The appearance of a baby in a family is great joy and happiness. However, it happens that, no matter how much she wants, a woman cannot give birth to a child, and doctors are powerless because they do not find any visible causes of infertility. In such cases, people talk about damage.

Hex for infertility is a type of hex for illness, which is done, as a rule, using the blood of the victim (or other connections) and a certain symbol, meaning lack of continuation, dying. Such a symbol can be pieces of a rotten stump (rotten wood), pieces of dry wood. If you suddenly find something similar near your doorstep or home, this may be an indirect confirmation of damage.

Often this type of energetic intervention is used with the aim of taking revenge on the entire family, and not just one specific person. In this case, all members of the family (clan) are exposed to damage. A family curse can only be removed by an experienced specialist - a magician.

It happens that damage to a woman is caused by a less fortunate rival or ill-wisher. If, with regular sexual activity, a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time or she constantly has problems, then it is necessary to check whether there is any damage to her. However, it also happens that men are energetically affected: as a rule, this is the work of women deceived and abandoned by them.

Signs and symptoms of damage to infertility

To exclude a generational curse, analyze the situation: is there anyone else among your relatives who, for unknown reasons, cannot have a child. If there are any, then we are not talking about damage to you personally, but about a curse on the family. Ancestral curses are more difficult to remove, and you cannot cope with it on your own. If there are no such people among your relatives, then there is damage done to someone specifically (you or your spouse).

Men and women not only have different physiological structures, but also differ in energy bodies. The male energy body is “recharged” through a certain point located on the crown of the head. Through the same point, a man also feeds on reproductive energy. In women, their energy body draws its energy through the genital area - through the uterus. That is why, if there was an energetic intervention - damage - then, most likely, the results of this negative impact will be visible in these zones.

Another sign of energetic interference is how a “corrupted” person feels in church, especially during services. As a rule, while in the temple, victims of corruption experience dizziness, discomfort and a certain weakness.

Another clue can be the behavior of pets, especially cats. Cats are much closer to the subtle world than people, and they are able to sense those who are cursed. They try to avoid such people.

In addition to the signs described above, there are a number of other symptoms of induced damage:

  • increased fatigue;
  • causeless and frequent;
  • fear of darkness, loneliness (bordering on paranoia);
  • disturbing sleep with bad dreams;
  • weight gain or, conversely, weight loss with a constant feeling of hunger;
  • deterioration of skin condition and rapid aging;
  • feeling of irritation towards your partner.

It should be remembered that if we are talking about damage, then there must be not one sign or symptom, but a combination of several.

Traditional methods for determining spoilage

Damage can also be determined using traditional methods:

  1. With a wedding ring. You need to run the ring across your cheek. If after the ring a mark remains on the cheek - a dark stripe, then perhaps a spell was cast to terminate the birth.
  2. Using rye bread. You need to take a piece of rye bread in your hand and hold it in your hand for a while. Then place this piece of bread in a glass filled with spring water. If the bread sinks, it means that you have been damaged.
  3. Using a chicken egg. Take a glass of spring water and an egg. While reading the Lord's Prayer over the glass, carefully pour the egg into the water. Egg white is very sensitive to negative energy, so if it has lost its homogeneity or black spots appear in it, this means that you are damaged.
  4. Using olive oil. Drop the oil into a glass of holy water. If the drop spreads out without maintaining its shape, then this means that you have been damaged. This method reveals damage caused by a photograph.

How to remove damage to infertility:

The methods and signs described above for determining damage will most likely allow you to find out whether you have been negatively impacted. Only an experienced person can determine the strength of this impact.

specialist - a magician (master) who will suggest effective ways to remove damage. Typically, there are three ways to solve the problem.

  1. You can contact the Master (the most effective one, if the other two for some reason are not feasible or did not help).
  2. If you are a believer, you can go to church. Church ministers know about such influences on people and will tell you which prayers and which saints to ask for help for deliverance. This method is called prayer.
  3. You can try to remove the damage yourself using the methods below.

- ways to remove damage to childlessness yourself

Self-removal of damage must begin by inspecting your clothes and home for the presence of foreign objects in them - the so-called lining. It is he who carries your damage. By destroying it, you can remove the root cause of your problem.

The lining can be:

  • pieces of fabric,
  • different threads,
  • hair,
  • needles,
  • nails,
  • burnt matches,
  • peas or other cereals.

