Stages of work 1917 - 1918 The first idea 1917 - 1918 First concept 1945 - 1955 Work on the novel 1945 - 1955 Work on the novel November 1957 The novel was printed in Italy, then translated into many languages ​​November 1957 The novel was printed in Italy, then translated into many languages October 1958 B.L. Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for outstanding achievements in modern lyric poetry and in the traditional field of great Russian literature." October 1958 B.L. Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for outstanding achievements in modern lyric poetry and in the traditional field of great Russian literature." Exclusion of the writer from the Union of Soviet Writers, harassment in the press Exclusion of the writer from the Union of Soviet Writers, harassment in the press 1988 The novel was published in Russia The novel was printed in Russia.

“This thing will be an expression of my views on art, on the gospel, on human life in history and much more.” “This thing will be an expression of my views on art, on the gospel, on human life in history and much more.” “Poetry and prose are inseparable from each other - poles, these principles do not exist separately” “Poetry and prose are inseparable from each other - poles, these principles do not exist separately” B.L. Pasternak

Time frame of the novel The plot of the novel covers the first 50 years of our century. The plot of the novel covers the first 50 years of our century. The plot of the novel begins in 1902, when Yuri Zhivago was 10 years old. The plot of the novel begins in 1902, when Yuri Zhivago was 10 years old. The hero's life ends in 1929 due to a broken heart The hero's life ends in 1929 due to a broken heart The plot of the novel covers the years of the war and the first post-war years. The plot of the novel covers the years of the war and the first post-war years.

Variants of the name The candle was burning The candle was burning Boys and girls (from Blok's poem "Verbochki") Boys and girls (from Blok's poem "Verbochki") Norms of the new nobility Norms of the new nobility Zhivult's notes Zhivult's notes The history of the living spirit The history of the living spirit There will be no death There will be no death Doctor Zhivago (1948) Doctor Zhivago (1948)

Doctor Zhivago Yuri (George) - the winner of the Dragon, evil, affirming good. Yuri (George) - the winner of the Dragon, evil, affirming good. Zhivago is the old Slavic form of the adjective "live". Theme of life. Zhivago is the old Slavic form of the adjective "live". Theme of life. Medical profession. The theme of humanism. Medical profession. The theme of humanism. Ophthalmology is the science of vision. Yuri Zhivago was famous for his good intuition when making a diagnosis. Ophthalmology is the science of vision. Yuri Zhivago was famous for his good intuition when making a diagnosis. The doctor loses socially, but wins spiritually. The doctor loses socially, but wins spiritually.

Narrative form The events of the novel (Revolutions of 1905 and 1917, First World War, Civil war, collectivization, Great Patriotic War) are portrayed through the perception of the main character (doctor and poet), as well as characters close to him. The events of the novel (the Revolutions of 1905 and 1917, the First World War, the Civil War, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War) are depicted through the perception of the protagonist (doctor and poet), as well as characters close to him. The narration is built according to the laws of lyrics: in the center of attention - mental life hero. This is a symbolist novel. Pasternak abandons tradition psychological novel(Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky) The narrative is built according to the laws of lyrics: the focus is on the spiritual life of the hero. This is a symbolist novel. Pasternak abandons the traditions of the psychological novel (Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky). An important role is played by the poems of Doctor Zhivago, separated into a separate part after the epilogue. In them, the reader learns about the inner life of the hero, the author's idea is the triumph of the "living" spirit. An important role is played by Dr. Zhivago's poems, separated into a separate part after the epilogue. In them, the reader learns about the inner life of the hero, the author's idea is the triumph of the "living" spirit.

Composition Beginning - the motif of death Beginning - the motif of death “They walked and walked and sang “Eternal Memory” ... Curious people entered the procession and asked: “Who is being buried?” They were answered: "Zhivago". “They walked and walked and sang “Eternal Memory” ... Curious people entered the procession and asked: “Who is being buried?” They were answered: "Zhivago". “Poems by Yuri Zhivago” is a separate part of the novel, with the help of which Pasternak brings the story to the level of eternity. “Poems by Yuri Zhivago” is a separate part of the novel, with the help of which Pasternak brings the story to the level of eternity. Finale - the poem "Gethsemane Garden" - the motive of resurrection, eternal life: Finale - the poem "Gethsemane Garden" - the motive of resurrection, eternal life: I will go down to the grave and on the third day I will rise, And, as rafts are rafted down the river, Come to Me for judgment Like the barges of a caravan, Centuries will float out of the darkness.

Dialogues the novel is built according to the laws of lyrics, the dialogues of the characters are important (the tradition of Dostoevsky, Chekhov), which often turn into monologues in which the characters express their attitude to a particular issue. Because the novel is built according to the laws of lyrics, the dialogues of the characters are important (the tradition of Dostoevsky, Chekhov), which often turn into monologues in which the characters express their attitude to a particular issue. Events are depicted through the perception of characters Events are depicted through the perception of characters

A look at history "He (Yuri Zhivago) thought about several existences developing side by side, moving at different speeds one near the other, and about when someone's fate overtakes the fate of another in life, and who outlives whom." "He (Yuri Zhivago) thought about several existences developing side by side, moving at different speeds one near the other, and about when someone's fate overtakes the fate of another in life, and who outlives whom." Numerous coincidences, accidents - signals from the unknowable world Numerous coincidences, accidents - signals from the unknowable world In Pasternak's view, life is like a river that carries human fates. People follow the movement of life. In the view of Pasternak, life is like a river that carries human destinies. People follow the movement of life. Nature, art, history are inseparable components of life. Nature, art, history are inseparable components of life.

Character system Yuri Zhivogo Yuri Zhivogo Son, nephew, father, husband, son-in-law, brother, friend, lover, doctor, philosopher, poet. Son, nephew, father, husband, son-in-law, brother, friend, lover, doctor, philosopher, poet. Strelnikov (Pavel Antipov) is an antagonist hero. Confrontation between the active and the contemplative principle of life. Both die. Strelnikov (Pavel Antipov) is the antagonist hero. Confrontation between the active and the contemplative principle of life. Both die. Antonina - wife, mother. Antonina - wife, mother. Lara Guichard - love, mother. The symbol of Russia: domineering and weak-willed, powerful and catastrophic. Larisa is a seagull. Lara is a symbol of Russia. Lara Guichard - love, mother. The symbol of Russia: domineering and weak-willed, powerful and catastrophic. Larisa is a seagull. Lara is a symbol of Russia.

Main motives Road, path. Life road. Way of the Cross. Way. Life road. Way of the Cross. Winter. Blizzard (Pushkin, Blok, Bulgakov) Winter. Blizzard (Pushkin, Blok, Bulgakov) Art Art History. Revolution History. Revolution Christian motives (life and death, choice, resurrection, motherhood, Orthodox holidays). It is the novel most open to Christian culture. Christian motives (life and death, choice, resurrection, motherhood, Orthodox holidays). It is the novel most open to Christian culture. candle metaphor candle metaphor

Orthodox holidays Yuri's mother died on the eve of the Intercession, Yuri's mother died on the eve of the Intercession, Yuri and his uncle go to Voskoboinikov on the day of Our Lady of Kazan Yuri and his uncle go to Voskoboinikov on the day of Our Lady of Kazan The years of the civil war: “Winter was running out, Passionate, the end of Lent” Thus, Pasternak builds the plot of the novel on the scale of eternity. Thus, Pasternak builds the plot of the novel on the scale of eternity.

