Echo of the Blonde

The most vivid sex is after a long separation from your loved one

The moral progress of humanity exists! Otherwise, why are radio hosts becoming more and more beautiful? Meet the new host of Radio Energy!

As everyone has long known, they decided to look for a new host of the Black 2 White show on Radio Energy among female listeners, for which purpose the playful competition “Battle of the Blondes” was launched.

Our magazine even acted as an information sponsor of the competition. To be honest, we didn’t really delve into the essence of the proposed idea, but agreed immediately as soon as we heard the name. And here is the result of the battle: Ekaterina Gornostaeva. From students to DJs. Now she will mercilessly wake you up on wave 104.2.

Tell us how you decided to join the fierce “Battle of the Blondes”?
While standing in traffic, I heard a casting announcement for the role of host of the morning show Black 2 White. I filled out the questionnaire for about a week - I approached it very responsibly. I listened to almost all the broadcasts and was determined to win. And she won - a contract for a year of broadcasting on Radio Energy!

What did you find most fun about the competition?

For example, it was necessary to depict a conversation with Gzhel’s penis. They put this figurine in front of me, and I said something like: “Hello, dear, you have such a nice shape...” In general, the whole competition had a sexual connotation. The girls mostly undressed and danced striptease. And I decided to approach the task more creatively. After all, listeners are unlikely to see me naked, so it’s better to create some kind of audiovisual picture that connects the imagination. I came up with a fortune telling based on breast shape. You need to touch and determine what kind of fruit the breasts look like, and thus reveal the girl’s temperament.

What fruit is hidden under your pink T-shirt?
Pomelo. But not Anderson! This fruit personifies a bright and exotic girl. In general, there were many unexpected tasks at the competition. There was a stage of provocative questions. It was necessary not just to answer, but to do it creatively, with imagination. The work of a radio presenter requires instant response. For example, they give me the task: “That’s it, the broadcast is on. Talk about buying underwear for three minutes.” And of course, we do not plan our speech in advance. Pure improvisation.

Imagine yourself in the place of asking provocative questions. What would you ask a beautiful girl?
Well, for example: “What was the brightest thing you had in sex?” The answer characterizes the person one hundred percent.

You probably already guessed what the next question will be.
(Laughs). The most vivid sex is after a long separation from a loved one. Changing places is also very stimulating. If I try to remember my coolest sexual experience, then I will imagine not a familiar setting, but at someone’s dacha, suddenly, three times in the morning, then three more... Then we got into the car and, standing in a traffic jam, had sex again. But this has never happened at the club. Although I like to hang out and listen to good music.

What kind of music do you usually have sex to?
It's better without it at all. And the worst thing is when the TV is on and you never know what will be there in the next minute. If you look away for a second, the Comedy Club is making jokes in the background, not always on topic. Men usually don't like it when girls laugh in bed. For some reason they take it personally.

We're just waiting for a different reaction - screams, screams... Well, it doesn't matter. Tell us a little about the shooting.
This is a completely different story! At first they kind of decided that I would be such a blond blonde, in silks, in pink, an innocent Lolita image. As a result, the scene is a dirty locker room and shower of migrant workers. It's hard to imagine anything more opposite. I even had to climb into a shabby locker...

We specially prepared this surprise for you in order to capture real emotions.
Emotions were overflowing... Especially when I ran into one of the workers of this plant in the shower. I think it was their happiest day. They probably thought they had chosen the right job. And I'm a little worried about whether I'm too naked in the photographs. You have very skilled people working for you, real psychologists! It’s enough to say to even the most innocent girl: “What a beautiful ass you have!” And breasts! - and she is ready to completely undress.

