Restless sleep is not always the result of problems that have piled up. Sometimes a girl is kept awake by the obsessive image of one guy. And this is where the fun begins: introspection about what you feel for him. How to understand that you are in love? The answer to this question is in the article.

Only in his mind

So, the first way to understand that you are in love is to analyze your thoughts. You seem to live the same life as before meeting him - you go to university, work, visit cafes and exhibitions ... But bad luck - almost everywhere you think about him. That is, actually being here and now, you fly farther and farther on the wings of Cupid. Comes to the strange and funny! Well, one more of the obvious options for how to understand that you have fallen in love is absent-mindedness and inattention. Do you forget to carry out assignments at work, getting confused in thoughts about him, unique? So, you suffered the fate of a girl in love.

You are "pulled"

This sign is difficult to put on the shelves, like the previous one, but, nevertheless. You feel everyday, and in especially advanced cases - every minute, the need to see him and be around! You constantly imagine what the guy you like can do now, and sometimes you even barely restrain yourself from dialing his phone number ten times a day.

Paranoid Behavior

Conversations with girlfriends turn into a discussion of his endless virtues and your feelings for him? Another surefire way to know you're in love. Yes, yes, with your friends you will only go on talking about him! Some will try to reason with you, soberly assessing the situation. After all, it may well be that the object of adoration does not pay any attention to you. Yes, that's just it does not moderate the ardor of a girl in love. And, rather, on the contrary - it will only increase interest in the chosen character. But that's not all the changes in your behavior! As you know, love ennobles. It is possible that you will begin to do things that you were not capable of before - you will transfer your grandmother across the road, pick up a small puppy on the street and cure, you will avoid conflicts with those around you.

My light, mirror...

And how to understand that you have fallen in love, if you know how to keep your emotions in your hands? The fact is that during the period of falling in love, the girl begins to show not only an increased interest in the object of her dreams, but also in her appearance. Which, of course, is not surprising - after all, it is much easier to surprise a man's eyes than his heart. And if you spin in front of the mirror for a long time, knowing that you will definitely meet him today, then how to understand that you have fallen in love is not difficult. In principle, taking care of your body and grooming will never be superfluous. The main thing - do not change your style and do not run after the clarifier, having learned that he only likes blondes.

Trembling and confusion

It is these two words that can describe your state when a unique man is nearby. How to understand that you fell in love strongly? Just watch yourself from the side. Do you smile a lot, try to cheer him up, talk incessantly, once again attract the guy's attention? Congratulations! So love has broken your heart.

You really like a young man, maybe you even fell in love, how to understand what exactly you are experiencing? The ability to love is a gift of Fate, not every person is lucky enough to experience this bright feeling.

Many people mistake attraction for love, love is confused with love, how do you know if you really fell in love or is it just your imagination?

There are many signs of love.

So, how to recognize that you have fallen in love:

