6 in the shortest possible time

7 as soon as possible, but to the extent possible

8 in the shortest possible time

9 within a practicable and reasonably short period of time

10 in a reasonably short time

11 in record time

12 intensive training in an extremely short time

13 attract funds from investors for short periods

14 machinery

the term "machinery" means:
- an assembly consisting of connected parts or components, at least one of which is in motion, has associated drives, control circuitry, power circuit, etc., connected together for the purpose of a special use, in particular for production , handling, moving or packaging material;
- a group of machines that, to achieve the same purpose, are organized and controlled in such a way that they function as a single unit;
- interchangeable equipment modifying the functions of a machine, which is separately marketed and intended to be installed on a machine or on a series of different machines or on a drive unit by the operator himself, provided that the equipment is not a spare part or a tool.
[Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC]

'machinery' means:
— an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular
for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material,
- an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,
— interchangeable equipment modifying the function of a machine, which is placed on the market for the purpose of being assembled with a machine or a series of different machines or with a tractor by the operator himself in so far as this equipment is not a spare part or a tool

Parallel texts EN-RU

3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:

3. The following are excluded from the scope of application of this Directive:

— machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used for lifting or lowering loads,

Machinery for which the source of energy is exclusively the direct application of manual force, with the exception of mechanisms for lifting and lowering loads;

— machinery for medical use used in direct contact with patients,

Medical devices;

— special equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks,

Special equipment for use in amusement rides and/or amusement parks;

— steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels,

Steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels;

— machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity,

Machinery specially designed or used in the nuclear industry which, in the event of an accident, could result in the release of radioactive substances;

- radioactive sources forming part of a machine,

Radioactive sources forming part of machines;

Small arms;

— storage tanks and pipelines for petrol, diesel fuel, inflammable liquids and dangerous substances,

Storage tanks or pipelines for gasoline, diesel fuel, flammable liquids and hazardous substances;

— means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers by air or on road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport in so far as such means are designed for transporting goods by air, on public road or rail networks or on water. Vehicles used in the mineral extraction industry shall not be excluded,

Vehicles, i.e. means of transport and their trailers designed exclusively for the transport of passengers by air, road, rail or waterways, as well as vehicles designed for the transport of goods by air, public roads, railways or waterways. Means of transport used in the mining industry are not excluded from the scope of this Directive;

— seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels or units,

Seagoing vessels and mobile shore units together with equipment on board, such as tanks or installations;

— cableways, including funicular railways, for the public or private transportation of persons,

Cable cars, including funicular railways for public or private use, intended for the transport of persons;

— agricultural and forestry tractors, as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 74/150/EEC (1),

(1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC (OJ L 1.1.1995, p. 1).

Agricultural and forestry tractors falling within the scope of Article 1(1) of Council Directive 74/150/EEC(1);

(1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EEC, Euroatom, ECSC (Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 1/1/1995, page 1)

— machines specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes,

Vehicles specially designed and built for military and police purposes;

— lifts which permanently serve specific levels of buildings and constructions, having a car moving between guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and designed for the transport of:
(i) persons;
(ii) persons and goods;
(iii) goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls located inside the car or within reach of a person inside,

Elevators and lifting devices that constantly serve certain levels of buildings and structures, having a transport trolley moving between rigid guides that have an angle of inclination of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal surface and are designed for transporting:
(i) people;
(ii) people and property;
(iii) only property, if the elevator car is open, i.e. a person can easily enter such a vehicle and manipulate controls located inside the cabin or within the person's reach;

— means of transport of persons using rack and pinion rail mounted vehicles,

Vehicles for the transport of persons, using rack or pinion rails on which the vehicle moves;

- mine winding gear,

Mine rope lifting devices;

— theater elevators,

Theater lifts;

— construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.

Construction hoists designed to lift people or people and loads.

4. Where, for machinery or safety components, the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly or partly covered by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, in the case of such machinery or safety components and of such risks on the implementation of these specific Directives.

4. Where for machinery and safety components the risks defined in this Directive are covered in whole or in part by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply or shall cease to apply, such machinery and safety components and such risks shall be subject to those specific Directives.

5. Where, for machinery, the risks are mainly of electrical origin, such machinery shall be covered exclusively by Directive 73/23/EEC (2).

(2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (OJ L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

5. Where risks from the use of machinery arise from electrical sources, such equipment is exclusively covered by Directive 73/23/EEC(2).