If you want, come for a private psychotherapy session. You know the address. By the way, what role do you play in the morning broadcast?
My role is to gasp and sigh sexy! I have the image of such an ideal blonde with feminine stereotypical thinking. I talk mainly about cosmetics, men and shopping - but what can you do, the position obliges me. Morozova talks about smart things, and Simon raps. The three of us run the show. In general, I like my new job: I don’t have to work too hard. If I don't have anything to say, I'll just sigh, "Ah!" - and since I'm blonde, that will be enough.

What men need at seven in the morning!

For eight years in a row, Simon, Morozova and Gornostaeva have been waking up the whole country in the BLACK2WHITE show on the ENERGY radio station. And all last week the hosts celebrated the project’s birthday. Our portal was among those who congratulated fellow journalists live. the site visited the “forge of laughter”, asked a couple of unusual questions to the hosts in the studio, and then continued the conversation off-air..

Every weekday from seven to eleven in the morning, the hosts of the morning show on ENERGY radio charge millions of people across the country with positivity. This year the BLACK2WHITE program turned eight years old! And its presenters, Simon, Morozova and Gornostaeva, are still young, fresh and cheerful. During this time, numerous show business stars managed to visit the studio on March 8 Street as guests. That’s why we were not surprised when we arrived for the live broadcast and met singer Tatyana Kotova and rapper T-Killah, aka Alexander Tarasov, in the radio station office.

The site asked a couple of questions to the hosts live, for example, we found out how Simon sees a typical Russian woman, why Morozova would lock Tyrion Lannister, the hero of “Game of Thrones,” in the studio, and why Gornostaeva wants to be photographed with Zeliboba from “Sesame Street.” And what we talked about with radio stars outside the studio walls, read on our portal.

website: Simon, Morozova, Gornostaeva, if you were not limited by boundaries, what clothes would you wear on air?

Gornostaeva: In a tracksuit. Honestly! I have a lot of them, and they are all so beautiful and elegant, but I have never allowed myself to come to the studio dressed like this. It seems to me that you should respect the people around you and follow a certain dress code, and sportswear, unfortunately, is more appropriate for a walk or jog, but not at work.

Simon: Come on, come in a suit when there are no guests in the studio! (Laughs.)

G.: Yes, I still can’t bring myself to (smiles).

Morozova: But I’ll tell you this: in all these eight years that we have been working at ENERGY radio, we have never had a dress code. And to be honest, I envy office workers who have to come to the office in a suit - it’s so cool!

“On Sunday, before another work week, you iron your shirt, shine your high-heeled shoes... When you walk down the street, you feel like you are a working person and doing something important. Even in the evening, returning home from work, you look brand new.”

It’s not like we are always in torn jeans and sneakers. Whether you want to put on makeup or not. You can say on the air that you are beautiful today, and everyone will believe it, because you can’t check whether it’s really so (laughs).

website: Maybe it would be more convenient to work in pajamas?

WITH.: When you work for us, you'll never show up in your pajamas anyway.

M.: And I don't wear pajamas, that's not sex! (Smiles.)

WITH.: To be honest, we have no clothing restrictions. Apart from pajamas, we can come in whatever we want, because we are filmed and broadcast on the Internet. So for now we are enjoying freedom.

M.: Well, by the way, you can’t wear short shorts on air, because it has a bad effect on Simon. You've probably seen those short mini-shorts in which your butt is visible? This item of clothing is prohibited. Once I had the imprudence to show up to work like that, because Simon forgot all of his Russian. It’s good that there were no guests in the studio then (laughs).

website: By the way, which of the stars - guests of your broadcast - do you remember most?

M.: We have a show in which we “connect” stars to a real lie detector and ask them the most inconvenient and tricky questions. Many celebrities refuse to come to us, or ask us to send them questions in advance, or try to cross out some topic. But some people agree to go on air without any questions. One of the last was Nikolai Baskov.

“We expected that a very pretentious person would come to our studio, with whom we would have to approve topics before the broadcast, but no! Nikolai calmly sat down in a chair, connected to the detector and began to answer even slightly “dirty” questions, and honestly.”

