Unfortunately, our lives are characterized by the presence of many complexities that cause problems associated with all aspects of social relations. As a result, we are increasingly faced with problems in everyday life that are impossible to put up with and that are very difficult to solve.

It’s not uncommon to hear from a friend or just an acquaintance that her boyfriend or husband is a “mama’s boy,” and it’s very difficult to be with him. Who are mama's boys, what should you do if you are trying to build a relationship with such a person?

Despite the seeming ridiculousness of defining such a concept as a “mama’s boy” in the form of a full-fledged psychotype, experts talk about this phenomenon. There is no consensus on the reasons for the formation of this type of personality, however, several basic theories can be identified that will help to better navigate the way of thinking of such a man.

Single-parent family

The most important is the single-parent family, in which there is completely no male influence on the child during upbringing. When a boy is raised only by his mother and grandmother, this has a negative impact on social attitudes and behavioral patterns. He sees how women act, trying to copy similar actions everywhere, getting the wrong direction of psychological development.

Many would argue that the child is surrounded by other men, who are represented by relatives or random playmates - the same children.

A single mother, especially one who lives independently, usually seeks to protect her son from bad things, without understanding what is bad. As a result, children spend months and years walking along the usual “home-school-home” route, unable to break out of the vicious circle.

In an educational institution, the “mama’s boy” behaves very quietly, often not understanding the problems that his peers face.

Sometimes it happens that the father is present in the family, but his influence on the child is minimal. He can be a real earner, bringing in money from 2-3 jobs, or, conversely, have a subordinate position without having the right to vote. The result in the second case is much worse - the mummy’s boy sees that dad cannot do anything without his mother’s permission, and prepares himself in advance for such a life.

The father may be removed from upbringing under the pretext that this is a woman's business, and he will ruin everything with his actions. Having resigned himself, he also forms the wrong line of behavior for the child.

Overprotective mother

Another option does not depend on the composition of the family - the boy is influenced only by the psychological characteristics of the mother’s character. In childhood, a “mama’s boy” is usually subjected to the following forms of psychological pressure:

  • overprotection;
  • blackmail;
  • aggression.

With the first, everything is clear - excessive care relaxes a person, who leaves his mother to solve all the problems that exist in life for him.

If we talk about blackmail, it is represented by the mother’s imaginary illnesses, her statements that her son’s behavior will quickly send her to the grave - such pressure quickly teaches a mama’s boy to be quiet, inconspicuous and inactive.

There is also not much to say about aggression - rudeness, shouting, physical violence inflict real injuries on the young mind, which are much more difficult to cure than physical ones.

There are many options and conditions under which a “mama’s boy” develops, but the result is the same. A man who is socially inactive finds himself in adulthood - he does not know how to properly conduct relationships, cannot properly organize his activities, and, often, finds solace in the small world of his hobbies.

When problems arise, he strives to provide solutions to his mother, and tries to be closer to her. In relationships with women, a “mama’s boy” always compares them with the person who has such a great influence on him, which often causes many conflicts and disagreements.

How to recognize such a character?

Despite the apparent difficulty in determining a person’s psychotype, it is quite simple to see a “mama’s boy” in advance if you use indirect signs.


The first, and most important, is his conversation. Keep track of who he is talking about and in what context - such men usually do not mention their mother out of place - especially when they give examples from their own life. In fact, the mother is a kind of standard that they use for comparison. You can try to keep the conversation going about your mother by directing the topic in this direction - a real “mama’s boy” will immediately lay out a thousand details, not forgetting to colorfully describe her advantages.

If you are in a close relationship, look at his place of residence. He may not live with his parents, but his mother's presence will always be felt. The most important parameter is the wardrobe - look at what is in the man's closet, and then offer to look at a fashion catalog or show him a website for stylish clothes. If a person’s taste preferences do not coincide with his current appearance, then there is a high probability that his mother buys new things for him, and he does not dare deviate from the course set by her.

The refrigerator will provide a lot of information - a large number of homemade dishes, the fullness of the space will allow you to say with confidence that this is a “mama's boy” who copies the home line of behavior or simply eats dishes prepared by his mother.

While in society, put him before a serious choice, ask him to do something that is obviously unpleasant - for example, in a cafe, ask the waiter to replace the dish under the pretext that he didn’t like it.

