Entertaining performances-pranks will help to make the holiday interesting and please its guests. Original sketches for Mother's Day will help to amuse parents, educators, and teachers. Simple plots, easy presentation of numbers will help make the holiday colorful and fun. Short and funny numbers are perfect for elementary school and kindergarten students. Entertaining incidents can be perfectly played by high school students. The considered video examples with ideas for selecting characters will allow you to find the best option for both schoolchildren and preschoolers.

Funny and funny skits for elementary school for Mother's Day

Children who have only recently become schoolchildren should definitely prepare a funny scene for Mother's Day. Such a number will help them to show themselves on the positive side, to reveal acting talents and at the same time just to please their beloved mother. Great for solving such a problem, playing around everyday and family situations. Looking at each other's usual shortcomings, you can have fun laughing at them and come up with an extraordinary solution to everyday problems.

Number "How I help my mother" for primary and secondary classes

The issue deals with the situation when the unfortunate assistant tries to write essays on the topic “Help to Mom”. And at this time, her mother tries not to distract her from her studies and does household chores herself:

A cool scene for Mother's Day at the elementary school "Mom's Children"

An interesting number tells about mother's golden children who haunt her after household chores. This performance is suitable for elementary school students.

Funny scenes from high school students for Mother's Day with interesting videos

High school students usually choose the numbers for the performance themselves. Therefore, each of them will be able to find that scene for Mother's Day for high school students, which will be played by them really beautifully and in an original way. Teachers should only help the guys with the rehearsal, advise on good costumes, offer to create simple scenery.

Mother's Day High School Video Scene - "Mom and Me"

One girl is playing a mother, the second is gradually maturing daughter. The issue displays different everyday situations, shows how the relationship between parents and children changes with their growing up. The difference between individual episodes is conventionally 5 years.

Ideas for funny and short sketches for Mother's Day for schoolchildren with examples

Funny and short sketches for Mother's Day are usually picked up by teachers for children. But by inviting the children to choose their favorite dialogues from the proposed options, you can be sure that they will learn them well and play them beautifully. It is desirable to select texts with simple words and a clear meaning. This will help the students understand the comedy of the situation and portray it as believably as possible when speaking. Among the proposed options, you can find really original and funny scenes for Mother's Day:

Mom, we wrote at school!!!

What did you write?

The teacher says to the student:

Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!

Do you mean father?

No, grandfather. I want to show him what mistakes his son makes in your homework.

Vovochka, who would you like to be?

Lion or tiger!

To make everyone afraid of me.

Even the teacher?

Oh no! Nothing will scare our teacher.

The teacher asked an essay on the topic: "If I were the director of the company ...".

Everyone diligently writes, and only Vovochka looks out the window.

Why don't you write?

I'm expecting a secretary.

It is very beautiful to perform such performances in both primary and secondary schools. It is important to help the guys in choosing costumes. It can be everyday wear or special outfits. The selection of costumes should take into account the peculiarity of the scene about Mother's Day, the theme. Performances can also be supplemented by a separately selected entertainer. One of the students can independently announce the numbers, which will help the speaking students not to confuse the order of performances.

Kind sketches for Mother's Day in kindergarten: video tips for teachers and parents

It is not difficult to choose entertaining numbers for children, because they are best suited for kids. Funny performances will be of interest to children from elementary, middle and senior groups. But when choosing a script and compiling dialogues, musical accompaniment, you need to take into account some rules. They will help you correctly compose a number and prepare well for it:

  1. Dialogues should be short and entertaining. Children should feel the comedy of the situation. Therefore, funny numbers should include short and simple lines. This will help the baby quickly remember the text and easily reproduce it. And even if, due to excitement, the child forgets his words, he will be able to improvise and express the thought with a similar phrase.
  2. The musical accompaniment should be appropriate and not loud. High-quality background music can also be considered the key to a successful performance. Therefore, funny scenes for Mother's Day in kindergarten are not complete without entertaining compositions. But they should sound softly, otherwise they will distract the guys from the number.
  3. Costumes must match the image of the child in the episodes.

It is necessary to choose such outfits that can completely transfer the child to a fictional scene. For example, if mom, dad, son are playing back, it is recommended to choose suitable costumes: for dad - trousers and a shirt, for mom - a beautiful dress, for son - a T-shirt and jeans.

