
The formation of coherent speech is one of the most important tasks of working with preschoolers. Practice shows that on their own, without special training, children cannot master such a complex type of speech activity as contextual, descriptive-narrative speech, since psychologically it is considered more complex than colloquial-everyday speech.

There are a number of methods, methodological developments, scientific papers, articles on the development of speech of preschoolers (A.M. Borodich, L.N. Efimenkova, V.P. Glukhov, V.I. Seliverstov, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, E. I. Tikheeva, A. V. Yastrebova, V. V. Vorobieva, T. A. Tkachenko, E. M. Mastyukova, T. V. Tumanova, etc.).

Each child must learn to express his thoughts in a meaningful, grammatically correct, coherent and consistent way. At the same time, children's speech should be lively, direct, expressive.

Coherent speech is inseparable from the world of thoughts: the coherence of speech is the coherence of thoughts. Coherent speech reflects the logic of the child's thinking, his ability to comprehend what he perceives and express it in correct, clear, logical speech. By the way a child knows how to build his statement, one can judge the level of his speech development.

The success of teaching children at school largely depends on the level of mastery of coherent speech. Perception and reproduction of text educational materials, the ability to give detailed answers to questions, to express one's own judgments independently - all these and other educational activities require a sufficient level of development of coherent speech.

The ability to tell helps the child to be sociable, overcome silence and shyness, develops self-confidence.

Under coherent speech is understood as a detailed presentation of a certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively.

Connected speech- this is a single semantic and structural whole, including interconnected and thematically united, complete segments.

Connected speech is not just a sequence of words and sentences, it is a sequence of thoughts related to each other, which are expressed in exact words in well-formed sentences.

The concept of "coherent speech" refers to both dialogic and monologic forms of speech. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Flow form dialogical speech encourages incomplete, monosyllabic answers. Incomplete sentence, exclamation, interjection, bright intonational expressiveness, gesture, facial expressions, etc. - the main features of dialogical speech. For dialogical speech, it is especially important to be able to formulate and ask a question, build an answer in accordance with the question asked, give the necessary cue, supplement and correct the interlocutor, argue, argue, more or less motivated to defend one's opinion.

monologue speech how the speech of one person requires unfolding, completeness, clarity and interconnection of individual parts of the narrative. A monologue, a story, an explanation require the ability to focus one's thoughts on the main thing, not to get carried away by the details and at the same time speak emotionally, vividly, figuratively.

Maincharacteristics of a connected expanded statement:

Thematic and structural unity;
- adequacy of the content to the set communicative task;
- arbitrariness, planning and conciseness of presentation;
- logical completeness;
- grammatical coherence;
- comprehensibility for the interlocutor.

Target speech development of preschool children - the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

The main function of connected speech is communicative. It is carried out in two main forms - dialogue and monologue. Each of these forms has its own characteristics that determine the nature of the methodology for their formation.

The development of both forms of coherent speech plays a leading role in the process of speech development of the child and occupies a central place in the overall system of work on the development of speech. Coherent speech incorporates all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language, its sound system, vocabulary, and literate system.

Coherent speech performs the most important social functions: it helps the child to establish connections with other people, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the development of his personality.

Learning coherent speech has an impact on aesthetic education: retellings of literary works, independent children's compositions develop the imagery and expressiveness of speech.

Requirements for children in speech activity:

Meaningfulness, i.e. full understanding of what they are talking about;
- Completeness of transmission, i.e. the absence of significant omissions that violate the logic of the presentation;
- Subsequence;
- Wide use of vocabulary, phrases, synonyms, antonyms, etc.;
- The correct rhythm, the absence of long pauses;
- Culture of presentation in the broad sense of the word:
- the correct, calm posture during the statement, addressing the audience,
- intonation expressiveness of speech,
- enough volume
- intelligibility of pronunciation.

The development of coherent speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking and is associated with the complication of children's activities and forms of communication with people around them.

By the end first year life - the beginning second year life, the first meaningful words appear, but they mainly express the desires and needs of the child. Only in the second half of the second year of life do words begin to serve as designations for the baby for the subject. By the end of the second year of a child's life, words begin to take shape grammatically.

On third year In life, both understanding of speech and active speech develop rapidly, vocabulary increases dramatically, and the structure of sentences becomes more complicated. Children use the original form of speech - dialogic, which is associated with the practical activities of the child and is used to establish cooperation in joint substantive activities.

The kindergarten program provides for the teaching of dialogic and monologue speech. Work on the development of dialogic speech is aimed at developing the skills necessary for communication. Dialogic speech is a particularly vivid manifestation of the communicative function of language.

Consider the content of the requirements for dialogic speech by age groups.

In early age groups the task is to develop understanding of speech and use the active speech of children as a means of communication. Children are taught to express requests and desires in a word, to answer some questions from adults (Who is this? What is he doing? What? What?). They develop the initiative speech of the child, encourage him to turn to adults and children on various occasions, form the ability to ask questions.

At preschool age the educator should ensure that each baby easily and freely enters into communication with adults and children, teach children to express their requests in words, clearly answer adults' questions, and prompt the child to talk with other children.

You should cultivate the need to share your impressions, the habit of using simple formulas of speech etiquette (say hello, say goodbye in kindergarten and family), talk about what you did, how you played, encourage children to ask questions about their immediate environment (Who? What? Where? What does it do? Why?).

