Removing a curse is a complex and lengthy process that can take more than one week. It is not enough just to carry out an energy cleansing, the removal of damage consists of careful preparation, a powerful ritual and protection of the victim of the evil eye after the ceremony. What happens after the damage is removed? An important factor determining the future life of a person is his condition in the first days after a secret magical action. Before cleaning the energy, the victim needs to know what to do after removing the damage and how to protect themselves from energy attacks in the future?

The complex process of removing the curse

What happens after the damage is removed? When a person agrees to conduct a secret ritual, he accepts all the conditions under which magic will work. Purification is carried out by a woman, a man, a magician or a novice. What is important is not so much the instrument as the presentation and attitude of all participants in the ritual. The time spent fighting corruption will pay off with a full life without outside influence. After a long preparation (the victim is freed from physical, spiritual blocks and negativity), the day of the ceremony comes.

You can choose absolutely any ritual for removing the evil eye, from which the victim does not “turn back”. A person who has been subjected to a strong negative should start from internal preferences, from his own instinct and intuition. All the time while the ceremony is being performed, and magic spells are being read, the victim lets go of resentment, regrets and fears. Only strong personalities are able to survive the first days after the removal of the curse. As soon as the time comes for independent struggle, all the volitional qualities of a person should be activated.

The first days after the removal of the evil eye

Any person can become a customer of cleansing magic. There are as many reasons for inducing a curse as there are secret desires of other people: enemies, envious people, ill-wishers. Any experienced magician will confirm that after damage, all the negativity does not go away. From the long-term impact of a negative program on a person’s home or workspace, it is not so easy to remove all the “roots” of the evil eye. It depends on the behavior of the victim after removing the damage, how quickly she will regain control of her own life.

How does a person feel in the first days after the ritual of removing spoilage? In real life, magical healing from a curse doesn't come in a second. You can understand that the ritual of removing damage was successful after a few days. In the first days, the victim feels small symptoms after the ritual:

  • malaise (the customer plans several days of rest after removing the damage);
  • severe headaches, dizziness, migraines;
  • nausea, sometimes severe vomiting;
  • a feeling of fear that is difficult to get rid of (it goes away over time);
  • prolonged yawning and drowsiness.

Every person who has suffered a terrible fate - to feel the damage, lives through the days of weakness with the belief that the ritual works gradually. If from the first days a person feels good, then there was no damage at all, or the rite did not help the victim. The magician works with the customer even after the ritual.

The evil eye is removed again if the symptoms after the ceremony threaten a person's life. Deteriorated health suggests that the negative does not want to leave the home or body of a person. Corruption literally resists lapel charms.

Identification of damage after the rite: the first signs of a strong curse

How can damage be determined? Not every payoff or ritual works unconditionally. A sorcerer or an experienced magician does not give the victim any guarantees. Prior to the cleansing rite, neither the sorcerer nor the magician can predict the behavior of that evil eye, which was fueled by hatred for a single day.

The victim may manifest a curse that returned back or was not completely removed. Cleansing is a good procedure, but sometimes it is not enough to say goodbye to the curse. The most difficult cleansing of ancestral curses that have been working for decades. The sorcerer selects a ritual that works from powerful attributes.

Strong Curse Diagnosis

It is not only possible, but also necessary for every person to understand whether the rite worked or not. For the victim, the result of cleansing actions is important, and not the process itself, therefore, malaise and severe headaches may not indicate a leaving evil eye, but a curse that continues to work. Symptoms that the victim should be concerned about:

  • severe runny nose or cough for no reason;
  • severe vomiting, symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • insomnia;
  • paranoia that only intensifies.

All these symptoms can be summed up in one picture - the cleaning did not work, but the curse remained. The behavior of the victim in such a situation determines the further struggle, if a person does not give up, he agrees to repeated strong rituals.

You can remove the evil eye from yourself at home. If the temperature rose sharply from the home ritual, chills appeared or the pressure changed, the negative did not go away. Feeling unwell is a signal. He talks about the success of the rite, about how strong the damage was, about the power of the victim's energy. Only an experienced magician can recognize in simple signals signs of a working negative program or the absence of the desired effect after the rite.

Manifestations of the effects of a curse

At the energy level, the induced negative program is an illness, a disease of the soul, which manifests itself in all spheres of the personality's activity. Human life consists of personal and professional achievements. Any negativity that is around a person spoils his personal, professional, creative life.

The consequences of a lingering evil eye, from which they did not get rid of for a long period:

  • devastation (the victim feels that he has lost something important and fundamental);
  • apathy (weakness is accompanied by depression);
  • life seems difficult, and difficulties insurmountable;
  • inertia (a person feels that he cannot get out of the vicious circle).

The life of the object of the evil eye is so intertwined with negativity that it is very difficult to get rid of the feeling of loss in the first days after the removal of the evil eye. The victim will suffer from devastation, because the curse occupied a significant place in his biofield. Do not allow yourself to unstick in the first days after cleaning. Any weakness and apathy will be temporary, and things will soon get better.

The protection provided will allow you not to worry that the evil eye may return. An experienced magician works with the customer, who knows about the consequences of removing severe damage.

How does damage go away

If the customer has survived the first difficult days of removing the evil eye, things improve a little. A person feels how every day the burden leaves the soul. Moving away from confusion and depression, there is a slight improvement in well-being. Before that, a person could not enjoy life or fully rejoice, and in the first weeks from the reprimand of the curse, euphoria appears (insignificant, but very noticeable against the general background).

Depending on the type of damage, a person gets rid of accumulated problems. Things are going uphill, and personal life is no longer disturbed by constant problems. During this period, you can not radically change your usual work or partner. It is necessary to move towards new achievements gradually, without haste. If it was not possible to determine “it was possible to remove the damage before or not”, the first weeks after the end of the ceremony will become decisive. Damage is being removed, like any phenomenon in the universe - harmoniously and in stages. Do not jump to conclusions or rush.

