"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Gloves in a dream are a symbol of protection, fidelity, mutual love and respect. Sometimes such a dream predicts a cloudless existence. However, it all depends on what the gloves are. If they are clean, made of expensive material, look expensive, then well-being and good luck await you.

The dream in which you saw that the gloves were torn, dirty, singed, made of cheap material, warns: disappointment, grief, and failure in business await you.

Sometimes such a dream means that your chosen one is not at all who he claims to be or for whom you take him. Such a dream is a warning of possible disappointment in the future. If you dream that someone threw or handed you one glove, then expect disappointment due to a quarrel with a friend with whom you have a long showdown.

If in a dream someone hands you a pair of gloves, then wait for a marriage proposal. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may soon have a new patron. See what the gloves will look like, so will your patron. Wearing good, expensive gloves in a dream portends the well-being and respect of others. To dream of one unpaired glove means that you will be separated from a close friend who helped you in many ways.

Burning a glove in a dream - to reconciliation between friends or lovers. Seeing or wearing insulated gloves in a dream means good protection or help in need. Losing gloves in a dream is a sign of separation from a loved one, which you will experience very hard. Sometimes a dream about them portends a change of residence. Buying gloves for yourself in a dream means that you will achieve the location of the person you like in any way. Buying cheap gloves for your opponent (rival) in a dream means that you will bypass him (her) in all matters. See clothing.

Why dream gloves in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of wearing gloves - a sign that you want to retire. Gloves in hands are a sign of rivalry. To see another in gloves is to be deceived by him, rejected. Torn, dirty gloves - to a quarrel, need. Beautiful, expensive gloves are a sign of a carefree life. Buy gloves - you will find yourself in a cramped financial situation. Wearing cold gloves in severe frosts - sadness and hard feelings. Lose the last gloves - your heartfelt affection will be rejected. Wearing different gloves is a harbinger of events that do not bode well.

Why dream gloves in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed that you were putting on gloves - to well-being in business; take off gloves in a dream - get some kind of refusal in your request; to see gloves from the side - separation from your loved one awaits you; to be in white gloves or cuffs in a dream - a triumph awaits you.

Gloves in a dream represent the relationship between people, they are also a symbol of fidelity, protection and interaction. You can find out more about what dreams of seeing gloves in a dream with the help of our dream book.

The interpretation of sleep - gloves, to a greater extent depends on the type of product itself (its external features and purpose), as well as the actions that are performed with this accessory.

What are they…

In order to more widely explain what gloves are dreaming of, one should remember the appearance of the mittens, the material and other features associated with them. The color of a wardrobe item is also an important sign that helps in interpreting a vision.

For a man to see white gloves on a person, the dream book promises an early visit to an entertainment establishment, or an invitation to a holiday. Seeing an accessory worn on your hands is a celebration of your own victory over a rather strong opponent.

For a girl to dream of wearing wedding gloves on her own hands, denotes an imminent marriage, a declaration of love, or a marriage proposal. Seeing this object on your inveterate rival is interpreted by the dream book as an upcoming struggle for the location of a young man, which, most likely, will be lost.

To a young guy, to see wedding gloves on his companion, the dream book broadcasts an imminent union, a wedding. If in a dream it was necessary to clearly realize that a girl was marrying another - to the young man's insecurity in fidelity to his passion.

Dream Interpretations unambiguously interpret what black gloves dream of. The dream has a bad omen, promising imminent trouble or disturbing news. If the black accessory is a daily attribute in real life, then the dream book interprets the vision as unexpected changes in life for which the dreamer is not mentally prepared.

Red gloves in a dream are a symbol of unbridled passion or serious problems. For a married woman, a vision promises a danger of succumbing to sexual attraction to someone else's man. Such frivolity can greatly affect the young lady's family relationships, it is very likely that the spouse will quickly find out (guess) about the betrayal.

For a man to see a red accessory on a familiar guy, portends a dream book, a clash and confrontation of young people, mutual hostility and the inability to agree among themselves. If a guy sees mittens on his hands, then he should be a little more restrained, because excessive excitability will only negatively affect his relationships with others.