Middle preschool age children are taught to willingly communicate with adults and peers, answer questions and ask them about objects, their qualities, actions with them, relationships with others, support the desire to talk about their observations and experiences.

The teacher pays more attention to the quality of the children's answers: he teaches to answer both in a short and in a common form, without deviating from the content of the question. Gradually, he introduces children to participate in collective conversations, where it is required to answer only when the teacher asks, listen to the statements of comrades.

The education of a culture of communication continues: the formation of skills to greet relatives, friends, group mates, using synonymous etiquette formulas (Hello! Good morning!), answer the phone, not interfere in the conversation of adults, engage in conversation with strangers, meet a guest, communicate with him.

Forms of organizing the teaching of coherent speech for children in senior and preparatory groups can be different: classes, games, excursions, observations.

Tasks and content of teaching monologue speech.

They are determined by the peculiarities of the development of coherent speech of children and the peculiarities of the monologue statement.

There are types of monologues:

Description is a characteristic of an object.
Narration is a connected story about some events.
reasoning- This is a logical presentation of the material in the form of evidence.
retelling- this is a meaningful reproduction of a literary sample in oral speech.
Story- this is an independent detailed presentation by the child of a certain content.

In age groups, these types of monologue speech occupy a different place.

IN early age prerequisites for the development of monologue speech are created. In the third year of life, children are taught to listen and understand short stories and fairy tales that are accessible to them in terms of content, to repeat individual remarks and phrases by imitation. In 2-4 phrases, talk about the picture or what you saw on the walk.

Purposeful learning of coherent monologue speech begins in second junior group. Children are taught to retell fairy tales and stories that are well known to them, as well as to tell from visual material (description of toys, storytelling from a picture with a plot close to childhood experience - from the series “We are playing”, “Our Tanya”). The educator, through the dramatization of familiar fairy tales, teaches children to make statements and narrative type. He suggests to the child the ways of connections in the sentence, sets the scheme of statements (“The bunny went ... There he met ... They became ...”), gradually complicating their content, increasing the volume.

In individual communication, children are taught to talk about topics from personal experience (about their favorite toys, about themselves, about their family, about how they spent the weekend).

IN middle group children retell the content of not only well-known fairy tales and stories, but also those that they heard for the first time. In storytelling from a picture and a toy, children first learn to build statements of a descriptive and narrative type. Attention is drawn to the structural design of descriptions and narratives, an idea is given of the different beginnings of stories (“Once”, “Once”, etc.), the means of connection between sentences and parts of a statement. An adult gives the children an idea and offers to fill it with content, to develop the plot ("Once ... the animals gathered in the clearing. They became ... Suddenly ... The animals took ... And then ...").

It is necessary to teach children to include in the narrative elements of descriptions of characters, nature, dialogues of the heroes of the story, to accustom them to the sequence of storytelling. By the end of the year, with the help of the teacher, the children are able to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures: one child tells one picture at a time, the other continues, and the teacher helps to connect the transitions from one picture to another (“And then”, “At this time”, etc.). P.).

With systematic work, children can make up short stories from personal experience, first based on a picture or a toy, and then without relying on visual material.

If monologue speech develops in the education of children, then one of the conditions for the development dialogical speech is the organization of the speech environment, the interaction of adults with each other, adults and children, children with each other.

The main method of formation dialogical speech in everyday communication is the conversation of the educator with the children. An effective method is also a didactic game, an outdoor game, the reception of verbal instructions, joint activities and specially organized speech situations are used.

The work on the development of coherent speech is time-consuming and always falls almost entirely on the shoulders of teachers. The teacher has a great influence on the speech of children. In this regard, his own speech should be clear, grammatically correct, emotional.

However, the ongoing work in the kindergarten is not enough. It must be supplemented with homework with the child.

The sequence of work on connected speech:

Education of understanding of coherent speech;
- education of dialogic coherent speech;
- education of monologue coherent speech:
- work on the retelling;
- work on compiling a story-description;
- work on compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures;
- work on compiling a story based on one plot picture;
- Work on your own story.

Methods of work on the formation of coherent speech.

1. Conversation with a child using colorful pictures, expressive intonation, facial expressions, gestures.

2. Reading stories or fairy tales.

An adult can ask questions about the content of the story to clarify the child's understanding of causal relationships (Why did this happen? Who is to blame for this? Did he do the right thing? Etc.) Understanding the meaning of the story is also evidenced by the ability to retell it in your own words.

3. Conversation (dialogue).

You can talk on various topics: about books, films, excursions, and it can also be conversations based on pictures. The child must be taught to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, to follow the course of his thought. In a conversation, the questions of an adult should become more complicated gradually, as well as the answers of children. We start with specific questions that can be given one option for a short answer, gradually complicating the questions, and requiring more detailed answers. This is done with the aim of a gradual and imperceptible transition to monologue speech for the child.

An example of a "complicated" conversation.

What animals do you see in this picture?
- Wolf, bear and fox.
- What do you know about the wolf?
- He is gray evil and lives in the forest. He also howls at night.
- What can you say about a bear?
- He is big, brown, winters in a den.
- What do you know about the fox?
- She is very sly, red-haired and has a big fluffy tail.
- Where did you see these animals?
- In the zoo, where they live in cages.
- What fairy tales do you know about a bear, a fox, a wolf? and so on.