“And you keep burning and glowing, my fiery candle!” An important symbol of the novel is a candle “The light of a full moon pulled together a snowy meadow with the tactile viscosity of egg white or glue white. The luxury of a frosty night was indescribable. The world was in the soul of the doctor. He returned to the bright, warmly heated room and began to write. ("Doctor Zhivago" part 7)

“The candle was burning on the table. The candle was burning ... "" Winter Night "is a poem about the love of two people, the heroes of the novel Doctor Zhivago - Lara and Yura. Their love burns like a candle, in spite of, or against the backdrop of, social blizzards, revolution. This is a poem about the love of any other lovers who "crossed" their destinies in spite of the "blizzards" of life.

Correlation with other novels by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita": M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita": 1. Christian motifs 1. Christian motifs 2. composition "novel in a novel" 2. composition "novel in a novel" 3. panorama of Moscow 3. panorama of Moscow 4. image of the creator 4. image of the creator M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don”: M.A. Sholokhov “Quiet Flows the Don”: 1. depiction of historical cataclysms 1. depiction of historical cataclysms 2. the fate of the hero against the background of these cataclysms 2. the fate of the hero against the background of these cataclysms 3. affirmation of the inherent value of life 3. affirmation of the intrinsic value of life

Boris Pasternak, novel "Doctor Zhivago"

The novel, in the center of which the revolutionary era should be, Pasternak began to write in the winter of 1917-1918 and did not part with this idea for several decades. The fate of "Doctor Zhivago" is dramatic: the novel was completed in 1955 and sent to the magazine " New world”, but was rejected, because. they saw in it a distorted image of the revolution and the place of the intelligentsia in relation to it.
However, the novel was published in 1957 in Italy, then translated into many languages ​​of the world, and in 1958 the author was awarded Nobel Prize in the field of literature "for outstanding achievements in modern lyric poetry and in the traditional field of great Russian prose."

At home, Pasternak began to be actively persecuted: he was expelled from the members of the Writers' Union, organized in newspapers, magazines, on the radio a whole stream of insults and accusations, forced him to refuse the Nobel Prize, persistent demands were made to leave his native land. “I am connected with Russia by birth, life, work. I do not think of my fate separately and outside of it, ”Pasternak declared decisively.

Nobel prize. All the same. What did I do for the dirty trick, Am I a murderer and a villain? I made the whole world cry Over the beauty of my land. 1959

This whole story crippled the writer. May 30, 1960 Pasternak died. "Doctor Zhivago" was published in the homeland only in 1988, 33 years after it was written.

Why did Doctor Zhivago cause such a reaction from the authorities?

Outwardly, the narration is quite traditional: it tells about the fate of a person in the era of revolution. But the events of the novel are given through the perception of the protagonist, this subjective perception constitutes the plot. The novel did not fit into the schemes socialist realism, suggesting an "active life position." The fate of a person, according to Pasternak, is not directly related to the historical era in which he fell to live. Main character novel, Yuri Zhivago does not try to fight the circumstances, but does not adapt to them either, remaining himself under any conditions, maintaining his point of view.

How historical events are refracted in the perception of Yuri Zhivago?

Initially, the hero enthusiastically accepts the events of October 1917. Yuri Zhivago says to Larisa in an enthusiastic boyish way: “Just think what time it is now! And we live in these days! After all, only once in eternity does such an incredible thing happen. Just think: the roof was torn off from all over Russia, and we, with all the people, found ourselves under the open sky. And there is no one to watch over us. Freedom!". Soon the hero realizes that instead of the emancipation of a person, promised by the first revolutionary actions, the new government put a person in a rigid framework, while imposing their own understanding of freedom and happiness. But it is impossible to make people happy by force, there is no single recipe.

What happens to Zhivago during the Civil War?

During the Civil War, Zhivago was assigned to a partisan detachment. The tragedy of Pasternak is transmitted not through the description of fierce battles, but through the perception of events by the main character. Human slaughter is ridiculous. The only battle in which the doctor captured by the partisans takes part is proof of this absurdity. He has to kill those whom he considered his own. After the war, Zhivago returns to Moscow and finds himself not at the court of the new government. He is not able to adapt, to change himself. Pasternak sees the highest value in a person, his personality, his privacy. The only important "salt of the earth" is the immortal soul of man.

What attracts the hero of the novel Yuri Zhivago?

The hero of Pasternak, Yuri Zhivago, attracts with openness, the ability to love and appreciate life, insecurity, which is not a sign of lack of will, but the ability to think, doubt. Hero - Expression moral ideal author: he is talented, smart, kind, he retains the freedom of spirit, he sees the world in his own way and does not adapt to anyone, he is a person.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" consists of 2 parts: prose and poetry. 16 parts of the novel tell about people, events, a big story, tragic destinies Zhivago, Tony, Lara and other heroes. It also shows the multifaceted image of Russia in the pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary years. In the last, 17th part, all this extensive material seems to be repeated anew, but this time in poetry. Poetry and prose in B. Pasternak's novel form a unity, they are, in fact, a new genre form.

Hamlet Leaning against the doorframe, I catch in the distant echo What will happen in my lifetime. The twilight of the night is pointed at me With a thousand binoculars on the axis. If only it is possible, Abba Father, Carry this cup past. this role. But now there is another drama, And this time fire me. But the schedule of actions is thought out, And the end of the path is inevitable. I am alone, everything is drowning in hypocrisy. 1946

With the hero of Shakespeare's tragedy, the lyrical hero of the poem of the same name by B. Pasternak is brought together by the same desire to make his own life choice"in mortal combat with a whole world of troubles." He, like Hamlet, feels the rupture of the “connecting thread” of times and his responsibility for its connection. The choice of the path was made in favor of Christian ethics: I go towards suffering and death, but in no case - lies, untruth, lawlessness and unbelief.

Snowy, snowy all over the earth, To all limits. The candle burned on the table. The candle burned. Like a swarm of midges in summer It flies to the flame, Flakes flew from the yard To the window frame. The blizzard molded on the glass Mugs and arrows. .Crossing of arms, crossing of legs, Fates of crossing.

And two shoes fell With a clatter on the floor. And the wax from the night lamp dripped with tears. On the dress dripped. And everything was lost in the snowy haze, Gray and white. The candle burned on the table, The candle burned. Two wings Cross-shaped. It was snowy all month in February, And every now and then, The candle burned on the table, The candle burned.

Winter night


30.03.2013 27345 0

Lessons 83–84
The life and work of Boris Pasternak (review).
Philosophical depth of thought
in the poems of the poet

Goals: to acquaint with the main stages of the life and work of B. Pasternak; determine the themes and main motives of his lyrics; give an idea about the features of the novel "Doctor Zhivago"; to teach to determine the meaning of image-symbols and the sound of cross-cutting motives of the work.

