Fishing rod - Seeing and catching fish with it means deceit and a misused power of attorney.

1 fishing rod by Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

Seeing a fishing rod in a dream means:

Going fishing with a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want. It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear; whether your hopes are justified or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch - in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort. However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up - you need to consolidate success, but at the same time you should not be greedy, as this can lead to the loss of everything. In general, be prudent and wise.

If you give a fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances, you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod occurs calmly - and in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the fishing rod is pulled out of your hands, you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

To give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle - it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

In a dream, to show worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands - no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to strengthen the guard - you never know what comes into the head of dishonest competitors.

1 fishing rod by Esoteric dream book

Deception awaits you, promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You are the one who will force someone to lie and make false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that the promise is impossible to fulfill.

If the fishing rod is clearly visible - the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

Sigmund Freud

1 fishing rod by Magic dream book

Sleeping with a fishing rod means:

To various tricks.

1 fishing rod according to Freud's dream book

The meaning of sleep fishing rod:

A symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

1 fishing rod according to Online dream book

A fishing rod, according to the dream book, symbolizes your calmness and balance of your nervous system.

Buying and selling this device is a sign that you have to deceive someone close to you.

I dreamed of a fishing rod as a gift - you yourself can become a victim of someone's thoughtful lie.

Inside each of us, even the best of us, slumbers an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 fishing rod by Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

What a fishing rod may dream of:

To see a fishing rod is happiness in chance.

Fishing is boredom, blues, an obstacle.

Catching fish on it is a success.

1 fishing rod by Modern dream book

Fishing rod, in a dream means:

Fishing rod - think carefully whether it is worth starting the business that you have planned.

The dream in which you see a fishing rod is favorable, it portends peace and peace of mind.

Fishing large fish in clear water - fortunately and success in business.

Seeing fishermen with fishing rods means a new acquaintance, the appearance of new good friends in your life.

1 fishing rod according to the 21st century Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams of a fishing rod, then this means:

Seeing a fishing rod in a dream or holding it in your hands is a warning: someone's deceit can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you.

Seeing spinning means that favorable times have come for you and you may well realize all your plans and ideas.

If your fishing line is tangled on a fishing rod or spinning rod, such a dream can be a harbinger of minor troubles or confusion in business.

1 fishing rod by Erotic dream book Danilova

Why does a woman dream of a fishing rod:

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure.

If you fish in clear water, you have to make several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous fans. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of the deceased relatives calling you to him.

1 fishing rod by Slavic dream book

Why does a woman dream of a fishing rod:

Fishing - blues.

1 fishing rod by Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a fishing rod in a dream means:

To see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

1 fishing rod by Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August

A dream with a fishing rod in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

The fishing rod dreams of seduction.

1 fishing rod by Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in September, October, November, December

Sleeping with a fishing rod means:

1 fishing rod by Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April

The meaning of sleep fishing rod:

A lady will appear on the horizon who will “lay her eyes” on your husband.

1 fishing rod by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a fishing rod:

Beware of deceit, trick; for fish - you have views of profit.

If in a dream someone shudders, then this person is growing.

Interpretations of a variety of dream plots can be easily found in modern dream books. It is the fair sex that most often has to fish in night dreams. For them, such a plot becomes a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy or other changes.

Miller considers the plot under discussion a wonderful harbinger for the girl. An excellent bite in a dream suggests that fate will smile on the fair sex in reality. The main thing is to notice the opportunity in time and use it correctly.

Freud suggests that a very large fish on a woman's hook in a dream promises her a new love and / or sexual relationship. If the sleeping woman is married, it is likely that she will have a man on the side.

The Small Velesov dream book interprets dreams with fishing in a special way. If only dead inhabitants were in the reservoir, then in reality it is worth waiting for losses. But a significant live catch in the net is a harbinger of a profitable financial deal.

Why does a woman dream of catching fish with a bait?

It has long been believed that dreams with fish always promise the fair sex a change in her personal life. To understand which ones, you need to take into account all the details of the plot that you managed to remember in the morning.

If a woman had to fish with a bait, it means that in reality she will have a quick marriage proposal. Sometimes the details of a dream even help to unravel how happy the marriage will be. So, the caught foul-smelling dirty fish suggests that you need to take a closer look at your fiancé. In fact, he is not at all who he claims to be. Marriage with such a person can turn into a real tragedy for a sleeping person.

Catching with bare hands

Why dream of catching fish with your hands? Such a plot is unambiguously interpreted in almost all known dream books. A large catch with bare hands portends pregnancy to the fair sex.

Perhaps, in this way, the subconscious sends signals to the dreamer that she is fully ripe for motherhood. And only the fear of cardinal changes prevents the girl from taking an important step.

The dream was a married, unmarried, pregnant

The exact interpretation of the dream will also depend on the marital status of the girl at the moment, whether she plans to become a mother, and what plans she has for the near future.

  • If a woman is married and children are not expected in her family, then the dream under discussion may suggest that she will finally achieve her cherished goal, which she set for herself for a long time. The results obtained will cause the envy of others and respect for the sleeping woman.
  • For an unmarried young lady, a dream with fishing can be a harbinger of a new relationship, a long-awaited wedding, or even a profitable career offer. The last interpretation is relevant if the catch turned out to be very significant.
  • If the girl is already pregnant, then for her the interpretation of sleep with fishing will be special. Perhaps such a plot becomes a hint from the subconscious that it is time to go on maternity leave and devote time to rest. It happens that expectant mothers catch a bright exotic fish in a dream. This is a clear sign that the born child will be an outstanding personality and will achieve great success in life.

