Sections: Literature


Topic: “The Resurrection of the Soul of Rodion Raskolnikov”

Lesson Objectives:

1. Show what the writer sees as a source of renewal of life, how he solves the question - what to do to change the existing world order

2. Develop the skill of understanding the text through text elements, quotes, details, keywords.

3. Teach to appreciate such qualities as love, pity, compassion, patience and faith.

Equipment: Multimedia projector.

During the classes

I. Conversation on homework.

Remember and trace the life of Raskolnikov. By what principle does he live?

By what principle does Sonya Marmeladova live?

Conclusion: Two “truths” are contrasted in the novel: Raskolnikov’s theory is not illuminated by love for a person, and Sonya’s life according to the norms of humanity and philanthropy.


He does not want to accept life as it is. The theory pushes him onto the path of violence against others. The “idea” and the crime give rise to a conflict in his soul, lead to separation from people, makes the hero despise himself for his humanity and sensitivity, considering this a manifestation of weakness

She goes the other way. She humbles herself and suffers. Sonya's life is built according to the laws of self-sacrifice. She wants, first of all, to be better herself. In disgrace and humiliation, under conditions that seemed to exclude any moral purity, she retained a sensitive and sympathetic soul. In the name of love for people, Sonya chooses the path of violence against herself, for the sake of saving others she goes to shame and humiliation.

Has Raskolnikov changed by the end of the novel? What does the epilogue say about this?

“But he did not repent of his crime.”;

“but now, already in prison, at liberty, he again discussed and considered all his previous actions and did not at all find them as stupid and ugly as they seemed to him at that fateful time ...”

“That’s one thing he admitted his crime: only that he couldn’t bear it and made a confession”

Conclusion: It means that he simply “turned himself in,” but did not repent. It turns out that his terrible theory still continues to haunt him. He himself would like to repent, but the “idea” does not let him. This means that he continues to divide people into “trembling creatures” and “having the right”. That is why there is a wall of misunderstanding between him and other prisoners, because our hero considers himself to be in the second category. No, no, it shows in his looks and mannerisms. Are there any moments in the epilogue that prove the opposite to us?

II. Work on an excerpt from the epilogue “It was already the second week after the saint ... moved away from the window”

a) careful reading of the passage;
b) find the keyword of the passage;
c) what did Dostoevsky put into it? (joy, pain and unexpected discovery);
d) compilation of verbal series (nouns); paying attention to the word "window"; compilation of a cluster; (air, discovery, view, freshness, space…);
e) finding means of expression; f) the role of the landscape in revealing the main idea; (“clear, spring days”, the second week after the saint, “wide surroundings”);
i) analysis of the passage by the student (individual task for a strong student).

Text analysis, written by a 10th grade student Lena Fedorova.

“A clear spring day”, “the second week after the holy one” - we read in this passage. What brings such a day? These lines testify to us that something unusual, new, must happen. What is this?

Already at the first reading of the passage, the metaphorical verb “pierced”, “something pierced ... the heart” catches your eye. Involuntarily, an episode from the fairy tale by G. Kh. Andersen “The Snow Queen” comes to mind, when Kai’s heart, thanks to Gerda, came to life, thawed. Kai was also “pierced by something” that he even screamed. Maybe such a change will also happen with Rodion? A lot contributes to this. Spring, when everything comes to life, awakens. The second week after the holy, i.e. after the resurrection of Christ, the righteous man, the teacher. "The windows were opened." This means that the path for the resurrection of the soul is open, and our hero is ready to accept the ritual of purification. He came to this through suffering, Sonya's love, illness, which finally made his mind turn over. “He shuddered and quickly moved away.” He shuddered because he made a discovery for himself that his theory was erroneous, i.e. overcame evil in himself, that he, too, is capable of great feeling. The feeling of love that awakened in him for that very silent Sonya, who often walks under his windows, in order to “at least from a distance look at the windows of the ward.”

He could not rise. It is not for nothing that the Gospel turned out to be in his hands, even if its pages are not yet open, but nevertheless they are accepted by the hero. This is in its own way a Christian amulet, a pointer to the true path. Through the assonance to (a), (o) the greatness and strength of the revived feeling is conveyed, and the color painting - green blesses it for permanent eternal life.

I think it's great. The man has been reborn! Reunited with the human race, learned to appreciate and love other people.

Each person, having come into the world of people, develops his own principle of life, and it must be based on the traditions of Orthodoxy, on folk traditions. Only then will he not feel lonely in this vast world. And I would like to end my analysis with the words of one of the ten commandments of Christ: "Love your neighbor."

III. Work on an illustration for the novel "Crime and Punishment". Hood. I. Glazunov.

- What episode of the text was reflected by the artist in the drawing? (Reading an excerpt. In this scene we see the triumph of love and kindness.)

How does it convey to Dostoevsky? (Through actions, verbs that characterize the characters. About Raskolnikov: “I didn’t know”, “something picked up”, “threw”, “cried and hugged.” About Sonya: “terribly frightened”, “face turned dead”, “jumped up ”, “trembled”, “understood everything”, “happiness shone in her eyes”, “understood that he loves”.)

Find an epithet that the author uses repeatedly. (Endless.)

IV. Listening to Orthodox music.

V. Conclusion.

The scene of a love confession without a single word, where we see both repentance and the resurrection of the hero's soul. This scene convinces us that it is not violence that will save the world, but beauty and love. This is the enduring value of Dostoevsky's brilliant creation, which is able to heal a morally crippled society.

VI. Homework.

1. Decipher the schema

2. Draw the symbols of the heroes.

Two people lived in this cruel world: Rodion and Sonya.

Evil thoughts overcame Rodion. He saw himself as an almighty creator, ruler. He put himself above most people, calling them "trembling creatures." And God punished him with loneliness. He lived among people, but so lonely. There was nowhere to go and no one to reveal his soul until Sonya appeared. She opened Rodion's eyes with her love. And they went along the wide road of life.

Kozlova Tanya (10th grade)

Sonya I want to represent in the form of a candle. A candle is a sacrifice, a sacrifice. Sonya also sacrifices herself, sacrifices her honor for the sake of saving her brothers and sisters from starvation; sacrifices his freedom (goes to Siberia) to bring Raskolnikov back to life, to life in the world of people. Raskolnikov is a lost traveler who, under the influence of "theory", has gone astray.

Kubikova Luda (10th grade)

Sonya is a home. Warmth emanates from her. Everyone is warming at her hearth: Marmeladov, Katerina Ivanovna, and prisoners .... It is the warmth of her hearth that resurrects Rodion Raskolnikov.

And I want to depict Raskolnikov in the form of a heart, a heart under a stone. Stone is 'theory on the right strong personality”, which does not allow Rodion’s big heart (I’m sure he has a big heart, he proved it more than once) to beat freely.

