Vershinina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature (highest qualificationcategory). Graduated from Barnaul State Pedagogical University in 1996, majoring in teacher of Russian language and literature . In 2002, she underwent retraining as a cultural scientist. Experience - 19 years. Since 2013 he has been working at MBOU Secondary School No. 55 in the city of Barnaul.

In her work she is guided by a creative approach to educational activities, therefore she uses integration, the method of problem-based learning, and research techniques. Tatyana Alexandrovna’s students regularly participate in various distance international and all-Russian competitions, Olympiads, quizzes, directly related and unrelated to the subject, and take prizes, which indicates their interest in the subjects taught by the teacher. Thus, participation in the international Russian language Olympiad Teacher/KZ, in which there are already 15 winners, has become regular. Over the past two years, her students have won more than a hundred prize victories in all-Russian competitions: “Legends of Deep Antiquity”, “Ascent”, “On the Path of the Russian Language”, “Culture of Ancient Rus'”, “Battle of Moscow”, “Weapons of Russia”, “ Great battles. 1942”, “Through the Pages of Russian Folklore”, “Literary Geography”, Olympiads: “Knowledge is Power” “Extension”, quizzes: “Test yourself on the MHC!”, “Great people. A.P. Chekhov." Tatyana Alexandrovna’s student took part in the All-Russian research competition with international participation, where her work “Mom, give me a doll” took 1st place. In municipal rounds of Olympiads in Russian language, literature, and art, Tatyana Alexandrovna’s students also become prize-winners. In 2013, the teacher graduated from 11th grade. The results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language were 73.7 points, one work scored 100 points. She received a Certificate of Gratitude from the rector of ASPA for her student. But Tatyana Aleksandrovna herself is constantly improving her professionalism. Thus, participation in professional competitions became regular: “I work according to the Federal State Educational Standard”, “Pedagogical Excellence”, “Modern approaches to organizing the educational process according to the Federal State Educational Standard”, “My project activities”, “Perspective. We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard,” where her works were awarded prizes. Tatyana Aleksandrovna developed a program of extracurricular activities “Russian Traditional Culture”, which was awarded a 3rd degree diploma at the All-Russian competition. The teacher is also an expert and developer of the Olympiad in Art (regional, all-Russian level), regional competitions “Living Antiquity”, “Grains of Good”, a member of the expert commission for the Unified State Exam (Russian language, final essay). On the basis of AKIPKRO and secondary school No. 55, she takes part in conducting internship sites, master classes, open lessons, for which she was awarded with Gratitude from AKIPKRO. (Gratitude from the Vice-Rector of the KGBOU AKIPKRO for the high level of conducting the lesson, implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, 2013). Regularly takes part in professional conferences, seminars, publishes articles based on the results of these events in collections or on the AKIPKRO website. Since October 2014, he has been the head of the IMO for teachers of Russian language and literature. Has awards: Badge of the Barnaul city administration “For contribution to the development of literature” 2015.

Dvoezhanova Natalya Viktorovna, teacher of Russian language and literature (highest qualification category). Graduated from Barnaul State Pedagogical University in 1995, majoring in teacher of Russian language and literature, work experience – 19 years.

The main direction of activity is a person-oriented approach to learning, the selection of optimal forms and methods for the development of the creative abilities of each child. “I will teach you to think, and you will learn to create,” Socrates said to his students. Natalya Viktorovna, as a professional, is distinguished by such professional manifestations of pedagogical competence as personal and professional orientation. She can be characterized as a teacher who is ready for rational and intuitive knowledge of the world, tolerant of other people’s opinions, and capable of empathy. The teacher creatively plans his activities as a class teacher, taking into account the interests and abilities of the students, strives to perform any work efficiently, at a high level, and demands this from his students. Natalya Viktorovna took part in various competitions and was awarded certificates and titles for her work. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Head of the Central District Administration A.F. Sirasha for dedication and creativity in working with gifted children, high professionalism, 2009;

· Winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation, Priority National Project “Education”, 2009;

· Gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to a member of the jury of the competition “What is kindness?” for successful and professional work, 2011;

· Gratitude for high professionalism and active participation in organizing intellectual and creative activities of schoolchildren, “World of Competitions from Unicum”, 2012;