Course of lessons

To live and burn at all in custom.

But then you will only immortalize life,

When she to glory and greatness

With your sacrifice you will draw a path.

Boris Pasternak

I. Opening remarks.

In the spring of 1894, at a congress of Russian artists, Tolstoy's close friend Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge said that a creative person - an artist becomes a decisive force in society, and in this he sees the main, characteristic line of historical development.

Many thought and wrote in the same way at that time. Composer A. N. Scriabin seriously hoped to transform the world and unite humanity with the power of music. The power of the renewing living word also became decisive, which in literature was associated with the names of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov.

Boris Pasternak also became the embodiment of the spirit of his time. He managed to convey its atmosphere, unfulfilled historical hopes and the fate of his contemporaries in his poems and prose. His works, lyrical for the most part, have become the embodiment of the tragic happiness of the existence of a person gifted with a reasonable word, the ability to fruitfully, joyfully and independently use the time given to him.

And to be alive, alive and only,

Alive and only until the end.

"Being famous is ugly..."

II. The Artistic World of Boris Pasternak (lecture).

1. The history of the life and work of the poet.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak was born on January 29 (February 10), 1890. The house in which his parents rented an apartment was located in the area of ​​​​Tversky-Yamsky and Arms Lane. It was a lively suburb where cabbies, artisans, and railroad workers lived.

In the impoverished family of the young painter Leonid Pasternak and pianist Rosalia Pasternak-Kaufman, art merged with everyday household chores, and the surrounding alleys, courtyards and gardens in the vicinity of Karetny Ryad were a place for daily walks, where life burst into consciousness with all the brightness of its moral and plastic extremes.

The boy was extremely impressionable. The outside world painfully invaded his games and dreams. It seemed to the boy early on that the surrounding reality required an answer from him - awareness and embodiment. Father's work, especially sketches and sketches from nature, music world states and images that arose during the mother's daily activities were just such a school, the element of reincarnation. He felt this language, it was native to him, almost colloquial. He loved to comprehend and reason, it helped to cope with excitement, alleviate melancholy and spiritual exhaustion. Nanny Akulina Gavrilovna took him to church with her, talked about the divine and the miraculous.

The creative atmosphere of the Pasternak family, where many were frequent guests famous artists, musicians, writers, from childhood she developed in the boy an attitude towards art as an everyday, familiar part of life.

Boris Pasternak considered the atmosphere of the parental home to be the most significant in the artistic development. "I am the son of an artist, art and big people seen from the first day. And I’m used to treating the high and exceptional as nature, as a living norm ... ”B. Pasternak wrote in a letter to A. Foreman in 1927. Warm feelings for many artists who were in the family of Leonid Osipovich, Boris Pasternak will carry through his whole life.

The future poet in childhood painted with paints. His father, always strict with children, noted the obvious artistic inclinations of his son. “I could be an artist,” Leonid Osipovich said about him, not without regret. Then there will be serious hobbies in music and philosophy. B. Pasternak considered his diverse talent to be a feature of the generation.

The circumstances of childhood and adolescence are described in detail in two autobiographical stories Boris Pasternak. The brightness of these impressions determined the ability to write from nature, which in his later years he called subjective biographical realism. The family way of life created a lifelong habit of daily professional work, and at the age of 70, Pasternak could say with satisfaction that there was not a wasted day in his life when he did not work.

“What makes an artist a realist, what creates him? Early impressionability in childhood, we think, and timely conscientiousness in maturity,” he wrote of his experience in 1945. The poet will connect this idea about the value of every day with the need to understand and fulfill what was intended for him from above, demanding on himself.

Galina Neuhaus testifies how “once Pasternak remarked: “God gives talent only to the elect, and the person who has received it does not have the right to live for his own pleasure, but is obliged to subordinate himself to work, even hard labor. On this occasion, I have poems. He called me to his office and read the poem "Don't sleep, don't sleep, artist ..." This important thought in the last two stanzas of the 1956 poem "Night" sounds like an appeal:

Don't sleep, don't sleep, work

Don't stop working

Do not sleep, fight drowsiness

Like a pilot, like a star.

Don't sleep, don't sleep, artist

Don't give in to sleep.

You are a hostage of eternity

Time is a prisoner.

He was a man of extraordinary capacity for work. Simultaneously with the gymnasium, he practically completed the course of the conservatory. However, the demands that he made on himself were impossible, and he painfully refused to complete his musical education and the profession of a composer.

Having replaced the law faculty of the university, initially chosen for its ease, with the philosophical department of the historical and philological, he wants to find support in what scientific thought has achieved in the course of its centuries-old development. Being enthusiastically engaged in the first courses, he at the same time begins to write poetry and prose. The decision was made to give up his philosophical career.

In the spring of 1913, Pasternak brilliantly graduated from the university. At the same time, the Lyrika publishing house, founded by several young people, published an almanac on the basis of a clubbing, in which five of his poems were printed. The first of them, Pasternak invariably then opened his collections:

Write about February sobbing,

While the rumbling slush

In the spring it burns black.

Over the summer, he wrote poems for his first book, and by the new year 1914 it was published by the same publishing house under the name "Twin in the Clouds." The young poet resolutely sought an independent path in literature.

Released from military service during the war, he went to the Urals, and then to the Kama region as a clerk in chemical plants that worked for defense. By the end of 1916, Pasternak's second book of poems, Over the Barriers, was published.

Upon learning of the February Revolution, Pasternak returned to Moscow. Written in the revolutionary summer of 1917, the book of lyrics “My sister is life” put Pasternak among the first literary names of his time. Long before its publication, it gained fame, and its publication evoked rave reviews from Bryusov, Tsvetaeva, and Mayakovsky.

From the revolutionary years, Pasternak conceived a great prose work. The trimmed beginning of this idea was printed as the story "Childhood Luvers". Tynyanov and Gorky wrote about it with praise, placing this prose above Pasternak's poetry.

In his lyrical works, the poet also refers to historical figures(the poem "Lieutenant Schmidt"), and to people whose fate then touched and touched him (Bryusov, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Meyerhold). In the 1920s, the poet expressed in his works a courageous determination to write, overcoming difficulties, to live, despite the dangers and tragic changes:

Oh, I wish I knew that it happens

When he made his debut

That lines with blood - kill,

They will gush in their throats and kill! ..

But old age is Rome, which

Instead of turuses and wheels

Does not require reading from the actor,

A complete death in earnest.

When the feeling dictates the line

It sends a slave to the stage,

And this is where the art ends.

And the soil and fate breathe.

The book of poems "The Second Birth" written in 1930-1932 became an expression of these intentions and views.

From the beginning of the 30s, Pasternak took an active part in the creation of the Writers' Union. He boldly responded to criticism, defended his opinion as an independent artist. Since the autumn of 1936, the tone of the press in relation to Pasternak has changed dramatically.