Fedorova Lena (10th grade)

Sonya is the sun. Brings warmth and light. Raskolnikov is a cave, it’s dark in the cave, like in the soul of Rodion, but there is a path where it leads? ..

Pavlov Dima (grade 10)

Task number 699

What helps Raskolnikov to resurrect for a "new life"?

Maximum score 6

Example 1 Raskolnikov is resurrected for a "new life" by Sonya's love.

The graduate begins to answer the question in the right direction: he points out one of the reasons for the resurrection of Rodion Raskolnikov to a “new life”. However, the answer is devoid of arguments.

Example 2

Raskolnikov is resurrected for a new life, because his heart is filled with a new feeling. It is not a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. This bright feeling - love "concluded endless sources of life for another." Love gave new strength to Raskolnikov to fight the cruel world, the hero had a “new” meaning of life.

The examinee answers the question posed in the assignment, but does it superficially. The graduate points out that love was Raskolnikov's salvation, but he does not explain that love in Dostoevsky's novel is interpreted as a multifaceted feeling, including as Christian love, to which Sonya Marmeladova brought Raskolnikov closer. The examinee extremely unconvincingly substantiates his theses, limited himself to general phrases, practically without involving the text of the work.

There are speech errors in the work: unsuccessful construction of the second and third sentences, repeated repetition of the words: “new”, “feeling”.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 3

Raskolnikov created an inhuman theory of dividing people into "the powers that be" and "trembling creatures", allowing "blood in conscience." Raskolnikov brings his theory to life by killing an old pawnbroker, but what he did torments him incredibly. He experiences pangs of conscience that sizzle his soul, which indicates that morally he did not die completely. Raskolnikov managed to abandon such a cruel theory with the help of Sonya Marmeladova. Sonya is the bearer of Christian morality, she believes that you need to put up with it, that you need to start changing the world for the better from yourself. Faced with such a worldview, Raskolnikov is gradually changing, resurrecting for a “new life”.

The examinee has found an understanding of the problem proposed in the question. He clearly formulated the answer, based on the correct understanding of the author's position, and convincingly argued it based on the text of the work. In terms of speech, the work is imperfect, as it contains several unreasonable repetitions of the same words (“Raskolnikov” - in the first and second sentences, “what” - in the third sentence).

Rate this solution in points:

Example 4

Raskolnikov is helped to resurrect to a new life by the love and devotion of Sonya Marmeladova, her conviction and unshakable confidence in the truth of precisely Christian values: love for one's neighbor, self-sacrifice for the sake of loved one. The fact that Sonya goes to hard labor with him, shares with him all the difficulties and hardships of life in that harsh world, becomes the reason that Raskolnikov believed in the sincerity of her feelings. Moreover, he accepts its values ​​and abandons the ideas that haunted him. It is with her actions and the strength of her feelings that Sonya helps Raskolnikov to believe that it is Christian values ​​that help a person survive in a harsh and cruel world.

The examinee answered the question of the task in detail, substantiated his judgments with the text, while avoiding factual errors.

An analysis of the work according to the second criterion showed that the graduate allows an inappropriate repetition of the word "precisely" in the last sentence.

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2176

What is "Oblomovism"?

Criteria for assessing the performance of the taskPoints
1. Correspondence of the answer to the task
The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, the author's position is not distorted2
The answer is meaningfully correlated with the task, but does not allow to judge the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, and/or the author's position is distorted1
The answer is not meaningfully related to the task.0
2. Involving the text of the work for argumentation
To argue judgments, the text is used at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro-themes, details, etc. that are important for completing the task, there are no actual errors2
For argumentation, the text is involved at the level of retelling the work or general reasoning about its content,

AND/OR there is one factual error

Judgments are not supported by the text of the work,

AND/OR there are two or more factual errors

3. Logic and compliance with speech norms
There are no logical, speech errors2
No more than one error of each type (logical and / or speech) was made - no more than two errors in total1
Two or more errors of the same type are made (regardless of the presence / absence of errors of other types)0
Maximum score 6

Example 1

"Oblomovism" is a state of mind of a person who simply lies on the bed and does nothing, does not want to do anything and does not even realize that something needs to be done. A person is idle not because he is sick or tired, but because this is his usual state of mind. And he considers his behavior normal.

The essence of the question and the specifics of the task are understood by the graduate. But the text of the answer testifies to a superficial understanding of the author's idea and does not contain a convincing justification based on a literary work.

The answer is estimated by 1 point (1+0).

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2178

What does Chekhov warn about in his story "Ionych"?

Criteria for assessing the performance of the taskPoints
1. Correspondence of the answer to the task
The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, the author's position is not distorted2
The answer is meaningfully correlated with the task, but does not allow to judge the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, and/or the author's position is distorted1
The answer is not meaningfully related to the task.0
2. Involving the text of the work for argumentation
To argue judgments, the text is used at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro-themes, details, etc. that are important for completing the task, there are no actual errors2
For argumentation, the text is involved at the level of retelling the work or general reasoning about its content,

AND/OR there is one factual error

Judgments are not supported by the text of the work,

AND/OR there are two or more factual errors

3. Logic and compliance with speech norms
There are no logical, speech errors2
No more than one error of each type (logical and / or speech) was made - no more than two errors in total1
Two or more errors of the same type are made (regardless of the presence / absence of errors of other types)0
Maximum score 6

Example 1

The terrible evil of human souls is shown by Chekhov in the story "Ionych". The Turkin family, reputed to be the most educated and talented in the city of S., personifies a world doomed to endless repetition of the same. There is neither love nor art in the true sense of these words in the story, but there is an abundance of imitation of both. The Turkin family really stands out against the background of the city of C, but if it is the top, then how low this awkward life has fallen. The city of S. is saturated with laziness and monotonous life.

The author of the work understands the essence of the task, but instead of a direct answer to the question posed (“What does Chekhov warn about?”), He talks about the vulgarity of the life of the Turkin family. Chekhov's "warning" is touched upon only indirectly ("this awkward life has fallen low"). The low level of the answer does not allow to evaluate it according to the speech criterion. For educational purposes, we note that the expressions “life has fallen low”, “the city of S. is saturated with ... monotonous life” are unsuccessful from the point of view of speech norms.

The answer is rated 1 point (1+0).

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2183

What is the meaning of the finale of "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals"?

