During the arrangement of the entire room, many people want to create a warm floor in order to enjoy comfort and coziness in the future and save their money. This design has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Therefore, when creating it, it is necessary to take into account certain rules and nuances. Not every floor covering is suitable for a given type of heating system.

Linoleum is rarely used for underfloor heating. Why? Because many people have the opinion that this flooring emits substances during heating that can be harmful to human health. Such harmful substances are phenol, vinyl chloride and others. There is such a possibility, however, for this to happen, certain conditions must match.

Harmful substances will begin to be released, unless the floor material is cheap or the owner himself does not comply with the required temperature regime. If you make your choice in favor of high-quality material, then linoleum for underfloor heating will be no worse than ceramic tiles. This material is perfect for the floor.

Consider: is linoleum suitable for underfloor heating from water heating?

According to popular belief, linoleum is a vinyl material of small thickness, in which there are a greater number of chemical elements. But this is not true.

In total, today the construction market offers customers five varieties of this flooring:

  • Natural. This type is an environmentally friendly material. It also has a huge service life, a high level of fire resistance.
  • PVC floor covering. Most often, people purchase this particular material because of its cheap cost. This type is not particularly suitable for underfloor heating. During the heating of the surface, an unpleasant odor will appear in the room.
  • Alkyd. This linoleum has a fabric base. It has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. However, there is a significant disadvantage - after a certain period of time, due to heating or mechanical influences, the product undergoes deformation.
  • Nitrocellulose. It consists of one layer, has moisture resistant characteristics. But there is also a minus - a low level of fire resistance.
  • Rubber. It consists of two layers. The composition of this material includes bitumen, rubber, synthetics. Rubber linoleum is rarely used in residential buildings.

According to a brief description of all varieties of this flooring, not all are suitable for underfloor heating. The best option is the first type - natural. Use of vinyl linoleum (PVC) is allowed. Other types are not suitable for the heating system.

Let's take a closer look at the first two types.

natural linoleum

If you can afford to buy it, then opt for it. The composition of this product includes only natural elements of nature, namely flax oil, pine resin, crushed cork, lime powder, natural dyes. From this it follows that this variety, during heating, will not be able to release substances that can be harmful to human health.

This is the main advantage over other species, but not the last. Also, a distinctive feature is that the material is not deformable during heating or mechanical stress. "Marmoleum" has a high level of fire resistance. It can be under direct sunlight, while natural linoleum will not lose its original appearance.

Linoleum PVC

In another way it is called vinyl linoleum. The natural look is not sold everywhere, unlike vinyl coating. Choose PVC if you can't find natural.

This type is divided into separate types:

  • domestic;
  • commercial,
  • semi-commercial.

For residential premises, it is recommended to use the last two types. Because they have a higher level of stability and a long service life. Do not use a product that has a heat-insulating base, because it will act as an obstacle to the penetration of heat into the room. Heating elements in this case will be useless.

The material must have a fabric base. Keep in mind that the vinyl product is made of synthetics, so after the initial heating, an unpleasant odor may occur. But after about a month it will disappear.

Features of the heat mode

To choose a quality product, you do not need to have certain knowledge. The manufacturers of the material themselves indicate in the instructions permission to use for underfloor heating. Instructions may be on the label. Usually, near such a marking, the permissible heating temperature is indicated, namely 27 degrees Celsius. If this temperature is exceeded, it will damage the product.

PVC can generally withstand 30 degrees Celsius, but there is no guarantee that it will not deteriorate. In order to properly control the temperature, it is necessary to purchase a high quality regulator (thermostat) (preferably digital). The required temperature thanks to this device will be maintained automatically.

The choice of underfloor heating under linoleum

This choice must also be approached responsibly. There are only three types:

  • A water heated floor is a system consisting of tubes, where the main source of heat is water. Nothing but water. This type is rarely used in apartments, because central heating is most often used there. In order to carry out the arrangement of water floors, there must be a screed between and the floor covering. This condition is not suitable if the room has low ceilings. However, this design can be an alternative to central heating.
  • Electric underfloor heating, the main component of such floors is the heating wire. The installation of this element is also carried out in a cement screed. The electric floor has a much simpler structure than the previous type of heating system. Also, this type has a distinctive feature, during heating the area heats up evenly - this is especially important for linoleum. However, an electric floor may not be suitable for a given flooring because it heats up in a short amount of time. Because of this, linoleum can easily collapse. According to professionals, this material is not suitable for electric floors.
  • Film or infrared underfloor heating, in the presence of this design there is a thin layer, as well as strip heaters. As soon as you connect the structure to electricity, it will evenly and not quickly heat the surface. This eliminates the possibility of deformation of the product during sudden temperature changes. The maximum power of the film system is 400 W/m2. For linoleum, the maximum power is suitable, which is 150 W / m2. Don't worry, this power is enough to reach 30 degrees Celsius. The initial characteristics of the material are retained.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is recommended to use a film floor for linoleum. Water floors can also be suitable, but only if one of the factors mentioned above coincides. The infrared design will help to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the product, as well as preserve its properties.