A man who grew up in an environment of total control or overprotection will most likely refuse to do this, finding a thousand excuses. If you put it before the need, he will mumble or pretend that he has fulfilled your request and convey a fictitious refusal.

“Mama’s boys” quite often behave capriciously, demanding a lot of attention, and also tries to tie the woman they like to themselves.

Remember that at the stage of courtship and romantic meetings, no one has obligations to another person - an adult, confident, accomplished man will be calm about your independent pastime, and will not throw tantrums about going to a bar with his girlfriends.

What are the prospects?

The worst thing that can happen is that you get an adult child who is actually a “mama's boy.” He will not become a full-fledged head of the family, and will not play the role of a male breadwinner. You will have to come to terms with the fact that you will have to perform most of the functions that are usually assigned to both spouses and raise children on your own.

You may encounter the fact that a man will be completely antisocial - he will not want to go on a trip, will not take you to a restaurant or nightclub, will not go to a friendly party. It is precisely “mama’s boys” who are most likely to develop a painful addiction, which can be alcohol, gambling or computer games.

Sometimes a change of environment has a positive effect on people of this type of character - having come under the influence of another woman, less strict and demanding than their mother, they liberate and change their social role. An early age will contribute to the most simplified adaptation - at 20 years old everything will go much faster and more efficiently than at 30.

However, one cannot expect that the change will be complete and comprehensive - the “mama’s boy” will not become a protector capable of completely freeing his wife from the need to solve life’s problems. At best, you will have to do everything equally.

There is another problem that will concern the continuation of the relationship between a mama's boy and his mother. You will have to endure daily conversations on the phone, which can last for half an hour, and concern such problems as the nutrition of your beloved child and the functioning of his body.

Mom, if she lives nearby, can visit to make sure that her son is not in danger. If she finds a reason for a scandal, then you cannot avoid a many-year war in which men will also be involved. The main question will remain which side the man will take and what he will try to do to resolve the conflict.

If open confrontation can be avoided, you will have to solve another difficulty - the “mama’s boy” will consult with his mother, receiving absolutely clear instructions, which with a very high degree of probability will not take your interests into account.

All that remains is to start a conflict on your own, which can be used by your mother as an argument against you, or come to terms with such an inferior position. This can apply to all aspects of life together - from nutrition to the decision to have a child.

What to do?

Here you will have to solve two main questions at once - how important a person is to you, and how much he can change. If you feel that a relationship will ultimately exhaust you and only lead to an accumulation of problems and nervous disorders, then you should think about it - do you really need it? When you decide to pursue your goal to the end, you need to act gently and carefully.


“Mama's boy” doesn't want to solve real life problems? We need to create a situation where he will be forced to do this. Entrust him with deciding matters regarding housing, utilities, etc. - the man will gradually socialize, forming behavioral stereotypes when performing certain work.

Discuss the conditions of your life together - an adult must understand that if you are strong and independent, he will not be able to lie on the couch, taking advantage of your merits. The vital needs of the family must be resolved by allocating money from the general budget, and everyone must earn their own wishes.

The main thing you have to do is improve your relationship with your mother. A man should see that she approves of you and is not against the relationship - he will transfer some of the control functions from his mother to his life partner, and this share will gradually grow. When the mother's power over her son remains the dominant factor determining his behavior, try to establish a three-way dialogue.

You must let your mother's boy understand that he is not a little boy who does not know how to make decisions on his own, and his mother must understand the need to lead an independent life without psychological pressure.

Dear readers, this article will be interesting for you if your man is a mama’s boy. You will learn how to make sure that this is indeed the case. You will know how to act in this case. You will find out what exactly influences the formation of such an attachment between an adult and his mother.

Types of mama's boys

The very name “mama’s boy” suggests that the husband is attached to his mother, and that he lacks masculinity, he is still a child. Symbolically, two types of such men can be distinguished.

  1. Absolute. He will never make a decision on his own. Mom decides everything. Such relationships begin in childhood, when the woman herself decides which club to enroll her child in, who to be friends with, and which university to go to. So in adult life he determines what job to take and who to marry. After starting a family, mom will live nearby.
  2. Partial. The man is quite independent. He decides himself whom to marry. However, when choosing a life partner, he looks for one who will remind him of his mother. Basically, he doesn't need a partner, he needs a person who will resemble his mother and continue to take care of him. Such men often marry a woman much older than them.