· Certificate for preparing participants in the Interregional Intellectual Competition for students in grades 5-8 “Young Language Experts”, 2012;

· Gratitude to the KBOU DOD “Regional Center for Information and Technical Work” for preparing participants in the All-Russian open competition of scientific research, design and creative works of students “First Steps”, 2014;

Ivanova Nina Ivanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature (highest qualification category). In his lessons, the teacher uses optimal forms and methods for developing the creative abilities of students and activating their cognitive activity. The success and effectiveness of the teacher’s work is evidenced by the fact that with 100% academic performance, the quality of knowledge in the Russian language is 68%, in literature - 93%. To activate and intensify the activities of students, Nina Ivanovna uses problem-based learning methods, learning based on algorithmic and schematic models; The positive result of her work is the students’ interest in the subject being taught, their activity in the classroom, and their desire to participate in subject Olympiads and competitions. 90% of students constantly take part in the All-Russian competition “Russian Teddy Bear - Linguistics for Everyone” and show good results (in 2011 - winner of the competition). Nina Ivanovna has won the school subject Olympiad and the regional Olympiad in the Russian language (in 2010, 2011, 2012 - 1-3 place); during the certification period, she prepared students for passing the State Examination in 2011 (quality of knowledge 86.6% with 100% academic performance) and passing the Unified State Exam (in 2009 the average score was 62.8, in 2011 the average score was 66.5); Since 2010, I have been a member of the regional expert commission for testing the Unified State Examination in Literature, and I am a member of the jury of the regional Olympiad in Russian language and literature. Has awards: Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2007. Advanced training courses: “Managing the quality of education in the subject in preparation for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC” AKIPKRO, 2013, 108 hours.

Nemirich Anna Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature (highest qualification category). During lessons, he uses a variety of means, methods and forms of organizing student activities, ensures proper lesson dynamics, discipline, and workload. Participates in the work of the Federal internship platform AKIPKRO on the topic “Achieving a new quality of general education”; carries out expert activities at the district and city level (member of the jury of scientific and practical conferences in the Central region and the city, member of the jury of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language and literature in the city, member of the expert group of the city competition “Recognition”). It has high results in students' mastery of educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements are above average in the Altai Territory. The quality of students' knowledge with 100% success is 78%. Students Nemirich A.A. constantly take part in olympiads and competitions in subjects of various levels (“I am a researcher”, “Illumination”, “First steps”, etc.) and invariably show high results (during the inter-certification period: 8 laureates of 1-2 degrees of the regional abstract competition, scientific research project works “Illumination”; 6 winners of 1-3 degrees of the regional competition “First Steps”; 17 winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language and literature; 1 winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language). Has awards: Honorary title “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”, 2010. Advanced training courses: “The practice of disseminating models of educational systems that ensure modern quality of education”, AKIPKRO, 16.01. 2012, 108 hours.

Trunova Galina Viktorovna, teacher of Russian language and literature (highest qualification category).

Shelenko Elena Vadimovna, teacher of Russian language and literature (highest qualification category). Elena Vadimovna is a thoughtful, creatively working teacher. She has perfect knowledge and methodology of the subjects taught. The main principle of a teacher’s work is not to stop there. In her teaching activities, she constantly strives for self-improvement, trying to expand her knowledge in her subjects, with great desire she masters innovative technologies of the teaching and educational process, and implements modern teaching principles in the context of the modernization of school education. The success and effectiveness of the teacher’s work is evidenced by the fact that the quality of knowledge of 11th grade students in the Russian language increased from 48% to 60%, in literature from 66.6% to 91%. According to the results of certification in the form of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, 80% of students showed high knowledge. Students Shelenko E.V. take an active part in Olympiads in Russian language and literature: 2010 – 2nd place in the regional round, 2012 – 1st place in the municipal round of the All-Russian subject Olympiad, 10th place in the region in the All-Russian game “Russian Bear Cub”. In every episode of Elena Vadimovna there are medalists. Dealing with the problem of the activity-based approach to teaching, Elena Vadimovna has repeatedly participated in scientific and practical conferences at AKIPKRO, in the work of the educational and research seminar “Development of written and speech abilities of children” under the auspices of the Laboratory of Jurislinguistics and Speech Development of ASU and the Laboratory of Natural Written Speech of BSPU. Advanced training courses: Modern approaches to assessing the quality of school philological education, AKIPKRO, 2012, 72 hours; Features of preparing students for the State Examination (9) in the Russian language, Autonomous non-profit educational organization "Teacher's House", 2011, 24 hours.