In principle, he could get up and finish recording and leave the studio at any moment, but he took his time thinking about his answers. He told us everything: about marriage, and about fake stories, and about PR... In general, he “made” us. Even as a journalist I was offended (smiles). I cannot help but admire him as a person - I am amazed at his endurance, patience and positivity, but as a professional, radio host, I did not fulfill my task - I could not “press” him.

WITH.: Many stars visited us, but for me, as a person who reads rap, the most anticipated was the broadcast with rapper DMX. I'm a big fan of his. When they told me that he would come to our studio, I could not sleep the whole night, because for me he is an idol. I know his songs by heart, I’ve already listened to them to death.

The broadcast with DMX went off with a bang, I was delighted, and the photo with him, which I posted on social networks, created a huge sensation among my friends and acquaintances. I also really remember the broadcast with Philip Kirkorov, he has a powerful and unreal aura!

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Moscow radio presenters are on the move. The 2013-2014 radio season was marked by a whole series of changes in popular shows on metropolitan radio stations. Here are just a few important facts.

It is curious that similar metamorphoses already occurred with the voice-brand (Anya Gordeeva) of the morning show “Operation Morning” on Avtoradio at the beginning of the century. One girl sang songs and parodies, another was on air, and a third took part in the stage version of the show “Murzilki”. The listeners had no idea. Fortunately, later a presenter, Tanya Gordeeva (Elena Loginova), was found who was able to perform all these difficult functions on her own, and fans politely agreed with the version that Gordeeva’s talented sister appeared on air.

Radio We wish Katya Lopareva, who was born for the second time, good luck. We'll hear you on the new broadcast, Katya!

Listen to excerpts from the latest broadcast (July 25, 2014) by Lena Gornostaeva (Katya Lopareva) on NRJ:

Radio station: NRJ
City: Moscow
Internet address:
Frequency: 104.2
Format: CHR
Show: Black2White
Presenters: Simon, Yulia Morozova, Lena Gornosteva
Time: weekdays from 7 to 11 o'clock
Chronicle: 2"04".

This radio station broadcasts on the frequency 104.2 FM.

Now Yulia Morozova (real name is Prolygina) lives and works in Moscow. But she comes from an ancient Russian city with a rich history - the city Kaluga.

Julia was born May 22, 1977. According to her zodiac sign - Twins. She studied at a regular Kaluga secondary school. At 17 years old the girl became a participant in a prestigious competition at that time "Mademoiselle Nathalie" and won.

In her hometown, Yulia received a higher education; she studied at Kaluga State University named after. Tsiolkovsky from 1994 to 1997 at the Faculty of Philology.

Julia started working as a journalist in 1997. It was her voice that was, in a way, the calling card of regional radio. At the beginning 2000s years Prolygin moved to Moscow, where she almost immediately found a job.

Moreover, this can be called a real “luck”. Find a job for a young provincial woman without Moscow registration, and even on such a unique and popular project as "Avtoradio", covering more than a thousand cities in Russia, is quite complex.

Julia was searching, via the Internet. She sent out her resume to all radio stations in the capital. And her efforts were crowned with success. The girl was hired at Avtoradio. It was work on night broadcasts.

Yulia successfully combined work with studies at Institute for Advanced Training of TV and Radio Broadcasting Workers. This is the only educational institution in Russia that trains highly qualified specialists for the media space.

Julia, like all “twins”, is an active, purposeful and energetic person. She loves extreme and active recreation, as evidenced by numerous photos on social network pages.

In 2017, Morozova vacationed in Norway where is she went down the raging river in a kayak and enjoyed the most beautiful mountain scenery.

Morozova loves to relax in exotic and interesting places. For example, she is in In 2014, I went on an exciting trip to the United States of America, where she visited Hollywood, Golden Maine, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas.

But just recently The presenter looked at the sights of the “land of the rising sun” - Japan. On weekends during the winter, Yulia I don’t mind walking through the forest or through the park on skis.