Let's separately consider the installation of a water floor under linoleum.

Installation of a water floor under linoleum

Before starting installation, it is necessary to completely clean and prepare the rough screed. The screed should not have height differences. When you have leveled, if necessary, you should start installing a layer of thermal insulation that will prevent heat loss.

Most often, expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) is used as a heat-insulating material. After you have installed the heat-insulating layer, you need to cover it with a polyethylene film. Damper tapes are mounted on all areas. After that, a mesh of reinforcement is installed.

Next, you need to lay the pipes of the heating system on the reinforcing mesh. This can be done if you use clamps, thanks to them, fixation occurs. Then it is necessary to carry out a tightness test under operating influence. If the test was successful, then the water should remain inside the pipes. The final stage of installation is the pouring of the finishing screed and the laying of the floor covering, in this case linoleum.

Installation of an infrared floor under linoleum

First, cleaning and preparation of the rough screed is also carried out. After these procedures, a film is laid that will reflect heat. Next, a strip of a film heating system is installed, they are laid from the top of the heat insulator. It is fixed with adhesive tape.

Then you need to install the temperature controller. Cables are run from the regulator to the strips, which are then connected to a copper connector. This is done thanks to specially designed clips. Next, the mats need to be covered with a film of polyethylene. Then sheets of plywood or other material are laid. At the end, linoleum is laid on them.

Before laying the flooring, plywood sheets must be processed using a surface grinder to eliminate all surface defects.

Compliance with all factors will help you lay linoleum for any type of heating system. Warm floors will help to enjoy the comfort and coziness in your room. You can be satisfied with such heating. You will also admire the floor.

Water heated floors are deservedly considered the least expensive option in terms of operating costs. The desire to save money prompts the owners of private houses to consider linoleum as a floor covering.

This combination is quite acceptable, but when installing the system and choosing a floor covering, a number of important nuances should be taken into account. If the installation of the system and coating is done correctly, a water-heated floor under linoleum is an excellent choice for a home.

Modern linoleum is an excellent floor covering: reliable, relatively inexpensive, easy to install and operate. But when using it with underfloor heating systems, a number of important nuances should be taken into account. First of all, it is the sensitivity of linoleum to overheating.

Such a floor covering can only be heated up to 30 degrees, the optimal indicator is 28 degrees. If linoleum is exposed to high temperatures for a long time, the coating may deform, change color, etc. An even greater danger during overheating is the release of a hazardous substance - phenol.

The diagram shows the marking options for linoleum, which is suitable for installation with underfloor heating systems. The maximum heating temperature is not more than 30 degrees

With this in mind, the water-heated floor is combined with linoleum almost perfectly. While the floor can get quite hot when using any type of electric heating system, the temperature of the hot water coming from the heating system usually remains relatively moderate.

But special attention should be paid to the correct laying of pipes through which hot water will circulate. It is necessary to strictly observe the distance between the pipes. If at any point the pipes are too close to each other, the risk of overheating of the coating increases.

Modern linoleum is a very versatile floor covering. But only some types of linoleum can be used with underfloor heating systems.

Another important point is the type of linoleum that will be used with underfloor heating. You will need a coating that conducts heat well, and options with increased thermal insulation will have to be abandoned.

Installation of the underfloor heating system

The water heated floor is a system of relatively thin plastic pipes connected to the heating system of the house and enclosed in a concrete screed. Hot water heats the concrete, heat is transferred to the flooring. Such a system can be used not only as additional heating, but also as the main source of space heating.

It should be remembered that water heated floors are usually allowed for use only in private and one-story houses. In multi-storey buildings, it is impossible to make a water-heated floor. In some cases, the installation of such systems is allowed only on the ground floor.

Stage # 1 - development of the laying scheme

Begin the installation of the underfloor heating system with a diagram plan. It is necessary to correctly mark the laying of pipes over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The distance between the pipes should be about 300 mm. From the walls of the room, both external and internal, it is recommended to make an indent of about 100 mm.

This will allow you to easily install a plinth around the perimeter of the room, as well as place an electrical cable, telephone wire and other similar communications under it.

Installation of underfloor heating pipes is carried out according to a special scheme. Parallel laying of pipes allows you to make the heating of the flooring more uniform

A large number of pipes in one section is not allowed. This will negatively affect the quality of heating, increase installation costs and can lead to early system breakdowns. In order for the pipes to lie correctly, special layout methods are used, such as “spiral”, “snake”, etc.

Of course, laying a warm floor in places where there is stationary furniture or household appliances does not make much sense. In a bathroom, toilet or combined bathroom, pipes are laid only where visitors to these premises will be.

Stage #2 - ground preparation

The base on which the warm floor will be laid should be prepared. Since the height of the concrete-cement screed is several centimeters, the old coating is best removed. The surface of the base must be leveled and cleaned. Cracks and depressions on the concrete base are sealed with a repair compound.

The base should also be checked with a level. If there is a significant slope of the surface, it must be eliminated.