  • You dream about him all the time, thoughts about the guy do not let you go. You have abandoned all your affairs, you are in the clouds, your head is occupied only by this guy. The study does not stick, the work does not go. You imagine the two of you, dreaming of a fabulous life together, maybe you have already figured out how your wedding will go, what you will name your children. Everyone, you're definitely in love.
  • You want to see him constantly. You deliberately arrange meetings, go the same route as him, look for him in the crowd. In every guy you meet, you try to see your beloved, it seems to you that you will never get enough of him. Gradually you realize that apart from him, you do not need anyone.
  • You have become more cheerful and positive, you are sure that you are surrounded entirely by good, kind people. In every person you began to notice only positive features. In the morning you wake up in a great mood, spend the whole day on the positive. You don't even walk, you practically float above the ground.
  • You constantly talk about your beloved, and a lot and often, you are interested in discussing the smallest detail of his life, everything that concerns him is important to you. Your girlfriends are perplexed about what happened, and you cannot stop, just pronouncing the name of your beloved plunges you into euphoria.
  • You collect any information about your loved one, you are interested in learning everything. You want to know what he is fond of, what kind of girls he likes, what he dreams about, what dreams he has. You greedily catch any of his words, listen carefully to him, holding your breath. You are ready to agree with him in everything, for example, before you were indifferent to sushi and rolls, now you believe that their taste is delicious, if you used to be lazy to run in the morning, now you are sure that morning jogging gives vivacity, good mood.
  • You began to spin more near the mirror, you long for everything to be beautiful in you, and you perceive a strand of hair that has come out of your hair as a tragedy. If you didn’t have time to get a manicure, then the mood is spoiled, if the handbag is not matched to the color of the shoes, then you are hiding from the object of your desires, suddenly he will take you for a girl who doesn’t even know how to dress decently.
  • In the presence of a man you like, you blush, turn pale and speak out of place. All words fly out of my head in an instant, the purse falls out of my hands, and your palms sweat. You are embarrassed or, on the contrary, excited and talking nonsense, in general, your behavior is completely different from usual.
  • You began to look for films about love, songs, you are ready to listen to them for hours and cry at the most sentimental moments. You have become more vulnerable and sensitive, you feel sorry for the cats on the street, you are ready to take home a homeless dog, you want to give love and help the weak.
  • You associate any event with your loved one. An accidentally spoken word, a song heard in a shopping center makes you think that this is a sign that you are destined to be together, your chosen one is thinking about you. You begin to be interested in magic, fortune telling, trying to find out from the cards whether this guy is in love with you, whether you will be together.
  • You regard every word or gesture of a guy in your favor, it seems to you that he has been in love for a long time, but he is simply afraid to admit it. It is quite possible that you imagine everything completely different from how things really are. If you notice at least half of these signs in your behavior, know that you are in love.

Do not be afraid of falling in love, it is not scary. Many people are not destined to experience this wonderful feeling at all. Love transforms a person, makes him better, kinder and more sensitive. This is both good and bad at the same time. The person becomes more vulnerable and vulnerable.

If you realize that you have been in the clouds for a long time, you have forgotten your duties, and things are going somehow, ask the most sober-minded friend to support you.

You can consult with her, she will tell you if the guy has feelings or if he is completely indifferent. Here you need a look from the outside, if you are in love, you cannot adequately perceive reality, sometimes on the waves of love it can take you so far that it is fraught. If you can’t restrain yourself and want to talk about your chosen one all day long, don’t be shy, talk, but at least not 8 hours a day, but, for example, 4 hours, your friend will understand you.

Do not be afraid to imagine the two of you, thoughts are material. If every day, little by little, draw in your head a wonderful future with your loved one, then the dream may well become a reality! Believe in it, then everything will come true. The main thing is to behave with dignity, do not guard the guy, do not hang on him, even if you are very in love and can hardly restrain yourself so as not to rush into his arms.

Answers to other questions asked

What to do if you fall in love with a teacher?

Girls tend to idealize their teachers. They often give them all positive qualities right away, but remember, your teacher is an ordinary person, he is just well versed in the subject, he is at work, he has many such students. Try to study better, and in search of love, turn your eyes to your classmates, peers.

You should not assume that something could have happened for you, it is unlikely, but everything will end sadly - it is quite possible.

What to do if you fell in love, but he does not notice you?

Think about it, maybe the guy only sees you as a friend? Become more feminine, soft and kind, dress more coquettishly, try to become brighter, more noticeable. Get fans, surrounded by a crowd of admirers, you will attract his attention faster than when he sees you alone and always thoughtful and sad.

What to do if you fell in love with a man much older?

Most likely, your man is married. Maybe you shouldn't destroy his family? Let's assume it's free, what then. In adult men, girls are attracted by the mind, experience, knowledge of life, this is all good, but only for a short time, time will pass, you will grow up, and the man will grow old, will you then feel good together? There are many difficulties in such couples, you have to be ready for them, you are people of different generations, which means you think differently, you have different views on life. Think about it, do you agree to be like a little girl all your life, and at 40, and at 50, will you be comfortable?