Reasons for personality formation

You can probably guess that if the husband is a mama’s boy, then this is not without reason. This is preceded by events in childhood.

  1. Having an incomplete family. If a boy grows up without a male upbringing, with his mother and grandmother next to him, the child develops an incorrect perception of the world around him.
  2. After a divorce, a woman can turn the child against the father and forbid them to see each other. Subsequently, such a mother may protect her baby from the influence of other men and will be afraid that he will be hurt. So the boy will grow up, knowing only one model of behavior imposed by his mother.
  3. Having a weak-willed father. The child grows up in a complete family, but the father is not at all interested in him or spends too much time at work. Such a boy, among other things, will grow up believing that his father’s model of behavior is correct and will transfer it to his future family.
  4. Arrogant maternal care. Mom prevents her son from becoming independent; she does everything for him. The woman feels like she is taking care of her baby. In fact, she is raising a weak man.
  5. Maternal blackmail. A woman who spent her whole life on a child, living only for him, will not want to part with her son when he grows up. She will not let him go to another city to study, and may also hinder his relationship with an unwanted girl. In order for the child to listen to her, she will begin to threaten her health. And the trouble is that many guys stop thinking about their needs, are afraid of harming their mother with their actions, and ruin their lives.
  6. A mother’s aggressive behavior can also suppress a boy’s masculinity.
  7. A woman’s excessive pity for a child leads to the fact that an adult man wants to be pitied and sympathized with.

Main manifestations

Let's look at what signs may indicate that your husband is “his mother’s son.”

  1. When you communicate, he constantly remembers his mother’s opinion. When talking, he can talk about himself in the plural; as it turns out, he means himself and his mother.
  2. The parent constantly calls her son, asks where he is and what he is doing, controls his actions.
  3. An adult man continues to live with his mother, and not because he does not have the finances to live separately or because she needs constant care.
  4. The guy allows his mother to interfere in his personal life and listens to her opinion. He may even leave the girl at her insistence.
  5. At the first quarrel, he runs to mommy.
  6. Literally on the second date, the guy runs to introduce the girl to her parent. This happens because her approval is important to him.

If this happened, and you realized that next to you you have not an independent adult man, but a person who depends on his mother’s opinion, then you need to decide what to do in such a situation.

  1. Don't try to turn your spouse against your mother. It is possible that he will choose her.
  2. Avoid conflict. It’s better to say that you respect your mother-in-law, but do not agree with her certain opinion.
  3. Try not to nag your husband, otherwise you will definitely become a bad daughter-in-law.
  4. Praise your husband in the presence of friends and relatives.
  5. Make sure your mother-in-law becomes your ally, not your rival. Don’t forget to praise her for giving birth to such a spouse.
  6. Sometimes a girl needs to become observant, watch how her mother-in-law communicates with her husband, and try to adopt her model of behavior.
  7. If you notice that your spouse is irritated by something about your mother, then don’t repeat her mistakes yourself.
  8. Try to tear your husband away from his mother's skirt by moving to another city or at least region. Although this doesn't always work. The woman can go with you or will visit you daily.
  9. You can try to create conditions under which the husband will be forced to get used to independence. For example, instruct him to go shopping or pay utility bills.

Accept what you have, you chose this fate for yourself, you saw who you married. The psychologist's advice boils down to the fact that you need to let go of the situation. There is no need to try to resist your mother-in-law, you will only waste your nerves. Decide that in your family you will be the main person in the house, and not your spouse. Remember that quarrels and unflattering remarks about his mother will only lead to even greater problems in the family. Build friendly relations, adopt the model of communication between your mother-in-law and your son, she knows exactly what is best for him. If you are not ready to live with such a person, it is better to let him go. Perhaps he is not the one you need.

When communicating with a man, every girl expects from him behavior appropriate to his age. It becomes even more difficult if she comes across a “mama’s boy” who is strongly dependent on the main woman in his life and does not want to do anything about it.

“Mama's boy” - who is he?

The close connection between mother and child is due to nature itself: when born, the baby receives food, warmth and care from her. The older he gets, the more he falls under the influence of children who instruct the boy to be smart, courageous, and independent of his mother. Not every parent is able to draw the line between trust and total affection in time. It turns out that a “mama’s boy” is an adult with the following set of characteristics:

  1. Psychological attachment to mother. Other women pale in comparison to her, without regard to sexual attractiveness and intelligence.
  2. Delayed manifestation of this character trait. Its presence can be recognized provided that there is regular communication and a certain level of mutual trust is achieved.
  3. Mistrust of the institution of marriage. “Mama's boy” seriously doubts that it is worth changing his usual life with a loving mother to leave his comfort zone with another girl, no matter how pleasant she may be to him.