Before starting work on laying a water-heated floor, the surface of the base must be cleaned of dirt and carefully leveled.

Sometimes the easiest way to make a solid foundation is to pour a new concrete screed. It will become an additional protection against the cold and increase the efficiency of the system. After the base is leveled, it is cleaned from the main contaminants. There are no special requirements for the purity of the base.

Plates of heat-insulating material will be laid on it, therefore, contaminants that can damage them must be removed from the surface.

Stage # 3 - laying damper tape and insulation

A special damper tape is laid around the perimeter of the room. It is necessary to compensate for the thermal expansion and subsequent contraction of materials during the operation of the underfloor heating system.

This point should not be neglected. Modern damper tapes are usually equipped with an adhesive layer, which greatly facilitates installation. If such a layer is absent, the tape is fixed with self-tapping screws.

The use of damper tape in bathroom renovation

The base must be sufficiently level so that the slabs do not move after installation. If the material “walks” a little (the master will feel this when he walks on the laid slabs), then the floor surface is not even enough, the thermal insulation should be removed, the flaws corrected and the slabs should be laid again.

Not only the foundation should be even, but also the walls adjacent to it. In this case, the damper tape will be laid evenly and neatly.

Extruded polystyrene foam is most often used as a heat-insulating material under a water-heated floor, less often - foam plastic plates. If the room is large enough where insulation is required to be laid in several rows, you need to make sure that the transverse seams in adjacent rows do not match. This will improve the thermal insulation properties of the base. If the insulation is laid in two layers, it is also necessary to avoid matching the seams between the plates.

Polystyrene insulation under a water heated floor

The laid layer of heat insulator is covered with a special polyethylene film. It is not enough just to spread the film on the surface of the base, its edge must be carefully tucked over the edge of the heat-insulating plates, between the polystyrene foam and the damper tape, which by this moment should already be fixed on the wall along the perimeter of the room.

As a result, the polyethylene surface will become smooth and slightly stretched, which will prevent its displacement during further installation.

Some inexperienced craftsmen install the tape after the polystyrene foam is laid on the base and the plastic film is spread. The tape is simply thrust between the plate and the wall, without fixing it in any way. And the film in this case is fixed with adhesive tape, the heating of which does not give any useful effect.

You should first lay the tape, then the plates, and only after that lay the film. Then it will be securely fixed between the edge of the plate and the damper tape, and no tape is needed.

Stage # 4 - thermal insulation work

Good thermal insulation is simply essential for the efficient operation of the underfloor heating system, especially when it comes to the first floor of the house. The insulation layer here should be about 100 mm, in some cases its thickness can reach 250 mm.

In addition to the already mentioned extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene, other types of heaters can also be used:

  • mineral wool;
  • glass wool;
  • foam concrete;
  • cork materials, etc.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of these materials does not have significant differences; one should be guided by the installation features, price, etc. Separately, it is worth mentioning the special heat-insulating mats, which are produced for the installation of a water-heated floor.

The upper side of this material is equipped with protrusions, they are also called bosses, between which the pipes of the system can be fixed.

The pipe is simply placed on the surface of such a heater and pressed with a foot so that it falls into the gap between the bosses. Elastic material securely fixes the position of the pipe, the installation process is greatly simplified.

Stage # 5 - pipe installation

After that, you can proceed with the installation of pipes in accordance with the layout plan drawn up earlier. A special reinforcing mesh is laid on top of the film. It is used as a marking for laying underfloor heating pipes. But you can do it differently if a special film with markings is used during installation.

In this case, the pipes are laid out on a film, they are fixed with special steel clamps. Pipes are attached to the reinforcing mesh with simple plastic clamps. In both cases, you will need fasteners in the amount of two pieces per meter of pipe.

To fix the underfloor heating pipes on the reinforcing mesh, various devices are used: plastic clamps, metal brackets, special substrates, etc.

For a warm floor, metal-plastic pipes or products made of cross-linked polyethylene are used, which are very popular today. The recommended diameter is 16 mm, it is easier to work with such a pipe, it demonstrates the necessary efficiency. Each underfloor heating loop (only one loop is needed for a small bathroom) is made from a single pipe, no stitching and fittings under the screed are allowed.

If a water-heated floor is installed in several rooms, and several loops are connected to one collector, special calculations should be made.

A special heat-insulating substrate made of elastic material improves the efficiency of the underfloor heating system and facilitates the installation of pipes

The laid pipes lead to the collector. A pump and a thermostatic mixer are also connected to the system. These elements form a coolant mixing unit, which allows you to control the temperature inside the system.

To connect to the heating system, a so-called collector cabinet is used, which can be bought at a plumbing store. It is installed in a special niche with dimensions of 600X400X120 mm or a little more. First, the body of the collector cabinet is placed in this niche, then the necessary communications are brought to it.

This is a supply pipe through which the hot coolant enters the underfloor heating system, as well as a return pipe designed to output cooled water to the heating boiler or to the central heating system.

