Members of minorities often wonder how to confess their feelings. This is especially true for those who have only recently realized about their unusual orientation. They simply do not have experience in this, besides, they are afraid that they will be ridiculed and not understood. In reality, a girl confessing her feelings for another girl is risky and not easy. How to do it?

How can a girl confess to a girl that she has feelings for another girl?

Quite often, these fears are justified. Indeed, not everyone can come to terms with such a relationship. Some people just can't stand unconventional sexuality. Therefore, if we are talking you need to think carefully about how a girl confesses her feelings for a friend or a good friend. There are cases when a girl simply does not accept the truth, and the friendship ends.

Is it worth giving preference to non-traditional relationships?

In general, before deciding on such an unusual relationship, you need to think carefully. There are times when girls do this after a lot of alcohol, after breaking up with their beloved boyfriend ... And then they return back to traditional relationships.

Maybe this is exactly the case? And if indeed relationships with other women are more attractive, then you need to take into account that because of this you can lose your job, friends, even relatives may not accept this. Is it necessary at all?

How can a girl confess her feelings?

Before a girl confesses her feelings to another girl, you need to try to find out how the girl feels about lesbian relationships. Will it be possible to maintain at least friendship after recognition? To do this, you can ask how she relates to some story about lesbians, a film with such relationships, and so on. If the reaction is completely negative, it’s better not to even stutter about feelings - as a result, you will simply lose your girlfriend, do you need it?

But even if a person reacted to this normally, this does not mean that you can talk about feelings. In the end, a girl can simply recognize the right of everyone to choose and any relationship.

It is worth asking about how the girl imagines her future life. If she sees herself surrounded by children, next to loving husband, and is constantly looking for a boyfriend (or she has one), talks about how lucky she is that she has such a man and the like, it’s better not to open your feelings. Friendship, you can, and save, or maybe not. Why take the risk if in this case nothing shines for you?

Now it’s clear how a girl confesses her feelings to another girl, and what the consequences of a rash act can be. This issue must be approached with extreme caution.

3 Tips for a Girl to Confess Your Feelings to a Girl

This question often arises among members of minorities. Many of them are afraid of being ridiculed or misunderstood. But it is impossible to know what the other person thinks about such a relationship unless you ask him about it. So, how can a girl confess her feelings to another girl, and is it worth it at all?

Communication. The first thing to do is to just talk. You can tell some story related to lesbian relationships - it may well be a fictional story. The main goal of this is to find out how the girl relates to such relationships, so that later the girl will confess her feelings to another girl.

If this story greatly outraged her in itself, and she does not want to hear anything, then there will be no reciprocal feelings here. At this point, then, it is worth stopping. If she agrees to discuss the current situation, analyze the behavior of the characters, then you can go to the second point.

Make sure that the girl needs feelings in general. There are some people for whom the attention and adoration of others is important. They simply bathe in this glory, and they are not ready to respond to anyone's feelings in principle, and it does not matter who they come from. In addition, it does not hurt to find out as much as possible about her - talk to her friends, for example. This will help to protect yourself from disappointments in the future - maybe this person is not entirely worthy of warm feelings. Is betrayal worth it?

In order for a girl to confess her feelings to another girl, you need not frighten her away. You need to act carefully. Even if a person reacted normally to the story of a lesbian relationship, this does not mean that he is ready to accept a relationship in them. Maybe a person is simply tolerant and recognizes the right of choice for everyone.

It is worth finding out about how the girl sees her future life. Maybe she is dating a guy, or sees herself as an exemplary wife and caring mother? In this case, you do not need to say anything about your feelings - except for disappointment, nothing will come of it. It will just be rejected.

If a girl is only interested in money and a career, you should pay attention to the second point again - maybe she is not interested in relationships at all.

You can also tell a story that you are passionate about a girl, but you don’t know how she will react to this, if she considers it a pervert. By the reaction you can understand everything. If she takes it calmly, then we can say that she is this girl.

