Did you know that roasting coffee affects more than just taste? It directly affects the level of caffeine and the release of essential oils. Therefore, this issue should be considered in more detail, especially for those who love this great drink.

Storage duration

To begin with, green grain is used only when long-term storage is expected. Untreated coffee is stored for up to 2 years, after which it loses its taste properties and benefits for the body. The effect of temperature is a catalyst - an accelerator of a chemical reaction. That is, roasting coffee beans promotes the release of all useful elements and qualities from the product.

Attention! The hype around green coffee is a marketing ploy, because such a product is much cheaper. At the same time, after brewing and tincture, it has practically no useful properties. This is because essential oils, which help to speed up metabolism or remove excess fluid from the body, are released only during the heat treatment of grains. Therefore, the chances of losing weight from green coffee are as high as from ordinary water.

Useful material

Proper roasting of coffee beans provides the content of the drink:

  • vitamins PP, B1, B2;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • gland.

All these trace elements, along with the antioxidants found in essential oils, contribute to the normal functioning of the body. For example, vitamin B1 is simply necessary for the nervous system. And moderate consumption of a drink with the right degree of coffee roasting will improve mood without anxiety.

Types of roasting

It is important to note that not only the degree of coffee roasting, but also its variety affects the taste and aroma of the resulting drink. However, at each stage of this process, you can feel certain flavor nuances. There is a classification according to which 5 main degrees of bean roasting are distinguished:

  • weak (the lightest or Scandinavian) roast;
  • medium roast;
  • medium dark roast;
  • dark roast;
  • darkest roast.

Now let's try to delve into the topic and determine what effect one or another type of coffee bean roasting has on the taste.

light roast

It can also be called: cinnamon, semi-urban, new england. Differs in weak roasting of grains. Color - from golden to cream. The grains have a dry surface, essential oils do not stand out. The tint of taste has a pronounced sourness. Mild saturation.

medium roast

Or American, urban, brown. It has a light brown tint (milk chocolate) and a dry surface. Has a richer flavor. The taste is mixed, bittersweet notes predominate, but there is sourness.

Medium dark

It is also called: Viennese, full city or velveteen. At this degree of roasting, useful essential oils are already released, because the surface of the grain is more shiny, oily. Bitter-sweet notes prevail, the taste is rich, velvety.


Italian, continental, European. This type of roasting is distinguished by a significant degree of oiliness of the surface of the grain and a dark brown color. It has practically no sourness, but a bittersweet taste is pronounced. This option is considered optimal for making classic espresso.


French or Spanish. The grain has a rather dark brown color (close to black), while its surface is very oily. There is no sourness at all in this roasted coffee. At the same time, the bittersweet taste is very rich, one might say, sharp. Such coffee can be used to make latte. When a lot of milk is added to a cup, it is in combination with the richest drink that an excellent result and a delightful fragrant bouquet are obtained.

The roasting temperature can range from 180 to 250 °C. Under the influence of the process of caramelization of the sugar contained in the grains, the latter may crack. This is the norm and is not considered a marriage.

Choosing the perfect coffee

What roast level is best for you? It's up to you to decide. However, it is worth noting that it will be better to invigorate dark-roasted coffee. At the same time, for people with some deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, grains after light processing will be more useful, since the drink has the lowest caffeine content. Also, when choosing, you should pay attention to:

  1. Type of coffee. After all, for example, Robusta is not rich in flavors, but contains more caffeine than Arabica, which means that it will act energetically more efficiently.
  2. Appointment. If you only like espresso or frappe, then a dark roast is perfect. And if you want to drink a large cup of Americano, it is better to use grains with lighter processing. It must be remembered that the taste of coffee depends largely on the degree of roasting.
  3. Expiration date or roast date.

Attention! The last selection criterion is extremely important. After all, the ability to retain the original aroma and taste of grains decreases every day after roasting. Therefore, the freshness of the product is in the first place.

A very important stage before your favorite drink is poured into a cup is coffee roasting, its value can be compared with how grapes ferment when good wine is made from it. Characteristics such as the quality of the bean, its presentation and the degree of coffee roast used are the main features that affect the taste of coffee and aroma.

We are sure that for all lovers of a fragrant and tasty drink, it will be very
it is interesting to understand in more detail the methods used for roasting coffee, because the taste of the finished product directly depends on the technology of processing raw materials.