4. Writing a descriptive story.

The child masters the first skills of a coherent presentation of thoughts “on one topic”, at the same time he learns the signs of objects, and, consequently, the vocabulary expands.
To enrich the vocabulary, it is very important to carry out preparatory work for compiling each story-description, reminding the child of the features of the objects described.
First, describe single objects, and then move on to comparative descriptions of homogeneous objects, learn to compare animals, fruits, vegetables, trees, etc.

An example of compiling a descriptive story according to the scheme.

5.Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures.

The number of plot pictures in the series is gradually increasing, and the description of each picture becomes more detailed, consisting of several sentences.
As a result of compiling stories based on a series of pictures, the child must learn that stories need to be built in strict accordance with the sequence of pictures, and not according to the principle “What is the first thing you remember, talk about it.”

Examples of a series of plot pictures.

6. Drawing up a story based on a plot picture.

When compiling a story based on one plot picture, it is very important that the picture meets the following requirements:

It should be colorful, interesting and attractive to the child;
- the plot itself should be understandable to a child of this age;
- there should be a small number of actors in the picture;
- it should not be overloaded with various details that are not directly related to its main content.

It is necessary to invite the child to come up with a name for the picture. The child must learn to understand the very meaning of the event depicted in the picture and determine their attitude towards it. Previously, an adult should think over the content of the conversation about the picture and the nature of the questions asked to the child.

Examples of plot pictures:


In the process of working on the retelling, the child develops and improves attention and memory, logical thinking, and an active vocabulary. The child remembers grammatically correct turns of speech, patterns of its construction. Acquaintance of the child with the information contained in stories and fairy tales, new to him, expands the circle of his general ideas and contributes to the improvement of his monologue speech as a whole.

When working on a retelling of a specific text, you first need to expressively read or tell the child an interesting and accessible story in terms of content and then ask if he liked it.

You can also ask a few clarifying questions about the content of the story. Be sure to explain to the child the meaning of unfamiliar words. It is important to pay attention to the "beautiful" turns of speech. You can see the illustrations. Before re-reading the story, invite the child to listen to it carefully again and try to remember, and then retell it close to the original.

It is important to exercise the child in other types of retelling:

- Selective retelling. It is proposed to retell not the whole story, but only a certain part of it.

- Brief retelling. It is proposed, omitting less significant points and without distorting the general essence of the story, to correctly convey its main content.

- creative storytelling. The child needs to supplement the listened story with something new, add something of his own to it, while showing elements of fantasy. Most often, it is proposed to come up with a beginning or end to the story.

- Retelling without relying on visualization.

When evaluating the quality of children's retelling, it is important to consider the following criteria:

The completeness of the retelling;
- the sequence of presentation of events, compliance with cause-and-effect relationships;
- the use of words and turns of the author's text, but not a literal retelling of the entire text (retelling “in your own words” is also very important, indicating its meaningfulness);
- the nature of the sentences used and the correctness of their construction;
- the absence of long pauses associated with the difficulty of choosing words, building phrases or the story itself.

8. Self storytelling.

The transition to self-compilation of stories should be sufficiently well prepared by all previous work, if it was carried out systematically. Most often these are stories from the personal experience of the child. A story from personal experience requires the child to be able to independently select the right words, correctly build sentences, and also determine and retain in memory the entire sequence of events. Therefore, the first small independent stories of children must necessarily be connected with a visual situation. This will “enliven” and supplement the child’s vocabulary necessary for compiling a story, create an appropriate inner mood in him and allow him to more easily follow the sequence in describing the events he has recently experienced.

Examples of topics for such stories can be the following:

A story about a day spent in kindergarten;
a story about the impressions of visiting the zoo (theater, circus, etc.);
a story about a walk in the autumn or winter forest.

Types of creative tasks included in classes on teaching various types of storytelling

Purpose of the lesson

Task types

Learning to retell

Dramatization games on the plot of the retold work.

Exercises in modeling the plot of the retold work (using a picture panel, a visual diagram).

Drawing on the theme (plot) of the retold work, followed by the compilation of stories based on the completed drawings.

Restoration of the "deformed" text with its subsequent retelling:

a) substitution of missing words (phrases) in the text;

b) restoration of the desired sequence of sentences,

Drawing up "creative retellings" with the replacement of characters, places of action, changing the time of action, a presentation of the events of the story (fairy tale) from the 1st person, etc.

Picture storytelling training

Coming up with a title for a painting or a series of paintings.

Coming up with a name for each consecutive picture of the series (for each fragment - episode).

Games-exercises to reproduce elements of the visual content of the picture ("Who is the most attentive?", "Who remembered better?", etc.).

Acting out the actions of the characters in the picture (dramatization game using pantomime, etc.).

Coming up with a continuation to the action depicted in the picture (their series).

Drawing up a link to the depicted action (based on the speech sample of the teacher).

Restoration of the missing link when compiling a story based on a series of pictures.

Game-exercise "Guess" (on the questions and instructions of the teacher, children restore the content of the fragment depicted in the picture, but closed by the screen).

Learning to describe objects

Game-exercise "Find out what it is!" (recognition of an object by its specified details, individual constituent elements.)

Drawing up a description of the subject according to your own drawing.

The use of game situations in the preparation of descriptive stories ("Shop", "The dog is gone", etc.).

T.A. Tkachenko proposes a method for the formation of coherent speech in children with general underdevelopment of speech. She highlights two main assets, facilitating and guiding the process of formation of a detailed semantic statement in a child:

- modeling of the utterance plan.