Catch and butcher fish in a dream

If a woman pays due attention to contraception and definitely does not plan to become a mother in the near future, then the dream in which she managed to catch the fish may have another meaning not related to pregnancy. Had to butcher a large underwater inhabitant? This means that the girl expects an unexpected profit or a quick long-distance journey. Thus, the young lady can also be warned about moving in reality. There is a possibility that she will have to change not only the street or city, but even the country. But such sleep values ​​\u200b\u200bare relevant only for those options when the fish is fresh. Otherwise, the cutting plot may promise a sleeping health problem.

Cleaning fish in a dream means that there are serious mistakes and shortcomings in the girl's plans for the future. To avoid problems, you need to carefully analyze and correct them. If a woman cuts off the fins of a fish, it means that you just need to remove unnecessary items from your life plan. Immediately after this, the dreamer will be able to achieve everything that she dreamed of.

Did you need to butcher a small fish in night dreams? This means that the division of property, and small strife with relatives await the fair sex in reality.

Why dream of unsuccessful fishing?

If fishing in a girl’s dream turned out to be unsuccessful, then this is a hint that you need to be patient. To achieve your goals, you will have to work hard. On the way to them there will always be obstacles. Despite all the difficulties, the fair sex should not despair and give up. You must fight for your goals to the very end.

It happens that in a dream it is not possible to catch a slippery large fish. She constantly slips out of the hands of the dreamer. This means that the girl is lazy and for this reason she cannot get everything she wants from fate. If the sleeping woman is engaged in business, then the described plot may tell her that the partners of the fair sex are as "slippery" as a fish. They should be handled with care.

If the sleeping woman and her friends caught a fish, but it turned out to be rotten or otherwise spoiled, it means that an ill-wisher has wound up in the company. Someone from close friends set out to quarrel among themselves all for the sake of some own benefit. You can't fall for his provocations. Such a person should be carefully identified and removed from his inner circle.

Catch a big and beautiful fish in a dream

A very beautiful live fish dreams of great luck. Good luck will pursue the sleeper after such a dream in all spheres of life without exception. We must try to take from this successful period as much as possible.

A huge shiny fish, which was caught very easily and quickly in a clean pond, promises the fair sex a fateful acquaintance. On the path of life, the girl will meet a man whom she has been looking for for a very long time. A new relationship of lovers is likely to lead to an early wedding. It is interesting that such an interpretation is relevant even for those women who are already married, but do not feel absolutely happy in it. A new attractive partner will appear on their horizon, who in all respects will be better than the current spouse.

If a fish of impressive size fell into the girl's net, this is also a great sign. Especially if it turned out to be not only big, but also beautiful. Such a plot suggests that the dreamer will finally be appreciated by those who, until recently, did not take her seriously. The changed attitude of others will open up new large-scale prospects.

I dreamed of a fishing net with a fish caught in it

A very important symbol from a dream is a fishing net. Empty nonsense symbolizes false hopes, controversial ideals, as well as personal delusions. If there is a fish in the net, then the meaning of sleep changes dramatically.

A lot of small fish in the net is a hint that the girl needs to understand something in real life, as well as find its meaning. At present, the woman is confused and does not represent her future at all. If you can’t deal with the issue under discussion on your own, you should seek the help of a professional psychologist.

In a dream, does a fish slip out of the net and swim away safely? This means that the dreams of the fair sex will not come true, and the expectations will not bear any fruit. A woman can abandon past plans and start building more promising and real combinations.

If a man catches a large fish in front of a sleeping woman, then she should be careful. Most likely, a familiar representative of the stronger sex sympathizes with the young lady and is trying to do everything possible to catch her in love captivity. The goal of a man is not only to fall in love with the dreamer, but also to completely subdue her.

The meaning of sleep depending on the day of the week

Depending on the day of the week on which the plot with the caught fish was seen, the meaning of the dream may change:

  • From Sunday to Monday, catching underwater inhabitants with bare hands promises the representative of the stronger sex an excellent profit. But, if the fish swam away immediately after it was caught, then the young lady will spend all the money earned on completely unnecessary things.
  • If an elderly person dreams of a fish from Monday to Tuesday, then he will be able to cope with life's troubles only thanks to his rich life experience.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday, very large prey caught in a net or net promises recovery. This is true even for those cases when a man or woman suffers from a very serious illness.
  • Did you have to butcher a large fish from Wednesday to Thursday? So, in real life, you will have to share the inheritance with relatives. If caviar was found in the fish, then the dreamer will get the best part of it.
  • From Thursday to Friday, catching a large number of fish suggests that the girl needs to refrain from promiscuity. Otherwise, she cannot avoid unpleasant gossip.
  • Unsuccessful fishing from Friday to Saturday in a dream is a warning. The plot suggests that a woman should not rush into making decisions.
  • Catching fish in dirty, stinking water from Saturday to Sunday portends an unsuccessful pregnancy or abortion.

Films Fishing Rod - Going fishing with a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want. It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear; whether your hopes will come true or not. If you fish with a bait and you can envy your catch, then in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort. However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up - you need to consolidate success, but at the same time you should not skimp, as this can lead to the loss of everything. In general, be careful and wise. If you give a fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances, then you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment. If the transfer of the fishing rod occurs calmly, then in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably. If the fishing rod is pulled out of your hands, then you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”. To give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle - it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed. In a dream, to provide worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands - no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that won’t stop you is to strengthen the guards - little will come to the mind of dishonest competitors.

Dream Interpretation Fishing Rod - For men, dreaming of a fishing rod means that in reality they lack sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you should have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true. For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Why dream of a Fishing Rod - A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, what conversations are being held behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant. In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will feel deep satisfaction about this.

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, what conversations are going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant. In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will feel deep satisfaction about this.