  1. You perfectly see not only the advantages of a man, but also his shortcomings, and they do not bother you, you agree to put up with them. You do not repeat to everyone about the ideality of a guy, you are well aware that he is a living person, with his own characteristics, you are aware of what you are going for.
  2. You strive to be good initially to your chosen one, then already to you, you create a comfortable life for him, you rejoice when he is happy. Sometimes you even forget about yourself, your needs.
  3. You are ready for a lot for the sake of your beloved: move, change your whole life, change your habits. You are not afraid of changes, you are sure that they are for the better, and together you will succeed.

What to do if you fall in love with a friend or classmate?

If you fell in love with a boy:

  • Try to communicate more, intersect with him. There are social networks, send him interesting pictures, suggest exciting films. You can just take a walk after class, talk on topics that are exciting for both.
  • Be friendly. Let the guy notice that classmates simply adore you, ask your opinion, invite you to parties. Be nice, friendly and sociable.
  • Be active. Participate in school productions, try to become the head boy in the class.
  • Dress beautifully, be feminine, show your defenselessness and weakness. Ask a guy to help you, protect or carry a backpack.
  • Sign up for basketball if he goes there or take up tennis if the guy is into it. You need to find common interests that would bring you closer.

What to do next if you realize that you have fallen in love?

First, find out more about your love object. If he is free, you can try to charm him. Catch his eyes, be in his favorite places, be active! And also be light, smiling and sweet. Take care of your appearance, look chic whenever you can meet. Surround yourself with fans, post the best pictures on social networks, accept compliments with dignity, the more guys around you, the better.

Create a stir around your person, do not sour at home, wrapped in a blanket, only dreaming and not going anywhere.

Make a list of topics that you can discuss with the chosen one, so you will feel more confident when you meet and not get confused. Ask your girlfriend to pull you up sometimes if you really lose your head. Do not be sad, believe that your romantic story will begin soon, and it will happen.

How to understand: love or love?

A person fell in love ... Where is the line between falling in love and love? Falling in love is on the surface, let’s say, when you answer the question of what is remarkable about him, you answer: “He has bottomless blue eyes” or “He has incredible charisma, I am drawn to him.” Being in love makes you soar, fly, admire the object of love. Love is deeper, it arises when people know each other better, a person is important for a true lover, spiritual qualities, not just the outer shell.

Love exists for a short time, then it either smoothly flows into love, or evaporates without a trace.

love or habit

How to understand if sincere love or just a habit keeps you together?

If boredom, indifference settled in a relationship, you each live in your own little world, communication with your spouse is annoying, hugs and kisses are forgotten, and sex has become a rare activity, then most likely you are together just out of habit. People are held together by many factors: the financial issue, and the fear of loneliness, and the fear of change.

However, think about whether you are ready to live like this for the rest of your life, without true love, sincere feelings? When, instead of love, a surrogate, the other half is a stranger, and everyday life has become gray and dull. Maybe you should shake your head and decide on a serious step? Which will eventually lead to happiness and true love. Why live together if feelings have cooled. It is quite possible that there is already waiting for you around the corner. new life, in love, happiness and harmony.

Oddly enough, but at times a girl may not even realize that she has already fallen in love. Only recently there were no thoughts about this guy, but for several days now he has been in your head. But how to understand what kind of feeling has visited you: maybe you just like it, maybe you are cute, or maybe you have already fallen in love. We will tell you about the surest signs in your behavior, mood and feelings.

