The great work of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" is familiar to every person. His story tells about the fate of a simple Soviet man who suffered military hardships, hardships associated with captivity, and the loss of a family. The confession of an ordinary person in those difficult years presents the reader with his life path, showing at the same time the history of the USSR: civil war, famine, the first five-year plans, the Great Patriotic War.

At the beginning of your story main character tells his random companion that in the pre-war years his family lived in abundance. This fact indicates that Sokolov is a caring man who is not alien to family values.

Neither the situation in the country, nor religious problems, nor the ideological desire to be useful to society occupy his heart; human concepts are important for him: home, family, work. It is the wife and children who become for Andrey that life guide, for the sake of which he does not give up and survives in captivity. Further tragic fate the protagonist is presented as a strength test of the main values.

The fact that Sokolov was captured is not an example of the protagonist's cowardice, it is just an example of an unfortunate set of circumstances. In the old church, where the prisoners await their fate, Sokolov, killing a traitor, positions himself as a strong man with great endurance and spirit.

Escape from captivity can only be undertaken by a strong, purposeful person, even if he turns out to be unsuccessful.

A conversation with the Nazis, who are about to shoot him, is a new test for Sokolov. With his courage and courage, he awakens humanity in German officers, who are surprised at this very courage and good spirits of a captured soldier. They admit their defeat before his willpower and patriotism, granting him life.

It seems a way to escape from captivity, Sokolov implements it, taking with him a "language". Andrei is so devoted to his ideals, his dreams of a long-awaited meeting with his family, that no one can stop this person.

Sokolov returns to duty and fights for the Motherland and for his relatives. And now a new blow lies in wait for him. Andrei lives in captivity without losing his self-esteem and hope for the future, but the news of the death of his family refracts his proud character. Sokolov is experiencing his tragedy, but feels killed. This is evidenced by his dream: Andrei sees himself behind barbed wire, and his relatives are alive and at large. He wants to go to them, but he can't.

The meeting with the orphan Vanyushka makes him become at least partially self-confident again, overcome his negative habits and live.

The story of Mikhail Sholokhov tells that human values will never fade under the onslaught of troubles and troubles.

The immortal work of M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" is a real ode to the common people, whose life was completely broken by the war.

Features of the composition of the story

The protagonist here is not represented by a legendary heroic personality, but common man, one of the millions of people affected by the tragedy of war.

The fate of man in wartime

Andrei Sokolov was a simple rural worker who, like everyone else, worked on a collective farm, had a family and lived an ordinary, measured life. He boldly goes to defend his fatherland from the fascist invaders, thus leaving his children and wife to the mercy of fate.

At the front, for the protagonist, those terrible trials begin that turned his life upside down. Andrei learns that his wife, daughter and youngest son were killed in an air attack. He takes this loss very hard, as he feels his own guilt in what happened to his family.

However, Andrei Sokolov has something to live for, he left his eldest son, who during the war was able to achieve significant success in military affairs, and was the only support of his father. In the last days of the war, fate prepared for Sokolov the last crushing blow of his son, his opponents kill him.

At the end of the war, the main character is morally broken and does not know how to live on: he lost his loved ones, his home was destroyed. Andrei gets a job as a driver in a neighboring village and gradually begins to get drunk.

As you know, fate, pushing a person into the abyss, always leaves him a small straw, on which, if desired, you can get out of it. Salvation for Andrey was a meeting with a little orphan boy, whose parents died at the front.

Vanechka never saw his father and reached out to Andrei, as he longed for the love and attention that the main character showed him. The dramatic peak in the story is Andrei's decision to lie to Vanechka that he is his own father.

The unfortunate child, who in life did not know love, affection and kindness towards himself, throws himself with tears on the neck of Andrei Sokolov and begins to say that he remembered him. So, in fact, two destitute orphans begin a joint life path. They found salvation in each other. Each of them has the meaning of life.

The moral "core" of Andrey Sokolov's character

Andrei Sokolov had a real inner core, high ideals of spirituality, steadfastness and patriotism. In one of the episodes of the story, the author tells us about how, exhausted by hunger and labor work in a concentration camp, Andrei was still able to maintain his human dignity: for a long time he refused the food that the Nazis offered him before they threatened to kill him.

The firmness of his character aroused respect even among the German murderers, who eventually took pity on him. The bread and bacon that they gave the protagonist as a reward for his pride, Andrey Sokolov divided among all his starving cellmates.