“It was in 1936,” the poet recalled 20 years later, “when these terrible processes began, everything broke in me, and unity with time turned into resistance to it, which I did not hide. I went into translations. (Wonderful translations of Shakespeare are known - a teacher's note.) Personal creativity is over ... ”This went on throughout the years of the war and the Stalinist terror.

The joy of victory in the war revived hopes for the long-awaited renewal of society. The joyful portents of freedom turned out to be false. But in their light, Pasternak began to write the novel Doctor Zhivago. The last amendments to the text of the novel were made in the winter of 1955, and in early 1956 the book was submitted for publication to the Novy Mir magazine. However, the editor of the magazine, K. M. Simonov, refused to publish the novel, and its publication in his homeland was banned for more than 30 years. Foreign editions of the work and translations into almost all languages ​​of the world followed.

Since 1946, Pasternak has been nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. In 1958, she was awarded to him "for outstanding achievements in modern lyric poetry and the continuation of the noble traditions of great Russian prose." This was followed by a political scandal. Pasternak was forced to refuse the prize. All publications of his translations were stopped.

The difficult duality of existence did not disturb the rhythm of his work. In 1959, the poet writes the verses of his last book, "When he clears up." On the threshold of his seventieth birthday, he continues to write the drama "The Blind Beauty" about the life of a serf actor (and about the fate of art under serfdom in Russia).

From the beginning of 1960, overcoming gradually growing pains in his back, Pasternak rewrote the first scenes of the play. From mid-April things got worse, and, clearly aware of the incurability of his illness, he left his unfinished work and allowed himself to go to bed.

May 30, 1960 Boris Pasternak died. The words spoken by the poet two years before his death became prophetic: “Most likely, many years after I die, it will become clear what broad, broad bases guided my activity in recent years, what it breathed and ate, what it served.”

2. Artistic features poetry of Pasternak.

- Listen to the message and list the features of the poet's lyrics in the form of a plan.

Pasternak's poems are distinguished by their picturesqueness, his paintings are recognizable

The flagstone was heated, and the streets forehead

He was swarthy, and looked at the sky frowningly

Cobblestone, and the wind, like a boatman rowed

By limes. And all these were likenesses.

Visual impressions are transformed into philosophical reflections.

Symbolic images are deep and tangible.

A candle as a symbol of creative burning first appeared in Boris Pasternak’s prose: “And in the room, on the desk, there was a bronze blacksmith, and next to him, a candle withered in the darkness, smelled a whole corner with shadows, and then the dawn could not resist, deserted people died, the candle stirred oven, like a dark hollow. It's easy with a candle."

In the poem of 1912 "Like a bronze brazier with ash ..." "a candle human life”- part of the universe:“ With me, with my candle, the flourished worlds hang on a par.

The poet especially cherishes his father's joyful worldview and admiration for the greatness of nature and its creator. True art always brings joy to a person. In the poems and lyrical sketches of the poet, a sensual sensation of life is conveyed:

Nature, the world, the secret of the universe,

I serve your long

Embraced by the secret trembling,

I'm in tears of happiness.

"When it clears up", 1956

And the white dead kingdom

Throwing mentally trembling,

I whisper softly: "Thank you,

You give more than they ask."

"Hoarfrost", 1941

Nature, like all the phenomena surrounding him, Boris Pasternak perceived surprisingly vividly and in relief, filling landscape poems with extraordinary joy. From the unexpected and at the same time very simple, obvious signs of the life surrounding the poet, he naturally rose to the heights of the universe, to philosophical reflections on eternity.

V. F. Asmus wrote about Boris Pasternak: “Music, poetry, painting were for him not a Babylonian mixture of language, not different languages, but a single language of art, in which all words are equally accessible to him and equally understandable.” Subordinating his talent to the elements of the word, B. L. Pasternak retained in his work the sharpness of artistic vision, the sensitivity of the musical perception of the world.

3. Work with text.

- Now try to identify these features in Pasternak's poem.

The teacher distributes the texts of the poem to the students. It is possible to work in pairs.

February. Get ink and cry!

Write about February sobbing,

While the rumbling slush

In the spring it burns black.

Where, like charred pears,

Thousands of rooks from the trees

Break into puddles and bring down

Dry sadness at the bottom of the eyes.

Get a span. For six hryvnias,

Through the blessing, through the click of the wheels

Move to where it's raining

Noisier than ink and tears.

Under it, the thawed patches turn black,

And the wind is pierced by cries,

And the more random, the more true

Poems are folded up.

III. Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago.

You can start with students reporting about the unusual plot and composition of the work.

We will address only a few pages of this unusual work.

The whole novel is Pasternak's revelation, his message to us, who are living today, a message that makes us see what we did not notice before. This is a kind of writing, captivating with openness, love of life, the ability to see poetry in prose. It contains notes, and diary notes, and poems, and letters as such.

We will turn to such a letter - Tony's farewell letter.

Analysis of the pages of the novel (chapter 13, part 18).

Do you think this letter was written according to the rules?

It has no address, no appeal, no beginning, no words of farewell. Tony's thoughts jump: either she talks about herself, then about the events around, then she again turns to her feelings ... It seems that she has already said goodbye, but the letter continues.

What genre is this letter written in? (This is the cry of the soul, which makes our souls tremble.)

- What was in this letter that made Yuri Andreevich forget what city he was in and in whose house? Forget where he is and what is around him? What is the power of writing?

This is a letter about love that has no future. Tonya never told her husband: “But I love you ... I love everything special about you, everything profitable and disadvantageous, all your ordinary sides, dear in their unusual combination ... All this is dear to me, and I don’t know a person better than you.” But "all the grief is that I love you, but you do not love me."

No, he loved Tonya, but he was too late to say it ...

The letter in question is not the first one Yury Zhivago received from his wife. But how different it is from others! It is farewell. And in it all the wonderful soul of Antonina Alexandrovna is highlighted: huge, able to love, sacrificial. We seem to see this woman in a new way, who before this letter seemed different.

- Recall other examples of women's writing in literature.

Students can give presentations on examples of women's writing, which will summarize knowledge.

Pasternak loved and knew how to write. His epistolary romance with Marina Tsvetaeva is widely known: “We were music on ice ...” So this letter, which we are talking about today, is music that shakes to the core with its sincerity, abundance of feelings and - complete self-denial.

Finishing work on the novel, Pasternak admitted in one of his letters: “You cannot imagine what has been achieved! Names were found and given to all that witchcraft that tormented ... Everything is unraveled, everything is named, simply, transparently, sadly. Once again, in a new way, definitions are given to the dearest and most important, earth and sky, a great and ardent feeling, the spirit of creativity, life and death ... "

Two people - he and she - can find each other only in letters, and the more tragic is the situation when the letter remains unanswered, like a naked soul in the cold and wind, a soul that there is no one to warm and save.


Learn your favorite poem by Boris Pasternak, analyze it.

Literature lesson in 11th grade.

"You are the son of the living God"

Christian motifs in the novel Doctor Zhivago

Poems by Yuri Zhivago.