(2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC/ of 19 February 1973 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States in relation to electrical equipment intended for use within certain voltage limits (Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 77, 26.03.1973, p. 29 ). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 220, 30.08.1993, p.1).

Article 2
1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the health or safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for their intended purpose.

1. Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive are only placed on the market and put into service if they do not pose a risk to the health and safety of people and domestic animals, or property, subject to proper installation and maintenance, as well as use for its intended purpose.

2. This Directive shall not affect Member States' entitlement to lay down, in due observance of the Treaty, such requirements as they may deem necessary to ensure that persons and in particular workers are protected when using the machinery or safety components in question, provided that this does not mean that the machinery or safety components are modified in a way not specified in the Directive.

2. This Directive shall not limit the right of Member States to lay down, subject to due compliance with the Treaty, such requirements as they consider necessary to ensure the protection of persons, especially workers, in the use of machinery or safety components, provided that the modification of such machinery and safety components has been produced in accordance with the provisions of this Directive.

3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community. During demonstrations, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.

3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc. Member States shall not prevent the display of machinery or safety components which do not comply with the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not comply with this Directive and that they are not intended for sale until then until the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community brings them into full compliance with the Directive. During demonstrations, adequate measures must be taken to ensure the safety of citizens.

Article 3
Machinery and safety components covered by this Directive shall satisfy the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.

Machinery and safety components falling within the scope of this Directive must fully satisfy the essential health and safety requirements laid down in Annex 1.

Article 4
1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and putting into service in their territory of machinery and safety components which comply with this Directive.

1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery and safety components that comply with
requirements of this Directive.

2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.

‘Interchangeable equipment’, as referred to in the third indent of Article 1(2)(a), must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A.

2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or prevent the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community declares in accordance with Annex II B that they are intended to be incorporated into machinery or to be combined with other equipment, so that that when combined they constitute machinery complying with the requirements of this Directive, unless they can operate independently.

"Interchangeable equipment" within the meaning of the third paragraph with a dash in Article 1 (2) (a) must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by a declaration of conformity as defined in Annex II, point A.

3. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of safety components as defined in Article 1(2) where they are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community as referred to in Annex II, point C.

3. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or prevent the placing on the market of safety components defined in Article 1(2) if those components are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity declared by the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community, as defined in Annex II, point WITH.

Article 5
1. Member States shall regard the following as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the procedures for checking the conformity provided for in Chapter II:
— machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A,
— safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point C.

1. Member States shall consider the following to be in conformity with all the provisions of this Directive, including the conformity check procedures provided for in Chapter II:
- machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity as specified in Annex II, point A;
- safety components accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity as specified in Annex II, point C.

In the absence of harmonized standards, Member States shall take any measures they consider necessary to draw the attention of interested parties to existing national technical standards and specifications that are considered important or relevant to the fulfillment of essential health and safety requirements in accordance with Annex 1.

2. Where a national standard transposing a harmonized standard, the reference for which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, covers one or more of the essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components constructed in accordance with this standard shall be presumed to comply with the relevant essential requirements.
Member States shall publish the references of national standards transposing harmonized standards.

2. Where a national standard replacing a harmonized standard to which a reference has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities covers one or more essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components designed in accordance with such standard shall be considered to comply with the essential safety requirements. requirements.
Member States must publish references to national standards that supersede harmonized standards.

3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonized standards.

3. Member States should ensure that the necessary measures are taken to ensure that their social partners have the opportunity to influence at national level the processes for preparing and monitoring harmonized standards.

Article 6
1. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonized standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not entirely satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC, giving the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.
Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information referred to in Article 5(2).

1. In the event that a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonized standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not fully comply with the essential requirements defined in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before a committee, created in accordance with Directive 83/189/EEC, justifying the reasons for such application. The committee must make a decision without delay.
After receiving such a committee decision, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information defined in Article 5(2).

2. A standing committee shall be set up, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

The standing committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

Any matter relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be brought before the standing committee, in accordance with the following procedure:

The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.

The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.
The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee.
It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.

2. A permanent committee shall be established, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

The standing committee will establish its own procedures and procedures.

Any question relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be submitted to a standing committee in accordance with the following rules:

A representative of the Commission must present to the committee a draft of the proposed measures. The committee shall express its opinion on the draft within a time limit set by the chairman in accordance with the urgency of the matter, determined by voting if necessary.

