For almost 150 years, handing or sending a postcard by mail has been a common way to congratulate a friend, acquaintance or relative on a particular holiday, anniversary or other joyful event. There are many varieties of such "letters without an envelope", including those with a surprise. For example, an original musical postcard would be a great choice. Anyone who knows how to work with scissors and paper and is ready to show imagination and patience can make it with their own hands.

A bit of history

The first postcard appeared during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, when soldiers began to send short messages to their relatives on postcards, accompanying them with their drawings. Soon the publishers appreciated the commercial value of this idea and began to produce illustrated postcards of various contents, including those dedicated to various holidays. After 120 years, a musical postcard appeared in France. When opening such one-page cardboard books, the contacts were closed, as a result of which the battery, speaker or microprocessor reproduced the melody. Printing products with a musical surprise immediately became very popular. For example, huge editions of musical cards on Valentine's Day or Merry Christmas cards were sold out very quickly.

Is it possible to make musical cards from February 23 or for another holiday with your own hands?

As already mentioned, the device of congratulatory books with electronic filling is extremely simple. Everyone can cope with their manufacture, especially if you use a ready-made musical postcard, creating a new design for it. It is also possible to create a booklet with congratulations, as they say, “from scratch”. For example, musical Valentine's Day cards can be made with your own voice declaration of love.

What will be required?

In order to make a musical card from a regular one for congratulating your mother, sister or grandmother, for example, Happy Birthday or Women's Day, you will need:

  • circuit;
  • scraps of fabric;
  • thick cardboard;
  • paper;
  • lace;
  • beads, rhinestones and sequins;
  • feathers;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • stencils;
  • glue.

How to make a paper musical card: where to start?

First of all, you need to find a ready-made version that plays a suitable composition. After all, it would be strange if a card intended for congratulations on March 8 opens to the melody of the Happy Birthday song. Then the electronic filling should be removed from it. Further:

  • a rectangle of a suitable size is cut out of cardboard - the basis of the postcard;
  • bend it in half;
  • leaving a free space for a congratulatory inscription on the cover of the resulting book, they begin the process of decorating.

postcard decoration

To decorate congratulations with a musical surprise, leaves, butterflies or flowers are cut out of plain or colored paper using a stencil. Then:

  • stick a diagonal strip of lace in a contrasting color on the cover;
  • "plant" butterflies on it;
  • spread with rhinestones or beads any suitable ornament;
  • outline write "Congratulations on March 8!" or "happy birthday!";
  • leave the card to dry.

In general, those who want to learn how to make an original musical postcard should purchase a special scrapbooking kit, which is sold in any needlework store. This will allow you to create an original congratulation in a fashionable vintage technique that will cause everyone to admire.

The final stage of work

Those who ask how to make a musical card are primarily interested in how to make it “sing”.

For this:

  • open the "book";
  • on the inside, glue (secure with adhesive tape) a musical element so that it turns on when opened;
  • from above they mask it with lace or a suitable piece of fabric.

All! Now the card is ready, and your relative or friend will definitely appreciate the creativity of your congratulations.

Brutal option

Having figured out how to make "female" greeting cards, it's time to try making musical cards from February 23rd.

It will be interesting to look at the woven version using any fabric with a camouflage pattern.

The biggest problem will be the selection of a finished postcard with the appropriate melody. If you cannot find it, then below is a way to make the card "sing" the desired melody. Further:

  • a sheet of cardboard chosen as the base is folded in half;
  • PVA glue is applied in an even layer on its entire outer surface;
  • glue patches of fabric with a camouflage pattern;
  • make small holes and insert stars for shoulder straps (you can sew on a button with a coat of arms from an officer's tunic or a souvenir with a star);
  • stick a chevron;
  • on the reverse side, a musical element is fixed with adhesive tape;
  • grease with glue and stick a camouflage fabric so that the musical element is under it;
  • congratulations for February 23 are written on a piece of paper;
  • stick on the inside of the postcard;
  • decorate around the edges with a St. George ribbon.

How to install the desired theme music?

If you are not afraid of all sorts of wiring and microcircuits, then below is an instruction from which you will learn how to make a musical card that performs a specific melody.

First of all, you will have to glue a book-box with sides, inside which you can hide the electronic stuffing.

The basis of the circuit is a board with aP8942A chip. It allows you to record a message or a piece of music up to 42 seconds long.

The circuit is quite primitive, so any novice radio amateur can handle it.

For assembly, you will also need a speaker with a resistance of 8 ohms and a power of 0.5 W, 2 KT315 transistors and a GR2035 battery (the total voltage of both should be 6 volts), mounting wires, 4 multi-colored LEDs, and a button with contacts that open when pressed . The battery socket, if not ready, can be made from the neck of an ordinary plastic bottle. Then a spring from the old remote control is inserted into the bottom of the cork. The threaded part of the neck is closed with a mesh made of copper wire, which plays the role of the second electrode.

You will also need a special device - the aP89W24 USB programmer, which will allow you to record a melody that you like, or a voice message. Getting it will be quite difficult. In addition, it is not cheap, however, having purchased such a device once, you can use it repeatedly.

It remains only to assemble the scheme as shown in the figure below, insert it into a postcard-box and glue the postcard. Then you will need to decorate the souvenir in accordance with what holiday it is dedicated to.

