Let's exclaim, admire each other.
High-sounding words are not to be feared.
Let's compliment each other
after all, these are all happy moments of love ... (Bulat Okudzhava)

Making a beautiful, correct compliment is a whole art that needs to be learned. Compliments can be given to a girl, boyfriend, sister, man or woman, boss or subordinate, the main rule is that it be sincere and simple.

Here are a few rules How to make a compliment from a psychologist (video)

What a compliment

How to compliment a girl - 20 options for original compliments.

  • I love you the way you are...
  • Now, if I was born a girl, I would like to be like you!
  • What dragon do I need to kill to be worthy of such a princess?
  • I fell in love with your sunshine: your smile and freckles.
  • It's unbearable, I can't be near you! I'm just blind from your beauty!
  • You are so beautiful and attractive that I forgot why and where I was going as soon as I saw you...
  • You are like a sonorous spring stream on a quiet steppe night, when everything around shimmers from the radiance of the stars. And I freeze from you ...
  • If nature ever created perfect shapes, it was yours!
  • You are a very self-confident girl - it is understandable, you are beautiful, energetic, sensitive, cheerful, smart, kind ...
  • You really are special - you have your own opinion on everything, and I like it!
  • I will draw an analogy with cars ... so here you are - this is the latest model of the Ford Mondeo!
  • The subtle smell of your hair will drive me crazy, I'm not kidding.
  • But do you know what a beautiful, charming smile you have? Well, no, really, you have such a beautiful, most radiant smile. Only very good and happy people smile like that.
  • Girl, I admired you all the way. I saw and forgot about all my problems, I want to thank you for this.
  • Even the petals of a May rose cannot compare with the tenderness of your skin!
  • Such a time that no matter how a girl - so a star. You, by the way, too, only you are for me - a guiding, polar star ...
  • Mademoiselle, there is something so mysteriously beautiful in you that I cannot take my eyes off you...
  • You look as charming as on our wedding day.
  • I have seen you before... and it seems to me that it was in a dream...
  • Happiness?.. it's you!
  • I'm sure you'll be a good wife!

And some real life.

A girl, a beloved girl, is a creature that feeds on the most elegant compliments and the most beautiful affectionate words that there are. However, not all guys, but what are the guys! - not all men know the subtle art of saying beautiful words and equally wonderful compliments to the lady of the heart. How to be here? Well, there is such a thing as a list of compliments or a collection of the 100 most beautiful words to your girlfriend.

I'll tell you a little secret - a rare man is aware of what women really like. Therefore, I, a girl by birth, was instructed to write an article with examples of the best words, SMS, confessions and compliments to myself, my beloved. Therefore, I coped with this task quite easily - I just got acquainted on the Internet with a man's list of beautiful words and compliments to a girl and completely redid it in my own way, as I myself would like my beloved guy to say them to me.

How much I managed to achieve my goal of compiling a long list of more than 100 beautiful compliments and original, cool words, phrases to my beloved lady of the heart is up to you to judge. The only thing I want to warn all men, machos, gigolos, womanizers and womanizers about in advance is that it’s not the compliment that is insanely beautiful in verse, but the one that is uttered from the heart and with feeling.

In general, about how to compliment a woman, I can only say one thing - since you paid attention to this lady, it means that she already has something good and attractive: this is “something” and praise! After all, even knowing and remembering 1000 and 1 compliments, you can get into a mess, telling a fragile and impressionable girl how strong and fighting she is, or singing in verse the beauty and sophistication of a rowing athlete.

Therefore, before complimenting a girl, think, dear men and respected guys, with your brains, whether these beautiful words and original phrases will be:
1) correspond to reality (if not, then your compliment will go into the furnace, and you will lose confidence, you will look miserable in the eyes of the girl and even an unlucky flatterer),
2) come from the heart (and will not be a simple set of cool words),
3) beautiful not only in form, but also in content (moreover, too beautiful and unusual words of girls usually alarm, cause some distrust - therefore, you must either lie with inspiration if your beautiful words really diverge from feelings, or abandon too sophisticated forms compliment),
4) delivered with enthusiasm and deep faith in what you are saying.