This opinion must be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State has the right to request that its position be reflected in the protocol. The Commission shall take into account as much as possible the views rendered by the committee.
She must inform the committee how its views have been taken into account.

Article 7
1. Where a Member State ascertains that:
— machinery bearing the CE marking, or
— safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose are liable to endanger the safety of persons, and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery or safety components from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market, putting into service or use thereof, or to restrict free movement thereof.

Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reason for its decision and, in particular, whether non-conformity is due to:
(a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
(b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5(2);
(c) shortcomings in the standards themselves referred to in Article 5(2).

1. Where a Member State determines that:
- machinery bearing the CE marking, or
- safety components accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose, may pose a risk to the safety of persons and, if this is the case, pets or property, it must take all necessary measures to remove such machinery or safety components from market, prohibit their placing on the market, putting into service or use, or restrict their free circulation.

Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measures, indicate the reasons for such a decision and, in particular, inform whether the non-compliance resulted from:
a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements defined in Article 3;
b) incorrect application of the standards defined in Article 5 (clause 2);
c) shortcomings of the standards themselves, as defined in Article 5 (paragraph 2).

2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member States. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the action is unjustified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community.

Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards, and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6 (1).

2. The Commission shall promptly consult with interested parties. If, after such consultation, the Commission considers that such a measure is justified, it shall immediately inform the Member State that took the initiative, as well as the remaining Member States. If the Commission, after such consultation, considers that the action was not justified, it shall immediately notify the Member State taking the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community.

If the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on deficiencies in the standards, and if a Member State maintains its position on the basis of such a decision, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to begin the procedures described in Article 6 (paragraph 1).

— machinery which does not comply with bears the CE marking,
— a safety component which does not comply is accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity,
the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whom so ever has affixed the marking or drawn up the declaration and shall so inform the Commission and other Member States.

3. If:
- machinery that does not comply with the requirements is marked “CE”,
- safety components that do not comply with the requirements have an EC declaration of conformity,
the competent Member State must take appropriate action against anyone who has affixed the mark or made the declaration and must inform the Commission and other Member States accordingly.

4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of this procedure.

4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and results of this procedure.

Article 8

1. The manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community must, in order to certify that machinery and safety components are in conformity with this Directive, draw up for all machinery or safety components manufactured an EC declaration of conformity based on the model given in Annex II, point A or C as appropriate.

In addition, for machinery alone, the manufacturer or his authorized representatives established in the Community must affix to the machine the CE marking.

Chapter II
Conformity assessment procedures
Article 8

1. In order to demonstrate that the machinery and safety components comply with the provisions of this Directive, the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community shall draw up an EC declaration of conformity for the manufactured machinery and safety components in accordance with the model given in Annex II, in accordance with points A or C.

In addition, the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community must affix the CE marking to the machinery in accordance with Article 10.

2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer, or his authorized representative established in the Community, shall:
(a) if the machinery is not referred to in Annex IV, draw up the file provided for in Annex V;
(b) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and its manufacturer does not comply, or only partly complies, with the standards referred to in Article 5(2) or if there are no such standards, submit an example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI;
(c) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 5(2):
— either draw up the file referred to in Annex VI and forward it to a notified body, which will acknowledge receipt of the file as soon as possible and keep it,
— submit the file referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and will draw up a certificate of adequacy for the file,
— or submit the example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI.

2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community must:
(a) in the event that the machinery is not listed in Annex IV, draw up the documentation required by Annex V;
(b) if the machinery is listed in Annex IV and the manufacturer does not comply, or only partially fulfills, the requirements of the standards referred to in Article 5(2), or, if no such standards exist, then submit a sample of the machinery for EC testing, defined in Annex VI;
(c) where the machinery is listed in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards specified in Article 5 (2):
- either draw up the documentation referred to in Annex VI and transmit it to the notified body, which confirms receipt of the documentation as soon as possible and also stores it;
- submit the documentation referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and issue a certificate of conformity based on this documentation;
- or submit a sample of the machinery for the EC type test defined in Annex VI.

3. Where the first indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

Where the second indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

3. Where the first paragraph of paragraph 2(c) of this Article may apply, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

Where the second paragraph of paragraph 2(c) may apply, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second indents of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall solely state conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.