The methodology uses exercises that are arranged in order of increasing complexity with a gradual decrease in clarity and “folding” of the utterance plan.

T.A. Tkachenko proposes the following order of work on the development of coherent speech.

1. Reproduction of a story based on the demonstrated action.

Here, visualization is presented as much as possible: in the form of objects, objects and actions with them, directly observed by children. The plan of the statement is the order of actions performed in front of the children. The necessary speech means for children are given by a sample story of a speech therapist.

2. Compilation of a story based on the demonstrated action. The visibility and plan of the statement are similar to those used at the previous stage; complication is achieved due to the lack of a sample story, which, in addition, allows you to diversify the lexical and grammatical content of coherent speech.

3. Retelling a story using a flannelgraph. In this type of storytelling, direct actions with objects and objects are replaced by actions on a flannelgraph with subject pictures; the storytelling plan is provided by the order of the pictures, sequentially displayed on the flannelgraph.

4. Retelling of the story with visual support in the form of a series of plot pictures. Visualization is represented by objects, objects and actions with them depicted in plot pictures; their sequence serves at the same time as the plan of the utterance; a sample story of a speech therapist gives children the necessary speech means.

5. Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures. The visibility and plan of the statement are provided by the same means as in the previous stage; complication is achieved due to the lack of a sample of the speech therapist's story.

6. Retelling of the story with visual support in the form of one plot picture. Visibility is reduced due to the lack of visible dynamics of events: children observe, as a rule, the final stage of actions; modeling the plan of the story is achieved by using a sample of a speech therapist and his question plan.

7. Compilation of a story based on one plot picture. The absence of a pattern further complicates the task of compiling a coherent statement. At this stage, the prerequisites are created and it is possible to start working on creative storytelling.

8. Comparison of objects and objects with the help of auxiliary means(schemes for compiling descriptive and comparative stories).

9. Description of objects and objects with the help of auxiliary means.

Lesson examples

Lesson #1

Subject: Reproducing a story based on a demonstrated action

Goals. To teach children to answer the question in detail, with a full answer - a phrase of 3-4 words; retell the text, composed of 3-4 simple sentences, with visual support in the form of observed objects and actions with them; develop children's attention.

Course progress. The lesson begins (as well as 3 subsequent ones) with a “performance” played by a boy and a girl from the kindergarten group. The speech therapist discusses all the actions of the "artists" with them in advance. The rest of the children are watching the actions of the boy and the girl, sitting on the chairs.

The story of the game

Tells an adult at the end of the performance.

Katya and Misha entered the group. Misha took the typewriter. Katya took a Barbie doll. Misha drove the car. Katya was combing a Barbie doll. The children were playing.

Questions for the story

The answer is given in a complete sentence.

Who is in the group? - Where did the children go? - What did Misha take? - Who did Katya take? - What did Misha ride? - Who was combed by Katya?

At the very beginning of learning the question “what did you do?” should be avoided as it is difficult for children to answer.


1. Analysis of the sentence in order to include or not include it in the story

An adult pronounces a sentence and invites the child to guess whether it fits this story or not.

Katya sat down on the carpet. Misha had breakfast for a long time.

Misha crawled on the carpet. Mom bought Katya a hat.

Misha has a cat. Katya loves her dog.

Misha loves cars.

2. Establishing the order of sentences in the story

An adult pronounces pairs of sentences and invites the child to determine which the sentence should follow in the story earlier, and which one later.

Katya took the doll. - Katya joined the group.

Katya combed the doll. Katya took the doll.

Misha took the typewriter. - Misha rolled the car.

Each pair of sentences must be pronounced by the child.

3. Selection of supporting verbs from the story and establishing their sequence

An adult invites the child to choose words from the story - the names of actions (entered, took, took, rolled, combed, played), and then say which action was performed earlier, which later:

combed - entered

took - rolled

played - logged in

combed - took

4. Retelling the story entirely from memory or using a picture

The adult should encourage the child to include any additions and clarifications as they relate to the story.

5. The results of the lesson.

Lesson #2

Subject: Drawing up a story in the wake of the demonstrated action

Goals. To teach children to answer the question with a phrase of 3-5 words, building it in full accordance with the word order in the question. Learn to combine phrases into a story of 4-5 sentences with visual support in the form of natural objects and actions with them.

Course progress. The lesson starts with watching a play. Children watch how 2 "artists" perform actions in the locker room that were previously agreed with them by a speech therapist. Since in this lesson the children do not retell the finished story, but compose it themselves, at the beginning they answer questions about the “performance” they have watched.


(The questions use the names of the children who participated in the acting out of the scene.)

Where did Masha and Vitya go? - What did Vitya discover? - What did Vitya get?
- What did Vitya wear? - What did Masha discover? - What did Masha get?
- What did Masha wear? - What did Masha tie?

And so on, in accordance with the actions taken.


1. Drawing up a story in the wake of the demonstrated action

The adult invites the child to remember what they observed in the lesson, what questions the speech therapist answered. After repeating the supporting questions, you can invite the child to compose a story.

sample story

The sample is given in case of difficulties for the child in compiling the story.

Masha and Vitya entered the locker room. Vitya opened the locker and took out overalls. Vitya put on his overalls and zipped them up. Masha opened the locker and took out her shoes. Masha tied her shoelaces (laced up her boots). The children were going for a walk.

2. Analysis of the sentence in order to include or not include it in the story

Vitya has a new overalls. Masha has a bicycle.