Picking the right coffee is a time-consuming and must-have
understanding of the labeling on packages, the appearance of coffee beans and other points. When visiting various Internet portals or stores with a large assortment of coffee, it is easy to get confused by the designations on the packages, the decoding of which is not known to everyone. You can use the help of a specialist or independently get acquainted with the information on the preparation of coffee raw materials - these are varieties, roasting, grinding coffee.

Before getting a cup to us, coffee goes through a preparatory stage. Before
ground, the coffee beans must be properly roasted. Due to different methods of heat treatment, a tandem of various flavor shades and aromas has become available to us, and it is they that affect the taste of coffee. The next step is to select the right coffee for your taste.


After complete heat treatment of coffee beans, their color changes, and in some cases their size. There is no generally accepted classification of the degree of roasting of coffee raw materials. Therefore, any country can use
own gradient values ​​indicating the types of coffee roasting used. This is interesting information, we will consider it in this section.

Perhaps the most common designation method used is a scale, numbered from 1 to 5, which can be seen on any packaging of natural coffee. Sometimes, indicating the types of coffee roasting, the following names are used:

  • viennese roast;
  • French;
  • Italian;
  • Scandinavian;
  • American;
  • cinnamon;
  • urban.

Before undergoing heat treatment, the skin of coffee beans has a smooth structure and
has a dull olive tint. At the end of roasting, the color changes dramatically, it can be used to visually determine the degree of roasting of coffee beans and, therefore, what taste will prevail in the finished drink.

Viennese coffee roasting- with it, the grains also become a bright brown hue with a surface covered with an oil film. During the roasting process, smoke comes from the coffee beans, and they "shoot". The finished drink has a slight acidity and a slightly sweet taste. The remnants of the aroma are still perceptible, but the bitter notes are already present. Quite often, beans that have undergone Viennese roasting are used to make espresso coffee.

French coffee roast- perhaps the most common and popular methods of making coffee. French roasting coffee gives the beans a kind of shine, and the drink becomes a rich brown color. Roasting is carried out at the end of the "second crack" - click. Freshly brewed coffee has the full flavor of well-processed beans and has a thick texture.

Italian coffee roasting- implies the highest degree of temperature effect on the grains, as a result of which the grains become almost black in color. In the process of strong roasting of coffee, the most valuable oil compositions and the unique aroma of the drink are lost. That, however, does not detract from its merits in the preparation of various coffee drinks.

When to use Scandinavian way of roasting, the grains swell and acquire
light brown color. The finished drink has a strong and at the same time light coffee aroma, pleasant taste.

American coffee roast- if we are talking about the types of coffee roasting, then this is the fastest way. The heat treatment of coffee beans is considered complete after the “first crack” - (a soft click, which is typical after the evaporation of gases). During the roasting process, the grain becomes visually larger and acquires a deep brown color, the stage of sugar decomposition turns into crystallization, characterized by a rather strong acidity.

Cinnamon or, as it is also called "light" roast is a thermal process in which coffee beans are processed to “one first click”. Roasted coffee beans become light brown with a matte tint, but their structure becomes dry and does not have a glossy sheen. In the finished freshly brewed drink, there is a refined taste of coffee with a tart shade and a slightly noticeable, pleasant sourness.

Urban "medium" coffee roast involves heat treatment of grains up to
acquiring a rich brown color. When using this type
roasting, oils are released to the surface, which give a glossy appearance to the roasted beans. With a medium roast, most of the natural, natural characteristics of the drink are well preserved - this is an expressive aroma, "caramel" sweetness and a long caressingly pleasant aftertaste.

Roasting degree of the coffee beans

On coffee beans, their color, shades of aroma, indicators of availability in the finished
The product of essential oils directly affects the degree of coffee roasting. The used values ​​of the degree of roasting of the beans, we can see on the packaging or determine visually if we buy coffee by weight:

  • weak "light" degree of roasting;
  • medium degree of roast;
  • strong or "dark" degree of roast.

INFLUENCE OF Roast Degree on Coffee Strength

The strength of coffee does not depend on its level of roasting. Darker bean roast
determines only a lower content of guaranine (caffeine). For example, light roasted coffee beans contain 1.37% guaranine, while dark roasted coffee beans contain 1.31%. You yourself can adjust the strength of coffee according to your desire or mood, the amount of water or the amount of raw materials.

