Due to the fact that an unheated space is formed under the floor of the first floor in a house on screw piles, it is necessary to insulate the pile-screw foundation, which can be done in various ways, depending on the design and material of the basement.

Insulation of the basement and other parts of the house is mandatory in connection with the requirements of building codes introduced in connection with the need to save energy resources and ensure an optimal indoor climate (, SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises").

Thermal protection of a pile-screw foundation is not particularly difficult, and you can do it yourself. There are the following ways of warming:

  • thermal protection of the basement outside along the perimeter of the house;
  • thermal protection of the basement from the inside also around the perimeter;
  • full insulation of the floor of the first floor of the house.

Warming technology

With any method of insulation, the sequence of work should be as follows:

  • Brick plinth or pick-up on a frame with cladding.
  • The device for external or internal insulation of the basement, an option - a device for the complete insulation of the floor of the first floor.

Base device

The plinth device can be done in two main ways:

  • lay out a brick wall half a brick thick, covering the space from the blind area to the lower strapping beam of the house or the first crown;
  • carry out a pick-up - a false plinth on a frame lined with various materials at the customer's choice.

Brick plinth can be easily insulated outside and inside.

To support a brick wall, you must first dig a small trench with a depth of 300 mm and a width of 250 mm with your own hands, pour a layer of sand 100 mm thick on the bottom and compact it. After that, lay a narrow reinforcing mesh on the sand preparation of two longitudinal rods with a diameter of 8 mm and transverse rods with a pitch of 400 mm from reinforcing wire and fill the trench with class B7.5 concrete. After a few days, when the concrete has gained sufficient strength, you can lay out a brick wall.

Tip: A brick plinth should be lined with ceramic bricks, but not silicate bricks, as ceramic bricks are more resistant to moisture.

The pickup is performed as follows. First, a frame is arranged from two or three metal guide profiles (this depends on the height of the base), which are attached to the pile heads around the perimeter with bolts or welding. Vertical strips are attached to the rails with such a pitch as to then attach 16 mm thick DSP boards to them. The lower edge of the false plinth should not reach the planning mark of the soil; a sand bed is made under it with a slope from the wall of the house. A cut-off rolled waterproofing is glued or welded onto the DSP boards, the lower edge of which should go into the sand bed and under the blind area, which must be arranged after all waterproofing and insulation work is completed.

Advice! Generally speaking, the insulation of the basement of the foundation on screw piles has no practical significance. Since the floor of the house is insulated, heat from the rooms will not enter the underground space, and the heat of the bowels is not enough to maintain the temperature under the house, it will evaporate out through the vents that are needed. It is enough to perform only a pick-up without insulation, and spend additional funds on better thermal insulation of the floor.

External insulation device

Do-it-yourself thermal protection from the outside is made of expanded polystyrene plates or, even better, from foam plastic. This is also expanded polystyrene, only extruded, made by extrusion. The material has greater strength, lower thermal conductivity and does not allow moisture to pass through, unlike conventional polystyrene foam.

Penoplex is specially designed for laying in structures buried in the ground, for example, under the blind area or as part of the preparation of the road surface. The thickness of foam insulation can be only 30 mm instead of 50 mm from conventional polystyrene foam. In addition, in the production of extruded polystyrene foam, special additives are included in its composition, which do not allow the material to ignite, and in case of fire it self-extinguishes.

Another pick up scheme.

Before insulation, cracks are closed on a brick wall with cement mortar and coated with a primer for better adhesion to the insulation.

Insulation plates are glued to the wall of the basement using a special adhesive, all joints between them are foamed with mounting foam that does not contain toluene. Then the plinth is covered with a polymer mesh and plastered. Further finishing at will - painting, tiling or other materials.

Do-it-yourself thermal protection of the frame base from the outside is done in a different way. Insulation boards are glued onto DSP sheets, after which, unlike brick basement insulation technology, they are not plastered, but covered with finishing facing panels, siding or other decorative basement cladding.

Vinyl brick fence.

Basement insulation from the inside

Insulation of the basement of the house from the inside with your own hands must be done before the assembly of the main structures of the house located above the zero mark.

All operations for a brick and for a frame base are carried out in exactly the same way as with external insulation. The only difference is that the glued insulation does not need to be plastered or covered with decorative cladding. After installation, the insulation plates are covered with a special metal mesh that protects against rodents, then around the entire perimeter they are backfilled with soil or, preferably, expanded clay, which plays the role of additional insulation.

Floor insulation on the first floor

The floor in wooden houses is arranged on wooden beams, which serve as lags. To insulate the floor, cranial bars are nailed to each beam along the entire length on both sides. A board is rolled along the cranial bars and waterproofing is laid on top, then insulation boards are laid on the space between the lags. After that, the entire floor area is covered with a vapor barrier film, which must be wound onto the walls by the thickness of the floor. Vapor barrier is necessary so that water vapor from the premises cannot moisten the insulation, after which it largely loses its thermal insulation properties during severe frosts. Then a draft floor is laid from the board, and a final floor covering is arranged on it.

Important! Regardless of the method of insulating the pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to leave ventilation holes in opposite corners of the basement to prevent moisture from accumulating in the underground space.

Insulation of the foundation of screw piles must be done not only to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, but also to create a comfortable microclimate in the house. During the operation of housing insulated according to all the rules - in addition to the basement, these are walls, roofs and other structures - it can significantly save heating costs, and in summer, on the contrary, keep the rooms cool, thereby reducing the cost of electricity for air conditioning.

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In modern construction, there are many types of foundations. Each of them has its own characteristics and main functions. But the most versatile foundation, suitable for almost any climatic conditions, is considered to be a pile-screw type. This foundation is a metal, pile-beam structure. It protects the structure from groundwater, soil deformation and transfers the load to dense layers of soil.

Why insulate a pile foundation

In areas with problematic soil, where there are areas with floating layers of soil, the best solution for building a house would be a pile-screw foundation. It will provide reliability in places with a high level of groundwater, unlike tape monolithic or prefabricated foundations.

The pile-beam structure and dynamic loads are not terrible. It is very durable and resistant to the process of heaving of the soil. Also, he is not afraid of the destructive impact of groundwater, since the screw piles are made of anti-corrosion steel.

Another advantage of this type of foundation is the relatively low cost, as well as the speed and ease of construction. The installation of one pile foundation by a team of experienced specialists will take only one working day.

But, despite a number of positive qualities, the pile-screw foundation has a number of negative features. A house built on piles does not have a basement, and also has poor thermal insulation parameters.

Between the floor and the ground there is a space that is easily blown. It is because of what the precious heat leaves the house very quickly. This is especially noticeable with the onset of cold weather. Radiators don't do their job because the warm air always goes up and the floors stay cold.

To solve this problem, you need to think about it at the stage of designing a house - thermal insulation. The pile-screw foundation is insulated at the stage of working with the grillage in order to completely isolate it from external air flows. Finished houses can also be insulated, but it will not be as effective as thermal insulation at the construction stage.

