Vladimir Zaitsev

The nightingales sang over the Donbass,
The winds blew with the smell of wormwood.
Like an eternal explanation in love
To your steppes, spacious and epic.

Donbass is my Fatherland, Donbass!
You have been tested for centuries on a fortress!
You showed your power more than once
The warmth of coal, the elastic brilliance of steel!

There are many beauties in the other regions,
But this region is dearer to us than all of them!
We are from Donbass, we are such a people,
Who will master everything and can do everything!

Donbass! My Fatherland is Donbass!
Mighty land of my native state!
For centuries this layer will not become scarce
Working Honor, Courage and Glory!

"My Donetsk region, my life ... My heart."

in the poems of poets-countrymen.

A great feeling of patriotism begins with love for one's land, one's city. Studying the past of their region, creating museums and expositions, local historians enrich and preserve national traditions. This work brings up love for the native land, forms in younger generation a sense of pride that our region is rich in important historical figures and most importantly - hardworking and talented people.

A reading competition dedicated to the poets of the Donetsk region was held in Amvrosievskaya school No. 4 as part of the month of patriotic education. Under the guidance of literature teachers Sobchuk L.A., Serdyuk L.I., Shirokolav V.G. students of grades 6-9 prepared excerpts from prose works and poems of poets of Donbass.

Merciless, Kostyria, Rybalko, Plyatskovsky, Gorbatov, Shutov…

And how many brilliant lines were signed by these names! Where did these terms come from and where do they go, leaving a mark on our souls? This is a great riddle, which, however, no one wants to solve - just some want to write poetry and prose, while others want to read them and find a response to their feelings in them.

The author of the famous lines “Donbass was never forced to its knees and no one was given to put it on its knees” Pavel Ivanov (Merciless- a pseudonym, which later became a surname - he stigmatized bourgeois in poems very harshly) was born in the Smolensk province. Then the family moved to our region. He published the collections “Stone Book”, “Mountain Flame”, “Cranes Are Flying Over the Mine”, “Miner's Poems”, “Donetsk Spaces” ... He helped a lot - both with advice and deed - to novice writers. Streets in Gorlovka and Donetsk are named after the famous countryman.

Yenakiyevets Mikhail Plyatskovsky at one time he worked in the local factory newspaper "For Metal". Described beauty native land, romanticized the work of the steel plant. And even then, the author of the future hits "Lada", "The roof of your house", "Mother's eyes", "In two winters", tried to sing his poems. Then he left to conquer Moscow. And conquered the entire Union.

Ivan Sergeevich Kostyria created his main works on Donetsk land. For eight years he worked as a doctor in Gorlovka, first as a pediatrician, then as a child psychiatrist. Finally, he plunged headlong into creativity. He gave us "The Tale of the Solar Brothers", "How the Beasts Gained Wit". And, of course, “Thoughts about Donbass”, where legends, miner's tales were intricately intertwined, there were real facts. It was Kostyria who initiated the letter to scientists, which resulted in the assignment of the name Donbass to the minor planet No. 19916, discovered in 1976.

Poet and prose writer, defender of Leningrad from invaders, and our heroes from oblivion, honorary citizen of Donetsk. All this - Viktor Shutov. He left us a rich legacy: collections of poems, novels, books for children, stories, essays about Donetsk. And, of course, songs about our region - "Lyrical Miner", "City of Blue Spoils", "Beloved Donbass", "Saur-Mogila". Thanks to his perseverance, fighting character, thirst for justice, the books "Death Faced", "Ordinary Undergrounds" and others appeared, revealing the truth about the activities of the Donetsk underground during the years of occupation. A street in Donetsk is named after Shutov, as well as a literary prize.

A front-line soldier who received three orders of the Red Star and lost his sight after being wounded in February 1945 at the Oder bridgehead - Nikolay Rybalko. Starting in the 1950s, he published 25 collections of poetry, becoming in 1968 the laureate of the Republican Komsomol Prize. Nikolai Ostrovsky (for "The Road to the Heights"), and in 1985 - the winner of the State Prize of Ukraine named after. Shevchenko (for the book "Unset Star"). The title of one of the collections, Through the Eyes of the Heart, explains why the poetry of Nikolai Alexandrovich was so popular (letters came to him from all over the USSR). Alexander Bilash's song to Rybalko's verses "I lived in such times" became the laureate of the All-Union television competition "Song-75

We also have creators of parallel realities and other worlds. Donchanin Fedor Berezin, who served as a missile officer in Kazakhstan, and then in the Far East, having retired to the reserve with the rank of captain, returned to hometown. He was an entrepreneur, a marketer. I took up writing 15 years ago. Yes, not jokingly - in 2001, he founded the Wanderer science fiction club in the capital of the region, and also took first place in international festival science fiction "Star Bridge" in the nomination "Best Debut" (for the novel "Ashes"). Berezin defines his genre as a "fantastic-philosophical techno-thriller". His books are printed by Moscow publishing houses.

