very high

temperatures occurring in nature.
Electrical discharges arising between cumulus
clouds or between cloud and earth,
accompanied by thunder, heavy rain, often
hail and heavy winds. Types of lightning
There are many. In the middle zone the most
The most common types are linear and ball lightning. They
different in appearance, but equally dangerous
for a person.

First, during a thunderstorm you should avoid open areas. Lightning is known to strike the highest point, lonely man

in the field - this is the one
dot. If for some reason you are left alone in the field
alone with the thunderstorm, hide in any possible way
recess: groove, hollow or lowest place
fields, squat down and bow your head, they advise

Secondly, during a thunderstorm, avoid water, as it is an excellent conductor of current. A lightning strike spreads around a body of water in

radius of 100 meters. Often she hits
shores. Therefore, during a thunderstorm it is necessary to stay away
Move away from the shore; you cannot swim or fish.

Thirdly, it is very dangerous to talk on a mobile phone during a thunderstorm. It is best to turn off your cell phones during a thunderstorm.

There were cases when incoming
the call was caused by lightning.

During a thunderstorm, it is advisable to get rid of metal objects. Watches, chains and even an umbrella open over your head are potential

strike targets. Known
cases of lightning strikes located in
pocket a bunch of keys.

Help for a lightning strike victim To provide first aid to a person struck by a lightning strike, he should immediately

move to
safe place. Touching the victim is not
dangerous, there is no charge left in his body. Even
it seems that defeat is fatal, it may
turn out to be actually not the case.
If a lightning victim is unconscious,
lay him on his back and turn his head to the side,
so that the tongue does not fall into the respiratory tract. Necessary
without stopping for a minute, do artificial
breathing and heart massage before medical arrival

According to statistics, the probability of a person being struck by lightning is not so high - about 3,000 to 1. But in the Guinness Book of Records

there is registration
the fact that lightning struck one and the same
the same person is neither more nor less - 7 times!

Roy Sullivan was born in 1912 in the American city of Green County, Virginia. As an adult, he worked as a caretaker

Shenandoah National Park, where
in 1942 it was struck by lightning. Sullivan at that time
was on the observation tower. He got off quite easily:
an electric discharge tore off his big nail

The second time he was struck by lightning was 27 years later. At that time, Roy Sullivan was driving along a mountain road, and his eyebrows were burned by lightning,

and lost consciousness from shock.
In 1970, Roy was struck by lightning while he was in his own meadow.
In 1972, lightning again found its old “friend” - Roy’s hair caught fire, and
After that incident, he always carried water with him.
In 1973, lightning found him again - his hair caught fire and his shoes were torn off his feet.
In 1976, lightning injured Roy Sullivan's ankle.
Sullivan was injured for the seventh time in 1977, when he was on the
fishing... After being struck by lightning, Roy was hospitalized with severe burns to his abdomen and
It's hard to say who Roy Sullivan was - a lucky guy or a chronic loser?
Sullivan's life ended tragically, but lightning had nothing to do with it. In September 1983
71-year-old Roy committed suicide by shooting himself in the stomach. By
rumors that because of unrequited love. This is how the life of the “lightning rod man” ended.