Children in kindergarten should change clothes behind the scenes. After all, on a holiday they will be smart and beautiful, so the transformation into an image will take place during the event. It is important for girls to choose simple costumes that can be easily fastened with Velcro or a snake. After all, parents usually make lush hairstyles for babies: you can’t spoil such beauty in any way.

A fascinating short skit about Mother's Day in kindergarten - "Again deuce"

The guys are making a film about how the son again gets a deuce. The director is trying to consider the performance from different angles: comic, tragic. The number is accompanied by appropriate music and therefore looks great and cheers up well.

An entertaining children's scene for Mother's Day "Family" for primary, secondary groups

Children depict everyday scenes in which parents do not pay attention to their child. The comical nature of the situation is emphasized by the corresponding "busyness" of adults: they read the newspaper, talk on the phone. The situation is ridiculed by transferring it to such small actors.

How, have you forgotten that in November our whole country celebrates Mother's Day? Then rather remember and show children's scenes for Mother's Day. Funny, on the most relevant topics of the day - such scenes will be remembered, and adults will laugh heartily at their children. We offer you several scenes, and you can take all or the ones you like the most. You can also put on short sketches for 3-4 people to make it more compact.

Scene 1 - how I help my mother.
A girl sits at a desk in a room. Textbooks, notebooks and pens are on the table.

Then her phone rings, the girl picks up the phone and starts talking:
- yes, hello.
- What? No, I won't go down the street!
- Yes, we were asked to write an essay.
- Yes, the theme is - how I help my mother.
- Do I know how I can help her?
- to ask her? No.
- Okay, let's write.

Puts down the phone. Walks around the table
- So how can I help my mother? How?

Mom enters the room
Daughter, have you already done your homework?

Not yet, mom. (and sits at the table)

Mom starts sweeping under the table.

- Mom, I'm doing my homework, and you're bothering me!

- I'll just sweep and leave!

Mom starts dusting the table.

Mom goes to the table, on which her daughter's things are scattered.

- oh, what a dirty dress, wash it immediately!

Oops, I forgot what I'm cooking. Now the soup will be digested! (and runs away)

- this is my talent, I also cook!

All this the girl wrote down in a notebook, as if she were writing an essay. Then he raises the notebook higher, looks into it and says:
- yes, helping mom is a whole science! This is where talent is needed!

See how this scene can be played differently:

Scene 2 - mini scenes with children.

Mini scene - taught at school!
A joyful child runs into the room to his mother and shouts:
- Mom, today we wanted to write!

- well done! And what did you write?

The child is sad and annoyed:
So we haven't learned to read yet...

Mini scene - months of the year.

Come on, we taught?

- Let's!

- yan...

- var!

- Well done! Feb…

- Ral!

- smart girl! And now himself.

- Art, rel, ah, june, july, dense, tyabr, tyabr, yabr, kabr!

A scene - again a deuce or children are making a movie.
And this scene is suitable for children in kindergarten, as well as for students of any grade. After all, it can be played in different ways. Main idea!

Now you can please your mothers with wonderful scenes for Mother's Day!

On Women's Day or Mother's Day, a funny scene about moms is really needed. It should be kind, touching and a little funny. After all, the scene about mothers reflects life itself. And in motherhood and upbringing, you have to look at a lot with humor, because otherwise parents simply cannot stand it.

Hall decoration

For Women's Day and Mother's Day, festive events are usually held in children's institutions. It is very important to decorate the hall beautifully before they start. To do this, you can use balloons, large paper flowers, wall newspapers, stands.

The photo gallery "Our mothers in childhood" can be a starting point in the competition. To do this, a place should be left under the pictures so that the children themselves write whose mother is captured here. Be sure to put your data next to it. This will help you choose the winner when summing up the results of the competition.

Children's sayings "Like a fire truck!"

About mom can be based on excerpts from the speech of the kids. There are many of them in the "piggy bank" of each parent, you just have to strain your memory or open a diary, which contains the most often they form the basis of jokes. For example, a short scene about moms can be like this.

"Son, am I beautiful?" - Mom asks, showing off in front of the mirror. “Yes, mommy…” an enthusiastic child whispers breathlessly. “Just like a fire truck!”

Children's sayings. "Where were the dinosaurs?"

Or maybe even such a scene about moms.