"Mama's Boy" - psychology

The popular term has a psychological nature, which has been fully studied by doctors. No matter what age the “mama’s boy” is, whose psychological portrait looks like a symbiosis of the phobia of losing a loved one and. The latter was discovered by Sigmund Freud, who believed that:

  1. Everyone suffering from this disease is like King Oedipus, who killed his own father and married his mother Jocasta.
  2. The boy, as his affection grows, begins to feel jealous of his father.
  3. When affection develops into sexual attraction, the teenager begins to fear that his father will use physical violence against him.

"Mama's boy" - reasons

It is unrealistic to identify someone suffering from this at an early stage of dating. If a man has at least some minimal experience in communicating with women, deep down he is aware of his shortcoming. “Mama’s boy” and his mother are well aware that not every girl will decide to have a relationship with such a partner. The reasons why a boy becomes dependent on his mother are as follows:

  • lack of communication with peers or their ridicule of appearance;
  • the domineering nature of the parent who does not tolerate other opinions in the house;
  • the mother’s expressed approval of any actions of the child, even those that are fundamentally wrong;
  • the mother’s creation of the illusion of her son’s constant need for her in all everyday aspects.

"Mama's boy" - signs

For young girls, communication with dependent boyfriends brings moral suffering and new complexes. The older a woman gets, the more experienced she is and the easier it is for her to figure out what people call the “typical mama’s boy.” In contact with the opposite sex, he is given away:

  1. Inability to independently solve serious problems, or even the desire to run away from them.
  2. Tightness and discomfort in everything related to the discussion of family issues.
  3. There is a huge need for a mother, thanks to which a guy switches from any topic to discussing the merits of the woman who gave birth to him.

"Mama's Boy" - pros and cons

Most girls can only find disadvantages in a man with a similar psychological situation in the family. What is striking is the gentle character and loyalty to the parent’s decisions. “Mama’s boy” in a relationship looks like one big drawback, but it also has advantages:

  1. Romantic character. Men who have adopted part of female nature cannot be insensitive to the subtle mental organization. They are more likely to choose the best perfume or flowers as a gift.
  2. Compliance. This is the easiest way to understand who a “mama’s boy” is and how to recognize him in a man. He easily abandons the point of view in which he was convinced a few minutes ago.
  3. Total Care. He will readily rush to help if needed.

The other half of a “mama’s boy” must be prepared to experience the negative consequences of a man’s life with an overbearing mother. These include:

  • lack of initiative;
  • demand for increased attention to oneself;
  • perception of the mother’s opinion at the level of the ultimate truth;
  • shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of a life partner;
  • fear of making decisions.

“Mama's boy” - how to deal with it?

Psychologists believe that such boys do not appear in full-fledged families where there is room for psychological comfort. Among domineering mothers, women who are disappointed in the opposite sex predominate. If there is a father in this family, then he plays a nominal role in decision making. “Mama's boy” is the diagnosis of a person who has felt like the center of the universe since childhood and realizes that no one will ever guess his desires the way his mother does. The basic principles of a girl embarking on the path of fighting this type of disease should include:

  • equanimity when communicating with his family;
  • prudence in taking every step to get closer to your boyfriend;
  • unlimited patience during the period of a man’s weaning from his mother.

Women's glossy magazines unanimously convince readers of the futility of communicating with such a guy. They are absolutely sure that “mama’s boy” is forever. Psychologists are not so categorical: they think that it is possible to stock up on time and cut the tight knot of communication between parent and offspring. To defeat an influential competitor, you need:

  1. Refuse open war. A husband should not directly show hostility towards his mother. He will not tolerate ridicule and insults directed at her and will run away.
  2. Clearly define the boundaries of your personal life. In the absence of direct conflict, it is difficult to delicately establish the line beyond which the mother should not cross.
  3. Take into account the experience of other people's mistakes. After a divorce, the “mama’s boy” has already made a choice in her favor once, so he treats women with resentment and wariness.
Svetlana Rumyantseva

Who do people call a mama's boy? This definition is given to a man who, during adolescence, did not experience social isolation from his domineering mother. Is it possible to create a relationship with a mama's boy and what line of behavior should a woman follow in a relationship with such a man?