Criteria for assessing the performance of the taskPoints
1. Correspondence of the answer to the task
The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, the author's position is not distorted2
The answer is meaningfully correlated with the task, but does not allow to judge the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, and/or the author's position is distorted1
The answer is not meaningfully related to the task.0
2. Involving the text of the work for argumentation
To argue judgments, the text is used at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro-themes, details, etc. that are important for completing the task, there are no actual errors2
For argumentation, the text is involved at the level of retelling the work or general reasoning about its content,

AND/OR there is one factual error

Judgments are not supported by the text of the work,

AND/OR there are two or more factual errors

3. Logic and compliance with speech norms
There are no logical, speech errors2
No more than one error of each type (logical and / or speech) was made - no more than two errors in total1
Two or more errors of the same type are made (regardless of the presence / absence of errors of other types)0
Maximum score 6

Example 1

The meaning of the finale of “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals” is to show the credulity of the Russian peasantry (people, peasant), as well as to show and ridicule the philistine nature of the bureaucracy (generals).

Thus, the student tries to give a direct coherent answer to the question, but at the same time significantly distorts the author's position, limiting himself, in fact, to his own point of view, and does not offer a convincing justification for the theses expressed. According to the second, speech, criterion, the work is not evaluated.

Score for the answer: 1 point (1+0).

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2184

In what works of Russian writers did they find the continuation of the tradition of Shchedrin's satire? Justify your choice of examples.

Criteria for assessing the performance of the taskPoints
1. Correspondence of the answer to the task
The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, the author's position is not distorted2
The answer is meaningfully correlated with the task, but does not allow to judge the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, and/or the author's position is distorted1
The answer is not meaningfully related to the task.0
2. Involving the text of the work for argumentation
To argue judgments, the text is used at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro-themes, details, etc. that are important for completing the task, there are no actual errors2
For argumentation, the text is involved at the level of retelling the work or general reasoning about its content,

AND/OR there is one factual error

Judgments are not supported by the text of the work,

AND/OR there are two or more factual errors

3. Logic and compliance with speech norms
There are no logical, speech errors2
No more than one error of each type (logical and / or speech) was made - no more than two errors in total1
Two or more errors of the same type are made (regardless of the presence / absence of errors of other types)0
Maximum score 6

Example 1

This theme runs through many of his works, for example in the fairy tale " wild landlord» men disappear at the request of the owner, he turns into some kind of fabulous creature. But the people return to this estate and everything begins in the old way, both life and work.

The student does not name a single writer who continued the satirical traditions of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. It should also be noted a small factual inaccuracy he made in the description of the hero of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wild Landowner": "he turns into some kind of fairy-tale creature."

Thus, the examinee does not include the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in the required literary context, that is, he gives an answer that does not meaningfully correlate with the question posed.

Score for the answer: 0 points.

Rate this solution in points:

Task No. 2755

How is the character of Vasily Ivanovich revealed in the fragment proposed for analysis?

Let me ask you a curiosity: have you known my Eugene for a long time? - Since this winter. -Yes, sir. And let me ask you one more thing - but why don't we sit down? - let me ask you, as a father, with all frankness: what is your opinion about my Evgeny? "Your son is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met," Arkady replied briskly. Vassily Ivanovich's eyes suddenly opened, and his cheeks flushed faintly. The shovel fell out of his hands. “So you think…” he began. - I am sure, - Arkady picked up, - that a great future awaits your son, that he will glorify your name. I was convinced of this from our first meeting. was it? - Vasily Ivanovich barely said. An enthusiastic smile parted his wide lips and never left them. Do you want to know how we met? - Yes ... and in general ... Arkady began to talk and talk about Bazarov with even more fervor, with more enthusiasm than on the evening when he danced the mazurka with Odintsova. Vasily Ivanovich listened to him, listened, blew his nose, rolled his handkerchief in both hands, coughed, ruffled his hair - and finally could not stand it: he bent down to Arkady and kissed him on the shoulder. “You have made me completely happy,” he said, never ceasing to smile: “I must tell you that I ... idolize my son; I’m not talking about my old woman anymore: it’s known - mother! But I do not dare to express my feelings in front of him, because he does not like it. He is the enemy of all outpourings; many even condemn him for such firmness of his temper and see in it a sign of pride or insensitivity; but people like him do not have to be measured with an ordinary yardstick, is it? Why, for example: another in his place would pull and pull from his parents; and from us, believe me, he never took an extra penny, by God! - He is unselfish fair man Arkady remarked. - Precisely disinterested. And I, Arkady Nikolaevich, not only idolize him, I am proud of him, and all my ambition is that over time the following words would appear in his biography: “The son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, knew how to solve it early and nothing did not spare for his upbringing ... ”The old man’s voice broke off.

(I. S. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")


In this fragment of Turgenev's novel, Vasily Ivanovich appears before us as a real father who loves his son. He has a keen and kind heart, he is proud of his son, he understands: Eugene is an extraordinary person (“people like him do not have to be measured with an ordinary arshin”). And this allows us to speak of him not only as a cordial and sensitive parent, but also as a thinking, perspicacious person. positive characteristic Evgenia Arkady awakens sincere joy in the elder Bazarov. In contrast to the firm-minded son, the father has a very sensitive and impressionable nature. It is reflected in his facial expressions, emotional gestures and statements. Vasily Ivanovich, no doubt, can be called a true father. In his soul, he cherishes the dream of a successful future for his beloved son. And Arkady gives him the opportunity to finally be convinced of the reality of the implementation of his desire.

Criteria for assessing the performance of the taskPoints
1. Correspondence of the answer to the task
The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, the author's position is not distorted2
The answer is meaningfully correlated with the task, but does not allow to judge the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, and/or the author's position is distorted1
The answer is not meaningfully related to the task.0
2. Involving the text of the work for argumentation
To argue judgments, the text is used at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro-themes, details, etc. that are important for completing the task, there are no actual errors2
For argumentation, the text is involved at the level of retelling the work or general reasoning about its content,

AND/OR there is one factual error

Judgments are not supported by the text of the work,

AND/OR there are two or more factual errors

3. Logic and compliance with speech norms
There are no logical, speech errors2
No more than one error of each type (logical and / or speech) was made - no more than two errors in total1
Two or more errors of the same type are made (regardless of the presence / absence of errors of other types)0
Maximum score 6

Example 1

“The character traits of Vasily Ivanovich correspond to the traits of people of that time, calmly leading their lives, quietly and peacefully living out their lives on the estate.

Vasily Ivanovich is a very sentimental hero, but he carefully hides his feelings from his son, Evgeny, which he experiences, and therefore, listening to the opinion of Evgeny's friend, Arkady, "Vasily Ivanovich's eyes suddenly opened, and his cheeks flushed faintly." He tells Arkady about his son with great sensitivity, emotionality and openness and listens anxiously to flattering comments about Bazarov's qualities. In the words of the father there is no flattery, falsehood and hypocrisy: everything that Vasily Ivanovich says comes from a pure heart; he sincerely rejoices when Arkady Kirsanov praises Evgeny: He is a disinterested, honest person. A flame of great disinterested love for his family rages in his heart, pride in his son, respect for his wife: “I must tell you that I ... idolize my son; I’m not talking about my old woman anymore: mother is known!”