For hard workers, to see leather gloves in a dream, the dream book broadcasts a misunderstanding on the part of the authorities and possible unpleasant showdowns with the management. For businessmen, leather mittens promise good luck in business and the signing of a lucrative contract. For a woman to see leather mittens - to update her wardrobe or change her image.

To find out why men's gloves dream, you should remember what the purpose and purpose of this accessory was in a dream. For a young girl to give a gift to her beloved boyfriend, her dream book portends passionate and reciprocal feelings, excellent mutual understanding and harmony. For the young man himself, to acquire this accessory for himself is the need to ensure a stable financial position. There may be money problems.

Rubber gloves in a dream tell a person that profit is expected only on the condition of overwork and diligence. For a young girl who wants to get married profitably in order to have everything at once, such a vision promises a strong delusion or getting into a difficult situation, which she can get out of only thanks to her work.

The dream book characterizes a woman who sees rubber mittens as a suspicious and indecisive person who tries to shift all the difficult moments in her life onto the shoulders of her husband.

Why dream of women's gloves? The interpretation of a dream directly depends on the purpose and purpose of this accessory. For a man, acquiring this accessory as a gift, according to the dream book, indicates completely sincere intentions and a desire to make his life partner happy. If a man puts on or fastens a glove on a woman’s hand, it means that soon a young lady will appear in his life, passionately desiring society, who will seek a guy through blackmail and threats of exposure.

Boxing gloves in a dream symbolize a period in life during which you will need to sweat a lot in order to achieve positive results. Perhaps, in reality, you will temporarily have to give up pleasures, entertainment events and devote all your free time to work.

Seeing dirty, torn gloves in a dream portends material losses, unpleasant news. For girls who have been dating a guy for a long time, this vision is a sign indicating disappointment in love, as well as bitter regret about wasted time.

Dream Interpretations give several interpretations of what new gloves dream of, which depend on the purpose and purpose of the purchase (find). For a girl to see new mittens on her hands, her dream book portends unexpected news or a change in conditions or wages.

A man who sees new mittens on his passion should carefully look at the behavior of his girlfriend and listen to her wishes. To find out why such a vision is dreaming, you need to remember the conversation with the chosen one. The picture also suggests that the young lady is not satisfied with the current relationship, which threatens to completely break the connection.


In order to reliably find out why one dreams of seeing gloves in a dream, one should remember the actions that a person performs with this piece of clothing.

For a woman, it is considered a rather unfavorable action to buy gloves in a dream. The dream interpretation advises to refrain from unplanned spending, as soon there will be a serious threat to the stability of the financial situation of the young lady.

If, during a purchase, a woman tries on gloves in a dream, tries to choose the right size and model, then in real life the girl will have to make the final choice between two candidates who claim to be the hand and heart of the young lady. Buying mittens and being dissatisfied with your purchase threatens that the dreamer will make the wrong choice.

For a man to buy or choose gloves in a dream for himself, it means that in reality he leads a too rampant life, which threatens with negative consequences, showdowns with former and current passions. In addition, it is worth carefully protecting yourself during intimate pleasures.

To measure someone else's gloves in a dream, for a woman, means secret envy or admiration for a person. The dream book advises to look around and find positive moments in your own life, since in most cases it's all about the dreamer's low self-esteem.

According to Miller's dream book, taking off gloves in a dream, for a guy, means the successful completion of his work and the conduct of business affairs, as well as significant shifts in amorous affairs and intimate adventures.

Those people who happened to lose a glove in a dream should prepare for parting with their soulmate, the reason for which is the loss of trust in their loved one. If, after a long search, it was possible to find a lost mitten in a dream, then it is possible to restore the old love relationship, but the union will last until the first minor quarrel.

To find out in more detail why you dream of giving gloves, you should remember the appearance of the mittens. For example, to give rubber mittens - to help in solving problems that have arisen, leather ones - consumer and beneficial cooperation with a person, red ones - a passion.