An important part of the water-heated floor system is a manifold cabinet, which can be purchased at a plumbing store and installed in a special niche

Both pipes should be fitted with conventional shut-off valves using special compression fittings. Then a collector is connected to the system. A special splitter is attached to it, equipped with a drain cock and a mechanism for removing air that has entered the system.

Then, underfloor heating pipes are brought to the side entrances of the collector cabinet - the entrance and the “return”. For every 60 meters of underfloor heating pipes, one collector is required. In addition, each collector included in the system must serve approximately the same pipe sections. For example, if the total length of the floor heating pipes in the house is 150 meters, you will need three collectors every 50 meters.

Stage # 6 - pouring the screed

Before pouring the screed, the underfloor heating system must be checked for leaks. To do this, high pressure water is supplied to the pipes. If leaks and other flaws in the laying of pipes are not detected, you can start pouring the screed. In this case, the pipes are left filled with water.

Before pouring, a layer of reinforcing mesh is placed on the pipes. To strengthen the screed, you can use a reinforcing mesh twice: one layer under the pipes, the second - above the pipes. Sometimes they manage only with the grid on which the underfloor heating pipes are mounted.

If the pipes are laid directly on the film, reinforcement over the pipes must be used.

The screed should be done carefully, since it not only protects the underfloor heating pipes from mechanical damage, but also evenly supplies heat to the floor covering. Therefore, for the underfloor heating system, it is recommended to use special dry mixes with increased thermal conductivity.

Before using such a mixture, the manufacturer's instructions should be carefully studied and strictly followed.

Linoleum laying technology

Modern linoleum is very diverse, but not all of its types can be combined with underfloor heating systems:

  • natural (marmolinoleum);
  • vinyl (PVC);
  • nitrocellulose (colloxelin);
  • glyphthalic (alkyd);
  • rubber (relin).

Nitrocellulose, glyptal and rubber linoleum either conduct heat poorly or react negatively to heat, so they cannot be used with a warm floor. Most often, in such cases, varieties of vinyl linoleum are used, which can be heated up to 30 degrees. In addition, such coverage is relatively inexpensive.

You can also put marmoleum on the warm floor - a coating made exclusively from natural materials. This is an environmentally friendly coating that does not emit any hazardous substances when heated. However, marmoleum is considered a relatively new material on the market, and its price is quite high. The maximum recommended heating temperature for marmoleum is 27 degrees.

Before laying, linoleum should be spread on a flat surface, for example, in the room where installation is planned. After that, the coating is heated by turning on the floor heating system.

The technology of laying linoleum on a warm floor is almost the same as installing on a conventional base. For this you need:

  • Spread linoleum in the living room and leave for about a day.
  • Prepare the base - remove dust and other possible contaminants from its surface.
  • Before laying, turn on the underfloor heating system and warm up the loose linoleum for a couple of days so that the coating becomes as even as possible.
  • Spread linoleum indoors.
  • Trim the cover flush with the walls.
  • Fix the linoleum on the base with a special mastic.

If the walls in the room are fairly even, then the linoleum can be laid end-to-end with this wall, then less material will have to be cut. The gap between the wall and the edge of the coating should be uniform and be about 3-5 mm.

If the room has an outdoor, i.e. protruding corner, trimming should start from it. It is not recommended to fix linoleum over a warm floor with adhesive tape, since it conducts heat worse than mastic.

After that, you can continue work on finishing the premises. At the final stage, a plinth is installed around the perimeter of the room.

Linoleum is a very popular and relatively inexpensive floor covering that is easy to clean and easy to install. Linoleum can be put both at home and in the office, it can be put in the apartment and in the country. In living rooms, linoleum can be used for the kitchen and bathroom, for the nursery and bedroom, you can even lay it on the balcony. Linoleum can also be used with underfloor heating.

Is it possible to lay linoleum on a warm floor

The combination of underfloor heating with ceramic tiles or laminate is well spread, some argue that ceramic tiles will be better with underfloor heating, but linoleum is also a good option.

There is a lot of controversy about the combination of linoleum with underfloor heating, someone talks about the dangers to health, someone gives positive feedback. Someone claims that laminate flooring is better than linoleum for underfloor heating.

After analyzing all the positive and negative reviews, we can say that linoleum can be laid on a warm floor, and all the problems that appear during operation are associated with improper installation and the wrong choice of a warm floor and linoleum.

In this article, we will try to find out which linoleum is best suited for underfloor heating and which underfloor heating to choose for linoleum.

How to choose linoleum for underfloor heating

There are a lot of types of linoleum, both in terms of characteristics and design, and it is quite difficult to make the right choice of a good linoleum suitable for underfloor heating.

By appearance, linoleum is divided into commercial, semi-commercial and household. They differ from each other in the thickness of the protective layer and the total thickness. Also, linoleum is natural and artificial, based on PVC.

Semi-commercial and natural linoleum is more suitable for a warm floor. Commercial linoleum is also well suited for underfloor heating, but it costs more than semi-commercial, and the characteristics do not differ much, so it makes no sense to overpay.