What will help speed up the energy cleansing process

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of myths and scary stories about how a curse can go away. Any experienced magician will advise not to make a procession out of corruption. Corruption takes a lot from a person, and it is not at all necessary to help her in this. The curse is lifted in a day, a month, a year - it is not very important if a person is determined to become the master of his own life.

How the evil eye leaves a person

What happens when the negativity leaves? Everything that defined a person, his personal or professional life, disappears. The person bears a great responsibility for their own future. There is no one else to rely on and whom to blame for their own failures.

After the removal of any curse comes a moment of insight, self-knowledge. It is important not to miss the chance to step on the path that a man or woman has been looking for for a long time.

About what happens after the removal of damage, why it is difficult to get rid of black witchcraft - I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about all this in this article. People who resorted to magical cleansing of the negative sometimes note that it became worse after removing the damage. Why is this happening? After all, according to the logic of things, relief and positive changes in life should come.

What will be the feeling of a person after removing the damage

A cursed person is first of all a weakened person. If there is an enemy who sends damage, puts thieves, shifts, troubles, then, it is clear that in this situation he is energetically stronger. It is difficult for a weakened person to fight a strong enemy, you see. And after removing the damage, not immediately, but it happens that positive changes in life do not always come. This is especially true for novice magicians who still do not have any taps or witchcraft shields, who have not yet developed strong combat defenses.

To come quickly improvements after removal of spoilage you should at least take it off. Those. completely remove all energy negativity, and not open the upper layers, leaving the root of the problem intact. Magical cleansing needs to be learned, practiced. This is quite laborious and. If you know that your ill-wisher has more experience and more strength, which plays a decisive role, then it is advisable to seek magical help from an outside specialist.

This is especially true in the case when the negative is very strong, old or generic. There are many features of recovery after cleansing and getting rid of negative consequences after removing damage. If all types of damage are normally removed from the patient (and they, by the way, especially old, perennial ones, lie in layers, as it were), then the person is reborn, blissful and satisfied.

  • if there is no energy at all,
  • weakness,
  • unsatisfactory state of physical and psychological health,
  • and in general it became worse after removing the damage,

- then it’s worth considering whether the ritual worked at all.

Is a particular rite of purification from corruption right for you?

Did you have the strength to start a process that would remove all the black negativity? Such questions are clarified by diagnostics. Runic diagnostics for the presence of negativity or divination on Tarot cards on the same questions always gives an exhaustive and clear answer. If you yourself are not God knows what kind of diagnostician, contact practicing magicians. One thing is clear, if you do not want to live someone else's damn life, you must find ways and opportunities to solve your problem. Find the strength in yourself, or find a good sorcerer, and remove the negative, return your own after the thief, improve your personal life, and so on. And then your feelings after removing the damage will be the feelings of a person who has broken free.

The state of a person after removing damage

It may also be that the victim, when trying to remove the damage on his own, rips off only the upper layers of the negative, exposing, but not solving the problem. Has the removal of damage not completely helped someone, but only part of the energy negativity? Hardly. It is understood that this is than good. What can be advised in such a situation? If you intend to cleanse yourself on your own in order to improve your energy, and with it your physical condition, set yourself runic energy stakes. This will help you recover faster after the ritual.

It is advisable to treat oneself from spoilage in a complex way, not limited to any one rite. And before applying the method at home, diagnose, check whether the magical rite suits you, whether there will be a conflict of egregores, whether you can withstand this or that purge energetically. Many practicing magicians note that during the cleansing of negativity, they (if they clean themselves) or clients get sick. Is it normal? And is it possible to avoid illness or exacerbation of chronic diseases after removal of spoilage? And what can generally be considered the norm: fatigue or should there be an upsurge and good spirits right away?

As always, everything is individual. Weakness may be due to breakdowns in energy due to damage caused to a person, or incorrect actions of the magician during the destruction of its manifestations. Someone puts runes for themselves, and notes relief. Someone patches energy holes, and seeks to improve the state and circumstances. necessary and good protection after removal of spoilage. In general, shields should be placed immediately after it was removed.

Protection after removing damage - when is it best to put amulets

If you work with runic magic, then you can do this on any day, since the Runes do not depend on the state of the moon. In practical magic, things are somewhat different. There are special days in the lunar month that are most favorable for setting up protection, such as:

  • Last day of the new moon
  • 7, 11 (this lunar day is not for beginners),
  • 12 lunar day,
  • Full moon period.
  • 24 lunar days are well suited for gaining a spirit helper.
  • Also on the 30th lunar day, protections fit well.

True, the 30th day does not happen every lunar month. But if it happens, then you should not miss this time, because this day is very favorable for rituals to protect the house from witchcraft and magic, to install personal protections, and create strong amulets. In addition, on this day, vows can be made in honor of the patronizing Powers. Defenses, especially those with a healing effect, help recover after removal of damage. If it is not possible to wait the most, then in the rituals of protection magic they are placed on the growing moon. But, if the case is urgent, they do it when necessary. The only question is whether there will be enough strength to put up and unleash protection against magical attacks. If their forces are not enough, Helpers are usually called. They also get paid to help.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

What they feel after removing the spoilage - other causes of discomfort

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, know magicians who believe that feeling unwell during cleaning is not just normal, but necessary, because abscesses are opened and cleared this way. Although, again, I do not exclude that if the case is very neglected and complex, then dynamic cleaning can cause certain discomfort on a mental or physical level.