A child examines a bicycle that a neighbor girl took out into the street. The daughter touches the steering wheel, tries to honk the horn. Then she asks thoughtfully: “Mom, did you have a bicycle in ancient times, when you were little?” Mom replies sadly: “No, son, I didn’t have such beauty, unfortunately ...” - “Yes, it was a long time ago. Were there dinosaurs back then?

Scene "Three mothers"

It is very important to choose such children's skits about mothers and grandmothers for the holiday, in which parental love and care are shown. This material just meets these requirements. Poetic children's skits are sometimes played out with the participation of the presenter or the author. There are also the roles of grandmother, mother and Tanyusha. Therefore, such scenes are suitable for grandmothers and mothers.

Tanechka sat down to play in the evening.

She got the doll - enough for her to sleep!

Tanya asked her a question here ( Tanechka's words):

“What are you, daughter, hung up your nose?

And skipped dinner altogether?

Tanya's mom came home from work.

Tanya asked mom's words):

“How are you, daughter?

Played all day again, fidget

And skipped dinner altogether?

How I was tortured, daughter, with you!

Soon you will become, like a match, thin!

You need to obey your mother, turntable!

Here, my dear, tea and cheesecake!

Then my grandmother - my mother's mother - came.

And she asked Tanya's mother ( grandmother's words):

“Daughter, you look very tired ...

You probably haven't eaten all day, are you tired?

You work at school, but you are a fidget!

Left without lunch again today?

How I was tortured, daughter, with you!

Soon you will become, like a match, thin!

You need to obey your mother, turntable!

Here, my dear, tea and cheesecake!

Three mothers, three daughters are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look reproachfully at their daughters.

It's not easy, it's not easy being a mother

Kohl daughters are so stubborn!

Scene about son and mother

Funny scenes about a mother and grown children are well received by the audience. After all, parents always consider their offspring to be babies. The scene "Mom and son-director of the school" has already become a classic. There are two involved.

Mom wakes up her son: “It's time to get up, otherwise you'll be late again! Get up, son, all the kids have already gone to school! Son: “Well, another half hour, Mom! I'm tired of this school! - “Yes, son, you can’t! School is your duty!” - "Don't want! Maslov will again throw a dirty rag!” “You still have to go to school!” - "Will not go! Ivan Petrovich finds fault with me, he is always looking for mistakes! - “Stop being picky. Get up, lazy!" - “And Filippova shows her tongue behind me, comes up with all sorts of nicknames!” - “So what now? You still need to go to school! You are the director!

Scene "I didn't chew, probably ..."

A short scene for mom from children is often based on real events. Often funny stories are taken from Yeralash and replayed at the holidays by children. For example, such an episode will surely make all the guests and spectators laugh.

Mom cuts potatoes and tells the girl a fairy tale, and the daughter eats nearby.

“And Little Red Riding Hood went to the forest to her grandmother. Chew well! She goes, and towards the gray wolf. You chew come on, better chew! He deceived the girl, ran into the hut first and swallowed the grandmother. Are you going to eat or not? Then he swallowed the girl. Chew, I tell you, better chew! But then hunters walked by, saw a wolf, cut open his stomach. Chew your food thoroughly, how much do you say! And the grandmother and her granddaughter came out alive and unharmed ... "

The daughter put down the spoon, stood up and said: “Here, and all because he didn’t obey his mother and didn’t chew the food properly!”

Scene "Where is the diary?"

You can attach school stories to the festive theme of events dedicated to mothers. They are also taken from real life. For example, often a scene for mom from children is associated with checking grades.

“Son, are you sitting at the computer again pants? So you will remain an ignoramus!” - the mother addresses the teenager. “Well, you are backward, ancestors! The computer is progress! Only that person can be considered cultured and developed today who has mastered this technique! And I am just so developed and educated!” - replies arrogant teenager.

“Well, then show me your diary, you are our cultured and educated!” Mom doesn't give up. "And where he?" the boy asks without looking up from the computer. “Probably in your briefcase!”

The son rummages through his school bag but finds nothing. “He is not there! Apparently, he passed for verification! - the boy answers and tries to sit down at the computer again. Mom pushes him away, sits down herself and clicks the mouse, looking for something.