Andrey Sokolov (Destiny of Man)

Andrey Sokolov
Creator: Mikhail Sholokhov
Artworks: story "The fate of man"
Floor: male
Nationality: Russian
Race: caucasoid
Age: 45 or 46 years old
Date of Birth: 1900
Date of death: unknown, not earlier than 1946
Family: Irina Sokolova (died in 1942)
Children: Sons: Anatoly (not earlier -), Ivan (adopted, since 1945)

Daughters: Anastasia (? -1942), Olga (? -1942)

Role played by: Sergey Bondarchuk

Andrey Sokolov(patronymic unknown) - the main character of the last published story by Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man".

Born in the Voronezh province in 1900. During the Civil War, he served in the army, in the division of Kikvidze. In 1922, he went to the Kuban "to beat the kulaks, thanks to which he remained alive." Andrei's father, mother and sister died of starvation. In 1923 he sold his house and moved to Voronezh. He worked as a carpenter, then got a job as a mechanic at the factory. He met Irina, who was brought up in an orphanage, and married her. Until the end of his life he loved his wife very much. Soon the Sokolovs had a son, Anatoly, a year later, two daughters: Anastasia and Olga. Sokolov stopped drinking. In 1929, Sokolov became interested in cars. Studied driving, got a job as a truck driver, decided not to return to the factory. So he worked until 1939. All the children studied excellently, and thanks to his ability in mathematics, they even wrote about Anatoly in the regional newspaper. June 23, 1941 Sokolov was called to the front. Already on June 24, he was taken to the train. The whole family accompanied Andrei.

Sokolov was formed near Belaya Tserkov, he received a ZIS-5. He was wounded twice. He was taken prisoner near Lozovenki in May 1942 while trying to smuggle shells for an artillery unit. His car was blown up. He lost consciousness and ended up in the rear of the German army, where he was taken prisoner. In the face of death, he did not lose heart, did not show fear to the enemy. Soon Andrei was brought to Poznan, settled in a camp. There, digging graves for the dead compatriots, Andrei tried to escape. The escape failed: detective dogs found Sokolov in the field. He was severely beaten and bitten. For escaping Andrey ended up in the punishment cell of the camp for a month.

Sokolov was translated for a long time in Germany. He worked in Saxony in a silicate plant, in the Ruhr region in a coal mine, in Bavaria in earthworks, in Thuringia and in many other places. All prisoners of war were constantly and ruthlessly beaten with anything. The food was very bad. Sokolov, from 84 kg, had already lost weight to less than 50 kg by the autumn of 1942.

In September, Andrei, among 142 Soviet prisoners of war, was transferred from the camp near Kustrin to the B-14 camp near Dresden. In total there were about 2,000 Soviet prisoners. In two months, 57 out of 142 people of Andrey's echelon remained. One evening in his barracks, frozen and wet, Andrey said: “They need four cubic meters of output, and for the grave of each of us, even one cubic meter through the eyes is enough”.

There was a traitor who informed the leadership about this statement. Andrei was summoned to the camp commandant Muller. He promised to shoot Sokolov personally for these bitter words. Sokolov was pardoned for his courage. 300 of the strongest prisoners were sent to drain the swamps, then to the Ruhr region to the mines.

Then Andrei was appointed the driver of a German major. Soon he escaped in a car and took the major with him.

I wrote a letter to Irina immediately after meeting with the command. He described everything, even boasted that the colonel had promised to put him on the award. But in response, a letter came from a neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich.

Having received a month's leave, Andrey immediately went to Voronezh. I saw a funnel overgrown with weeds in the place of my house. Immediately returned to the front. But soon he received a letter from his son, which restored his stamina and desire to live.

But on the last day of the war, Anatoly Sokolov was shot dead by a German sniper.

Heartbroken, Andrei returned to Russia, but went not to Voronezh, but to Uryupinsk to visit a demobilized friend. He started working as a driver. He met the homeless orphan Vanya, whose mother was killed by a bomb, and his father died at the front, and adopted him, telling the boy that he was his father.

After that, he began to wander around the country, in this state the reader meets him in the story (in the spring of 1946).

There is no continuation of the story "The Fate of a Man", so further fate hero is unknown.