Freud believed that a very small fish seen in a dream identifies the masculine principle. Large individuals symbolize children. That is why, according to Freud's dream book, fishing with a fishing rod in a dream means a quick pregnancy in real life. But, when interpreting such a plot, there are several extremely important subtleties. It is important that the water in a dream is clean. The sex of the unborn child can be predicted by the catch: perch and crucian carp - a boy will be born, trout or pike - a girl.

The esoteric dream book says that fishing with a fishing rod is a sign of deceit and empty promises. If it is you who fish, then in reality you will definitely deceive someone. If the fishing rod is very clearly visible under water, then deception concerns the sphere of monetary relations. Filmy warns that in some cases, very serious problems and troubles associated with money scams are possible.

The modern dream book also explains what dreams of catching fish with a fishing rod in a dream. In this case, the result of the interpretation is in no way connected with the future replenishment of the family. According to modern interpretations, such a dream promises a difficult life period. You will need maximum savings in everything. Only in this way will it be possible to survive this difficult time with the least losses.

The universal dream book predicts the dreamer, who saw how in a dream he catches fish with a fishing rod, success and special luck in real life. Pull fish after fish out of the water without much effort to fulfill desires. And, you don't need to put in much effort. All the blessings will “sail” into your hands by themselves. It remains only to enjoy your well-being.

The content of the lower layers of the unconscious. One of the oldest ancestors in evolution, referring us to the distant past and coming out of the depths. Phallic symbol and symbol of sexual intercourse. The realm of the sacred. A symbol of deep life. Wooden fish to another. Desire for sexual intercourse with an individual. If the fish has some spiritual qualities, for example, it can speak. Selfishness, but also possibly coldness, impotence, because the fish has a phallic shape, but is cold-blooded. The fish swims in the opposite direction. The personal unconscious is in conflict with the collective unconscious. This conflict can only be resolved by adapting personal desires into archetypal patterns. Dead (sick) fish. Loss of energy and vitality. Regression. Fish eyes. Eternal attention as they never close. Fishing. The personal conscious draws strength from the collective unconscious, appealing to the experience of ancestors. A positive image of phallic sexuality and success. Ichthys fish is an archaic symbol of Christ. To eat fish. A rebirth as fish is a miraculous food. Eaten fish is associated with new properties of consciousness, new knowledge. Being eaten by fish. To be consumed by the unconscious. To be washed ashore again to be uprooted by fish. Regain conscious control. Jellyfish. Associated with the sea - the unconscious female sphere. An image of awkwardness and dependence. Octopus. Terrible Mother with the features of the owner. Oysters and mussels. Female genitals. Oyster without shell. Fears I'm in a collision with reality. Crab, cancer. Rebirth as crustaceans renew their shell. An ambivalent symbol of loss, since in astrology Cancer is the lunar house and during its period the summer solstice begins, when the days become shorter. Lobster. Male genitals. Whale. The unconscious or the mother. The realm of femininity. Being swallowed by a whale. The story of a loser and a dark period in life, during which the individual replenishes the reserves of the unconscious in order to give birth ...

If you dreamed about how you were catching fish, then in real life you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs while making love. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a sexually flawed person in the shortest possible time, because, not being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body. Treating yourself with fish in a dream to a man - a dream indicates that in intimate life you act according to the principle of the Moor has done his job ... You are not in the least worried about what your partner feels and how to give her maximum pleasure. The main thing for you is the satisfaction of your own instincts. Catching fish in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in real life you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed. It is possible that the failure of the first attempt at sexual experience should be considered the fault of these fears. Treat what happened when philosophically - it was and has passed, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

According to the dream book, what is the dream of Fish (fish) - positive symbols in relation to a person. Symbols of free instincts in all manifestations, symbols of vitality, fun, health, wholesome nutrition. Behind its shape, the fish is a phallic symbol, a symbol of sexual intercourse. If a person gives fish to a friend, this is a desire for sexual contact with him. If a person eats fish, this is an increase in strength and power. If a person sees that he is fishing, this indicates a desire for relaxation, avoiding problems in this current situation. If sick or dead fish are seen, this is an image that indicates a loss of vitality of the organism and a certain degree of regression. In the image of a rotting fish, the unconscious indicates disgust towards the opposite sex. If a woman sees that she takes a man's fish and cleans it, this is a symbol of a hidden desire to deprive him of his penis, to reduce his masculinity.

The fish flies over the water. - Whether there are solved all cases. There are fish in the well. - We'll have to go to another place of service. Weigh for catching fish. - Great happiness, benefit. The man is fishing. - portends food, and also indicates good luck. You hit the fish, you grab the fish. - Portends a slight malaise. You fish with a line in the water. - Great happiness and luck, benefit. You fish or hunt while in the forest. - Things won't work out. A school of fish swims in the water. - Portends wealth, profit. Carp. - Pregnancy wife. Great happiness. Big fish fights, jumps. - Portends popularity, glory. Small fish lay eggs. - Great happiness, benefit. Dry fish is immersed in water. - There will be luck again. The shrimp turns into a fish. - Portends the loss of wealth wealth. You sit on the fish. - Illness will come.

Dream Interpretation Fishing Rod - Going fishing with a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want. It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear; whether your hopes are justified or not. If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch, then in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort. However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up - you need to consolidate success, but at the same time you should not skimp, as this can lead to the loss of everything. In general, be prudent and wise. If you give a fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances, then you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment. If the transfer of the fishing rod occurs calmly, then in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably. If the fishing rod is pulled out of your hands, then you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”. To give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle - it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed. In a dream, to provide worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands - no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that won’t stop you is to strengthen the guards - little will come to the mind of dishonest competitors.