People who happened to find gloves in a dream will meet their soul mate in the near future. For young ladies, the dream book promises a profitable marriage and reciprocity.

For businessmen, such a find is interpreted by the dream book as the emergence of a business partner with whom good relations will be established, as well as an increase in profits and material well-being.

comments 18

    • In a dream, I found a lot of leather colored women's gloves, red, beige, light green and gray, there were no black ones, I put them on a whole bag and carried them home. I just don’t have dreams, only prophetic ones.

  • I dreamed of ordinary leather-rubber work gloves, I choked with them an obsessive man in a coat and hat with almost no face, and when I heard my last breath, I let him go, he fell down, I found that there was no right glove, she flew away with him, and I remained in the left one , but then he came to life a man and was headless, pus poured from the body, I was baptized and ordinary water ran, I ran away, and then 2 drunks with knives, sharply sharpened, I ran away from them.

    I dreamed that I was buying or trying on gloves, I don’t remember exactly, but there were several of them, it seems 7 pieces were all different, but I remember the white one, it seems there was a stain on it, there were also brown ones and some in flowers, I don’t really remember the rest.

1. Gloves- (Modern dream book)
To dream that you are wearing gloves means that you will be careful and prudent in dealing with people, but not selfish. Also expect litigation and trouble in commercial matters that will be resolved in your favor. If a man sees a signet on his hand in a dream, then he will meet a woman who will change his life. If you dreamed that you were wearing old torn gloves, then in reality you would be threatened with betrayal and you would incur losses. Losing gloves in a dream means that in real life you will go broke and you will have to work to ensure your existence. A man sees in a dream that he has lost his signet - this means bitter disappointment, drunkenness and a dubious acquaintance that can ruin a reputation. Find a pair of gloves - to marriage or the emergence of a new lover. If a man dreams that she is fastening a woman's glove, then in reality some woman will threaten him with exposure. Taking off gloves in a dream means that failures await you in business and in love. Giving a signet to a man in a dream is a date with a loved one. Perhaps you will meet a person who will give you unexpected news. A dream in which you are wearing a signet means a failed deal and financial problems that will be very difficult for you to solve.
2. Gloves- (Miller's dream book)
Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you are facing litigation or trouble in business, everything will work out. If you wear old or torn gloves, you will be deceived and you will suffer losses. If in a dream you lost your gloves, you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength in yourself to maintain cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest. If a man fastens a woman's glove, it means that a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure. If you take off your gloves, you will find little success in business and in love.
3. Gloves- (Dream Interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov)
Protection, well-being; lose - change of place or occupation.
4. Gloves- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
Gloves are the symbol of the condom. Putting on gloves symbolizes your commitment to safer sex.
5. Gloves- (Esoteric dream book)
Disgust. To put on, to be wearing gloves - you will have to take care of the seriously ill or clean up the disgusting dirt. Buy - marriage with the unloved, disgust for a sex partner. Seeing, choosing - the danger of contracting a skin disease (fungus, scabies). Dirty, torn - you need to use protective equipment and personal hygiene, but you neglect this. Very beautiful, with decoration - you need to free yourself from complexes about external flaws.
6. Gloves- (Dream Interpretation of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
Seeing gloves in a dream - to disappointment, loneliness, longing. Leather gloves - become a victim of unfair treatment by the authorities. Thin gloves, lace or mesh - you will suffer because of your own frivolity. It is best for you to be alone and sort yourself out. Rubber gloves - you are too suspicious, which prevents you from living a normal life. With this attitude, you push others away from you. Long gloves - you suffered a serious disappointment in love. As a result of your suffering, you have lost interest in members of the opposite sex. Short gloves - you will part with your beloved or beloved. But after a while, you will restore the relationship, realizing that you cannot live without each other. Wear gloves - hit the road. The results of this trip will be of great importance to you. Away from home, you will miss your family and friends. Take off gloves - refuse a lucrative offer at work in the name of the interests of your family, which means much more to you than career growth. But after a while you will regret that you could not use the chance that fell to you. Buy gloves - get bad news, because of which you will lose your peace. But you should not do anything, because in any case, there is nothing you can do to change the circumstances in any way. To break your gloves - you are trying to return to your past in all possible and impossible ways: with a lot of effort, you want to restore broken relationships. But, unfortunately, it won't work for you.