But, be that as it may, with normal methods to remove signs of spoilage, an exacerbation of the disease, or certain inconveniences should quickly pass, and not develop into a chronic disease. The aggravation should be a short-term phenomenon, and come after cleansing, and to be exact, during the ritual. After that, relief and positive changes should come in human life after removal of damage. Being in the process of cleansing, be attentive to the signs, events, your own feelings.

If there are absolutely no changes, check with diagnostics whether the magical program for eliminating corruption has started, and how it works - in full force, or in half. In addition, we must not forget that different rituals have their effect on a person in different ways. Therefore, the physical condition after deletion with the victim, it happens, it differs. For example, with regard to wax castings. In the process of casting a negative onto wax, energy is always wasted. Especially for self casting. But, even with a loss of energy, well-being after removing the damage should improve.

If relief does not come, and even chronic, dormant diseases begin to manifest themselves and cause small or great inconvenience, this can be regarded as a lack of result, when the power of corruption remains where it was. Or by cleaning, as I, the magician Sergey Artgrom already said before, they just pulled up an abscess, disturbed the upper layer of damage, without reaching the deep layers of negative energy.

How to achieve improvements after removing damage

It happens that diagnostics show that the method of the chosen rite of removal is suitable, but on the physical plane nothing is felt and does not happen, and it is difficult to say how a person feels after the removal of damage, if, for example, there was not enough strength to start cleaning. If you decide to cleanse yourself with Runes, and yours with this system is small, follow the recommendations of the authors of the staves. Some purges, if overexposed, may well become a real spoilage.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, let me remind you, and also, as for the purges. There are rules of conduct that you should follow for your own safety. It should be remembered that after removing the spoilage for several days, you can’t give anything from home and take nothing from anyone. In order not to intercept the transfer from the enemy and not get the damage just removed back. Well, as for recovery, targeting runes can help. Communication with nature, the elements and animals also helps very well.

Of course, dragging one's feet while clearing energy negativity is certainly not good. However, the features of the chosen rituals should also be taken into account. So, cleansing and healing runic formulas very often give an exacerbation, which can persist for a certain time. These are bad consequences of removal of spoilage, which, by the way, can manifest itself both as Olympian calmness and through a deep, long sleep. So, the victim is not always sick. Everything is individual, and it is necessary to consider not general, but specific cases.

But after what time the removal of damage occurs, it is definitely very difficult to say.

Black damage can be removed in a few days, but it happens that a real magician works for months to remove the old negative with deep roots. In other words, much depends on the initial situation. A lot more in magic depends on the right conspiracy. It is imperative to stipulate that the cleaning works without harm to the one from whom the negative is being cleaned. However, this does not always work. You can feel bad for two reasons: if the negative has begun to be removed, or if this method of removing damage simply does not suit you.

What happens when damage is removed - features of magical rituals

To find out the reasons it is necessary to diagnose. If you take black cleanings, then the translations can begin to unwind immediately, literally from the first day. However, they may not give noticeable results in reality, despite the fact that the diagnostics of runes, cards or dreams speaks of positive dynamics. In this case, what happens to a person after removing the damage? There may be, for example, minor results. However, the negative must be removed entirely, otherwise there is no point in starting. Therefore, I recommend the magician Sergey Artgrom to work comprehensively.

It's all about the severity of the curse sent, and the area that he touched also matters. As for rune cleansing, then, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, you need to keep the runic becoming for as long as necessary until you feel normal physically, have a comfortable psychological state, and have normal dreams, without setting a specific rune duration. The more lively its manifestations can be when cleaning. And you need to be ready for this. As for the reviews after removing the damage, they come down precisely to the effectiveness of a particular method. Try to take those cleanings that give a good result, and when working with which you feel comfortable.

Some magical rites, such as wax castings with a strong conspiracy to remove corruption, weaken the protections set. Other cleansing rituals may not affect shields in any way. If the protections are weak, and after cleaning they fly off, you need to try protections of a different plan. For example, non-aggressive defenses that are easier to place and that will hold up on an unstable field.

Let's go back to wax castings for a moment. In the process, there is often an aggravation, but after witchcraft comes lightness, heat in the body, a feeling of liberation from the burden of magical negativity. This is a good sign, and for sure you can find out if the damage has been removed using Tarot cards. However, if the negative is removed, it will be seen in life events.

A person with healthy energy is not sick, financially successful, not alone and happy. After cleansing and protection, it is necessary to recover and remove the consequences of inducing damage that have taken root in your destiny. And it is desirable to do this immediately after setting up the protection. In general, the issue of eliminating curses should be taken very seriously. It is not enough just to remove the magic program, it is necessary to develop a whole range of actions in order to understand what to do after removing the damage.

I want to disassemble the mechanism, the spectrum of the patient's sensations, and explain to people who, God forbid, will go through the procedure for removing such a problem as spoilage.

Corruption is a destructive program embedded in the structure of human energy, which has its own energy and information. It structures, more precisely, destructures and distorts the energy of a person and manifests itself both in internal changes and in external ones - in the environment of a person.


Our world is the most complex energy-information system. And each person, by itself, being created in the image of God, is a complex energy-information system.

There is a constant exchange of energy between people. Human energy can be consciously influenced, and unfortunately, not always with good intentions. It is from the point of view of energy and bioenergetics that I want to state the essence of such a concept as "damage".

Damage is a kind of conscious negative energy impact on a person.

According to the degree of influence and the nature of the negative impact on a person, the evil eye and damage should be divided.

The evil eye is an unconscious unintentional energy impact on a person.

From its essence, it does not carry a "charge of destruction" of that force that can cause significant harm to the health and fate of a person. It is mostly unintentional, and often arises from envy, a sharp outburst of hostility from those people with whom you communicate. But there are people - "eyed" who unconsciously, without intent, are capable of causing harm. These people have a serious energy imbalance, and they themselves need help, because they can jinx themselves too.