Now you know how a girl confesses her feelings to another girl. But it is impossible to say with a 100% guarantee how she will react to your confession.

To confess to a girl in love or in your feelings for her is not an easy task, as it might seem at first glance. It’s only in your head that everything develops as simply as possible, and often, when “time x” comes, you get confused in words, you get too nervous and as a result it looks stupid and ridiculous, and the girl doesn’t fully understand what you are on really wanted from her. That is why, in order not to be in a stupid situation, before the moment of recognition, you need to think through everything and calculate how without it. At a minimum, you should understand why you are telling her this and whether you really want to say it. It shouldn't be one of the manipulation tools or another easy way to get her into bed. You have to really realize that you love this person. In addition, you must be prepared for rejection or for a completely different reaction than you expected. And this is also normal, you don’t need to feel like a loser at the same moment or think that she is the same as everyone else and be disappointed in all the women of the world. It's just that sometimes the feelings may not be mutual and there is nothing super-terrible about it (although you will realize this a little later). And yet, if you have already decided on such an important and responsible step, I will give you a couple of tips on how to correctly confess your feelings to a girl.

Preparing for recognition

1. Practice.

In principle, telling someone about your feelings is always a certain challenge to yourself, so often the very recognition sounds very timid and timid. First you have to decide what exactly you want to say to your girlfriend. I'm not telling you to draw up some kind of clear plan for you or prescribe every word of your confession, but at least highlighting the main accents would be nice. Think about whether you want to just say “I love you” to her, or do it more solemnly, verbosely and clearly. Do you want to tell her about what qualities you value most in her and what makes her stand out from all other girls. That is, to designate her uniqueness and individuality - girls appreciate this madly. Do you want to tell her about exactly when you started to have feelings for her - this can add some romance to your confession. After you have figured out all these points, think about how you can pronounce it all to her so that it does not look like a mess and confusion. After all, a lot depends on how you say it - her reaction, her emotions, her impressions of recognition, and sometimes the answer itself. So you don’t need to immediately call and make an appointment with her, first think it over, choose the right words, and only in this case proceed to action.

2. Choose the right place and time.

When you have thought about what exactly and how you will tell her, the next task is for you to choose the right place and time. A lot also depends on this, because, let's say, it will be extremely stupid if you confess to her in your feelings in the night club. Therefore, you must choose a place where no one would interfere with you and where your confession would be appropriate. For example, it may be some special place with its own history, which is somehow connected with your relationship. The park where you first kissed, the cafe where you invited her on a first date - girls are very greedy for such things and for them all this surroundings will be of great importance, so even if all this seems too romantic nonsense to you, think about what this will cause a reaction in her and based on this data, make the final decision. The same applies to time. It would be extremely stupid to confess your love to her at 8 in the morning, when she is in a hurry to work, or when she is busy solving some of her affairs. You must be sure that at this moment the girl is absolutely free and ready for this conversation. Naturally, it is best to do this in the evening, when all the affairs and problems are left behind and she can finally relax and exhale. So the formula "a day off + an atmosphere of relaxation" has not let anyone down yet.

3. Do not think about what she will answer.

No need to torture yourself with thoughts about her answer, because this can only hurt and ruin everything. Therefore, you must understand that the denouement can be unpredictable, it is not obliged to reciprocate, and you must also be ready for such a scenario. Of course, you want to think that she will answer “I love you too” and you will continue this evening in a completely different place. But what if that doesn't happen? What if you hear in response not at all what you expected? Morally, you must be ready for this and not get confused at the most crucial moment, you must behave with dignity and not fall into the dirt, because just a minute ago you confessed your love to this girl, you should not allow all this to turn into a scandal or quarrel . If a girl decides to just take the conversation in a different direction, then you should not immediately obsessively ask her if she loves you. Believe me, if she wanted to tell you exactly this, she would have said a long time ago. Perhaps she needs some time to think, do not rush her, leave her freedom of choice and perhaps soon she herself will raise this topic. Prepare yourself for the worst case scenario - for her to say "I don't love you." Keep calm and calm, because even such a detail as your reaction to her refusal can play a key role and she will look at you with different eyes.