Often gloves can be interpreted as protection, fidelity, interaction. These concepts relate, as a rule, to communication and relationships between people. In order to understand what gloves are dreaming of, it is important to remember how they looked, who they were wearing, what exactly was done with their help, under what circumstances this piece of clothing happened to be used. The dream interpretation considers gloves, taking into account all these nuances.

Appearance of the gloves

If some details have been erased from memory, you can try to relax a little and mentally return to your dream, imagining what exactly the gloves were, what fabric they were made of, what season they were designed for, the color of the product is also of great importance.

In a dream, a man sees white gloves on the hands of an outsider - to visit a fun holiday, an invitation to which will be received in the very near future. Perhaps a wedding or a corporate party full of pleasant emotions and acquaintances.

If you dreamed of white gloves on yourself, it will soon be possible to celebrate a well-deserved victory over a serious competitor or an old enemy. The one who fights for the desired position can only be envied, because soon the goal will be achieved.

The girl’s dream, in which she saw wedding gloves, is interpreted literally as a quick marriage. But if this accessory was in the hands of a rival, then soon you will have a serious struggle for the heart of the man you like, which, most likely, will end not in favor of the sleeping woman.

Why does a young man dream of seeing wedding gloves on the hands of a chosen one? This is a sign of imminent marriage to her. The interpretation is relevant if in a dream the girl did not marry another. To be loved at a wedding means to be unsure of her fidelity.

The dream book of black gloves interprets quite unambiguously. You should not expect anything good from such a dream, unless, of course, you wear gloves in real life. In the first case, the dream book predicts sad and stunning news, in the second - a situation for which the dreamer will not be able to mentally prepare.

Why does a woman dream of red gloves? It is a passion that cannot be stopped. The strongest feeling will arise for a strange man, which can lead to a number of troubles. Before succumbing to the inner fire, try to analyze the consequences of your actions. If the dreamer is married, then the husband will quickly bring her to clean water.

In a dream, a man sees red gloves on the hands of an outsider - to a great confrontation and the inability to resolve the conflict peacefully. Probably we are talking about the struggle for the girl's heart.

If a man dreams of red gloves on him, then the dream book recommends being more restrained in the manifestation of his emotions, since irascibility often leads to misunderstanding in society.

For those who are engaged in heavy physical labor at an enterprise or construction site, to see work gloves on themselves is a conflict with superiors, which can turn into a strike. It is probably worth looking for ways to retreat and look for a new job, so as not to remain unemployed if it is impossible to figure it out in a good way.

Men's gloves in a dream should be interpreted depending on what or to whom they were intended. If a girl in a dream gives them to a young man who she likes in real life - to a wonderful relationship, mutual love, support and understanding of each other. But if a man buys this accessory for himself, it means that financial difficulties await ahead, which can be avoided by starting a more modest life without squandering in vain.

What did rubber gloves dream about? You will have to study and work a lot in order to achieve what you want. It is worth mentally preparing for hard work or trying to concentrate on a simpler goal. If such a dream was dreamed by a girl who believes that only thanks to her primary sexual characteristics she will marry an oligarch, she will soon be greatly disappointed. However, if she did not dream of gloves, then disappointment still cannot be avoided. For a married woman, such a dream speaks of the need to be more independent and try not to shift responsibility onto her husband in order to be of at least some value to the family.

The interpretation of the dream in which women's gloves were dreamed depends on what they are intended for and in what context they appeared in a dream. A dream in which a young man buys gloves as a gift for his girlfriend speaks of his serious and sincere intentions towards her. Mutual feeling will only intensify, which will lead to greater rapprochement. Why does a man dream about how he fastens a glove on a woman's hand? Soon he will have to literally fight off an annoying girl who will demand attention not only in a good way, but using blackmail or threats.