Thus, I.S. Turgenev, the great Russian realist writer, managed to create a hero who evokes only positive emotions in the reader; hero of that time, a wonderful husband and father, possessing the best human qualities.

In general, the answer is aimed at the problem formulated in the question: the graduate notes the "openness and emotionality" of Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov, his "pride in his son and respect for his wife." It is said about the softness of character and sensitivity characteristic of this hero: "very sentimental, but carefully hiding his feelings from his son." The sincerity of the hero is also noticed (“sincerely rejoices”).

At the same time, the author of the work did not pay attention to the fact that Bazarov’s father understands that his son is an extraordinary person (“you don’t have to measure people like him with an ordinary yardstick”). And this allows us to speak of him not only as a cordial and sensitive parent, but also as a thinking, perspicacious person. He says about himself: "The son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, knew how to solve it early and spared nothing for his upbringing ...".

We note another shortcoming of the work - some blurring of the introductory thesis. Vasily Ivanovich is classified as a typical emoha hero (“Character traits ... correspond to the traits of people of that time ...”). The emphasis on the typicality of the hero is repeated in the final conclusion (“... managed to create a hero ... a hero of that time ...”). In this case, it was necessary to indicate the time in which the hero lived and name these typical features.

There are no speech errors in the work.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 2

"IN this episode Vasily Ivanovich appears before us as a real father, loving his son, having a soft, sensitive and kind heart. The positive characterization of Yevgeny by Arkady awakens sincere joy in the elder Bazarov. Unlike a strong-willed son, the father has a very sensitive and impressionable nature that cannot hide inside the hero. It is reflected in his facial expressions, emotional gestures and statements. Vasily Ivanovich, no doubt, can be called a true father. In his soul, he cherishes the dream of a successful future for his beloved son. And Arkady gives him the opportunity to finally be convinced of the reality of the implementation of his desire.

The examinee gives an answer to the question, takes into account the author’s position: (“a real father who loves his son, has a soft, sensitive and kind heart”, sincerely rejoices at the words of Arkady about his son, sensitive and impressionable, dreams “of a successful future ... son”). At the same time, not all the theses of the author of the work find a convincing justification (for example, the conclusion that the character of the hero "is reflected in his facial expressions, emotional gestures and statements" is not supported by a reference to the text).

Rate this solution in points:

Task No. 2756

How does Belikov's appearance and lifestyle relate to his favorite phrase: "No matter what happens"?

On the very edge of the village of Mironositsky, in the barn of the headman Prokofy, the belated hunters settled down for the night. There were only two of them: the veterinarian Ivan Ivanovich and the teacher of the gymnasium Burkin. Ivan Ivanych had a rather strange, double surname - Chimsha-Gimalaysky, which did not suit him at all, and throughout the province he was called simply by his first name and patronymic; he lived near the city in a horse farm and now came to hunt to breathe clean air. The teacher of the gymnasium, Burkin, visited Counts P. every summer, and in this area he had long been an insider. Didn't sleep. Ivan Ivanovich, a tall, thin old man with a long mustache, was sitting outside at the entrance smoking a pipe; the moon illuminated it. Burkin was lying inside on the hay, and he was not visible in the darkness. They told different stories. Among other things, they said that the headman's wife, Mavra, a healthy and intelligent woman, in her whole life had never been anywhere further than her native village, had never seen either a city or a railway, and for the last ten years she had been sitting at the stove and only went outside at night. - What's so amazing! Burkin said. - There are many people in this world who are lonely by nature, who, like a hermit crab or a snail, try to escape into their shell. Perhaps this is the phenomenon of atavism, a return to the time when the ancestor of man was not yet a social animal and lived alone in his lair, or maybe this is just one of the varieties of human character - who knows? I am not a naturalist and it is not my business to deal with such questions; I just want to say that people like Mavra are not uncommon. Yes, it’s not far to look, about two months ago, a certain Belikov, a teacher of the Greek language, my friend, died in our city. You have heard of him, of course. He was remarkable for the fact that he always, even in very good weather, went out in galoshes and with an umbrella, and certainly in a warm coat with wadding. And his umbrella was in a case, and his watch was in a case made of gray suede, and when he took out his penknife to sharpen his pencil, his knife was also in a case; and his face, too, seemed to be in a case, for he hid it all the time in his upturned collar. He wore dark glasses, a jersey, stuffed his ears with cotton wool, and when he got into a cab, he ordered to raise the top. In a word, this person had a constant and irresistible desire to surround himself with a shell, to create for himself, so to speak, a case that would seclude him, protect him from external influences. Reality annoyed him, frightened him, kept him in constant anxiety, and, perhaps, in order to justify this timidity of his, his disgust for the present, he always praised the past and what had never happened; and the ancient languages ​​that he taught were for him, in essence, the same galoshes and umbrella, where he hid from real life.

(A.P. Chekhov, "The Man in the Case")


“No matter what happens” is a phrase that is the life motto for Belikov, the hero of the story by A.P. Chekhov "The Man in the Case". Belikov throughout his life tried different ways isolate yourself from the outside world. Even in the portrait of the hero, Chekhov skillfully shows his "case". The author pays special attention to details: “He wore dark glasses, a sweatshirt, stuffed his ears with cotton…”, which helped Belikov protect himself from everything around. The author points out that all the hero's items were in cases, and even his face was in a case, since he always hid it in his upturned collar. Belikov teaches Greek, the dead language. This case helps the hero to move away from the world, to create a saving "shell" around him. Thus, we see that Belikov's appearance and lifestyle are directly correlated with his favorite phrase: "No matter what happens."

Criteria for assessing the performance of the taskPoints
1. Correspondence of the answer to the task
The answer to the question is given and testifies to the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, the author's position is not distorted2
The answer is meaningfully correlated with the task, but does not allow to judge the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem, and/or the author's position is distorted1
The answer is not meaningfully related to the task.0
2. Involving the text of the work for argumentation
To argue judgments, the text is used at the level of analysis of fragments, images, micro-themes, details, etc. that are important for completing the task, there are no actual errors2
For argumentation, the text is involved at the level of retelling the work or general reasoning about its content,

AND/OR there is one factual error

Judgments are not supported by the text of the work,

AND/OR there are two or more factual errors

3. Logic and compliance with speech norms
There are no logical, speech errors2
No more than one error of each type (logical and / or speech) was made - no more than two errors in total1
Two or more errors of the same type are made (regardless of the presence / absence of errors of other types)0
Maximum score 6

Example 3

“No matter what happens” is a phrase that is the life motto for Belikov, the hero of the story by A.P. Chekhov “The Man in the Case”. Throughout his life, Belikov tried in various ways to isolate himself from the outside world. On the example of the portrait of the hero, A.P. Chekhov skillfully shows his "case". The author pays special attention to details: “He wore dark glasses, a sweatshirt, stuffed his ears with cotton…”, which helped Belikov protect himself from everything around. The author points out that all the hero's items were in cases, and even his face was in a case, since he always hid it in his upturned collar. Belikov teaches Greek, the dead language. This case helps the hero to move away from the world, to create a saving "shell" around him. Thus, we see that Belikov's appearance and lifestyle are directly correlated with his favorite phrase: "No matter what happens."