  • You always want to see a candidate for a "hand and heart". And I want, and at the same time, it's scary. Such is the ambiguous state. If there is such a fluctuation, it means that the matter is unclean. Perhaps love has arrived. I want to be closer to the object of my passion. If he is in the same room, then he simply pulls like a magnet to him. Watch yourself.
  • When it comes to this person, you can be embarrassed. But at the same time, you really want to talk about him, any mention of him pleases you. Even the sound of his name evokes pleasant dreams. If you like to chat, then there is a chance that your friends have already learned everything they can about the subject of your dreams, and more than once.
  • You are now often in a good mood for no apparent reason. It becomes especially good on those days when you know for sure that you will see this person today.
  • You are jealous of him. Sometimes this feeling makes it very difficult to concentrate, especially if you have to work together. If you see your object of adoration in the company of a nice colleague, then very strong passions rage here. If you were struck by a burning attack of jealousy at the sight of this spectacle, then there is no doubt - it was love.
  • He is constantly present in your thoughts, and does not want to disappear from there. Often this is very disturbing, for example, at work. But there is little that can be done here, you can’t argue with nature. And if she decided that your time for love has come, you will have to obey. Only remarkable willpower can still force yourself to focus on pressing matters. By the way, and now you may have less appetite. Not before eating, when such feelings are raging here. A good bonus: lose weight and become simply irresistible so that he, too, quickly falls in love.
  • Sleep becomes restless. There are nights when sleep does not come at all. There is extreme excitement at the thought of the object of one's love.
  • There was a romantic mood. Even if you are not too soft-spoken and know how to collect receivables better than anyone in the company, in your thoughts about your loved one you constantly imagine yourself under the moon, on a yacht, on a desert island, and in other beautiful and, preferably, deserted places.

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  • There was a manic desire to dress up and put yourself in order. Of course, you paid enough attention to yourself before, but with the advent of this man in your life, the desire to become beautiful always, at any time, especially with him, turned into a phobia. You are now constantly doing all sorts of cosmetic procedures, watching your weight, hair, skin, studying the latest fashion trends. All so that he finally fell, smitten, at your feet.
  • Gather information about him. Interested in everything related to him. Where he was born, how he studied, where he worked, what his acquaintances and friends say about him. In general, you are compiling a kind of dossier on this young man. And the further you delve into the jungle of his life, the more you like him. It also has practical implications. After all, knowing that he visits a certain bar every Friday, it is easier to arrange a “random” meeting or just catch his eye once again. And there, you see, it’s not far to a closer acquaintance.
  • Trying to catch his eye, to make him pay attention to you. Even forbidden tricks are used, such as an ultra-short skirt for work, etc. If there is a persistent irresistible desire to be in the sight of this particular person more often, then it's time to think about it: this is no accident. Several Yet useful tips about which one to like in our new article.
  • Your behavior and phrases in his presence are not entirely adequate. Just now you were completely in control of yourself, communicating with colleagues on work topics, but with his appearance in the office, you want to dance lambada on your desktop. Be careful, don't do it, it's not time for a corporate party yet. And although you have always been distinguished by enviable eloquence, when communicating with him, sometimes you don’t know what to say. Also, when you see him, you want to smile, even if the situation does not at all conducive to this.
  • You interpret each of his phrases, gestures in your own way, through the prism of his attitude towards you. Often, under the influence of such hormonal storms, you can fantasize for yourself something that is not there. For example, that he, too, has already fallen in love. Be careful with these thoughts. No need to assume that a man has fallen in love, yet. It is better to underestimate the situation here than vice versa.
  • Sometimes it seems that the stars themselves are leading you to your beloved. You have already recognized his zodiac sign and now you are enthusiastically counting your further compatibility according to various horoscopes.
  • You idealize him. Let everyone know about his shortcomings, even if they make fun of him, for you he is an impeccable perfection. This is a clear and undeniable sign of love.

True love or not: the main signs

But how to figure it out - came real love or is it just a fleeting love, of which there will be many more in life?

It is even more difficult to sort out your feelings when there are several guys, and you need to determine which of the two you are just attracted to, and which one you are truly in love with.

Signs that this is love:

  • If this is love, then you want your loved one to feel good. True love is not selfish. You will not annoy him, interfere in life, as you will be afraid of somehow harming him. Whereas a fleeting feeling can be selfish.
  • Even if others speak badly about this person, your attitude towards him does not change. That is, some extraneous gossip, accusations, criticism, rumors and other factors cannot affect love.
  • If a loved one has problems, then you are trying to help him solve them. And if the feeling is a simple love, you don’t want to solve his problems at all, there is a desire to just relax and have fun.
  • If love arose, then you take into account the desires of the other person. And treat them just like your own. Moreover, you immediately unconditionally let him into your life and make your plans taking him into account.
  • True love cannot arise suddenly, at first sight, and so on. It takes time to be born, while falling in love just happens to be that beautiful romantic feeling described in books and films, when “something broke out between us, like a match." Love does not arise like that, it appears when two people have known each other for several days and study each other constantly, remaining interesting for a partner for a long time.