Most often, such items can be found near the front door - both outside and inside the room. Carefully examine all sorts of cracks and corners, and if possible, look under the skin. They can simply stick a charmed needle or nail into the doorframe.

Also explore rooms (be sure to the bedroom), storage rooms and household rooms, where various rubbish is often stored (which should be disposed of periodically).

If you find a suspicious item (you will definitely understand that you have found the right thing), under no circumstances take it with your bare hands! It is better to do this using a piece of fabric or a napkin/handkerchief - wrap the lining in them. The discovered lining should be set on fire, reading the Orthodox prayers you know, at sunset on the same day.

The next step in removing damage is cleansing with the help of spells

There is a very effective method of removing damage, which is suitable not only for removing negative effects aimed at infertility, but will also help with other types of damage or the evil eye.

- removing damage from eggs

This ritual should be performed over the victim of damage by a close relative whom she completely trusts. Another condition for this ritual to remove the energy impact: it must be carried out during the waning moon phase, strictly after sunset, having previously prepared:

  • prepare a fresh chicken egg in advance;
  • close the doors to the room where the ritual is performed tightly;
  • Remove all jewelry from the victim of damage, including watches;
  • make the victim face east.

Start the ritual from the head: roll out the egg, accompanying each turn with prayers. In total, you need to make at least 33 revolutions. Next, use the egg to treat the spine and every part of the body; finally, return to rolling the head.

After the run-in is completed, take the used egg into the forest, where you need to leave it under a bush.

A person who has undergone a ritual to remove damage should not borrow or lend money for three days.

After a month, the ritual can be repeated.

- ritual on Ivan Kupala

Folk magic knows another equally effective ritual for removing damage to infertility, but, unfortunately, it can only be performed once a year - on the day of Ivan Kupala.

It is important to remember that from the moment you wake up until the completion of the ritual you cannot talk! The female victim can perform this ritual on her own.

To do this, she should wake up before dawn and go to a well or spring for water. You should take with you a non-metallic vessel - clay, porcelain - large enough in volume. Collect water from a source and bring it home. Divide the brought water into three equal parts. The first one is used immediately, and the following should be done:

  • come to the ground
  • stand facing the sun,
  • Douse yourself completely with water, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“It spreads, is reflected, the bad dissolves, the evil plunges into darkness, the good appears in the light. Let it be so! Amen".

Repeat this ritual two more times on the same day - at noon and at sunset.

If you are not confident in your abilities or doubt that you can carry out the rituals necessary for cleansing on your own, then turn to a church or an active magician for help. If you have been unable to conceive a child for a long time, and doctors are powerless to help you, then do not put off resolving this issue for too long so that the problem does not turn into karma. In addition to the cleansing ritual, the magician can also offer to purchase all kinds of amulets and charms to help pregnant women (those who are unable to bear a child due to miscarriage), which are recommended to be worn and kept with you at all times.

About the consequences of damage

The main consequence of this type of damage can be judged by its name - the victim of the ritual becomes infertile.

In women, this causes damage to the reproductive organs, in which the uterus most often suffers. In this case, the woman simply cannot conceive a child, and if pregnancy does occur, then she cannot carry the child to term: most often, miscarriages occur in the early stages.

A man can also become a victim of energy intervention for infertility. In men, the consequences of spoilage can manifest themselves in different ways: from inactive sperm in the semen to impotence.

Unfortunately, damage to infertility these days is much more common than we would like. Such magic is attractive because it is easier to cause damage than to remove it. That is why you should know the main signs of such an impact and be able to quickly remove them.

Be healthy! Let your home be full of happy children's laughter!

Especially for- Irina Tkachenko

If damage to infertility is suspected, it must be identified and removed as soon as possible. Even such a problem can be solved on your own by removing damage to children with spells and ancient effective rituals.

In the article:

Signs of damage to infertility:

  • medicine is unable to explain why a healthy woman can become pregnant;
  • the girl has a constant headache for no particular reason;
  • frequent insomnia;
  • the fear of loneliness, even a short stay alone with oneself inspires horror;
  • constant streak of failures;
  • panic fear of the dark;
  • the appearance of rats and mice in the house.