Also, for high-quality and effective insulation of the pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to install a false base. It must prevent wind and precipitation from entering the free space between the soil and the house.

Foundation insulation materials

When insulating a pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to pay attention to the false base and grillage. These elements are in contact with the surface of the house and, when frozen, can transfer low temperatures to it. The screw piles themselves, immersed in the ground, do not need to be insulated.

When insulating a false base, it is necessary to choose a material that is not afraid of water and retains its thermal insulation properties even when wet. After all, a large amount of moisture comes from the ground, which means that the insulation will be in a very humid environment. Also, it must be resistant to various salts and minerals that are found in the soil. It is better to use high-density sheet materials or a liquid heat-insulating mixture when insulating a pile-screw foundation.

The most popular materials for insulating a pile-screw foundation are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • liquid penoizol;
  • foam glass blocks;
  • extruded polystyrene foam or foam.

Penoplex and polystyrene have the same thermal conductivity, and also do not let vapor through. Penoizol also has a similar thermal conductivity, but allows moisture to pass through. It is better not to use mineral wool and basalt insulation, as they are not very convenient during installation.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a pile-screw foundation

The insulation of the foundation should be started only after the waterproofing of the grillage of the house has been carried out. Waterproofing membranes are perfect for this. The most budget option may be roofing material or similar bitumen-based materials.

Attention! It is necessary to cover with waterproofing not only the upper surface of the grillage, on which the walls of the house will be erected, but also all its other parts, together with the pile heads.

For hand-made erection and insulation of a false base, the following tools are needed:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • trowel, spatula, hammer, tape measure, knife;
  • low speed drill or screwdriver;
  • concrete mixer.

The false base of the pile-screw foundation does not bear any load, since its main task is to isolate the free space under the house from external factors.
The first option is to build a brick wall under the grillage. Its thickness should be half a brick. The second option is to close the free space with decorative panels that are mounted on the grillage.

Creating a brick base

This option is more labor-intensive, but the efforts made will not be in vain. Since the brick plinth is as reliable as possible and has greater durability, while the decorative alternative is easily damaged.

Before erecting and insulating the basement, it is necessary to dig a trench around the house under the grillage. The depth of the trench should be 20-30 centimeters, and the width should be slightly larger than the brick.

The trench should be filled with concrete mix and allowed to harden. This will be a kind of foundation on which the brick base will be laid. Due to the shallow depth of concrete, reinforcement with a reinforcement diameter of 10-12 mm should be used.

After the concrete has completely set and hardened, you can begin to build the walls of the brick basement. It should be laid in small sections 1-2 meters long. This is necessary in order to simplify the insulation on the surface of the basement.

To fix the material chosen for insulation, you will need specialized adhesive compositions that should not contain organic solvents.

Advice! A good option for fixing the material on the surface of the base is Ceresit CT83 glue.

After insulating the basement, you need to close the brick wall with a decorative plug. The choice of materials is huge, suitable for the preferences of everyone. You can also use plaster.

Creating a plinth with decorative panels

A much simpler way to erect and insulate a false basement, in contrast to the construction of a brick partition, is the installation of decorative panels. If you approach this issue seriously and competently, then this method will provide durable and reliable insulation of the pile-screw foundation.

To begin with, you should take up the choice of the supporting structure, on which the decorative panel of the false base and the material chosen for insulation will actually be installed.

Advice! A good option when building a false base would be a frame made of a metal profile welded to the screw piles of the foundation.

The distance between the guide profiles depends on the height of the free space between the floor of the house and the ground. Usually two or three longitudinal profile frames are enough.

A wooden beam will also cope well with the task of the frame, only it must be treated with an antiseptic or mastic in advance. The main thing is to protect the tree from decay and insects.

Next, the cavities of the frame are filled with insulation. Styrofoam, foam plastic or any other insulation. Do not forget about the thickness of the plates, if foam is used for insulation. If it goes beyond the grillage, then this will greatly complicate the installation of decorative panels.

After installing the heat-insulating material, a decorative pick-up should be installed on the grillage of the building using an adhesive mixture. The size of the decorative panels is also an important aspect. To ensure reliable fixation, it is necessary that the lower part goes into the ground to a depth of about 5 centimeters, and the upper part fits snugly against the grillage. In the place where the lower part of the panel is in contact with the ground, you need to dig a small ditch 10-15 centimeters deep and fill it with expanded clay.

Expanded clay filler has low thermal conductivity, which will exclude the possibility of freezing of the structure at low temperatures. Therefore, it will also help to reduce the heat loss of the floor of the building.

The choice of this false base option for a pile-screw foundation with vapor barrier materials (foam foam) implies the presence of natural ventilation. It is needed so that moisture does not accumulate in the internal space. Because of it, condensate will settle on the inside of the floor of the house, which can adversely affect the wooden structure. In order to allow air to circulate freely, special ventilation holes must be made. With the onset of cold weather, the openings should be closed with a plug or any heat-insulating material.

The pile foundation is more often used to save money. In order not to spend money on expensive and complex pouring of the tape base, you can concrete the piles and install a residential structure on them. The disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity. Simply put, if you do not additionally insulate the pile foundation inside or outside, then there will be no heat in the house.

What is the best way to insulate the foundation on piles?

When choosing the best insulation option, it is necessary to be guided by regulatory indicators and the possibility of using all acceptable options. At the same time, attention should not be diverted from the economic effect.

You can lay and insulate the strip foundation around the perimeter of the house on stilts. This will be a reliable choice. The rooms will be warm and cozy, but the process will affect the cost of the work. Alternatively, a shallow tape is poured. Thus, you do not have to spend money on complex work, and additional manipulations will protect the house from the cold.

You can make piles sewn with any building material and cover the underground space with expanded clay. The option is inexpensive, but not entirely effective and is suitable for places with a low level of moisture in the soil.

In fact, there are many options with which you can insulate the pile base and it makes no sense to list each one. Over the years of using pile foundations in housing construction, specialists have developed their own “recipes” and suggest considering the following methods in this regard:

  • External insulation relative to the perimeter of the building. The method is in demand if the fundamental piles do not rise too much above the ground. The process is concluded in the construction of the frame along the basement, the insulation of the basement space and the outer cladding.
  • External floor insulation. If the house is on "difficult" ground, this option is the only one. In fact, the floor is insulated without basement finishing and internal insulation of the foundation .
  • Combined insulation. In this option, a basement box is mounted outside, and insulation is also carried out in the basement.

On a note. The third option is preferable, but a little more difficult. When implemented, high thermal insulation is guaranteed and a decrease in the dependence of the house on cold weather.

Scheme of insulation of the pile base.