Why dream of gloves in the ring or boxing gloves? To the beginning of a difficult period in life, when unthinkable efforts will have to be made in order for the goal to be achieved. In the near future, work will take up all your free time, making it impossible to relax and meet friends. But it should be understood that such a period will not last long, and the results of hard work will exceed expectations many times over.

For a man to see dirty gloves in a dream - to losses and financial losses, and for a girl - to betrayal or disappointment in a young man.

New gloves on the dreamer's hands portend interesting news or an increase in salary. And if a man saw white mittens on the hands of his beloved, then he should think that she is not satisfied with something in their relationship, and she is seriously thinking about their completion.


The dream book interprets the gloves he saw depending on what exactly he dreamed of doing with them. For example, if a girl buys them in a dream, then some financial difficulties or even dismissal are ahead.

If a woman admires gloves, trying them on before buying, then the meaning of this dream will depend on the outcome of events. If the purchase suits the girl, then she will make the right choice of two young people. If not, then most likely you will not have to marry very well because of your own mistake.

Buying gloves for a man for himself is a dream book warning about the frivolity of character and too rampant behavior. It can lead to loneliness and health problems. A rich sexual experience with different partners also has bad consequences..

Why does a girl dream of trying on other people's gloves? To envy and admiration for someone. This is probably the owner of the gloves. The dream book recommends that such girls take more care of themselves, their development and appearance in order to raise self-esteem and be less interested in the personal lives of outsiders and successful people.

Miller's dream book believes that men who dreamed of taking off their gloves in a dream will have great success not only at work, but also in love affairs. For those who had some problems in the intimate sphere, we can say that soon everything will return to normal, the sexual life will sparkle with new colors.

Losing a glove in a dream is a bad sign that speaks of an imminent separation from a loved one due to the inability to trust him. If the glove is found, then a reunion is possible, but, unfortunately, it will not last long, since trust has already been irretrievably lost.

If in a dream you give gloves, then the interpretation depends on their appearance. Giving rubber gloves - to help in business or work. Leather gloves in a dream are given to an alliance between people, beneficial relationships or acquaintances for selfish purposes. Red gloves are a symbol of sexual desire and passion that cannot be extinguished.

Why dream of finding someone else's glove in a dream? To finding a faithful life partner, and for girls - to a successful marriage and a relationship full of love.

For business people, finding a glove means finding a reliable business partner and fruitful cooperation.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 07/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Why do gloves dream

Miller's dream book

Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you will have litigation or trouble in business, everything will work out.

If you wear old or torn gloves, you will be deceived and you will suffer losses.

If in a dream you lost your gloves, you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength in yourself to maintain cheerfulness.

Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest.

If a man fastens a woman's glove, it means that a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure.

If you take off your gloves, you will find little success in business and in love.

Why do gloves dream

Freud's dream book

Gloves - are a symbol of a condom.

Putting on gloves - symbolizes your desire for safe sex.

Why do gloves dream

Family dream book

Put on new gloves in a dream - you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in relationships with others.

Wearing old or torn gloves - beware of cheating.

Lost your gloves - you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength in yourself to maintain cheerfulness.

Found gloves - ahead of a happy marriage or a new love interest.

They took off their gloves - expect little success in business and in love.

If a man fastens a woman's glove, a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Gloves in a dream - symbolize detachment in communicating with others.

If you see a person wearing gloves, such a dream suggests that in reality you should not expect sincerity and frankness from him.

Wear gloves yourself - portends a cooling relationship with someone from your environment.

Taking off gloves is a sign of friendship and openness. Perhaps soon you will be able to find yourself new comrades or change your attitude towards someone for the better.

Wearing gloves is a sign of a hostile attitude towards work.

If in your dream you put on gloves for work, this means that some unpleasant duty awaits you ahead.

Why do gloves dream

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Gloves - a predisposition to warts, and if there are already any, then you should get rid of them using healers' methods.

Why do gloves dream

Spring dream book

Glove - to a new acquaintance.