Fishing rod - For men, dreaming of a fishing rod means that in reality they lack sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you should have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true. For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Fishing rod - Fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, what conversations are going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant. In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will feel deep satisfaction about this, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Fishing rod - Seeing a fishing rod in a dream or holding it in your hands is a warning: whose deception can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you. Seeing spinning means that favorable times have come for you and you may well realize all your plans and ideas. If you have a fishing line tangled on a fishing rod or spinning rod, then such a dream can be a harbinger of minor troubles or confusion in business.

In Felomena's dream book, a fishing rod symbolizes the appearance of gossip about you, whispering behind your back. Be careful, because this will not end with just talking.

A dream about how to hold a tackle in your hands promises an easy achievement of the goal without putting much effort. Perhaps this can be achieved with the help of close friends.

Who had a dream about a fishing rod? What fishing rod did you dream about? What actions were performed with a fishing rod in a dream? How many fishing rods did you dream about?

Who had a dream about a fishing rod?

If a girl dreamed that she was with a fishing rod

If in a dream a girl was fishing for a fishing rod, then she will have to become more economical in reality. It should be taken into account that funds are not infinite, and learn to distribute costs prudently.

A woman's dream about a fishing rod

A woman dreams of a fishing rod - in reality, she has no end to a large number of suitors. It will be difficult for you to resist the temptation, so you will begin to think about choosing several gentlemen at the same time.

What fishing rod did you dream about?

A fishing rod with a hook according to the dream book

You dreamed that a large hook was hooked on a bait - in fact, serious changes are coming that will affect all areas of life.

Drown a fishing rod in a dream

The interpretation of a dream about a fishing rod you drowned warns of impending failures. Annoyance will be caused by unsuccessful attempts to earn money, although the desired reward was so close.

What actions were performed with a fishing rod in a dream?

Why dream of throwing a fishing rod

The dream interpretation indicates that casting a fishing rod in a dream is reflected in reality as an achievement of success. Best of all, your skills and hard work will help in this.

I dreamed about buying a fishing rod

For a man, buying a fishing rod in a dream is a sign of a lack of intimate relationships in reality, which you will soon begin to search for. For a woman, a dream promises coquetry and the emergence of new acquaintances.

The meaning of the dream in which the fishing rod was presented

When you dream that you gave another person your own fishing rod, you should in reality be on the alert. It is likely that someone instead of you will catch a profitable chance or lure your luck to him.

Break the fishing rod according to the dream book

I dreamed that they broke the fishing rod with their own hands - this is a warning about the possible deprivation of happiness in reality. The dreamer himself may be the culprit of such a loss.

To dream of stealing a fishing rod

If the dream is about how your fishing rod was stolen, you often seek to impose your beliefs on others, which can turn into a brawl. You were the tackle thief - in life you can buy an expensive thing.

Catch a fish with a rod Catch a fish with a rod

How many fishing rods did you dream about?

Why dream a lot of fishing rods

We saw a lot of fishing rods in a dream - in real life, the dream book portends an early acquaintance with a pleasant person. Relations with a new acquaintance will develop into a strong friendship.

Why can a Fishing Rod dream and what does such a dream mean? Ask Dream Interpreters, After all, their answer is really worthy of attention! Some Dream Interpretations say - The Fishing Rod symbolizes a new opportunity that will soon appear for you. And part of the Dream Interpretations insists that the Fishing Rod is not the most positive sign, but its appearance in your dream is a warning about the deception that threatens you.

To see a fishing rod in a dream, to catch something on it- find a non-standard way to get out of the situation; otherwise, diligence will help you to realize your plan.

Catching something in a dream with a Fishing Rod, among other things, means luck, which should accompany your life in reality. Probably, the point is that the fruits of your efforts will not be in vain, and a favorable combination of circumstances will help you achieve your goals - a good dream.

Seeing a fishing rod in a dream, Give or give it to someone- miss your chance, Give your luck to someone else.

Based on the version that the Fishing Rod symbolizes hard work, And a happy chance, Giving it into the hands of another person, you voluntarily (or not?) Transfer the fruits of your successes, Refuse them. Think - what can we talk about and are you ready to easily give up what you have been going for so long?

Seeing a fishing rod in a dream, Someone is catching, But not you- deception.

"Catch the Fishing Rod" - that's what this dream predicts for you! Probably, as a result of someone's cunning machinations, you will become a puppet, a malleable puppet for the implementation of other people's plans and goals. Do not ignore the dream - in reality, show maximum vigilance and caution.

Seeing a fishing rod for men in a dream- desire for sexual intimacy; sexual dissatisfaction.

Seeing a fishing rod for a woman in a dream- you have to make a choice from several contenders for the hand and heart.

A fishing rod is an object that women and men treat differently, But in a general sense for everyone, it symbolizes the desire to "catch on your hook", And apparently we are talking about representatives of the opposite sex. Probably, after such a dream, your personal life will change for the better.

Why is the Fishing Rod dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, why is the fishing rod dreaming by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a Fishing Rod, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

What is the dream of the Fishing Rod

Beware of deceit, trick; for fish - you have views of profit

Seeing a fishing rod in a dream

What does sleep fishing rod mean

See in a dream Fishing rod

What do dreams mean

Dream about fishing rod

(See interpretation: fish)

What does a fishing rod mean in a dream

The meaning of dreams

To sorrow.

What does a fishing rod mean in a dream

A lady will appear on the horizon who will lay eyes on your husband.

The meaning of sleep Fishing rod

The fishing rod dreams of seduction.

Dream interpretation

New opportunity.

What does the Fishing Rod predict in a dream

What does it mean to see a Fishing Rod in a dream

Interpretation of sleep Fishing rod

Symbolizes cunning and dexterity.

If you met a man with a fishing rod: be careful, perhaps in reality someone is preparing a trick for you. After such a dream, you should be more careful with offers that look seductive and attractive.

What predicts a dream Fishing rod

The meaning of the dream Fishing rod

To see a fishing rod is happiness in chance.

