September 3, 2019, Technological development. Innovation On the signing of an Agreement of Intent between the Government of Russia and the Management Company of the Russian Direct Investment Fund in order to develop the high-tech field of Artificial Intelligence in Russia Order No. 1964-r dated September 3, 2019. The signing of the Agreement is aimed at attracting mutually beneficial cooperation between industrial, scientific, educational and other organizations, the pooling of efforts of which is necessary to achieve the target indicators of technological development in Russia.

September 3, 2019, Automotive and special equipment On updating the fleet of emergency medical vehicles and school buses in the constituent entities of the Federation Order No. 1963-r dated September 3, 2019. An additional supply of more than 1.55 thousand emergency medical vehicles and more than 2.45 thousand school buses to the constituent entities of the Federation is planned.

September 3, 2019 , Law Enforcement Monitoring Law enforcement monitoring plan for 2020 approved Order No. 1951-r dated August 31, 2019. Law enforcement monitoring involves the collection, synthesis, analysis and evaluation of information for the adoption, amendment or invalidation of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipal legal acts.

31 August 2019, Inland water transport and maritime activities A new edition of the Strategy for the Development of Maritime Activities of the Russian Federation until 2030 has been approved Order No. 1930-r dated August 30, 2019. In the new edition of the Strategy, taking into account the current political and socio-economic situation in the country and the world, the priorities, goals and objectives of Russia’s maritime activities for the long term are determined, the forecast values ​​of the target indicators of the second stage of the Strategy are clarified and the forecast values ​​of the target indicators of its third stage are determined (in the previous there were no editions of target indicators - only promising development paths).

August 31, 2019, Literature and book publishing. Libraries The development plan for the federal state information system “National Electronic Library” has been approved Order of August 28, 2019 No. 1904-r. The plan, in particular, provides for the legal regulation of the work of the New Library, the improvement of the information technologies used in it, the selection and encyclopedic systematization of knowledge from book, archival, museum and university collections, ensuring the inclusion in the New Library of electronic copies of 100% of Russian publications as legal deposit.

August 30, 2019 An organizing committee has been formed for the preparation and holding of the Second Caspian Economic Forum in Astrakhan in 2021 Order No. 1929-r dated August 30, 2019

August 29, 2019, State program “Development of Culture” for 2013–2020 On budgetary allocations for the reconstruction of cultural objects in the constituent entities of the Federation Order No. 1924-r dated August 29, 2019. The targeted (object-by-object) distribution of subsidies provided in 2019–2021 to the budgets of the republics of Buryatia, North Ossetia-Alania, Khakassia, Tyva, the Udmurt Republic, Trans-Baikal Territory, Astrakhan, Murmansk, Omsk and Pskov regions for co-financing capital investments in the reconstruction of cultural objects has been approved.

August 29, 2019, Railway transport The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways has been increased Order No. 1872-r dated August 27, 2019, resolution No. 1094 dated August 27, 2019. The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways was increased by 44.07 billion rubles in order to increase the level of economic connectivity of the territory of Russia and the comprehensive development of the Mezhdurechensk - Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway. Corresponding funds are provided in the federal budget.

August 29, 2019 The Regulations on the Supervisory Board of the State Development Corporation "VEB.RF" were approved Resolution of August 29, 2019 No. 1117

August 29, 2019, Fisheries, aquaculture, fish processing The procedure for holding auctions for the sale of the right to conclude an agreement on the provision of crab production quotas for investment purposes has been determined Orders of August 28, 2019 No. 1917-r and No. 1918-r, resolutions of August 28, 2019 No. 1112 and No. 1113. Lists of crab species in certain areas of their production (catch) and construction projects have been established, the number and size of auction items, requirements for projects for the construction of fishing vessels, as well as rules for conducting auctions and a sample form, procedure for preparing and concluding an agreement on fixing shares of crab production quotas for investment purposes. This will ensure a transparent competitive environment in the most profitable and investment-intensive production segment for business. In addition, additional federal budget revenues will be provided, and a new, modern crab fishing fleet will be built.