My view of the world

"You know, I still believe

What if the Earth remains alive,

The highest dignity of Humanity

Someday they will become teachers."

R. Rozhdestvensky

One day a teacher told his student: go into this room and try to see all the objects that are brown. The student easily named him almost all brown objects. Then the teacher asked: now, remember the blue objects that were in the room. And the student, to his surprise, could not name even one object. Do you think there were blue objects in the room? Of course, there were many of them. But the student tried to see exactly the brown ones. He concentrated his attention on them. We see in our lives what we are trying to see, what we are used to seeing. And it has everything. And each person sees his world in his own way.

Life credo:

“Success should be measured not so much by the position one has achieved in life, as much as the obstacles he overcame to achieve success.”

B. Washington

Chapter II . Official documents.

1. Advanced training

Name of courses

Number of hours



Problems of teaching Russian language and literature in the context of updating the structure and content of the educational field “Philology”


June 2015

Improving the professionalism of teachers of Russian language and literature in the context of modern requirements for the quality of education

Certificate No. 5062


Certificate No. 2884


Seminar “Experience in building an open pedagogical system based on an innovative educational resource”


Ministry of Education and Science of North Ossetia-Alania

Professional credo:

To be a good teacher,

you have to love what you teach, and love those you teach.

ChapterIII. Self-analysis and self-assessment of professional activity.

In modern rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, the teacher plays a decisive role in the education and upbringing of the younger generation. The well-being and success of students depend on his managerial competence, culture, ability to establish relationships, and manage the educational process.

I believe that a subject teacher is an organizer and manager of the educational process. He not only qualitatively teaches, educates and develops the child’s personality, but also effectively manages the student’s educational and cognitive activities.

1. Characteristics of professional activity as conditions ensuring the quality of education.

My pedagogical activity as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the local secondary school in the village of Surkh-Digora is aimed at solving those goals and objectives that are enshrined in the Federal Law “On Education dated December 29, 2012.”

To successfully solve the Federal State Educational Standards of federal state requirements, implement the directions of the program “Development of Education in the Russian Federation” for 2013-2020. In my lessons I use a competency-oriented approach to teaching the Russian language and literature. Students are given the opportunity to gain experience in solving problems independently. I pay special attention to the preparation and solution of competency-oriented tasks. They are similar to management tasks from the field of management.

Students receive active tasks based on specific motivation, built on mastery that is relevant to students, there is an incentive and criteria for assessing the results are determined.

This organization of the educational process allows me to address the child’s personality and I can pay more attention to the development of his abilities.

Our school is rural, the student population is of different levels, the motivation to study is low, and in addition, in the Russian Federation there is a general decline in the level of speech culture. In this regard, the educational standard pays special attention to the formation of language competence. I use complex work with text, which develops students’ sense of language, helps eliminate grammatical, stylistic, and speech errors, deepens the semantic perception of works of fiction, and shapes the moral qualities of schoolchildren.

Working with text in 9th grade gave very good results. In 2015, my ninth-graders showed good results during external monitoring and when passing the OGE.

In order for my students to master the art of public speaking, the art of introducing dialogue, argument, to be able to work in a team, and to be socially mobile, I use communicative-dialogue technologies. These skills were useful to students in grades 7 and 9 during performances at a meeting event with members of the Writers' Union of North Ossetia-Alania at our school. The children behaved confidently and read the texts expressively.

To develop the cognitive activity of students, I use complicated tasks (detailed answers to problematic questions), which increase the intellectual potential of students.

With the help of developmental education technology, I create a creative, competitive atmosphere in my lessons. A free form of communication increases students’ performance and their readiness for practical work.

The above technologies effectively influence the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject competencies of students.

I use the computer at all stages of training. I systematically use ICT when developing notes for lessons and events. Information technologies allow me to increase the volume of training exercises, differentiate them by volume and degree of difficulty, organized individual and group work.