Such simple rules for composing and pronouncing compliments are very often simply ignored by men, which is very sad. I also want to add about beautiful words - spontaneous, that moment arose in the brain of a young man and immediately poured out like lava, simple but cool compliments, delivered with inspiration or a sense of humor, are 1000 times more pleasant for a girl than endured and suffered, pre-prepared and hackneyed, memorized complimentary phrases.

Although - if you have never flattered female vanity before, then it is better to start with blanks - and over time, the art of saying beautiful compliments to your beloved will either come to you by itself, or it will not descend on you like a muse, and you will have to attend a special training or learn to first compliment your mother, sister, pillow, spare girlfriend.

Well, now to the point. Here is the promised and, mind you, not without calculation (I hope to hear from my boyfriend deliciously wonderful words) provided by me

List of examples of the most beautiful words and compliments, sms to your girlfriend!

Let's start with compliments about the eyes.

You have marvelous, charming, lively eyes with a twinkle and meaning.

You have such deep and beautiful eyes that my soul just drowns in them (drowns) ...

Your brown eyes are driving me crazy!

Your eyes are green, like a cat's, no, a real, wild panther or a predatory, but kind-hearted, tigress... Don't eat me with your eyes! I'm already burning with passion for you. (Maybe not the most successful compliment in the world, but during flirting, such baby talk is very effective.)

Your blue eyes are like two deep lakes - they fascinate me and dip me into the deepest pool of strong feelings.

Your blue eyes are like the sky, your golden hair is like the sun, you are more beautiful than all ordinary women living on earth.

Your black eyes burn through me!

Your gray eyes are an eternal mystery...

Well, and stuff like that - I think that if you say a compliment about the eyes of your beloved, and not the first girl you come across, then you should not have problems with beautiful words about her beautiful eyes.

And now from words to a list of specific beautiful words, from which you can safely extract 1-2 or 3 expressions that suit your particular case and go! Make a compliment to your girlfriend with feeling and inspiration! By the way, some small but nice gift at this moment will greatly contribute to the success of your heart outpouring.

And remember also - for a beloved and loving woman there is no better gift even in the 30th year. life together than sincere and sincere confession in love. And even more, every beloved girl longs to become a beloved woman, or rather, a beloved wife, so I won’t be mistaken if I say that the best, most original and cool compliment of any loving woman is a marriage proposal.

My dear, tender, passionate! Wonderful, my very favorite.

There is no one more tender than you. You are my clear sun, a radiant star, an angel in the flesh and in reality.

You are my most fair, truthful, smart and kind.

My beautiful ... nanny!

You are so young! So bright!

You are my warmth - with your warmth you melted icicles (cold) in my heart.

You are the most romantic and dreamy nature that I have ever seen!

You have the flying gait of a happy woman!

You are a very self-confident girl - and rightly so: you are beautiful, smart, sensitive, kind ...

You are simply amazing and unique!

You drive me crazy with your quirks, you bring me to the 100th degree of rabies and the 10th heat, but that's why I can't imagine life without you - a robber mischievous girl who has not an ice floe in her heart, but a fiery one, no - a fiery one , laser motor!

How many women I have not met in my life - they are all women. And you - you real woman: thin, sensitive, sensual, feminine, weak, so vulnerable and at the same time incomprehensible and inaccessible...

You are my most beautiful, most wonderful, most cheerful, most caring, sweetest and most desirable wife in the world!

They say there are no miracles in the world ... People lie - because you are in front of me - and you are a real miracle!

Compliment mother-heroine: You are my most fertile!

Noble lady of my heart.

What I love you for is that you appreciate my efforts and you have a grateful nature.

For me, you are the most perfect of women!

If nature has ever created something truly perfect, it is you.

You are such a cute and cool girl!

It's easy to talk to you.

I don't know why, but you immediately instilled confidence in me. It's probably because you're so welcoming and always have a happy smile on your face.