1st place Tkachenko Elizaveta 8th grade,

2nd place Zhitenko Andrey 9th grade, Savich Elizaveta 8th grade

3rd place Safoshkin Konstangtin 6th grade, Tyutyunnikova Daria 8th grade, Krivokosenko Alexander 7th grade

My father's land, my native side, the land named Donbass, from the deepest depths of my heart I extract the most intimate words of confession of love for you. But no matter how magical the word has been from ancient Old Testament biblical times, what colors, sounds and energy it has carried in itself for many, many millennia of human history, all the same, I'm afraid, it is not able to fully express all the penetration of filial feelings. . After all, the image of Donbass is so many-sided, multi-dimensional and multi-colored, so majestic that it is really not easy to pay tribute to it with ordinary words.

To my father - Donbass

Merciless P.

You are my noisy

You are my smoky

I sing hymns to you.

You are my space

open to me,

You are my most famous.

You cut coal

You began to cook

You are my devoted friend.

Couples on the right

On the left, couples

Headlights shine along the longitudinal.

You are my brave

You are my brave

You took the fascist by the gills:

He won't scream

He doesn't peep

He's out of the habit of robbing!

You are my friend

You are my smoky

I sing hymns to you.

You are my space

open to me,

You are my famous father.

Shutov V.

Not beyond the seas, oceans -

In front of me is my globe of the earth,

From his destiny meridians,

With its working latitude.

My globe is a small planet,

Father's land - native Donbass

With his deeds unprecedented,

With his life - not for show.

In harmony with universal laws,

Without disturbing the course of the planets,

My land, heaving with heaps,

It takes heat and light from the bowels.

Ukrainian literature passed long haul development in order to reach the level that exists at the moment. Ukrainian writers have contributed throughout time since the 18th century in the works of Prokopovich and Hrushevsky and ending with modern works authors such as Shklyar and Andrukhovych. Literature has developed and enriched over the years. And it must be said that modern Ukrainian writers are very different from the authors who laid the foundation for Ukrainian literature. But one thing remained unchanged - the love of the native language.

19th century literature

In this century, Ukrainian literature acquired figures who glorified the country throughout the world with their works. With their works, Ukrainian writers of the 19th century showed the beauty of the language. It is this era that is considered the beginning of the formation of national thinking. The famous "Kobzar" became an open statement that the people are striving for independence. Ukrainian writers and poets of that time made a huge contribution both to the development of the language itself and dramaturgy. There are many different genres and trends in literature. These were novels, and stories, and short stories, and feuilletons. Most of the writers and poets took the direction of political activity. Schoolchildren study most of the authors in the school curriculum, reading works and trying to understand main idea each work. Analyzing each work separately, they take out the information that the author wanted to convey to them.

Taras Shevchenko

He is rightfully considered the founder of national literature and a symbol of the country's patriotic forces. Years of life - 1814-1861. The main work is considered to be "Kobzar", which glorified both the author and the people all over the world. Shevchenko wrote his works in Ukrainian, although there are several poems in Russian. the best creative years in the life of Shevchenko were the 40s, when, in addition to "Kobzar", the following works were published:

  • "Gaidamaki".
  • "Hire".
  • "Khustochka".
  • "Caucasus".
  • "Poplars".
  • "Katerina" and many others.

Shevchenko's works were criticized, but the Ukrainians liked the works and won their hearts forever. While in Russia he was received rather coldly, when he returned to his homeland, he always met with a warm welcome. Shevchenko later became a member of the Cyril and Methodius Society, to which other great Ukrainian writers belonged. It was the members of this society who were arrested for their political views and exiled.

The life of the poet was full of events, both joyful and mournful. But all his life he did not stop creating. Even when passing military service in the form of a recruit, he continued to work, and his work was saturated with love for the motherland.

Ivan Franko

Ivan Yakovlevich Franko is another bright representative literary activity that time. Years of life - 1856-1916. Writer, poet, scientist, he almost got Nobel Prize but an early death prevented him from doing so. The extraordinary personality of the writer causes many different statements, since it was he who was the founder of the Ukrainian radical party. Like many famous Ukrainian writers, in his works he revealed different problems that worried him at the time. So, in his works "Gritseva school science" and "Pencil" he shows the problems of school education.