When damage is caused, most of these symptoms appear. The presence of 1-2 points is not an indicator of magical influence.
To verify a witchcraft attack, perform a simple ritual that can determine damage due to the lack of children.

Definition of infertility conspiracy

Often lonely or abandoned women try, resorting to revenge, to deprive their rival of the joy of motherhood. Often, witchcraft can lead to infertility out of envy.

Take your own gold ring. A wedding band is better, but it can be the one you wear most often. Swipe the jewelry across your cheek. Track red- are not under magical influence. If gray or black- damage to infertility.
The next method is using rye bread. Take a slice and place it in a container of water. If it immediately falls to the bottom, then you need to seek help from a professional.
The latter method can determine what kind of attack was committed. Pour holy water into a saucer, drop a little on top oils. Remember the outline of the droplet. If after a couple of minutes it changes its shape, it will be ruined. It has saved its outlines - there is no negative program.

How to remove damage to infertility

Having determined the presence of witchcraft interference in fate, you can proceed to removing the magical attack. Since ancient times, effective rituals and conspiracies have come down to us to help remove the magic of infertility.
Pay attention to the article about, which according to signs helps to get pregnant.

Ritual against spoiling children

The witchcraft for the inability to give birth is “knocked out” with the help of rods. For the ritual, arm yourself with twelve branches from one tree. They need to be broken early in the morning. Do the ritual for 4 days.
On the first day, take 3 branches, go to an old wooden fence and start hitting them. At the same time whisper:

I beat you for your infertility. Help lime. Give fruit to the garden, and give birth to children for the slave (name). As I say, so it will be.

Similar actions are carried out for another three days.
On our website, you can also read an article about other species.

Rituals against childlessness on Ivan Kupala

Conspiracies and rituals on this holiday are miraculous. Especially related to marriage and family. To remove damage to children, on the eve of Ivan Kupala (about a week in advance), a woman must collect St. John's wort herself and dry it in the sun.
On the holiday, which falls on July 7, you need to set the grass on fire and fumigate the room of those who want children with smoke. The ritual is performed several times during the day by the girl herself. According to another version, she should go around the whole house with incense, especially the bedroom.
A fire lit on the shore of a reservoir on the night of Ivan Kupala also has a healing effect, as do flower wreaths. Woven, again, from the medicinal St. John's wort, it has a strong property. On the day of the holiday, the woman made a wreath for herself and a belt for her husband. They should put on jewelry on the night of July 7-8, take it off in the morning and store it in a secluded place as a talisman against damage to the birth of children. It is important to make sure that others do not know their purpose.

Cleansing with water

It protects against any negative energy and copes with witchcraft attacks. To remove damage to infertility, collect it in 3 different springs. Don't talk to anyone on your way back. At home, pour yourself from all the vessels, repeating:

King of the river. Give the shaken water for relief and health to the servant of God (name of the servant).

Such a conspiracy will help against a weak program imposed by an inexperienced or weak sorcerer.

Removing damage to infertility with an egg

You can rid yourself of almost any negative program. It can take away bad energy, cleanse the biofield,...
You cannot perform the ritual yourself. It is better to trust a very close relative. It takes place on the 17th - 19th lunar day after the sun has set.

Close the doors and windows tightly, put crosses on yourself and the victim, and place the patient so that he faces east.
Take a raw chicken egg, run it first over your face, then over your back, chest, stomach, arms and legs. Repeat in this order 33 times. When rolling out, whisper the text “ Our Father».

  • a prayer to a saint who bears the same name as the sick woman;
  • to any saint whose icons are in the house (they must be placed next to the place where the ritual is performed).

Once completed, take the attribute further into the forest and place it under a large bush. The victim of damage must refuse to borrow money or borrow anything for three days.
You can determine the damage to infertility and remove it yourself. The main thing is to be prepared to protect yourself from black magic.

Problems with conception occur due to disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Then you have to seek help from doctors. But sometimes experts shrug their shoulders, not understanding why an absolutely healthy couple cannot have a child. What to think in such a situation? Damage to infertility - this is precisely the “diagnosis” that comes to mind willy-nilly, especially for those who believe in the otherworldly.

