Roman A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter” makes you think about many things and about honor in particular. In his work, the author describes the cruel time of the Pugachev rebellion. The heroes of the novel fall into the cycle of events, their destinies are intertwined, they have to do life choice to save your life, to help other people.

A.S. Pushkin introduces us to Pyotr Grinev with early childhood. He lives as an ordinary "undergrowth". But from the age of sixteen he goes to the service, and here he already has to solve life's problems himself.

Grinev loses a lot of money and returns it, although he is very ashamed in front of Savelich. But here he showed honesty, decency and determination. Particularly impressive is the episode with the sheepskin coat, when Grinev gives the peasant who helped them find their way during a snowstorm, his hare sheepskin coat. His servant is again very upset by such a squandering of property, but Grinev believes that the service is worthy of such a gift. Then this episode will play an important role in their fate, because Pugachev himself turned out to be the “counselor”.

But the most difficult moral choice faced the hero when he had to decide whether to go over to the side of Pugachev (and thereby save his life) or remain faithful to the oath. Pyotr Grinev remains true to duty and honor, and Pugachev appreciated this! This means that Grinev's decency and devotion were not alien to him, because he not only leaves him alive, but also helps him.

The image of Pugachev makes the reader think, because Pushkin so clearly shows and positive traits this criminal and villain. How angry he was when he learned from Grinev that an orphan was being offended: “Which of my people dares to offend an orphan? If he were seven spans in his forehead, he would not leave my court! And when Pugachev was taken to the execution, he recognized Grinev and nodded his head to him.

The novel also presents the ideal of a girl - Masha Mironova, modest, shy, but at decisive moments very courageous and faithful.

This is the value of the novel "The Captain's Daughter", that the author vividly showed us that even in hard times there is a place for the best human qualities: honesty, courage, mercy. AND noble people do not lose these qualities, having gone through all the tests. “Take care of honor from a young age,” A.S. reminds us. Pushkin's words that are important and relevant at all times.

Option 2

Many writers in their works paid attention to human vices and all that comes from it. By creating these works, the writers tried to correct human society, to correct humanity from certain vices through their creations, although this did not always work out, almost always did not work out.

Alexander Sergeevich was just one of these authors. He tried to make the world a better place, to try to help people become smarter and more enlightened. Many works were written by him, but the most significant of them was The Captain's Daughter. In it, the writer spoke to us about the problem of honor and morality. Telling us about this or that segment in the work, the author almost always points to some problem, also secretly determining the way to solve it.

Most of the work discusses the problem of morality. The author tells us about the importance of honor, about its role in our life, he tells us that we need to cherish our honor from a young age, fight fiercely for its integrity and quality. He says that nothing is more important for a person than his honor, and there is nothing worse than tarnishing it with your actions. For Pushkin, this was comparable to death, which is why he died in a duel. Defending his honor, he was wounded, and subsequently died from this wound a few days later. From here we see that for the author there was nothing more important than honor and its safety, which he talks about in the work. One way or another, he wrote a wonderful work, which was a kind of moral manual for people of that time. With his help, many people became better, and still reading his works, people are getting better.

All of the above is my opinion, but it does not claim to be truly true and can be refuted. I hope that the above arguments had weight and had a good reason, because they were formed on the memoirs of the contemporaries of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Composition Take care of honor from a young age based on the work of Pushkin The Captain's Daughter

The Captain's Daughter begins with the famous proverb that honor should be protected from youth, and clothes from the moment of its purchase. It is on the basis of this saying that he lives main character Peter. His father sent him to serve and said that no matter what happens in life, always remain an honest and real person.

The hero of the novel was brought up in an honest and wealthy family, has a noble origin, his main life positions are loyalty to his homeland, his parents and the empress. These basic characteristics should in no case be violated, this is how he was brought up.

The most crucial moment in Grinev's life came when he was captured by the leader of all the peasants, Pugachev. He offered him to serve with him, but Grinev refused, saying that he had already taken the oath and swore to serve the Empress until the end of his days.