“Mom, now you will ruin everything for me, but I will lose!” - shouts an unscrupulous student. “You, son, have already lost! Here, look, this is your electronic diary, and the teacher does not take it for verification! And in it we see ... two in Russian and a count in mathematics! Yep, here are the side missions for the underachievers... So close your game and get to work! The computer is progress! Only that person can be considered cultured and developed today who has mastered this technique, ”the mother repeats her son’s words in a sarcastic tone.

The son scratches the back of his head dejectedly. "How so? And Vovka said that you just need to hide the diary and it will work ... Yes, it's hard to live with parents who understand computers! Oh, this progress! I wish I had broken my computer!”

Scene "Mom gamer"

The daughter is sitting at the computer. Mom enters.

“Daughter, let me put the pictures in Odnoklassniki!”

The girl reluctantly gives way. Mom takes out a stack of photographs, opens the drive and tries to put it in. The daughter laughs: “Mom, what are you doing! Why are you putting printed pictures in the drive!” - “But how is it necessary?” - “This is done from electronic media! Where is the flash drive? - "Is this such a small thing that looks like a lighter?" - “Well, yes, on a lighter! And you need to log in first! What is your login? - "Who?" - “Login, mom! Well, the word is such a code, in Latin letters it is written here, - the daughter shows her mother. - And here they write the password! - “Ah-ah-ah! Now turn away!" The girl turns away, mother clumsily pokes at the keys, referring to a piece of paper. The daughter waves her hand and leaves the house, shaking her head - that's what a "stupid" mother she has!

The front door slams. Mom takes out her headphones, quickly clicks on the keyboard, starts chatting on Skype: “This is Paracetamol! Phoenix, are you ready? The daughter is gone, we have two hours left! Begin! Go around the One-Eyed Mockingbird on the left and I'll blow it up on the right! Jump up the mountain! Hide in the crevice! Can't you see, right? Arrow Hello! Have you vacated your job too? Come on, connect, to the right, to the right ... Bang! Ready!!! Haha! Ours took! We run to the spaceport, in two seconds we will fly to the planet Omerweiter! Many-armed Vishera are waiting for us there! Have you forgotten hyperbolic laseroids? Forward!"

Scene "Mom's Day"

The son sings as he sweeps the floor. Mom enters the room with huge bags. She looks around in surprise and sits up in fear. "Son, what happened? Did you get a two? - "Why did you decide so?" - “Well, then why did you suddenly take up cleaning?” - “There was just garbage on the floor, so I decided to sweep it!” Mom touches the shelf and grabs her heart: “You wiped the dust! Am I being summoned to the director again?” - “No, I just decided to help you, so I wiped the dust everywhere!” - "Everywhere???" Mom loses consciousness. The son brings her a glass of water. Mom drinks, chattering her teeth. “You must have been expelled from school? What is it that smells so good?” “Not excluded at all. And it smells like fried potatoes - I cooked it for you. You must be tired!" Mom falls off the chair, shouting: “Doctor! Ambulance! You must have been registered in the children's room!”

The son goes to the phone, dials a number and grumbles: “He said that nothing good would come of this day for moms ... Ambulance? Accept the challenge! Yes, mom too! Also with an attack!

Mom carefully raises her head: “So this is all just a gift? The son nods. - Will everything be the same tomorrow? - “Well, of course, mommy! I promise!" The son kisses his mother on the cheek, they join hands and step into the kitchen. The son carries the bags.

"Holiday dinner"

After each number of the program, congratulations to mom should sound. The Festive Dinner scene will become a transition from a concert to a tea party.

Son and daughter are spinning in the kitchen at the stove. The boy offers to bake a cake, and the girl insists on kharcho soup. They never reach agreement. As a result, everyone adds to the dish those products that he considers necessary.

The son reads the recipe: “Put three eggs in flour, a glass of sour cream ...” - puts food in a large bowl and starts to kindle the oven. The girl is reading her recipe. “Hot red pepper is put in a pod. Add grated garlic, onion, cilantro!” - folds his products and mixes everything with a spoon. Then the children put the bowl in the oven and wait.

The doorbell rings, the son runs to open it. The girl takes a dish out of the oven. Mom enters: “What good fellows you are! Thank you very much for your concern!” The daughter hands her a plate on which lies a piece of something black. Mom sniffs, grimaces, but carefully bites off a piece. “And what is the name of this amazing dish?” - Mom chews with difficulty, but smiles through force. The children answer in chorus: one shouts “cake”, the other shouts “kharcho”. Mom nods and says, “I immediately thought so. Cake "Kharcho". Amazing!”