Damage differs from the evil eye in the following - the strength of the impact and the awareness of the harm done.

The reasons why a person is spoiled are a great many. There is also a large variety of methods of inducing damage, and the results that they want to achieve - death, injury, accidents, alcoholism, poverty, quarrels, bad luck, loneliness, childlessness, etc.

Most people who want to harm another cannot do it on their own, and they turn to those who are capable of it.

How is damage done and how does it work?

Thoughts and words carry energy. The energy of creation and destruction. Words chosen in this way create an enhanced beneficial effect - prayers and healing conspiracies were created in a similar way, or a destructive effect. The name of the person also plays an important role. A name is an identifier of a person in space. It is the name, and not the surname, that is used in prayers, church services, and, unfortunately, when inducing damage. Knowing the name of a person, the energy of destruction is transferred to him, "to the target", and begins to act.

A person who does evil creates a "program" that must merge with the energy of a person in order to harm him: get inside in the form of food or drink, fall into the victim's house or hands. In special cases, damage is induced at a distance, without direct contact with a person. Photographs play a special role here, because this is a complete "energy cast" of a person - a direct access to his energy and soul. But there is a category of people who do not need any contact with the victim, nor the presence of photographs or personal belongings. This is informational magic. These people are able to identify a person by name, establish energy-informational contact with him and harm him. But, thank God, there are people who carry out healing in a similar way.

Corruption acts like a program, and it performs the task that was invested in it.

Can a person independently deal with the negative impact on him? Maybe it should.

However, the effectiveness of this struggle depends on several factors.

1. Force of influence. With the evil eye, most people can cope on their own, using certain methods. In some cases, damage to a person can be dealt with on his own, but if it is not strong and is detected at an early stage. Otherwise, you need to contact the experts.

2. Human energy. An energetically weakened person (by illness, stress) is the easiest victim and it is very difficult for him to cope with the problem on his own, because. the process of removing damage is a colossal loss of energy - both for the healer and for the person. For example, after such work, I need to eat something sweet so that the energy that glucose carries, an important source of energy, comes into the body.

3. Perseverance and faith of a person. It is very difficult to harm a true believer who lives according to the canons of the Church - observes fasting, takes communion, attends services, forgives enemies, does not get angry, that is, in whose heart God lives.

Children especially suffer from spoilage - their energy is subject to this influence. In my practice, there was a case when a 12-year-old girl had diseases inherent in the elderly - rheumatism and heart disorders, which were the result of spoilage.

You need to start, first of all, with diagnostics. First ask the question: "What's going wrong?". A sharp deterioration in health, lethargy, decreased performance, increased irritability, craving for alcohol, scandals with relatives and colleagues, outbursts of hatred for loved ones, loss of money and things, minor and major injuries, broken deals, unreasonable fear, depression, lack of feeling of comfort in the house - here is a set of signs by which it is possible to conduct a primary diagnosis of the presence of spoilage.

If you have determined the presence of these factors - often there are several of them at once, since there is a conflict between your own and someone else's energy, then you should move on to methods that will allow you to determine the presence of a negative influence more accurately. The Church will help in this.

Yawning, hiccups, vomiting during prayer, faintness from the smell of incense, a sharp deterioration in health when visiting the Church, hostility and fear of icons, crackling and soot of church candles when burning in your presence, frustration when drinking holy water will confirm your guesses.

Here is a simple method that will reveal the presence of a negative influence on a person. Take a raw egg and while reading the prayer "Our Father", start rolling it counterclockwise all over your body. After reading the prayer three times, carefully break and pour the egg into a glass of water. The presence of bubbles, foam, black or red spots on the yolk, white filaments of protein, especially spilling of the yolk - this will confirm the presence of a negative effect. Also, this method will allow you to partially draw out the negative from a person. I myself have used this method for myself.

The earlier damage is detected, the easier it is for a specialist to work with it, and the more chances to cope with it yourself. I recommend contacting a healer, but it is possible to work with corruption on your own.

Remember one important principle - "what you can imagine is real." This principle is used by "villains" of a high level, representing the image of a person and the rubbish that they will introduce into a person. But the victim herself must use the same method in the fight against corruption.

Clearly imagine a stream of bright light that comes to you from the sky, covers you, fills you with strength and energy and “washes” all the rubbish out of your body. Often the components of damage are presented to the person who fights with it in the form of snakes, spiders, worms, balls, dead people, and other rubbish. Mentally imagine that this light of God burns, washes them out of your body.

Imagine that your body is made of bright light, try to feel and see if there is anything alien in it. Some organ, part of the body hurts - touch it, imagine that you are pulling out something alien from there (consciousness will show in what image this rubbish will appear). You yourself will feel on a physical level that you are pulling something out. Next, mentally burn it on a candle that should burn in front of you.

Increase your energy - spend more time in nature, eat more plant foods, go in for sports for health reasons, avoid negative emotions and do not lose heart. From my own experience, I can say that my work with damage goes much faster if a person takes on himself on his own - helping both himself and me.

But, I repeat once again, in especially difficult cases, contact specialists.

And finally, I will explain a method that will allow you to protect yourself from such things as the evil eye and envy, energy vampirism. Imagine that you are inside a cocoon or egg, which is transparent from the inside, and covered with a mirror surface from the outside and reflects energy, glances, offensive words and returns them, but nothing breaks through to you. Clearly fix this image for a minute, and this protection will really be around you. Repeat this every 3 hours.

Almost any information can be put into the algorithm for inducing damage - it will become the logical, semantic content of the program - damage. Remember the "horror stories" - "Yes, so that you ... so that you ... be you ..." this is the program of damage. This adds the personal energy of the sorcerer, the power of artifacts, places of power, church or cemetery attributes, occult symbols, spirits, rituals, even the phases of the moon. And go to the victim. The result - there is damage and what the ill-wisher desired collapses.