The examinee gives a direct answer to the question, following the logic inherent in the wording of the task: he highlights those features of the external and internal appearance of the hero that correspond to his life credo. The graduate's theses are supported by the text of the fragment and reflect the attitude of the writer to the hero.

The speech design of the text meets the requirements.

Rate this solution in points:

Punishment for Raskolnikov comes not after the crime, but much earlier. It began from the moment of the birth of the "ugly dream" and consisted of constant moral anxiety, in torments of conscience. Raskolnikov's inability to endure the crime is the most important proof for Dostoevsky of the falsity of his theory. The logical constructions of the hero of the novel, his rationalism, are wrecked. As G. A. Vyaly wrote, theory dominates Raskolnikov, “subdues him to itself, becomes his passion, second nature, but precisely the second; the first nature, the primary one, does not obey it, enters into a struggle with it, and the psychology of man becomes the arena of this struggle.

Ultimately, Raskolnikov feels his guilt not before the law, but before his own conscience, before the murdered Lizaveta, before Sonechka, his mother, Dunya, before those who saw him kneel down “in the middle of the square, bowed to the ground and kissed this dirty earth with pleasure and happiness.

But how hard is moral punishment given to Raskolnikov! The novel consists of six parts. About crime we are talking only in the first part, and the remaining five are devoted to the problem of punishment. Consequently, almost the entire novel was written in order to explore in as much detail as possible the secrets of the soul of a person who dared to shed blood, and now in severe suffering and torment (moral, not physical) paying for a great sin before people and God.

One should not think that Raskolnikov immediately understands and accepts the collapse of his theory. Yes, he could not bear the crime, but for a long time it seemed to him that this was just proof of his personal weakness, and not at all the theory itself, which raises no doubts in Raskolnikov. And even in hard labor, he is still convinced that he is right: "... he strictly judged himself, and his hardened conscience did not find any particularly terrible guilt in his past, except perhaps a simple mistake that could happen to anyone."

Raskolnikov is still tormented by the thought not of his crime, but of the fact that he could not bear it. The real rulers, the Napoleons, “endured their steps and therefore they are right, but I could not bear it and, therefore, I had no right to allow myself this step.”

And only Sonya Marmeladova, the eternal Sonechka, could save him, save his soul. "They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained an endless source of life for the heart of the other." Only now, only at the very end of the novel, Raskolnikov is resurrected: “He knew this, he felt it with his whole renewed being ...”

True, there are many trials ahead, for new life you still have to pay with a great, future feat. But Dostoevsky did not write about the history of the gradual renewal of man, his rebirth, because, he explained, finishing the novel, "this could form the subject of a new story."

On the very last page of Crime and Punishment, it was said about Raskolnikov: “... he would not have allowed anything now consciously; he only felt. Instead of dialectics, life has come...” The last phrase is highlighted because we consider it extremely important. This, in fact, is the main lesson that Raskolnikov learned, the result of his inner torment, doubt, struggle with himself. Arithmetic, logic, abstract reasoning. Dostoevsky leads his hero to other values. Human nature wins, life wins.

Analysis of the episode "Confession in the murder of Rodion Raskolnikov to Sonya Marmeladova" from F. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

Lesson type: a lesson in consolidating and improving knowledge

Conduct form: practical lesson


  • formation of communicative and cultural competences;
  • development of reader culture and understanding of the author's position.



  • repeat and summarize what has been learned on the topic "Analysis of the episode";
  • know the structure of the episode, plot and extra-plot elements, the definition of the episode, the role of the episode in the text; episode analysis scheme;
  • be able to analyze an episode from the novel "War and Peace", determine its role in the novel, interpret the text.

* To give literary analysis skills.

* Draw students' attention to the style of L.N. Tolstoy as an example of literary speech.


  • enrichment and complication of vocabulary; strengthening the communicative properties of speech;
  • develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, synthesize.


  • upbringing citizenship;
  • formation of humane relations.

Main Method: heuristic conversation with elements of independent search activity


Reproductive, problematic.

Organizational forms of education:

Frontal, individual

Equipment: multimedia projector, text artwork- an episode from the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" "Moonlight Night in Otradnoye"



“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Ev. from Matthew ch. 9 st. 13

1 organizational moment.

Emotional immersion in the lesson through associative questions.


The world is filled with colors, sounds, emotions. A person will only fully discover the world for himself if he can simultaneously see, hear, and feel. Today you have read one of the most difficult episodes of Dostoyevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. How are you? Give verbal description to your mood.

What is your impression of the writer after reading this episode?

(intended responses: a subtle psychologist, feels nature, a person of deep emotional experiences)

2 Goal setting.

introduction teachers .

"Crime and Punishment" is Dostoevsky's novel, which for more than a century has been an occasion for intense reflection on the price human life, about the moral boundaries of self-will, about how much in a person is from the devil, and how much is from God.

There are three words in the title of the novel. The second word (union and) makes you wonder what follows immediately after the crime?

We turn to one of the most important episodes novel - to Raskolnikov's first visit to Sonya (part IV, ch. 4

On the desks to help students - instructions for working on the analysis of the episode.


Let's remember what an episode is?

Suggested answers

(An episode is an excerpt, a fragment of a work of art, which has a certain independence and completeness.)

(Episode - a small part literary work, which plays a role in the development of the plot. The content of the episode is the actions of the characters, small incidents or a major event that gives a new direction to the development of the plot, which in large works is based on the linking of a number of episodes.)


The episode must be analyzed both in its connections with the whole work and from within.

DEFINE the place and role of the episode.

INSTALL "closest" connections:

what precedes it. what follows him, what function he performs (image of the event, characterization of the environment, hero.);

"distant" links: a roll call with other episodes that are spatially distant from each other; the same situation, but with different characters; the same hero, but in a different situation; overlap with other works.

vocabulary work(slide show).

Artistic detail(from French detail - part, detail) - significant detail, particularity, allowing to convey emotional and semantic


Determine the artistic details in this episode.

Do you guys think the detail can act as something else in the artwork?

(Yes, as a symbolic detail).