To which the surprised Pugachev also answered with a highly honest act, he released him and did not execute him. Another interesting moment of the work, when Peter, together with his uncle, found a lost man on a hunt. They showed him the way, and Peter gave him his warm fur coat, since the peasant was quite lightly dressed for the winter weather.

Later it turned out that this peasant is the famous and formidable rebel and apostate, Pugachev. Peter fell in love with Masha, but in the course of the circumstances, his opponent took her prisoner. But then the same rebel came to the aid of the poor girls.

Pugachev in the novel is characterized as fair and fair man which due to the circumstances. In the country and in the city itself, he decided to save all the oppressed peasants. Therefore, he became an apostate and a villain, and by nature he is a very fair and honest person.

On the example of Shvabrin, the author shows what the majority of people on earth can be and are. This man has been dishonest since the beginning of his life. After Masha said that she did not like him and she had a fiancé, Shvabrin at first began to say all sorts of base things about her.

And then he generally locked her in the room, away from prying eyes, did not give her any water or food in order to lure her consent to a wedding with him.

When the fortress was captured by the rebellious peasants, he first defended his fortress and his colleagues. But seeing that the strength is on the side of the enemy, he went over to the side of the winner.

Soon Masha is free, and Peter is in prison. Unable to help her beloved, she goes to the palace and asks for an audience with the empress herself. When meeting with the mistress, she blows herself modestly and with dignity, as a result of which the empress satisfies her request and Grinev is free.

Thanks to the highly spiritual qualities of the main characters, their honor and dignity, they are together again. At the same time, without changing oneself and not submitting to other people's requirements. Despite pressure from all sides, they did not make a deal with their conscience and did not go over to the side of the enemy. And they remained worthy citizens of their country.

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  • creative work

    An essay about:"Keep your honor from a young age"

    Made by 11th grade student

    MKOU "Utamysh secondary school"

    Vagabova Madina

    From teaching experience.

    Life lessons based on the story of A.S. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter.

    Having finished studying the story of A.S. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter, I bring the children to the final stage of the lessons - the students will have to write a cool essay.

    Writing is the spark of student creativity. All children are talented in their own way.

    To teach them to think, to give their own assessment of the problem posed, to express their personal opinion is the task of a teacher of literature.

    The class chose the theme of the essay, Take care of honor from a young age.

    I read the interpretation of the word "honor" from the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov: "Honor is the moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride."

    During the conversation, students express their personal opinions on this issue. Pyotr Grinev passed the test of honor, unlike Alexei Shvabrin, he turned out to be a man without honor and conscience.

    I think that A.S. Pushkin endowed this scoundrel speaking surname Shvabrin - from the word, mop, "this is something dirty, unclean..."

    In our time, it is also very important to preserve honor from a young age.

    Pupils answer the questions: Why did the story get such a name?

    Who is narrating the story? As the author shows human dignity in the behavior and actions of the characters? How do P. Grinev's character traits manifest themselves in difficult life situations for him? Did you like the story?


    Take care of your honor from a young age.

    (according to the story by A.S. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter")

    People have always been concerned eternal problems life and death, love and hate, the choice of honor and dishonor... Everything changes in this world, universal moral concepts remain unchanged.

    When they talk about honor, nobility and true love, before me there are images of Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova from A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter".

    This work, despite its small volume, is full of deep meaning. The action of the story takes place during the uprising of E. Pugachev of 1772-1776.

    The young officer Pyotr Grinev was sent to Belogorsk fortress.

    Along the way, he commits rash acts, loses 100 rubles in a tavern. Arriving at the fortress, Grinev met the daughter of the commandant Mironov, Masha. Masha liked the young man.

    Because of the girl, he quarreled with officer Shvabrin, who proposed to her, but was refused. Grinev did not allow Masha's good name to be denigrated.