First of all, waterproofing. This is the basis of any work related to reducing the thermal load on the building material and the whole house as a whole. The purpose of creating waterproofing is to prevent the formation of condensate on piles, grillages and places where metal components come into contact with wood. Bituminous mastic is used in these cases. The composition is coated with all connections, and foundation pillars.

Two ways to insulate a pile foundation

From the technological options for isolation, two methods of protection can be considered:

  • Creation of a brick base. Ideal for reducing heat loss at home in the base area. When choosing this method, a trench up to 50 mm deep is dug around the house, and reinforced concrete is poured into it. After hardening, a pier of 1.5 bricks is laid out.
  • Panel plinth. If the heaving soil in place does not allow laying a shallow foundation, this option is used. To insulate the base on piles with a grillage and a conventional columnar foundation, in this case a frame is attached. It can be a wooden crate or a metal channel. The insulating layer is created with foam or other polymers, and the exterior decor is made of siding panels or other materials.

On a note. The second option is easier to implement, but has a small drawback. It is concluded in a lower thermal resistance. Brickwork will more reliably protect the underground space of the pile foundation from the cold.

Despite the choice, when installing the enclosing barrier, it is necessary to work out the ventilation of the underground space. In order for the waterproofing to cope with the manifestations of condensate faster, air vents are created in the brick wall, covering them with a fine mesh from rodents. In the panel version, a ventilation gap is left between the ground and the lining. It is also covered with a fine mesh.

Insulation with brickwork.

Basement insulation on brick and frame

Let's take a closer look at this process. Having laid out a brick wall or covering the pile foundation from the outside with a frame, it is necessary to additionally create a heat-insulating barrier. In both options, you can use foam or any other insulation under the foundation slab or protect the base from the outside . But as the best option, experts recommend using polymers because they are unpretentious in work, easy to cut and are not afraid of being in contact with moisture.

If the base is brick, then after the masonry dries, the outer side is plastered. This is necessary to close small gaps and create a flat surface on which the panels will be mounted. Work is being done from the inside. Then, relative to the dimensions of the wall, the insulator panels are cut out.

Sheets are fixed from the inside. Installation is carried out on specialized glue or plastic dowels. For reliability, you can use both methods. It will be impossible to create the maximum clamping of the panels during laying. To do this, after fixing, the joints are coated with adhesive or foamed.

Important! The process of insulating joints is no less important than the installation of the insulator itself. Even small cracks forming "cold bridges" will create many problems in the future.

When insulating the frame base of the pile foundation, the panels are laid outside, under the lining with siding or profiled sheet. It is possible to create two insulating layers: one of the polymer, the second of the panels for wall insulation . The latter are made from modern materials, and have absorbed the best qualities of insulation and decorative materials.

The only drawback of penoplex is its dependence on rodents. To protect the material from unfriendly actions, from mice, outside and inside, it is covered with a mesh. For the best effect of thermal preservation, it is necessary to mount the insulator in two layers or choose thicker panels.

The final touch in the insulation will be the expanded clay bedding. Create it from the inside (basement). It will protect the floors of the building from drafts, which are the main carriers of cold.

Floor insulation in a house on a pile basis

The creation of a basement frame along the outer perimeter of the pile foundation will protect housing from the manifestation of cold, “walking” in the underground space. But the carrier of low temperature is also the soil. Low temperatures in winter are transmitted through it to the underground space, so you need to additionally insulate the floors .

Based on this type, the insulation is made from below. You can consider any options, but as an additional protection of the foundation, it is the underground sewing that will be more reliable.

Internal floor insulation.

The flooring is first covered with a vapor barrier. The sheets are glued with an overlap and additionally the joints are fixed with masking tape. This process is especially important. It is aimed at preventing moisture from entering the flooring during temperature changes. Insulation panels are mounted on the insulation. It can also be penoplex or any other polymer.

If the house on a pile foundation is located high above the ground, then such insulation of the flooring is simply necessary. The space under the structure and the driven supports create a lot of cold air storage space. And sometimes it happens that just creating a base is not enough. Insulation of the floor in this case helps to create the necessary degree in the room.


Method for eliminating minus pile foundation

The problem of a cold floor is solved by warming the foundation in various ways.

The type of insulation is selected depending on the height of the foundation above the ground.

Design features and whether the "lower" space will be used for household purposes.

Several options should be considered:

  • complete insulation;
  • external;
  • floor insulation under the house from the outside.


In this case, work is carried out to insulate the entire structure, both outside and inside:


This method is suitable for a low location of the house, when the size of the piles is small, and involves the organization of the frame around the perimeter, starting from the line of the ground surface and to the edge of the building. Then decorative cladding and insulation are possible.

Floor insulation outside

If the house is significantly raised relative to the ground and other options are impossible, the so-called "partial insulation" is performed - from the outside, lower part of the building.

Despite the fact that, from the point of view of professionals, it is better to leave the ventilated part open, many owners of houses on a pile-screw foundation prefer to cover and insulate it using various available means.

Waterproofing device

If you do not take all the measures for a competent waterproofing device, then the metal from which all structural elements are made may corrode. Wooden elements can be affected by fungi and rot.

The loss of the characteristics of piles or wood can significantly affect the life and durability of the building.

In order to secure the structure, one of the waterproofing materials is laid at the point of contact between the pile elements and the grillages. For example, it can be a layer of roofing material. It also needs to be placed on those faces of the grillage that are joined to the wall of the building.

Following this, the entire foundation is treated with waterproofing mastic, and the wooden parts with an antiseptic.

After a week, after the final absorption of the solutions, the next stage is carried out - the insulation of the foundation.

Two ways to insulate the basement of the structure

  • masonry wall;
  • preparation of the frame for decorative paneling.


To begin with, a small trench is dug and a shallow foundation is formed: it is reinforced and poured. Actually, it already has additional insulation. Then, after drying, a small wall of bricks of the required height is laid out on it. Masonry is done in half brick.

Panel frame installation

Guides for fixing panels are welded onto the pile structure, which are then glued or screwed. The joints of the panels at the corners are covered, and ebbs are installed.

Regardless of the chosen insulation material, it is recommended to make ventilation holes, which should be made diagonally across the plinth. In order to prevent the penetration of rats or other rodents, each of the holes must be closed with a grate.

This type of ventilation will not allow moisture to form inside this space.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene

High-density expanded polystyrene (extruded) has good insulating and soundproofing properties and makes it possible to produce high-quality insulation of the foundation on screw piles.

In addition, a sheet of material in an inch and a quarter practically does not reduce the internal volume of the base.

Phased work

  1. Before installing insulation sheets, a brick or concrete wall must be prepared: cleaned of dirt and dust, eliminate bumps and cracks and treated with a primer (preferably deep penetration, GGP).
  2. Installation of expanded polystyrene sheets is carried out using special adhesives or foam for installation. Insulating elements are fixed with the help of special mounting dowels.
  3. The space between the ends of the sheets must be insulated (installation foam, mineral wool, etc.). For achievement of the best heat-insulating properties sheets fasten in two layers.
  4. A metal mesh is fixed on top of the insulation to protect against rodents.
  5. Along the inner perimeter of the basement (along the walls), the expanded clay layer is backfilled.