You have such amazing eyes, my clear-eyed!

You are so musical! You feel the rhythm so subtly! Perhaps you studied at a music school, or is it natural for you? (note - the compliment is practically in verse

My love for you will last forever... My love is the length of my life.

You are an amazing girl! Today you are so generous and hospitable, joyful and cheerful, lively and enthusiastic, and tomorrow you are so all in yourself, closed and sad, incomprehensible and inaccessible ... How can I understand you? You are so different: today you are one, tomorrow you are different, the day after tomorrow you are completely different. You are probably one of those women who alone embodies a whole harem.

You have a poetic soul.

You are a very energetic and strong, strong-willed girl - and I like that about you.

You are so groovy! You turn Me On...

My playful and incomprehensible minx!

You have a gorgeous, simply radiant, sun-dazzling smile.

You - happy woman: you get pleasure from sex. (Again, the beautiful words of the beloved in verse, or rather, in a small rhyme.)

You are a charming and charming lady of my heart, the flesh of my soul, the meaning of my life.

For me, you are always desirable and charming.

You are so sweet, tender, soft, special...

You are beautiful feminine from hair to fingernails.

You are so simple - it's very easy for me next to you.

You are a capable student, you grasp everything on the fly.
How do you do it?

You have such clear eyes! You can't tell a lie, because you will scan me with your attentive eyes and understand everything, better than the best lie detector.

You are so fiery! Light up with just one look and touch...

You have a blooming look.

You are a very sociable girl. Do you have many good friends?

And you, madam, however, are a loving woman!

You are just a unique woman!

Your good-natured and sympathetic smile has a healing effect on me.

You are just a gifted person! Talented and brilliant, hardworking and passionate at the same time!

You are my most faithful wife, and I am your most faithful and devotedly loving husband.

You have magic hands.

I have never seen such a flexible figure!

You are so mobile and fast, like a breath of wind.

And you are an original woman!

There is no beast more passionate than Tanka!

My naughty squirrel!

Peaceful you are mine.

You are the most accurate and economic girl I have ever seen - and this is a compliment: most modern girls do not know how not only to cook borscht, but even make a bed behind them.

You are so inquisitive - you have a chance to become a rich woman, because curiosity is a sign of genius.

Although you are a vengeful lady, I will not leave you behind.

You are a fatal woman to me.

What I love you for is your independence and independence.

I appreciate your creative spirit and global creativity of thinking (an original compliment to a friend or work colleague).

How do you manage to always look so fresh, beautiful, full of energy, cheerful and rested?

You are the most advanced and modern girl in the world!

You're cool!

I love you because you are a cool girl with a cool figure and a cool sense of humor!

You have an amazing figure. I am shocked by her. (rather a funny compliment than a useful one for life - it is recommended only if the girl has good feeling humor and has already started to laugh, joke, have fun with you).

My fragrant May rose!

You are so elated! Your energy would probably be enough to blow up the world... Or feed the starving Africa.

There are women who destroy everything around them, and there are women who create. You are the purest and kindest, most creative being I have ever met in my life.

And you are a wise woman, despite your young age and unearthly beauty.

My only one! Illuminated with light! (plagiarism on a topic from Kirkorov)

You are so graceful and graceful, like a mountain doe! No, like a heavenly swallow!

Sunshine of happiness in my heart.

I love you! It is with these words that every original and cool compliment to your girlfriend should preferably end. As you have seen, there are many beautiful words, and they are not only possible, but necessary, it is simply vital to speak to your beloved woman in order to create for her, and therefore for yourself, a good mood and positive thinking. Love your young girls and beautiful women, say nice words to them and make unambiguously positive compliments! After all, as you call your beloved, so she will behave with you!

And God created a woman ... And since then there is no rest for either a man or God.

When you first meet a girl, you are men, first of all you pay attention to her appearance: face, clothes, silhouette, gait, posture. If you like a girl and you have an irresistible desire to get to know her better, you should use your brains to impress the girl, for example, with a compliment about her beauty, since you are not yet familiar with the character of the girl. Don't know how to do it right? Then this article is for you! I will open the veil of secrecy to the questions of what compliments girls like and when their appropriate to speak!