    He challenges the offender to a duel. Grinev acted like a real man. Grinev's subsequent behavior is built on his father's orders: Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance, obey your superiors; do not chase after their caress ... remember the proverb: take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.

    The order of the father to serve, to whom he swore, becomes a code of honor for Grinev.

    In the life of every person there is an intersection of two roads, and at the crossroads there is a stone with the inscription: “If you go through life with honor, you will die.” If you go against honor, you will live. "It was precisely in front of such a stumbling block that the officers of the Belogorsk fortress stood: Grinev and Shvabrin.

    Even under pain of death, Grinev will refuse to kiss Pugachev's hand. He thrust a sinewy hand into his face and said in an authoritative voice:

    Kiss the hand! "Some approached and kissed, others chose death. Kissing the hand means betraying honor. Do not kiss, go to death. Grinev chooses death. At Pugachev's offer, serve" him, Grinev will say: Can".

    Grinev is characterized by such qualities as valor, dignity, loyalty. His family had high ideas of honor and duty. For Grinev, honor and duty are above all.

    Shvabrin confronts Grinev. If Grinev is a hero, then Shvabrin is a villain. Shvabrin, realizing that the rebels would soon capture the fortress, runs over to the side of the enemy. He imitates Pugachev in everything: in clothes, in behavior, he tries to please him in everything. Shvabrin does not understand what honor is, for him the main thing is to survive.

    Talking about honor, how not to talk about the Mironovs, for whom honor and duty are the meaning of life. They are pure, tall people who look death in the face with dignity.

    We can safely say that all Pushkin's works touch upon the problem of morality and immorality.

    Heroes stories, The Captain's Daughter" are in exceptional circumstances, where all sides of their characters are manifested.

    This story shocked me. I think again and again about the actions of the characters in this magnificent work. I deeply like the images of Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev. Man is alive as long as he remains a Man.

    (based on the story by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter")

    The story "The Captain's Daughter" is one of historical works A. S. Pushkin. The writer recreated the history of the Pugachev rebellion in the form of notes by a participant in the events, an officer of the Catherine's army, Pyotr Grinev. Historical events influence the fate of all the characters in the story and determine it. An important problem of the story is the problem of honor and duty. It is no coincidence that the epigraph to the work is folk proverb: "Take care of the dress again, and honor - from a young age." It is also the basic principle of the life of Grinev Sr.

    For Andrei Petrovich Grinev, who is a representative of the old service nobility, the concept of honor is, first of all, the honor of an officer and a nobleman. “Serve faithfully to whom you swear. Obey the bosses ... ”, - this is how the father instructs his son. To match Grinev-father and the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Mironov, who refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev: “You are not my sovereign. You are a thief and an impostor." He understands that he will be hanged, but even under pain of death he does not violate the oath. Ivan Kuzmich fulfilled his duty, defending the fortress until the last minute and not being afraid of death: “To die like this is a service business.” For Grinev, the father, death is also not terrible, but the loss of honor is terrible: “It’s not terrible to execute ... But a nobleman to change his oath ...”. He sees the duty of an officer in serving the Fatherland, and not in duels and burning money in the capital, which is why he sends his son Peter to serve in the Belogorsk fortress.

    Pyotr Grinev is a representative of another generation, and therefore his concept of honor is somewhat different. He expands this concept to universal and civil meaning. Peter enters the battle for the honor of Masha Mironova; fights duels, knowing that they are forbidden. He puts human honor above officer's. Grinev recognizes the heroic qualities of the leader of the uprising, but this does not mean that he can violate the oath: "I am a natural nobleman, I swore allegiance to the empress: I cannot serve you." He will go against Pugachev: the duty of an officer commands to fight against an impostor, a thief and a murderer. A sense of duty is above personal interests, above his feelings: "... the duty of honor required my presence in the army of the Empress."