Now you know how to make a musical card, and you can make an original gift with a surprise on your own to please your loved one.

As you know, the one that you made yourself with your own hands. What will be described in this article is distinguished by its originality and will please the one you want to please for a long time. However, such work requires skills and recording equipment. However, for a novice radio amateur who wants to learn something new, this is a completely solvable task. Now in order.

The appearance of a musical postcard is shown in the figure.

The gift was made to his nephew for the new year and contains a voice greeting. The design is made in the form of a book. The ribbon that keeps the book closed is tied with a button. Having untied the tape, we open the book, and the square button is pressed, which is visible in the figure.

Inside the book is all the electronic filling, which is visible in the figure.

The basis is a small board with a one-time programmable sound chip aP8942A.

This chip allows you to record up to 42 seconds of sound. The concept of the entire stuffing on the concept.

The scheme is quite simple, within the power of any novice radio amateur. To assemble the device, you will need, in addition to the sound chip itself, a speaker with a power of 0.5 W and a resistance of 8 ohms, a normally closed button (one whose contacts open when pressed), two KT315 transistors, four LEDs of different glow colors, two GR2035 batteries or any others with a total voltage of 6V, a socket for batteries and a little mounting wire. The power socket for this product, for lack of a ready-made one, was made from the neck of a plastic bottle. A spring from the old remote control is installed at the bottom of the cork, and the threaded part of the neck is closed on one side with a mesh of copper wire, which is the second electrode.

The only significant problem is the special aP89W24USB programmer, without which it is impossible to write a microcircuit. But if you consider that such a gift can be not only a pleasant surprise for your dear people, but also a source of additional income, then you can go broke for several thousand rubles.

My biggest desire was to learn how to make a musical card for a good mood and congratulations on the Internet. Learned, now anyone can send mine for free.

It was impossible to look at my first works later without tears. Too bad I redid them as soon as I could make them better.

That's how I developed my own style, there was an understanding of beautiful music sites. Today I will share my thoughts and recommendations.

Beauty has never been canceled, but what postcards can be called beautiful? Why do we look at one many times, and look at the other and forget?

A series of my musical postcards is called MUSICAL KALEIDOSCOPE.

Watch video review

I open all the postcards that I come across on the Internet! And what are my feelings?

Sometimes I quickly close, because it's just a set of pictures, although it is possible on the topic. It doesn't impress, you don't get satisfaction from watching it, it seems like many others, you don't want to save the link to watch it again later or send it to friends.

Even a set of pictures made in Photoshop by the painstaking work of the author may not even decorate the postcard at all. Why?

There are no obligatory elements inserted on musical cards, the more creative they are, the more unique and attractive the card is of course.

However, there is one indispensable condition that must be present on any postcard.

Let's talk about how a musical postcard is not only unique, but also exciting, bringing joy and pleasure to watch.

I understand that at the beginning of creative activity, the quality can leave much to be desired. But what should be present on every postcard is harmony. There should not be a set of pictures, all of them together should give the impression of a single whole.

I am not an artist, but by some intuition, I do not leave the work until the postcard begins to represent a single whole, so that an outside viewer does not even suspect that it consists of separate pictures. Music, video and text should also organically intertwine.

It's like an artist painting a still life, where different objects look harmoniously as one whole, expressing some kind of artist's thought.

How do I create attention-grabbing music cards?

I usually collect a lot of pictures, backgrounds and musical compositions on a given topic, which I think will be suitable for this postcard. In fact, it turns out even a lot of these components and put them all in one folder. Then I look through and the most suitable at first glance, I put it on a postcard.

Often I start several projects of the same postcard at the same time, and I get several options, at first only from pictures and work on all of them at the same time. Thus, it is easier to track which pictures to choose and what background they fit better.

Original message Shadrina_Galina

I offer you a site where in a few minutes you can make a musical card for any holiday. Everything is done so quickly and simply that it will be clear to any beginner. My congratulations for YOU! CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

Everything on the site is very, very simple and clear. For those who still get lost, I will explain a little.

Having entered the site, which is HERE, click on the CREATE POSTCARD button.
Dear Galka! What would we "dummies" do without you? Thanks a lot!

Choose a topic on which to create a postcard. Click on it.

When the topic opens, select the photo you like, and click on it again with the mouse.

Now it remains only to fill in the fields. To whom the postcard is dedicated, then select and upload a photo, yours, or a friend to whom you are sending a postcard, or something else.
Then, if you are not satisfied with the song already uploaded in the picture, then you can upload your own.

When all the fields are filled in, photos and music are uploaded, click the NEXT button.

Everything, the card is ready.

So quickly and simply, I created a musical postcard about MY CITY for you. Click on the picture and see it.

On the site, you can create a music video video, and make a slide show of photos or pictures, send an SMS postcard, and make a musical greeting.

It's a pity that the codes given on the site do not work for LiRu, but let's hope that everything will be fixed soon, as Lyubasha, the admin of, informed me that they are working on it. So we will wait.

In the meantime, you can send a postcard to a friend by mail, or send a link to it, or make a picture-link like this in my example.

Thank you Congratulations_Online for wonderful sites.