August 28, 2019, Sanitary and epidemiological safety The implementation plan for the Fundamentals of State Policy in the field of ensuring chemical and biological safety has been approved Order No. 1906-r dated August 28, 2019. The plan provides for the improvement of legal regulation in the field of ensuring chemical and biological safety, the development of a state program “Ensuring chemical and biological safety of the Russian Federation”.

August 27, 2019, Space industry The procedure for creating and maintaining a federal fund of data for remote sensing of the Earth from space has been established Resolutions of August 24, 2019 No. 1086, No. 1087, No. 1088. In order to increase the efficiency and expand the possibilities of using data from remote sensing of the Earth from space, a federal fund of data from remote sensing of the Earth from space is being created. The signed resolutions regulate the creation and maintenance of the federal fund, determine the timing of the transfer of data and metadata to the federal fund, their composition and methods of transfer.

August 27, 2019, Environmental safety. Waste management A temporary restriction has been introduced on the import of ozone-depleting substances into Russia in 2019 Resolution of August 24, 2019 No. 1089. The purpose of the introduced restrictions is to ensure the protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and the fulfillment of Russia’s obligations under the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

August 23, 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development Indicators for the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development have been established, the dynamics of which are subject to monitoring Order of August 15, 2019 No. 1824-r. 11 indicators have been identified that reflect the progress of implementation of the Strategy in the following areas: the influence of science and technology on the socio-economic development of Russia, including due to the transition to the model of great challenges; the state and performance of the field of science, technology and innovation; quality of state regulation and service provision of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities.

August 23, 2019, Social innovation. Non-profit organizations. Volunteering and volunteering. Charity Rules for the functioning of a unified information system in the field of volunteer development were approved Resolution of August 17, 2019 No. 1067. The decisions made are aimed at providing information and analytical support for volunteer activities and will allow the formation of a single platform for interaction between institutions of volunteer activity.

August 22, 2019, General issues of the agro-industrial complex A new edition of the list of products has been approved to provide state support to organizations engaged in primary and industrial processing of agricultural products Order No. 1856-r dated August 21, 2019. The decisions taken will help stimulate the production of main types of agricultural products and products of the food and processing industry, and the development of exports of Russian agricultural products, raw materials and food.

August 19, 2019, Business environment. Development of competition Rules for the implementation of the action plan “Transformation of the business climate” were approved Resolution of August 10, 2019 No. 1042, order of August 10, 2019 No. 1795-r. The decisions made will make it possible to create a comprehensive system for the formation, monitoring and control of the implementation of the “Transformation of the Business Climate” action plan, establish the powers of expert groups and increase responsibility for the results of their activities, as well as involve business entities in the process of regulatory improvement of business conditions.

August 15, 2019, Plant growing The long-term strategy for the development of the Russian grain complex until 2035 has been approved Order of August 10, 2019 No. 1796-r. The goal of the Strategy is the formation of a highly efficient, scientifically and innovation-oriented, competitive and investment-attractive balanced system of production, processing, storage and sale of basic grains and leguminous crops, their processed products, guaranteeing food security in Russia, fully meeting the country’s internal needs and creating significant export potential.


The draft of a new edition of the state program “Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” was approved

At a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation on August 31, 2017, the draft of a new edition of the state program “Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” was considered.

Opening the meeting, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev drew attention to the fact that the state program “Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone for the period until 2020”, in force since 2015, is predominantly analytical in nature and does not have its own funding, which does not correspond to the scale of plans for the development of this unique region of Russia.