Symbol(from Greek symbolon - sign, omen) - one of the types of trope, words that receive in a literary text, in addition to their basic (dictionary, subject) meanings, also new (figurative) ones.


- Why did Raskolnikov choose to confess to what he had done on Sonya?
(4 chapter

For Raskolnikov, Sonya is the personification of philanthropy, sacrifice. To her, the "harlot," he bows to the ground during this meeting. “I didn’t bow to you, I bowed to all human suffering,” he says to Sonya. (p. 317)

In her fate, he sees the embodiment of an inhuman, unjust world, compares her lot and the fate of Dunya, who is ready to “sell” herself to Luzhin for the sake of her brother. That is why he exclaims: Eternal Sonechka while the world stands!

3 Motivation for cognitive activity


It is known how great is the meaning of the first phrase of a literary text

Well, let's open the texts and read the beginning of this chapter.

I draw your attention to the fact that the narration is on the rise, i.e. there is an ascending gradation.)

"... He wandered in darkness and bewilderment, ... some door opened, he grabbed it mechanically ... Rodion entered the hall, here, on a sagging chair ... there was a candle."

This scene, in my opinion, is important: Raskolnikov goes from darkness into light from Sonya's room. She, like Jesus, leading out of the darkness, the death of Lazarus, illuminates the path for Rodion. Ion follows her, because there is nowhere else to go.


Pay attention to the choice of vocabulary in this description. What is said about the house?

(The house was on a ditch, it was three-story, old, green, the entrance to a narrow and dark staircase was in the corner of the house; it is said that Raskolnikov wandered in the dark. This is a fairly traditional description of St. Petersburg for Dostoevsky.)


What emotions does this piece evoke in you?

(Dislike, feeling of poverty, all this is depressing.)

4 Formation of the ability of compositional analysis text


Now let's read the description of Sonya's room.

“It was a large room, but extremely low ... Sonina's room looked like a barn, looked like a very irregular quadrangle, and this gave it something ugly. A wall with four windows, overlooking the ditch, cut the room somehow at an angle, which is why one corner, terribly sharp, ran off somewhere deeper, so that in low light it was impossible even to see it well; the other corner was already too ugly obtuse. There was almost no furniture in the whole room. The yellowish, shabby and worn wallpaper turned black in all corners; it must have been damp and sultry in the winter. Poverty was visible; even the bed had no curtains.”


What feelings do you get while reading this passage?

(Approximately the same as in the description of the house. It is amazing how a person can live in such conditions. Heavy, oppressive atmosphere (“low ceiling”), lack of air (“stuffy and carbon monoxide”), darkness, dirt, dampness, irregular shapes - all this is ugly and terrible.) this is the world in which a person is crushed and destitute


What would you do if you were in Raskolnikov's place?
Would you dare to repent in such a situation?

Indeed, the experience is not the most pleasant. Sonya's life is like her room. The ugliness of housing corresponds to the ugliness of life. I think the validity of this statement is not in doubt.


What do you associate the words "darkness", "door" with?

(Bewilderment, darkness - this is Raskolnikov’s state not only in this episode (a person who is looking for an apartment in a dark room), this is his state in general (a person looking for the right way). Here you can also feel the author's voice, since the symbolism is quite transparent and formally these words belong to the narrator. It is also extremely important that Sonya herself opens the door to Raskolnikov, and he mechanically grabs her. Of course, and this is symbolic. A door is a way out of some closed space, and at the level of a symbol, it is a way out of a situation.)


What artistic means does the writer achieve depth in revealing the psychology of his characters?

(Scenery, artistic detail, symbols, characters, portraiture…)

The conversation starts immediately. Its result is Raskolnikov's renunciation of theory, since he bowed to "all human suffering" without distinction between human "beings" and "ranks".

Sonya is fallen. The consciousness of this completely burned out all pride in her ..., her soul is open to infinite - insatiable compassion and repentant feeling ...

When Raskolnikov confesses to her the murder, compassion becomes the first movement of her soul: “Suddenly, as if pierced, she shuddered, screamed and threw herself on his neck, hugged him and squeezed him tightly with her hands.”


According to the theory, Raskolnikov divides people into two groups - the highest and the lowest rank. To what category do you think he classifies Sonya?

(He still refers Sonya to the second group.) She is not capable of rebellion in the sense that Raskolnikov understands it.

Raskolnikov tries to despise her for the inconsistency of his theory.

He behaves rather rudely with Sonya.)


But this conversation is extraordinarily difficult for him too. What testifies to this?

What is the function of the ellipsis in the text?? Give examples from the text

(There are a huge number of pauses, prolongation in time, an abundance of dots (discontinuity, search for a wording, uncertainty, understatement), the inability to find a common language;

a gradual increase in emotionality - a whisper turns into crying, crying into sobs, then Sonya begins to have a fever; this scene is the climax of the emotional tension.)


We understand that Raskolnikov, despite his theory, is not completely consistent with it. He would like to be a severe accuser, despising the "trembling creature", but he does not succeed completely. This is evidenced by the facts you cited.

So, we found out that Raskolnikov is not completely in control of the situation. In this regard, one more question: is the dialogue between Sonya and Raskolnikov homogeneous in terms of leadership? How is the relationship between them changing?

Give examples from the text.

(No, the dialogue is not homogeneous. Raskolnikov's behavior is constantly changing : he either attacks Sonya (in this case, the logic that is connected with the theory comes to the fore), then he sympathizes with her (the truth of the heart is the true truth). For example, “He looked at her kindly, almost compassionately for a minute. How skinny you are! Wow, what a hand you have! Completely transparent. Fingers like those of a dead person. And then: “Well, of course! he said abruptly, and the expression of his face and the sound of his voice suddenly changed again. Raskolnikov reminds Sonya of everything that she does not want to think about: about the beatings of Katerina Ivanovna, about what will happen to Polenka, what will happen to herself. Raskolnikov brings her to a critical state: she “clutched her head almost in despair”, “terrible fright”, “terrible longing”, “bitterly sobbed bitterly”. Raskolnikov: "almost with a mockery", "answered with some kind of gloating, laughed." This mockery of her culminates in the phrases: "Don't you get something every day?" There is a change of aggression and sympathy in Raskolnikov: fluctuations in his theory. He himself cannot be completely consistent in his theory.)

Let's read a piece of text that describes this.


What do you think kissing feet means? How can one explain this behavior of Raskolnikov? Is it related to his theory?

(Possible answer:

Theory forbids compassion, life - forcing. Theorystarts to crumble. In the last lesson, we talked about Raskolnikov's humanism is abstract: love for everyone implies cruelty towards a specific living person.)


So, kissing the feet is another evidence of the failure of Raskolnikov's theory.