Read in this article

Who can become a victim

The object of a witchcraft ritual may well be a representative of any gender. Of course, women are most often exposed to magical influences, but men are not immune from bad influences from outside. A young girl can be “programmed” for infertility by her rival, who thus wants to divorce her from a man. It could also be revenge for one’s own destroyed happiness. Almost every representative of the fair sex has an episode in her life when she had to compete with someone in love affairs.

A man is often “spoiled” out of anger or because of the same revenge. Rituals aimed at preventing a man from conceiving offspring often lead to irreparable consequences: from decreased sperm motility to impotence.

How to determine that there is damage

If one of the partners has the idea that infertility has been damaged, how can one determine that this is really the case? There can be many signs, so it’s worth taking a closer look at both your feelings and what’s happening around you.

Physical and psychological symptoms

Magical intervention in a person’s life will definitely affect his health. First of all, damage will cause problems with the reproductive organs, especially the uterus. But there are other signs you should be aware of. So, a person under the influence of magic may encounter:

  • an inexplicable feeling of fear and loneliness (you feel like you want to climb a wall if there is no one in the house);
  • frequent migraines and painful headaches, from which it is difficult to escape even with the help of medications;
  • worsening night sleep and the appearance of nightmares;
  • olfactory hallucinations, when smells are felt that other people do not notice;
  • irritability and aggressiveness, especially towards a partner;
  • a sharp change in weight in any direction, most often under the influence of damage, people seem to dry out before their eyes.

The person who has been damaged is sometimes simply unrecognizable. He becomes different, so the presence of one of the signs will not be an indicator of witchcraft influence. Only a complex of several, or even all of the listed symptoms can be considered a sure sign of damage.

Indirect signs

These include:

  • total bad luck, which manifests itself in all areas of life;
  • deterioration in condition when visiting church, simply inability to be in a holy place;
  • strange behavior of pets, which, as you know, are very sensitive to everything mysterious;
  • the appearance of any “nasty” in the home, such as mice or insects.

We need to analyze what has changed in life in the near future. If there are too many negative and strange changes, then this will be an indirect sign of the influence of otherworldly forces.

Detecting corruption using rituals

If doubts remain, then you will have to resort to magic. Traditionally, four rituals are considered the most informative: using an egg, bread, a wedding ring or olive oil.

  • With the help of bread. You just need to hold a piece of rye bread in your palm and then throw it into a container with spring water. What happened? If the bread has sunk to the very bottom, then concern is justified.
  1. Through the ring. It is advisable that it be a wedding dress, but one that is simply worn often will do. You should run the jewelry over your cheek and go to the mirror. If the mark has darkened, then there is damage.
  1. Using olive oil. Drop the oil into a glass of spring water and see what happens. If everything is “clean,” then the oil should retain its shape and not break up into many small droplets.
  1. Using raw egg. You need to pour spring water into a container, and then beat a raw egg into it, while reading prayers. The presence of witchcraft will be indicated by the “abnormal” state of the protein: its heterogeneity, the presence of dark inclusions or veins.

How to recognize damage to infertility is best understood by a real magician or a grandmother with a gift, so if possible, it is worth consulting a specialist.

Before believing in the action of otherworldly forces, we recommend reading the article where it begins. From it you will learn about general recommendations before pregnancy, which specialists you need to visit, what tests to take both for the couple and for each individual, as well as about useful vitamins for the reproductive system.

How to remove damage to infertility yourself

If there is no doubt about the damage, then you need to remove it urgently. First, you should try to find a lining. In the case of infertility, these may be pieces of a stump or rotten tree, which are associated with the impossibility of rebirth. They are placed under rugs in front of the door; especially close people can even hide them in the couple’s pillow. However, there are other types of linings: needles, burnt matches, cereals, strands of hair. Such things can often be found in door holes, under beds, and furniture.

If a thing (lining) is found, then it must be wrapped in cloth, without touching it with your hands, and burned when the sun sets. Also, some experts advise simply throwing away what you find at an intersection.

As for the hex, here you will also have to make a choice, since there are at least three ways:

  • You can go straight to church and tell the priest about the problem and your suspicions. Of course, he will not remove the hex, but he will definitely tell you which ones are most effective in this case.
  • It's worth trying to find a good magician who knows his business. It is he who has the power not only to destroy the damage, but also to do it correctly, without negative consequences.
  • If you decide to act on your own, you will have to use one of the ancient rituals described below.