After this skit, the host tells the guests: “Our dishes are not prepared in this way, so dear mothers and grandmothers do not have to pretend to taste them. Welcome everyone to the festive table!”

The song "Smile"

Vedas. Today our whole country celebrates a new holiday - Mother's Day.

Today, the whole world is a big and bright holiday.

Listen, mothers, listen - children congratulate you!

(leaves 1 class)

1st - Mother's Day - a wonderful day!
On this cold autumn day
We ask mothers all over the Earth:
Please accept our congratulations!

2nd Our first class congratulations glad

To all mothers on the planet.

thank you mom say

Both adults and children.

1st Many mothers in the world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

2nd Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy!

Vedas. The most beautiful word on earth is mother.

It's the first word a person utters

and it sounds equally gentle in all languages

Children perform (grade 6)

Mom (Yuri Entin)

Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
It happens - sleepless night
Mom is crying slowly
How is the daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning my mother will fall asleep.
Mom is the first word
Mother earth and sky
Life gave me and you.
It happens - if it happens suddenly
In your house, grief is trouble,
Mom is the best, reliable friend -
Will be with you always.
Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
It happens - you become more mature
And like a bird you will fly high
Whoever you are, know that for mom you are -
As always, dear baby.
Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

Vedas. You, of course, do not remember the very first meeting with your mother.

How happy she was when she saw you! How happy her eyes shone!

There was a film number tied to your pen.

Your last name, date, month, year and time of your birth, and your weight were written on it.

To which of you did your mother show this number - your very first one?

Then your mother looked at her baby for the first time - and realized that her child -

the best, the most beautiful and the most beloved.

Now you have grown up, but your mother loves you still firmly and tenderly.

Moms will love you exactly as much as they will live in the world -

remember this always!

And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50,

you will always need a mother, her caress, her look.

And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter life!

For you, dear mothers, ditties from girls 5/6 cells.

(Chatushki - sing Olya, Katya, Lera, Sasha, Tanya)

1. We both write and read,
And we compose ditties
And on the holiday of all mothers
We will also sleep for you!

2. Who said - ditties like,
Is it out of fashion these days?
It's just a matter of fashion
If people love them?

3. Mom writes an essay
And solves the equation.
It turns out that "5"
We will receive together.

4. If necessary, we will dance,
If necessary, we will sing,
Don't worry our mothers
We won't disappear anywhere!

5. Mom asks Vasya:
– What are you doing in class, Vasya?
He thought a little
And he answered: - I'm waiting for a call!

We gathered our mothers
But not for fun
We are reporting today
About your successes.

I love to change
Run, jump and jump.
In the Guinness book I dream
By jumping to get.

Here I am in class
I turn in all directions -
How many girls are beautiful -
I won't look at all.

I will not let anyone write off,
Let everyone call you a pest.
Maybe I'll be harmful later
Early retirement.

I walk in school uniform
All so solid!
I'll smear the jacket with glue,
I'll fill it with jam.

And our teacher
The whole day torments us
Doesn't let you walk
Everything teaches something!

In the best third grade
I'm going to study
So that even the president
You could marry me!

From the bottom of our hearts we sang to you

School ditties.
We are not at all tired
Pity your ears!

Well ditties sang,
Good and okali.
We would all like
For you to clap us.

(3 students of grade 3 and grade 4 of grade 1 leave)

Fedinskaya Dasha:

Mom worked for a long time:

All things, things, things...

Mom was so tired all day long.

She lay down on the sofa.

I won't touch her

I'll just stand by.

Let her sleep a little -

I will sing a song to her.

I'll be closer to my mother

I love her very much!

Too bad he can't hear

Mom my song.

Leading: Your mothers did not sleep for many nights,

worried about you, wanted you to be healthy,

smart, kind.

Their hands are constantly working to make you feel good and comfortable.

Mary Rodina's poem:

Maslova Dasha:

They say to mom

Hands are not easy

They say to mom

Golden hands!

I look closely.

I bring it closer.

I touch and stare -

I don't see gold.

Why do people

Our factory

They say mom

Golden hands?

I won't argue.

They know better -

Because they work

With my mom.

Host: Our mothers get up early in the morning.