Why do gloves dream

Summer dream book

Seeing leather gloves on yourself in a dream is some kind of update.

Why do gloves dream

Autumn dream book

Seeing new leather gloves in a dream is good luck in business.

Why do gloves dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Buying gloves in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a cramped financial situation; if you buy men's gloves as a gift for a loved one, this portends ardent reciprocal feelings.

Wearing thin cold gloves in severe frosts - such a dream is a sign of sadness and hard feelings due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated.

Old or torn gloves that are long overdue to be thrown away are a harbinger of sad events and losses. Losing your last gloves in a dream means that your heartfelt affection will be rejected and you will lose all hope of returning the love of the desired man.

Wearing two different gloves in a dream is a harbinger of events that do not bode well, moreover, they can only aggravate an already dire situation.

A dream in which you cannot take off your gloves, which seem to have grown to your skin, means that in reality men will bypass you, fearing that you would marry them to yourself.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Glove - separation from others.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Like gloves - warn of a strange request.

If you dreamed of fur gloves, you will soon be made a lucrative offer.

To see silk gloves in a dream is a reprimand.

You dreamed of black gloves - unpleasant news awaits you, and the news that you learn will greatly affect your affairs.

Thread gloves - predict severe humiliation.

Buying gloves is empty talk.

If you dreamed that you were selling gloves, you should take care of yourself, otherwise you may be considered a bore.

In a dream, you sewed up gloves - various small things will take a lot of time.

A dream in which you watched someone sew up gloves - predicts that you will have to spend a lot of time settling the affairs of one of your next of kin.

Receive gloves as a gift - to silly chatter.

Why do gloves dream

Esoteric dream book

Gloves - disgust.

To put on, to be wearing gloves - you will have to take care of the seriously ill or clean up the disgusting dirt.

Buy - marriage with the unloved, disgust for a sex partner.

Seeing, choosing - the danger of contracting a skin disease (fungus, scabies).

Dirty, torn - you need to use protective equipment and personal hygiene, but you neglect this.

Very beautiful, with decoration - you need to free yourself from complexes about external flaws.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty and at the same time disinterested in your actions. In the near future, you will have litigation or trouble in business, but do not worry, everything will work out soon.

If you take off your gloves, you will find little success in business and in love. Old or torn gloves dream of deception and loss.

Lose gloves in a dream - to be abandoned. However, you will find the strength within yourself to keep your cheerfulness.

Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Glove - farewell to relatives, loved ones, separation

Why do gloves dream

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Gloves - protection, well-being; lose - change of place or occupation; put on - get rich; successful job change.

Why do gloves dream

Modern dream book

To dream that you are wearing gloves means that you will be careful and prudent in dealing with people, but not selfish. Also expect litigation and trouble in commercial matters that will be resolved in your favor.

If a man sees a signet on his hand in a dream, it means that he will meet a woman who will change his life.

If you dreamed that you were wearing old torn gloves - in reality you are threatened with betrayal and you will incur losses.

Losing gloves in a dream means that in real life you will go broke and you will have to work to ensure your existence.

A man sees in a dream that he has lost his signet - this means bitter disappointment, drunkenness and a dubious acquaintance that can ruin a reputation.

Find a pair of gloves - to marriage or the emergence of a new lover.

If a man dreams that she is fastening a woman's glove - in reality some woman will threaten him with exposure.

Taking off gloves in a dream means that failures await you in business and in love.

Giving a signet to a man in a dream is a date with a loved one. Perhaps you will meet a person who will give you unexpected news.

A dream in which you are wearing a signet means a failed deal and financial problems that will be very difficult for you to solve.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

separation from loved ones.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do gloves mean in a dream - you see new gloves in a dream - a dream suggests that you are a thrifty person; you are also a cautious person; you are so careful that you are suspicious and even prejudiced towards decent people; your career will be slow but sure. It’s like you are putting on old gloves - you will soon be deceived; you have to deal with losses. It’s like you lost your gloves - the person you love will leave you; however, you will quickly find consolation; another interpretation of sleep: you will soon change jobs. You take off your gloves in a dream - success in business and in love awaits you, but you would like more success.