Semi-commercial linoleum is made on the basis of PVC. Although most modern manufacturers have brought their products into line with all environmental standards and produce PVC linoleum completely environmentally friendly, some people are still afraid to use it for underfloor heating. In this case, you can use natural linoleum for a warm floor or, as it is also called, Marmoleum. This flooring is made entirely from natural ingredients and is the most environmentally friendly you can get.

Linoleum is also different and "ply". There are homogeneous (single-layer) and heterogeneous (multi-layer) linoleum. Homogeneous include natural linoleum, some types of commercial and semi-commercial linoleum.

heterogeneous linoleum homogeneous linoleum

For a warm floor, it is better to choose semi-commercial homogeneous linoleum or, again, natural, it is always homogeneous. The reason is primarily in thickness, homogeneous linoleum is thinner than heterogeneous, and this is very important for the thermal conductivity of a warm floor.

Which linoleum is better for underfloor heating according to its characteristics

For a warm floor, try to choose linoleum of smaller thickness, but high strength. There is thin household linoleum, it is better not to use it for underfloor heating, it has low strength and can wear out quickly. Try to choose linoleum with a thickness of 2 mm or 3 mm.

Also pay attention to the base and substrate of linoleum. It is desirable that the linoleum for the warm floor does not have a substrate, and the base is thin, this is also important for thermal conductivity.

The width of the linoleum for the warm floor can be any, this does not affect the operation of the warm floor, you can choose linoleum 5 m wide, 4 m wide, or 1.5 meters wide if you choose a covering, for example, for a corridor.

Try to choose the class of linoleum as high as possible. Class 44 linoleum is as durable as possible, but it does not make sense to use it for residential premises; for warm floors, you can choose class 43-31 linoleum.

Some types of underfloor heating are powered by electricity, more on that below, if you have this type of underfloor heating, then it will not be superfluous to take antistatic linoleum.

Photo designation of linoleum for underfloor heating

Most of the manufactured types of linoleum are suitable for underfloor heating, so manufacturers do not pay much attention to labeling. But still, you can find a designation on the label that says that linoleum is suitable for underfloor heating. There is no single standard for marking, so the manufacturer can indicate any sign that makes it clear that linoleum can be used for underfloor heating.

Prices for linoleum for underfloor heating

As we have already found out, ordinary, standard linoleum is suitable for a warm floor, which does not have any significant differences, therefore the prices are the same. The only thing worth taking is better and, accordingly, expensive linoleum from well-known manufacturers such as Tarkett, Juteks, IVC. If you can’t buy linoleum at a high price, you can study the offers of online stores. Many arrange sales and you can buy linoleum for underfloor heating quite cheaply. You can also explore all possible prices for linoleum, both per square meter and per roll.

Which underfloor heating is better to install under linoleum

Linoleum must be selected taking into account the type of underfloor heating. Now three types are most common: water heated floor, cable electric and film infrared floor heating.

A water heated floor gives an even concrete base, on which linoleum lies, so you can use the usual semi-commercial linoleum. Cable electric also has a flat concrete base, but it is better to use semi-commercial antistatic linoleum for it. For infrared film underfloor heating, it is better to use a more durable commercial linoleum, also with an antistatic effect.

All types of underfloor heating are similar, they give heat from the floor, have temperature sensors and thermostats, but they also differ greatly from each other in price, economy, power and installation method.

How to properly lay linoleum and water floor heating

Water heated floor

The water heated floor has the most positive feedback from those who decide to use linoleum as a floor covering. Therefore, you can be sure that linoleum can be laid on a water-heated floor.

A water heated floor is a structure that is part of the heating system and is connected to a gas boiler. The water-heated floor consists of the top layer - a self-leveling concrete floor, a pipe system that is assembled into one unit and thermal insulation.

This is the most difficult type of floor heating, so if you are not confident in your plumbing skills, it is better to entrust the installation of a warm floor to a private master. If you already had experience with plumbing, you can try to install a water-heated floor with your own hands, but do not forget to make thermal calculations before laying pipes, and draw a pipe diagram before pouring the concrete floor.

What are the advantages of a water heated floor over other types for laying linoleum on it. The water heated floor has a flat and solid plane on which linoleum can be easily laid, which means that linoleum can be laid without plywood and it cannot be squeezed out of furniture and other heavy objects. For better thermal conductivity of a warm floor, it is advisable to use glue when laying through linoleum. The glue will replace the layer of air that may be between the linoleum and the floor and will conduct heat better.

How to install linoleum and electric cable floor

Cable underfloor heating

The next type of underfloor heating is just as good for linoleum, and it also has additional advantages - electric cable underfloor heating. It is also poured with a concrete screed, but takes less than the height of the room. If the water floor heating has a height of about 7 - 10 cm, then the cable floor is about 3 - 4 cm. Another advantage of the cable floor heating is its ease of installation, laying the cable floor heating is much easier than the water floor.

In addition, in some cases, cable underfloor heating can be installed without a screed, by laying the cable in a layer of tile adhesive and using the adhesive itself as a concrete screed.