I get very good results when working with text in Word during speech development lessons. I use different text programs to prepare 9th grade students for the OGE. I believe that ICT increases cognitive activity in the subject.

Characteristics of methodological activities.

Methodological work in a modern school is a holistic, based on the achievements of science, advanced pedagogical experience, a system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher, ultimately - at improving the teaching and educational process, achieving optimal level of education of graduates, depending on the specific goals and objectives that the school sets for itself.

Since the 2005-2006 academic year, I have been the leader of the School Methodological Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature.

I consider the level of professional competence of the teacher to be an important condition for improving the quality of education in a modern school.

The MCOU secondary school in the village of Surkh-Digora has developed its own system of methodological work on the Russian language and literature.

Based on the main directions of work in the field of education and in accordance with the unified methodological theme of the school “Personally-oriented approach in teaching and educating students of the local secondary school in the village of Surkh-Digora, the main tasks of the work of teachers of the Russian language and literature in the 2014-2015 academic year were determined. year:

  1. Organization of work of the teaching staff on a single methodological topic;
  2. Improving the pedagogical skills of teachers in organizations with a multi-level contingent of children in order to prepare students for professional self-determination.
  1. Improving the quality of education.

To solve the assigned tasks, a work plan for the educational organization was drawn up in accordance with the approved methodological topic, the problem of the school, and individual plans for teachers on self-education topics were drawn up.

As the head of the school, at meetings of teacher councils, seminars, and meetings with the director, I give messages, reports, and analysis of educational activities in the subject.

During the academic year, together with the deputy. Director for Water Resources Management F.A. Galieva carried out monitoring and diagnostics of the activities of teachers of Russian language and literature. Attended teachers' lessons, conducted preliminary, current and final tests of knowledge in the Russian language and literature.

Purposeful, systematic work, monitoring the preparation of students in grades 9 and 11 for the final certification in the 2014-2015 school year. g., gave positive results.

If in 2014, when passing the Unified State Exam in Russian, five 11th grade graduates were unable to cross the minimum threshold, then in 2015 only two students were unable to score the required number of points.

The average score and quality of knowledge on the General Examination in the Russian language have increased. (at school - 3.9; in the region - 3.8)

Students in grade 9 mostly confirmed their annual grades or increased them, which is explained by the responsible attitude of teachers and school students to preparing for exams.

I am a member of school expert, certification, and Olympiad commissions. I organize entrance, current, and final tests in Russian language and literature, school Olympiads, competitions, and games in the subject.

I am the school organizer of the all-Russian linguistics competition “Russian Bear Cub” and the international gaming competition in literature “Pegasus”, where students from our school take prizes.

Only in the 2014-2015 academic year. 8 students from grades 2 to 11 became winners of the “Russian Bear” game-competition.

According to the results of the gaming competition in literature “Pegasus-2015”, six students in grades 2-10 became prize-winners. And 6th grade student Dana Khamitsaeva took second place in the region.

The extracurricular activities carried out in Russian language and literature in grades 7 and 9 are also aimed at implementing a competency-based approach to learning.

As part of pre-profile training for 9th graders in the 2014-2015 school year. year I developed a program for the elective course “Workshop. Preparation for the OGE in the Russian language”, approved by the director of the educational institution.

I consider the positive dynamics of the level and quality of teaching in the subject to be positive results of the course, as evidenced by the results of external monitoring and the results of passing the OGE by ninth-graders.

Extracurricular activities are carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, interest in the subject increases, the creative abilities of schoolchildren develop, and have a positive effect on my relationships with students.

My students enjoy participating in various competitions and games.

So in the 2013-2014 academic year. year, 6th grade student Nafiev Khetag took 1st place in the All-Russian competition “Living Classics” among 6th graders. (copy of the certificate)

One of the tasks of my teaching activity is the formation of a class team capable of creativity, socially significant and research activities in the process of teaching and educational work. I have been performing this function as the class teacher of grade 7 “a” for the third year now.

I create conditions for students to gain positive social experience.

Not every teacher can be an educator. I am the class teacher of 8th grade, successfully performing educational, organizational and administrative functions.