The strength of coffee depends on factors such as:

  • The ratio of the amount of water and coffee;
  • Type of grinding coffee beans;
  • Preferred method of preparing the drink.

As a result, the same type of coffee, depending on the degree of exposure
These factors may have varying strength.

The average degree of roasting coffee gives a richer color, with bitter
aftertaste. For a medium roast, a “second click” sound is characteristic.
The coffee beans separate the essential oils and caramelize the sugar.

A strong degree of roasting - the taste of coffee with it has a characteristic bitterness with a nutty-chocolate aftertaste. The finished product is saturated with natural aroma, and the caffeine scale is at a high level. The grains acquire a dark brown color. A coffee drink made from such raw materials will have not only a deeply rich taste, but also an aroma.

But the highest degree of roasting of grains is used quite rarely. Such roasting evaporates almost all the moisture contained in the grain, due to which their solid consistency becomes thinner. Brewed coffee from such grains will be strong, with a bright and eye-catching taste. However, there are quite a lot of lovers of such coffee, it “invigorates” well.


Let's look at another type that classifies coffee roasting. It depends on the technologies used. We will describe it for a more complete picture characterizing such a stage in the processing of raw materials as coffee roasting. Today, enterprises use the following technological types of processing and roasting:

HEAT FRYING. In this roasting method, a specialized mechanism is used, which is equipped with a huge drum, it can hold up to two tons of raw materials. During continuous rotation, it receives air heated to 200 ° C. Due to this technology, coffee beans are evenly roasted, evaporating any third-party impurities.

DIELECTRIC COFFEE Roasting. The process itself is similar to the formulation of the problem for microwave ovens: exposure to superfrequency waves helps to roast coffee inside. The thermal effect on grains is reduced as much as possible. As a result, the ground raw materials will have a uniform taste. This is the most practical type of heat treatment of the product.

INFRARED HEAT TREATMENT. This method involves the use
programmed machine that maintains the set temperature.
The result of such processing is a significant "blowing" of grains in
volume. In the process, complete combustion of foreign impurities occurs.


Not yet roasted, green coffee beans have a weak taste, almost without
aroma. In the process of roasting coffee beans, they are fermented, due to
which releases the essential oils contained in coffee and activates other processes that help to release other substances present in this drink. All of them affect the taste, aroma, and effect of coffee.

The roasting process releases more than 400 carbon
substances that are collectively known as coffeeols. This compound is volatile
components and gives the drink a characteristic, familiar aroma of coffee. Due to enzymatic hydrolysis, the fiber contained in the grains is destroyed, the glucose content decreases, and tannins are destroyed in parallel.

It is significant that the process of roasting coffee beans does not destroy
vitamin B. Roasting time also matters. These indicators depend on
the amount of caffeine in the finished product. The longer this process takes, the less
caffeine, and, accordingly, more pronounced bitterness in the drink.

The process of roasting coffee is not the final stage in the preparation of finished raw materials. After exposing the coffee beans to high temperatures, they are cooled by a stream of cold air. Then the grains lie for a certain time according to the technology, and only after its expiration they become suitable for consumption in the form we are used to.

WHAT IS IT GOOD TO KNOW ABOUT Roasting Coffee Beans?

Every coffee connoisseur, whether professional or amateur, can freely
experiment with this drink using different combinations of preparation or roasting, while drastically changing the taste of the same type of coffee.

Weak degree of roasting exhibits sour notes of the finished drink. Its strength will not be high, but the smell and taste of coffee will become delicate and delicious.

medium roast gives more opportunities to cook and invent
interesting recipes and various combinations of coffee that will make the coffee product even more sophisticated and interesting.

Strong coffee roast will give the drink density, strength and dark
shade. Due to the highest degree of heat treatment of grains - "Italian
roasting", it is easy to achieve the perfect espresso, which has a dense
texture and has a strong taste and invigorating effect.

Roasting coffee at home

And this, I'm sure will be of interest to many. After all, roasting coffee can be
applied at home. And you do not even need to purchase special equipment. You can perfectly use such kitchen utensils as:

  • cast iron skillet with a thick bottom;
  • conventional oven.