Masha sat down on a bench. Vitya drank the juice.

Vitya stood near the locker. Masha put on a hat.

Vitya put on his boots. And so on.

3. Vocabulary work

Clarification of the meaning of some verbs:

to tie, dress (someone),

fasten, put on (on oneself, on someone),

lace up, fake (something).

Word selection.

What can be tied? fasten? lace up?

Who can be dressed up? Who to wear? What to put on?

4. Identification of words denoting action and restoration of the story based on these key words:

entered, opened, took out, put on, buttoned up, opened, took out, tied up, laced up.

5. Adding a sentence logically related to the previous one

Victor opened the locker. ... Masha took out her boots. ...

Masha and Vitya entered the locker room. ... Vitya fastened the zipper. ...

6. The results of the lesson.

In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that it is in coherent speech that all the child’s speech “acquisitions” are most clearly manifested: correct pronunciation, richness of vocabulary, possession of grammatical norms of speech, its imagery and expressiveness.

In order for a child’s coherent speech to be able to acquire all the qualities necessary for it, it is necessary to consistently go with him through the entire complex, interesting and quite accessible path for him.

For the effective formation of coherent speech, it is necessary to enrich not only linguistic, but also objective reality. It is advisable to use bright visual design, a variety of methods and techniques in the classroom and in free activities, to consolidate the coherent speech skills acquired by children in the classroom in their daily lives.

In kindergarten, the task of forming coherent speech in children can be successfully solved if general educational tasks are jointly implemented, with close continuity in the work of teachers and parents.


1. Tkachenko T.A., Logopedic notebook. Formation and development of coherent speech. Moscow, Gnome i D, 2001.
2. Tkachenko T.A., “We teach to speak correctly” (a system for correcting general underdevelopment of speech in children aged 5-6), Moscow, 2004
3. Tkachenko T.A., “Formation of coherent speech”, “Collection of exercises and guidelines”, Moscow, 2003
4. "Speech and voice disorders in children", edited by S.S. Lyapidevsky and S.N. Shakhovskoy, Moscow, 1969
5. Elkonin D.B., "Development of speech", Moscow, 1964.
6. Leontiev A.A., "Studies of children's speech" // Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity, Moscow, 1974
7. Tikheeva E.I., "The development of children's speech", Moscow, 1964.
8. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. “Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers”, Moscow, 1990
9. Glukhov V.P., “Formation of coherent speech of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech”, Moscow, Arkti, 2002
10. Borodich A. M., "Methods of development of children's speech." Moscow, 1984
11. Yastrebova V.Ya., “Correction of speech deficiencies in students of a comprehensive school”, Moscow, 1985
12. Efimenkova L. N., “Formation of speech in preschoolers”, Moscow, 1985
13. Nishcheva N.V., “The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech”, St. Petersburg, 2001
14. Nishcheva N.V., Abstracts of subgroup speech therapy classes in the group of compensatory orientation of pre-school education for children with severe speech disorders from 5 to 6 years old (senior group). Saint Petersburg. "Childhood-Press", 2017.
15. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V., “Improvement of coherent speech”, Moscow, 1994
16. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V., Fundamentals of speech therapy, Moscow, 1989
17. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., “Preparing for school children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten”, M., 1993
18. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V., Tumanova T. V., “Children with general underdevelopment of speech. Education and training”, Moscow, 1999
19. Konovalenko V. V., Konovalenko S. V., “Front speech therapy classes in the senior and preparatory group for children with ONR. I, II, III periods”, Moscow, 2000.

1. Opening remarks on the topic of the council.

2. Warm up.

3. Express - survey "Development of speech."

4. Analytical report on the results of the thematic control "Development of coherent speech of children" (art. rev.).

5. Crossword "Development of speech."

6. Auction of methodical finds.

7. Exchange of experience. Questionnaire for assessing the professionalism of the educator in the section "Development of speech"

8. Business game "Brainstorm".

9. Discussion of the draft decision of the teachers' council.

Questionnaire for assessing the professionalism of the educator in the section "Development of speech"

Full name of the educator ___

1. What speech development program do you use in your work?

2. Do you make notes for classes on your own or use ready-made ones published in teaching aids? ___

3. What is the main goal of speech development in preschool children?

4. What are the main areas of development work

in children in a preschool educational institution? ___

5. Formulate the tasks of forming the grammatical structure of speech in your age group. ___

6. What are the tasks of educating the sound culture of speech in children of your age group? ___ ___

7. What are the main tasks and features of vocabulary development in children of your age group ___ ___

8. What does the work on the development of communication in a preschool educational institution include? ___ ___

9. Is familiarization with fiction included in the range of tasks for the development of speech in a preschool educational institution, or is it a separate line of work? ___

10. Formulate the main means of developing speech in children in kindergarten ___

11. Which of the following means of speech development do you consider the most significant? Number them in descending order of importance (one number can be assigned to two or more means of speech development):

communication between adults and children;

teaching native speech and language in the classroom;

fiction; various types of art (visual, musical, theater)

12. What methods and techniques of speech development do you use

classes and free activities of children? ___

13. What is the originality of speech development classes? What is their need? In your opinion, will it be enough for the development of speech in children of preschool

age limited to educational games, free communication with adults?