An important rule for expressing compliments: compliments must be appropriate and honest. All girls are different, so the approach to each should be special. Nice compliment to a girl about her beauty will require from you a little knowledge of psychology, attentiveness and, of course, your imagination. In this case, clear restrictions and recipes should be followed. It is important not to overdo it and not overdo it with compliments. Below I offer you a list of top compliments, but remember that in a certain situation a certain compliment is appropriate. Therefore, read the article to the end, because. after a short list of compliments, I will talk about basic rules for their expression!

Top 10 compliments to a girl about her beauty

  • It's hard for me to control myself when I look into your eyes.
  • It's impossible not to fall in love with you.
  • Your beauty drives me crazy.
  • What a pity I didn't meet you earlier. I don't even know how I lived without you.
  • I fell in love with you at first sight.
  • The smell of your hair makes me crazy!
  • I have never seen such dazzling beauty.
  • Your eyes shine like never before!
  • This pendant (scarf) emphasizes the color of your eyes.
  • I love being with you so much.

“To a smart woman, compliments serve to evaluate men, to a stupid woman, for self-esteem.”

Do not worry, even if you are rejected after your confession. There will definitely be a girl who will appreciate your efforts !!! Although after reading this article, You'll be savvy enough to impress just about any girl ! 🙂

So, let's take a look at a few situations you might find yourself in, as well as basic rules for complimenting a girl about her beauty

The study of these rules, plus a little practice, and you will get limitless control(sounds fascinating, doesn't it? 🙂) over the psychological state of the girl! Unless, of course, she wants to! 🙂 So let's get started!

1. You need to carefully study the girl

Before going out, almost every woman carefully gathers: she chooses clothes, accessories, puts on makeup, does her hair. It does, however, focus on one some detail that would emphasize its originality and individuality. It will be great if you notice this detail. What attracts your attention the most? What do you think she would like others to notice?

Of course, in every girl has her own charm , that feature that decorates it and distinguishes it from the rest. Eyes, hair, lips, legs, chest, clothing style can cause admiration in a man. If you are not meeting for the first time, perhaps this is a style of behavior, a manner of communication, a character trait. You must sincerely express to the girl all the compliments, of course, which she deserves.

Well, if you can't take your eyes off her beautiful eyes, then those eyes just crave a compliment. Do not spare the most gentle and pleasant words addressed to these female charms. By the way, you can use my list of epithets.

Eyesbottomless, mysterious, radiant, azure, aquamarine, blue haze, radiant, black-burning, tea tree-colored eyes; sighthypnotic, mystical, pure, sincere, bewitching, intriguing, gentle, sincere, open, trusting, bright, drowning, intoxicating, intoxicating, daring, witchcraft, mysterious, happy.

It was not in vain that I singled out epithets that describe the look of a girl. The eyes are the mirror of the human soul. Even without words, you can determine the mood of a girl by her look. Many women, thanks to their bewitching, magical look, slay men to the ground.

A smile is a decoration female face. Don't forget to remind the girls what a charming smile they have and how it suits them!🙂 It's actually very nice, I know from myself! 🙂

You can safely say to the girl: “ You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going". This compliment will inspire the girl that she has a magical attraction that will captivate men's eyes, break their hearts and deprive them of their minds. A woman should feel that she is a goddess, unless the girl has too high self-esteem (she already feels like a goddess). In this case, other methods of expressing compliments will be required.

Smiledazzling, radiant, Hollywood, radiant, charming;laughter contagious, incendiary.

You can just say: Your eyes (smile) drive me crazy«.

Hair depending on the color, density, structure, they can also cause admiration and compliments.

Red-haired - fiery, brunette - burning, natural blonde, wheat-colored hair, chestnut; soft, silky, light, natural, natural, curly, smooth, lush, long, well-groomed.

