The normal formation and functioning of the reproductive system is impossible without the regulatory influence of hormones. In women, estrogens play the main role, and in men, androgens. Sex hormones are produced in the ovaries or testicles and in the adrenal cortex.

Human androgens

Male hormones androgens are a whole group of biologically active substances with similar properties.

These include:

  • testosterone;
  • androsterone;
  • dehydroepiandrosterone;
  • androstenedione;
  • androstenedione etc.

Testosterone is the strongest androgen. Its active form (dihydrotestosterone) is ten times more effective than other hormones.

The action of androgens

The action of sex hormones can be traced from the moment of intrauterine development and throughout life. In childhood and old age, the concentration of androgens in the blood is the lowest.

Hormones have an effect:

  • on the formation of the external genitalia in the fetus;
  • on the functioning of the reproductive system in adults;
  • on metabolism;
  • to the central nervous system (CNS).

Formation of the reproductive system

During intrauterine development, androgens actively work from 8-13 weeks of pregnancy. If there are few male hormones (as is normal for girls), then the external genital organs develop according to the female type. If there is enough testosterone, then the penis and scrotum form in the fetus.

Androgen dysfunction in boys can lead to:

  • underdevelopment of the genital organs (micropenis);
  • hermaphroditism.

Hermaphrodites in this case have a genetic male sex (X and Y chromosomes), testicles and female external genitalia (labia, clitoris).

secondary sexual characteristics

In adolescents and adults, they contribute to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Testosterone and other androgens:

  • reduce the timbre of the voice;
  • promote hair growth on the face and body;
  • increase the secretion of sweat and its smell;
  • contribute to the formation of the skeleton and skull according to the male type (wide chest, narrow pelvis, pronounced superciliary arches, chin, etc.);
  • increase the size of the prostate gland, penis, testicles;
  • cause darkening of the skin of the nipples and scrotum;
  • can lead to baldness.

Androgen hormones in women

Male hormones are produced in small amounts in the ovaries and adrenal cortex in every woman. An excess of androgens in women leads to a change in appearance and other disorders.

When hyperandrogenism occurs:

  • an increase in the size of the clitoris and labia;
  • partial atrophy of the ovaries, uterus, mammary glands;
  • lack of menstruation or irregular cycle;
  • lack of ovulation and infertility.

If conception did occur, then these hormones can provoke a miscarriage.

In addition, testosterone and its analogues reduce the secretion of glands in the vagina. Lack of natural lubrication leads to pain and discomfort during intercourse.

Testosterone and metabolism

All androgens are anabolic. They enhance the formation of proteins and inhibit their decay. This contributes to an increase in skeletal muscle mass and physical strength.

  • increase the consumption of glucose in cells;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • lower the concentration of total cholesterol and its atherogenic fractions;
  • contribute to the reduction of adipose tissue.

Testosterone and other hormones lead to increased energy expenditure. The need for calories under their action increases significantly. The energy of food is consumed, and not stored in reserve in the form of subcutaneous fat.

Androgens also affect the type of figure. If there are a lot of these substances, then adipose tissue does not form in the areas of the thighs, buttocks, and chest. For men, excess volume in the abdomen is more characteristic.

These hormones are less active against cholesterol than estrogens. Androgens cannot fully protect men from atherosclerosis even at a young age.

CNS and androgens

Testosterone and other androgens affect human behavior. These substances contribute to the manifestations of aggression. In addition, apparently, they are responsible for the formation of mathematical abilities and spatial thinking.

Androgens determine sexual behavior and sexual activity (libido) in men and women. It is these hormones that cause attraction to the opposite sex. Testosterone affects the number and strength of erections.

Normal hormone levels

Androgen levels fluctuate throughout life. The concentration of hormones directly depends on gender.

Thus, testosterone in newborn girls is normally less than 2.15 nmol/l, and in boys it is less than 10.5 nmol/l.