Ritual on Ivan Kupala

On the holiday you need to get up before dawn and go to the spring. Be sure to have a clay container with you. Having collected water and brought it into the house, at sunrise you need to stand on the ground with your bare feet, turn your face to the east and pour a third of the brought liquid onto yourself. During this action the spell is pronounced:

“It spreads, is reflected, the bad dissolves, the evil plunges into darkness, the good appears in the light. Let it be so! Amen".

During the day, two more identical rituals are performed: at noon and during sunset.

For the ritual to work, you must observe the following restriction: from the moment you awaken until complete cleansing, you cannot talk even with your closest people.

Egg rollback

Everything is more complicated here, so the procedure itself must be trusted to another person, a relative or friend. After sunset, all the doors are locked, and the “corrupted” one sits down facing the east. His assistant, while reading prayers, must gradually pass a fresh chicken egg over all parts of the victim’s body, starting from the top of the head (to roll back the damage). In total, at least 33 rolling movements must be performed, and the procedure must be completed where it began - at the top of the head. “Save and preserve” is read or another prayer recommended by the priest. After the ritual, the egg is carried into the forest and left under a bush.

Restriction: for three days after the damage is removed in this way, no one can borrow money from anyone or lend it themselves.

The sooner the magical effect is neutralized, the greater the chance for the victim to avoid sad consequences in the form of illness or complete infertility.

Damage to infertility and a miscarriage deprives a woman of the opportunity to have children. Usually this type of black spoilage is chosen for one single purpose - revenge. The victim is either unable to conceive, is unable to bear a child, or develops serious illnesses that prevent him from having children.

Severe damage to male infertility will definitely reveal itself. And this happens quite quickly. There are general signs that a person has been attacked by witchcraft. Common signs of damage and the evil eye include such as a sudden series of failures, frequent headaches, nightmares, fear of the dark, fear of being left alone at home, feeling unpleasant phantom odors, paranoia, the appearance of insects or mice in the house. Separately, rational explanations can be found for damage to childlessness, so we can talk about damage when several symptoms appear simultaneously. I recommend listening to your inner voice and trusting yourself, your intuition.

There are good ways to recognize damage on a person.

First recommendation: contact a specialist who practices black magic for a detailed diagnosis. If you believe in God, you can come to church to consult with the priest. Although the priests deny witchcraft, they understand perfectly well that it not only exists, it constantly works. You can also diagnose and recognize the curse yourself, but this is where errors most often occur.

How to recognize damage to childlessness yourself?

A common method to recognize the presence of dark spoilage is to use an ordinary chicken egg. Protein is sensitive to the presence of negative energy. Another way to recognize damage: run a wedding ring across your cheek. If a dark trace remains, there is damage to the termination of the race. Another method: take a piece of rye bread and a glass of clean cold water. Hold the bread in your hand and then lower it into the glass. If the bread sinks, there is damage to the code of death. Drop olive oil into holy water. If the drop does not retain its shape, it means that damage to the photo was detected with a needle or there is a strong evil eye. On your own, you can only recognize whether there is damage or the evil eye or not, but a specialist will tell you what its nature is, what exactly the damage has been caused to the body, and how to neutralize it.

Every practicing black magician knows how to cause severe damage to infertility.

There are a large number of different rituals aimed at achieving this goal. For example, the ritual of damage to a stump, which in the hands of a master is very dangerous. Do it on the waning moon. Find a rotten stump with a hole in the forest, lean towards it and whisper: “I’ll go through the gate back, through the door in front, I’ll go into the dense forest, I’ll find a flammable stone. Under that stone lies a rotten board, a rotten piece of driftwood, I’ll take that rotten board, that rotten piece of driftwood, and bring it to slave (name). Just as a rotten piece of driftwood has neither a shoot nor a leaf, so a slave will not have a son, a daughter, or a single embryo. I'm telling you right! So be it!” Take the dust from this stump and put it in the victim’s house.

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How to remove damage to infertility yourself at home

This can be done. Many people try to get rid of the long-standing curse of childlessness on their own. This, of course, can be done, for example, by grinding, casting with water or wax. A good, effective method of removing egg damage, which is suitable for eliminating most negative programs. But this applies to simple damage to melancholy caused unprofessionally. Regarding those effects that are produced by a practicing sorcerer, the victim cannot cope with this on his own; you will only cause yourself even more harm. So, the old spell of infertility needs to be removed by trusting a real magician. We should not forget about protection from harmful witchcraft. An excellent method is amulets for pregnant women.