Where paragraph 2(b) and the third indent of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall state conformity with the example that has undergone EC type-examination.

4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second paragraphs of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity must demonstrate compliance with the essential requirements of this Directive.

Where paragraph 2(b) and the third paragraph of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity must demonstrate conformity with a model which has passed the EC type test.

5. Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Furthermore, during EC type-examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety component for fulfilling the safety functions declared by the manufacturer

5.Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3, 4. Moreover, during the EC type examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety components to perform the safety functions declared by the manufacturer.

6. (a) Where the machinery is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects and which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the machinery is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.
(b) However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such machinery.

6. (a) Where machinery is subject to other Directives which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter indicates that such machinery complies with the provisions of those other Directives.
(b) However, where one or more of these Directives allows manufacturers to choose during a transition period which provisions to apply, the CE marking will indicate compliance only with those Directives which have been applied by the manufacturer. In this case, details of the applicable Directives published in the Official Journal of the European Communities shall be given in the documents, annotations or instructions required by the Directives and accompanying such machinery.

7. Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative established in the Community fulfills the obligations of paragraphs 1 to 6, these obligations shall fall to any person placing the machinery or safety component on the market in the Community. The same obligations shall apply to any person assembling machinery or parts thereof or safety components of various origins or constructing machinery or safety components for his own use.

7. If neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative in the Community fulfills his obligations under the preceding paragraphs, those obligations must be fulfilled by any persons supplying machinery or safety components to the Community market. The same obligations apply to any person who assembles machinery or its parts or safety components of various origins, or who creates machinery or safety components for their own use.

8. The obligations referred to in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine or tractor interchangeable equipment as provided for in Article 1, provided that the parts are compatible and each of the constituent parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking and is accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity.

8. The obligations set out in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine, mechanism or vehicle interchangeable equipment referred to in Article 1, provided that these parts are compatible and each of the parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking " and the EU Declaration of Conformity.

Article 9
1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the approved bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.

1. Member States shall notify the Commission and other Member States of the approved authorities which are designated to carry out the procedures described in Article 8, as well as for the various special tasks which these authorities are intended to perform, and of the identification numbers previously assigned to them By the Commission.

In the Official Journal of the European Communities, the Commission shall publish a list of such notified bodies and their identification numbers, as well as the tasks for which they are intended. The Commission must ensure that the list is updated in a timely manner.

2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid down in Annex VII in assessing the bodies to be indicated in such notification. Bodies meeting the assessment criteria laid down in the relevant harmonized standards shall be presumed to fulfill those criteria.

2. Member States shall apply the criteria set out in Annex VII to determine the authorities to be designated in such designations. Bodies that meet the criteria set out in the relevant harmonized standards are considered to comply with the criteria.

3. A Member State which has approved a body must withdraw its notification if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in Annex VII. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.

3. The Member State which has approved such an authority shall revoke its designation if it finds that it no longer meets the criteria set out in Annex VII. The Member State shall immediately notify the Commission and the other Member States thereof.

Article 10
1. The CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials ‘CE’. The form of the marking to be used is shown in Annex III.

Article 10
1. The "CE" marking consists of the capital letters "CE". The form of marking to be used is specified in Appendix III.

2. The CE marking shall be affixed to machinery distinctly and visibly in accordance with point 1.7.3 of Annex I.

2. The CE marking must be clearly affixed to the machinery in a visible place in accordance with paragraph 1.7.3. Annexes I.

3. The affixing of markings on the machinery which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the machinery provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.

3. The marking of machinery in such a way as to mislead as to the meaning and form of the CE marking is prohibited. Any other markings may be affixed to the machinery in such a way as not to interfere with the visibility and legibility of the CE marking.

4. Without prejudice to Article 7:
(a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;

(b) where non-conformity continues, the Member State must take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

4. Without limiting the application of Article 7:
(a) where a Member State determines that the CE marking has been incorrectly affixed, the manufacturer or his authorized representative in the Community shall be obliged to bring the product into compliance with the provisions relating to CE marking and to put an end to the infringements under the conditions laid down by the Member State ;

(b) if such non-compliance continues, the Member State shall take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of such products, or to ensure their withdrawal from the market in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 7.

Article 11

Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or a safety component shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such a decision shall be notified as soon as possible to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.