Warming with mineral wool

It is a thermal insulation material with good performance, non-flammable and non-toxic.

Phased work:

  1. If the mini-plate has a high density, it can be fixed to the plinth with mounting dowels.
  2. Waterproofing from rolled materials is arranged (roofing material, roofing felt, linokrom, etc.)

Floor insulation

When constructing a screw pile foundation, it is necessary to provide for the manufacture of the floor together with thermal insulation. In case of its absence, it is necessary to make thermal insulation outside the building.

Phased work:

  1. A layer of vapor barrier is installed.
  2. The layer of the selected insulation is fixed (in accordance with the temperature regime).
  3. The next is a waterproofing layer of rolled materials.
  4. The resulting structure must be protected from mechanical damage by an additional layer. The materials can be boards or sheet materials (plywood, chipboard, etc.).

Upon completion of the work, not only the insulated floor is obtained at the same time, but also the prepared ceiling of the utility basement.

Insulation of the pile-screw foundation will solve the problem of cold floors, reduce energy consumption associated with heating and extend the life of the entire house.


Insulation options for pile foundations

Modern compact equipment for the installation of screw piles allows fast and cheap lay the foundation for a private house.

The desired type of finish and the method of insulating the basement depend on aesthetic preferences, the qualifications of the craftsmen and the financial capabilities of the owners.

Distribution received two ways of thermal insulation of the foundation:

  1. According to a separate shallow-depth tape design. It is laid out of brick or poured from concrete supported by the ground, or its own shallow foundation. This method is ideal for regions with a warm climate and sandy soil. The insulation is attached to the base according to the standard scheme.
  2. On a metal crate, which is fixed on piles. Installing the frame around the perimeter allows not only to perform insulation, but also to effectively decorate the basement of the house with siding, clinker panels or metal profiled sheet.

The type of pile structure does not significantly affect the choice of insulation method, technical nuances are discussed in SNIPs 23-02-2003 " Thermal protection of buildings».

Pile-screw foundation insulation technology

Feature of the pile-screw base is that it is almost impossible to insulate piles. Therefore, a strip plinth of brick or concrete blocks is erected along the perimeter of the foundation and the internal cavities are filled with soil or expanded clay mixed with sand. The bulk pillow is carefully rammed. The technology is quite simple, but requires physical effort.

In order to prevent the cold from pulling on the floor, they arrange additional thermal protection of the floor. The design resembles layered cake and might look like this:

  • 1 layer - draft floor;
  • 2 layer - moisture-windproof substrate: Izospan, Yutavek, Tyvek or analogues;
  • 3 layer - mineral wool;
  • 4 layer - vapor barrier membrane material;
  • 5th layer - finishing floor.

Features of insulation of a pile foundation outside on heaving soils

When a building is under construction on heaving soils, the tape method of warming the base is not suitable. The process of swelling occurs unevenly, oblique cracks may appear on the masonry, therefore, the second method is used. Arrange a crate, insulate it with polystyrene foam, finish with a decorative finish.

Rules for warming the pile-grillage foundation

The design of the pile-grillage foundation involves external insulation only. The side faces of the grillage serve as the walls of the basement, and they need to be insulated. Various methods are used:

  • Cover the side walls with a layer of bitumen or roofing felt. The resulting crust well protects the base from moisture.
  • Polymeric materials (polystyrene foam, polystyrene) are glued onto bitumen. The seams are sealed with mounting foam to avoid cold bridges.
  • Lay a layer of steel reinforced mesh. This way they get protection from rodents and a ready-made base for finishing plaster.
  • They arrange a tape-type base or "warm masonry".

The choice of insulation method pile-grillage foundation depends on the climatic and weather conditions of the region, the structure of the soil, the height of the groundwater. Most often, to reduce heat loss, they use the optimal solution - they mix several methods into one. For example:

  • blind area device;
  • adding expanded clay filler;
  • the use of polymer insulation around the perimeter.


Pile foundation design

Screw piles are chosen for light buildings or under difficult operating conditions. Bored piles save the construction budget. Low grillages are either immersed in the ground, or start from its surface, protecting the floor of the lower floor from blowing. Hanging grillages are an unprotected underground, which developers who do not have practice and specialized education are trying to insulate.

When using a hanging grillage, it is impossible to make a floor on the ground. In 90% of cases, floors are used on logs, which can be insulated with basalt wool on the subfloor. The work is carried out from the inside, they have nothing to do with the insulation of the pile foundation.

Why is it impossible to insulate a pile foundation?

Regardless of the type of thermal insulation material, each of them is designed to keep the heat in the room. There is no pile foundation in the underground, no heaters, no warm air, therefore, insulation is impossible in principle:

Insulation of cold air masses is literally money down the drain. However, excessive ventilation cools the floors from below, increasing the operating budget, storm water, flood waters get under the building, evaporation damages the power frame of the house.

The problem is solved by the design of the false base, which is called the pick-up. It is made by laying in half a brick or facing with basement siding of a frame fixed on pipes of a pile foundation. However, it is necessary to leave ventilation vents in it to ventilate the underground.

What needs to be insulated in a cottage on a pile foundation?

Having determined that it is not necessary to insulate the pick-up, it is necessary to pay attention to the communication input nodes. Pipelines of the water supply system, drainage systems, insulation is required without fail. Liquids have, albeit a low, but positive temperature, which must be maintained with several layers of insulation inside the foundation underground, underground to the freezing point in the region.

Water supply pipeline entry unit

The cold water pipe passes below the soil freezing mark, after which it rises to the base of the building, passes through the underground air to the floor. The insulation of this engineering system occurs in the following way:

In practice, the heating cable is used along the entire length of the pipeline, guaranteed to protect communications from freezing.

Sewer exit node

Sewer insulation is simpler, cheaper than the previous case. Drains at the exit from the dwelling have a high temperature, they cannot freeze when passing through the underground of the foundation. Therefore, underground they are protected with shells, in the air they are wrapped with one layer of basalt or glass wool.

The gas line is not afraid of frost, it makes no sense to insulate it. The same applies to the power supply cable.

Slab grillage on piles - an exception to the rule

The pile foundation requires insulation in the only case - a monolithic slab grillage along the heads of the SHS or bored piles. When choosing this technology on a flat area without a height difference to save the construction budget, reduce labor costs, the slab is cast into the formwork on the ground. The developer gets rid of the lower formwork panels (which are extremely difficult to dismantle later), while receiving loads from heaving forces that can tear the grillage slab from the piles. In this case, the insulation technology has the form:

Stiffening ribs on the sole of the slab grillage are not needed. The input of communications is carried out before the manufacture of the foundation cushion. The blind area is insulated with polystyrene foam at the level of the sole of the slab, protecting it from lateral freezing. Communications do not need to be insulated, unlike other grillage foundations.