Then you should know that the pan should only be used for frying.
coffee beans, because they absorb any foreign odors well and quickly. At the preparatory stage, raw coffee beans are washed and then well
dry. Only then coffee is poured into the pan in a thick layer.

It is desirable that the heating temperature of the product should be at least 200
degrees. The beans must be constantly stirred to achieve a perfect all-round roast. In the process, you will be able to hear clicks, as well as observe the color changes of the product yourself - the lighter it is, the softer the taste will be.

Fans of strong espresso coffee should wait until the grains darken to
darker brown. This method of roasting coffee beans will give the drink a characteristic bitterness and a pronounced intense taste.

The coffee is also roasted in the oven. This method of roasting at home is even a little easier, because in the oven you have the opportunity to set a stable temperature and calmly roast the coffee beans to the extent that you need.

After roasting the coffee in the way you have chosen, the beans should cool in
sealed container. For the first 8-10 hours, leave the lid slightly ajar. This will remove all excess gases from the coffee beans. After about a day, you can pour the grains into an airtight container for storage, then the grains can already be ground and brew your favorite, freshly ground, tasty and aromatic coffee.

The quality of the prepared coffee drink depends not only on the origin and variety of beans used. Coffee roasting is important. Heat treatment methods differ in the mode and degree of exposure to high temperatures. In order to choose a product that exactly matches taste preferences, it is extremely important to learn how to distinguish between them.

Unroasted grains have a barely perceptible smell. Their taste is weak. Therefore, they are subjected to heat treatment. Roasting green coffee provokes a kind of fermentation, due to which essential oils are released. In addition, a number of other processes occur that provoke an increase in the concentration of some components and the release of others.

High temperatures contribute to the release of about four hundred substances. Their mixture is called "coffee". It is she who gives the drink a rich aroma. In addition, roasting coffee beans contributes to the destruction of fiber, tannins and lowering the concentration of glucose.

It is also worth noting that the amount of caffeine depends on the degree of exposure to temperatures. There is much less alkaloid in black coffee than in the one made from the raw product.

Types of roasting coffee beans

There are several types of coffee roasting. Depending on the type of processing of the product, its taste, aroma and properties will change. This must be taken into account when choosing a coffee drink.


The method of cinnamon roasting of grains involves a short exposure to temperatures. The product is processed literally to the first click. It acquires a light brown tint, but the surface remains matte.

The drink is characterized by refined taste and high acidity. As a rule, inexpensive varieties are used. Light roast coffee is suitable for brewing directly in the cup and cooking in a cezve. It is recommended to add milk to it. Due to this, it becomes even more tender.


The technology, which is also called Medium, involves roasting the fruits until they acquire a light brown hue. They continue to be colorful. The color is uneven, and the surface remains matte.

The acidity is no longer as high as in the case of cinnamon roast. There is sweetness in the aroma. A short exposure to temperature helps to emphasize the characteristics of certain varieties. Such coffee at home can be prepared in a French press, a Turk, as well as a drip method.


During the roasting process, the coffee turns brown. The surface becomes slightly oily, with a slightly noticeable gloss. The drink has a characteristic coffee aroma and natural taste. It caramelizes and acquires notes of burnt sugar.

The product is used to make espresso. It can be prepared in a French press, coffee machine and Turk.

Full urban

The thermal process lasts until the second click. The grains acquire a dark brown color, become more glossy. At the same time, sweetness is reduced, and notes of chocolate are present in the aroma. There is a more intense taste with a slight bitterness. The product of this roasting is suitable for making espresso in a coffee machine.


Viennese coffee roasting allows you to give the product a dark brown hue. The surface becomes glossy, much more oily. During the heat treatment, the grains gradually begin to smoke.

Dark roast coffee is characterized by the almost complete absence of acidity. Sweetness is retained to a small extent. The aroma is bright and rich. Natural flavors are barely perceptible. A characteristic bitterness appears, but it is poorly captured.


The technology developed in France is called the heart of the dark roast. She is the most popular. The grains become brown and shiny. Heat treatment stops at the end of the second click. French roasted coffee is thick and rich. It has a special sophistication, sophistication.


Roasting is carried out until the grains acquire an almost black hue. They become quite brittle. Almost nothing remains of the natural taste. Italian roasting of coffee allows you to give the product a special bitterness and a pronounced aroma. Often, low-quality varieties are masked by using this technology. Therefore, when buying, you need to be especially careful.