Article 11

Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive restricting the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or safety components must indicate the precise reasons on which it is based. Such a decision should be communicated to the parties concerned as quickly as possible and they should also be informed of the legal measures that can be taken under applicable law in the Member State concerned and the time limits within which those measures are applied.

Article 12
The Commission will take the necessary steps to have information on all the relevant decisions relating to the management of this Directive made available.

The Commission will take all necessary steps to obtain information on all relevant decisions concerning the application and extension of this Directive.

Article 13
1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine the progress made in the standardization work relating to this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national legislation adopted in the field covered by this Directive.

2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine developments in standardization work within the scope of this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

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    International payments- (International settlements) Settlements for international trade operations Basic forms and legal features of international settlements, systems for their implementation Contents Contents Section 1. Basic concepts. 1Definitions of the subject being described... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Privatization- (Privatization) The concept of privatization, methods and forms of privatization The concept of privatization, methods and forms of privatization, methods of privatization Contents Contents 1. Concept and privatization Section 1. Concept 2. Methods and forms of privatization... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Infrastructure- (Infrastructure) Infrastructure is a complex of interconnected service structures or objects Transport, social, road, market, innovative infrastructure, their development and elements Contents >>>>>>>> ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Germany- Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), state in the Center. Europe. Germany (Germania) as a territory inhabited by Herm tribes was first mentioned by Pytheas from Massalia in the 4th century. BC e. Later the name Germany was used to refer to Rome... ... Geographical encyclopedia


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What is the correct spelling in the shortest possible time or in the shortest possible time? And is it possible to use such a phrase? and got the best answer

Answer from Maxim Yu. Volkov[guru]

Reply from A.K. (personally)[guru]
Briefly means the shortest
oh you!!!

Reply from Yoanto Trafficante[guru]
The shortest possible time. Can be consumed.

Reply from Yolomon Salmonello[guru]
Don't doubt it!!! You always wrote correctly!! Don't listen to the ignoramuses!!!

Reply from Julia[active]
Of course A

Reply from Dark rain[guru]
the shortest and such expressions exist (because it is a short term, that is, short, not meek)

Reply from Jene Barten[master]
As soon as possible it is written through A. There should be no other options. From the word - short, not from short.
Look what smart people write in great dictionaries - don’t listen to anyone:
shortest - short, shortest Dictionary of Russian synonyms. shortest adj.; shortest. Dictionary of synonyms
SHORTEST - SHORTEST, shortest, shortest (book). excellent from short. Shortest distance. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D. N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
shortest - see Brief. Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 1st edition: St. Petersburg. : Norint. S. A. Kuznetsov. 1998 ... Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language

Reply from Center of the Universe[guru]
I'll be brief. /IN. V. Putin/

Reply from Lyudmila Plekhova[guru]

Reply from Martin Vorontsov[active]
brief, brief, brief-short
rule for unstressed vowel

Reply from Alex Plishkin[active]
There is a proverb: “Brevity is the sister of talent.” Therefore you write correctly.
And do not doubt the second question: such an expression is literary, that is, it has the right to life.

Reply from Roma Utev[newbie]

Reply from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to write correctly in the shortest possible time or in the shortest possible time? And is it possible to use such a phrase?



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Based on your request, these examples may contain crude language.

Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial language.

Translation of "implemented as quickly as possible" in Chinese

Other translations

The drafting of a new Constitution was a positive step and he hoped that the amendments proposed by the Committee members would be carried out as soon as possible short terms.

The drafting of the new Constitution was a positive step, and he hoped that the corrections suggested by members of the Committee would be made as soon as possible .

Made as soon as possible.">

Suggest an example

Other results

At the initial stage implementation to the maximum extent possible degree will draw on the existing resources and specialists of the Office of Human Resources.

Implementation will draw to the extent possible from existing resources and expertise in the Office of Human Resources Management.">

Thailand will cooperate with United Nations treaty monitoring bodies through the extent of their concluding observations and recommendations regarding Thailand.

Thailand will cooperate with the United Nations treaty monitoring bodies by implementing, to the best of its capacity, their including observations and recommendations in regard to Thailand.

Implementing, to the best of its capacity, their including observations and recommendations in regard to Thailand.">

Member States and international organizations should voluntarily take measures, through national mechanisms or through their applicable mechanisms, to ensure implementation to the maximum extent possible the extent of these guidelines through the use of space debris mitigation practices and procedures.