Figureflexible, slender, refined, plastic, stately, fragile, ideal, sexy, appetizing; gaitfeminine, sexy, smooth, exciting, soft, light; leatherswarthy, tanned, snow-white, tender, soft, perfect, velvety, pure, flawless I.

General phrases about the beauty of a girl that will fit in any situation- whether this is an acquaintance, a first date, or a long married life: charming, stylish, fashionable, luxurious, extravagant, delightful, wonderful, chic, charming, beautiful, perfect, stunning, stunning, pretty, angelic, flawless, expressive, inimitable, luxurious, charming, irresistible, amazing, unsurpassed, flawless, perfect, beautiful, ideal, magnificent, exquisite, amazing, graceful, indescribably beautiful, perfection itself.

With a closer acquaintance, when your relationship has moved to an intimate level, when the girl completely trusts you and understands you, you can use compliments are more frank, which will speak about her sexuality.

Sexy, breathtaking, erotic, feminine, sultry, ardent, passionate, very dangerous, captivating, uninhibited, intoxicating, fiery, intoxicating, burning, alluring, hot, sexy, exciting, seductive.

2. Complete surprise

This method of giving compliments is to focus on that feature of the girl's appearance, which would come as a complete surprise to her. The girl simply does not expect you to admire this particular detail and, perhaps, she even has some complexes about the trait that you noticed. Here you have to be very careful not to offend the girl. Your words should not contain falsehood and flattery. For example, if a girl naturally has a long nose and she has a complex about it, but still he didn’t embarrass you, but on the contrary, you noticed that he emphasizes her originality, you can say: “ Girl you have such a sexy nose

I think this compliment will be absolutely unexpected for a girl. Although the outcome may not be in your favor, depending on how complex the girl is about this, she may think that you are mocking her. But on the other hand, if she is not indifferent to you, on the contrary, she will want to start a conversation with you. After all, in fact, girls are very interested in what others think of them. Thus, a girl can learn something new about herself, it is possible to get rid of her complexes.

Everyone is used to complimenting the eyes, hair, smile, but few people talk about the nose, wrists, feet, ears. These are quite uncommon compliments. Feel free to use them skillfully. The girl will be discouraged by your originality. But do not forget - the compliment must be sincere, or at least it must look like that!

Recently, a guy I know said to me: “You have a beautiful nose.” I never considered my nose to be the main advantage, but I was very pleased - I was never told that I had a beautiful nose. Nose is like a nose.

Be careful, beware of ambiguous compliments: « you so slims this dress!" (hint of extra pounds), " You Today came in a beautiful dress”(meaning before that she went in ugly),“ You look so good with straight hair. Do more hair like this y ”(a compliment should not sound like an instruction, the girl herself will figure out how she is better off).

3. Negative compliment

If you are dealing with a very beautiful, self-confident girl, you will need completely different methods of getting her attention. Beautiful women know their worth. It is unlikely that you will surprise her by telling her how beautiful she looks and how divinely beautiful. She heard these words from every man she met, and believe me, she rebuffed everyone who gave her compliments. She is very good at it. Therefore, you will have to act ruthlessly towards her, I do not mean insultingly - by no means.

First of all, you need to break through the "shield of the bitch", i.e. discourage her completely. I don't want to say that beautiful girls bitches. But they have no other choice but to do so. Rough shaving of men acts as a defensive reaction from increased attention. And at the same time, she likes to feel power over men.

But in fact, this girl wants to be weak and defenseless only with the man who can resist her beauty, or at least not be able to betray his true feelings. A compliment comes to the aid of a man - negative impact. Tell her what she has long nails, which are most likely overhead.

Let's imagine a situation. The guy comes up to the girl and says: Beautiful long nails. Most likely overhead?- he will plunge her into wild confusion. He may further add: Yes? But they look amazing". Then he turns away. She could not even imagine such an appeal to herself in her most terrible dream. Though he didn't insult her. But he hit her to the quick and pierced the queen's armor. These words will discourage and intrigue her. Not a single man approached her like that. So this one is special, it has a delicate taste.