At the age of 9-11 years, androgens in children of both sexes are approximately equal. Further, in girls, this indicator falls within the range of 0.49–1.7 nmol / l, and in boys - up to 27 nmol / l.

In adult women, testosterone is 0.38–1.97 nmol/l, and in men it is 5–30.5 nmol/l.

Male hormone preparations

The lack of male hormones is often the cause of erectile dysfunction and infertility. Androgens have been developed to treat hypogonadism.

These medicines are also used for other purposes:

  • for the treatment of anemia;
  • for the treatment of certain diseases of the female reproductive system (endometriosis, fibroids, breast and ovarian cancer, etc.);
  • to increase bone mineral density (with osteoporosis);
  • in sports like doping.

Hormones in tablets when taken orally are quickly destroyed by liver enzymes. Injections and skin patches contribute to a stable increase in androgen levels. To do this, the gel or patch is applied to the skin daily, and it is enough to do an intramuscular injection once every 2-3 weeks.

The stable form of testosterone is undecanoate. It is this chemical that is not destroyed by the liver for a long time. Tablets (capsules) with this male hormone have been created. Of course, taking such a medicine is much more convenient than other androgens. But the efficacy and safety of testosterone tablets is lower than that of injectable or dermal forms.

Hormones play an important role in the life of every person. Good health, mood, healthy sleep, the presence or absence of excess weight depend on the correct hormonal background. Men suffer from a failure in the work of even one link of the system no less than women. For this reason, testing for hormones is a fairly frequent appointment of doctors. What is such an analysis and what are the standards for deciphering it?

Hormones and their features

Hormones are the basis of the work of all the human body. They affect various types of metabolism: protein, carbohydrate, water-salt, lipid and others.

It is an even hormonal background that is able to ensure the proper functioning of the whole organism and its timely response to various diseases, overwork or stress. Hormones activate the human defenses, and they also contribute to proper rest and recovery.

The genetically determined hormonal background is the cause of the development and maturation of a person, and later his old age and death.

The so-called male-type hormones are present not only in the male body, but also in the female, only in a different quantity. In men, the production of hormones depends on the work of the testicles and adrenal glands.


Analysis for hormones in mennot routinely checked. Such analyzes are prescribed as an additional way to diagnose the disease, in order to obtain a more complete picture.

Such an additional check makes it possible to establish:

1. Presence of infertility.

2. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland.

3. The presence of diabetes.

4. Possible inflammatory processes.

5. Cause of being overweight.

6. Incorrect work of the adrenal glands.

7. Delayed sexual development.

8. cause of skin problems.

Deciphering the analysis of hormones in menwill depend on factors such as age, the presence of concomitant diseases, medication, and the general condition of the patient.

Rules and procedure for taking tests

To was the most faithful, it is recommended to follow some rules:

1. Such tests should be taken on an empty stomach. For this reason, it is best to schedule a visit to the lab in the morning.

2. To avoid hormone surges, it is better to exclude heavy physical exertion for the body.

3. Do not take drugs that affect the hormonal background during the test period. If it is impossible to cancel the appointment, inform the doctor about it.

4. Eliminate alcohol intake the day before visiting the doctor.

5. It is better to stop smoking at least two hours before donating blood.

6. On the eve, give up fatty, fried and heavy foods.

7. Try not to get too upset. Excessive emotional stress can affect the results.

What tests should be taken for hormones for men?

To determine the male hormonal background, a blood test is taken. It is the blood that allows you to determine the work of two (produced by both the testicles and the adrenal glands).

To make a correct picture of the disease, it is possible to prescribe the delivery of the following hormones:

1. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

2. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

3. Testosterone.

4. luteinizing hormone (LH).

5. Prolactin.

6. Estradiol.

7. Progesterone.

8. Sex hormone binding (SHBG).

Any kind of hormone has its function in the male body. Only their correct work allows you to maintain the healthy functioning of the body. A specialist can issue a referral for specific tests based on complaints and symptoms.