Fishing is boredom, blues, an obstacle.

Catch a fish - success

In a dream to see a fishing rod

Fishing with a fishing rod in the water is a great happiness and good luck, benefit.

Sleep Prediction

Receiving the money.


Buy a fishing rod

Dream Interpretation Buy a fishing rod dreamed of why in a dream Buy a fishing rod? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream Buy a fishing rod by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - there are intrigues behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the fishing rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge pike perch (see pike perch).

Dream Interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you will have to have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

The fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. Perhaps you can guess that gossip is going on behind your back. Be prepared for the fact that these sidelong glances of ill-wishers will result in something serious.

We caught fish with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took you a lot of time and effort will finally be solved. You will experience deep satisfaction on this occasion.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Holding a fishing rod in your hands is a warning that someone's deceit can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you.

Spinning - favorable times have come for you and you may well realize all your plans and ideas.

A fishing line on a fishing rod or spinning is tangled - such a dream can be a harbinger of minor troubles or confusion in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - beware of deception, catch - on fish - you have views of profit.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

(See interpretation: fish)

A fishing rod in a dream is a symbol of deceit or some kind of trick. After such a dream, you should be careful not to trust anyone with your money, property or valuables. See interpretation: catch.

Catch a shark

Dream Interpretation Catch a Shark dreamed of why in a dream Catch a shark with a bait? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Catching a shark by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shark

Shark, like any fish, means penis. Hence the traditional interpretation of this symbol follows.

A shark seen in the water, or swimming in the sea with a shark, speaks of sexual health and good shape.

A wounded shark warns of possible violations in the sexual sphere.

A shark attack speaks of a fear of upcoming sexual intercourse.

Cutting off or acquiring a piece of shark meat speaks of expansiveness, sociability, beating temperament and creative abilities.

Salvation from a shark portends an imminent break with your partner.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

A formidable and insidious enemy.

Attack, pursuit of sharks - failures.

You are being devoured by a shark - loss of money, attacks by malicious people.

You killed a shark - there is still danger for you in reality, but there are chances for victory.

Sharks frolic in clear water - someone's envy awaits you, someone wants to disturb your peace and happiness.

You have tamed a shark - all the intrigues of enemies will turn in your favor.

A caught shark is a meeting with a person dear to you, a new interesting acquaintance.

A dead shark is salvation, newfound well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

A shark in a dream means a fierce, dangerous and cruel enemy. Sometimes a dream predicts a serious illness for you, from which it will not be easy for you to recover. If you saw a shark in a dream, then know that you have such an enemy and it will be very difficult for you to fight him, because there are very few ways in the world to stop him. If in a dream a shark attacked you and you managed to survive, then in real life you will miraculously escape from the hands of insidious enemies. If you failed to escape in a dream and you woke up, then expect big troubles that are about to fall on your head. After such a dream, happiness will not smile at you soon. Misfortune never comes alone. Intrigues of enemies, slander of friends and loss of money await you. If in a dream you see a dead shark, then fate itself will help you defeat a formidable enemy. After such a dream, success and prosperity await you in all your affairs. Seeing a shark swimming calmly in the sea is an unfavorable dream, it warns you of the danger that may come if you are not careful. You should keep in mind that your enemies are not asleep and are preparing to pounce on you at the first opportunity. See interpretation: sea, waves, animals, fish.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

The shark is the personification of an enemy, a predator, a cruel and vile person, vengeful and merciless.

If you dreamed of a shark in the water, then this is a sign that your enemies are not asleep and are waiting for the right moment to attack, so you should trust new acquaintances less and not be too frank.

Seeing a shark hunt in a dream - in reality, do not give enemies and envious people the opportunity to hurt you.

If in a dream a shark attacked you, then expect trouble soon, even with all your caution you will not be able to figure out the machinations of your ill-wishers.

The dream in which you killed a shark means your victory over enemies and getting rid of unpleasant people.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

Sharks in a dream predict formidable, dangerous enemies.

Sharks chase and attack you - expect failures.

Sharks frolicking in clear, clear water are a sign that someone is very jealous of your luck. No matter how envious people deprive you of peace and happiness.

A dead shark means that you will regain prosperity and peace.

A shark that appeared in a dream can also mean that your partner (partner) is a real predator. He likes to dominate you unchallenged. Try to talk to him and explain what suits you and what doesn't. No need to be shy, otherwise nothing will change.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

Sharks in a dream portend formidable, terrible enemies.

If sharks pursue and attack you, then failures are inevitable that will plunge you into the abyss of despair;

Seeing sharks frolicking in clear, clear water means that while you prosper and enjoy female society, someone's envy quietly but surely wants to deprive you of peace and happiness.

If you dream of a dead shark, then you will regain prosperity and peace.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

The shark is a cruel enemy. If you dreamed of a shark in the water, then you should expect an attack. Seeing a shark hunt in a dream means your struggle with some kind of enemies. The dream in which you killed the shark means your victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

It may portend you a meeting with terrible and formidable enemies.

Sharks frolicking in clear and clear water - warn you that while you are relaxing and not delving into the essence of the problems you are facing, one of the ill-wishers is "digging a hole for you."

A dead shark is a symbol of getting you out of trouble, prosperity and peace of mind in business.

Eaten to see yourself as a shark - get good news.

They pulled the shark onto the deck and cut it - to the joy of meeting with a person dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Shark

Seeing a shark in a dream - to wealth.

If a shark swims towards a person - to near misfortune.

A flock of sharks in a dream - to change jobs and get big incomes.

A dead shark is a messenger of great losses through its own fault.

Chose a fishing rod

Dream Interpretation Choose a fishing rod dreamed of why in a dream I chose a fishing rod? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Choosing a fishing rod by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - there are intrigues behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the fishing rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge pike perch (see pike perch).