I can continue the list of negative compliments:

- Girl, your perfume has a very pleasant aroma, but a little harsh.

Girl, you look very luxurious. It's hard not to pay attention to you. You are sitting in a short dress, spreading your legs. Don't you think it's too blatant?...

- Girl, you have a very interesting pattern on a T-shirt. I have the exact same one on the tablecloth at home.

- You are very beautiful by nature. Why do you hide your natural beauty under a layer of cosmetics?

— Judging by you, you like bright clothes. I used to think that red does not go well with blue, but looking at you, I realized that I was wrong!

The second way to win a beauty is to express compliments that are not related to her appearance. Perhaps, a very sincere, dreamy, smart, creative, active, simple girl is hiding behind a beautiful shell. Your task is to consider what is hidden behind the image of the unapproachable cold queen.

Update: if after reading this article you have not yet fully decided what kind of compliments girls love, then you can contact Natalia directly for advice. Her Vkontakte page.

In the phase of falling in love, one really wants to say pleasant, kind things to each other, especially for women, as they are known to love with their “ears”. However, young people often have difficulty in this matter, not knowing how to give a beautiful compliment to a girl correctly. After all, no wonder they say that this is a whole art!

How to give beautiful compliments to a girl

It should be said right away that such problems do not arise easily. After all, the art of compliments is a subtle and delicate substance. The compliment, first of all, should be sincere. Falsehood and flattery are felt immediately, and negatively, but quite adequately perceived.

If a girl does not evoke any strong and high emotions and feelings, a few polite phrases are enough to comply with the laws of politeness.

Among other things, nice compliment must have a number of conditions:

Timeliness and relevance. In other words, the subject of a compliment should correspond to the degree and level of acquaintance. If we are talking about your beloved, you should admire her appearance or sense of humor. And if a girl is a work colleague, then she will certainly be pleased to hear about her high business qualities, punctuality, efficiency, etc.

"Unbeatable". The compliment should be original, and at the same time understandable. You should not experiment with medieval poetry and Omar Khayyam, since these works (especially those recited with errors) can be interpreted in two ways. At the same time, the typical comparison of the skin with a peach, and the eye with diamonds or lakes, is unlikely to make someone's heart beat in an increased rhythm.

They say that there is a formula for a successful compliment. It is completely unknown to anyone, but it can be said with confidence that women are very fond of when they notice and emphasize those blacks that they themselves aspire to. As a rule, this concerns character or life positions. In addition to positive emotions, such a compliment gives the girl the opportunity to think about what her chosen one is so sensitive and attentive that he could see in her what even she herself doubted.

In psychology interpersonal relationships There is such a thing as empathy. This is an emotion that arises from a man in love, which will tell you how to compliment a girl. Naturally, this ability does not come immediately. She is the result of a long acquaintance with each other. But, having felt it once, the young man will always know unmistakably when and what words to say to the girl, so that she would be especially pleased.

How to learn to make beautiful compliments?

A compliment is the easiest and most common way to make a person smile. After all, a simple word can not only make you experience instant satisfaction, but also cheer you up for the whole day, and also increases self-esteem of the person in whose direction the compliment was uttered. But not everyone knows how to learn how to make compliments delicately, beautifully and appropriately.

First, back up the compliment with details. Don't settle for a simple "You have a nice suit." The compliment will be much more significant if you add "It emphasizes your excellent figure."

Second, give compliments filled with concrete, not abstract phenomena. “You are wearing a stunning dress today!” sounds much more pleasant "You are amazing today." The more specifics invested in compliments, the better. And then the girl may think that she looks amazing only today.

Be creative with words. Enough has already been said about women's eyes, lips and legs without you. Therefore, try to be original, praise the aspen waist, beautiful knees, smooth lip line. Do not limit yourself - make a woman feel confident in herself;

Thirdly, a beautiful compliment should be bright, but at the same time short and smart, and well remembered. According to its content, it is easy to determine whether you are educated, observant, and how good your taste is. Do not make banal and boring compliments. Your compliment should emphasize the human individuality and emphasize its best qualities. This is a kind of verbal masterpiece - exceptional, unique and disarming;

Fourth, don't get carried away. Of course, it is nice to earn a friendly look from the interlocutor and his location. But if you give a lot of compliments, you will become too intrusive or, even worse, suspicious.