Analysis for hormones in men: how to take, rules for taking material

To determine the hormonal background of a man, an analysis of his blood is taken, moreover, from a vein. To take the material, the specialist uses disposable instruments. After extracting the required amount of biological material, it is placed in sterile test tubes. The resulting amount of blood is then sent to the laboratory for diagnosis. It takes 5 to 10 days to get results. The procedure does not cause pain and takes no more than 5 minutes.

Follicle stimulating hormone

Follicle-stimulating hormone is one of the most important hormones in the male body. Its function is the possibility of conceiving a child, and it also affects the level of such an important male hormone as testosterone. A similar analysis is prescribed to exclude infertility. It is a continuation of the study of spermogram. Upon detection of weakly active spermatozoa, a decrease in sexual desire and the possibility of sexual intercourse, a similar study is prescribed.

Normal indicators of this type of analysis are its fluctuations from 1.37 to 13.58 mU. Any deviation from these figures is a negative indicator.


Dihydrotestosterone is a steroid hormone. It ensures normal puberty during the formation of a young man, and is also responsible for a man's ability to have sex. Most of the DHT is produced by the testicles, with the remainder being produced by the adrenal glands.

The age of the patient has a great influence on the indicators of this hormone. So, for boys, the DHT norm is 5-50 pg / ml, for older men - 250-990 pg / ml. By a more mature age, the content of this hormone in the body again noticeably decreases.Any deviation from the normal limits of indicators may indicate the presence of one of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the prostate gland;
  • excessive activity of the sex glands;
  • endocrinological abnormalities;
  • disorders associated with the passage of hormonal treatment;
  • inflammation in the adrenal glands;
  • beginning of andropause.

The lack and excess of DHT content in the body can also be determined by external signs. So, with a lag in the physical development of a teenager, it is recommended to take an analysis for dihydrotestosterone, and if a man develops rapid baldness, it is also possible to diagnose an excess of normal values.


Testosterone is the best known hormone. It plays a significant role in the maturation of a man and his sexual activity. The testicles are responsible for its formation in the body. The main functions of testosterone are:

1. The formation of the male body, its maturation in adolescence.

2. The hormonal background determines men.

3. Affects the metabolic processes of the body.

4. Promotes the release and formation of sperm.

5. It has a great influence on the formation of the muscular corset.

The hormone analysis(normand deviations from it)in mendepends on the following indicators: the patient's age, his lifestyle, the presence of concomitant and chronic diseases, smoking, alcoholism, taking narcotic drugs, sampling methods. A similar analysis is taken in the morning.

The of middle age should be in the range of 345 to 950 ng/dl.

luteinizing hormone

Luteinizing hormone is involved in such an important process as the production of spermatozoa and a sufficient amount of testosterone. This analysis is included in the list of mandatory checks in the presence of any hormonal failure.

The should vary from 2 to 9 mU / l. Deviations can indicate the presence of problems in the body. So, if the numbers are exceeded, inflammation in the pituitary gland may develop, while at low rates - kidney failure.

If there are small indicators, we can talk about violations in the genital area, which can be caused by being overweight, having bad habits, taking medications, and improper development of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.


Prolactin is a hormone that is essential for the female body. It ensures the normal conception, development and delivery of a healthy baby into the world. In the body of a man, prolactin carries other tasks, and deviations in its indicators can cause sexual dysfunction, lack of offspring and other problems.

The hormonal testing for menshould correspond to the following values: 2.5-15 ng/ml. Exceeding the indicators may be evidence of the following problems in the body: changes in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, the development of inflammation in the pituitary gland, inflammation of the thyroid gland, and others. However, the excess of the results does not necessarily indicate negative processes occurring in the body. It can be caused by taking strong medications (such as antidepressants).


Estradiol is a hormone that is more important for the female body than for the male, however, when checking the male hormonal background, this analysis is mandatory. Estradiol is produced in the adrenal zone, but most of it is released from human body fat. Thus, the more overweight a man is, the more likely it is that his body has a reduced testosterone content and an excess of estradiol (a female sex hormone).