In this regard, work was carried out to prepare a new version of the program, in which “the main tasks were updated, additional sources of funding were identified, and the volume of federal budget funds was identified.” The main changes that the new edition contains are the extension of the Program until 2025, a clear definition of three main areas of work in the Arctic (formation of support zones, development of the Northern Sea Route, development of the continental shelf), as well as financing - aggregate funds from budgetary and other sources will amount to about 150 billion rubles. D. Medvedev called on those involved in the Arctic at the governmental and regional levels to “make maximum use of the principle of public-private partnership.”

Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin specified the scheme for financing the project: for 2018-2020 it is necessary to provide 12 billion rubles in the budget, for the period 2021-2025 - 58 billion rubles. The minister named the launch of the floating observatory "North Pole" for scientific research and monitoring of the natural environment in the Arctic Ocean as a key project in the first direction - preparing support zones for development. As part of the second direction, which aims to fully exploit the potential of the Northern Sea Route for domestic and international trade, a unified information and telecommunication system of the transport complex should be created and the Zhatai shipyard should be reconstructed. As for the third direction, the active implementation of the program for the development of the Arctic shelf will begin in 2021.

Chairman of the State Commission for Arctic Development Dmitry Rogozin specified the issue of attracting extra-budgetary investments to implement the project. He spoke about the ongoing work to attract private capital to create the nuclear icebreaker Leader, which will make possible all-season passage of the eastern route of the Northern Sea Route, connecting the Yamal port of Sabetta with the countries of Southeast Asia.

The territory of the Arctic zone of Russia, according to various estimates, ranges from 2.5 to 3.3 million square meters. km. Less than 2 million people permanently live here, and during the years of the economic crisis the local population has decreased by about 15%.

The territory of the Arctic zone of Russia, according to various estimates, ranges from 2.5 to 3.3 million square meters. km. Less than 2 million people permanently live here, and during the years of the economic crisis the local population has decreased by about 15%.

During the 90s, the reduction in industrial production in the Arctic regions exceeded 50%, and in certain industries, such as tin ore mining, it stopped altogether. The volume of transportation along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) from 1987 to 1998 decreased by 4.5 times: from 6.6 to 1.5 million tons. According to Russian “reformers”, there is a “forced retreat” from northern regions.

Questions inevitably arise: to what extent does a large-scale exodus from the Arctic meet Russia’s strategic interests and to what extent is it economically justified?

Indeed, on the one hand, the underdeveloped Arctic transport infrastructure, combined with extremely harsh climatic conditions and the seasonality of cargo delivery, increases the transport component in the cost of the final product produced in territories gravitating towards the NSR by at least 5-6 times compared to average indicators in Russia. Even higher are the costs associated with storing seasonal supplies of cargo delivered to the Arctic, as well as maintaining the safety of unfinished construction projects, the conversion of which stretches even over years. But there is another side, which is that the Russian state uses the Arctic, like the entire North, as a donor, taking into the federal budget at least twice as much money as the actual financial state support for the North. According to the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, financial support from the North, in general, never exceeded 20% of the northern increase in production costs.

The difficult adaptation of the Arctic and the NSR to modern economic conditions actually hinders the further development of the natural resource potential of the Far North, thereby reducing the overall efficiency of the Russian economy, which is directly dependent on the results of export-oriented extractive industries: gas and oil production in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and in the foreseeable future on the shelf of the Barents Sea, the activities of RAO Norilsk Nickel and other non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, including the mining of gold, platinum, rare and rare earth metals, as well as diamonds.

The economy of the Arctic zone is in dire need of government support aimed at creating equal conditions for economic entities: legal entities and individuals with other regions, and, given the harsh climate, even better conditions. This can be achieved not so much by allocating additional budget funds to the Far North, but by redistributing the tax base of northern enterprises in favor of the Arctic territories themselves, which should serve as the basis for their socio-economic development.

It is obvious that the legal framework for state support of the Arctic regions should develop along the path of following the principles of state regulation laid down by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of the North of the Russian Federation”:

state protectionism,

selective support for sustainable development of the Arctic.