It is worth noting that Franko was a member of the Russophile society, which existed at that time in Transcarpathia. During his membership, he wrote his works "Folk Song" and "Petria and Dovbuschuk". Frank's famous work is also his Ukrainian translation of Faust. For his activities in society, Ivan was arrested for nine months, which he spent in prison.

After his release from prison, the writer temporarily dropped out of the literary society, so he was ignored. But this did not break the poet. During the time that Franco spent in prison, and later, when he was released, he wrote many works that reveal human shortcomings and, conversely, show the breadth human soul. His work "Zakhar Berkut" received an award at the national competition.

Grigory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko

The years of the writer's life - 1778-1843. The main stage of his work falls precisely on the 19th century, it was during this period that he created most of his masterpieces. Being a very sickly boy, and blind until the age of six, creative way Gregory started only in his student years. He studied in Kharkov and it was there that he began to write and send his works to a magazine for publication. He wrote poetry and short stories. This was the beginning of his work. The real works that deserved attention were the stories written in the 30s in Ukrainian:

  • "Marusya".
  • "Konotop witch".
  • "Soldier portrait".
  • "Heart Oksana" and others.

Like other Ukrainian writers, Gregory also wrote in Russian, which is confirmed by the novel "Pan Kholyavsky". The author's works are distinguished by a beautiful literary style, simple expressions that are easily perceived by the reader. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko showed excellent knowledge of all aspects of the life of both a peasant and a nobleman, which can be observed in his novels. According to the story of Gregory, the play “Trouble in a County Town” was released, which was the predecessor of the famous “Inspector General”.

20th century literature

The Ukrainians distinguished themselves with their works due to the fact that many of them devoted their works to the Second World War. Ukrainian literature experienced a difficult period of development at that time. Partially banned, then studied at will, it has undergone many corrections and changes. But all this time, Ukrainian writers did not stop creating. Their works continued to appear and delight not only the Ukrainian reader, but also other connoisseurs of literary masterpieces.

Pavel Zagrebelny

Pavel Arkhipovich Zagrebelny is a writer of that time who made a huge contribution to literature. Years of his life - 1924-2009. Pavel's childhood passed in a village in the Poltava region. Then he studied at the artillery school and went to the front. After the war, he entered the university in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, and only there he began his career, publishing the collection "Kakhov's Stories" in the Rodina magazine. Among the works of the author there are such famous ones as:

  • "Steppe flowers".
  • "Europe, 45".
  • Southern Comfort.
  • "Wonder".
  • "I am Bogdan."
  • "Pervomost" and many others.

Anna Yablonskaya

Anna Grigoryevna Yablonskaya is another literary figure that I want to talk about. The years of the life of the writer - 1981-2011. Since childhood, the girl was fond of literature and dramaturgy. Firstly, her father was a journalist, wrote feuilletons, and it was largely because of him that she developed a passion for literature. Secondly, since school, Anna began to write poems and read them with pleasure from the stage. Over time, her works began to be published in Odessa magazines. In the same school years, Yablonskaya performed at the theater of Natalia Knyazeva in Odessa, who subsequently staged a play based on Yablonskaya's novel The Door. One of the most famous works the author, which Ukrainian writers talk about, was the play "Video Camera". In her works, Anna skillfully showed the pros and cons of society, combining different facets of family life, love and sex. At the same time, there was not a hint of vulgarity, and not a single work shocked the viewer.

Anna died very early as a result of a terrorist attack at Domodedovo Airport. She did not manage to do much, but what she managed to do left an indelible mark on the literature of that time.

Alexander Kopylenko

Alexander Ivanovich Kopylenko was born in the Kharkov region. Born 08/01/1900, died 12/1/1958. I have always striven for knowledge and learning. Before the revolution, he studied at the seminary, then traveled a lot, which gave him a lot of experience and impressions for further literary activity. Was in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Georgia. During the war of 1941-1945. He worked on the radio, where he conducted programs for partisan detachments. After that he became the editor of the Vsesvit magazine and worked closely with many directors, screenwriters and writers. His poems first saw the light in 1922. But most of all he wrote prose:

  • Kara Krucha.
  • "Rampant hop".
  • people".
  • "Solid Material" etc.

He also has children's works, such as:

  • "Very good".
  • "tenth graders".
  • "In the forest".

In his works, the writer wrote about many problems of that time, revealed various human weaknesses, covered historical events and battles of the times civil war. Kopylenko's works have been translated into many foreign languages peace.