The tasks of this hormone in the male body are the regulation of sperm production, metabolic processes, as well as the normalization of the level of blood clotting.

The blood test for hormones in mennormally should be 16-73 pg / ml.

A decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood may be associated with active physical education, smoking, lack of protein foods, as well as an excess of normal levels of prolactin.

To donate blood to determine the level of estradiol, some requirements and tips should be taken into account:

1. Refuse from serious physical exertion for several days before donating blood.

2. Abstain temporarily from all bad habits. This will reduce the chance of incorrect results.

3. Two days before the test, you should not have sexual intercourse.


Progesterone is a universal hormone, no less important for both the male body and the female body. In the representatives of the stronger half, it plays an important role in the process of sperm production, as well as their activity.

The blood test for hormones in men is normalon average varies in the following ranges: 0.35-0.63 nmol / l. With age, the indicators can increase, which can cause the development of diseases.To obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to take the analysis in the morning (preferably in the morning) on ​​an empty stomach.

Binding sex hormones

The binding sex hormones ensure the transport of all hormones throughout the body, including such an important one as testosterone.

The analysis on male hormones in menaverage age should normally be 13-70 nmol / l. For representatives of a more mature age (over 55 years), a decrease in these indicators is typical.

Determination of the state of the thyroid gland

Thyroid hormone analysismen are prescribed in the following cases:

1. When there is doubt about the final diagnosis.

2. To check the effectiveness of treatment and its adjustment.

3. After the operations.

4. Citizens whose place of residence affects the decrease in the level of iodine.

1. The analysis is given on an empty stomach in the morning.

2. A few weeks before the test, it is recommended to stop taking hormonal drugs.

Analyzes to determine the state of the thyroid gland are:

1. Free triiodothyronine (T3).

2. Thyroxine total (T4).

3. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

4. Antibodies to TSH.

Instead of an afterword

Thus, all of the above gives us the idea that. This diagnosis is one of the most important ways to prevent and detect many diseases.

As men age, hormonal changes occur in the body. As a rule, this begins at the age of 35–40, but in each case the process proceeds individually, and the terms may be different, both up and down.

The main male hormone is testosterone, which is responsible for gender, temperament, reproductive function and sexual activity. Starting from the age of 25, the amount of androgen produced gradually decreases, and by the age of 40 its concentration decreases by 25%.

The main symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men are:

  • irritability, aggressiveness;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • hair loss on the head and body;
  • weight gain, deposition of adipose tissue on the abdomen, thighs, chest.

With a significant deficiency of testosterone, the size of the testicles decreases, gynecomastia develops, the figure changes according to the female type.

When are hormonal drugs prescribed?

You can increase testosterone levels with the help of active physical activity, lifestyle changes, proper, balanced nutrition, and the rejection of bad habits. If these methods do not help normalize androgen levels, male hormones are prescribed as replacement therapy.

Medicines are prescribed based on the results of a blood test, examination and questioning of the patient. The doctor selects the dosage and treatment regimen individually for each patient. Indications for taking hormonal drugs may be impotence, weak erection or infertility.

Types of hormonal drugs

Hormones for men used for replacement therapy are available in the form of capsules, injections, patches, subcutaneous implants and gels for external use.

Gel preparations are considered the most effective, they are applied to the skin and provide uniform absorption of the active substance within a short period of time. The disadvantages include local irritation of the epidermis, an allergic reaction and inconvenience while wearing clothes and bathing.

The main advantages of the drug are:

  • no negative effect on the liver;
  • Aromatization of testosterone does not occur;
  • own production of sex hormone is not suppressed;
  • fewer side effects are observed.

The disadvantages include low bioavailability, the need for continuous intake and high cost.

Plaster Androderm

Another tool for hormone replacement therapy is the Androderm body patch. This is a transdermal drug that provides a uniform supply of the hormone to the male body within 24 hours. During treatment, there are no sharp jumps in testosterone levels, the patch does not cause difficulties during use, it has fewer side effects than oral preparations.