During this roasting, the product acquires a black tint. The surface becomes oily, glossy. The smell of the drink is similar to charcoal. That's pretty much what it tastes like. Arabica coffee, processed according to Spanish technology, is not to everyone's taste. This product is for everyone.

How does coffee roast affect flavor?

There is an opinion that the strength of coffee depends on the degree of roasting. In fact, heat treatment does not affect this indicator. Due to the influence of temperatures, it is possible to change the taste, the concentration of caffeine. Unroasted coffee practically does not emit a smell, has a weak taste. As a result of heat treatment, the drink acquires other characteristics. Pronounced coffee notes, a special aroma and color appear in it.


Light roasted coffee comes in several varieties. The first degree implies a very short exposure to temperatures. The grains just have time to swell. They have a slight smell of yeast. Freshly roasted coffee is not strong, it has a partial inclusion of coffee flavor and citrus and berry sourness.

At the second degree of roasting, the product acquires a brighter aroma. At the same time, the sourness does not disappear, but sweetness is already beginning to appear. The third degree of heat treatment helps to give the drink brighter sweet notes. The coffee aroma is revealed. Bitterness is not observed yet.


This way of roasting coffee allows you to create the perfect balance between unobtrusive sourness and bitterness that appears. The drink is rich, bright. It has pleasant caramel notes and a long aftertaste.

Depending on the variety, other flavors may appear, which are not felt in the case of a shorter heat treatment.


With this degree of roasting, the coffee beans are characterized by the appearance of characteristic bitterness, as well as sweet chocolate and nutty notes. The drink is thick and rich. It has caramel shades, a taste of burnt sugar and charcoal, and the presence of haze. The taste is specific, not everyone likes it. However, there are many adherents of this technology. With a shorter heat treatment, the product does not acquire such taste characteristics.

Grains that have been exposed to high temperatures differ significantly in taste from the raw product. Depending on the chosen technology and the duration of the process, the drink changes its characteristics. It shows sourness, sweetness and bitterness. Knowing how the fruits were fried, you will be able to choose those that will definitely appeal to you.

Coffee roasting is a technological operation, the value of which is comparable to the process of fermentation of grape juice, at the time of wine maturation. Characteristics such as the quality of the grain, its presentation and the degree of coffee roast used are the main features that affect the taste of this raw material.

For true admirers of the aromatic drink, it makes sense to understand in more detail the methods of coffee roasting used, because the taste of the finished product directly depends on the raw material processing technology.

Choosing an original and tasty drink is not an easy task. When visiting Internet portals or stores with a large assortment of coffee, it is easy to get confused by the designations on the packages, the decoding of which is not known to everyone. You can take the help of a specialist or independently study more detailed information about the preparation of coffee raw materials.

Before getting a cup to us, coffee goes through a preparatory stage. Before crushing, raw materials must undergo proper heat treatment. Due to different roasting methods, a tandem of interesting flavors and aromas has become available, which determine the main taste of the drink. Based on personal preferences, a suitable coffee is selected.

Roasting and its types

Ultimately, after the heat treatment of the grains, there is a change in their color, and in some cases, their size. There is no generally accepted classification of the degree of roasting of coffee raw materials. Therefore, any country can use its own gradient values.

The most common designation method used is a scale, numbered from 1 to 5. Sometimes, the following names are used to indicate the degree of heat treatment of raw materials:

  • French;
  • Italian;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Viennese;
  • American;
  • cinnamon;
  • urban.

Before undergoing heat treatment, the skin of coffee beans has a smooth structure and has a dull olive tint. At the end of roasting, the color changes dramatically.

french roast It is one of the most popular coffee brewing methods. As a result, the grains acquire gloss, and the drink becomes a rich brown color. Roasting is carried out at the end of the "second crack" (lumbago). The drink has a rich taste, which is inherent in well-processed grains, and has a thick texture.

Italian roast assumes the highest degree of thermal impact on the grains, as a result of which the grains become almost black in color. In the process of strong roasting of coffee, the most valuable oil compositions and the unique aroma of the drink are lost.

Applying scandinavian way of roasting, grains swell and acquire a light brown tone.