1. Just tell her.

Sometimes it can be the most ordinary and unremarkable moment - no expensive restaurant, no flowers, no special training. You can just walk somewhere, it will be unrealistically cool for you together, and it is at this moment that everything will happen. You should just say “I love you”, look into her eyes and in no case look away, also control your facial expressions, ideally, your face at this moment should have a relaxed and calm smile, and not all that panic, that you can actually experience. Try to do without excessive pomp and too loud statements - in this situation, the girl may think that you are really overplaying and not taking it seriously. So here's some advice for you - the simpler the better. The less pathos, the more likely it will sound sincere and beautiful. Of course, you should not limit yourself solely to this phrase and freeze in anticipation of her reaction. This will only confuse her and make her nervous. Tell about her positive features, about what you like about her, about why exactly you fell in love with her, any girl will be pleased to hear such things about herself. The main thing is not to be nervous, it should look as natural as possible, then you increase your chances of a positive answer.

2. Show her that you really have feelings for her.

Before you tell her how you feel, think about whether you showed her your love? Because sometimes actions speak louder than words. Did you take care of her enough, did you help solve some of her problems, did you give her gifts? One of the main things that love and any normal relationship is based on is respect. So, have you always treated her with due respect? Did he trust her, did he take her opinion into account? Did he abuse her trust, did everything to the maximum to make her feel happy? Believe me, the girl appreciates and remembers all these moments, and if your confession is not supported by any specific actions on your part, then it is likely that she can simply ignore it or not believe in the sincerity of your feelings. Try to always be a support for her, do not forget to pamper and please her, even such a trifle as a bouquet of flowers can cheer her up on a bad and unsuccessful day, and words of encouragement will help her regain faith in herself. The words "I love you" is also a huge responsibility that you must remember, since you decided to tell the girl about your feelings. So first try to show her your attitude towards her with the help of your actions, and only then make the confession itself.

3. Write to her.

This is the most simplified version of a declaration of love. And maybe a little old fashioned. If you understand that it is very, very difficult for you to formulate your thoughts and most likely you will say some stupid thing that will not make any impression on the girl, then this option is just for you. Just don’t even think of writing to her about it on social networks, leave this prerogative to schoolchildren. At the very least, it's stupid, and at most, the girl simply won't take it seriously. So, all you need is to beautifully express your thoughts on paper and think about how to present it to her. It is best to do this as an addition to the gift, the next time you see her, then buy her some small gift that will definitely please her, and enclose your letter with it. She should not announce this immediately, let her find him at home, in a relaxed and calm atmosphere. This method is complicated by the fact that you will have to wait a long and painful time for an answer to your confession. After all, she can just pretend that she didn’t find anything, and then you will need to make attempt number 2 - tell her about your feelings, no matter how scared you are. If you are sure that your girlfriend will definitely appreciate such a romantic act, then do not hesitate and take out a pen and a sheet of paper!

Are you sure this is love?

1. You're trying to impress her.

What are you doing to get her attention? And do you do anything at all? Because if you love a girl, then you will do everything so that out of all those present, she always pays attention to you. You will want to be the best for her, and to prove it, sometimes you will do rash and risky things. You want her to admire you and appreciate your talents, that is, you will try to demonstrate them. You will protect her and protect her from difficult situations. In general, her opinion on many issues, and sometimes decisive ones, will be authoritative for you. Of course, this situation is not going to be permanent, and you shouldn't flirt with it either, because if you're doing all these things solely for the sake of your ego and just want to find one more confirmation of how awesome you are, then obviously it's not love, and your failure and complexes. But if you understand that you are doing all this in order to win your girlfriend and no matter how long you have been together, then you really have serious feelings for her and you should talk about them. Just to begin with, honestly answer to yourself the question whether you are doing all this for her or for yourself, this will help you figure it out and draw the right conclusions.