The patch is fixed on the shoulders, hips, abdomen or back. The only drawbacks are the possibility of skin irritation, the need for daily replacement, and difficulties during hygiene procedures.

injection therapy

Preparations for intramuscular injections are Nebido and Sustanon-250. The main active ingredient is a testosterone ester, in addition, castor oil is present in the composition of the drug.

An injection of Nebido is done 1 time in 10-14 weeks, Sustanon-250 - once every 3 weeks. The oily substance, entering the body, is gradually released from the reserve depot, maintaining the concentration of testosterone at the required level without sudden jumps. Treatment is carried out under constant monitoring of the concentration of androgen in the blood.

Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor adjusts the dosage, may increase or decrease the interval between injections.

Side effects of hormone replacement therapy

Hormonal drugs for men can cause the following side effects:

  • aggressiveness, nervousness;
  • muscle weakness, fatigue;
  • acne on the face and body;
  • increase in sexual desire;
  • alopecia;

  • adolescents have early puberty;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • suppression of the production of their own hormones;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling of the body;
  • prostate cancer.

To exclude the possibility of developing side effects, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor, strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage of drugs, do a control blood test for testosterone levels every 2 months.


  1. Ivanova N.A. Syndromic pathology, differential diagnosis and pharmacotherapy.
  2. Internal diseases in 2 volumes. Ed. A.I.Martynova M.: GEOTARD, 2004. (UMO stamp)
  3. A guide for emergency physicians. help. Edited by V.A. Mikhailovich, A.G. Miroshnichenko. 3rd edition. St. Petersburg, 2005.
  4. Clinical guidelines. Rheumatology. Ed. E.L. Nasonova- M.: GEOTARD-Media, 2006.
  5. Kugaevskaya A.A. Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension. Tutorial. Yakutsk: YaGU Publishing House. 2007

In what cases are men who want to become dads shown a hormonal examination? Which hormone levels determine male fertility? Aleksey CHEPURIN, urologist-adrologist at the Toast of Family Medicine Centers, talks about how, when, and most importantly, why men should be tested for hormones.

When do men undergo a hormonal examination?

In cases where a couple cannot conceive a baby for more than 12 months, doctors recommend that the spouses undergo examinations. More often, women seek medical help, but it is important to understand that even the presence of a detected pathology in a wife does not exclude the possibility of problems in her husband, which means that both spouses must undergo an examination.

The first analysis that a man who has long dreamed of fatherhood undergoes is a spermogram, which determines the quantity and quality of spermatozoa. In case of unsatisfactory results of the first spermogram, another verification analysis is usually prescribed. If the repeated analysis again shows a reduced sperm count, this is the reason for checking the hormonal status of a man.

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When there are no or very few spermatozoa in two repeated spermograms, it is necessary to start a comprehensive examination, which also includes a study of hormones.

Hormonal causes of infertility

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The main role is played by male sex hormones - androgens. Androgens are formed mainly in the testicles (95-98%), a much smaller part (3-5%) - in the adrenal glands.

Hormonal causes leading to a decrease in the level of total testosterone, and, accordingly, disorders of spermatogenesis, may include diseases / lesions:

    Brain (hypothalamus, pituitary gland) - the so-called secondary hypogonadism, in which very low levels of FSH, LH and total testosterone are observed.

    Testicular - Primary or testicular hypogonadism, in which FSH and LH levels are very high and testosterone levels are low or close to normal.

Thus, the composition of the hormonal analysis will necessarily include testosterone, FSH and LH (and some other hormones, which will be discussed in more detail below). Let's take a closer look at each of these indicators.


The most important male sex hormone (androgen) is testosterone. He is responsible for shaping the appearance of a man: it contributes to the development of the penis and scrotum, participates in the process of sperm formation. Male-type body hair growth and a deep voice are also a gift to men from testosterone. This hormone also increases bone density, burns fat and increases muscle mass by accelerating the synthesis of the protein that makes up muscles. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"responsibility" of testosterone - stimulation of insulin production, regulation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Testosterone is also known to increase sexual desire and stimulate aggressive behavior.