If you are sure that you love, . Perhaps this will encourage him to take the first step towards.

Another good way to get his attention is to make him. The main thing is to make a compliment so that he does not feel flattery in it.

And finally, some useful tips.

If this is true love, then you do not doubt the person. This love can be tormented by doubts, hints, understatement, incomprehensibility. As for love, it is so obvious that such questions simply disappear.

How to determine? Is it possible to truly fall in love?

Met a guy. The guy is pretty positive. But what feelings, in fact, you have for him is unclear to you. To find out exactly what kind of feeling your heart is engulfed in, read everything that is written below.

How to know and understand that you, a girl, fell in love?

T you fell in love if:

  1. You are incredibly attracted to a guy. Attraction can be compared, for example, with the state when you feel like sleeping wildly: you run to the pillow, forgetting about everything and everyone.
  2. You think about him very often. And no matter how you try to drive away the “annoyance” of thoughts, nothing works out for you. Forgive me for upsetting you. And it won't work. You don't even have to waste time trying.
  3. You're looking for any excuse to call a guy. I’m even ready to break something in my computer myself so that he comes and fixes it. However, not only the computer can serve as a pretext.
  4. Your appetite leaves much to be desired. Once you ate three times a day (at least). And here - once, and even then - "with a stretch." You even forget, in some moments, that there is food. Not before her!
  5. you sleep in Lately, very little. Sleep does not want to appear in your eyes. Insomnia torments you again and again, as if testing you for strength. You catch yourself thinking that this is all completely wrong.
  6. How to know that you are in love? - You start writing love poems. You did not know - did not guess that you have such Creative skills. And they, day by day, will develop and strengthen.
  7. You talk about him to all your friends, without noticing it yourself. He, as they say, "does not leave the tongue." It happens unconsciously. You won't be able to resist it either.
  8. Your heart begins to beat a million times stronger and more distinctly when he passes by you, or is near.
  9. You, on the Internet, read the meaning of his name. Because it's very interesting for you to know more about him than you know now. The desire to know a person better is not a simple whim.
  10. You want to see him always. Well, if not always, then very often, at least. Being at home, you stealthily glance out the window in order to suddenly, among the many passers-by, notice your beloved.
  11. You write letters to him. You write but don't send. On the lines of each of the letters you leave everything that you feel, think, want to think, dream about ....
  12. You strive to look better than you are, so that he appreciates and notices it. Even you yourself are amazed at the changes that are happening to you. You didn't know that what was happening could affect you.
  13. How to determine and understand that I fell in love? Knowing him better, you, with bated breath, begin to be interested in everything that he is interested in. You begin to appreciate the taste of what he likes.
  14. You notice how a shiver runs through your skin when you remember anything related to him. You like this trembling because it is pleasant. And you want it to repeat.
  15. You want to commit some "crazy" offense. You want him to know about his commission. And you want this not for the sake of boasting, but in order to show that you are the best, that you deserve it.
  16. You will stop flirting with other guys. Because, even harmless flirting, you will consider betrayal for yourself. Forgetting all sorts of flirting and dating, you will only wait for him.
  17. Did I fall in love? How to find out? - You crave touches and affectionate words. From him, of course, since you do not need anyone else at all. You set strict boundaries for those who try to conquer you.
  18. You become bolder. If you see that your loved one is not taking any action to bring you closer, you organize everything yourself, sparing no effort for this.
  19. You want to know everything about him, everything, to the smallest detail. It reminds me of a fan who collects information about her idol. The comparison is very accurate.
  20. You, out of nowhere, have so much energy and positivity that you fly, not walk. It seems to you that your “flight” is noticed by everyone who passes by you. And from this it becomes warm and light.
  21. You smile much more often. You can even say that you smile very often. So, as if you want to show everyone a “collection” of all your smiles, waiting for the moment to appear on your lips.
  22. You are less likely to be rude to relatives! And not only relatives, but also strangers. Something "clicked" in you. You have become different. And it is useless to deny your reincarnation.
  23. You have become more generous and kinder, more reliable in requests. Ready to give everything that is asked of you, without getting angry at the request. If you weren't in love, you'd be angry. And - how.
  24. You consider it an ideal, although there are hundreds of flaws in it, which you clearly see. You begin to justify any of his actions (even the most inhumane ones).
  25. You want to write him a confession. Such a desire “sits” in you, but is afraid to get out. Don't be afraid! You risk nothing. The fact that guys are required to take the first step is a complete nonsense invented by girls. Illogical nonsense.
  26. If earlier you were surprised at how everyone agrees to get married and be close to one person all your life, now you understand that you are falling, slowly, into the same “trap”.
  27. You communicate with companies less often. You are drawn to solitude. It is in a state of loneliness that you can calmly focus on the thoughts that excite you. “Concentration” of this kind is an outburst of emotions, from which it becomes easier.
  28. You understood the beauty of "self-digging". You managed to disassemble your entire soul into separate files, having looked at them carefully, and cleared them of any "garbage". In the case of “not falling in love”, this was much more difficult to do.
  29. How do you know that you, a girl, have already fallen in love? - You changed your attitude to the world. You started to love him, you want to hug the whole world at once, giving him warmth. You began to rejoice for people, forgot about envy and sadness.
  30. Your character has become softer. All rigidity of character evaporated. You have become soft and fluffy, like an affectionate cat. Hating sadness, you opened the way to love. Don't go down that path!