2. You think about her all the time.

When you love a person, thoughts about him somehow spontaneously come to mind. If you think about your girlfriend only on the weekends or on a weekday lunch break, then this is anything but love. It is important and interesting for you to know what she does during the day, whether she thinks about you too, and many other little things. Only if you understand that your head is occupied solely with thoughts about her and this does not go away in a day or two or even a week, then you can think about the seriousness of your feelings. But this should not be confused with the desire for possession, because when you want sex with a girl, your brain works in approximately the same way and you only think about her day and night. You must understand that with the help of the words "I love you" you will not be able to bind a person to yourself and completely get him, because love is not about that at all, it is about freedom as well. And it will be better for both of you if at this stage you understand that this is still love or just sympathy and will not hurt the girl. But in the event that you understand that you really miss her and you can’t stop thinking about her, this will serve as a good sign that you love her and, perhaps, it’s time for her to tell her about it.

3. Your feelings for a girl make you a better person.

If you love a girl, then you have a natural desire to be number 1 for her, the most best man on the ground. Analyze your behavior and actions and think about whether you have had a desire to improve yourself for all the time that you know this girl? Perhaps you have found new job or moved up the career ladder? Started taking care of yourself and your body, went to the gym, got a new haircut? Started reading and developing more? Maybe you have found a new hobby and passion or discovered some talent in yourself? Finally started doing something that you have not dared for a long time? All this sure signs the fact that you are really in love and it is very important for you to be worthy of this girl, it is important for you that she be proud of you. As soon as you caught yourself in this feeling, you can not delay confessing - you have feelings for her and she must certainly find out about them. But if you understand that nothing really has changed in your life, you are passive, you don’t want to move mountains for her sake, and in general you have chosen the most convenient position for yourself “love me the way I am”, then it’s better to wait a little with recognition and figure it out in detail in itself. Think about whether you really need a relationship at this stage of life.

4. You want her to be happy.

If you love her, then you will have a natural desire to do everything to make this girl happy. You will want to protect her from all the problems of the outside world as much as possible. If she gets sick, you will not just write her a message with one word "get well", you will come to her and bring the necessary pills and fruits. If she had a hard day, then you will try to relax her as much as possible and make her stop being nervous. You will want to solve her problems, you will want to take care of her and help her. Only in the event that you spend your strength, time and energy on making her happy, should you think about telling her that you love her. In the event that you are not ready to leave your comfort zone and live the way you like, not particularly caring how your girlfriend feels at that moment, then you probably shouldn’t tell her about any serious feelings, because you he himself is not yet ready to let someone into his life and take responsibility for everything that happens.

5. Be confident before talking about your feelings.

Before, how to tell a girl that you love her you shouldn't have any doubts. After all, you must understand that this will change both yours and her life, which means that to some extent you are responsible for this. After recognition, your relationship with a girl will most likely transform and change, and it depends only on you whether these changes will be with a “plus” or “minus” sign. So think carefully and answer your own key questions before you tell your girlfriend "I love you." Are you really in love with her? Does she put the same meaning in the concept of "love" as you do? Are you telling her all this only in the hope that she will reciprocate? Sometimes it's better to play it safe and postpone confession for a while, but be honest with yourself and with your girlfriend. Believe me, she will appreciate it much more than just thoughtless and pathetic phrases about your love for her.

How to confess feelings to a girl Tips:

  • -Keep calm and be yourself;
  • -When you confess your love to her, make sure that you say it really consciously;
  • -If she did not tell you in response that she also loves you, then there is no need to worry, perhaps she will just need a little more time for this;
  • -Be prepared for any development of the situation and always behave like a man, even if she did not reciprocate.