It is not uncommon for high testosterone levels to:

    strong outbreaks of aggression;

    excess hair on the body;

    purulent acne.

Lack of testosterone (hypogonadism) can cause reduced fertility.

Possible symptoms of low testosterone include:



    decrease in muscle mass,

  • dry skin,

    obesity in the abdomen,


The combination of these symptoms and difficulty conceiving is a reason to see a doctor and check your testosterone levels.

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Chief among androgens - testosterone. One of its effects is the maintenance of normal production and maturation of spermatozoa - spermatogenesis. Testosterone in the blood is in several forms: free testosterone, albumin-bound (blood protein) testosterone, and SHBG-bound testosterone (globulin-binding sex steroid or sex-binding steroid). HsPG-bound testosterone is inactive; free testosterone and testosterone bound to albumin are active, they are called bioactive forms of testosterone. The combination of all three forms of testosterone is called total testosterone. The normal level of total testosterone in men is 12-33 nmol / ml. A decrease in the level of total testosterone below 12 nmol / l leads to a condition called hypogonadism.

FSH and LH

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormones play equally important roles in both the female and male reproductive systems. In women, these hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, are responsible for the maturation of follicles and triggering ovulation.

In men, FSH and LH "command" such important processes as testosterone synthesis and spermatogenesis.

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There are two types of cells in the testicles of men: Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. In Leydig cells, the synthesis of male sex hormones occurs, in Sertoli cells - spermatozoa. These processes are regulated by the hormones of the pituitary gland located in the brain: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

    FSH is the main regulator of spermatogenesis, its level in the blood shows whether the function of the testicles is preserved to produce normal spermatozoa.

    LH is the main and only stimulator of testosterone production and secretion in the Leydig cells of the testicles.

What other hormones affect male fertility?

It is important to understand that in the male (as well as in the female) body, all hormones are interconnected, therefore, a significant change in the hormonal status, malfunctions of some organs can have a significant impact on key indicators for male fertility.

We have breasts, PMS and ovulation. On certain days of the month, we turn into demons. Men are also not bored - according to recent research, they also have ... mAnstruation. We have collected everything that is now known about the secret life of their hormones, so that it is easier for you to understand men and, if necessary, adapt to them.

Frame from the movie "007: Skyfall coordinates"

1. How many days are there in a male month?

There are different points of view on this. To be more precise, several cyclic processes are going on simultaneously in the male body. “It takes 72-74 days for a sperm cell to fully mature,” explains French andrologist Sylvien Memoun. “Therefore, a spermogram in reproduction centers is recommended to be done every three months.” But recently another strange pattern has been discovered. American scientists in the 1960s hypothesized that men also have a monthly cycle. Evidence is still being sought. For example, the pharmaceutical concern Bayer recently conducted a study showing that men regularly experience critical days. The reason is hormonal fluctuations that affect both libido and the general condition of your man and his emotions. At this time, he either pouts or gets annoyed over trifles. Scientists believe that the frequency of male tantrums is from 23 to 33 days. There is an opinion that in addition to all of the above, the moon strongly affects his well-being and sexual desire: a man wants his woman in accordance with the monthly cycle with two peaks: the main peak falls on the full moon, and the second on the new moon. In general, it makes sense to start keeping a menstrual calendar. Does the word “menstrual” confuse you in this context? In America, the term manstruation is actively used - you can use it.