There are two types of cable underfloor heating: mats or rolls and cable. Electric underfloor heating in mats, is a plastic mesh on which the cable is glued in a zigzag pattern. The width of the mat is 45 cm, the length is from one meter. The most common manufacturers of electric cable underfloor heating are Devi, Ensto, Unimat, Rehau and Teplolux.

After the warm floor is made and dried well, laying linoleum is not a problem and is done in the same way as on a water-heated floor. Just spread a roll of linoleum on the floor, cut off all the edges leaving 1 - 1.5 cm between the wall and the linoleum, let it rest for a day, roll it back into a roll, apply glue on the floor and roll out the linoleum on the floor, rolling each section tightly. When the glue under the linoleum dries, you can use the warm floor.

How to install an infrared film floor under linoleum

Film infrared heat-insulated floor

The last type of underfloor heating that can be used for linoleum is infrared film underfloor heating.

The film warm floor is very easy to install, anyone can do it with their own hands, it fits almost any floor covering - laminate, linoleum and carpet, practically does not take the height of the room.

Due to its design, infrared warm floor can be laid without a screed, just clean the floor, put insulation, mount the infrared warm floor on top, cover it with polyethylene and lay the finishing floor covering.

If for carpet and laminate in the use of infrared film floor heating everything is simple, then with linoleum there are slight difficulties. Linoleum is a thin and soft material, and insulation is laid under the film floor and this whole cake is easily squeezed through by any furniture, so when you lay linoleum on an infrared warm floor, you must definitely lay a hard layer under the linoleum, it can be plywood or fiberboard sheets, the thickness should be 3 - 4 mm. It is also desirable to use a more durable linoleum, commercial, semi-commercial or natural.

Video laying underfloor heating film and linoleum

Another advantage of the underfloor heating film is that it can be laid on any wooden floor, plank, painted, crooked and old. Naturally, the curvature should be within reason, if the difference in height of the wooden floor is more than 1 cm per meter of length, it is better to make a new floor.

Cable and water heated floors can also be laid on a wooden floor, but the technology is much more complicated and more expensive than that of infrared.

The most popular manufacturers of infrared film floors are Caleo, Ceilhit, Calorique.

The "warm floor" system combines comfort, efficiency, ease of installation and affordability. The construction industry offers a variety of finishes, but traditional underfloor heating linoleum remains the market leader in flooring.

Universal flooring is easy to use in living rooms, as well as in rooms with high humidity and high load. Linoleum is resistant to abrasion, easy to install, easy to clean and affordable.

It is possible to combine the convenience of flooring and the efficiency of the heating system by using linoleum for underfloor heating as a topcoat. There are many options for how to lay linoleum on a warm floor; before buying, you need to study the issue thoroughly.

To choose the right linoleum for underfloor heating, you need to know the main characteristics of the coating. Coatings are classified according to purpose, structure and chemical composition.

Structure classification is divided into two types.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous– homogeneous and layered coatings. Homogeneous are more resistant, strong, durable.

- baseless coatings do not have a fabric, jute, felt backing. The base serves for reinforcement or additional insulation, therefore, subbase coatings are used in residential areas.

Classification according to purpose distinguishes three groups.

Domestic. Not resistant to mechanical and chemical impact, thin linoleum is designed for use in rooms with low traffic, thin. The material is presented in a large number of colors and ornaments.

Commercial. Very strong, thick and heavy material. It has increased resistance to adverse effects, it is used in production and storage facilities.

Structure of commercial linoleum

semi-commercial. It combines the properties of the two previous groups, in terms of strength and weight it occupies a middle position. The material is intended for laying in offices, hotels, hairdressing salons. This coating is available with a wide variety of patterns and shades of color, a similar production option for the coating allows it to be used in residential areas.

Classification by chemical composition

All produced linoleum is divided into five groups, each has its own purpose.

Natural linoleum or marmoleum is made on the basis of tree bark, flour, lime, jute fiber, pine resin, linseed oil and natural dyes. Environmentally friendly, marmoleum has antistatic and hypoallergenic properties. Natural linoleum is fire resistant and durable. The disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • fragility;
  • difficulty cutting;
  • large proportion.

Alkyd or glyphthalic linoleum should be attributed to natural materials, it is made from glyphthalic resin mixed with cork bark, wood flour and pigments. The basis is jute fabric. During operation, it shrinks along the length, stretches along the width.

Polyvinyl chloride linoleum (PVC) is the most common flooring material. It consists of polymers, plasticizers, pigments. The advantages include affordability, a variety of colors and patterns. It is produced on a thin fabric or thick heat-insulating substrate, and there are also material options on the market without a base. Of the obvious shortcomings, an unpleasant odor should be noted, which quickly disappears during operation.

Nitrocellulose linoleum or colloxylin - a thin coating without a base. It has good moisture resistance and high fire hazard.

Rubber linoleum, relin - a two-layer material, the lower part of which consists of recycled rubber, and the upper part of colored synthesized rubber. Durable, water-resistant material with a long service life, forbidden for use in residential areas due to the release of toxic substances.