Why do gloves dream

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Gloves - deception / mental coldness / someone's disgust.

Torn - a ridiculous situation / vain efforts to hide their bad manners.

Kid gloves are a surprise.

Thread - joy.

Warm - wealth.

Silk - well-being.

Woolen - profit.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of Gloves - a happy marriage or a new love interest. Imagine that you are putting on new leather gloves (see also Leather Clothing).

Why do gloves dream

Love dream book

The dream in which you lose your gloves indicates that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. You will probably part ways soon.

If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves, your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others.

Why do gloves dream

English dream book

You dreamed of Gloves for what it is, mittens - Gloves and mittens offer protection both from the cold and from dirt and wounds. They also hint at gentleness and care. Treating someone like wearing kid gloves means being attentive and prudent, or you can have an iron fist in a velvet glove, the Russian equivalent of softly laying - hard to sleep. - Approx. transl. What is the dream about: Are you trying to cope with some kind of situation that requires delicate handling? Do you wear gloves to keep your hands clean because you are involved with something dirty or disgusting? Or are you dealing with something dangerous - if so, what? Are you in an explosive or abusive relationship, or has someone at work thrown acid? Do you need to keep your hands warm in your sleep because you are dealing with someone or something that makes you cold? If you are wearing boxing gloves, is it because you are ready to fight, or, on the contrary, you feel too clumsy and awkward to deal with what is happening in your life at the moment?

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

A dream to see about the Glove - Wearing gloves is a symbol that the dreamer wants to retire. Gloves in hands are a sign of rivalry. To see another in gloves is to be deceived by him, rejected. Torn, dirty gloves - to a quarrel, need. Beautiful, expensive gloves are a sign of a carefree life, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Why do gloves dream

Russian dream book

What does a glove mean in a dream - separation from a loved one.

Why do gloves dream

Jewish dream book

What do gloves mean in a dream - Take off gloves A dream that occurred on Monday night - to failure, confusion, fear; dreaming on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to fatigue and unwillingness to do any more business; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means the rejection of what was planned. Putting on gloves A dream that occurred on Monday night means that people will appear who will support you; having a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that confidence in your abilities will return to you; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means that you will make plans (most likely not feasible). Putting on the right glove on the left hand For an unmarried woman - to be afraid of an unhappy marriage. For a married woman - to seek change in family life. For a boy - look for an interesting activity. For a man - to gain self-confidence.

Why do gloves dream

Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Gloves in a dream - Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty and at the same time disinterested in your actions. In the near future, you will have litigation or trouble in business, but do not worry - everything will work out soon. If you take off your gloves, you will find little success in business and in love. Old or torn gloves dream of deception and loss. Lose gloves in a dream - to be abandoned. However, you will find the strength within yourself to keep your cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest.

Why do gloves dream

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Glove - farewell to close relatives for various reasons. Buy new gloves - exercise caution. Find a pair of leather gloves - to a new temporary romance. Take off the glove - end the love affair. Long gloves to the elbow - protection.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

The glove is an opportunity. Raise the glove - a new relationship; old or torn gloves - deceit and loss; lose gloves - parting.

Why do gloves dream

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

GLOVES (mittens) - "keep tight" - strict, excessive control. "To work with gloves" - about a neat, pedant; new occupation; "protective gloves" - protection. “Throw (raise) the glove” - challenge or accept a challenge.

Why do gloves dream

Dream interpretation for women

To dream from Tuesday to Wednesday how you put on a glove - in reality you will find great success.

Trying on gloves in a dream is a situation that can be interpreted in two ways. But if you dreamed about it from Monday to Tuesday, then you will be able to get out of this situation while maintaining dignity.

A dream from Sunday to Monday in which you lose your glove portends that in reality you will commit an ugly act.

If in a dream you find or put on someone else's glove, then you have to meet meanness and treachery, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, praise awaits you.