Frame from the movie "Junior"

2. Do men have female hormones?

Our nature is paradoxical and... perfect. A man and a woman really complement each other, from a physiological point of view, the myth of Plato about two halves still makes sense - in the female body there are male hormones, the male cannot exist without the female ones. In particular, without estradiol, the most active female hormone, estrogen, which we produce in the ovaries and adrenal glands, and in men - in the testicles, adrenal glands and peripheral tissues. An adult male produces about 40 micrograms of estradiol per day. This hormone, by the way, plays an important role in male fertility. In addition, a man needs female hormones for bone strength. We, on the other hand, need male hormones for healthy bones and muscles, as well as a good sex drive. According to Professor Richard Sharp of the London Center for Reproductive Medicine, the difference between a man and a woman is that the female body converts more testosterone into estrogen than the male body. Women with elevated testosterone levels tend to have a high libido, they are more alert, energetic and proactive, they are more active in achieving career success. But on the other hand, they have to do hair removal much more often - hair grows more actively from testosterone.

Frame from the movie "Nanny"

3. Does Testosterone Grow Muscles?

Oddly enough, no. But the strength of a man's sexual desire depends on testosterone. But it is not at all necessary that a large, muscular, hairy male will be good in bed. A heavy jaw, broad shoulders and muscles are secondary sexual characteristics - the male Y chromosome is responsible for them. The formation of the figure is also influenced by heredity: a tall and courageous father is more likely to be born Schwarzenegger, and not Woody Allen. By the way, Woody Allen's sex life is legendary, and Schwarzenegger is famous mainly for his biceps.

4. What happens to a man during the day?

Do not think that you are the only one who nods until noon, and after dinner you are distracted by all sorts of fantasies, most often indecent ones. In vain they say that men are primitive creatures, they are arranged in much the same way as we are - that is, it is difficult. For example, due to the fact that the secretion of testosterone in men does not occur constantly, but occasionally, the level of this hormone in the blood fluctuates during the day, and very significantly. The maximum level of testosterone is observed between two in the morning and 6 in the morning (which is why they like sex at dawn), the minimum is around one in the afternoon. In women, the peak of sexual desire occurs somewhere around 16:00. True, in men, daily hormonal fluctuations do not affect mood and tone as much as in girls. Or do they just learn to hide it from childhood?

Frame from the movie "Rambo IV"

5. Is it true that the more testosterone a man has, the more aggressive he is?

Not true. This is a myth that scientists have recently definitively refuted. Although in the animal kingdom, males with low blood testosterone usually lose in fights with those with good testosterone, in homo sapiens it is different. The main male hormone affects exclusively libido. Both in men and women. Yes, men are more aggressive by nature, that's a fact. According to statistics, by the age of ten, the average boy is involved in at least one brawl or fight. And only one girl out of five can boast of the same. But this is by no means due to testosterone. “Kind girl” and “hooligan boy” are just role models that society imposes on us and which we unconsciously follow all our lives.

6. Do successful men have a lot of testosterone?

There is some truth in this. Scientists from Harvard have found a direct link between testosterone and the development of the right hemisphere of the brain. In men with high testosterone levels, the left hemisphere was less developed, while the right hemisphere, on the contrary, was better. Therefore, such people have remarkable abilities for spatial-figurative thinking, they are easily given mathematics, architecture, geometry and other sciences, as well as creativity. In men with developed right hemisphere thinking, any incoming information is not just remembered, but immediately rethought and synthesized, producing a new information product. Therefore, among scientists there is an opinion that testosterone is the engine of civilization. It is also often referred to as the "status hormone".

Frame from the film "007: Skyfall coordinates"

7. Why do some men age faster than others?

It's all about the hormones again. Testosterone begins to be produced in the testicles of the fetus-boy in the womb, and the peak of its production falls on the transitional age. Thanks to testosterone, a penis, a beard, a mustache begin to grow in adolescents, a redistribution of subcutaneous fatty tissue according to the male type occurs, the timbre of the voice changes, and finally sexual desire arises. With age, the amount of this hormone gradually decreases, for each man this happens according to an individual genetic program. On average, after the age of 30, testosterone levels drop by 1-2% per year. To keep it normal, it is useful to monitor your weight (in obese men after 30 every year in the blood, testosterone becomes 10-20% less) and have sex more often - training stimulates the production of this hormone.