1. Draw students' attention to genre originality novel, the indissoluble dialectical unity of poetry and prose.

2. Help the children understand the meaning of Christian motives in the creative plan of Pasternak.

3. Determine the role of the poetic cycle in the novel:

The poem "Hamlet"

The poem "The Garden of Gethsemane"

Poem "Winter Night"

Type of lesson: generalization of the studied material.

Type of lesson: lesson-seminar

During the classes

Organizational moment. Determination of the goals and objectives of the lesson, its place and significance in the system of lessons based on the novel by B. Pasternak.

Slide "Theme of the lesson"

I finished the novel, fulfilled my duty,

ordained by God.

(from a letter from Pasternak to V. Shalamov)

II lesson - seminar.

Slide "Portrait of B. Pasternak. Epigraph"

Discussion, explanation of the epigraph.

Questions for discussion during the lesson:

Slide "Lesson"

  1. Themes and problems of the novel.

Man and revolution

Man and the world

Man and history

Human and nature

Man and his relationship with life and death

  1. Christian motifs in the novel Doctor Zhivago

Christian Ideas


3. Analysis of poems.

a) Hamlet

b) "Winter Night"

c) The Garden of Gethsemane

Teacher's word. The hero of Pasternak, Yuri Zhivago, attracts with openness, the ability to love and appreciate life, insecurity, which is not a sign of lack of will, but the ability to think, doubt. The hero is an expression of the author's moral ideal: he is talented, smart, kind, sees the world in his own way and does not adapt to anyone. He is a person. The idea of ​​the novel is the Christian idea of ​​a free individual.

Opening talk:

Was it by chance that the idea of ​​life became central to the novel?

What is the first manifestation of the idea of ​​life in the novel?

In what way does life manifest itself most vividly?

What is Russia for Zhivago?

So, what is the main thing for a hero in life? (the ideas of Christianity, the ideas of a free person and the idea of ​​life as a sacrifice)

Bible theme slides

Who is the hero's name associated with? (with the image of Christ)

The symbol enclosed in the name of the protagonist? (Yuri is a variant of the name George, George is the Victorious)

Teacher. Yu. Zhivago almost does not take a direct part in the events, but his understanding of life, everything that happens is based on Christian values.

The basis of the plot is the gospel drama of spiritual choice and sacrifice on the cross.

At the center of the hero's reflections is the triad: "life-death-resurrection"

Creativity - "The Word of God about life"

Jesus Christ slides

1 group. Commentary on "Vedenyapin's sermon" (part 1, ch.5)

- In what works of the 20th century did you come across such an understanding of God?

(M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

2 group. What is the significance of the chronology of events in the novel? (plot on the scale of eternity)

Group 3. Elements of Church Slavonic vocabulary, references to Holy Scripture, to the gospel texts and their role.

4 group. The image of Christ and the hero of the novel. Mapping.

Teacher . Does the novel end with the death of Doctor Zhivago? (No, it ends with poetry) Why do you think?

(Poetry - that which cannot die

Poems by Yuri Zhivago.

Teacher's word. Poetry and prose in the novel form a living, indecomposable unity, a new genre form. Therefore, we can talk about the genre innovation of Pasternak. So, what is the meaning of the "notebook of Yuriev's writings" in the general context of the novel?

Student's message about Zhivagov's poetic cycle.(to be prepared in advance)

Teacher's word. So, since the ideal of the hero of the novel and its author is projected onto " eternal image”, then it is best to consider it on

"Poems by Yuri Zhivago"

What poem opens the seventeenth, poetic chapter of the work?

Hamlet slides. The student reads the poem by heart.

Analysis of the poem "Hamlet"

Why does the cycle open with this particular poem?

The nature of the poem. "Hamlet" by Pasternak and "I am Hamlet" by A. Blok

How is the poem included in the context of world culture?

What formula of Shakespeare does this poem bring to mind?

("The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors")

What do the fates of Hamlet and Yuri Zhivago have in common?

Implementation of homework. Comparison of Hamlet's monologue

(W. Shakespeare "Hamlet", act 1,3) with reflections of the lyrical hero of the poem. Gospel Reminiscence.

Teacher. In this appeal (May this cup pass from me!) is a paraphrase of Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Slides of the Garden of Gethsemane. The student reads an excerpt from the poem.

Analysis of the poem "The Garden of Gethsemane"

What place does this poem occupy in the poetry notebook?

Give your interpretation of the poem. (For Zhivago to follow Jesus Christ means to follow the chosen path of suffering, to gain Eternity)

A hidden controversy with A. Blok's poem "The Twelve".

What works of literature of the 20th century did you visit with the author in the Garden of Gethsemane? (M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", the scene of the murder of Judas)

Why exactly this poem completes the book of Yuri Zhivago's lyrics?

Teacher's word. There is an assumption that the poem "Winter Night" is the first poem by Yuri Zhivago. This assumption is interesting and in general corresponds to the spirit of the novel, its symbolism.

The student reads a poem.

And now listen to the song on the words of this poem.

Slides "Winter night".

- Determine the meaning of the image-symbol of the candle according to the novel and the Bible.

(9, 10 chapters of the first part - the eve of the feast of the Nativity of Christ. It was at this time that Yuri whispers to himself: “The candle was burning on the table. The candle was burning ...”. He hoped that the continuation would come by itself without coercion. It did not come. The symbolism of the candle goes back to the words in the Sermon on the Mount "... lighting a candle, they do not put it under a vessel, but on a candlestick, and it shines on everyone in the house" Image-symbol a burning candle runs through the entire narrative, thus, as it were, holding together the corresponding parts of the novel)

What is the second main image in the poem? (blizzard)

What can a person oppose to a hostile world and a feeling of being lost in a cold space? (human feelings)

In what lines does the poet say: the blizzard is powerless? What is the strength of the final stanza of the poem?

Philosophical verses and habitual words. Being and life.

How does sound writing convey the sound of fallen shoes and the slow fall of wax drops?

What tropes does the poet use? (epithets, comparisons)

Verbal construction of the text (there are no verbs denoting the actions of the characters)

Why do critics define this poem as a fusion of philosophical and love lyrics?

Generalization. What is the significance of "The Poems of Yuri Zhivago" in the context of the novel?

Video film "B. Pasternak" (excerpt)

Summing up the lesson.

What words does the novel end with, what is your opinion about the ending?

E.Z.1. Lyrics of Pasternak in the assessment of critics, give examples of the statements of M. Tsvetaeva, R. Yakobson, L. Ozerov, A. Sinyavsky, D. S. Likhachev and others.

2. Think over the topics of essays on the work of B. Pasternak, prepare a thesis plan for one of the topics.



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Literature lesson in 11th grade.