Compliments should be supported by arguments. For example, simply saying, "This blouse suits you well," the compliment may sound incomplete. Add that its color is in perfect harmony with the color of the eyes of its owner. Compliments should be specific, avoid abstract judgments. For example, it is much more pleasant to hear the phrase “You have gorgeous legs that look even more beautiful in these boots” than the banal phrase: “You look great”;

Compliments can be given to absolutely everyone, using a similar opportunity in all cases provided to you, but only when you act within the framework of social norms. A compliment is inherently always an exaggeration, so choose your words carefully. For example, it is extremely unreasonable to call a woman of age a young beauty. Such a gesture can be regarded by her as a mockery of her respected age;

Remember that the best is the permanent enemy of the good. Do not let people quickly get used to compliments, because over time, they will stop paying attention to them as something taken for granted. A spoon is good only for dinner - do not throw beautiful words left and right;

Give people positive, kindness and a wonderful mood, in return for having fun. After all, nothing can be better than the smile of a person who cares about you.

And do not let people get used to your constant compliments, otherwise they will stop paying their attention to them as something familiar. Be especially vigilant at work. If formal relations are maintained in the team, then your compliment will be out of place.

It is important to know that when you understand how to learn how to give compliments, it is your self-esteem that rises first of all. Usually, in order to notice something new and positive in a person, and besides, to tell him about it, self-confidence is necessary.

Compliments can be difficult at first. There may well be a feeling that we hurt a person, or he could misunderstand you. But later you will notice that a truthful and sincere compliment always cheers up a person and gives him self-confidence.

There will always be a person who grimly affirms “Nothing like that”, or starts arguing with you. This is his right. A compliment is a gift, even if it is not accepted from you, it will still remain.

When you begin to notice more good and bright in other people, you will be able to find a lot of beauty in yourself. The longer the list of compliments you make, the more confidence you will gain in yourself.

How compliments affect girls

Every man likes to be in charge in a relationship with a girl. But many even have no idea how to influence a girl. The strong half of humanity wants to get their way from the girl, it doesn’t work out, they start to get nervous, worry, quarrel. As a result, relationships deteriorate, and nothing good comes of such attempts. Next, we will talk about how you can influence your girlfriend with compliments and actions.


Beautiful compliments to a girl have almost magical power. If you give your beloved a few beautiful words, in return you will get almost everything you want. This is a well-known technique, however, not all men use it.

Any girl wants to hear that she is the most beautiful and desirable, that there is no one like her anymore in the world. Every day she needs to hear that you love her and you care about her. A woman will always be pleased to hear that she has beautiful eyes, graceful hair, etc.

Never say things like, "You have a nice blouse" or "Your dress is great." Give your phrases romance and tenderness. Say, "Your blouse looks perfect on you" or "You look sexy in that dress."

You may ask how this will help me influence a girl. But the answer is simple: it will help, and very quickly. Girls love with their ears. And if they realize that they are valued, loved and respected, then they will be ready to do anything you ask or want.


Complimenting a girl is a great way. But if the words remain only words, sooner or later everything will end, and the girl will think that you are using her for your own purposes. Combine beautiful compliments to a girl with beautiful deeds.

Prepare dinner, make the atmosphere romantic. The girl will feel that you want to please her and will definitely appreciate it. Actions will also help a man influence a girl.

It must be remembered that you should never put pressure on your beloved. You can not quarrel with her, thereby achieving something. Otherwise, you will never understand how to influence a girl. Yes, you can get whatever you want, but it will be a terrible result.

If you love your girlfriend, want a good relationship, and at the same time influence her, you need to show a little trick - be the most best man for her. And then the girl herself will want to obey you.

She will agree to do what you want. Don't hesitate, try to apply the above tips in your life and you will have a huge success.