This technology is too expensive and rarely used. Pickups of prefabricated grillages (beam or I-beam) on screw piles, monolithic on bored piles do not need to be insulated. Enough waterproofing facing material at ground level.


Features of the pile-screw foundation

The pile-screw foundation is suitable for light buildings: frame, log and timber, from SIP panels. Supports are installed under the walls with a step of several meters - steel piles. The support is a pipe with a sharp tip and a helical blade at the end. A screw pile resembles a screw both in shape and installation technology: it is literally screwed into the ground. It is advisable to connect the installed piles to each other with a metal corner on top, this will prevent their possible displacement. Often, in order to save money, a corner is not installed; in this case, the piles are connected by a frame support board installed directly on them or the lower crown of the log house.

A properly constructed pile-screw foundation can withstand severe frosts, an unfinished and unused building can be safely left for the winter without insulation. The foundation is practically not subject to the forces of frost heaving: the helical blades lie below the freezing depth, and the insidious heaving soil slides along the smooth pipes of the piles without causing any damage to the building.

A seasonal dacha "on screws" can not be thermally insulated at all. You can not close the base, leave it open. But if they live in the house year-round, you will need effective insulation of the pile foundation from the outside. Thermal insulation is needed in order to minimize heat loss through the floor of the first floor and thereby reduce heating costs. And also, in order to prevent freezing of communications introduced into the house in the underground. It is necessary to take into account a number of features of the screw design:

  • The initial absence of a vertical external fence around the perimeter. It will have to be built.
  • Often, screw foundations are erected on problematic heaving soils.
  • The presence of free space between the ground and the floor of the first floor.
  • As a rule, the soil under the house is wet.

In view of the foregoing, there are three problems that will have to be solved when insulating the pile foundation: humidity in the underground, heaving of the soil and its freezing:

How to remove excess moisture from the subfloor

It is possible to completely waterproof the soil under the house. But this is economically unjustified, since we are talking about cheap construction. You can, of course, lay a plastic film on the ground, but this is a half measure. Moisture from the ground will inevitably enter the space limited along the perimeter under the floor of the first floor if the house is not built in a dry area.

Inevitably, the question arises of protecting the ground floor structure from water. The vapor barrier of the floor is obligatory, and it must be made from below, from the underground. Therefore, when building a screw foundation, it is worth choosing such a height of piles that a person can move and work in the underground. Otherwise, you will have to mount the lower vapor barrier, being above the frame, which is not very convenient. And if necessary, it will be impossible to repair or replace the insulation without opening the floor.

To remove excess moisture in the outer fence of the foundation, you will have to make ventilation holes. Air vents should be located on all four sides of the building, for a large house, preferably two pieces on each side, closer to the corners of the building.

The opening should be closed with a grate to prevent rodents and wasps from entering the cellar. As for the size of the holes: SNiP recommends taking the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball holes in the basement equal to 1/400 of the total floor area of ​​​​the first floor of the house. For example, for a house of 8x8 m, eight products with a diameter of 8 cm each will be required. The ventilation of the subfloor will be even better if the exhaust duct is brought out to the roof.

The air temperature in the underground in winter will be positive, but it will definitely not be hot there. This must be taken into account when laying the ground floor, the insulation layer must be sufficient, at least 15 cm. It is imperative to insulate the water supply and sewerage outlets.

How to avoid deformations from the heaving effect of the soil

Heaving soil (clay, loam) increases in volume when freezing, in winter its level rises. Jammed gates and rickety fences are the result of this process. When arranging an external vertical fencing and insulation of the basement of a pile screw foundation, we are unlikely to dig it below the freezing depth of the soil. As a rule, the fence is lowered just below ground level. But after all, in frosts, the heaving soil will rise and begin to put pressure on the foundation fence. The result will be deformation.

In order not to repair the basement fence every spring, the heaving soil under it should be replaced with non-heaving one: remove the clay and pour coarse river sand into the trench. For the central regions of Russia, it is enough to replace it to a depth of 60 cm. It will also not be superfluous to lay a damper strip of foam plastic or other non-rotting material that can compress under load in the ground between the ground and the outer fence.

How to prevent freezing of the soil under the foundation

Having made the vertical insulation of the foundation from screw piles only to the ground level, we still will not achieve proper thermal insulation of the building. Wet winter soil is an excellent conductor of cold, frost will inevitably "sneak" under the house horizontally. The soil will freeze under the vertical fence, bypassing the insulated, but not deepened wall from below. It is possible to prevent freezing of the soil under the foundation by arranging the so-called "insulated blind area". Under the covering of the blind area (concrete, tile, gravel, lawn) at a depth of 10-30 cm, it is necessary to lay a layer of thermal insulation horizontally. Extruded polystyrene foam is best suited for these purposes. It is necessary to make sure that the vertical and horizontal thermal insulation are connected without leaving a cold bridge for the penetration of cold into the underground.

How and how to close the basement of a house with a pile-screw foundation

Thermal insulation material needs to be placed somewhere, it needs a base. First of all, you need to close the subfloor. What will be the insulation of the foundation on screw piles, first of all, determines the design of the outer fence of the basement. How to close the pile-screw foundation?

Basement fencing with brickwork

You can find a recommendation to make a screw foundation fence made of brick or rubble. Some builders do just that. However, you need to understand that for a brick wall it will not work (more precisely, irrationally) to arrange a sufficiently reliable support and the strength of the structure is not guaranteed.

If the soil is heaving, at the place where the wall is supported, it should be removed to a depth of at least 80 cm, replacing it with sand. And to support the masonry, monolithic reinforced mini-foundation with a section of at least 20x20 cm. Between concrete and brick, as well as the wooden support beam of the house box and the brick, it is necessary to lay a layer of rolled waterproofing. The insulation will have to be placed on the inside of the subfloor during the masonry process. If the subfloor is high enough, it makes sense to make a manhole into it, then the insulation can be laid even after the construction of the brick structure is completed.

We do not consider the solution with a brick base to be rational. Having built the foundation and the house using the cheapest and “fastest” technology, it is illogical to then get involved in a long and rather expensive work with a stone fence. It is easier to build a light subfloor fencing along the frame.

Basement fencing with light lining on the frame

How and from what to make a frame on screw piles?

  • You can make a metal frame - it is more reliable, more durable, but more difficult and more expensive. It is easier and more convenient to use a corner, with a pile pitch of 2 m, a profile of 40x40 mm is enough. Having placed the corners horizontally with the shelf down, lean wooden bars on them, to which it will be easy to attach the skin. How to connect metal parts by welding or hardware is a matter of taste and the availability of equipment. Welding work for fire safety purposes should be carried out before the installation of wooden structures on supports.
  • It is easier and cheaper to make a wooden frame, from bars or boards. The wood must first be antiseptic, because it is humid in the subfield. It is better to fasten the bars to steel pipes not with self-tapping screws, but with long bolts or ties. Under the bolt heads in the tree, you will have to drill a recess to place the fastener flush.