Member States and international organizations should voluntarily take measures, through national mechanisms or through their own applicable mechanisms, to ensure that these guidelines are implemented, to the greatest extent feasible, through space debris mitigation practices and procedures.

Implemented, to the greatest extent feasible, through space debris mitigation practices and procedures.">

Full other rights to the maximum of ability (Bangladesh);">

At implementation this initiative to the maximum extent possible existing human resources were used to an extent.

To the greatest extent possible, this initiative has occurred through the use of existing personnel resources.">

b) when they implementation necessary to the maximum extent possible based on the available technical capabilities;

Implementation should to the extent possible, be based on existing technical capacity;">

Financing the IMS is, in our opinion, another cardinal point that requires careful consideration, because the lack of an adequate network of monitoring stations will not allow checking implementation agreement to the maximum extent possible degrees.

In our opinion, the funding of the IMS is another critical point that has to be addressed thoroughly. For without an adequate network of monitoring stations, the CTBT will not be able to verify the implementation of the treaty to the maximum possible extent.

The implementation of the treaty to the maximum possible extent.">

The High Level Advisory Group believes that the process implementation payments must to the maximum extent possible degree to facilitate effective deployment, especially during the early stages of a mission.

The Senior Advisory Group believes that the payment processes should be facilitated, to the extent possible, effective deployment, particularly in a mission"s start-up phase.

The payment processes should facilitate, to the extent possible, effective deployment, particularly in a mission"s start-up phase.">

The methods of its work are recognized by the international community as one of the effective ways implementation his mandate to the maximum extent possible degree based on available resources.

Likewise, the existing working methods of the Committee are appreciated by the international community as a generally efficient way of meeting its mandate , from within current resources.

Of meeting its mandate to the greatest extent possible, from within current resources.">

Accordingly, my delegation calls for sustained momentum to implementation NEPAD programs to the maximum extent possible scope and to strengthen cooperation with the international community to help realize the aspirations of our fellow Africans.

Accordingly, my delegation calls for a sustained momentum to implement NEPAD and to enhance cooperation of the international community to help achieve the aspirations of our fellow African people.

Implement NEPAD to the fullest extent possible and to enhance cooperation of the international community to help achieve the aspirations of our fellow African people.">

In context implementation UNEP project will to the maximum extent possible degree of cooperation with local and regional structures and organizations.

To the greatest extent possible with local and regional institutions and organizations to implement the project.">

88.60 Continue efforts to combat poverty and ensure sustainable development, as well as implementation to the maximum extent possible the extent of the national development strategy for 2006-2015 and the national poverty reduction strategy for 2010-2012 (Russian Federation);

88.60. Continue its efforts to fight poverty and ensure sustainable development, and to implement at the maximum extent the national development strategy for 2006-2015 and the national poverty reduction strategy for 2010 - 2012 (Russian Federation);

Implement at the maximum extent the national development strategy for 2006-2015 and the national poverty reduction strategy for 2010 - 2012 (Russian Federation);">

This provision provides that when implementation this legislation to the maximum extent possible The fundamental human rights of prisoners and detainees must be respected to the extent possible, and discrimination against prisoners on the basis of nationality, gender, religion or social status is prohibited.

The provision states that in the implementation of this law, the basic human rights of inmates or suspects in custody shall be respected as much as possible, and discrimination of inmates on account of nationality, gender, religion, or social status is prohibited.

Implementation of this law, the basic human rights of inmates or suspects in custody shall be respected as much as possible, and discrimination of inmates on account of nationality, gender, religion, or social status is prohibited.">

To ensure implementation convention is recommended to the maximum extent possible to the extent possible to use institutions and bodies that, by the nature of their activities, can deal with the problems of desertification.

In order to bring the convention into effect, it was recommended that the widest possible use should be made of institutions and bodies concerned with desertification.

The convention into effect, it was recommended that the widest possible use should be made of institutions and bodies concerned with desertification.">

At implementation this UNEP activity to the maximum extent possible degree will use its knowledge, experience and support within the framework of the work program approved by the Board of Governors and the resources currently available to it.

UNEP will contribute its experience, expertise and support to this effort to the extent possible within the program of work approved by the Governing Council and the resources actually made available to it.

To this effort to the extent possible within the program of work approved by the Governing Council and the resources actually made available to it.">

At implementation this activity should to the maximum extent possible build on existing organizations and existing international mechanisms and infrastructure;