To confess to a girl in love is not at all easy. When you say the words of recognition, you may be experiencing such a strong emotional excitement, not knowing what to expect next. Perhaps in these moments a lot of questions arise in your head: “How will she react?”, “Do I really love her?”, “Why am I telling her about this?”, “What will happen next if our feelings turn out to be mutual"? Before you confess your love to a girl, you must be completely sure of your feelings. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that the girl may refuse you. Remember proverb, carrying centuries-old wisdom: "The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won't catch it." Therefore, before deciding on such a brave step, think carefully and make the right decision.


Part 1

Preparing for a declaration of love

    Practice. Before you get down to business, you will need a lot of practice. Confessing your feelings to someone is not easy, especially for the first time. If you are very worried, consider in advance what you will tell her. This will make you feel more confident. Do you want to just say "I love you" or explain to a girl why you love her? Do you want to tell her about when you had feelings for her? Do you want her to know that she is the one you have been waiting for all your life? Do you want to make your confession in a romantic setting? After you decide on your preferences, you can start rehearsing a declaration of love. When that very long-awaited moment comes, you will feel confident and will know what to say.

    Choose a time and place. Agree, confessing your feelings to someone is a rather intimate moment. You'll probably strive for everything to pass the best way. Choose a place where no one will stop you from expressing your feelings. It may be a place that is associated with some pleasant events that happened to you. Also, choose the right time.

    Don't assume that she has the same feelings for you. In addition to getting ready and telling her how you feel, you should also tune in to possible options response. Ideally, she'll say, "I love you too!" However, the truth of life is that we can not always hear what we want in response.

Part 2

Declaration of love

    Tell:"I love you". If you are sure that the girl's heart is free, at the moment when you are especially good together, say: "I love you." Look into her eyes, smile and just say, "I love you." Do not give your words excessive pomposity, most importantly, be sincere.

    Show her that you have tender feelings for her. In addition to words of love, show the girl that you care about her. Always treat her with respect and kindness. Don't disrespect her or abuse her trust. Do your best to keep her happy. For example, if she's had a hard day, give her flowers or try to cheer her up in some other way. If someone offends her, be sure to stand up for her, not letting your girlfriend be offended. Be supportive for her. Be present at all events in which she takes part. Write her notes with words of support and encouragement. Help her reach her goals.

    Write her a love letter. While some find it easier to put their feelings into words by saying "I love you", others find it easier to put them on paper! Write a love letter or compose a beautiful poem. When the moment is right, hand her your letter along with a small gift, or hold your hand on her arm at the end of the date.

    • Don't send emails saying, "I love you."
  1. Pay attention to her reaction. After she has heard or read these three little words, give her time to think about it and respond appropriately to your words. Don't demand an immediate response from her. When she is ready to give you her answer, be very attentive to her words. Listen carefully to her and respond appropriately to her words. by the most the best option will be if she reciprocates.

Part 3

And is it love?

    Consider if you are trying to impress her. If you like a girl, you will do everything possible to make her pay attention to you. You can try to impress her by taking risks or helping others. You can also try to impress her with your abilities and talents, such as playing the musical instruments or achievements in sports. If your actions are dictated by the desire to please a girl, most likely you love her.

    Do you think about her constantly? If you love a person, you constantly think about him. How often do you think about her during the day? Would you be interested to know if she thinks of you too? If your thoughts are only about her alone, then most likely you love this girl.

A girl appeared, you meet, you like her, but the further your relationship goes, you begin to understand that you don’t just like her, but that you love her.

Each person imagines this “process” somehow in his own way. A man will look for beautiful and original ways not only to confess his love, but also to impress his beloved. Before such important event a man will think over his every step, every little thing, so that everything goes perfectly. But how and when is the best time to do it. When to talk about your feelings, and when to hide them. Let's try to figure it out.

Should you say "I love you" on first dates?