As for her personal life, Julia Married, according to available data her husband is a Muscovite. She also mother of two wonderful daughters - Polina and Agrippina.

It is worth noting that Julia tried herself in the role fashion models and actresses. She took part in the filming of a comedy Russian film directed by Eduard Oganesyan called "Double Trouble", which was released in 2015.

But I gained modeling experience at a photo shoot for a popular men's magazine "MAXIM". The photos turned out great, because this hot and shocking brunette has a beautiful figure.

Already about 16 years old Yu. Morozova works on the radio "RADIO ENERGY". Julia is not just a presenter; one of the shows “RADIO ENERGY” can easily be called Morozova’s “brainchild,” since the presenter was directly involved in the creation of this project.

Morozova’s colleagues on the above project are Simon and Elena Gornostaeva. Morning broadcasts very often feature famous and popular stars of domestic show business as guests.

For Morozova, the work team is a second family. Turns 35 in 2012 she celebrated with great fanfare in the radio station's studio. Despite the fact that Yulia devotes herself completely to her work, the main thing for her is still children and beloved husband.

Agrippina spends the whole day with her mother. The studio even has a place for my daughter. Her husband helps Yulia raise her eldest child and has taken on many of the responsibilities around the house. At the same time, allowing Morozova to plunge headlong into creativity and career.

Yulia's working days are very busy, because managing a team of creative and extraordinary people is quite difficult. Morozova is also author of scripts for radio programs, edits and writes news information.

The radio show "Morning with Black Pepper" celebrated its two-year anniversary on the air.

Brief dossier:


Originally from Nigeria, today he is a real “Afro-Muscovite”.
Essential nickname: “black pepper.”
Off-air: famous MC, DJ, rap artist and hip-hop producer.
Life credo: Figurate, bullshit and bullshit!


Essential role: rational brunette.
Life off the air: roller skating, karaoke bars and film premieres.
Life credo: Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger!


Essential role: defiant blonde.
Life off the air: university, nightclubs, cinema and reading.
Black2White won the position of presenter in the reality show “Battle of the Blondes” on ENERGY Radio.

On September 11, live, the hosts of Black2White on ENERGY Radio celebrated the birthday of their morning show. A video broadcast of this event could be seen on the website Simon, Morozova and Gornostaeva organized a real children's party in the studio with cake and lemonade, inviting listeners to the celebration, who sent them the most original congratulations.

Simon: - It’s even difficult to catch your breath! I can't believe that these two years have flown by so quickly.
Julia: - But, still, it’s a shame that we are only two years old. Alcohol is still not allowed, smoking and kissing are also prohibited... That’s why we have such children’s entertainment today: swimming in lemonade, flying in hot air balloons, racing with toy cars. But you can throw cake!

At the same time, your experience in radio is different. Yulia is the “eldest”, then Simon – he is just two years old. And Lena is just a baby compared to others. Is there no hazing in the studio because of this?

Julia: - Yes, we build absolutely everything on this! Gornostaeva rustles like a ball all the time. We tell her: “We’ll yell at you if you don’t pour the coffee!” Oh, it's funny to chase her! She holds on to her place and mixes sugar for Simon every morning.
Lena: - Well, there is even something positive in this. I have already pumped up my calf muscles and biceps, constantly bringing tea to my “grandfathers”.
Julia: - Simon especially likes to chase Gornostaeva. We have a general patriarchy here, Simon always has the last word.

- You have to spend so much time together in the studio, are you not tired of each other yet?

Julia: - Yes, it happens in different ways. It’s really not easy when you see the same faces all the time: one white and one black. But we are not spouses - we cannot get a divorce! Therefore, we try to somehow manage any situation. We learn to forgive, not to be rude, and to restrain our emotions. But by and large, it’s very cool that we, who are so different, work together.

- Is there anything particularly memorable from the events of these two years?