The energy of the victim is suppressed. The damage itself is similar to cancer cells that live off the energy and vitality of a person. In fact, a person becomes a puppet in the hands of others.

When advising such people, I often encounter a paradox - I give information about the future, but it does not come true! Why? It has to happen, it's "it's written in fate." But damage distorts the future and the present, and a person lives not according to his own destiny, but according to the induced pattern.

So, about cleaning. I have the ability to determine the negative on the cards and with the help of clairvoyance - I see the structure of a person's energy and other people's introductions.

My task, like other specialists, is to identify, isolate and remove this negativity. I'll tell you something more interesting. What happens inside a person and in his life?

Inside a person, in the presence of damage, 2 types of energy are intertwined - one's own and someone else's. It is important to see these flows, pockets of energy stagnation and remove them. During work, the human body, its consciousness and energy are actively involved in the cleaning process, helping the specialist. (Of course, if a person does not believe in anything, then it is better not to talk about the effectiveness of the work). We need a powerful energy push that will open the way for the exit of someone else's energy. At some point, I give a flow of my energy, which is neutral for a person, but increases its potential, helping the body to displace the negative and carry out cleaning. Here begins an interesting process, which I observe in most cases.

How does the disease behave, which is being radically treated? It temporarily escalates. We opened the abscess, cleaned it out, applied stitches, ointment and bandages. The temperature went up - phagocytes began to fight, it became more painful, but recovery began.

So it is in case of damage. Radically, by uprooting it from a person, it can be expected that it will weaken a person. This can be called an aggravation before leaving, a "farewell song" of damage. For some time, the problems that the damage created are exacerbated. For 3-5 days, a person from scratch may experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases, fever, drowsiness, indigestion, nightmares, irritability, nervousness, scandals with loved ones.

With me, people either do not feel anything (the body easily succumbed to the rejection of negativity), or they feel indigestion. Up to inexplicable cases - in one of the women, after a long disorder, 2 live earthworms naturally came out. Not helminths, but earthworms.

After 3-4 days it goes away as suddenly as it came. What does the person feel during the session? This is individual, but I ask everyone to pay attention to the sensations in the body, thoughts, images. Most often, people feel warmth in the hands, in the spine, vibrations in the body and a rush of blood to the head.

Why are multiple sessions needed? The body also spends its strength on the release of negativity, so you need time to rest - sleep off, reduce physical and emotional stress. This time will restore strength, and the energy of damage will “piece by piece” gather into a certain structure and will be ready for further work. The problem is often multi-layered. For example, first, according to chronology, there was an evil eye, then a love spell, then damage, then another one. If this was done at different times and by different people, each layer has an individual energy background and it is necessary to work, layer by layer, eliminating these problems.

It is better to schedule a final check in 2 weeks or a month after the end of work. And if everything is in order, then put protection. Many people are worried about whether this evil will return to the one who did it. If the “black” specialist withdraws the rollback, then, alas, nothing threatens the aggressor. If this is not done or an amateur did it, after reading garbage on the Internet, then yes. From my work, I know, some customers of damage broke their legs, and at my godmother some sorcerers and witches died from her reprimand.

In the process of working with a person to remove damage, it becomes difficult to predict his future on Tarot cards. Its future is difficult to foresee - the energy sector is being restructured and a new field of options is opening up. Better to wait. Also, the social situation of a person remains shaky - until the end of work, it is better to refrain from abrupt and serious actions - layoffs, job changes, major purchases, signing documents, trips, family squabbles, breaks with loved ones. Until everything is settled with the issue of corruption, everything is in danger of breakdown.

But, pleases the following. When the damage is gone, and the “guided fate”, a person receives what he should have according to fate. Events from which a person has been isolated can occur rapidly. One of my patients, a wealthy Muscovite, told me after work: “I earned more in a week than in a year.” But this happens if the damage has not yet broken the fate of a person - ruin, disability, cancer.

Damage is done quickly, but removed for a long time. You need to have patience and get involved in this process yourself - drink holy water, order services in the temple that are advised by a specialist, ask for forgiveness from those whom you have offended.

All this will help a person get rid of such a problem as spoilage.

Corruption is a negative impact on a person, which is the result of a ritual of black magic. Purposeful negativity is very dangerous and, if it is not removed in time, a person’s life can be completely destroyed. There are a huge number of different types of damage. These are, for example, influences that lead to loneliness, to the destruction of a career, and even to death. But the signs of damage on a person are always very similar and recognizable. Therefore, it is not difficult to diagnose the presence of negativity on your own.

The presence of a negative program on a person can be indicated by various everyday signs that are hard to miss. It should be remembered that damage is often induced through the lining. Therefore, a variety of items found at your doorstep, or during general cleaning in the house, should suggest an energy attack. You should also be aware that damage to the house leads to the fact that holy water deteriorates in the dwelling and a huge number of insects appear.

The fact that a believer has stopped attending the temple should also alert. This, as a rule, occurs with severe damage. In addition, people who are under the influence of someone else's negative energy begin to feel discomfort from the pectoral cross.

Main symptoms

Despite the fact that the evil eye and spoilage are largely different in their strength of influence, they manifest similar signs on the physical and psychological levels. The stronger the negative impact, the more pronounced the signs of damage and the evil eye. Therefore, in cases where the victim herself tries not to notice them, close people should pay attention to the change in the character and condition of the person and try to help him.

Damage is classified:

    By the direction of its impact; By the essence of the impact; By the frequency of the impact.