But Sonya's "mild blue eyes" "can sparkle with such fire, such a harsh energy feeling." Behind her meekness and humility lies strength of mind, faith. She does not accept the inhuman theory of Raskolnikov; for her, ready for compassion, a person cannot be a “louse”. Raskolnikov feels that Sonya is right, therefore “Sonia was terrible to him. Sonya represented an inexorable sentence, a decision without change. Sonya read to Raskolnikov the gospel episode about the resurrection of Lazarus in order to awaken faith in him, to turn him to people.

The Divine Word was spoken about the greatest miracle - the resurrection of Lazarus. The sound of the Word was true - it came from a loving, compassionate heart, to a person standing on the edge to believe ...

Again in Raskolnikov two thoughts are spoken at once:

We are cursed together, it's all over, we can't stand it alone, we must go together "along the same road." It is necessary to bear the curse and "suffering to take upon yourself!"

suffer suffering (go to hard labor).


Why is the reading of the Gospel the climax of the novel?

(“And he, he, also blinded and unbelieving, he, too, will now hear, he will also believe, yes! yes! now, now ...” Indeed, sprouts of faith gradually began to sprout into Raskolnikov’s soul: against his will, he fulfills the order Sony to ask forgiveness from everyone at the crossroads.)


Why was Sonya entrusted by Dostoevsky to read the Gospel?

(Sophia is the Wisdom of God; in her, Raskolnikov saw human suffering through the eyes of Dostoevsky, and, like Mary Magdalene to Christ, kissed her foot. bowed to suffering. ”- part 4, chapter 4.)


But how did Sonya accept Raskolnikov's confession to the murder?

(“No, you are not more unhappy now in the whole world!” she exclaimed ... and suddenly she wept bitterly, as if in hysterics ... Suffering to accept and redeem yourself with it, that's what you need ... Do you have a cross? ... Here, take this one, cypress ... Take ... it's mine! - she begged. - Together we will bear the cross! ... As soon as you go to suffering, then you will put it on. Come to me, I will put it on you, we will pray and go.")

Sonya asks Raskolnikov to repent and go to hard labor to atone for his sin, to achieve spiritual harmony.


Raskolnikov asks to read from the Gospel about the resurrection of Lazarus, why this particular scene?

To answer this question, let's listen to the chapters on the resurrection of Lazarus from the Bible. Then we will find analogies in the novel.

Open the pages where the excerpts from the Gospel are located. Use a pencil to mark analogies, differences, try to catch the deep meaning of the biblical chapters. We read: "Ch. 11. The Resurrection of Lazarus. A certain Lazarus from Bethany, from the village where Mary and Martha lived, her sister, was sick. The sisters sent to help Him: Lord, behold, whom you love, he is sick. Jesus, hearing that, said : this sickness is not unto death, but to the glory of God, may you be glorified through it, son of God. The disciples said: The Jews were looking to stone you, and you are going there again? Jesus answered: Are there not 12 heads in a day? Whoever walks by day does not stumble That's why he sees the light of this world: And whoever walks at night stumbles, because there is no light with him.Lazarus fell asleep, and I go to wake him, Jesus came there and found that he had been in the tomb for 4 days.

Jesus says to Mark: Your brother will rise again: I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, if he dies, will live. And whoever lives and believes in me will never die...

Jesus says: Take away the stone. To the sister of the dying man, Martha, she says to him: Lord! Already stinking, Jesus says to her: Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God? and so take away the stone from the cave where the dead man lay. Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said: Father! thank you for listening to me. I knew that You would always hear me: but I also said for the people standing here, so that they would believe that You sent Me.

Having said this, he called out with a loud voice: Lazarus, go out. And the dead man came out, wrapped hand and foot in grave clothes. Jesus says: untie him, let him go. Then many of the Jews who came to Mary and saw what Jesus had done


What points did you pay attention to while reading?


Mary and Martha sincerely believed in the resurrection of Lazarus and therefore Jesus helped them.

Little, inconsolable Sonya is much stronger spiritual than Rodion, she can listen and understand, she gives advice to repent, to confess to the murder. She believes in God, believes that God will give Raskolnikov the strength to start a new life.


By reading Crime and Punishment, you have become familiar with most of this parable. What is she talking about?

Does the behavior of the characters change in any way?

(Sonya is changing. She is the leader in this dialogue (examples are read out). God is everything for her. In him - her true power and true. Raskolnikov recedes into the background.)


This episode is very, very symbolic. What is its symbolism? You can answer this question if you connect this episode with the text that follows (we are learning to analyze an episode!).

(We need to turn to the epilogue. It contains a hint of Raskolnikov’s rebirth. Therefore, we can consider him the resurrected Lazarus. Sonechka’s “Pravda” turns out to be more correct, and Raskolnikov understands this in the finale.)

He comes to the same sinner as himself, "and most of all, you are a sinner, that in vain, you killed and sold yourself." Rodion still does not understand how Sonya is still alive from shame and shame. He does not understand what it means to live, to live not for himself, but for others. God teaches her this, she believes, it is his strength that supports Sonya. Raskolnikov considers her a holy fool, but still asks to read about Lazar.

And the most main stage: recognition of Rodion Sonya. He doesn’t announce, openly, he pulls, not in a hurry, as if playing with Sonya: “So he can’t guess something?” he suddenly asked with the feeling of throwing himself down from the bell tower. “No,” Sonya whispered almost audibly "Look carefully. Have you guessed it?" "Lord!" a terrible cry broke out of her chest. She fell helplessly onto the bed, ... But after a moment she quickly got up, quickly moved closer to him, grabbed both his hands and squeezed them tightly, as if in a vice, with her thin fingers, she again became motionless, as if glued, to look into his face.

Here she is Sonya. How much strength, courage, clarity of mind in such an act. With this gesture, she bound herself forever with him, ready to share with him his grief and his sin.

She takes responsibility for the fate of Rodion, as Jesus heals Lazarus and inspires faith in the Jews who saw the miracle and followed him.

Research work (group task)

You are an illustrator and work on the design of the printed edition of Dostoevsky's novel. When drawing a portrait of Sonya Marmeladova, what details of her appearance will you dwell on, what and how do you want to portray?


Let's turn to the dictionary. What is the role of the symbol?

An important image of light in mythology is a candle, a lamp and an icon lamp. Candle- as an image of spiritual light in the darkness of ignorance, it is the most important symbol of Christian traditions, being the emblem of Christ, the Church, Grace, Faith and Testimony. In a more particular sense, the candle, by the brevity of its existence, symbolizes a lonely, quivering, human soul.