Modern Ukrainian writers

Modern Ukrainian literature does not lag behind in terms of the number of prominent people. Nowadays, there are many authors whose works are worthy of being studied in schools and translated into different languages ​​of the world. We present you a list of far from all modern authors, but only the most popular ones. Their popularity was taken in accordance with the rating. To compile the rating, Ukrainians were interviewed, who were asked several questions about contemporary authors and their works. Here is the list:

  1. L. Kostenko.
  2. V. Shklyar.
  3. M. Matios.
  4. O. Zabuzhko.
  5. I. Karpa.
  6. L. Luzina.
  7. L. Deresh.
  8. M. and S. Dyachenko.

Lina Kostenko

He is in first place in the ranking of modern Ukrainian writers. She was born on March 19, 1930 in a family of teachers. Soon she herself went to study at the Pedagogical Institute, and then at the Moscow Literary Institute. Her first poems, written in the 50s, immediately attracted the attention of readers, and the book Travels of the Heart put the poetess on a par with outstanding literary figures. Among the works of the author such works as:

  • "Over the banks of the eternal river."
  • "Marusya Churai".
  • "Uniqueness".
  • "Garden of non-melting sculptures".

All works by Lina Kostenko are distinguished by their individual literary style and special rhyme. The reader immediately fell in love with her work and is looking forward to new works.

Vasily Shklyar

While still a student, Vasily created the first work - "Snow". Living at that time in Armenia, he wrote about the culture of this people, about their way of life and customs. In addition to the fact that Shklyar created himself, like many Ukrainian writers, he translated a lot of works from the Armenian language, which earned him special respect. Readers are well aware of his works "Elemental", "Key". His works have also been translated into different languages ​​of the world, and book lovers from different countries enjoy reading his prose.

Maria Matios

Maria published her first poems when she was fifteen years old. Later, Matios tried her hand at prose and wrote the short story “Yuryana and Dovgopol”. The writer is loved for her works rich in meaning. Her books of poetry include:

  • "Women's Fence in the Garden of Impatience".
  • "From grass and leaves."
  • "Garden of impatience".

Maria Matios also created a number of prose works:

  • "Life is short"
  • "Nation"
  • "Sweet Darusya"
  • "Diary of the executed and many others".

Thanks to Maria, the world got acquainted with another talented Ukrainian poetess and writer, whose books are read with great pleasure abroad.

Children's Ukrainian writers

Separately, it is worth talking about those writers and poets who create works for children. It is their books that children read with such pleasure in libraries. It is thanks to their works that children from a very early age have the opportunity to hear beautiful Ukrainian speech. Rhymes and stories for toddlers and older children are what authors such as:

  • A. I. Avramenko.
  • I. F. Budz.
  • M. N. Voronoi.
  • N. A. Guzeeva.
  • I. V. Zhilenko.
  • I. A. Ischuk.
  • I. S. Kostyria.
  • V. A. Levin.
  • T. V. Martynova.
  • P. Punch.
  • M. Podgoryanka.
  • A. F. Turchinskaya and many others.

Ukrainian writers, the list of which is presented here, are familiar not only to our children. Ukrainian literature as a whole is very multifaceted and vibrant. Its leaders are known not only in the country itself, but also far beyond its borders. The works and quotes of Ukrainian writers are published in many editions of the world. Their works are translated into dozens of languages, which means that the reader needs them and is always waiting for more and more new works.

We dream that there will be peace in the Donbass, and this land will give Ukraine and the world more than one talented artist. On August 24, on Independence Day, watch the concert on the Inter TV channel "Dream of Ukraine", organized with the support of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine.

These people were not afraid to dream...

  1. Leonid Bykov

Born in 1928 in the village. Znamenskoye, now Donetsk region

Leonid Bykov / Film “Only “old men” go into battle

He dreamed of becoming a pilot, but because of his small stature he was expelled from the flight school. But Leonid Bykov fulfilled his dream when he made the film “Only“ old men go into battle ”, where he performed, perhaps, his leading role Captain Alexei Titarenko, "Maestro".

Leonid Bykov also starred in the films “Maxim Perepelitsa”, “Volunteers”, “Alien Relatives”, “Aty-Bats, Soldiers Walked”, “Alyoshkin's Love”, etc. Almost every of his roles was iconic and brought him people's love.

Born in 1925 in the village. Konstantinovka, now Donetsk region

Nonna Mordyukova / liveinternet.ru

People's Artist of the USSR Nonna Mordyukova dreamed of acting in films since her childhood. Seeing the film "Bogdan Khmelnitsky" as a girl, she fell in love with the main character performed by Nikolai Mordvinov and decided to become an actress. She wrote him a letter, asking: “How to study for Lyubov Orlova? (note - famous Soviet actress)". In June 1941, when the war was not yet known, the famous actor replied: “Finish school, get a certificate and come to Moscow, find me.” During the war, the family of Nonna Viktorovna had to endure the occupation of Nazi Germany, she was unable to evacuate, and the family was forced to hide from the Germans. But even these events could not kill the dream of becoming an actress. After the end of the war, Mordyukova entered VGIK without preparation. The first role of Nonna Mordyukova was Uliana Gromova in the film "Young Guard". After this tape, the actress woke up famous.