Nahum Leiderman believes that the main features of Andrei Sokolov are his fatherhood and soldierhood. Andrei Sokolov is a tragic character who managed to maintain his fortitude despite being seriously wounded, captured, escaped, the death of his family, and, finally, the death of his son on May 9, 1945. A. B. Galkin compares his fate with the history of the book of Job. Sholokhovologist Viktor Vasilievich Petelin in the book “Mikhail Sholokhov: pages of life and creativity”, M ., 1986, p. 13) wrote: “In the tragic image of Andrei Sokolov, Sholokhov saw a man-fighter with titanic mental powers, who had experienced and survived a lot, broken painful suffering that left an indelible mark on his soul.

see also

  • The fate of man (story)



  • Vashchenko A.V. The concept of post-war man: E. Hemingway's story "The Old Man and the Sea" and M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man" // Russia and the West: Dialogue of Cultures. Issue. 7. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1999. - 296 p. - ISBN 5-88091-114-4.
  • Leiderman N. L."Monumental story" by M. Sholokhov // Leiderman N. L. Russian literary classics of the XX century. - Ekaterinburg: 1996. - S. 217-245. - ISBN 5-7186-0083-X.
  • Pavlovsky A. Russian character (about the hero of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man") // The problem of character in modern Soviet literature. - M.-L., 1962.
  • Lauren B. M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" (Analysis of Form) // Neva. - 1959. - No. 9.


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See what "Andrey Sokolov (The Fate of a Man)" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see The fate of man (film). The fate of man Author: Mikhail Sholokhov Genre: prose Original language: Russian Publisher: Zhurnal "Don" Issue ... Wikipedia

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Audio story by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". The history of the family of Andrei Sokolov before the war, the beginning of the story.
The author's meeting in the first post-war spring on the Upper Don, at the crossing over the Elanka River on the way to the village of Bukanovskaya, against the Mokhovsky farm, with the main character of the story "The Fate of a Man". Andrei Sokolov was a tall, round-shouldered man, his eyes "as if sprinkled with ashes" and filled with "inescapable mortal anguish." Andrei Sokolov was walking with a boy of 5-6 years old, whom he called son. The boat had to wait two hours. So Andrey Sokolov told the story of his life, painful. He himself is a native of the Voronezh province, born in 1900. During the civil war he was in the Red Army, in the Kikvidze division. In the hungry 1922, he lost all his relatives. He began his life again in Voronezh, in a carpentry artel, then went to the factory, learned to be a locksmith. Married. His wife, Irinka, was an orphan from an orphanage. Good. Humble, funny, obliging and smart. They had three children. The eldest son Anatoly, then the daughters of the weather Nastenka and Olyushka. The children were excellent students. Anatoly was gifted in mathematics, they even wrote about him in the central newspaper. For ten years they saved up for a new house. Irina bought two goats. All was good. Here the war began. Irina very bitterly said goodbye to her husband, at parting she said that they would not see each other in this world.

Today in the lesson we continued to study the work of Sholokhov and examined his epic story called. Getting acquainted with the story, we returned to the tragic events that took place in our country, namely, we returned to the years of the Great Patriotic War. In our work, we follow the fate of Andrei Sokolov. At the same time, describing his fate, the author described the fate of the entire people that survived the war. A people who revealed all their strengths in their character, which were revealed in a difficult life period.

After reading the work of Sholokhov, we can single out the main character by giving him complete description. Now we can describe the character of Andrei Sokolov from the story The Fate of a Man, highlighting individual episodes from the life of the hero, which most clearly reveal the fate and image of the character.

As you already understood, the main character of Sholokhov's work is Andrei Sokolov - an ordinary Russian hard worker who had a wife, children, that is, a full-fledged family. There was a roof over your head, ordinary everyday life. In all this he saw his happiness, and in the family he saw the meaning of life. But the war came and everything changed.

The real trials of captivity fell to the lot of the hero. However, Andrei did not break, he remained true to the end, strong, courageous and courageous. I very much remember the episode when reading the story about how he could not close his eyes to betrayal. Knowing that one of the soldiers is going to betray his commander and hand him over to the enemies, he goes for the kill. This episode shows the willpower of the hero, his justice. It is impossible not to note the episode when Andrei Sokolov received a loaf of bread and a piece of lard. He did not eat everything on his own, he comradely divided each piece of food among the rest of the prisoners. This speaks of his concern for his neighbor, of his generous soul.

I also remember his episode of escape, where Sokolov shows himself to be brave and courageous.

However, not captivity became the strongest test for him. He withstood it, as he withstood other news. He learned that the war took not only the house, but also the lives of his relatives, took his wife and son. She took away the meaning of his life.

His soul is empty. He returns from the war to places where no one is waiting for him, and this pain cannot be fully felt. We can only imagine it. Sokolov no longer lives, but exists. He goes to work and starts drinking. However, he did not get drunk, as often happened. I found the strength not to fall face down in the dirt. Reading the work, we see the hero, in spite of everything, has not hardened. He met a boy, whom the war also made an orphan. Andrei takes the boy to his upbringing and this speaks of his human nature, his cordiality and kindness. Now he has a new meaning in life - to raise this little man worthy of the future for which he shed his blood during the war.

Episodes most important for revealing the character of Andrei Sokolov "The Fate of a Man"

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