14. What are the main areas of work on the development of speech

taken into account when writing a lesson plan? ___

15. Are the parents of your pupils familiar with the problems of speech development of their children?

16. How do you organize interaction with children's families in the direction of speech development? ___


Dear colleague! Please answer the questions provided.

Circle the answer you chose. IN

one of the proposed options can be correct,

some or all answers.

Full name, date

What types of sentences are used in the dialogue?

1. Narrative

2. Incentives

3. Interrogative

4. Exclamation points

Name the types of statements

1. Description

2. Narration

3. Reasoning

4. Exclamation

What is the name of the text in which there is a list of signs, properties, qualities, actions?

1. Description

2. Narration

3. Reasoning

What is the name of the text in which the development of the plot unfolds

in time?

1. Description

2. Reasoning

3. Narration

What is the name of the text, including causal constructions, questions, assessment?

1. Description

2. Narration

3. Reasoning

Name the main types of narrative texts

1. Stories from experience

2. Fairy stories

3. Storytelling based on a picture or a series of plot pictures


Tasks for the development of speech in a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type - Page 4

Tasks for the development of speech in a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type

In modern methodology the goal of speech development of preschool children - the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech, of course, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

General task of speech development consists of from a number of private, special tasks. The basis for their selection is the analysis of the forms of speech communication, the structure of the language and its units, as well as the level of speech awareness.

Studies of the problems of speech development in recent years, conducted under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin, made it possible to theoretically substantiate and formulate three aspects of the characteristics of speech development tasks:

- structural(formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical);

- functional or communicative(formation of language skills in its communicative function, development of coherent speech, two forms of verbal communication - dialogue and monologue);

- cognitive, educational(formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech).

Imagine visually isolating the tasks of children's speech development.

Speech Development Tasks:

1.Vocabulary Development. Enrich the child's words: consolidating, clarifying, activating the vocabulary through familiarization with the environment (observation, excursion, examination of objects, paintings, didactic games, activities, riddles).

2. Formation of the grammatical side of speech. To avoid grammatical errors, learn to speak correctly. For example: I'm going for a walk (and not Petya goes for a walk), if about myself.

3. Education of sound culture of speech. In each word, it is correct to pronounce sounds accurately, clearly, the development of intonational means of expressiveness of speech (pauses, stress, tempo)

4. Formation of colloquial(dialogical speech). The ability to build a dialogue with a peer, adult, older child, baby.

5. storytelling training is the development of monologue speech.

6. Acquaintance with fiction. Listen to the text, understand, distinguish between good and bad characters, reason: How would I? Who is he - a hero? What is he? Do I want to be the same?

7. Preparing children for literacy. Sound analysis of the word: the number of sounds and the ordinal place of each syllable in the word.

Vocabulary tasks:

Enrichment of the dictionary with thematic groups of words;

Consolidation of ideas about generalizing concepts (vegetables, fruits, transport);

Development of ideas about the semantic side of the word: work on the correct understanding of the meanings of a polysemantic word; disclosure of semantic relations (familiarization with synonyms and antonyms of different parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, verbs); formation of word selection skills and word usage accuracy.

The tasks of educating the sound side of speech can be formulated as follows:

Work on the sound and intonation characteristics of speech;

Formation of ideas about linear sound units: sound - syllable - word - sentence - text;

Distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics: vowels and consonants (voiced and deaf, hard and soft);

Teaching the sound analysis of a word (selecting a sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word), isolating hissing and whistling sounds at the beginning of a word, finding the same sound in different words;

Development of the ability to analyze words of various syllabic structures: naming words with one, two and three sounds, determining the number of syllables;

Finding words that are similar and different in sound.

Tasks of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech:

Formation of the ability to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case;

Teaching the correct formation, declension and use of words in the singular and plural;

Development of the ability to form the names of baby animals (cat-kitten, dog-puppy, chicken-chicken);

Teaching the ability to correlate the name of the verb-motion with the action of an object, person, animal;

Compilation of sentences of different types - simple and complex.

Tasks for the development of coherent speech:

Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end);

Learning to connect sentences in different ways of communication;

Development of the ability to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement, to title the story;

Learning to build statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to the awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including artistic, text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, stories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and the use of means of artistic expression; learning to compose reasoning with selection to prove strong arguments and precise definitions;

Use for statements of different types of appropriate models (schemes), reflecting the sequence of presentation of the text.

Central, leading task is development of connected speech.

This is due to a number of factors:

Firstly, in connected speech, the main function of language and speech is realized - communicative (communication). Communication with others is carried out precisely with the help of coherent speech.

Secondly, in coherent speech, the relationship between mental and speech development is most pronounced.

Thirdly, all other tasks of speech development are reflected in coherent speech: the formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure, and phonetic side. It shows all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language.

The teacher's knowledge of the content of the tasks is of great methodological importance, since the correct organization of work on the development of speech and teaching the native language depends on this.

Most of the tasks of speech development are set in all age groups, however their content is specific., which is determined age characteristics of children.

So , in the younger groups the main task is the accumulation of a dictionary and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech.

Beginning from the middle group, the leading tasks are the development of coherent speech and the education of all aspects of the sound culture of speech.

in senior groups the main thing is to teach children how to build coherent statements of various types, work on the semantic side of speech.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school a new section of work is introduced - preparation for literacy and literacy.

Source answer-examen.ru

Methodical development

"The development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age through learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures"

Purpose: "The development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age."