Having built the frame, we will get a more or less solid base for attaching the skin and laying the basement insulation. As a sheathing, you can use any not afraid of moisture and not very heavy sheet material. Very strong, durable and relatively inexpensive flat asbestos-cement sheets. Looks great plastic siding, designed for sewing the basement. Even a "fence" metal profile and ordinary galvanized sheet steel will do.

How and how to insulate a pile-screw foundation

How to choose a heater? First of all, it must be moisture resistant. Hydrophobic synthetic materials are well suited: Styrofoam, XPS, PE foam, etc. Of the mineral heaters, only foam glass is suitable, mineral (basalt and glass) wool - in no case. No organic-based thermal insulation materials will work. The final choice of thermal insulation material depends on where it is placed.

How to insulate the pile foundation along the frame, where to place the insulation? It is clear that from the inside of the underground, but there are options here:

Placement of the heat-insulating layer behind the skin frame

At first glance, the easiest way is to first fix the basement sheathing directly to the frame, and then lay the insulation behind the frame. It is behind the frame, and not between its elements. To avoid cold bridges. But in this case, the question of its reliable fixation arises. You can, of course, fix the sheets of thermal insulation on the back of the frame. But it will be inconvenient to carry out such installation with a low base. Access from the reverse side is difficult, but you need to fix the fixing elements and fill the cracks with construction foam.

And, most likely, in the locations of steel piles, thermal insulation will not fit or its layer will be thinner. These are the disadvantages of this method. Pros: You can use any insulation, in particular, inexpensive and easily cut foam of the lowest density. Due to the low price, you can increase its thickness. And screw piles can be additionally insulated from three sides from the inside of the subfloor.

Installation of insulation in front of the sheathing frame

Another option for insulating a pile foundation is to first fix the insulation on the frame, and then the sheathing on top of it. The advantage of this method is the convenience of work. With due diligence, the fixation of the insulation will be as reliable as possible. It is easy to seal all existing gaps with construction foam.
If, before installing the thermal insulation sheets on the frame, a steel fine mesh mesh is fixed, the thermal insulation will be reliably protected from rodents, even if they penetrate into the underground. As a heater, you will have to use a fairly rigid material, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) is ideal. Sheet sheathing is fixed over insulation sheets.

But EPS can be finished in other ways. The first, cheap option: plaster with a thin layer of facade plaster on a polymer mesh. The second method is more expensive, but for many it is more beautiful and definitely more prestigious: to veneer heat-insulating boards with light facade tiles that imitate brick.

We talked only about the most accessible methods of thermal insulation of the basement subfloor on screw piles. There are other ways, for example, cladding with double heat-insulated finishing panels or arranging a basement wall from polystyrene blocks of the “Warm House” system. But, no matter what technical solutions for the construction and arrangement of your own home you decide to use, we recommend that you consult with specialists on all important issues before starting construction work.


Why insulate a pile foundation

In areas with problematic soil, where there are areas with floating layers of soil, the best solution for building a house would be a pile-screw foundation. It will provide reliability in places with a high level of groundwater, unlike tape monolithic or prefabricated foundations.

The pile-beam structure and dynamic loads are not terrible. It is very durable and resistant to the process of heaving of the soil. Also, he is not afraid of the destructive impact of groundwater, since the screw piles are made of anti-corrosion steel.

Another advantage of this type of foundation is the relatively low cost, as well as the speed and ease of construction. The installation of one pile foundation by a team of experienced specialists will take only one working day.

But, despite a number of positive qualities, the pile-screw foundation has a number of negative features. A house built on piles does not have a basement, and also has poor thermal insulation parameters.

Between the floor and the ground there is a space that is easily blown. It is because of what the precious heat leaves the house very quickly. This is especially noticeable with the onset of cold weather. Radiators don't do their job because the warm air always goes up and the floors stay cold.

To solve this problem, you need to think about it at the stage of designing a house - thermal insulation. The pile-screw foundation is insulated at the stage of working with the grillage in order to completely isolate it from external air flows. Finished houses can also be insulated, but it will not be as effective as thermal insulation at the construction stage.

Also, for high-quality and effective insulation of the pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to install a false base. It must prevent wind and precipitation from entering the free space between the soil and the house.

Foundation insulation materials

When insulating a pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to pay attention to the false base and grillage. These elements are in contact with the surface of the house and, when frozen, can transfer low temperatures to it. The screw piles themselves, immersed in the ground, do not need to be insulated.

When insulating a false base, it is necessary to choose a material that is not afraid of water and retains its thermal insulation properties even when wet. After all, a large amount of moisture comes from the ground, which means that the insulation will be in a very humid environment. Also, it must be resistant to various salts and minerals that are found in the soil. It is better to use high-density sheet materials or a liquid heat-insulating mixture when insulating a pile-screw foundation.

The most popular materials for insulating a pile-screw foundation are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • liquid penoizol;
  • foam glass blocks;
  • extruded polystyrene foam or foam.

Penoplex and polystyrene have the same thermal conductivity, and also do not let vapor through. Penoizol also has a similar thermal conductivity, but allows moisture to pass through. It is better not to use mineral wool and basalt insulation, as they are not very convenient during installation.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a pile-screw foundation

The insulation of the foundation should be started only after the waterproofing of the grillage of the house has been carried out. Waterproofing membranes are perfect for this. The most budget option may be roofing material or similar bitumen-based materials.

For hand-made erection and insulation of a false base, the following tools are needed:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • trowel, spatula, hammer, tape measure, knife;
  • low speed drill or screwdriver;
  • concrete mixer.

The false base of the pile-screw foundation does not bear any load, since its main task is to isolate the free space under the house from external factors.
The first option is to build a brick wall under the grillage. Its thickness should be half a brick. The second option is to close the free space with decorative panels that are mounted on the grillage.

Creating a brick base

This option is more labor-intensive, but the efforts made will not be in vain. Since the brick plinth is as reliable as possible and has greater durability, while the decorative alternative is easily damaged.

Before erecting and insulating the basement, it is necessary to dig a trench around the house under the grillage. The depth of the trench should be 20-30 centimeters, and the width should be slightly larger than the brick.

The trench should be filled with concrete mix and allowed to harden. This will be a kind of foundation on which the brick base will be laid. Due to the shallow depth of concrete, reinforcement with a reinforcement diameter of 10-12 mm should be used.

After the concrete has completely set and hardened, you can begin to build the walls of the brick basement. It should be laid in small sections 1-2 meters long. This is necessary in order to simplify the insulation on the surface of the basement.