Julia: - Photo shoot for Maxim magazine, like the first time I undressed in front of strangers. It’s cold, your butt is crawling, and there’s only one thought in your head: what will dad say when he sees this? I mentally heard: “Is this why I raised you?!” For this you graduated from a music school and two institutes?!” But it’s okay, dad survived, and now he also remembers it with a smile.
Lena: - When I undressed, I was euphoric. It was later, when I saw the photos, that other feelings came. No, the photos were cool, it’s just... somehow everything turned out very bare. But my family and friends really liked it, they are generally proud of me.
Simon: - And I will never forget how I was awarded the “bronze microphone” of the “Radiomania 2008” award as the best radio DJ...

- Is this when you fell to your knees on stage in delight? What was it - a storm of emotions or good acting?

Simon: - These were pure emotions - gratitude, surprise, all together. I was sure that I wouldn’t win, I didn’t even want to go there. And when I went, we were stuck in traffic for three hours. All the bosses called one by one: “Where are you?!” Leave the car and run to the subway!” But the plug miraculously dissolved. We arrive and we still have to go through the park and go up to the third floor. I haven't run like this for a long time! I fly into the hall, there is no oxygen in my chest at all. And someone’s voice: “Run faster, run faster!” I didn’t understand anything at all, but I ran to the stage, and there our producer Denis Serikov was already coming down. Then it dawned on me: I won! I remember muttering something, I don’t even know in what language...

Each of you has your own role on the Black2White broadcast. Yulia is a rational brunette, Lena is a defiant blonde, and they say about Simon that he is just “black pepper.” What kind of role is this, Simon?

Simon: - In fact, this definition of “black pepper” somehow popped up by accident. It’s difficult for me to explain in words what this is. But I don’t have any difficulties with this role - after all, I just remain myself. We don’t write anything on paper in advance, we improvise on air. When our blonde Gornostaeva first came to work for us, she constantly asked: “What are we going to do now? What to talk about? What to do? Yes, we’ll go on air and decide there... We’re not working according to a textbook. That is, my role as “black pepper” somehow comes by itself, impromptu.
Lena: - Yes, and I don’t have to play much on air. Being a spectacular blonde is close and understandable to me. It’s just that in life I try on different roles, but on air I try on only one.
Julia: - But everything is absolutely the same for me! Next to Lenochka, who studies at Moscow State University, paints her nails, gets hair extensions, all in glamor and rhinestones, I am quite rational - both on air and in everyday life. By and large, I am the only ordinary person in this trio, the most understandable to everyone.

- Simon, how do you manage two such different women? Isn't it hard?

Simon: - This is cool! Such a “sandwich” is the dream of any normal man. I wake up in the morning and know that now I will see two beauties at once. There is always an incentive to go to work. The only difficulty is choosing who you like best. After all, we men are like this: today we want borscht, and tomorrow we want solyanka... But we have a choice, and that’s wonderful!

- What are your off-air hobbies?

Simon: - I’m one of those guys who grabs onto everything, wants to learn everything. Now I have already decided a little, but before I had even more hobbies. For example, I’m still a good cook.
I really love my job on radio. But I also love my club work, I love performing and composing music, writing lyrics. All this is my life, nothing can be thrown away or put in first place.
Lena: - Off the air, I have a university. I am a 4th year student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. By the way, I study well, with grades 4 and 5.
Julia: - I love roller skating, I love visiting karaoke bars and premieres of new films.

A lot of your show is based on contrast. Well, from the outside everything is clear. And if you dig deeper, which of you is the whitest and fluffiest?