Analyzing the properties of the listed coatings, it is easy to conclude that only glyphthalic, polyvinyl chloride linoleum and marmoleum should be laid on a warm floor.

Types of underfloor heating

When choosing PVC, it is worth taking a baseless version of it or choosing a coating on a thin fabric base so as not to create a thermal insulation barrier between the heating system and the finish coating.

Currently, there are two concepts of underfloor heating: water and electric. Each of the systems has its pros and cons.

Water heated floor

Water floors are a closed system of pipes, heated liquid circulates through it. This system has a high inertia, the floor slowly heats up, but also slowly cools down.

The device of a water-heated floor is allowed only on a solid foundation, because an additional screed is heavy. Water heated floors are prohibited in multi-storey buildings, they greatly cool the coolant and create a risk of leaks.

In private housing construction, with individual heating, a water-heated floor will reduce heating costs and quickly pay for the cost of installation.

Electric floor heating

Electric underfloor heating is easier and cheaper to install, but more expensive to operate. This system has low inertia, it heats up quickly and cools down quickly. Electric heated floors differ in the type of heating elements.

The heating cable laid in the screed heats up when connected to the network and transfers heat to the floor.

The heating mat is a mesh with a thin cable attached to it and is designed for laying under ceramic tiles in an adhesive layer. Does not require additional screed.

Film, or infrared floor heating is made in the form of a thin thermal film. An electric current passes through the conductive elements of the film, creating infrared radiation that heats the floor, walls and furniture. Warm objects heat up the air. Infrared heating is considered the most advanced and useful. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the special sensitivity of the thermal film to moisture, so you can not use the infrared floor under the screed and in rooms with high humidity.

By combining knowledge about underfloor heating systems and types of linoleum, it is easy to conclude that they are compatible.

Operating rules

When laying linoleum on a warm floor, it should be taken into account that the heating temperature should not exceed 25 degrees for natural coating and 30 for PVC.

At higher temperatures, deformation of the web is possible. The water floor heats up slowly and cools down slowly, in this case there are no sharp temperature fluctuations, the coating heats up smoothly, the risk of warping is minimized.

The infrared floor is capable of operating in the range from 60 to 400 W / m 2, it is equipped with a smooth power control. To use a film floor under linoleum, power from 60 to 150 W / m 2 is enough. The floor will warm up to a temperature of 27–30 degrees, such a scheme will preserve all the performance properties of the floor covering.

The best choice is a warm floor under linoleum with a low heating temperature, with smooth temperature control and the ability to fine-tune the thermostat. These criteria are met by infrared and water floor.

Linoleum installation principles

Even with slight heating, soft and thin linoleum becomes even more plastic and pliable, it leaves traces of furniture and shoes. Careful leveling of the surface when using a screed will help reduce deformation.

If the screed cannot be used, then a rigid underlay should be laid, securing it to the subfloor. A good option would be OSB, thick plywood or chipboard.

If possible, lay the sheet substrate in two layers with overlapping joints. This technique will add rigidity, eliminate sagging of the floor.

Such a coating for a warm floor is not popular. This is explained by the fact that during heating, linoleum begins to exude substances harmful to the body - toluene, phenol, etc. This is quite likely, but under certain conditions. For example, you use a low-quality coating brand or do not follow the temperature regime for it. If you choose the right linoleum for a warm floor, then such a coating will be no worse than other options.

I often use linoleum flooring. It has good quality characteristics and at the same time the price is very reasonable. Today, the construction market offers you a huge assortment of this product, which has a wide range of applications.

By appointment

This classification divides linoleum into three groups:

  • household - it has a multilayer structure, it is used for finishing premises intended for living, and not experiencing heavy loads;
  • semi-commercial - similar in structure to the first option. It is used in commercial premises experiencing an average level of patency;
  • commercial - distinguish between single-layer and multilayer structures. Such coatings are characterized by an increased thickness value and a durable protective layer. Such linoleum is intended for public buildings experiencing high loads.

By chemical composition

By binding components, I distinguish five types of linoleum:

  • natural - the composition includes linseed oil, wood flour, pine resin, limestone powder, cork tree bark, dyes of natural origin. It is considered environmentally friendly, resists the effects of an open flame, does not cause allergenic reactions, and does not need special care. About influence of an ultraviolet structure and color does not change. During the laying or transportation of the material, it is necessary to ensure that kinks do not form, otherwise the linoleum may crack.
  • PVC linoleum. For its manufacture, polyvinyl chloride is used, applied to a fabric, foam, non-woven base. Such a view may not have a base at all, consist of one or more layers. The coating has certain disadvantages - it shrinks when heated, exudes specific odors, poorly resists household chemicals, loses elasticity in the cold, after which cracks may appear;
  • Glyptal linoleum - alkyd resins and mineral components are used in production. This type has good heat and sound insulation qualities. After a certain operational period, such material changes its original dimensions, decreasing in length and increasing in width. It is brittle and prone to cracks and fractures. Having brought linoleum into a warm room in winter, I do not unpack it immediately - they stand for some time to adapt to room temperature. If gentle conditions are created, this type of coating can be used for a long time;
  • Rubber - a two-layer material made of rubber. Differs in the increased elasticity, resistance to influence of the damp environment and good durability. The relief of the pattern improves the adhesion of the surface to the shoes. This type of coating has an anti-slip effect, it is considered absolutely safe for operation;
  • Colloxylin - single-layer linoleum, has no base. It is made from colloxylin and plasticizer additives. It has good elasticity, keeping it at low temperatures, resists moisture. At the same time, it is characterized by increased flammability, sensitivity to an acidic environment, and shrinkage. It is used only in industrial premises and public buildings.