- create a series of notes on learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures;

Choose the most effective methods, techniques, tools that help create interest, motivation for speech activity among preschoolers;

To form the ability and skills to compose stories based on the picture and plot pictures;

Enrich and shape the grammatical structure of children's speech in the process of working with a picture and plot pictures.


The problem of the development of coherent speech in children is well known to a wide range of pedagogical workers: educators, narrow specialists, and psychologists.

It has long been established that by the preschool age there are significant differences in the level of children's speech. This is also shown by my teaching experience.

The main task of the development of coherent speech of a child at this age is the improvement of monologue speech. This task is solved through various types of speech activity: retelling of literary works, compiling descriptive stories about objects, objects and natural phenomena, creating different types of creative stories, mastering the forms of speech-reasoning (explanatory speech, speech-proof, speech-planning), as well as writing stories based on the picture, and a series of plot pictures.

All of the above types of speech activity are relevant when working on the development of coherent speech of children.

When conducting directly educational activities (N. O. D.), the following rules were observed:

The use in N. O. D. for compiling stories from a picture and a series of plot pictures, methods and techniques that create interest in children from the very first minutes of the lesson and ensure its preservation until the end of the lesson;

Inclusion in N. O. D. telling the rules of the game, tasks, “training” exercises for enrichment and development of the dictionary, the formation of grammatically correct speech;

Before performing N. O. D., it is imperative to set the children up so that in their stories they use the words and expressions that they used during the training exercises;

Encourage children who fulfill this requirement;

Familiarizing children with a clear plan for the story, if necessary;

To compose stories based on a series of plot pictures, offer children bright, fairly large pictures of understandable content without unnecessary details;

Instead of physical education minutes, use educational games, but give them a mobile character;

Offer children different answers;

The technology of using classes in compiling stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures for the development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age.

Classes on these types of storytelling are proposed to be held once a month, alternating them with each other: five lessons on compiling stories based on a picture and four lessons on compiling stories based on a series of plot pictures. Other types of classes for teaching coherent speech (retelling of literary works, writing creative stories, compiling descriptive stories about objects, objects and natural phenomena) are carried out in accordance with long-term planning.

The abilities and skills in compiling stories, obtained in the process of specially organized training, are consolidated in the joint activities of the educator with the children, in individual work, as well as in the course of cooperation with the parents of the pupils.

For the development of coherent speech, the following series of plot pictures were used:

- "my family"

Material nsportal.ru

for children 5 - 6 years old.

Multicolored boats.

I came to the river. How many colorful boats are on the river today: yellow, red, orange! They all came here by air. A boat will fly in, go down to the water and that hour will float. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.

And then the boats will no longer arrive and the river will freeze. Tell us what kind of boats they are and at what time of the year they appear?

For whom did Vitalik leave the mountain ash?

Vitalik and his mother were walking in the forest. Vitalik saw a rowan bush strewn with berries and called his mother. Together they gathered a basket of berries. “Mom, why did you leave berries on the branches?

If you collect everything, will there be a full basket?

“You don’t need to pick all the berries and mushrooms in the forest, you need to leave a little,” my mother said and explained why. What did the mother tell her son?

What is the bear looking for?

Look at the clubfoot! Barely tossing and turning. He ate on fish and berries, and now he wanders through the forest, scares the animals and is looking for something, looking ...

What is the bear looking for?

What kind of animal?

You won't understand this animal. Sleeping, running. Wakes up, stretches, clicks on nuts, feasts on dried berries - and again curls up into a ball.

Dark, warm. And there is no difference for him - day or night. What kind of animal is this?

Something white rolled out into the clearing: long ears, slanted eyes, looking to the sides. Jump-jump and out of sight under the bush. Look how startled! Don't be afraid - the branch cracked from the frost. No, he runs away ... and even confuses the tracks!

Who it?

Why are deer running away?

When the snow began to melt, the deer had small deer. It turns out that at first they are very weak, powerless and tremble all the time. It is especially disturbing to see how their legs tremble, it seems that they are about to break, and the kids will fall into the snow.

When the deer were small, they let themselves be stroked on the forehead. And now, as soon as you approach them, they run away. Why are deer running away?


For children 6 - 7 years old.

What month is in the yard?

Northern summer is quickly gone. The sky frowned, and suddenly, instead of the expected rain, large snowflakes swirled. The gray forest has quieted down. The last leaves are trembling from gusts of strong wind.

Only stubborn alder does not give in, does not want to turn yellow. What month is in the yard?

What did the bear say?

Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. Jumping fidget squirrel. He collects nuts, stuffs them into hollows, through wood cracks, and if he finds a fungus on the ground, he picks it up and hangs it on a tree to dry - it will come in handy in winter.

The squirrel works all day long and looks at the bear neighbor, who by autumn has become lazy and clumsy. “What are you, a bear, completely lazy? the squirrel asks. - Why don't you prepare for the winter, don't you store food? There will be nothing to eat in winter.

The bear laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel, so quietly that she did not hear. What did the bear say to the squirrel?

Where do birds sleep?

Many people think that the nest serves as a home for the bird. But when someone says that a small or large bird has taken refuge from the weather in its nest, know that this is not true. After hatching the chicks, the female leaves the nest and never returns to it.

Birds don't have a home. Where do birds sleep?

Who is this man?

A man was walking through the taiga. Came across a stream. He sat down near him, carefully examines the water, tastes it.

I was very interested: why is it such a red color near the water?