Why do gloves dream

Idiomatic dream book

"Keep tight" - strict, excessive control; “work with gloves” - about a neat, pedant; new occupation; "protective gloves" - protection; “throw (raise) the glove” - challenge or accept a challenge.

Why do gloves dream

Dream interpretation for the whole family

To dream from Tuesday to Wednesday how you put on a glove - in reality you will find great success.

Trying on gloves in a dream is a situation that can be interpreted in two ways. But if you dreamed about it from Monday to Tuesday, then you will be able to get out of this situation while maintaining dignity.

A dream from Sunday to Monday in which you lose your glove portends that in reality you will commit an ugly act.

If in a dream you find or put on someone else's glove, it means that you have to meet meanness and treachery, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, praise awaits you.

Why do gloves dream

Online dream book

Wearing gloves means being very careful and very calculating in dealing with some people, but this does not mean that you are a self-serving person.

If they are old and torn, be careful, someone will want to cheat on you, and you may become a little poorer because of this.

The dream interpretation says that if you lose them, then in reality you may soon become impoverished, and you will need to look for some kind of job in order not to die of hunger.

She dreams that you have found gloves - she may soon get married, or you will have a new boyfriend.

To remove them from yourself means that in the near future you will start having problems in the family or at work. If you wear them

I dreamed that you decided to buy them for yourself - soon expect some bad news that will deprive you of peace. If you are trading

To choose gloves for yourself in a dream in the corresponding department of the shopping center - try to observe the necessary hygiene standards as much as possible, otherwise you will catch some kind of ailment that affects the skin.

You are busy acquiring them - information will reach you that will upset you very much, you will not find a place for yourself from worries and anxiety, but you will not be able to change something, so do not fuss in vain and do not complicate things even more.

Sew up your gloves - some petty events will take up a lot of your free time.

The dream interpretation interprets beautiful, newly acquired gloves made of genuine leather - as a harbinger of soon luck, well-being in everything that you will undertake.

If you put them on, you will be able to competently manage the acquired material wealth, you will be a zealous and economical owner, but at the same time you will cause universal respect for the breadth of your soul.

I dreamed about boxer's gloves - unforeseen circumstances will arise, which can be overcome only at the cost of incredible efforts and hard efforts on your part.

The dream in which you saw black gloves portends you unforeseen circumstances or news that will change the course of your affairs for the worse.

If they are snow-white, this is a sign of sincere feelings, mutual support, reliable support, serene, unclouded happiness.

If they are on you

In a dream, you lost your gloves - you have to stay in splendid isolation, try to accept it steadfastly and not fall into despair, your optimism will help attract new joyful events to you.

You have found them - soon you will meet your soul mate, with whom you can even create a reliable and strong family, where love and prosperity will reign.

The dream in which you try on gloves, especially on the night against Tuesday, indicates that you will face some difficulties and misunderstandings, but you will be able to cope with them safely, showing your best qualities.

Why do gloves dream

Universal dream book

I really don't understand why we say "throw down the glove" when we're ready to fight when boxers actually put on gloves to fight? What gloves did you see in a dream? Lace thin gloves symbolize the desire for elegance and sophistication, while boxing gloves indicate that you need to act more aggressively if you want to knock someone out.

These days, many people wear rubber gloves when they want to protect themselves from germs and bacteria - are you afraid that someone might infect you with your actions, or do you feel that you yourself negatively affect others with your actions?

Our fingerprints are unique, so the only way to hide them is to wear gloves - gloves can symbolize your reluctance to show who you really are or where you are from?

Why do gloves dream

Old English dream book

In a dream, to find that you have lost your gloves is a dream that predicts losses in commerce and trade, and you may have to move to another city. To a married man who saw in a dream that he had lost his right glove - a dream promises illness or the loss of his wife. If you are alone - the other will take away your love.

Why do gloves dream

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream that you have found new gloves - such a dream portends a successful marriage or a happy marriage.

A man who dreams that he fastens a glove on a woman's hand - in reality, one should beware of intrigues from the fair sex.

Taking off gloves in a dream is a disappointment in love affairs.