In this regard, the speedy adoption of the draft law “On the zoning of the Russian North”, which makes it possible to territorially differentiate state support for the North and highlight its special priorities in the Arctic zone, is of particular importance.

In the years preceding the economic crisis of the 90s, in the regions adjacent to the NSR, specialized branches of industrial production developed, expressed in the positive dynamics of oil and gas production, non-ferrous ores, precious and rare metals, and electricity production.

Currently, in the Arctic zone, only natural gas production and nickel production can be considered relatively stable. Coal production was reduced, the construction of the Adychanskaya hydroelectric power station on the river was mothballed. Adyche in Yakutia, tin mining in the North-East (the village of Deputatsky), as well as the shipment of timber cargo from the port of Igarka on the lower Yenisei, was curtailed.

According to the most realistic version of the forecast of the Russian Ministry of Economy and the SOPS of the Russian Ministry of Economy, one can hope for stabilization of the economic situation in the Arctic in the period 2001-2005, after which slow growth of its economy will begin. With the creation of favorable legislative, legal and economic conditions in the Arctic, the production of such strategic resources as Yamal gas, Yakut diamonds will be increased, and the production of non-ferrous and rare metals and forest products will increase. It is expected to attract domestic and foreign investors to the Arctic zone, and the share of the latter may average up to 20%, and when developing the oil and gas-bearing western sector of the Arctic - 50%, but no more - for reasons of economic security

The shift in the extraction of raw materials and their primary processing to the Arctic, directly to the coast of the Arctic Ocean, has been outlined for a long time and will undoubtedly continue in the foreseeable future, given the depletion of geological reserves in more southern territories, as well as the economic attraction of new mining production complexes to the Northern Sea Route. It can also be argued that the past economic development of the Arctic, which began in the 30s, became possible only thanks to the NSR.

The NSR is the only highway connecting all the Arctic and subarctic regions of Russia. Together with the great Siberian rivers, the NSR forms a unified water transport system, which ensures both the delivery of the necessary fuel and food supplies to the Arctic zone and the export of industrial products produced here. At the same time, the railways laid towards the Arctic coast, in particular to Yamal, do not compete with the Northern Sea Route, but strengthen its transport system.

Increasing the flow of cargo between the western, northern and eastern regions of Russia along the shortest Arctic route, as well as the opening of the NSR for international transit of goods between the North Atlantic countries and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region is the general direction of development of maritime transport in the Arctic.

The problem of organizing regular shipping in the Arctic during the navigation period was basically solved by the beginning of the 80s with the commissioning of powerful nuclear and diesel icebreakers with a power of up to 75 thousand hp. (“Arctic” and others of this type). Then, experience was gained in year-round navigation in the western sector of the Arctic - from Murmansk to Yamal and Dikson, which made it possible to create a reliable transport and technological scheme for interaction between the Kola and Norilsk mining and metallurgical industrial regions (as part of the RAO Norilsk Nickel concern), as well as to establish uninterrupted supplies of pipes and equipment for the gas production complex emerging on the Yamal Peninsula.

Modern cargo transportation along the NSR route (1998) has sharply decreased due to a deep decline in production at most enterprises in the Arctic zone.

The export of goods from the Arctic is now focused on the ports of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, where copper-nickel ores from Dudinka are sent, as well as aluminum arriving along the Yenisei from enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia. Export from the Arctic towards the Pacific Ocean is minimal and is represented mainly by scrap metal. Export transportation along the NSR also has a predominantly western direction and is represented by non-ferrous metals from the Norilsk MMC and East Siberian aluminum smelters, as well as timber cargo generated in the ports of Igarka and Tiksi.

The structure of cargo transported along the NSR now contains virtually no construction materials, machinery and equipment.

But there is a tendency to increase the transportation of petroleum products, coal and food, primarily as part of northern delivery to the Arctic zone

It should be noted that despite a significant decrease in the volume of Arctic sea cargo transportation, by 1998 there was a twofold excess of exports from the Arctic (including exports) over the import of goods.