It is necessary to redo the household chores, and not be late for work,

They have golden hands, and they also have the most faithful and sensitive heart.

Get sick - mothers will cure you, sad - they will console you,

and if it becomes scary, they will definitely save it.

Rita Pakulova:

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom is the best friend!

Not only children love mothers,

Love all around!

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble -

Mommy comes to the rescue

Will always help out!

Mom a lot of strength, health

Give to all of us.

So the truth is not in the world

Better than our moms

Vedas. Mom is the kindest, sweetest, most beloved person for each of us.

Lush Lera: - In the house she is busy with good deeds, kindness walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us, good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night, it was good yesterday.
If suddenly you don’t know where so much kindness comes from,
What take root from this kindness: flowers, fish, hedgehogs, cats.
I will tell everyone around directly, in our house - this is my mother!

The song "My Mom" ​​(Performed by Grade 3)

Most of all I love

my mother,

Dad, brother and sisters -

All my family.

Every day I get up

And I sing a song

About the best

My mother.

My dear mother,

The most beautiful,

tender, beloved

My mommy.

big family

We live together.

We draw, we sing,

We are building a new house.

billiards, volleyball

We love to play


With a dolphin

Swim and dive.

Mom with the holiday of spring

We congratulate

And give her roses

delicate flowers,

Let's draw the sky, the sun

And my family

And I'm a beloved mother

I'll sing a song.

Vedas. -But what a dispute came out of our high school students. Grades 10/11 Scene: “What kind of children are these days, right?”

(4 couples: girl-boy play a scene)

M - I'm thinking, guessing,
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

D - Why are you doing this?

M - For a specific answer!
Preparing for adulthood...

D - You came up with it cleverly!

M - Yes, I feel sorry for my mother,
From the problems of life is not visible.

D - Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Difficult position - mother.
How would it be easier for her
Without children like us.

2 couple: Ignatiev Valera and Bolshakova Vika

D-fu! What nonsense!
She'll be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom without kids!

M - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

D - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
Without children, he is lifeless!

M - But then, I'll say it straight,
Mom is having a good rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solving problems for children
writing essay,
For various tricks
Then scold, then punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Collect toys again.
Not sparing nerve cells,
Get the kids off the computer!

D- And to hear, falling asleep, ....
You are so beautiful
Honestly, I'm honest
Mom, I love you so much! ...

3rd couple: Alyosha Rybakov and Masha Begoedova

M – Yes…hm-hm…sounds nice…

What about such a prospect? — ‘
Just raised kids...
Got married soon...
Do you want to rest now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

D - So what? Play again.
Respond to grandma
Sit down, get up, run
Collected the toys again
stove workout,
Carriage of household vanity,

M - Why do they need such a life?

D - Aerobics is solid!
Hurry up to get it all done.
Even no time to grow old

4 couple: Belomestnov Nikita and Ananina Nastya

M - No! I still doubt
So many nerves and worries!
I'm more and more convinced
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to grow them
And educate, teach,
Sleepless day and night
Survive day and night
Get sick - heal
Guilty - to beat,
And help with studies
And feed, and dress up ...

D - What is the problem? I don't understand!
I dress up dolls!

M - Well, compared! In - gives!

D - Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
All the more important, I'll tell you straight.
Moms - in children a continuation,
Honor and respect!
And great love.

M - And care again and again ...

D - So, my friend, calm down!
Caring is fun!
While you are raising children
You won't get bored for a moment.

1 couple: Zinovenko Seryozha and Kubitskaya Katya

M - Yes-ah-ah, I got the answer -
The meaning of life is seen in this.

D - The meaning of life is seen in the fact
So that the kids are full of house!
Every mother has a child!

All the guys in chorus:

Well, better than two!

So that mommy is bored
Didn't have a headache.

Host: How do you help your mothers? (4 cells read poems)

The student reads a poem by M. Grozovsky Syropyatov Slava:

I save my mother's work

I help as much as I can.

Today mom for lunch

Cooked cutlets

And said:

I ate a little.

Isn't it help?

Gantimurov Roma:

Yesterday I helped my mother:
I washed my own trousers
I twirled them in soapy foam
And sweated for three hours, sweated,
I beat my trousers with a stick,
I squeezed it myself, then dried it.
Clean - no nitpick to them!
But where are the holes from?