Girls love to whisper on various topics. Particularly interested in the question: "How to understand that I fell in love with a guy?". Everyone has their own answer, which is why it is so difficult to determine the very, real, truth. Constant comparisons of love and falling in love further confuse the situation. How to deal with your feelings? Is it worth it to raise this topic with someone else?

How to understand that this is love?

Changes in thoughts.

One of the first symptoms of the emergence of a new feeling is the constant "hovering in the clouds." Many activities are carried out automatically, because thoughts are occupied with something else. This applies not only to doing household chores, but also walking with friends or parents, studying, visiting people.

It is difficult for a person in love to concentrate on the work that is being done directly at a given moment in time. Thoughts come to mind: “How to understand that you have fallen in love? How to get his attention? What will happen next? How good could life be with him?

Sometimes it was not so much the object of desire that stuck in my head, but what was said or done by him. If a loved one responded well to musical group I would like to know more about her. If he spoke critically about the players, then even this topic begins to excite the mind. In trying to get a little closer to your loved one, amazing things happen! I would like to get in touch with his circle of interests as much as possible. To do this, you need to study a lot of information, consider options for future communication, find an opportunity to understand the train of thought of another.

To the confusion in thoughts is added the desire to somehow contact the guy. Everything is used: thinking about “chance encounters”, searching for information on social networks, asking mutual acquaintances.

A special atmosphere in his presence.

During communication with the object of passion, drastic changes begin to appear:

  • A sense of humor is aggravated (sometimes you want to play a joke on him).
  • It is difficult to look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  • Ready to constantly speak or, conversely, remain silent.
  • Increased emotional response to what the interlocutor said.
  • “The tongue is braided” (speech gets lost, the train of thought is quickly lost, stuttering appears).

After a conversation with a loved one, two extremes can occur:

    Every word spoken will be remembered. His words play over and over in my head. Every time the thought comes that it was possible to answer differently! The whole dialogue is built anew, scrolling in the head with a different outcome of the conversation. IN Everyday life the habit of mentally talking with the interlocutor begins to appear, talking about the events of the day.

    It will not be clear what it was possible to talk about for so long. All the topics that were touched upon at the meeting suddenly fly out of my head. All that remains is the feeling of happiness from the opportunity to be so close to him. A tremor passes through the whole body when a smile, gestures, body movements are remembered ... The main emphasis is on the reproduction of his image, not words.

Changes in behavior.