Dream Interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Fishing rod, fishing (without seeing the "fish") - you will be deceived, the promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You fish - you yourself will force someone to deceive and false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that the promise is impossible to fulfill. If the fishing rod is clearly visible - the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you will have to have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

The fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. Perhaps you can guess that gossip is going on behind your back. Be prepared for the fact that these sidelong glances of ill-wishers will result in something serious.

We caught fish with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took you a lot of time and effort will finally be solved. You will experience deep satisfaction on this occasion.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Holding a fishing rod in your hands is a warning that someone's deceit can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you.

Spinning - favorable times have come for you and you may well realize all your plans and ideas.

A fishing line on a fishing rod or spinning is tangled - such a dream can be a harbinger of minor troubles or confusion in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - beware of deception, catch - on fish - you have views of profit.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

(See interpretation: fish)

A fishing rod in a dream is a symbol of deceit or some kind of trick. After such a dream, you should be careful not to trust anyone with your money, property or valuables. See interpretation: catch.

Catch catfish with a bait

Dream Interpretation Catch catfish on a bait dreamed of why in a dream Catch catfish with a bait? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Catfish in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Catfish

There is soma - to humiliation and insult.

Catching catfish and catching - to unexpected profits.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - there are intrigues behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the fishing rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge pike perch (see pike perch).

Dream Interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Fishing rod, fishing (without seeing the "fish") - you will be deceived, the promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You fish - you yourself will force someone to deceive and false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that the promise is impossible to fulfill. If the fishing rod is clearly visible - the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

Dream Interpretation - Catfish

Catching catfish - to trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you will have to have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream Interpretation - Catfish

Catching catfish in a dream - to trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

The fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. Perhaps you can guess that gossip is going on behind your back. Be prepared for the fact that these sidelong glances of ill-wishers will result in something serious.

We caught fish with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took you a lot of time and effort will finally be solved. You will experience deep satisfaction on this occasion.

Lose your fishing rod

Dream Interpretation Lose a fishing rod dreamed of why in a dream to lose a fishing rod? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Losing a fishing rod by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - there are intrigues behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the fishing rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge pike perch (see pike perch).

Dream Interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Fishing rod, fishing (without seeing the "fish") - you will be deceived, the promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You fish - you yourself will force someone to deceive and false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that the promise is impossible to fulfill. If the fishing rod is clearly visible - the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you will have to have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

The fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. Perhaps you can guess that gossip is going on behind your back. Be prepared for the fact that these sidelong glances of ill-wishers will result in something serious.

We caught fish with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took you a lot of time and effort will finally be solved. You will experience deep satisfaction on this occasion.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Holding a fishing rod in your hands is a warning that someone's deceit can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you.

Spinning - favorable times have come for you and you may well realize all your plans and ideas.

A fishing line on a fishing rod or spinning is tangled - such a dream can be a harbinger of minor troubles or confusion in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - beware of deception, catch - on fish - you have views of profit.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

(See interpretation: fish)

A fishing rod in a dream is a symbol of deceit or some kind of trick. After such a dream, you should be careful not to trust anyone with your money, property or valuables. See interpretation: catch.

Caught a dead body

Dream Interpretation Caught a corpse on a bait dreamed of why in a dream I caught a corpse with a bait? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Caught a corpse on a bait by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Corpse

Corpse - in dreams with an everyday story, it gives good meaning to the whole dream, everything should be interpreted in a good way

Raising a corpse is a joy.

Kissing a corpse is all good.

The corpse will speak or stand up - happiness, fun.

Sleeping near him, sleeping between corpses - sadness or illness.

Dressing a corpse is the death of a friend.

Carrying a corpse is an indication of some fatal thing that will bring you misfortune.

To move a corpse - to do crazy things.

A corpse - it can also be an image of your body, which you observe in a dream, as if from the side.

A moving corpse - bad or unforeseen consequences of your or someone else's actions.

Corpses are floating on the river - something oppressive will be removed from your life.

To see a flying corpse is easy, without difficulty to achieve everything / something outdated in the environment weighs on you.

The corpse rises from the coffin at night - the changes that you expect will not happen / it's too early to bury your feelings and thoughts.

The corpse haunts you - the end of grave worries / you can’t run away from the pangs of conscience.

The corpse clung to you, rides on you - the constancy of good luck and worldly happiness, which interferes with your spiritual development.

The corpse from the coffin smiles - to live forever in a state of deception.

The corpse shows its tongue - dishonest happiness.

The corpse threatens you with a fist - to bury your delusions.

Ride or fly in a coffin - acquire new wisdom; everything is good.

To see a blue corpse is the stagnation of spiritual life, your spiritual coldness.

To see a crimson corpse - unrest and anxiety are coming.

Green, overgrown with moss - thoughtless wasteful life / cheerfulness and confidence ahead

A blackened corpse is a deep melancholy.

The dead man lies on the dining table - business success.

The corpse looks into the room or enters - you will gain spiritual vigor and confidence.

Wounds bleed on the corpse - a surge of energy and vitality.

A headless corpse is weighed down by rational life.

A swollen corpse is harm from gluttony.

To tear out a heart from a corpse - there is a struggle with feeling; feel sorry for the enemy.

To find a stone heart in a corpse - to face callous people.

To cut a corpse, to dissect - to burden your life with unnecessary digging into yourself.

To cut or shave a corpse - to benefit from someone's death or misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - there are intrigues behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the fishing rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge pike perch (see pike perch).

Dream Interpretation - Corpse

Seeing a corpse in a dream is unfortunate, since this dream is a harbinger of sad news. Poor business prospects are possible. The young man is waiting for disappointment and lack of pleasure.