    Shvabrin is a completely different person. Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin - a former guards officer, transferred to serve in the Belogorsk fortress for a duel. He changes his oath and goes to the service of Pugachev, although he deeply despises both the people and the leader himself. For him, there are no concepts of "honor", "duty", "oath"; it is important for him to save his life in any way. Shvabrin betrays the duty of an officer. And he most likely courted Masha Mironova because of the boredom of garrison life. Rejected, he is full of a thirst for revenge and tries in every way to denigrate Masha.

    Grinev, communicating with Pugachev, understands that he is not just a rebel, but a man with his own principles, with a sense of duty and honor. “Debt in payment is red,” says Pugachev. Appreciating the kindness and courage of Grinev, the impostor cannot hang him. "Execute so execute, favor so favor." He does not see an enemy in Grinev. Subsequently, Pugachev will help Peter and punish Shvabrin.

    For us, as for A. S. Pushkin, the uprising led by Pugachev is history. But the choice remains eternal: honor or dishonor, duty or irresponsibility.

    Exciting experiences about their own courses, training, their own educational presentation works were left behind ...

    It was time to get down to business, for the sake of which, in fact, everything was started!

    On the one hand, I wanted to try as soon as possible how everything would turn out in the realities of the school educational process.

    On the other hand, there were fears (and suddenly! ..): whether my eighth-graders will be able to do it is difficult! Will the study of one of the favorite works of schoolchildren be deep enough?

    So the end of the first quarter was approaching, my doubts did not subside. Tomorrow is the last lesson of the first quarter. There is nowhere to put it off!

    Decided! I announce in the lesson how we will study the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Along the way, I specify the number of guys who have computers at home (14 computers for 26 people). To study the work according to the program, 8 hours are allotted.

    I warn you about the mandatory full reading of the work.

    At the first lesson after the holidays - a conversation on the story: I find out how completely I read it, how it was comprehended, what caused difficulties, whether the author's idea was clear.

    Together we formulate the main problems of the work, write it down, propose to think over the questions again at home and decide on what problem you would like to work on and try to find like-minded people in the class.

    So far so good. The story has been read. I am glad that the agreement has been fulfilled. You can start.

    The next lesson is brainstorming, group work.

    Three groups decided without my help.

    I help three more groups to organize themselves, they are already coping with the topic themselves.

    I introduce the guys to the features of the project: a problematic issue, a fundamental one, a hypothesis ... They follow me boldly. (I think it was harder!)

    They are actively taken to work - writing a presentation script. Call today is clearly out of place!

    The next stage is more difficult. I'm going to the computer room. Each group has two computers. Only six girls know how to use Power Point.

    Brief consultation. Waiting in the eyes: which button to press! And now there is a heated debate about the background, font - slide design.

    Again, I'm surprised how quickly the guys get up to speed. Noisy, really! So my girls are already at work, helping.

    Lots of questions about the program. "Yeah, I see!" - the most "spoken" phrase today. And many, many experiments!

    On monitors - a variety of colors. Letters and words fall, fall like peas, crawl out, rush around the screens!

    Two groups, not succumbing to the temptation of experimentation, quite confidently type texts on slides. Someone is typing so far only the titles to the slides.

    The pace of work is not the same. You can see who is typing at a good speed, and who is typing one letter at a time.

    In the next two lessons, we also work in the computer science classroom. But the work went more productively.

    The groups have assigned responsibilities. Who dictates, who types. It turns out that illustrations can be added. Someone is already scanning with the help of a laboratory assistant, someone else is conferring with the group whether the ones they have chosen will fit.

    The first and fifth groups explore the problem of whether it is easy to live according to the laws of honor. Suddenly, a discussion arises within the first group.

    It turns out that the hypothesis formulated by the group that it is easy to live according to the laws of honor is very problematic to prove.

    They come to the conclusion that it is still very difficult to remain honest in all situations. For the soul, they say, it's easy!

    The happiness of Peter Grinev follows from his actions. Shvabrin's punishment too.

    The third group cannot unambiguously answer the question of who Emelyan Pugachev is.

    Villain, robber? Or a savior people's protector? Or does it have both at the same time? How to be?