In terms of direction, negative programs can be:

    Total, which affect the entire human body and affect all spheres of life. As a rule, such influences destroy the human immune system and his psyche. Developing diseases against their background affect several internal organs and destroy the energy protective field. Local, which affect a specific organ, they affect the energy field, in terms of creating protection for a specific sphere of life.

At its core, negative programs are divided into two groups:

    Organic. In this case, the body's immune system is destroyed. Activators are bacteria and viruses. Inorganic. In this case, the destruction of the human psyche occurs. Such negative programs lead to the destruction of the personality and the violation of its mental balance.

According to the frequency of exposure to spoilage are divided:

    Single, which appear after a single ritual and act for a long time. Multiple, which are carried out after a certain time period, and each time the rite provokes the development of a new disease in the victim.

With any kind of damage and household evil eye, the disorder of the human nervous system becomes noticeable. Those are the ones you need to pay attention to.

These are symptoms such as:

    Development of causeless phobias; Insomnia and nightmares. Strange dreams are exhausting and do not allow you to fully relax, which, naturally, negatively affects a person’s well-being; The occurrence of difficulties in focusing the gaze on a specific subject, which leads to errors in work; The occurrence of problems during a conversation related to what does not work out directly look into the eyes of the interlocutor (the effect of shifty eyes). In addition, the repulsive effect occurs due to the fact that a person cannot concentrate on the topic of conversation; The appearance of visual and auditory hallucinations. Often they appear in the form of the voices of loved ones who have died. Voices suggest certain ideas and actions; The appearance of intolerance to the taste and smell of once-favorite dishes and products; The emergence of hostility to one’s own reflection in the mirror and complete dissatisfaction with one’s appearance; Depression and apathy towards the whole world around; A constant desire to drink alcohol; The desire is in the dark and the emergence of a feeling of irritation from bright light; Problems with others, due to conflict and lack of desire to find a compromise.

A person who cares about his well-being can easily identify the symptoms of spoilage. But, of course, only a professional can accurately diagnose damage and help get rid of the negative impact.

Psycho-emotional signs of damage are always more pronounced in women. Under the influence of a negative program, the fair sex always spoils relationships with loved ones. Quarrels and conflicts start from scratch, and there are no explainable reasons for them. In addition, women who have damage are always unhappy with their appearance. They don't like looking at themselves in the mirror.

These symptoms in the case of the evil eye become less noticeable over time, but when spoiled, they are aggravated.

Almost at the same time as disturbances in the nervous system with damage or the evil eye, there is a significant deterioration in health, which is expressed, first of all, by an inexplicable breakdown. In addition, with a normal diet, there is a significant weight loss. A sign of the presence of a negative impact is also the fact that when contacting doctors, no changes in the body are found. And with damage to health, diseases develop latently and are diagnosed at a late stage, when treatment is useless.

The following should be of concern:

    Poor blood clotting; Sudden attacks of suffocation or difficulty breathing; Abrupt destruction of all teeth at once; Rapid weight loss or gain with a moderate and normal diet; The appearance of a large number of warts or age spots on the skin of the body; Rapid growth of hair on the body in women or baldness of men; Absence of pregnancy for a long time, despite good tests in spouses.

A sign of the presence of a negative program is a breakdown. When a person feels energetically depleted, it can be concluded that there has been a strong black impact, which is aimed at health troubles and even death. Also, love damage is characterized by a loss of vitality.

Often a sign of spoilage is a severe and persistent headache that cannot be relieved by any medication. It exhausts so much that a person becomes indifferent to everything that happens around him.

Signs of various types of damage

There are many different types of negative impacts of directional action, but at the same time, for all negative programs, there are common signs that make it possible to suspect damage. First of all, the protracted streak of bad luck should alert. A person can be swallowed up by the troubles that haunt him every day. With severe damage, problems affect all areas of life.

In addition, the consequences of the negative impact are various phobias. A person begins to become paranoid, and he is haunted by auditory and visual hallucinations. In addition, he cannot cross the threshold of the church and pick up any church attributes.

Against the background of damage, the character of a person changes. This leads to the fact that his relationship with the people around him deteriorates. There is also a revision of life values, which causes bewilderment among loved ones.

The rituals of black magic are very widely used, with the help of which damage to health is induced. The peculiarity of this negative program is that it starts working immediately. As a rule, it is expressed in a sharp deterioration in well-being, but the cause of it cannot be established even with the most modern methods of traditional medicine. Usually doctors in this case write off all complaints at the expense of your suspiciousness. Damage to health leads to the development of various oncological diseases or heart diseases, which are determined only at a late stage, when nothing can be done.

Pay attention to the following physical signs:

    Diseases develop quickly and take a person by surprise; The use of classical methods of treatment does not give positive results; A person is pessimistic and does not seek to defeat the disease; Unwillingness to live and thoughts of suicide; The occurrence of attacks of aggressiveness towards loved ones.

Also, if you suspect that you have been damaged by health damage, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

    Running pupils and impossibility to focus on one point; Sudden weight loss; The emergence of a feeling that the body is “drying out” from the inside; Feelings of an acute loss of strength after minor physical exertion.

Damage to health is one of the most dangerous negative programs. If it is not removed in a timely manner, it can be fatal.

Another common negative impact is damage to money. Signs of damage to a person in this case are noticeable at first sight. According to the negative impact, as a rule, there are people who, despite all the attempts made to get rich in all their undertakings, suffer a complete collapse.

Other symptoms of damage to money are:

    The occurrence of difficulties in finding a job, despite high qualifications; Internal overwhelming fear of promotion; Constant scandals in the family due to financial difficulties.

Very often, a negative program leads to the fact that a prosperous person begins to have problems with work, which is the main source of his income. For example, it can be dismissal, a significant decrease in the number of clients, and for private entrepreneurs - bankruptcy.