In this article, you will learn how damage to infertility manifests itself and how to determine whether someone else’s negative influence is really to blame for unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. Find out everything about the harm that affects reproductive function immediately!

  • Reproductive problems - when is spoilage to blame?

    Continuation of the family line - a task that determines the basis of human existence, and for every woman - this is the primary goal in life. And when obstacles arise on the path to the realization of motherhood that are inexplicable from a medical point of view, thoughts about the intervention of dark forces deprive both sleep and hope for happiness.

    Obvious manifestations indicating the launch of the destructive mechanism of damage to childlessness are problems with conception, gestation, childbirth and infancy of the long-awaited baby, such as:

    • inability to conceive;
    • in men - lethargy of sperm;
    • miscarriage;
    • death in the womb;
    • difficult birth (worst case scenario) - death of mother, child (or both));
    • congenital disease or abnormality in a child.

    Of course, if this happens due to the incorrect lifestyle of the expectant mother or father (drug addiction, alcoholism, for a woman - numerous abortions, etc.), there is no need to talk about magical influence.

    It’s another matter when both partners are healthy (according to medical standards), full of strength and desire to become parents, and their repeated attempts are in vain or end in sad results - then you should turn to psychic diagnosticians.

    People with superpowers are able to see disturbances in the integrity of the aura caused by magical influence. You can determine the presence of energy harm yourself by the following signs:

    1. Insomnia, nightmares.
    2. Fear of the dark.
    3. Fear of being alone, of being abandoned.
    4. The appearance of causeless pain, localized in different places.
    5. Feeling of dry mouth.
    6. Pigmentation of unknown origin.
    7. Increase in body weight.
    8. Problems with hair growth, baldness.
    9. Unpleasant odors that follow the victim but are not noticeable to others.
    10. Panic attacks

    Moreover, similar symptoms can be observed in men to whom a negative message was directed; in parallel, they experience a decrease in sexual desire, up to impotence.

    It is believed that if, despite the curse made for the absence of children, offspring do appear, their representatives will either be physically unhealthy or will live an unhappy fate.

    If harm is directed at a specific person, his children will be able to cope with the consequences of such harm. The main thing is that the child’s parents or caring loved ones turn in time for help from light magicians who specialize in removing damage.

    It happens that mother’s love, without the help of spells, defeats the influence of dark forces, but then they will definitely find a way to get a ransom for the unconquered soul - death can take the mother herself and make her his messenger.

    In the case of the most terrible magical witchcraft - a generational curse, the consequences of a destructive program can manifest themselves cyclically, even after several subsequent generations (affecting only girls or only boys in the family).

    Therefore, remember: it is important not only to overcome infertility and give birth to a healthy child, it is important to do everything so that in the future your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are happy and do not face the consequences of the negativity sent to you! You can’t do this without the help of a highly qualified magical specialist!

    Methods for getting rid of the curse of childlessness often do not differ from generally accepted methods:

    • , salt, fire, holy water, etc.;
    • and prayers for restoration of health;
    • appeals to magicians and healers.

    There is also a unique ritual designed to combat witchcraft that threatens the destruction of the family branch - the Ivan Kupala ritual.

    It is held, as you understand, on your favorite national holiday. - Ivan Kupala Day (July 7).

    Prepare for the sacrament in advance:

    • morally - you will not be allowed to talk from the moment you wake up until you go to bed;
    • physically - distribute your actions and prepare all the accessories.

    You have to wake up before dawn, get dressed and go to a spring, spring, well to draw water. Bring a clay or porcelain jug with you. Get some water and go home.

    Pour the brought liquid into three identical containers equally. Take the first one and go out into the yard. Standing facing the sun, pour water over yourself from the top of your head, saying:

    “It spreads, is reflected, pours out, the bad dissolves, the evil plunges into darkness, the good appears in the light! So be it! Amen!"

    Do the same at noon with the second part of the water and at sunset - from the third.

    Lack of self-confidence can be a serious obstacle to healing. If you are morally weak and not ready to fight the dark forces, it is better to seek help from a priest or find a professional sorcerer who can not only protect you from possible subsequent attacks by secret enemies.