Close friends may note that the girl ceases to support fierce criticism towards all the guys. Beloved is always idealized! And if you consider the opposite sex obviously bad, then how to justify your own feelings for one of them? So it’s more customary to replace earlier conversations with assumptions “There are exceptions to the rules. Not everyone is being rude. Some guys are just darlings."

Girlfriends are increasingly annoyed, noticing changes in behavior and conversations. In this case, it is very difficult to figure out when their words carry an independent assessment of the situation, and when they are a manifestation of envy and fear of losing female friendship.

At the same time, against the background of love, actions become more humane. I want to once again show nobility or kindness completely to strangers. Where true love lives, tenderness is most often manifested.

I also want to change my appearance for the better. An active search for his own style begins, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity. It is under the influence of feelings that they make a piercing, apply a tattoo, change their hairstyle. The girl is understandable. If before that her beloved did not pay due attention, then it is worth trying something new.

The main signs of love:

    All thoughts revolve mainly on the object of passion. As mentioned above, it's hard to think of anything else. To concentrate on various things, you have to make an effort on yourself.

    Change of character. Softness and kindness can be replaced by irritability and rudeness. It's all about doubt. How to understand that a guy is in love? It is very difficult for him to confess, and the opinions of others may turn out to be erroneous. For this reason, euphoria from surging feelings sharply gives way to aggression (what if they take happiness out of their hands?).

    Recognition of his shortcomings. Ordinary lovers idealize their partners too much. Truly loving hearts perfectly see the flaws of a partner, accepting him entirely as he really is.

    Transformation into an investigator. Love covers. For the sake of a loved one, you want to move mountains. But will he appreciate this step? Becoming an investigator will allow you to learn more about the object of your passion. Noticing the smallest details, you can make the most pleasant surprise of all!

    Change of habitual concepts. falling in love - light feeling an attachment that still leaves thoughts in the category of "I'm happy or not." Lovers think differently. First of all, they think about what will bring joy to THEM two. Therefore, the predominance of the concept of "We" over "I" is the best indicator of the depth of feelings.

    Lack of calculation. If a loved one is good with another, then you should let him go. Yes, this decision will hurt. But the main desire of love is to bring joy to another. Therefore, there is no desire to mischief and build relationships on the ruins of the old ones. I want to do everything in my power to make him happy...

    No doubt. Easy love leaves room for doubt. Does he love? Does he need me? How much can you trust? Lovers, on the other hand, feel in unison, so they do not need to doubt each other's actions. They have completely different priorities.

Does the truth “to endure - fall in love” work?

What if a nice guy is courting a girl, to whom she does not have the slightest feeling. Is it worth hoping that things will change over time? Everything is very individual here.

Yes, it's nice to be the center of attention. Various gifts, flowers and compliments will impress even the hardest heart. But is it worth agreeing to such a relationship? As life shows, attempts to be together lead to different results:

    "Suffered - fell in love." Closer acquaintance opens inner world someone you can fall in love with over time. And if before that the girl's heart was free, it is gradually filled by a loved one.

    Fell in love with another, destroyed the old relationship. The “just not to be alone” tactic leads to the fact that one day a man appears on the horizon, making the heart beat 100 times faster. But what to do with old relationships? The break will be painful for both sides. The girl is already accustomed to her former life and the newly flared feelings will still not be able to relieve the pain of the forced departure. Even worse, if for some time relations with two will develop in parallel. It will weigh more and more every day.

    I had to suffer all my life. Quite often, even the appearance of feelings for another cannot destroy the previous relationship. Especially when it comes to marriage or having children. At first, I don’t want to upset the children so much, then they grow up and “What will others think?” appears. The opinion of others is much more important than a happy life. As a result, age makes itself felt and there is no chance to change the situation for the better. But once upon a time it was only necessary not to start a painful relationship!

Love is a very difficult feeling. If there is confidence in his appearance, then it is better to do everything possible to attract the attention of a loved one. Who knows, what if he secretly also wants to get closer?

What to do if there is no love, but there are suitors? It is worth thinking carefully about whether it is necessary to establish a relationship with one of them and risk the future. happy life. Sometimes it's better to be alone than to be more confused in your life...