Today, Nonna Mardyukova is included in the top twenty of the most outstanding actresses of the 20th century by the editorial board of the British encyclopedia "Who is Who" ("Who is Who")

Born in 1972 in Donetsk

Olga Lomonosova / youtube.com

The star of the famous series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" Olga Lomonosova fulfilled the dream of her mother, who dreamed of becoming a ballerina.

After graduating from the Kiev Choreographic School, Lomonosova moved to Moscow, where she tours a lot. But due to an injury, she was forced to end her career as a ballerina. Life did not end there: Olga entered the Shchukin Theater School. On the street, they began to recognize her after the role of Kira in the TV series Don't Be Born Beautiful. Now she is one of the most sought-after actresses. She hopes that her daughter will fulfill her dream and become an artist.

  1. Alexander Revva

Born in 1974 in Donetsk

As a child, Alexander Revva dreamed of becoming a magician. But, the first job of the now famous showman and comedian was to work at the mine as an electrician. “After the ninth grade, I went to a technical school and received the specialty “Underground Electrician of the fourth category. I worked in a mine at a depth of 1375 meters. I will never forget! After that, I realized that a miner is a very difficult and dangerous profession. You are walking along a drift, you can’t see anything, your horse race is on fire, there is no air, coal dust. Then, when you get up, you only have eyes!” Revva says.

Thanks to his talent and successful performances at KVN games, Alexander still managed to realize his dream - to surprise people from the stage. In his repertoire there is a number where Alexander plays the magician Gennady.

Born in 1897 in Debaltseve, now Donetsk region

Vladimir Sosiura / wikimedia.org

The famous Ukrainian poet Volodymyr Sosyura dreamed and fought for the independence of Ukraine. Despite censorship and political persecution, the poet was not afraid to write bold poems for his time, for which he was repeatedly accused of nationalism. One of his most famous poems was the verse "Love Ukraine", which was written in 1944.

Love Ukraine, like the sun, love,
like wind, and herbs, and water ...
Happy in the year and in joy,
love at the time of the wicked. Love Ukraine in a dream in reality,
cherry my Ukraine,
beauty її, forever live and new,
and mova її nightingale. Mіzh fraternal peoples, we will lighten the garden,
shines over the eyelids...
Love Ukraine with all your heart
and all your affairs. For us, there is one in the world, one
in the expanses of licorice charm ...
Vaughn at the stars, and at the willows,
and hit the skin heart,

Born in 1932 in Donetsk

Anatoly Solovyanenko / moskva.fm

Well-known Opera singer, Hero of Ukraine Anatoly Solovyanenko dreamed of becoming a singer and perfected his talent all his life. Singing came first for him. Solovyanenko often repeated: "I am a slave to my voice."

In 1990, among 14 world-famous tenors, Anatoly Solovyanenko took part in a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Italian tenor Beniamino Gigli, which took place in Verona on the Arena di Verona stage.

Today in Donetsk, in honor of Anatoly Solovyanenko, the Donetsk Academic state theater opera and ballet.

  1. Sergey Sivokho

Born in 1969 in Donetsk

The way to the world of show business was given to Sergey Sivokha by his comedic talent and KVN, which allowed himself to be shown. Perhaps, otherwise, Sergey Anatolyevich would have to work in the specialty “metal forming”, which he received at the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute.

One of his most famous projects was the Hidden Camera program, thanks to which many people fell in love with the original and colorful host Sivoho. Sergei Sivokho is an ardent fan of FC Shakhtar Donetsk and dreams of living until his favorite team wins the Champions League.

  1. Sergei Prokofiev

Born in 1891 in the village of Sontsovka (now the village of Krasnoye, Krasnoarmeisky district, Donetsk region of Ukraine)

S.S. Prokofiev and M.L. Rostropovich in Prokofiev's office. Moscow, 1952/virtual.glinka.museum

The most performed composer of the 20th century, Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev, was born 55 km from Donetsk. The parents of the future great musician from his very birth dreamed that he would succeed, and in every possible way contributed to his musical development, despite the difficulties of that time.

Sergei Prokofiev has long been recognized as a genius in Europe and America, and classical music festivals "Prokofiev's Spring" are regularly held in Ukraine.