As a rule, young people do not always put into the word "love" those feelings that symbolize it. More often there are cases when a young guy, having gone on several dates with a girl and kissed twice, begins to pour into his ears that he is already madly in love and has fallen uncontrollably in love for life. He starts talking about how they will live together, how they will introduce them to their parents, etc.

As a rule, such "stupidity" occurs in those guys who have not had more than one date with the same girl before, or this girl is just the first one in their life. The guy starts thinking that "I've got a girlfriend and I'm going to keep her by my side in every way." I will tell her what I love, and the more often I tell her about it, the sooner I will hear this phrase in response. But, all that awaits such a guy: "Let's remain friends."

The first thing you think about is that you did everything for her - cared for, "loved", caressed, and she left me. Why did it happen? Yes, everything is simple - you confessed your love too often, and she was simply tired of it, she became bored with such a man who immediately begins to “fill in” what he loves.

In this case, a woman simply begins not to take such a guy seriously, she will consider him easily accessible, who can be easily seduced, and most importantly, he has not had a serious relationship or a girlfriend for too long. You should not show yourself like that, let her seek you out, find out - this is the basis for building a long-term relationship.

When is the best time to confess your feelings?

Many young people who are looking for an answer to the question of how to correctly confess to a girl in love miss one moment - when it is better to do this.

First, let's analyze your relationship with her. Answer these simple questions for yourself:

  • Have you had sex? Many will now say that sex is not the main thing. Be that as it may, sex is an important component of any relationship, especially when it comes to such serious feelings as love. Love without sex can only be in boys under 15 years old or in too romantic natures. Any serious, adequate person should understand that after one gentle kiss, it’s not worth talking about love, and it’s pointless. Therefore, if you are planning something serious with a girl, leave all your confessions for a period after the first sex.
  • An equally important question is how many you meet. It is believed that the most favorable period for a declaration of love is the first month of your regular meetings (let them be every day or maximum every other day). Of course, it’s understandable that if you met two or three times in a month, then this is not the best period to wonder how to correctly confess to a girl in love.
  • Ask yourself the question - do you really love her or can she just like it? This is a rather serious and responsible step, so you shouldn’t scatter such valuable words just because you haven’t had a girlfriend for too long, and this one just satisfied you very well (maybe even several times a night). Even if she is the most experienced priestess of love, this does not mean that you love her. Maybe you are deceiving yourself? Love and sexual satisfaction are two fundamentally different things that should not be confused. But how to understand it? It's simple, if you tell a girl that you love her for her figure, ass, there or for some other virtues, in fact you don't love her. If you are just drawn to her, it doesn’t matter to you how she looks, how much she buys shoes for herself, it’s just good for you to be with her together - most likely, this is love.
  • Does the girl love you? It's hard to know about it. But, if she constantly calls you, wants to meet, can talk to you for a long time on the phone, then you are clearly not indifferent to her.

If all these points coincide with you, then you can safely declare your feelings and not be afraid of being rejected. But, if at least one of them does not match, then it is better to postpone the recognition.

Will a girl's attitude change if she announces her feelings in advance?

Many men naively believe that the sooner they say "I love" the beauty, the sooner she will become attached and somehow change her attitude towards a man. Indeed, this can happen, but only if Madame really loves you. Otherwise - earlier “I love” will not change anything, she will not treat you better and somehow in a special way.

Variants of original declarations of love

If there is good sex in your relationship, you have been together for a long time, she loves you (seemingly), and you love her, then you should think about how to confess your love to a girl in an original way.

Most of the advice on how to do it in an original way is given on various pick-up sites. But, after reading all this, I want to run away myself, but imagine what it would be like for a girl. Well, why find out who the girl is according to the horoscope, why look for some beautiful place, or why memorize 10 SMS from the Internet. If you want it to be remembered, all these pikapersky troubles are useless.