It means light in the darkness of life, illumination, the life-giving power of the Sun, as well as unfaithful life, which is just as easy to extinguish, transience. Candles, lit when a person has died, illuminate this darkness of death, personifying the light of the world to come. Lamp means life, the light of God, immortality, wisdom, intellect, guidance, star. Spirit, truth, mind are qualities associated with light. Moreover, the lamp is the life of the individual in its transience; good deeds, throwing light into darkness; memory. Lamps or lampada standing on the altar or at the image, personify the constant presence of divine power. Candle, lamp and lampada represent an important image of light in mythology. Candle - as an image of spiritual light in the darkness of ignorance, and the brevity of its existence, it symbolizes a lonely, quivering, human soul. It means light in the darkness of life, illumination, the life-giving power of the Sun, as well as unfaithful life, which is just as easy to extinguish, transience. A lamp means life, the light of God, immortality, wisdom, intelligence, guidance, a star. Spirit, truth, mind are qualities associated with light. In addition, the lamp is the life of an individual in its transience. Lamps or lamps standing on the altar or at the image personify the constant presence of divine power.

1) The description of Sonya's eyes conveys her deep faith, piety and her inner fortitude. “Sonya was silent, he stood beside her and waited for an answer.

2) What would I be without God? - she whispered quickly, energetically, briefly throwing her sparkling eyes , and tightly squeezed his hand with her hand ”(Ch. 4, IV, p. 385). The look reflects the degree of faith, indignation at Raskolnikov's doubt in Sonya's faith. Sonya's sparkling eyes are a symbol true faith.

3) With a new, strange, almost painful feeling, he peered into that pale, thin, irregular, angular little face, into those meek blue eyes. eyes , powerful sparkle so fire , with such a harsh energetic feeling, into this small body, still trembling with indignation and anger, and all this seemed to him more and more strange, almost impossible ”(Ch.4, IV, p.385). Here, Sonya's gaze reveals her inner strength and energy, which God has endowed her with. The look symbolizes inner strength of mind.

4) "The cigarette end has long been extinguished in a crooked candlestick, dimly illuminating in this beggarly room the murderer and the harlot, who strangely came together reading the eternal book."

The question of health saving in the context of the lesson

What thoughts, feelings do you have when you see this cinder?

(Student answers).

Sonya's candle will illuminate the road, "and whoever walks during the day does not stumble." It means that it was not in vain that Rodion came to her, he did not know that she had help and support, she would not leave, she would understand. He thanks her. For the first time in last years life Rodion was deeply moved. "For a long time already an unfamiliar feeling surged into his soul in a wave and his mind softened it. He did not resist it: Two tears rolled out of her eyes and hung on her eyelashes

5 Lab

Color perception of feelings.

In the episode, the main color is yellow: in Sonya's room - yellowish wallpaper

Psychologists say that yellow is a symbol of lightness, ease, sociability, relaxedness, courage and curiosity. Such a striking feature! Why, then, when reading a novel, we are so oppressed by the color of the sun? When you hear a long, monotonous sound, it seems that it penetrates you, filling every cell. The abundance of any one color also kills. It seems to accumulate inside and from there it has a depressing effect on the brain.

There are very few colors in the novel, and no color other than yellow is repeated many times.

If we remember that the “yellow house” meant a madhouse, then the symbolism of the yellow color becomes obvious. After all, it is not for nothing that Svidrigailov calls Petersburg a city of half-lunatics.

Write down the key words that would convey your feelings, sensations when reading the episode "Raskolnikov's Repentance": disgust, anger, rejection, pity, horror, sympathy ...

I draw attention to the epigraph to the lesson.

How do you understand the meaning of this Christian commandment?

6 Summary of the lesson.


Well, try to summarize everything we talked about today. What conclusions can be drawn about the role of this episode in the novel?

Suggested responses from students.

(This episode is a key, turning point. Characters meet in it - carriers of different "theories." Raskolnikov begins to realize the inconsistency of his own and the truth of Sonya's "theory." "Sonechkina's truth" is that she "transcends" only through herself. Raskolnikov - transgresses law of this world. For Sonya, salvation is in religion, in God. She strives primarily for spiritual perfection, and not for reshaping the existing world by force. In addition, attention is drawn here to the fact that it is thanks to Sonya that Raskolnikov's revival will become possible (a hint of this is in the epilogue). After this meeting, Raskolnikov confesses everything to Sonya and will surrender himself to justice. Hard labor will become a kind of cleansing from sins. (Dostoevsky himself's memoirs about hard labor.) Sonya, the bearer of Christian values, is able to save the "lost" Raskolnikov.

Episode 4, Ch. 4. allows us to understand the function of this character and the essence of "Sonech's truth." It is she who is closest to the author's point of view. To transgress another - for her means - to destroy herself. In this, she is opposed to Raskolnikov, who all the time, from the very beginning of the novel, measures his crime by her crime, trying to justify himself).


In today's lesson, we deepened our knowledge of episode analysis. Having carefully analyzed ch. 4 hours 4, we were able to get much closer to understanding the idea of ​​the novel "Crime and Punishment". Of course, using only the analysis of the episode, the full complexity of this work cannot be understood. This is just one of the ways to comprehend the author's intention.

It is important to remember that not every episode is so significant. The episode: "Raskolnikov's first visit to Sonya Marmeladova", as we found out, is of great importance for the entire text, this is the key fragment of the novel.

In the name of what did Sonya “transgress”?

Yes, the path of Sonya is the path of a Christian, this is the path to Christ as an ideal, this is life in Christ. The remarkable Russian Orthodox philosopher I.A. Ilyin calls such a life being in the “ray of God” and feels every falling out, leaving it very sharply, severely judges himself for this, designates the word “sin” and strives with all the strength of his soul for repentance, purification ... Highlight the root in the words repentance, repent. What does he have to do with the biblical legend and Cain and Abel.

7 Explanation of homework.

Essay writing (group)

1 What helps Raskolnikov to resurrect for a “new life

2 Will there be happiness after suffering?


Now guys, let's try to figure out what is genre originality essay. Before you are multi-colored petals on which words, phrases related and not related to the essay are written. Now we need to remove the extra petals.

The following words and phrases are written on the petals: fantasy, imagery, associations, reflections, feelings, impressions, characterization of the hero, reproduction of facts, detailed analysis of the work, literary analysis, combination of artistic and scientific styles, the structural ratio of parts is rigid, the conclusion follows from the analysis of the work , the structural ratio of the parts is not rigid.

Teacher. I remove this petal, because a detailed analysis of the work is not needed when writing an essay. You continue.

The guys remove the extra petals and as a result only petals with inscriptions remain: imagery, associations, reflections, experiences, impressions, structural ratio of parts are laid out in the form of a flower around a circle with the inscription ESSE.

Teacher. Thanks, we got the job done.

7 Reflection

Through suffering to happiness Happiness is spiritual harmony.

"life by law"

heart and religious faith.

Christian theme.