Seeing the deceased dressed in black is a sign of the imminent death of a friend or a desperately difficult situation in business.

Seeing corpses on the battlefield portends a war and, in general, a complication of relations between countries and political groups.

Seeing the corpse of an animal portends an unhealthy situation in business, a deterioration in well-being.

Seeing someone dead from a member of your family portends an illness to someone from close relatives or a break in relations in the family. For lovers, this is a sure sign that they will not be able to keep their sacred vows to each other.

To close the eyes of the deceased with coins in a dream means that unscrupulous enemies will rob you, taking advantage of your temporary impotence. If you put a coin on only one eye, you will be able to recover lost property after an almost hopeless struggle.

For a young woman, this dream portends grief after she trusts dishonorable people.

If a young woman sees the owner of the store in which she works in the coffin, the dream portends her fan's cooling towards her.

If in a dream the head of a corpse separates from the body and falls - the dream is a sign of future intrigues against it. If a coffin with a corpse is in the hall of the store, the dream portends losses and troubles that will affect so many.

Sleep encourages a more sober assessment of their actions.

Dream Interpretation - Corpse

A lying, dead body, if familiar, then this is a parting, departure of this person, his marriage or success. If an unfamiliar corpse is the end of an obstacle, a favorable course of affairs. Decaying corpse: no unpleasant sensations, odors, feelings of unexpected luck and wealth; with unpleasant sensations of exposure; bad influences from old deeds, relationships, memories. The corpse of an animal deterioration of affairs, well-being; or success, spiritual cleansing (liberation from vices). Carrying a corpse is a misfortune, a problem. A corpse can mean self-awareness of oneself (of one's old age), the state of one's body (a chronic disease).

Dream Interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Fishing rod, fishing (without seeing the "fish") - you will be deceived, the promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You fish - you yourself will force someone to deceive and false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that the promise is impossible to fulfill. If the fishing rod is clearly visible - the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you will have to have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

The fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. Perhaps you can guess that gossip is going on behind your back. Be prepared for the fact that these sidelong glances of ill-wishers will result in something serious.

We caught fish with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took you a lot of time and effort will finally be solved. You will experience deep satisfaction on this occasion.

Fishing rod hook worm

Dream interpretation Fishing rod hook worm dreamed of why in a dream a fishing rod hook a worm? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Fishing Rod hook a worm in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Worms are large and thick - to the disease of the intestines, rectum.

Earthworms are a pustular disease.

to diathesis.

For allergies.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

If you dreamed that you ate a worm, then in the near future you will have a good mood. To make your good mood last as long as possible, make faces near the mirror in the morning.

If you dreamed that a worm was crawling over you, then your enemies are preparing to destroy you. To prevent them from succeeding, eat a piece of black bread with salt and black pepper.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - there are intrigues behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the fishing rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge pike perch (see pike perch).

Dream Interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Fishing rod, fishing (without seeing the "fish") - you will be deceived, the promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You fish - you yourself will force someone to deceive and false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that the promise is impossible to fulfill. If the fishing rod is clearly visible - the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you will have to have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

The fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. Perhaps you can guess that gossip is going on behind your back. Be prepared for the fact that these sidelong glances of ill-wishers will result in something serious.

We caught fish with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took you a lot of time and effort will finally be solved. You will experience deep satisfaction on this occasion.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Holding a fishing rod in your hands is a warning that someone's deceit can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you.

Spinning - favorable times have come for you and you may well realize all your plans and ideas.

A fishing line on a fishing rod or spinning is tangled - such a dream can be a harbinger of minor troubles or confusion in business.

Catch a monkey

Dream Interpretation Catch a monkey for a bait dreamed of why in a dream Catch a monkey with a bait? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Catching a monkey for a bait by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Go fishing with a fishing rod - it means that in reality you hope to get by, as they say, with little blood in order to achieve what you want.

It is still difficult to predict now, but in a few weeks it will be clear whether your hopes will come true or not.

If you are fishing with a bait and you can envy your catch: in reality you will be able to make a big profit with a minimum of effort.

However, after receiving it, you should not rest on your laurels and give up if you give the fishing rod to one of your friends or acquaintances: you will reveal the secret of your success to a person from your environment.

If the transfer of the fishing rod takes place calmly: in reality everything will happen peacefully and amicably.

If the bait is pulled out of your hands: you will have to share the secret in order to avoid big troubles, in general, it smells like a big “collision”.

Give up the bait after a stubborn and long struggle: it will not be easy for a competitor to find out your secrets, but it will still succeed.

To put up a worthy resistance to the thieves of fishing rods and leave this fishing tool in your hands: no competitors will be able to find out your secrets, the only thing that will not stop you is to increase security.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - see a fishing rod - little money, profit. Catching fish with a fishing rod is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

To dream of a fishing rod without a fisherman - there are intrigues behind your back, there are some conversations. Be careful.

Imagine that the fishing rod belongs to you. You are the fisherman. The rod is an excellent imported spinning rod. You throw it into the pond and pull out a huge pike perch (see pike perch).

Dream Interpretation - Fishing rod, fishing

Fishing rod, fishing (without seeing the "fish") - you will be deceived, the promises given to you will not be fulfilled. You fish - you yourself will force someone to deceive and false promises. Someone is a deliberate lie, a person knows in advance that the promise is impossible to fulfill. If the fishing rod is clearly visible - the deception concerns material investments, borrowing money.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

A fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue, some kind of conversation going on behind your back. Perhaps you yourself have noticed sidelong glances turned in your direction. Be prepared for the fact that these views will result in something significant.