The life situation develops in such a way that a person cannot get out of debt. Moreover, this may be due to various reasons, and not just because of the lack of a permanent income. It's just that there are always situations that require a large investment of money. This may be the need to purchase expensive drugs or urgent car repairs. In addition, against the background of a negative program, a person is haunted by frequent random losses. For example, it could be the loss of a wallet or a meeting with a pickpocket.

Against the background of damage to money, the character of a person can change. He becomes wasteful and spends money on absolutely unnecessary and useless things. In addition, he loses interest in work, and all new undertakings end in complete failure.

With damage to loneliness, all of its signs, to one degree or another, relate to personal life. This:

    An inexplicable sudden loss of interest by the victim in people of the opposite sex; Casual acquaintances stop very quickly; Constant apathy and unwillingness to communicate with people.

Among the physical signs of damage to loneliness, the following can be noted:

    The appearance of age spots on the face; Infertility, the causes of which are not explained by traditional medicine after diagnosis; Feeling that you are having an intimate relationship during a dream; Dissatisfaction after sex.

As a rule, people with damage to loneliness do not have permanent partners, despite the fact that they do not have any physical defects. Chronic failures in their personal lives make them notorious. They have low self-esteem, which only exacerbates the condition. Damage to loneliness is not easily removed, so for this it is better to turn to professionals.

Signs of damage to death

The most dangerous and difficult to remove is damage to death. It is possible to remove such a negative program without consequences only in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to know what signs may indicate its presence.

Under the influence of damage to death, a person experiences a sharp deterioration in health. If there are any chronic diseases, then they all become aggravated. The person feels very tired and weak, although he does not find reasons that could explain his condition.

The black directed impact on death can also provoke the development of serious diseases that cannot be treated by methods of modern traditional medicine. Such diseases, as a rule, are associated with severe pain that cannot be stopped by any drugs.

With damage to death, a person often finds himself in situations that threaten life. So, he can become a participant or witness to an accident almost several times a month.

Damage to the family is in many ways similar to damage to relationships, it leads to the fact that a person becomes lonely. Therefore, you need to know the special symptoms of such a negative program in order to diagnose it in a timely manner.

You can suspect damage to the family on the following main grounds:

    Constant quarrels and scandals that arise for any reason and cannot be resisted; Frequent nervous breakdowns among spouses; Increased irritability of partners; Suspiciousness, distrust, intolerance and suspicion of spouses towards each other; Acute jealousy on the part of one of the spouses, against which conflicts arise ; Aggressiveness and assault; Frequent betrayals; The emergence of problems in the family budget.

All of the above manifestations of damage to the family sooner or later lead to divorce. There comes a time when, under the influence of negativity, even in the strongest family between sincerely loving partners, a wall of complete misunderstanding of each other arises. Aggression, jealousy, as well as other ugly and unpleasant feelings completely destroy relationships and leave no hope for a return of feelings and restoration of relationships. People cannot understand each other, moreover, they do not even make attempts to improve relations. As a result, after a certain time they become completely strangers.

Damage to the family is also accompanied by various household signs.

Among them, the following symptoms are clear:

    Potted flowers begin to disappear in the living quarters of the house, and newly planted plants do not take root; Pets behave very aggressively, they react especially sharply to damage to cats, whose behavior becomes very aggressive; There is an unpleasant smell of mold in the house, dampness appears; sounds of unknown origin.

Signs of damage and the evil eye can also appear in everyday life. Very often, various insects and rodents appear in the house of a person who has undergone an energy attack. And it's very hard to get them out.

There are a lot of options for the manifestation of damage. It often happens that a person, cured of one disease, falls ill again. Moreover, the disease is a secondary disease in this case is more serious. This is evidence of the presence of a negative program, and also indicates that the ill-wisher does not lose sight of you and seeks to seriously harm you. It is located next to you and collects information about how much your natural energy can resist damage. As soon as he realizes that she is weakened, he will attempt to deliver a strong energy blow.

Remember that any strange objects thrown under the door, or a rusty nail hammered into the front door jamb, cannot be an accident. They are a lining that exudes negative energy that destroys the protective energy field. You should also pay attention if one of your guests forgets or obsessively leaves some thing as a present not timed to any event.

It is very important, having found signs of a negative impact, to diagnose damage and the evil eye. For self-diagnosis, you can use different methods. The most informative are rituals using a fresh chicken egg or natural wax. But if you doubt your own abilities, then to determine the damage, it is better to turn to professional magicians. They will not only diagnose the presence of a negative program, but also suggest the most appropriate way to remove damage or the evil eye in a particular case.

It is imperative to remove damage, since a negative program takes positive energy from a person and causes irreparable harm to health. You should know that damage must be removed with the help of special magical rituals. Even a weak negative impact of purposeful action can eventually lead to irreversible consequences and completely destroy a person's life.

There are many ways to remove negativity that can be used at home. But in very severe cases, you need to turn to professionals.

Simple ways to clean up spoilage

If the damage was caused by an enemy without the help of a professional, then it can be removed quite simply. But with a powerful negative impact that was directed by an experienced magician, any independent magical actions can only aggravate the condition. Therefore, it will be necessary to use the services of a white magician to remove the negative.

To remove light damage, you can use the following simple methods:

    For seven days, drink a glass of holy water and wash your face in the morning and evening. After that, read the well-known prayer “Our Father” several times; Every morning it becomes under running cold water; If health allows, then in winter you need to take a dip in an open hole with all precautions.

To enhance the effect of the above methods, you should fast for several days beforehand. This will lead to additional cleansing of the body and will contribute to the speedy restoration of the protective functions of the energy field.