As the people say: "Be simpler and people will be drawn to you." It doesn’t matter at all what you say to your beloved, what memorized phrase you give out, the main thing is how you do it all.

Now you should not stutter and think “how”, “words”, etc. Everything is very simple, I explain. The girl feels your state like no other, it is this sensuality that they differ from the male half of the population. That is, if you tell her a simple, sensual “I love you”, while putting all your soul into her, she will definitely feel it and no surprises will replace it. But to make it really beautiful, you must have everything that was written about above.

What is the best way to confess your feelings to a girl?

And now some simple tips on how to confess your love to a girl. As already mentioned, you should not bother too much, but it is still better to take into account some details and subtleties.

It is important to say a cherished confession when you are alone with her and there is no one around, only the two of you. After the confession, do not look at the girl with wide eyes and do not demand a confession in return. Say it simply, as if you have not discovered anything new and there is no secret in it.

Also, do not worry if she did not react in any way to your confession. Maybe she is the type of woman who makes sense of what is said inside. Even if her facial expression has not changed, know that she will remember it, and will remember it for a long time to come. The girl will remain satisfied, will smile and fall in love with you even more.

Don't forget about modern technology. You can text, girls love them. In this case, it is important that you write, because she will not be able to hear or see you. The main thing is to convey your emotions to her. There can be a lot of options for SMS with confessions, you can write it yourself, without rhyme, just from the heart.

Sooner or later, but each of us has a moment when that same life partner is found! When you have finally sorted out your feelings and realized that this is exactly the person you need, it remains to make a confession. During this period, a hurricane of emotions sweeps through the head, causing various questions. But, having given an answer to each of them, you understand that confessing love is more difficult than it seemed at first.

Preparing for recognition

Practice and Gifts

You need to carefully consider your words and choose the most appropriate tone. Practice in front of a mirror, observing your facial expressions and facial expressions, and also try gesturing. You must sound confident and assertive, without letting your woman doubt your intentions. Prepare some nice gift, it does not have to be expensive at all. Even a trifle in the form of a pleasant toy will noticeably improve your mood and give you a smile.

Place and Time

The same alley, street, restaurant or square where you were best together. Vivid memories are superimposed on top of words, causing much more pleasant feelings not only for your girlfriend, but also for yourself. A favorite place will contribute to your confidence and give you a chance to succeed. Not only you, but she also appreciates him very much, remember this. Such places are strictly individual, so there is simply no one formula for everyone.

This time should be free from worries, be easy and suitable for what would change your life. Literally everything matters here. Starting from the coolness on the street and ending with grandmother's health problems. You see, she should not be distracted by work or anyone other than yourself. For this period, you are her only entertainment and experience!

Find out when your woman will be free from routine affairs, when the frequency of her thoughts will be tuned to you! Choose the most suitable weather or even season. If there is no convenient opportunity now, it is better to wait than to rush and make you laugh, however, here you need to feel the situation subtly, since excessive slowness is also harmful!

Read also:

Be ready to be rejected

No ideal revelation will bring love itself, if it was not there before. By talking about your feelings, you may not feel her feelings. The girl has the right to ignore you, missing what was said, deaf, or, on the contrary, to answer sharply and unpleasantly. In this case, you can not push and continue in the same spirit. If it is not ready now, then the time has not yet come, you only need to wait. Pretend that nothing happened, if you have already been refused, be strong to accept and try to understand why this is so.

If you focus on these tips, the likelihood that everything will go exactly as it was intended increases! A list of useful actions that can help get out of a difficult situation, or vice versa - not to get into it!

  • Do not talk right and left about your feelings! Learn about them, your girlfriend should just from you!
  • Be yourself, do not be too shy or embarrassed, confessing your love.
  • Do not rush her with an answer, let her think as much as she needs!
  • Answer the question for yourself - "Are you sure of your feelings?"
  • This is an important day, and you should look accordingly. Put yourself in order, yet confess your love!
  • Match your words! Every spoken word of love must be reinforced by your feelings. Speak sincerely, confidently and calmly!
  • Be attentive to your interlocutor, do not take your eyes off her, but there is no need to stare stupidly!