    So the guys learn to listen to each other, defend their point of view, take into account the views of other people, cooperate and work in a team.

    The second group is looking for evidence that Pyotr Grinev and Shvabrin could never have become friends.

    I do not interfere with arguing, I try not to interfere - there is a creative process! I help when help is asked. Oh, what are they going to do!

    The fourth and sixth groups (only girls here) are busy exploring whether the love of Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev is a real feeling.

    One group seeks evidence by quoting from the text, the other tries to explain their point of view by citing their own conclusions based on the text, formulating and discussing each sentence.

    Both groups agree on one thing: the love of the heroes is certainly real, since both Masha and Peter withstood all the trials that fell to their lot and proved the strength of their feelings.

    Two, Seryozha and Alyosha, are working on the creation of the booklet " Historical basis stories" in Publisher.

    On their table I see a history textbook, a book by V.I. Buganov "Emelyan Pugachev".

    I see how confidently the guys navigate the Power Point program. Some work with animations. (I thought that we would not get to this the first time!)

    There was also a need for home revision of presentations. Volumes are different. Some have everything on floppy disks, others only on disks.

    Curious to see what the neighbors get! And again for the cause, in full confidence that "ours" is better!

    We agree on the protection of the created presentations.

    It is a collective matter, some represent, other members of the group help answer the questions that may have arisen from the guys from other groups.

    I ask everyone to be attentive and friendly to each other.

    The last step is protecting presentations.

    I'm a little worried myself. I see that the guys are also worried. It's one thing to work, feeling the shoulder of a bandmate, it's quite another to perform in front of the whole audience.

    More guests! (My closest associates). The defense was active.

    Speakers answered questions and were assisted by members of their groups. The second group (leader Alyosha Khlybov) was even applauded.

    Throughout the work, the guys reflected on important moral concepts: duty, honor, conscience, mercy, generosity, love. How do the characters in the story live? What about ourselves?

    Finished project. What did he give my students? I think a lot.

    Firstly, these are new teacher opportunities for developing students' competencies: educational, research, social-personal, communicative; of course, the ability to cooperate and work in a team, organizational, personality-adaptive.

    Secondly, the guys saw the possibilities of using the computer as an assistant in their research work, i.e. for educational purposes.

    Thirdly, the students got acquainted with two new programs for them: Power Point, Publisher, consolidated their skills in working with the Microsoft Word text editor.

    I'm not talking about the lively atmosphere of creativity, interest, enthusiasm, spirit of competition, healthy excitement, everyone's involvement in the collective work!

    After all, sometimes a peer's view of the problem seems clearer and closer.

    And the most important result is the questions of the guys: “And when else? ..”

    A person must understand that the honor given to him must be protected and in no case be overgrown with holes, and for this it is necessary to put a lot of work and work on oneself. Of course, all this is extremely obvious and the concept of preserving one's honor from a young age implies constant self-improvement and the ability to maintain one's honor in society and observe it in every possible way, which accordingly suggests that a person must very stubbornly resist all those people who want to attack your honor.

    This applies not only to men, but also to women, for whom the concept of honor implies, first of all, an appropriate lifestyle leading to her and, of course, monitoring how and what she does in the first place in terms of modesty, honesty and in terms of morality, which by itself, in total, it emphasizes all those features of female honor in the eyes of other people, and male in this respect is radically different despite the nasty cries, it lies primarily in his ability to live by honor and act in such a way that his actions do not run counter to his honor and did not tarnish the honor he kept in the eyes of other people.

    It is worth realizing that before honor was not an empty word, and therefore, if you do not take care of it from a young age, then you can become covered with such a crust of dishonor and shame that you will then have to wish for a very long time to go back and correct your dishonorable deeds of the past tense, and all this will eventually fall very seriously on the shoulders of a person who has done things that are different from the concept of honor. Therefore, from childhood, it is necessary to educate in your children the concept of preserving honor from a young age, and then they will grow up to be good people.