What if my husband is a mama's boy?

Before answering the question “what to do?”, let’s figure out who a mama’s boy is. Signs of a man who is a sissy appear, as a rule, even before marriage, so you have every chance to recognize it before such an important step in life. The first sign: a man calls his mother and leaves a woman during a date and rushes to her call. Such an incident is not the only one in which it becomes clear that the man is a mama's boy.

Despite such unpleasant situations, women still retain hope that after marriage everything will change and the man will behave differently in family life. Alas, the state of things does not change after the marriage ceremony, and a woman, as a rule, cannot take the place of her mother in her husband’s life. The mother-in-law will do everything to remove her from the pedestal; the son’s new wife did not succeed. Therefore, before committing your life to a mama’s boy, you should weigh the chances of creating a happy family.

A sissy man listens to his mother in almost everything

The main problem with starting a family is that the mother remains “number one” in a man’s life. It is not easy to deprive a mother of this position. All tricks may be in vain, and the head of your family for many years will remain not the husband, as is implied in full-fledged families, but his mother.

Mama's boys are raised and cared for by women who do not have a good relationship with a man. They are unhappy in their personal lives. Such women want to receive from their son everything that they did not receive from their husbands. As a rule, mama's boys are raised in single-parent families where there is no male father. As a result of being raised by a mother whose personal life has not worked out, the result is an emotionally immature man, susceptible to immaturity, who cannot imagine existence without his mother’s guiding hand.

Starting a family with a mama's boy is a heavy burden. From such a man you should not expect things that are so common in family life, such as compassion, help, support. His mother made him a wonderful son, but not a man, a husband, the head of the family and a father. The mother-in-law sees her son's wife as a rival for his attention and love and tries to tear him out of the family and take up all his time. A woman married to a mama's boy is doomed to while away the evenings alone, because the man will spend a lot of time with his mother, because “she is alone.” Any gesture from a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law is a reason for critical statements and accusations. The mother will turn her son against his wife in order to keep him near her by all means.

A mama's boy husband will not have the courage to take his wife's side; he will be afraid to “upset his mother.” It is easier for him to enter into a deal with his conscience than to create a conflict situation with his mother. A woman married to a mama's boy is often powerless to change anything. When a man unites with his mother, attacks will begin from both sides, and this is a harbinger of the collapse of the family. Women who have experience of relationships with a mama's boy remember this period of life with a shudder.

The union with a mama's boy often breaks up, even if the woman decides not to contradict her mother-in-law.

A logical question arises: why do mama’s boys get married? Judging by their behavior in marriage, they do not feel the need for a wife, love, or sex. There are two options for prerequisites for a wedding for mama’s boys:

Mom wants grandchildren. If this is the reason, the mother-in-law will rush around with her pregnant daughter-in-law like a crystal vase. However, after the birth of the long-awaited child, the daughter-in-law will lose the right to vote, and the grandmother will take the upbringing of her grandson into her own hands.
Social pressure. Acquaintances, relatives and friends from all sides attack the mama's boy with the demand to marry. Not having a strong character, a mama's boy gets married so that those around him will get behind him.

Be that as it may, family relationships depend not only on the man. Perhaps the reason is not only that the man was raised this way by his mother?

Behavior of a woman married to a mama's boy

Undoubtedly a domineering mother-in-law and a man’s complete submission to her word is the main problem of marriage with a mama’s boy. But sometimes the reason for disagreements in the family lies much closer. It's simple: a man acts like a typical mama's boy because the woman he loves allows him to be that way. And the woman is to blame for this.

Having chosen a mama's boy as your life partner, be prepared to become his mother and at the same time endure attacks from your mother-in-law

Do you know why a man gets out of a comfortable bed and leaves a beautiful woman at night on the other side of town to cook borscht with his mother? Because his mother set the standards for behavior, but his wife did not. A loving man will behave appropriately if the requirements for behavior are known to him. He will make the woman happy because he will understand: compliance with his wife’s demands is the key. But if the wife has no rules and requirements, then whose established standards will the man follow? That’s right, the attitudes of the woman who told him what she would put up with and what was unacceptable, that is, her mother.