Goals and objectives: 1) through reading and analyzing poems from chapter 17 of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" to open knowledge of the entire text:
a) work with text; determine the place and significance of "Poems by Yuri Zhivago" in the composition and concept of the novel;
b) cultural aspect - to analyze the symbols of the novel in the poem "Winter Night" and in the book of the first part of the third in chapters nine, ten "Christmas tree at the Sventitskys" - the image of a candle; in the poem "The Miracle" and in the book of the third part of the eleventh, in the fourth chapter "Forest Host" - the image of a tree, a barren fig tree;
c) the relationship of characters (etymology);
2) to develop elements of logical thinking through heuristic conversation;
3) actualization modern life, examples from the works of B. Pasternak's contemporaries (A.A. Furmanov "Rout" - the image of the Sword) and in the works of the 19th century (F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment");
4) moral and ethical aspect, moral traditions - Christian motives in the novel, attitude towards God;
5) the meaning of the novel "Doctor Zhivago"; the significance of B.L. Pasternak.
Epigraph to the lesson: “Pasternak is the presence of God in our lives. Presence, given not postulately, but objectively, through the sensual sensation of Life - the best, inexplicable creation of the Universe.
Andrei Voznesensky.
Methods and techniques: lecture with elements of conversation, analysis of poems.
Materials and equipment: Portrait of B.L. Pasternak, Roman "Doctor Zhivago", multi video film, mp-3 song by A.B. Pugacheva "The Candle Was Burning", a candlestick with a burning candle, a video film by David Lynn "Doctor Zhivago" in two parts.

Plan and course of the lesson.
Org. moment.
Introduction by the teacher.

In everything I want to reach
To the very core
At work, in search of a way,
In heartbreak.
To the essence of past days,
Until their reason
Down to the roots, down to the roots
To the core.

The thread grabs all the time
destinies, events,

Make discoveries

In this excerpt from a 1956 poem, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak talks about the essence and meaning of his work, about the desire not to remain on the surface of phenomena, but to penetrate into their essence.
III. - Today in the lesson we will work on the top work of prose by B.L. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago". About the characterization of the concept of the book, given in a letter to O. Freudenberg in the autumn of 1946, B. Pasternak reports: “I began to write a novel in prose“ Boys and Girls ”, which in ten chapters should cover the fortieth anniversary of 1902-1946, and with great enthusiasm wrote a quarter of everything conceived or a fifth of it I am already old, soon, perhaps, I will die, and it is impossible to postpone indefinitely the free expression of my real thoughts. And a little later, in a letter to O. Freudenberg, he wrote: “I want to give historical image Russia for the last forty-five years, and at the same time, all aspects of its plot, heavy, sad and elaborated in detail - this thing will be an expression of my views on art, on the Gospel, on human life in history and much more.
By the end of 1947, 10 poems for the future novel had already been written.
The novel was originally called "Boys and Girls", then "Rynva" (a navigable river mentioned in the second part of the novel), "The candle burned" and only much later the novel began to be called "Doctor Zhivago".
In February 1956, Pasternak offered the manuscript of his novel to two magazines at once - Znamya and Novy Mir. Only in September did an official refusal come, signed by A. Agapov, B. Lavrenev, K. Fedin, K. Simonov and A. Krivitsky: “The spirit of your novel is the spirit of rejection of the socialist revolution. The pathos of your novel is the pathos of the assertion that the October Revolution, the Civil War and the subsequent changes connected with them brought nothing but suffering to the people, and the Russian intelligentsia was destroyed either physically or morally. Your novel is deeply unfair. Historically biased and alien to any understanding of the interests of the people "Although at that time Europe and America were reading the novel "Doctor Zhivago" - in 1957 the novel was published in Milan, and in 1958 - in England, USA, Germany and Sweden.
On October 23, 1958, the secretary of the Nobel Foundation, Anders Estrling, informed Pasternak by telegram that he had been awarded the prize and invited him to come to Stockholm on December 10 for the official award ceremony. Pasternak responded by sending a telegram of gratitude: "I am infinitely grateful, touched, proud, surprised, embarrassed." Soon, at a meeting of the board of the Writers' Union, the question “On the actions of a member of the USSR Writers' Union B.L. Pasternak, incompatible with the title of a Soviet writer.
The newspapers began to openly defame the author of Doctor Zhivago. And under the pressure of everything that was happening, Pasternak was forced to publicly refuse the Nobel Prize. But the scandal did not subside. Pasternak wrote about this in his poem "The Nobel Prize":
I disappeared like an animal in a pen.
Somewhere people, will, light,
And behind me the noise of the chase.
I have no way out.
In the spring of 1960, a fatal illness bedridden Pasternak - a heart attack, and further examination confirmed another diagnosis - lung cancer. May 30, 1960 Boris Leonidovich died.
- Today in the lesson we will try to understand why the novel was so received by the Soviet public, although it can be said with certainty that many of Pasternak's contemporaries participating in his persecution did not even read the novel, and many were not familiar with Pasternak's work at all.
Poetry and prose in B.L. Pasternak's "Doctor Zhivago" form a living, indecomposable unity, which is, in fact, a new genre form. Therefore, in the lesson, you and I will be interested in the poetic and functional significance that has in the general context of Pasternak's novel "Yuryev's Notebook" - a poetic cycle, which is the seventeenth, final part of it, consisting of 25 poems.
The Zhivagovsky cycle includes poems written in the period from 1946 to 1953, extremely diverse in genre and lyrical themes. Poem-
The works of Yuri Zhivago must be considered only from the point of view of the unity of the prose text and the poetic parts of the novel, from the point of view of the unity of the cycle itself and its correlation with the prose text.
And in this context, the poems of the cycle perform two main functions. The essence of the first is determined by the fact that many "through" images find their aesthetic completion and symbolic rethinking in one or another poem of the cycle, that is, being an element compositional structure text. The second function is to reveal value judgments, conceptual ideas, deep meaningful layers hidden in a prose text.
The novel about Yuri Zhivago's earthly journey begins with the death of his mother and ends with his death and funeral. Yuri Andreevich Zhivago - a doctor, thinking, with a search for creative and artistic folds, dies in 1929, after him there are notes and, among other papers, written in his younger years, finished poems, some of which make up the last, final part of the novel.
Yuri Zhivago is a doctor, but we do not see his direct medical activity in the novel. The hero of Pasternak is a spiritual doctor, like the gospel Jesus, he heals the souls of people; his poems are both good news, and healing, and insight, and liberation, and repentance, and faith in the resurrection. The whole novel is permeated with Christian ideas. The very name of the hero is associated with the image of Christ (“You are the son of the living god”: “living” is the form of the genitive and accusative cases in the Old Russian language). The name Yuri is also symbolic - a variant of the name George (George the Victorious).
In fact, the main action of the novel begins with a burning candle, the plot dynamics of which, according to the critic A. Lavrov, "is based on plot knots formed by chance meetings and coincidences."
Let's read the poem "Winter Night".

Winter night(15)
Melo, melo all over the earth
To all limits.
A candle burned on the table.
The candle was burning.

Like a swarm of midges in summer
Flying into the flame
Flakes flew from the yard
to the window frame.

Snowstorm sculpted on glass
Circles and arrows.
The candle burned on the table
The candle was burning.

On the illuminated ceiling
The shadows lay
Crossing arms, crossing legs.
Crossing of fate.