Julia: - Simon, of course. Even our listeners admit this. They were the first to notice and laugh at it: in your case, the “whitest” is the one who is black. Indeed, Simon is the kindest of us. With him, for example, it is completely impossible to conduct a “Truth Detector”. He is simply embarrassed to ask difficult questions, worried that they might confuse a person. And he always excuses the participant if he finds himself in some hopeless situation. For example, one girl did not want to answer whether she was cheating on her husband or not. We say: “If you don’t answer, we will cut your hair.” Lord, he stood with these scissors for 20 minutes! We shout: “Cut it already!” As a result, I cut off a piece of bangs just like a nail. He ruined everything with his kindness and loyalty.

Yes, reality TV is your hottest dish. And Lena Gornostaeva, in order to become the host of Black2White, took part in one of them, in the “Battle of the Blondes”. Lena, how did you decide to do this, weren’t you scared?

Lena: - I wasn’t afraid to participate, I was afraid to lose. Therefore, I took this very seriously: I spent a long time filling out the application form, and prepared for a long time. I listened to the morning show, delved into the humor and the context. Of course, when I first got on the air, I was a little scared, and then I realized how much I liked it all, how much I wanted it. The competition was very adequate and cool. And when I won and became a real radio host, it was such a feeling of euphoria! I think I still experience it. When I go to work early in the morning, I suddenly think: “Oh, God! I'm coming to Radio ENERGY now! I’ll sit in my pink chair, I’ll talk, and anyone can listen to me.” I still get a thrill from it!

“Truth Detector” will start airing soon on Black2White. Episode 2." Once again, people who are willing to take risks will come to your studio.

Julia: - This is actually an event, the whole station is preparing for it. But this time everything will be tougher and even sharper. We decided that last time there were a lot of freebies, easy questions. Our people, as it turned out, are not afraid of anything. People go to reality shows not even for victory and a cash prize, but they are simply interested in delving into themselves, testing themselves, like on a roller coaster.

And who weighs the “ingredients” of your morning show: how much white, black, sweet and spicy should it contain?

Julia: - Of course, we decide such things with the producer. And I really like it. At many stations, the morning show is left to chance, considered something frivolous. And we have a very strong team - manager, producer, editor. After all, the show must always go on - in any weather, in any mood. Without good technology this is impossible. Here I must pay tribute to our bosses, in particular the producer of Radio ENERGY Denis Serikov. We sometimes sit together for hours, decide what is right and what is wrong, how to make the show better.

- Do you have any favorite sections in the morning show?

Lena: - Now my favorite section is Wake Up Call! This is such a live performance from Simon, so cool. Even Yulia and I are dancing in the studio, rocking it, it’s very cool! Such a mega drive.
Julia: - I also like Wake Up Call, this is a new section that we recently launched. Simon, at the request of listeners, wakes them up in the morning, performing his own mix. I've long wanted to bring this talent of his to the air, because he plays - he's just crazy! Aerobatics. When we came up with this idea, we installed good DJ turntables in the studio. Now we have a club party in the morning. Nobody except Simon hangs out like that in the morning. And in no club you can get a custom mix like this, but here you can! People like it, they vying with each other to order.
Simon: - Of course, this is a little unfair in relation to other sections, but... I also like our new products better now. Although I also love the old columns. They’re just new – like a new wife, to whom you haven’t gotten used to it yet, you have to pay more attention.

Thank you! And happy birthday again!

Our information:

Radio ENERGY broadcasts on 104.2 FM (frequency in Moscow).
The slogan of the station is “When the world listens, you listen!”
ENERGY (NRJ) is one of the most reputable and well-known brands in the global radio industry.
Today, radio stations with the ENERGY (NRJ) trademark, owned by the French media group NRJ Group, broadcast in 14 countries - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Lebanon, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden and Canada.
The NRJ Group's radio network is one of the largest in the world, with more than 440 transmitters worldwide, reaching a population of more than 100 million people.
Russian Radio ENERGY is part of the Prof-Media Broadcasting Corporation (VKPM).
The President of the VKPM is Alexander Varin.
The producer of the radio station is Denis Serikov.
Brand Manager of Radio ENERGY - Evgenia Levchenko.