Born in 1877 in the village of Verkhne-Khanzhenovsky, Russian Empire (now the village of Khanzhenkovo ​​in the city of Makeevka, Donetsk region)

Alexander Khanzhonkov / proza.ru

Alexander Khanzhonkov is the founder of Russian cinema, one of the first who began not only to shoot, but also to earn a lot of money on cinema. After being transferred to the reserve from the army, Khanzhonkov invested the considerable payment of 5 thousand rubles in the film business, which was due at that time. At first, he and his partners were engaged in the distribution of foreign films. Then Khanzhonkov started producing his own films. He was the producer of the world's first film created by the method of volumetric animation, called "The War of the Stags with the Mustaches."

One of the most famous "blockbusters" of those times was Khanzhonkov's film about the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War. For the filming of battle scenes, the help of Emperor Nicholas II was needed. Thanks to the emperor, real military units of the Russian army and a real ship were filmed in the frame, which, according to the scenario, will be sunk.

Born in 1979 in Donetsk

Julia Filippova / todes.lv

Soloist of the famous dance group"Todes" Yulia Filippova came to her fame thanks to hard work and luck. 12 years of pair acrobatics allowed the dancer to prove herself and draw attention to herself. “I worked in the Donetsk restaurant Tallinn, in the Dance-Atelier show-ballet. I had solo acrobatic numbers there. I was seen by the guys from Todes, who were in Donetsk on tour with Valery Leontiev. And they offered to come to Moscow for viewing. I arrived, and they took me, ”says Yulia Filippova.

Some time ago, Filippova left the stage due to a back injury and the birth of a child, but last year she found the strength to return, continuing to win the sympathy of the audience.

Lesson #3

Subject: Our famous countrymen.

Purpose: -Introduce children to famous fellow countrymen. Teach children to take an example from such people;

Instill patriotic feelings, strengthen feelings of pride and dignity

To instill a sense of pride in our Motherland and its outstanding sons.

Type of lesson: learning new material.

During the classes

Organizing time
Invented by someone, simply and wisely,
When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"
- Good morning sun and birds!
- Good morning smiling faces!
And everyone becomes kind, trusting,
AND Good morning lasts until evening.

Teacher: I wish you all that a good and sunny mood will accompany you throughout the lesson.

Learning new material.

They write about Donbass in geography,

That Donbass is the land of coal and metal.

Right. But for complete biography

It is very dry, very little.

It seems there is a song about Donbass,

Spoil heaps and copra are sung.

It's true, there are. I agree.

These are just outward signs.

Well, where are the people? They are not visible...

That's why I'm sad and sorry...

Donbass are famous people who glorified our region beyond its borders.

Be a patriot of the country
The glorious path is lined with legend!
Don't forget history
Glorious, big victories.
And for yourself be able to understand -
From whom to take an example for life.

Teacher. In our region, in the Donetsk region, many people were born, who later became famous all over the world. They have made a huge contribution to the development of many industries. For high achievements in various fields, they were awarded high awards. Let's name some of them.

Method "microphone" Tell us about your countryman.

Sergey Shemuk

In August 1935, in one shift at the mine, Alexei Stakhanov managed to extract 102 tons of coal, at a rate of 7 tons. After 75 years in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk region, his record was broken with almost a double advantage. The author of the record is the famous miner of the Novodzerzhinsk mine Sergey Shemuk, who mined 170 tons of coal in one shift. In one working day, he exceeded the plan for the entire site, which usually employs about 20 people, and at the same time exceeded the production plan by 2023%. Sergey Shemuk is the youngest honored miner of Ukraine, as well as the Hero of Ukraine, full cavalier of the signs "Miner's Glory" and "Miner's Valor".

The strongest man

Dmitry Khaladzhi

Donetsk hero Dmitry Khaladzhi is one of the strongest people on the planet and the only person in Ukraine who can set five records in one hour. Khaladzhi can lift five pounds with one hand, performs a “cross” with weights on his little fingers and presses two weights in one hand. Khalaji's signature number is to tie a few 20-centimeter nails in a knot in a minute. One of the famous feats of Dmitry is overcoming the record of the ancient Greek athlete Bibon, who lifted a projectile weighing almost 144 kg with one hand. The projectile has survived to this day, but perhaps only Dmitry can lift it. Khalaji made his own projectile weighing 152 kg and lifted it with one hand, and twice - the second time for those who did not have time to photograph.

bird man

Sergey Bubka

One of the most famous athletes in the world, Sergei Bubka, was born in Voroshilovgrad (now it is Luhansk), but he made his sports career in Donetsk and thus graced the constellation of the sports constellation of Donetsk. The harmonious development of strength, speed and technique turned Sergey into a champion who set record after record throughout his sports career. Sergei set 35 world records, and his achievements in high jump (6 m 14 cm in the open stadium and 6 m 15 cm in the hall).