After the spoilage is removed, positive changes occur in the human energy aura. The negative is removed from the energy shell, and it restores its protective functions. The resulting voids are filled with good energy. You should know that if damage has already damaged certain organs, then recovery is slow.

After removal of damage

If the damage was successfully removed, then for a person such an action does not occur without a trace. The withdrawal symptoms of a negative program are as follows:
    Dizziness and nausea; Weakness; Desire to go to bed, accompanied by yawning; Jumps in blood pressure; Indigestion; Some internal emptiness.
The stronger the damage was, the more acutely the above signs will appear. You should be aware that symptoms can make themselves felt within a few days. During this period, a person who got rid of a negative program will see the world in gray colors. After this time, the world will again turn into bright colors and the person will begin to understand that the world around him is beautiful. After removing the damage, you must try not to communicate with any of the strangers for three days. It must be remembered that the energy shell has not fully recovered and you are still very vulnerable. It is recommended to be in a calm state and sleep more, as sleep fills the body with strength. In no case should you drink alcohol, as they will delay recovery. If you are a believer, then you need to pray, and after three days you should definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health. To prevent an energy attack from happening again, you need to take care to put up protection. This can be done independently by conducting special ceremonies. But if you are not confident in your own abilities, then you need to seek help from a professional.

A disease is an infection or a virus that disrupts the normal functioning of human organs or the whole organism. Any of the diseases has its own symptoms, and a similar parameter applies not only to diseases of the physical shell of a person, but also to the astral body.

Corruption is a virus that has its own symptoms

I've been corrupted

Both a person you know and just a person passing by can bring damage or jinx it. It's all about energy. The negative energy that comes from a bad person is that virus, but it does not affect a person physiologically, but mentally.

This definition is more suitable for the evil eye, while damage is deliberately induced, under the means of some secret ritual from the section of black magic. So how do you understand that you have been jinxed or damaged.

  1. Initially, ask yourself the question: “How exactly do I feel?” People who are “talked to” feel mood swings, anxiety for no reason, or upset over small things.
  2. It has become difficult for you to find a common language with your loved ones, friends do not want to communicate with you.
  3. You constantly feel unwell, the desire to do anything disappears.
  4. We get sick more often and even minor diseases can cause very serious harm.
  5. Treatment with traditional means works for a short time or does not help at all.

These are 5 reasons that tell you it's time to turn to the healer. Damage is caused by people from the beginning, guided by personal reasons or from unrequited love. And oddly enough, the latter is much more common.

How is the damage itself induced?

There are a huge number of rituals that enable black magicians to undermine the physical or mental health of the “victim” for money. To conduct such a ceremony, you need a photograph of a person, his personal item or a tuft of hair.

There are magicians who do not need anything like this, but these are stronger mediums with powerful energy.

Also, rituals can use grave land, but the only purpose of such damage is death. Everything is clear with this, but what to do when the damage was removed, how to understand that you no longer have the evil eye? What happens after the damage is removed?

After removing the damage, the aura is restored

  1. When the damage is removed, a person immediately feels it: the problems do not seem so serious.
  2. Decisions come by themselves.
  3. All the luck that the evil eye and corruption is blocking falls on you.
  4. Diseases disappear, breathing becomes easier: the restoration of the aura begins.

But this is what a person receives when the damage has already been removed, but how to understand that the cleaning ritual itself is successful and it is not a charlatan who is working with you:

  • there is an incredible yawning, although there is no desire to sleep. This indicates that negative energy is leaving your chakras;
  • tears begin to flow for no reason, which cannot be controlled;
  • after “tears have flowed out”, a feeling of lightness and joy appears;
  • a slight chill runs through the body, the hamstrings begin to shake;
  • stuffy nose even though you don't have a cold.

If during the ritual and after it, you feel all of the above points, then you can be sure that the damage has been removed, that there is no longer a bad conspiracy on you, and your days will immediately become bright and “warm”.

Cleansing the body from the curse is a must!

One can be skeptical about this, but it is worth agreeing that there are hundreds of facts that are simply impossible to discard. Without a doubt, many are interested in what will happen when the ritual of cleaning the biofield from negative energy is not performed. There is nothing unexpected here.

The damaged aura of a person will be fed from the physical body, drawing energy from it: illnesses will become stronger, and the person will begin to “disappear”, lose weight, and simply lose the desire for communication, love or life. That is why spoilage is so dangerous and in no case should you postpone going to the molfar for cleaning.

Damage to death

The most dangerous damage is the one that brings death. It is possible to identify this “disease”, but its symptoms are somewhat different from simpler evil eyes, and today a small number of sorcerers will take up the removal of damage to death:

With fatal damage, a severe headache appears

  1. When a deadly curse was imposed on you, the first thing it manifests itself is persecution mania, it begins to seem to you that you are being watched from all the cracks, you hear sounds and groans.
  2. There is a severe headache that traditional medicine cannot explain.
  3. Even minor illnesses knock you down, bring complications, suck out all your vital energy.
  4. Also, people with fatal corruption smell rotten flesh, fruits, or plants.

In this case, you need to immediately run to the healer so that he can carry out the cleaning procedure, since you can’t joke with this.

Through the ages

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century on the street, damage and the evil eye find a place among the rapid technological progress. There are a large number of amulets and small rituals that allow you to understand, comprehend or protect yourself from damage and the evil eye.

Initially, such rituals were carried out by the Slavic peoples, which means that the methods of protection against this "illness" were also made by the forefathers, which means they work. One can argue endlessly about whether they work or not, but one cannot dismiss the possibility of the existence of such curses! Therefore, if you feel all the obvious signs of damage or the evil eye, immediately go to the molfar so that the astral world does not break into the real one.

Recovery after such a ritual is a long and complicated process. Do not put off correcting the situation until later, so as not to face negative consequences. Professionalism is very important here.