And two shoes fell
With a knock on the floor.
And wax with tears from the night light
Drip on the dress.

And everything was lost in the snowy mist.
Gray and white.
The candle burned on the table
The candle was burning.

The candle blew from the corner,
And the heat of temptation
Raised like an angel two wings

Melo all month in February,
And every now and then
The candle burned on the table
The candle was burning.

What does the candle symbolize? (The image of a candle has a special meaning in Christian symbolism. Addressing his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount, Christ says: “You are the light of the world. A city standing on a mountain top cannot hide. And, having lit a candle, they do not put it under a vessel, but on a candlestick and shine on all in the house. So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven").
- When does the image of a candle appear in the novel? (The image of a candle appears twice in the novel. The first time - in a snowstorm, on a frosty Christmas night, on the eve of which the dying Anna Ivanovna blesses Yura and Tonya, the night before the Christmas tree at the Sventitskys. Yura sees from the street a circle thawed from a candle - in a frosty window. Lara, intent on irrevocably determining her fate, resolving a whole bundle of problems related to her deep dependence on Komarovsky, the debt of her brother Rodion and the uncertainty of relations with Pasha Antipov, comes to Pasha in a room with a proposal to get married as soon as possible.Pasha, at the request of Lara, put a candle on the windowsill, this candle is seen by Yuri Zhivago, driving with Tonya on a sledge along Kamergersky. From the close flame of a candle, a circle forms, resembling a conscious, directed outward look. The image of a candle gives rise to the first poem in his mind - "The candle was burning on the table.")
-This moment of the novel is deeply symbolic, it is impossible to give an unambiguous interpretation to it. One thing is clear: this episode is one of the semantic centers of the work, linking together not only the prose and verse parts of the novel, but also a number of aspects of its problems. The poem "Winter Night" is the first poem by Yuri Zhivago, which means that the image of a candle contributes to the birth of the poet.
- The light of the candle connects Yura with Tonya and Lara with Pasha in crucial moment their destinies: two new families are born, and a ray of light shows that this connection is not accidental.
The next intersection of the fates of Yuri and Lara is marked by the first coming of inspiration to him. From now on, Lara will become, secretly or openly for Zhivago, his Muse, Zhivago's path as a poet will begin with this candle.
- Let's remember in which episode of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" also mentions the image of a candle as the image of God. (In part 4 in chapter 4 of the novel Crime and Punishment, the image of a candle is also mentioned. When Raskolnikov comes to Sonya Marmeladova to tell about the crime, he goes up to the Capernaum house where Sonya lives. And he fumbles in the dark for a long time before he finds the right door And the first thing he sees in Sonya's room is a lit candle on a sagging chair, which means that in this darkness, only Sonya has light, only God lives in her apartment).
Let's turn to another poem by Yuri Zhivago - "Hamlet".
Poem "Hamlet" (1)
The hum is quiet. I went out to the stage.
Leaning against the door frame
I catch in a distant echo
What will happen in my lifetime.

The twilight of the night is directed at me
A thousand binoculars on an axis.
If possible, Abba Father,
Pass this cup.

I love your stubborn intention
And I agree to play this role.
But now there's another drama going on
And this time, fire me.

But the schedule of actions is thought out,
And the end of the road is inevitable.
I am alone, everything is drowning in hypocrisy.
To live life is not a field to cross.
- Guys, before we work with this poem, let's find out what the word Pharisees means or who are the Pharisees?
Pharisees (other - Heb.) 1. Members of a religious and political sect, representing the interests of the wealthy sections of the urban population, distinguished by fanaticism and hypocritical execution of pious rules.
2. Currently - a common noun for hypocrites and hypocrites. (Encyclopedia of the Russian language. Dictionary of foreign words. - Moscow. - Mir knigi. - 2003. - p. 381-382.)
This poem can be considered the key to the entire book; it is not without reason that the seventeenth, poetic chapter of the novel opens with it. Key in the sense that understanding how the poem is structured provides the key to understanding the entire novel. The poem can be read as follows:
- the very title of the poem, as well as the situation of the inevitability of the path destined for the hero and the attempt to comprehend this inevitability, indicate that this is Hamlet's internal monologue - Danish prince from the tragedy of the same name by W. Shakespeare;
- mention of hypocrisy and the loneliness of the hero: thus, the theme of life as a redemptive sacrifice and the theme of beginning with the birth of Christ are introduced new era- the beginning of modern history, our era;
- this poem is included in the ideological structure of "Doctor Zhivago", allows you to comprehend the life path of the hero in relation to the paths of Hamlet, the artist-actor, who, according to his position, must complete his role in the drama of life, and, finally, Christ, who said a new word to the world about life and his own life who confirmed his correctness (the possibility of such a reading is supported by the surname of the hero - the seal of the Living God (Rev. 7.2); by the way, Yuri's mother was called Maria).
- but if we remember that in reality the poem was written by B. Pasternak, then the features of the biographism of the novel will become clear: how, in the almost complete absence of external coincidences, the life paths of the author of the hero of the novel and his protagonist are related. The words spoken about this work by D.S. Likhachev: "Doctor Zhivago" - "Pasternak's spiritual autobiography". The point here is not in the commonality of biography facts, but in the commonality of the spiritual path chosen once by Christ and at all times since then has been chosen by the best representatives of humanity - the sacrificial path.
The originality of both the poem and the novel is that Pasternak does not directly transfer the circumstances of two thousand years ago to the present: these circumstances seem to shine through the veil of time, do not replace each other, but merge into an indissoluble whole, “like an image enters an image, / And how the object cuts the object ”(“ I want to go home, in hugeness ”). This overcomes time itself: what happened centuries ago is happening here and now, and will never pass, will be forever.
-Now we will consider another poem from the Zhivagov cycle - the poem "Miracle". We will consider the problem raised in this work - the problem of the revolution and the intelligentsia.
Poem "Miracle" (20)
He went from Bethany to Jerusalem,
We languish in advance with sadness of forebodings.

The thorny bush on the steep was burned out,
Smoke did not move over the neighbor's hut,
The air was hot, and the reeds were motionless,
And the Dead Sea peace is immovable.

And in bitterness, arguing with the bitterness of the sea,
He walked with a small crowd of clouds
On a dusty road to someone's yard,
Went to the city at a gathering of disciples.

And so He deepened into His thoughts,
That the field in despondency smelled of wormwood.
Everything is quiet. He alone stood in the middle,
And the area lay in a layer in oblivion.
Everything is mixed up: warm and desert,
And lizards, and keys, and streams.

The fig tree rose in the distance,
No fruits at all, only branches and leaves.
And He said to her: “For what profit are you?
What joy do I have in your tetanus?

I thirst and hunger, and you are an empty flower,
And meeting with you is more dreary than granite.
Oh, how insulting and untalented you are!
Stay like this until the end of your life."

A shiver of condemnation passed through the tree,
Like a lightning spark through a lightning rod.
The fig tree was burned to ashes.