Types of underfloor heating

Any underfloor heating systems are suitable for laying under linoleum. Differences may arise due to the design of the floor covering and the features of its installation.


The heating system is a set of tubes through which the heat carrier (hot water) moves. In most cases, I connect such a warm floor to the heating system of a private house. There is one feature - a sand-cement screed is arranged between the pipes and linoleum for a warm water floor. There is a risk of pipe bursting, for this reason close attention is paid to insulation issues.


Structurally, it consists of a heating cable, which is placed between a flat base and a cement screed. Temperature control is carried out using a temperature sensor. The advantage is that the system can function autonomously from the main heating, sometimes it plays the role of the main source of thermal energy if the central heating is not working. When choosing a floor covering for a warm floor system, linoleum is rarely used. The main reasons are considered design features and installation difficulties. If you choose linoleum for an electric underfloor heating, pay attention only to high-quality samples that, during heating, will not exude unpleasant odors and be deformed.


An infrared underfloor heating system is considered the best option for installation under linoleum. The film is thin and elastic, does not change the height of the room, effectively heats the surface. For its operation, a smaller amount of electrical energy is needed, while the efficiency remains quite high. The temperature regime is set by a thermostat.

Infrared underfloor heating - the best choice for linoleum

Given the softness and elasticity of linoleum, for an infrared floor heating system, you will have to control the heating temperature, the maximum value of which should not exceed twenty-eight degrees.

Criterias of choice

First, let's figure out which type of linoleum is best suited for electric or water heated floors. To make the right choice, there is no need to carefully study the technical parameters of the coating, consider its advantages and disadvantages. The manufacturer took care of everything, indicating the purpose of the materials for any operating conditions. All the necessary information can be found in the marking of linoleum. Near the trademark, the maximum temperature regime that the coating can withstand is indicated without fail.

Natural material is able to operate at twenty-seven degrees of heat. If the temperature is increased, the material will begin to soften and melt, its surface will break.

The vinyl covering maintains a thirty-degree mode of heat. When the heat is increased, it swells, deforms and loses color. At the same time, phenol is released into the air, and unpleasant odors are felt.

How to choose linoleum for underfloor heating, we figured it out. Now let's try to understand which warm floor is best suited for laying under linoleum.

How is the installation of a warm water floor for linoleum flooring? The base of the floor is leveled, the waterproofing material is spread, then the insulation layer. After that, the installation of pipes begins, and everything is poured with a screed. In this case, linoleum can play the role of two materials - to replace the insulating and insulating layer or be used to finish the floor.

By the same principle, an electric underfloor heating is arranged.

Let's compare which underfloor heating is best suited for linoleum. The water system is characterized by high inertia. Such a system warms up for a long time, but it also gives off heat much longer. If the top is covered with linoleum, then the combination will be the most optimal.

But the infrared heating system is not very suitable for laying under linoleum. It has a low inertia, heats up the coating quickly, creating a temperature jump, and is difficult to adjust.

If an electric warm floor is used as a heat source, then we get a large electrical installation that creates a magnetic field. What effect it has on a person is not fully known. In addition, such a field is capable of attracting the smallest particles, so wet cleaning will have to be done often.

Another selection criterion is the economic indicator. The film floor costs acceptable, but will constantly increase the payment for electrical energy. But a water-powered system will create financial costs during installation, but during operation it will be fully justified.

Mounting principles

Having decided which linoleum is suitable for underfloor heating, consider the algorithm for performing laying work:

  • First, a surface is prepared, which can be wood or concrete. All irregularities are removed from the old floor, a screed is poured or plywood sheets are laid out;
  • a heat-insulating layer is laid out. For this, polystyrene foam sheets, cork mats, mineralized cotton wool, and propylene foam material are used. When purchasing a heater, its indicators of thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture and deformation, and elasticity are specified. Foil products are not used to avoid short circuit;
  • underfloor heating system is being installed. In work it is necessary to be guided by the instruction from the producer. After that, the heating is connected to the thermostat and electrical outlet, a test run is performed;
  • the surface is leveled for the finishing device. For this, solid materials are used;
  • linoleum is being laid.

Operation features

Having decided which linoleum to choose for a warm floor, acquiring and laying the material, it is necessary to organize its proper operation. During the first week, turning on the heating system daily, check the condition of the coating. If it is laid in compliance with the rules, then the operation of the heating system will not change the structure of the material, and it will delight you with its appearance for a long period.