In a dream, fishing with a bait is a problem that has taken you a lot of time and effort, will finally be solved, and you will experience deep satisfaction about this.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

For men, a fishing rod in a dream means that in reality they do not have enough sex. In the near future, you will be set to seek entertainment and pleasure. If you fish in clear water, you will have to have several intimate relationships at the same time and make your cherished desires come true.

For a woman, a fishing rod in a dream symbolizes the manifestation of active attention from numerous admirers. You will be tempted to accept several tempting offers at once.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

The fishing rod is a symbol of intrigue and gossip. Perhaps you can guess that gossip is going on behind your back. Be prepared for the fact that these sidelong glances of ill-wishers will result in something serious.

We caught fish with a fishing rod in a dream - the problem that took you a lot of time and effort will finally be solved. You will experience deep satisfaction on this occasion.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Holding a fishing rod in your hands is a warning that someone's deceit can mislead you or create a lot of trouble for you.

Spinning - favorable times have come for you and you may well realize all your plans and ideas.

A fishing line on a fishing rod or spinning is tangled - such a dream can be a harbinger of minor troubles or confusion in business.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

Fishing rod - beware of deception, catch - on fish - you have views of profit.

Dream Interpretation - Fishing Rod

(See interpretation: fish)

A fishing rod in a dream is a symbol of deceit or some kind of trick. After such a dream, you should be careful not to trust anyone with your money, property or valuables. See interpretation: catch.

Dream interpretation fishing rod

When people want to catch fish, the first thing they need is a fishing rod. I dreamed of a fishing rod - dream books consider such a dream very ambiguously. It would be more accurate to say that each dream book considers this symbol in its own way.

Caught a fish

So, in night vision, you went fishing, and the most basic symbol that you remember is a fishing rod.

Some interpreters will say that this dream is favorable, and promises prosperity and peace. Others will advise you to prepare for the troubles associated with squabbles and troubles with people around you.

The dream book will predict

I dreamed of a tool for catching fish

Decided to find out what the fishing rod is dreaming of? Fortunately, there are a lot of interpreters, and people have been catching fish since time immemorial. And even if once it was just a stick with a fishing line or thread, but now you can find modern spinning, the interpretation of sleep will not change.

Esoteric dream book

I dreamed of catching fish or just a fishing rod, but without a fish symbol - you will encounter deception and lies. This may be a hidden lie, a person simply will not keep his promise due to certain circumstances.

Caught a fish on a bait - you yourself will deceive a person, or simply do not tell him the whole truth. When the fishing rod was the most basic symbol, seen brighter than others, then deception will be associated with the material side. The dreamer can borrow money, knowing that he will not be able to return it.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Kananit

Seeing a fishing rod in a dream - they will try to deceive you, you can safely prepare for a trick coming from people you know or are close to you.

To fish for it - you have views of some kind of profit, perhaps not belonging to you.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Go fishing in a dream

There is a dream in which you go fishing holding a fishing rod in your hands - you really want something, you are thinking about how to get what you want at minimal cost.

The dreamer has collected a sufficient catch - the idea will come true.

Pass your fishing rod from hand to hand - give out your secret of success to a friend . Whether you did the right thing, time will tell. The dream interpretation pays close attention to whether you calmly passed the fishing rod, or it was taken from you by force:

  • the first option says that you just share the secret of your skill in a friendly way;
  • the second option is rather negative in terms of your future, they can simply take away not only the idea, but also the business from you.

If you give up your fishing gear only after a long struggle, then in reality, competitors will have to sweat a lot to find out your secrets.

Did the kidnappers fail? No matter how hard your enemies try, you have reliably defended your rights, there are loyal people next to you who will never betray you.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Dreaming of a new spinning

Seeing a fishing rod or holding it in your hands - a person promises you a lot, does nothing, and in addition, creates interference.

New, beautiful spinning - it's time for new achievements. You can safely take on any business, everything will end successfully.

Negatively, the interpreter considers a vision in which your fishing line is confused. This means that on the way to your goal, you will constantly have minor misunderstandings or obstacles, you will be forced to spend time on overcoming them.

Ukrainian dream book

A fishing rod in a dream speaks of receiving a certain amount of money, which the dreamer did not count on at all.

To catch fish with it - you will be busy with vain work, which will bring neither profit nor gratitude from the outside.

Fishing rod in a dream from the point of view of psychology

A dream about a fishing rod is a sign that intrigues are woven behind the back of a sleeping person. If you already notice that your friends are looking at you with sidelong glances, then immediately start doing something. According to Sigmund Freud, any delay will result in huge trouble for you.

Fishing in crystal clear water

When you are fishing with a bait, you can breathe easy. A certain trouble that has been haunting you for a long time will finally be safely resolved.

When men dream of a fishing rod too often, this does not mean at all that they dream of fishing. From a psychological point of view, they lack intimacy with a woman.

The water in which you fished was crystal clear - you will go all out and find yourself several partners at once.

For women, the dream of a fishing rod is considered a little differently. Soon the dreamer will experience increased attention from the stronger sex. The main thing is not to get confused and make the right choice.

Changes in financial position

According to the dream book, a fishing rod for men is a sign that the dreamer will be able to find a new way of earning money, or will gain additional income.

Also in the dream book you can find the following prediction, why catch a huge fish on a bait - the dreamer will win a rather impressive amount of money. This will help not only to improve the financial situation, but also to live in a big way for some time.

A sleeping person throws a fishing rod into the sea - in reality, he is constantly trying to improve his situation, change the course of things. The modern interpreter indicates that the dreamer is categorically not satisfied with his current life, but failure after failure is forced to abandon the intended goal. The main thing is to hope for the best, you will be able to achieve what you want, says the interpreter.

Why dream of putting a worm on a bait? The dreamer came to the conclusion that it was worth changing something, but at the same time he was rushing things. Dream Interpretations say that you should carefully weigh all the steps, so success will be guaranteed

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