To fix the material chosen for insulation, you will need specialized adhesive compositions that should not contain organic solvents.

After insulating the basement, you need to close the brick wall with a decorative plug. The choice of materials is huge, suitable for the preferences of everyone. You can also use plaster.

Creating a plinth with decorative panels

A much simpler way to erect and insulate a false basement, in contrast to the construction of a brick partition, is the installation of decorative panels. If you approach this issue seriously and competently, then this method will provide durable and reliable insulation of the pile-screw foundation.

To begin with, you should take up the choice of the supporting structure, on which the decorative panel of the false base and the material chosen for insulation will actually be installed.

The distance between the guide profiles depends on the height of the free space between the floor of the house and the ground. Usually two or three longitudinal profile frames are enough.

A wooden beam will also cope well with the task of the frame, only it must be treated with an antiseptic or mastic in advance. The main thing is to protect the tree from decay and insects.

Next, the cavities of the frame are filled with insulation. Styrofoam, foam plastic or any other insulation. Do not forget about the thickness of the plates, if foam is used for insulation. If it goes beyond the grillage, then this will greatly complicate the installation of decorative panels.

After installing the heat-insulating material, a decorative pick-up should be installed on the grillage of the building using an adhesive mixture. The size of the decorative panels is also an important aspect. To ensure reliable fixation, it is necessary that the lower part goes into the ground to a depth of about 5 centimeters, and the upper part fits snugly against the grillage. In the place where the lower part of the panel is in contact with the ground, you need to dig a small ditch 10-15 centimeters deep and fill it with expanded clay.

Expanded clay filler has low thermal conductivity, which will exclude the possibility of freezing of the structure at low temperatures. Therefore, it will also help to reduce the heat loss of the floor of the building.

The choice of this false base option for a pile-screw foundation with vapor barrier materials (foam foam) implies the presence of natural ventilation. It is needed so that moisture does not accumulate in the internal space. Because of it, condensate will settle on the inside of the floor of the house, which can adversely affect the wooden structure. In order to allow air to circulate freely, special ventilation holes must be made. With the onset of cold weather, the openings should be closed with a plug or any heat-insulating material.

No building can be built without laying the foundation. The foundation is the foundation of the building and must also be insulated to keep the heat in the premises. In this article we will talk about the insulation of the pile foundation.

Reasons for insulating the base of the house

There are a number of reasons that indicate that insulation is required not only for the building, but also for its foundation. Consider them:

  1. As mentioned above, one of the reasons is the heat of the building itself. Insulation of the foundation of the building will create additional heat for the building, in addition, here you can create a cozy cellar and store wine and canned food in it every year. Also on the basement floor you can arrange a garage, a swimming pool or, for example, install a billiards;
  2. Basement insulation will add additional space to the house, which can be used for domestic purposes;
  3. Insulation of the foundation will not allow the basement to freeze during the long winter, and with the onset of heat, condensation will not form here.

Insulation of the pile foundation of the house

In buildings where a columnar foundation is laid, the floors often freeze through during the cold season. This is due to the open space under the building. In this regard, the question arises, how to insulate the pile foundation? Finding the right type of insulation for this type of foundation is very difficult. Here it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the constructed building, namely the height of the base pillars and their material. However, there are only two options.

  • One of the options involves the installation of a frame around the entire perimeter of the building, which must be sheathed with facing material. So you can organize the insulation of the pile foundation from the outside. The resulting object can be adapted for economic needs. The disadvantage of such insulation is that it will take a lot of time, financial costs and material, especially if the floor is high enough in relation to the ground. But this is the most optimal option for warming the foundation, if the distance between the floor and the ground is not particularly large.
  • The second option involves floor insulation with a pile foundation, and not the foundation of the building. This option is suitable for buildings where there is a very large space between the floor and the ground. As a heater, you can take polystyrene foam (polystyrene foam). The most important thing is to properly fix the material. It should dock with adjacent layers closely. If necessary, you can lay the foam in two or three rows. Between each layer it is necessary to lay waterproofing.

It is best to insulate the base of the building from the outside of the building, but if this is not possible, in this case it can be insulated from the inside. The optimal solution is to insulate the base of the house on both sides, but this is far from affordable for every construction.

Insulation of the foundation of the outer part of the house

It is better to insulate the foundation of a tape type at the initial stage of the building structure. It is very difficult to insulate a built house, since it will be necessary to open everything and clean the foundation from the soil. When opening, you can damage the foundation, which is highly undesirable. To insulate the base, the following materials will be required:

  • Bituminous mastic;
  • Styrofoam (polystyrene foam);
  • Cement;
  • Fasteners for fixing insulating products.

First of all, you need to cover up all the existing cracks and crevices. Bituminous mastic is applied to a flat surface. It is processed about 20 cm from the ground up. After the mastic has dried, it will be possible to fix the insulation. The best option is insulation with polystyrene foam. It has strength and durability, and it also retains heat very well. For fastening, you can use a certain mixture to fix the material or fixatives - fungi.

The resulting seams can be closed with a masking net and covered with a layer of mortar mixed with cement. Treating the surface of the walls with mastic will help protect the outer layers of the base from moisture.

To create heat in the basement, a concrete floor is recommended.

The method of warming the base of a wooden house

Some believe that in wooden houses there is no need to insulate the foundation. But no matter what kind of wood was used to build the house and what treatments it was not subjected to, it must be protected from all kinds of influences on it. Styrofoam is used to insulate such houses. Alternatively, the base can still be overlaid with bricks.

The pile foundation is used in cases where the soil is weak enough and cannot withstand a large load. For the construction of modern buildings, screw piles are more often used. At the end of the construction process of such a foundation, it must be insulated.

What needs to be insulated?

When insulating the base of the house, all rules and regulations must be observed.

The insulation of the pile-screw foundation is, in a way, the external insulation of the grillage. It is important to make sure that building products for insulation do not absorb moisture.

As a heater, you can take any material. Today, a wide range of thermal insulation products is presented on the building materials market. They differ from each other only in the brand, characteristics and thickness of the building product.

You can choose a material that has water-repellent properties. If a material capable of absorbing moisture is used, then it is recommended to cover it with a certain moisture-proof layer.

What happens if you do not protect the insulation with a moisture insulator?

The insulation not covered with a moisture insulator will eventually collapse, while the foundation of the house will gradually deteriorate.

The main enemy of damage is corrosion. Due to the constant moisture content on the insulation, the reinforced concrete structure will eventually begin to become covered with a corrosive layer, which will subsequently lead to the destruction of both the foundation of the house and the building itself. This applies not only to reinforced concrete structures, but also to other material made of metal.

Warming process

Stages of insulation of the base of the building:

  • The insulation of the pile-screw foundation begins with the waterproofing of the grillage, which will help provide the roofing material. It should fit in the gap between the top of the grillage and the bottom of the house structure. It is also laid between the bottom of the grillage and the end of the pile. A water-repellent mastic is applied to the open surfaces of the piles and the grillage.
  • At the second stage, the covering of the heat-insulating material is carried out. They are covered between the lower part of the grillage and the first floor of the building.