Solovyanenko Anatoly Borisovich (09/25/1932) - singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1975), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1980). Since 1965 He worked at the Ukrainian Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Kobzon Iosif Davidovich (09/11/1937) was born in the city of Chasov Yar, Donetsk region, People's Artist of the USSR (1987), People's Artist of Ukraine (1991).

The list of our famous countrymen is endless. I hope that your names will someday glorify our Donetsk region. There are many, many more names of people who brought glory to the Donetsk region, glorified it for centuries. This is what you already know:

Georgy Beregovoy - USSR pilot-cosmonaut

Solovyanenko Anatoly - singer, People's Artist of the USSR

Ponomarev Ruslan - World Chess Champion

Kobzon Iosif - singer, People's Artist of the USSR

Prokofiev Sergei - composer

Bykov Leonid - actor, director

Pisarev Vadym - People's Artist of Ukraine

Martynov Evgeny - composer, singer

Sosyura Vladimir - poet

Stus Vasily - poet, dissident

Tikhiy Oleksa - human rights activist, dissident, public figure

Filaret - Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate

It is necessary to name those who brought glory not only to Donbass; metallurgist Makar Mazai; tractor driver Pasha Angelina and many others.

Summary of the lesson. Teacher: Yes, Donbass is our homeland. We love her, we are proud of her. Maybe the poetic word is more capable of singing and glorifying Donbass. The poetry of Volodymyr Sosyura, our compatriot born here, reflects the feelings of each of us, and we say with a moving heart: “Donetsk region, you are the land of my ancestors, and my land. I feel your warmth, your concern. I am your child, I am combined with you.”

Teacher: Prominent people are all around us. These are the workers of our city

Yes! Our land is truly rich in talents. Each of you carries a grain of talent from your native Donbass land. You have a bright future ahead of you. And how it will be depends only on you. Dare! Be brave and persevere, conquer the peaks and create glorious stories for our region. You guys are the heirs of our city: its history, its culture, all those riches that were created by the hands of older generations. You will multiply its traditions, work in its fields, compose poems and songs about it.

People should not forget their history, their roots. Memory should be kept in everyone's heart.

Beautiful people live and work in Donetsk, great workers and incorrigible dreamers with their joys and problems. There is a special feature in Donetsk characters that cannot be overlooked. This is durability, like first-class steel, which neither bends nor cracks. Only on Donetsk land could they temper their character and reveal the full power of their talent, the world-famous "golden voice" of Ukraine Anatoliy Solovyanenko, the "bird-man" Serhiy Bubka and the holder of the title "Dancer of the World" Vadim Pisarev. Donetsk region has become a homeland for many outstanding figures of culture, sports, and medicine. Among them: great composer Sergei Prokofiev, artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, polar explorer Georgy Sedov, founder of Russian cinema Alexander Khanzhonkov, poets Vasily Stus and Vladimir Sosyura, writers P. Baydebur and I. Kostyr, oncologist Grigory Bondar and many other equally outstanding people. Famous residents of Donetsk glorified and continue to glorify not only our city, but the whole of Ukraine!

Sergei Bubka (born 1963)

This name is inscribed in gold letters in the history of athletics. After all, it was Sergey Bubka - the “bird-man” - who set the world record in pole vaulting. He was the first athlete to jump over 6 meters and also the only athlete to hold both indoor and outdoor world records. Sergei Bubka received the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, became the Olympic champion, European champion, two-time USSR champion, six-time world champion, and also the winner of the World and European Cups in pole vaulting. In total, Sergey set 35 world records! Sergei Bubka was born in Luhansk, but serious training began for him in Donetsk, where at that time there were the best gyms and coaches.
Today in Donetsk there is the “Sergei Bubka Club”, which annually holds international competitions “Pole Stars”, and near the regional sports complex “Olympic” there is a monument to the famous pole vaulter.

Lilia Podkopayeva (born in 1978)

Answering the questions of the media, who do you consider the pride of your city, 33% of the polled Donetsk residents named sportsman Serhiy Bubka, 25% - businessman Rinat Akhmetov, Olympic champion Liliya Podkopayeva and the President of Ukraine received 13% of the votes.
Thanks to her talent and exceptional diligence, L. Podkopayeva became the owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals only at international competitions, not counting national championships. 1995 - absolute champion world (Japan, Sabae), winner of the European Cup. 1996 - the absolute champion of Europe (Great Britain, Birmingham). 1996 - the absolute champion of the Olympic Games (USA, Atlanta).
The author's element of Lilia Podkopayeva - "Double forward somersault with a turn of 180 degrees" has not been repeated by anyone in the world so far.