The further development of maritime transport in the Arctic depends on the nature and pace of economic development of areas adjacent to the NSR route.

The prospects for such transportation will be primarily determined by:

development of gas condensate fields in Yamal,

stable operation of the Norilsk MMC and comprehensive life support of the Norilsk industrial region,

restoration of intra-Arctic cabotage of timber and liquid cargo,

possible increase in export of timber cargo from the mouth of the Yenisei,

import supplies of food and technical cargo,

increasing role and volumes of transit traffic.

In the next 15 years, we should expect a 5-10-fold increase in maritime traffic along the NSR route, and only based on the maximum volume of cargo flows will the operation of the NSR become economically profitable.

Thus, it should be concluded that the economic efficiency of the Arctic economy will directly depend on the pace and intensity of development of the Arctic natural resource potential, as well as on satisfying the commercial interest of other countries in the northern trans-Eurasian maritime transit of goods.

The key to unlocking the riches of the Russian Arctic lies in a well-functioning system of industrial and transport complexes that provide the necessary parameters for production, primary processing and delivery of raw materials and semi-finished products to consumers, while simultaneously carrying out life support tasks for the northern territories by the Arctic fleet.

www.nasled. ru

A. Vinokurov, Ph.D. econ. n.

A new program for the development of the Arctic zone has been approved

The Russian government has approved a state program for the development of the Arctic until 2025. More than 190 billion rubles will be allocated for its implementation.

“Until 2025, federal budget allocations for the implementation of the state program “Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” in 2018-2025 will amount to more than 190 billion rubles,” said the center for supporting the activities of the state commission for the development of the Arctic.

The program will be implemented in three stages. The first of them - preparatory - ends this year. At this stage, as the center clarified, “various activities were carried out to ensure coordination of the work of federal and regional executive authorities on the development of the Arctic, identifying the Arctic zone as an independent object of state statistical observation, as well as developing approaches and preparing concepts for the formation and functioning of basic development zones".

“The program for the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone for the period until 2020 has been in effect since 2015. This is the main mechanism by which we are developing the north, but the document is rather analytical in nature and represents a set of activities from sectoral government programs, which is why we organized work to prepare a new edition of the state program,” explained Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The second stage of the updated state program will last from 2018 to 2020. It provides for the implementation of a number of pilot projects for development support zones, as well as the launch of a comprehensive system of information support for the activities of the Russian Federation in the Arctic and the creation of a unified secure information and telecommunications system for the transport complex.

Also, during this period, Russian specialists will have to develop and install radio-electronic equipment for the interregional Arctic system for collecting, processing and disseminating information throughout the Arctic region, modernize the non-stationary system for protecting this territory and the waters of local seaports and the hydrometeorological observation network, and also close the issue with technical support for environmental marine supervision.

"The third stage, from 2021 to 2025, provides for the creation and maintenance of the functioning of all support zones for development; the creation of a zonal Arctic system for monitoring and forecasting emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature; as well as the creation of an advanced scientific and technical basis and technologies (including for the development shelf of the Arctic seas),” the center reported.

The state program for the development of the Arctic will be based on three subprograms: “Formation of support zones for development and ensuring their functioning, creating conditions for accelerated socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation”, “Development of the Northern Sea Route and ensuring navigation in the Arctic” and “Creation of equipment and oil and gas and industrial engineering technologies necessary for the development of mineral resources of the Arctic economic zone."

“In total, 22 events are planned within the framework of the subprograms. Also, within the framework of the state program, a number of events will be implemented through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,” the state commission for the development of the Arctic said in a statement.

According to the center’s specialists, the first stage of the state program does not provide for funding, but more than 46 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the second stage (of which 12 billion from civil departments), for the third stage - more than 144 billion rubles (of which 58 billion from civil departments).

It is noted that the draft state program was prepared in pursuance of instructions from Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Government of the Russian Federation and decisions of the State Commission on Arctic Development.

“Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin noted that all parameters of the state program have already been agreed upon with all interested departments and organizations. Work is also underway to attract private capital. The state program does not contradict the provisions of the treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the provisions of other international treaties of the Russian Federation,” – emphasized in the center.

As reported, in February 2017, the Ministry of Economic Development submitted to the Russian government an updated state program for the development of the Arctic until 2025 in the amount of 210 billion rubles, having then agreed upon it with all relevant departments, except the Ministry of Finance.

On April 14, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting on the development of the Arctic, at which the draft of the updated state program for the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, was discussed.

In May, Dmitry Rogozin reported that at a meeting in the Russian government, a systematic approach of all departments, including the Ministry of Defense, to the development of an updated state program for the development of the Arctic zone of Russia was finally agreed upon.

“The state will invest in infrastructure and the creation of tools for the development of the Arctic, and business will do its job - under the control of the state and while protecting environmental standards,” Rogozin wrote then on his page on the social network Facebook.

So, for example, it was decided to leave the construction of the nuclear icebreaker "Leader" to investors; previously it was supposed to be created at the expense of the budget.

“We are working on the issue of attracting investments from the large Yamal project to the program for creating the nuclear icebreaker Leader. It will be created at the turn of 2024-2025 and will open up the all-season passage of the Northern Sea Route from Sabetta to the right towards Southeast Asia,” Rogozin said.

According to the President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) JSC Alexey Rakhmanov, the approximate cost of building the nuclear icebreaker Leader will be 80-90 billion rubles, investors in this project could be PJSC Sovcomflot and FSUE Atomflot. It is expected that the technical design of the vessel will be developed by the end of the year.

“By the end of this year, the technical project will be completed and its ice tests will be carried out. But if we are really going to move, seriously move into the liquefied gas market, we still need to build two or three Leader icebreakers around 2029-2030,” he said At the end of August, at the international meeting of the Arctic Council, General Director of FSUE Atomflot Vyacheslav Ruksha.

He also noted that the commissioning dates for another icebreaker, the Arktika, have also been pushed back.

“We will put into operation the icebreaker [Arktika] in accordance with the updated deadlines by government decree in May 2019, the second icebreaker in November 2020 and the third in November 2021,” he said.

Articles on the topic
07.08.2019 292 billion rubles will be invested in the study of the subsoil of the Arctic until 2045 (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
31.07.2019 A company from China will conduct commercial container ships along the Northern Sea Route (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
26.07.2019 Rosatom presented a development plan for the Northern Sea Route until 2035 (REGNUM)
04.07.2019 In the Arctic they will seriously focus on improving the quality of life (Lenta.Ru)
28.06.2019 Four expeditions examine sunken nuclear facilities in the Arctic (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
24.04.2019 Clear tariffs for cargo transportation can improve the rating of the Northern Sea Route (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
28.03.2019 Investments in Russian projects in the Arctic will exceed $86 billion (TASS)
06.03.2019 The Russian Arctic can become a priority development area (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
18.02.2019 For the first time, garbage began to be removed from the village of Teriberka (TASS)
26.01.2019 A trillion will be spent on the development of the Northern Sea Route (Lenta.Ru)
12.12.2018 The development of the legislative framework for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is late (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
31.10.2018 Transportation along the Northern Sea Route has quadrupled in five years (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
17.10.2018 The Arctic needs special urban planning technologies (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
06.07.2018 The law on support zones in the Arctic has been postponed until the end of the year (REGNUM)
19.06.2018 The legal status of the Russian Arctic remains unclear (Rossiyskaya Gazeta)
05.12.2017 The Arctic authorities propose to finalize the law on the development of the Arctic zone (Interfax)
17.11.2017 Investments and quality services will help keep people in the Arctic (TASS)
16.11.2017 Arctic development may remain just a beautiful slogan (REGNUM)