8. What affects penis size?

Frame from the film "Sex and the City"

Size is a kind of male dowry. The factor is purely genetic. Lottery. If explained scientifically, the size of its penis depends on the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood during an erection. For some, the ability of the cavernous bodies to expand is commendable, as it leads to an increase in the penis three or more times relative to the state of rest. For others, the size may vary quite a bit. The norm is the length in the state of erection from 5 cm (do not cry!), And the average size in the erect state is 13–18 cm. It is believed, by the way, that the penis can grow up to 23–24 years.

9. Is it possible to determine the size by the shape of the nose?

And also by the length of the big toe, the thickness of the thumb on the hand ... Doctors say that all this has nothing to do with it - a person with small palms can have an outstanding sexual anatomy. But we highly recommend paying attention to the size of the car - it is often inversely proportional to the size of the penis.

10. Is it true that hairy men are good in bed?

Frame from the movie "Survivor"

Asians or Indians have practically no body hair - and at the same time they are in no way inferior sexually to Spaniards or Georgians. By the way, according to the French plastic surgeon Catherine de Gusac, with age, men have more body hair, and women have less. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to argue that older men have a greater libido than younger ones.

11. Why does he want more in his youth, and she dreams more?

Neuropsychologist Boris Tsiryulnik explains it this way: “In boys at a transitional age, testosterone levels can jump eighteen times in two to three months. In girls, the process is milder - their testosterone synthesis increases three to four times in two to three years. This is partly why for the fair sex, the romantic aspect of a relationship is just as important as the physical one. And one more thing: when we watch a movie together in the back row of the cinema, we are able to catch the essence of the plot, but the boys are not. Even if it's porn.

12. Why do men grow breasts?

Frame from the movie "Tootsie"

As a rule, an excess of the female hormone estrogen, which affects the mammary glands and feminizes the male figure, is observed in overweight men. Numerous studies have revealed that adipose tissue is a huge endocrine organ that synthesizes many hormones. Including estrogen. Therefore, when a man’s chest causes envy among girls, it’s definitely time for him to see an endocrinologist.

13. Where does sex come from?

From the testicles, which in most men are approximately the same size - about 4 cm in diameter. Smaller options should alert you: this most likely means that your friend is not all right with the level of male hormones. Yes and with libido, perhaps, problems. Removal of one testicle (trauma, tumor) may not affect sexual activity and testosterone levels. (Remember poor Steve from Sex and the City who had testicular cancer and had one of them removed? His girlfriend Miranda, who in turn had "failing ovarian function," got pregnant on the first try!) But in rare cases, the level of male hormones may drop, and in this case, the endocrinologist will help the man. Or, oddly enough, a plastic surgeon who will implant a silicone implant into the scrotum, in shape and size corresponding to the lost testicle. (All pleasure in Russia costs about $800-1000.) There is no need for this, except for the aesthetic, but the increase in self-esteem can miraculously improve his sex life.

Frame from the movie "Commandos"

14. Why don't men have cellulite?

It's simple - they naturally have more developed (that is, denser) muscle tissue, and a man's skin contains more collagen. But with age, if a man does not take care of himself, his muscles become overgrown with fat and disappear. Nature, as you can see, is quite fair.

15. Do men suffer from stress?

Even more! The fact is that the emotional center in the brain is directly connected with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which are responsible for the production of hormones. So, the consequence of a difficult experience can be no less severe hormonal failure. Men over the age of 45 are especially at risk.

16. Will he also have a menopause?

Frame from the movie "Die Hard"

Better not to throw such words, especially in his presence - otherwise he will panic! The so-called “andropause” is not as intense as menopause in women, but it still cannot be avoided. The level of all the same testosterone decreases gradually over the years (after 50 years, it drops in at least 10–20% of the stronger sex), but this process cannot be overlooked. Symptoms: weakening of memory and attention, problems with erection and libido, excessive sweating and fatigue. The most effective therapy is sex and sports. And even better - great love, as in 17 years.