  • If you abuse words of love too often, it will make them priceless and unnecessary.
  • Never lie. This is especially true when it comes to the future.

Original examples

Monotonous standard themes are already tired, and I want something new! be special and the best guy Sometimes it's not as easy as it seems! For a unique recognition, your chosen one herself can help, her tastes and interests should take shape and be reflected in you. It's time to show your Creative skills, since there may not be a second such case.


  • Write a love play and act it out with your friends.
  • Write a poem or write a song.
  • To paint a picture, even if it doesn’t work out very well for you, symbolism is important here!
  • Go to one of the desired places.
  • A paper note in one of the chocolates.


So the much-desired moment came directly, where it would be necessary to put into practice all the theory collected earlier. The first time is the most difficult, but as a rule, first love most often, if not brings eternal happiness and life together, it will certainly give you experience for the future. Take a deep breath and relax.

  • Banal - "I love you" ideally can do everything you need, producing the desired effect. If the girl herself has very strong feelings for you, then such a simple phrase will be more than enough, of course, if she feels your sincerity and purity of intentions. Tell us what exactly is so dear and important to you in it, why does it not allow you to fall asleep at night and why did you choose it? However, it is up to you to decide exactly how to say these words, and no one can do it better than you yourself.
  • Strengthen gentle and affectionate words with deeds. Alternatively, after a declaration of love, give the girl the opportunity to answer only after a while or at the end of the walk, caring for her as much as possible all this time. Make her as happy as possible for this day, and perhaps she will make you happy for life.
  • Be supportive and supportive. In a serious relationship, everything is built on trust in each other. Learn to fully believe and accept the girl's whims, even if they are not clear to you. At the moment of recognition, this foundation should already be in place, and if for some reason it still doesn’t exist, lay the first brick by fulfilling one of the desires or by providing your physical support in her work.
  • Her problems are now your problems. This is the responsibility that falls on you from now on and you must accept it. If earlier you could still have separate difficulties that needed to be solved, now these are your common difficulties. You, as a man, should take the initiative in all possible cases, and, if possible, offer a solution. The girl’s hope is on you in the first place, since it is you who are her main amulet and talisman from all the failures and difficulties of life.

How to overcome insecurity?

They are afraid, and doubt is normal and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Absolutely all people are afraid of the unknown and uncertainty in their future, they are afraid to make important decisions, as this will significantly change the life to which they are so accustomed.

To get rid of the constraining uncertainty, first of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly is its cause?

Most often, the main reason is doubt about personal merits and qualities. You underestimate your talents and put yourself deliberately below her. Think you can only be her friend? That you are unworthy of such a beautiful companion? Nonsense! Relax, any guy is able to conquer any girl, and your uniqueness alone will be enough for this. So use it and just be yourself! Don't pretend to be someone you weren't and never will be. You are You, no more and no less, understand. If you don’t like something in your own character traits or don’t like the physical body, do it! No one will do it for you, and putting on the costumes of other characters is not only self-deception, but also a deception of a girl. And what kind of relationship can be built on lies?

But what if doubts arise because of the consequences of your confession? If you are afraid of responsibility, are not ready for serious conversations, then this is not the time to make such bold statements.

Confessing love is not just saying 3 short words and walking by the hand. Love is above all a responsibility that comes with age and should not be expected in the early years. Love is more difficult than it was in your life before. Love is a complex wave that, in addition to pleasure and happiness, can bring tears and disappointments.

experience true love, with all the consequences that come out of it - a heavenly delight. If you are afraid of being covered by this wave, if you are ready only for its light and light side, then move away from the shore and let it spread away from you, tempering your character and preparing at this time a new wave, already yours.