During the Viennese coffee roasting , the grains also become bright brown with an oil film on the surface. During the roasting process, smoke comes from the coffee beans, and they "shoot". The grain drink has a slight acidity and a slightly sweet taste. The remnants of the aroma are still perceptible, but the bitter notes are already present. Quite often, raw materials that lend themselves to Vienna roasting are used to make espresso.

American roast - This is one of the fastest types of heat treatment of coffee beans. Processing is considered completed after the first crack (a low lumbago, which is typical after the evaporation of gases). In the process of cooking, the grain becomes visually larger and acquires a deep brown color, the stage of sugar decomposition turns into crystallization, the acid is at its maximum.

Cinnamon (light) roast is a thermal process in which coffee beans are processed to the “first click”. The product acquires a matte light brown tint, its structure becomes dry and does not have a glossy sheen. There is a refined taste with a sour and tart tinge.

City (medium) bean roast involves heat treatment of raw materials to a rich brown color, while oils are released on the surface, which create a glossy effect. Most of the natural characteristics of the drink are preserved here: the sweetness of caramel with a penetrating aroma.

Types of roasted coffee beans

The color range of beans, the subtlety of aromatic notes and the quantitative indicators of essential oils are predetermined by the degree of roasting of coffee beans. Roast levels used:

  • weak (light);
  • average;
  • strong (dark)

Light roasting does not allow the raw material to be saturated with a sharp aroma and acquire a deep color during the cooking process. Due to the short time of exposure to high temperature, the grains do not evaporate essential oils, and the redox reaction does not occur. The raw material has a creamy brown color.

The average degree of roast already has a more nourished shade, with a bitter aftertaste. For the average level of heat treatment, the sound of a secondary crack is characteristic. Grains separate essential oils and caramelization of sugar occurs.
Strong roasting is notes of bitterness, with a nutty-chocolate aftertaste.

The finished product is saturated with natural aroma, and the caffeine scale is at a high level. The grains acquire a dark brown color. A coffee drink made from such raw materials will have not only a deeply rich taste, but also an aroma.

The highest degree of heat treatment of grains is not often used. Such roasting evaporates almost all the moisture contained in the grains, due to which their firm consistency becomes thinner. Coffee from such raw materials will be strong, with a pronounced sharp taste.

Is there a relationship between coffee strength and roasting?

The strength of the coffee is independent of its roast level. The darker roasting of the beans determines only the lower content of guaranine (caffeine). For example, coffee beans processed to a light shade contain 1.37% guaranine, dark - 1.31%.
The strength of coffee depends on the following factors:

  1. Ratio of water to coffee
  2. Type of grinding coffee beans.
  3. Preferred beverage preparation method

As a result, the same type of coffee, depending on the degree of influence of these factors, may differ in strength.

Coffee roasting: technology types and methods

There is another subspecies that classifies coffee roasting. It depends on the technologies used. Today, enterprises use the following technological processing methods:

  • DIELECTRIC COFFEE Roasting . The process itself is similar to the formulation of the problem for microwave ovens: exposure to superfrequency waves helps to roast coffee inside. The thermal effect on grains is reduced as much as possible. As a result, the ground raw materials will have a uniform taste. This is the most practical type of heat treatment of the product.
  • HEAT FRYING. This method uses a specialized mechanism, which is equipped with a huge drum that can hold up to two tons of raw materials. During continuous rotation, it receives air heated to 200 ° C. Due to this technology, the grains are evenly roasted, evaporating any third-party impurities.
  • INFRARED HEAT TREATMENT. This method involves the use of a programmed machine that maintains a given temperature. The result of such processing is a significant "blowing" of the grains in the volume. In the process, complete combustion of foreign impurities occurs.

What happens to beans during the roasting process?

Green unroasted coffee beans have a weak taste, almost no aroma. Due to the roasting of the beans, the fermentation of the raw materials occurs, which leads to the release of essential oils, as well as the activation of many processes that help to highlight the elements characteristic of this drink.

For example, the roasting process activates the release of more than 400 carbon-containing substances, collectively known as coffeeols. Such a tandem of volatile components provides the flavor characteristic of the drink. Due to enzymatic hydrolysis, the fiber contained in the grain is destroyed, the level of glucose is reduced, and tannins are also destroyed.

The main one is the fact that the process of roasting beans does not destroy vitamin B.
Roasting time also matters. The amount of caffeine in the finished product depends on these indicators. The longer this process, the less caffeine, and, accordingly, the more pronounced bitterness in the drink.