Find at this time a moment of freedom
At the leaves, the branches, and the roots, and the trunk,
If only the laws of nature could intervene.
But a miracle is a miracle, and a miracle is God.
When we are in confusion, then in the midst of confusion
It overtakes instantly, unawares.
During one of the clashes between the partisan detachment and the White Guards, the doctor, contrary to the international convention forbidding doctors to participate in hostilities, took the rifle of the killed telephone operator and, in order not to shoot at the advancing, mostly very young guys, began to aim at a dead charred tree.
-What did he do it for? And what happened next?
(This tree was a real salvation for the attackers, but they all did not allow themselves to hide behind its trunk and moved on. But as the doctor was not careful, he still wounded two White Guards, and another shot cost his life).
- This episode contains a number of essential problems of the novel. Good-
the free participation in the battle of Doctor Zhivago, forcibly captured by the partisans, sets the theme of the intelligentsia and the revolution. The author shows that in an era of revolutionary upheavals it is impossible to remain in a position “above the fight”: even a servile position in a hostile camp, “passive” cooperation with one of the belligerents is already participation in the struggle. Zhivago, who is aware of this, for all his “non-belligerence”, is aware of the illusory nature and even the falsity of the posture of “non-intervention”: he submits to the logic of the fight, which does not allow anyone to remain on the sidelines.
- Guys, let's remember in which work, from the recently studied by you, the issue of the intelligentsia and the revolution is very sharply raised?
(Alexander Fadeev's novel "The Rout". In this novel, as well as in B. Pasternak's novel, the problem of the intelligentsia and the revolution is raised).
- On the example of these two novels, one can identify the author's position of each writer by comparing the description of Mechik and Zhivago (chapters 11-12).
- How did Mechik get into the partisan detachment?
(Mechik got into the partisan detachment on a ticket from the maximalist party).
- And how did Zhivago get into the partisan detachment?
(Yuri Zhivago was captured by a partisan detachment as a "useful" person).
- What is the self-perception of Pavel Mechik and Yuri Zhivago in the atmosphere of a partisan detachment?
(Both heroes “did not take root” in the detachment. If Mechik gradually falls into despair as he moves away from detachment life and from the standard he created in his imagination, then Zhivago is not compatible with this life, since from the very beginning he does not accept the laws of the folk drama that has played out.)
- Both writers convince us that the wavering part of the intelligentsia in the 1920s could only "fluctuate" in the direction of rejection of the "era of revolutionary battles." Both heroes run away from the squad. The sword runs away, throwing off the unbearable burden of a revolutionary fighter. His thoughts are thoughts, this is the beginning of the end that leads to crime, betrayal. From this follows the author's verdict on the "clean" intellectuals who are afraid of blood and only prevent others from fulfilling their revolutionary duty.
For the Sword to leave the detachment means to betray the banner under which he became. For Zhivago, this means surrendering to the elements of beauty and spirituality, without which life is inconceivable for him. Fadeev issues the following sentence to Mechik: "Everything that is not capable of a real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is eliminated." A completely different trend emerges in Pasternak's position: this is the view of the writer of another pole, other dimensions, putting the artist "above the fight" in recreating the image of historical Time.
Let's turn to the text of the poem "Miracle". The poem mentions the barren fig tree burnt to ashes by Christ.
Reading the parable "The withered fig tree".
Returning early in the morning to the city, Jesus felt very hungry. Along the way, He saw a fig tree. He approached her, but, except for the leaves, he did not find anything on the tree. Then Jesus said to the tree:
May you never bear fruit again!
The tree withered immediately. When the students saw this, they were surprised:
How could this tree wither so quickly?
Jesus replied:
“I tell you the truth: if you believe without a doubt, you can do not only what was done with the tree, you can even say to this mountain: “Go and throw yourself into the sea,” and it will obey you. If you believe, whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive. (Word of Life / New Testament in modern translation. - M. "Protestant". - 1992. - p. 30.)
In the novel, Zhivago shoots at a tree that “was charred by lightning or fire, or split and scorched by previous battles,” has a symbolic meaning and, in general, the novel has something in common with the poem “Miracle”. This tree is a temptation for the advancing Whites as an opportunity to protect themselves from bullets and escape death. However, they understand the futility of such behavior and prefer the path of the victim - the path of authenticity. Their only mistake is excessive theatricality, flaunting their prowess, which would be excusable in youth if it did not lead to senseless sacrifices.
IV. Summary of the lesson.
We limited ourselves three poems, but even this serves as a vivid example and proof of how closely poetry and prose interact in Pasternak's novel.
"Doctor Zhivago" is a unique work in all respects: philosophical, poetic-genre, in terms of continuity and in terms of innovation. The poetic word of the hero in the novel is not an object of representation, but a full-fledged, living depicting word that complements and deepens the prosaic, authorial word. The organic unity of the prose and poetic parts of the novel is ultimately perceived not just as an original compositional device, but, first of all, as a symbol of true art - art that can exist only in merger with the life that gives birth to it and is transformed by it.
And at the end of the lesson, we will once again turn to the epigraph, to the words of Andrei Voznesensky about Boris Pasternak: “Pasternak is the presence of God in our lives. Presence, given not postulately, but objectively, through the sensual sensation of Life - the best, inexplicable creation of the Universe.
In my opinion, these words characterize the personality and work of B.L. Pasternak. Each century gives birth to its own genius: in the 19th century it was A.S. Pushkin, and in the 20th century it is, of course, B.L. Parsnip. And I would like to finish the lesson with a poem
In everything I want to reach
To the very core
At work, in search of a way,
In heartbreak.
To the essence of past days,
Until their reason
Down to the roots, down to the roots
To the core.

The thread grabs all the time
destinies, events,
Live, think, feel, love,
Complete opening.

Oh if only I could
Although in part
I would write eight lines
About the properties of passion.

About lawlessness. About the sins
Run, chase.
Accidents in a hurry,
Elbows, palms,

I would deduce her law.
Its beginning
And repeated her names

I would break poetry like a garden.
With all the trembling of the veins
Limes would bloom in them in a row.
Guskom, in the back of the head.

In verses I would bring the breath of roses,
mint breath,
Meadows, sedge, haymaking,

So once Chopin invested
living miracle
Farms, parks, groves, graves
In your studies.
Achieved triumph
Game and flour -
Strung string
Hard bow.

Board layout:
Theme of the lesson: "Poems by Yuri Zhivago". The meaning of the poetic cycle in the general context of the novel by B.L. Pasternak.

“Pasternak is the presence of God in our lives. Presence, given not postulately, but objectively, through the sensual sensation of Life - the best, inexplicable creation of the Universe.
Andrei Voznesensky.

Yuri Andreevich Zhivago candle Lara Guichard
Zhivago = Jesus Christ Guichard = prison window
Yuri = George the Victorious Larisa = seagull Tonya Gromeko - Shura's son Pavel Antipov - a trip to daughter Katya Ural, to teach, daughter
hospital - February Revolution
daughter of Tanya Bezocheredov

The death of Yuri Zhivago, the fate of Lara Guichard is unknown
Death of Yuri Zhivago's mother