If the mother has set requirements for her son’s behavior, he will follow them literally, as he fears the consequences of disobedience. He also behaves this way because his mother’s demands do not change over time. These are simple requirements: unconditional love, boundless respect, mother's help and protection. She insists on these standards of behavior, and the man, like a caring son, will never challenge them.

This can continue until a wife appears in a man’s life with her own attitudes and demands regarding his attitude towards her. The wife's demands are not complicated, but they come into contact with the rules of behavior with the mother. Here they are:

A wife demands no less respect than a mother;
The wife and children are higher than everyone around them and the mother, including;
Everyone in a man’s social circle should clearly understand what should be done in his relationship with his wife.

If a woman has not previously set such standards, then why is she surprised that a man leaves at the first call of his mother? If a woman is silent and does not express reasoned dissatisfaction with his behavior (for example, when he leaves her with the children and goes to his mother’s dacha to plant vegetables; or when his mother allows herself to raise her voice at her, and he does not stand up for his wife), then how does a man discover that his relationship with his mother violates his wife's demands on him? Speak up and be heard.

Men do not have telepathic abilities! If you don’t like something, tell me.

A daughter-in-law cannot enter into competition with her mother-in-law. After all, the husband’s mother is the woman who taught him to walk and knows him better than anyone else. Nevertheless, the wife can control compliance with the principles and rules adopted in marriage. Leaving your wife and children at home to go to your mother’s house at night to cook borscht will become unacceptable behavior only when the woman herself begins to consider this impossible and notifies her husband about it. All that is required of a woman is to express her dissatisfaction in a calm and reasonable manner.

Is there a chance of marriage with a mama's boy?

Creating a prosperous family with a mama's boy is not easy, but it is possible. In addition to setting rules and standards of behavior, the following tips and conditions should be taken into account:

A family of a mama's boy with a self-sufficient woman is considered ideal.. The lady will not depend on her husband, and the family will not experience financial difficulties when the mother-in-law asks for financial help. A marriage between a mama's boy and a lady who is 7-12 years older than him is called successful. The man will settle down in a familiar environment, and his mother will be more respectful towards her daughter-in-law, who is almost the same age as her.
The daughter-in-law must find a common language with her mother-in-law, or better yet become her friend. Without this condition, the marriage will not last. The mother-in-law will certainly try to drag her son’s wife into the fight for the title of the Main Woman in his life, but such a path for a daughter-in-law is a fatal mistake. The mother always has the trump card in her hands, so competition with her is useless. The only way to save the family is to make the mother-in-law not a competitor, but an ally.
If you live on your mother-in-law's property, the first thing you should do is move. It doesn’t matter that it will be a rented living space, but living with your mother is unacceptable. This is the only way to limit the influence of the mother-in-law on her husband.
Eliminate from your husband the wrong ideas about family life imposed by your mother-in-law. He must learn to respect his own family. Let the man understand that he is the head of the family, and the well-being of you and your children depends on his decisions. Teach him to understand the consequences of his behavior.
Praise a man for even the slightest display of independence. Making a decision and understanding the consequences for it should not cause panic in a man, but satisfaction. Support your husband, do something together, and thereby he... You can develop masculine qualities in a mama's boy with praise. Negative criticism will get you nowhere.
No way do not be negative towards your mother-in-law. Maintain a neutral position. Look at the situation from her side. The husband's mother lost her raison d'être when her son started his own family.

What if my husband is a mama's boy? Make friends with your mother-in-law!

Few women like life with a mama's boy. With such a man, they play a dominant role and control the state of affairs. The family of a mama's boy and a powerful woman is ideal - he remains dependent on the woman's decisions, and she has the usual power.

If you are not one of these women, then you need to take the situation into your own hands. Women who find patience, strength and courage in themselves ultimately maintain their marriages and create a prosperous family. A wise woman takes advantage of her mother-in-law's fear of losing her son. It’s worth waiting for a while and not trying to become “number one” in your husband’s life. Do not prevent your husband from communicating with his mother on the scale that she needs. Having made sure that the daughter-in-law does not interfere with communication with her son, the mother-in-law will “slow down”, and then the woman will carefully and carefully take control of the situation. But you shouldn’t expect a man to become the head of the family in the general understanding of this definition. It is more likely that the place of head will remain with you.

2 February 2014, 10:38