If for some reason it is not possible to cover the base with insulating material, you can fill in the soil around the entire perimeter of the base of the house. This kind of thermal insulation is not effective enough, and the process of insulation itself requires a lot of time and effort. In this way, only external insulation of the foundation can be made.

Do-it-yourself external insulation of a pile foundation can be carried out using a profiled sheet. The profiled sheet is able to retain heat and protect the insulating material from various influences on it. The profiled sheet must be attached to the frame fixed at the top of the piles.

Materials used for pile insulation

Styrofoam is often used as a heater. It is easy to fix, and most importantly, it has a fairly low cost, which is important for any construction.

To fix the foam, a special adhesive solution and bituminous mastic are used. It is applied in a measured layer on the surface of the grillage.

Moisture resistant insulation

If you turn your attention to heaters that can repel water in time, you can save a lot on the insulation of the foundation. Waterproof materials include:

  • Airgel;
  • Foam glass;
  • Extruded foam (polystyrene).

By timely covering the base of the house with such insulation, you can not only save money, but also avoid unpleasant surprises, in the form of corrosion on the foundation structure or the gradual destruction of the building.

Insulation of a pile-grillage foundation is not only the comfort and coziness of your home, but above all, the health of you and your family. As follows from the laws of physics, all the heat of the house always accumulates under the ceiling, therefore, the floor is always cold without that, not to mention the foundation of screw piles. By approaching the construction and insulation of your house more seriously, you will not only preserve health, but also prolong the life of all its inhabitants.

Despite the lightness and reliability of pile-grillage foundations, they have one significant drawback - this is the presence of open space under the floor of the first floor of the building. Also, a monolithic grillage can lie directly on the ground or be shallow.

And due to the constant impact of groundwater, over time, the material of the grillage will collapse, and the building will shrink. In order to preserve the integrity of the structure as long as possible, it must be carefully waterproofed and insulated. And there is a whole technology for warming pile-grillage foundations, which every builder should know about.

Insulation technologies for pile-grillage foundations

At the moment, there are a large number of different technologies for the insulation of grillages, ranging from the use of polymeric materials to the blind area. But here the key task is to choose the optimal technology that is suitable for a particular foundation and takes into account not only the climatic conditions of the area, but also the properties of the soil and the height of the water ground horizons. Therefore, the popular technologies for warming pile-grillage foundations are as follows:

  • Adding expanded clay to the sinuses;
  • Installation of modern polymeric heaters;
  • blind area device;
  • Combining all three methods and using them simultaneously.

It is clear that all these are traditional methods of insulation that are suitable in one climatic region, but cannot be used in another. The advantage of such methods is that they are relatively simple and easy to implement. And materials for insulation and waterproofing are available commercially. But the key drawback of these technologies is far from excellent efficiency in conditions of high groundwater content, as well as the unpresentable appearance of the basement. It is clear that the blind area can eliminate such shortcomings, but this is more a waterproofing of the foundation than a decorative design.

What is a blind area and why is it needed

The blind area is a special waterproofing of the outer surface of the foundation, designed to drain rainwater from the basement towards the drainage system. It is made of sand, expanded clay and clay, the upper ball is concreted with some slope to the side. As a rule, the blind area has both the characteristics of waterproofing and insulation, and also has a decorative purpose. Not surprisingly, it can be found near the basements of old houses, where rainwater drainage plays a key role.

As a heater, the blind area is also used, only granulated expanded clay is used inside, which acts as a backfill near the outer surface of the tape grillage.

Insulation of the pile-grillage base from the outside

As a rule, the design of a pile-grillage foundation provides only external insulation and waterproofing. The side faces here serve as a basement and it is just insulated. For this you can use:

  1. A layer of bitumen that covers the side faces of the grillage. This is good waterproofing. After all, bitumen forms a strong and reliable layer of protection.
  2. Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene. This is a polymer thermal insulation, glued to bitumen or directly to the leveled surface of the grillage.
  3. Then all seams must be sealed with mounting foam to prevent the formation of cold bridges. But when using foam plastic in several layers, it is not advisable to do this, because foam plastic sheets have a contour shape and are attached to each other.
  4. As an additional thermal insulation, a reinforcing steel mesh is used. It is used to protect the insulation from rodents, and also as a basis for further plastering of the basement.
  5. As soon as the glue under the plates dries completely and the mesh is tightened. From above it is necessary to cover the structure with plaster.

There is also an alternative to such insulation technology. This is the construction of a tape type plinth. In most cases, it is installed around the beam grillage on the outside, forming a "warm masonry".

But the insulation of such a structure in some cases may be more expensive in the end than the thermal insulation of the main foundation.

Insulation of pile-screw bases

The technology of insulation of pile-screw bases practically does not differ from the insulation of tape grillages, because they are present everywhere. But there is one feature here - this is the possibility of warming only at the level of the grillage, because technically it is practically impossible to insulate piles. In such cases, a strip plinth of concrete blocks or bricks is erected around the perimeter of the base, and the interior space is filled with expanded clay or soil. The technology itself is not complicated, but rather time-consuming and requires appropriate knowledge.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to waterproof all sections of the foundation and provide for a drainage system under the blind area. All open parts of the grillage are covered with a layer of bitumen or roofing felt, you can also use a liquid waterproofing agent, but it is more expensive than bitumen, although it is more effective.
  2. Then they make waterproofing of the vertical sections of the base, and both of its sides. The insulation technology is the same as for the insulation of the grillage from the outside, only here you also need to waterproof the piles. The upper edge of the piles is covered with bitumen or roofing material, and the well is made larger in diameter than the diameter of the pile.
  3. After installation of all piles, a bulk cushion is formed. This pillow should be between the zero and lower levels of the base, the pillow can be made from building sand with expanded clay and rammed.

Features of insulation of grillage bases

Despite the fact that now on the building materials market you can pick up a variety of heaters of polymeric and mineral origin, people often adhere to traditional technologies.

There are several reasons for this: traditions, the cost of materials, the ability to do everything yourself, as well as durability. After all, even the pavement, made correctly with an optimal slope and waterproofing of the connection of the concrete platform with the plinth, provides excellent protection against rainwater. And for thermal insulation, cheap and lightweight foam is used.

But polystyrene is not suitable for soils that are characterized by high humidity. Here it is better to use waterproof heaters, because only they are able to withstand prolonged exposure to even aggressive groundwater.

Any technology for insulating pile-grillage foundations has its positive and negative sides. Here the cost of materials and work, the shape and features of the foundation, the factor of quality and durability are noted. Therefore, you need to decide on your own how and with what to insulate such a foundation without much damage to the wallet and loss of quality and reliability of the foundation.