Ignatieva Angelina:
Help my mother and I try
Can my mother be proud of me:
Mom wash my dress
I am in the notebook of one.
I am a helper in everything
We also iron together:
Momma irons the sheet,
Well, I am the back of the kitten.
And we write dictations together
We write with mommy, we don’t breathe,
We dictation uneasy:
Mom writes, I dictate.

Syropyatova Ksyusha:
That's when I become a mother
I will never get tired
Wash the dust, knit and sew,
make pies for everyone
Peel potatoes every day
wash dishes, cups, spoons...
No, I'll probably be a dad,
so as not to wash dishes all my life

The song "Dear Mommy, My Mommy" (performed by grade 4)

Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile

The one who is called my mother.

Mommy, my dear, my mother,

The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,

Mommy in the house - no fear.

Mommy, my dear, my mother,

It's good that I have you!

Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -

Mommy is right next to me.

I love my dear mother very much

I will give this song to her.

And now we will play, but we will entertain the guests!

(Music plays)

"Chamomile for our mothers"

And now you are expected from 5/6 classes

(Based on a poem by V. Volgina).

The Word has hidden somewhere, the Word has hidden and is waiting.

Let the guys find me. Come on, who will find me?

Mom, dad, brother and me -

That's all my ... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap.

We washed the dishes ourselves.

We washed the dishes ourselves -

Helped our ... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden

We water them from a watering can.

Asters, lilies, tulips

Let them grow for our ... (mother)

Scene "Family Lessons" (Grade 7)

Room. Vasya is solving a problem, mom is reading a magazine, dad is fixing the alarm clock, grandma is napping in a chair.

Vasya: That's a damned task! Fought, fought - failure.

Already there were circles in the eyes ... sit down, dad, help!

Dad: Keep your head up, son

You are not alone with dad! (Sits down to class.)

Vasya: We were ordered to underline the parts of speech in the exercise.

Do, mom, a favor, be more attentive!

Mom: Underline parts of speech?

Let's figure it out somehow.

Vasya: And for you, grandma, paint.

Come on, grandma, don't sleep!

Draw a picture for a fairy tale: a cat walks along a chain.

Grandmother: No, she's too old ... The eye is not the same. (Vasya is crying.)

OK OK. There will be a cat! (Vasya gives her paints and an album.)

Vasya: I'll go out for a minute. Where is my jacket? (Puts on a jacket, hides a soccer ball under it and leaves.)

Host: In the morning, Vasya walked cheerfully with a blue bag on his back. (Vasya quickly walks downstage, singing a bravura tune.)

But sadly from school he returned home. (Vasya walks back down the stage, enters the room where mom, dad and grandmother are.)

Mom: What did you bring?

Vasya: See for yourself.

Dad: No, report first!

Vasya: Dad - "five". "Four" - mom. And you, grandma, - "two" ...

All the children in the world call mom
Sweet, good, dear most!
We will grow up and we will take care of our mother ourselves,
In the meantime, let's bring her joy with our song.

(Performed "Mammoth's Song". Grade 7)

Guys, what will you give

to your moms?

We are a gift to mom

We will not buy

Let's cook it ourselves.

With my own hands.

You can embroider a scarf for her.

You can grow a flower.

You can draw a house.

The blue river...

And also kiss

Mom dear!

Children give their mothers their crafts.

Presenter: To you, who gave affection to children, we dedicate this song

The song sounds to the tune of "Little Country" (everyone sings)

Mommy is the best in the world

We love mommy

Mom, all our smiles,

The best dreams in the world.

Mom is always in household chores,

She has many worries.

We know. That mom is very tired in the evening.

There is no mother,

There is no mother,

What is our beloved mother

Youth secret?

We will raise our children

And after many years

We also learn the most important

Mom's big secret:

Only big love for mom

Doesn't let you get old

Let her be native

Lives for a long time.

There is no mother,

There is no mother,

What is our beloved mother

Youth secret?

Leading: Do not get sick, do not be bored and rest more often.
So that at home, at work, you are always held in high esteem.
So that you have fun, so that sadness forgets you.
And in the soul, let young love live every year.

Girl: Our holiday is already over,
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye -
Wish everyone good health!

Leading Be cheerful, healthy.
Give good light to everyone!
Come visit again
And live to be a hundred years old!