The roasting process is not the last stage in the preparation of finished raw materials. After exposing the grains to high temperatures, they are cooled by a stream of cold air. Further, the raw material lies for a certain time and only after the required time has elapsed it is suitable for use.

What you need to know about roasting coffee beans

Coffee connoisseurs, whether professional or amateur, can experiment with this drink using different combinations of preparation or roasting, while drastically changing the taste of the same type of coffee.

For example, a low roast will bring out the sour notes of the drink. Its strength will not be high, but the smell and taste will become exquisite. Medium roast will help create interesting recipes, as well as combinations that will make the coffee product even more refined.

Strong roasting will give the drink density, strength and a dark shade. Due to the highest degree of heat treatment of grains (Italian roast), you can achieve the perfect espresso, which has a dense texture and has a strong, invigorating taste.

Roasting with special devices

Coffee roasting can also be used at home. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment. You can use the following kitchen utensils:

  • cast iron pan with a thick bottom;
  • oven

It should be borne in mind that the pan should only be used for roasting coffee beans, because the raw material absorbs various odors well. At the preparatory stage, raw grains are washed and then dried. Then coffee is poured into the heated pan in a thick layer.

The heating temperature of the product must be at least 200 °C. The beans must be constantly stirred to achieve a perfect all-round roast. In the process, you will hear clicks, as well as visualize changes in the color of the product - the lighter it is, the softer the taste will be.

For lovers of strong espresso, it is worth waiting for the beans to darken to brown. This method of roasting the beans will give the drink a pronounced intense taste, with bitterness.

In a similar way, grains are processed in the oven. This method is a little easier because it is possible to set a stable temperature regime.

After roasting, the selected method, the raw material must cool in an airtight container. The first 10 hours, the lid should be ajar. In this way, excess gases will leave the grains. Grinding coffee can be done at the end of the day.

Video: coffee roasting

In this case, the degree and type of roasting plays a very important role. The taste and aroma of the finished drink directly depends on this.

Now we will figure out what degrees and types of roasting coffee beans exist, and learn how to choose between them.

What is this process?

After growing and harvesting coffee berries, they must be processed. To do this, they are cleaned, subjected to primary sorting. After that, you need to move on to frying. Heat treatment takes place at high temperature. The duration of roasting directly depends on the taste.

There is a generally accepted classification of degrees of roasting - on a ten-point scale. 1 is the weakest, 10 is the strongest. Each of them has its own characteristic features. Numerical markings can be seen on the packaging.

Roast levels of coffee beans

With the help of special devices - roadsters, the grains undergo a heat treatment process.

light roast

The easiest stages.

First degree

Also called Scandinavian roast. The name "brown" is also common.

Here is the minimum temperature and the degree of impact on the grain. It manages to "grab" quite a bit. At the same time, aromatic qualities are practically not revealed (see). There is a slight increase in volume, the appearance of a characteristic yeast odor.

There is clearly a burnt aftertaste. The structure is very dense. Caramel notes on the palate.

Supreme roast

Also called Cuban, Spanish, Mexican.

Moisture is completely evaporated from the grains, they become very fragile. The color is almost black. Aromatic oils are in the pyrolysis stage.

The taste of the drink is very bitter, with an unpleasant burnt aftertaste. High fortress. Because of these features, it is rarely used in its pure form. Most often it goes as an additive to the blend, to give it a full taste.

Italian roast

This is a popular roast for varieties used in.

At the stage of strong roasting, the grains are sprayed with a jet of compressed air, which leads to their rapid cooling. This technique allows you to even more reveal the taste. As the name suggests, coffees roasted in this way are used to make espresso coffee.

What affects the roast level of coffee?

Direct influence on the taste of coffee, the density of its structure, aromatic characteristics. Certain coffee recipes require the use of certain coffee varieties, the right degree of roast.

  • When choosing coffee beans, be guided by what kind of drink you want to end up with. If you like strong, bitter coffee - pay attention to strong roasting. Look for markings from 7 to 10 on the packages.
  • It is best to use a medium roast. Here, the taste qualities are revealed almost completely, there is no unpleasant aftertaste and aroma. Good for most cooking methods.
  • In the event that you like a weak drink, your choice is a light roast.

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