Grigory Bondar (born in 1932).

Grigory Vasilievich Bondar is one of the most talented practitioners and theorists of surgery and oncology in the world. Bondar published more than 700 scientific papers, created more than 70 inventions in the field of medicine. He owns the research of universal methods of surgical interventions in oncology. Today, Grigory Vasilyevich is in charge of the department of oncology organized by him. logy, performs more than 500 operations annually, is the CEOm of the Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center, constantly carries out diagnostics, conducts active scientific and social activities. Among his awards are the title of Hero of Ukraine, Orders of Merit of the 1st and 2nd degrees, the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, the title of Honored Scientist of Ukraine, the Honorary Badge of the President of Ukraine and the Diploma of the European Parliament from Brussels. Truly, a person's life can be extremely useful and productive if natural talent, purposefulness and exceptional hard work are present in it.

Vitaly Starukhin (1949-2000)

Vitaliy Starukhin is a favorite of football fans, a legend of Ukrainian football, one of the best forwards of Shakhtar Donetsk. Vitaly is a man with an unusual biography. He started playing football relatively late, but, having got on a large field, he made a rapid career. Vitaliy played for the Stroitel club in Poltava, from where he was literally stolen by FC Shakhtar, and although the USSR Football Federation banned Starukhin from playing for the Donetsk club, he continued to play under different names.
Starukhin's legendary achievement - 26 goals scoredduring the championship of the USSR. The Ukrainian striker was recognized as the player of the year. At 35 Starhin was forced to end his career as a football player - in Shakhtar, his services were abandoned in favor of younger athletes. Then Starukhin continued to work as a coach, inspector and participated in veteran matches, where he scored goals no worse than when he was at the zenith of glory.
In 2010, the society of waste heap experts named one of the waste heaps of Donetsk near the Shakhtar stadium after Vitaliy Starukhin, and Vitaly Starukhin's Star was installed on the Shakhtar Walk of Fame near the Donbass Arena.

Leonid Bykov (1928-1979)

We all remember Petya Mokin from "The Tamer of the Tigers", unrequitedly in love with his childhood friend Lenochka Vorontsova and Maxim Perepelitsa - an unlucky, but kind and cheerful guy, and, of course, a submariner Alyosha Akishin from the film "Volunteers". In each In the picture, Leonid Bykov created a unique image, but the Maestro from the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” will remain in our memory forever.
Director, screenwriter and actor - it's all Leon
id Bykov, the favorite of millions of viewers. Few people know that Leonid Fedorovich Bykov is a native of the village of Znamenskoye, Donetsk region. Leonid Fedorovich is not only an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, but also a People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. His roles and extraordinary directorial work left a bright mark in the history of Russian cinema.

Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971)

Nikita Khrushchev is one of the few politicians whose name was heard all over the world. The fate of Khrushchev was connected with the Donbass for 20 years - Nikita Sergeevich began his career in Donetsk. The political figure of Khrushchev is rather controversial. His most famous achievements are the debunking of the Stalin cult and the rehabilitation of political prisoners of the USSR, the abolition of sectoral ministries, the support of the space program and the flight into space of Yuri Gagarin, the construction of the Berlinskoth walls, anti-religious campaign and permission for abortion. The most famous expressions of Nikita Khrushchev are “Politicians are all the same: they promise to build a bridge even where there are no rivers”, “We will show you Kuzkin’s mother!”, “When a person eats, he becomes kinder” and many others.
In Donetsk, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the DonNTU building with an inscription that N.S. Khrushchev.

Arkhip Kuindzhi (1842-1910)

A.I. Kuindzhi is a brilliant landscape painter. Born in the town of Karasu near Mariupol, he lost his parents early and lived in great poverty. From an early age he was fond of painting, drawing on any suitable material - on walls, fences and scraps of paper. Being a mature artist, he especially liked to paint landscapes of Ukrainian nature. A real sensationKuindzhi's paintings - "Birch Grove" (1879), the legendary "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" (1880), "Dnepr in the Morning" (1881) - became famous. These paintings played a huge role in the development of Russian landscape painting, and not only in p landscape. In them, Kuindzhi showed people again what they had forgotten since the time of the ancient Russian masters - Kuindzhi showed people color and paint.
Loud fame and oblivion, wide popularity and misunderstanding fell to Arkhip Kuindzhi, but he always remained modest and very kind person. His students were subsequently outstanding artists, Ilya Repin and Nikolai