The most important function, of course, is managing the student body of the class.

To be a manager of a children's team means to be able to educate.

Over the course of three years, my class has become more cohesive, the overall culture has improved, relationships in the class have improved, and motivation to learn has increased.

I have developed trusting relationships with students' parents. Our cooperation is producing positive results. Individual conversations were held with parents in order to increase motivation to study and improve behavior at school. At the moment, there are no students in the class who do not attend classes and disrupt order in the school.

Area of ​​professional interests:

  • use of modern information technologies in the educational process;
  • introduction of the project method into the educational process;
  • creating presentations for lessons;
  • creation of an electronic library and selection of educational films.

Pedagogical credo:
“To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.” Ali Absheroni

My hobbies: poetry. embroidery, knitting, dancing

Participation in pedagogical excellence competitions:

1. District stage 3 of the Republican competition “The Coolest Cool” - participant - 2008

2. District stage 5 of the Republican competition “The Coolest Cool” - 2nd place.

3. Competition "Teacher of the Year 2010" - laureate in the nomination "Practice Teacher" 2010 March -

My publications on the Internet:

Internet pedagogical Network educational community "Open Class". Media library

1. Literature - “Immersion lesson based on the story by V Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory;

2. Russian language - Word about Word.

http ://pedsovet. org/component/option. com http:// pedsovet. org/ component/ option. commtree mtree

01/19/2010 page 9

Poems “To Graduates” and “Wonderful Girl”

Sections "Creativity" and "Education"

January 2010 pp. 10 and 11.

Internet pedagogical Network educational community “Open Class”. Media library

Letter to a foreign friend “Celebrating Maslenitsa in Rus'”

Section "Extracurricular activities"

April 2010

Opened a personal blog on the Internet on the Teachers’ Council page on the topic “Extracurricular Reading”

January 2010

I have my own website on the Internet

Essay on the topic: I want to tell you about my teacher.( 1st place at the regional stage of the Republican competition “Teacher!” Before your name...", dedicated to the Year of the Teacher.

My beloved teacher Vasily Nikiforovich Gorshkov worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature for almost half a century. How many children did he raise? How many have he instilled a love for the Word! Indeed, a great man who created a masterpiece. A man who became a master! His masterpiece today is our life and our bright memory of him. And to create a masterpiece, you need, firstly, to love the work you do, and secondly, to love children. My Teacher had all this.

School years are wonderful,” we once sang at school,

But time quickly flew by, and childhood disappeared somewhere.

Even though we have been covered with gray hair for a long time - the memory in us is dead,

Memories of dear teachers; she is alive!

He gave us his strength, knowledge, and skills bit by bit.

He distributed the experience of life and wisdom on the way to all his students.

Be calm, my good Teacher! We're on the right track

Never, on any road, will we turn down the right path.

We remember you with love, you remain young forever.

Everything you ever dreamed of, believe us: we will definitely make it happen.

Thank you! My dear Teacher, who taught me to love school. Every morning, when I open a familiar door, I hear the music of the sonorous voices of children and think: I’m glad that I walked side by side with you during my school years. Time passed, the feelings subsided, but the memory remained.

“Teacher, be the sun radiating human warmth, be the soil rich in the enzymes of human feelings, and this knowledge is not only in the memory and consciousness of your students, but also in the souls and hearts.”

Sh. Amonashvili

About me

Russkikh Galina Ivanovna, born in 1971 Education - higher. Pedagogical experience - 28 years. Work experience in secondary school in the village of Strizhi - 8 years. The qualification category is the highest.
I consider the goal of my work not only to provide children with solid knowledge, but also to cultivate in students qualities that will help them realize themselves in later life.

Books that shaped my inner world

M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don", M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

My view of the world

I thought: the main thing is to form,
Make, sculpt, sculpt.
I thought: show me the right route,
Edit, heal, teach.
I thought: to tear, fight, chop.
Rush as long as the strength carries you.
But it turned out to be just love.
Only love. That's it.
S.V. Belova

My portfolio

D. Likhachev believed: “Teaching is an art, work no less titanic than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, not with the help of paints, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his own knowledge and love, your attitude towards the world." These words are a reflection of my life position.