You and I will go through - well, a stream and a stream, what is special about it? And the stream will tell this person a lot. If the water in it is gray, it means that there is fertile land, black soil. If the water is yellow, then clay is at the bottom.

But if it is red, rusty, then there may be deposits of iron underground. Who is this man?

Use these games and exercises not all at once, but one or two games a day. So that they do not bother the child. If you play together, he will learn the material faster.

Do not forget to mark with a red pencil those tasks in which the child experienced difficulties, and briefly describe what they consist of. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Ekaterina Vladimirovna.

On this topic:

Material from the site nsportal.ru

GBDOU kindergarten No. 40 of the Pushkinsky district of the city of St. Petersburg

The development of speech of children of primary preschool age in play activities

Prepared by the teacher: Trankova Lyudmila Evgenievna

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. The tasks of developing the speech of children in playing activities are solved more productively, since at preschool age this type of activity is the leading one.

Very often we, adults, are in a hurry to do something for the child, to answer any question. But is it always justified?

A set of ready-made knowledge does not form the need for the process of cognition, the desire to overcome difficulties, to independently search for solutions and achieve the goal. The child himself can find the answer to many questions, and it does not matter that only through trial and error.

Any game solves a specific problem aimed at understanding, accumulating, expanding children's knowledge, as well as speech skills.

The work on the development of children's speech is based on an integrated approach aimed at solving interrelated tasks covering different aspects of speech development (lexical, grammatical, development of coherent speech). The main principle is the relationship of different speech tasks, which at each time stage appear in different combinations. Therefore, it is necessary to arouse interest in the process of cognition, to help children independently seek answers to the questions posed.

The main thing is not to be afraid to be kind, affectionate to children.

A firm focus on the GAME as a means, method, form of organization of the developmental activities of little men will help the teacher to make his work joyful.

I want to show how the work on the development of speech is carried out

children of primary preschool age

game activity on the example of one of my days:

In the morning we bring a toy doll Masha into the group, which will meet the children and take it off for the whole day. When meeting children, we offer to say hello, tell her how she is, show the guest toys, etc. During communication, we follow the speech of the children with a bore, unobtrusively correcting it, since the speech of the educator serves as a model for the child.

Greeting ritual: "Good morning!"

Source nsportal.ru

Work program for the development of speech of preschool children ("School of early development") - Work program - page 1


Explanatory note

The role of the native language in the upbringing of preschool children is very great. Through speech, the child learns the rules of behavior, communication, agreements between people on interaction, perceives the beauty of the world around and can talk about what he saw, conveying sensations and feelings.

Already from preschool age, the child shows great interest in linguistic reality, "experiments" with the word, creates new words, focusing on both the semantic and grammatical side of the language. This is a necessary condition for its linguistic development, which is based on the gradual awareness of the linguistic phenomena of speech.

Such development leads to the mastery of all the riches of the native language. With spontaneous speech development, children receive a rather low speech skill, so special training is needed at an early development school.

In our time of information technology, the development of children's speech is an urgent problem. Children know how to use technology, but they don’t know how to show their speech creativity. Preschoolers rarely visit libraries, read books, look at illustrations and talk.

They cannot describe their personal experience of impressions, sensations in 2-3 phrases. That is why it is so necessary, first of all, live communication with the child and well-structured teaching of native speech.

This work program is designed for 25 hours (1 hour per week). The course is aimed at the versatile development of the child, his coherent speech, phonemic hearing, creative thinking, coordination and fine motor skills of movements, muscles of the motor apparatus, etc. The course allows you to prepare children for learning to read, write and forms elementary skills of speech culture.

How a child is prepared for school depends on the success of his adaptation, entering the mode of school life, his academic success, mental well-being. It has been proven that in children who are not ready for systematic learning, the period of adaptation, adaptation to educational (rather than play) activities, is more difficult and longer. These children have poorly developed coherent speech and mental abilities - they do not know how to ask questions, compare objects, phenomena, highlight the main thing, they have not formed the habit of elementary self-control.

main goal school preparation program is the comprehensive development of the child: the formation of learning motivation, the development of thinking, imagination, creative abilities, the increase in memory capacity, the development of attention, speech and the ability to argue one’s statements, the identification of individual characteristics of future first graders and the formation of readiness for schooling.

Special assignments are used in the classroom

    to identify signs of similarity and difference between two or more objects;

    selection of identical items from a group of items;

    selection of a superfluous object;

    combining various objects into groups;

    identifying logical inconsistencies in a drawing or story.


Formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical;

Formation of language skills in its communicative function: development of connected speech, development of verbal communication;

Formation of the ability to elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena;

The development of fine motor skills of the hands using rhythmic and finger gymnastics. Stroke, hatch, play with pencils, etc.;

Formation of the personality of a preschool child: the study of the needs and individual characteristics, the behavior of the child, interpersonal relationships with peers and adults;

Development of imagination and creativity.

Adaptation to school conditions, preparation for literacy , R vocabulary development.

Classes are built in an entertaining, playful way using speech games, which allows children to successfully master the sound analysis of words, to observe their use in speech with interest. The educational material is presented in comparison, comparison and encourages children to constantly reason, analyze, draw their own conclusions, learn to justify them, choose the right solution among various answers. Thus, the main value is formed and develops - the child's creative thinking, on the basis of which a system of knowledge about the language will gradually take shape and the need for language proficiency and speech improvement will be formed.

When studying the problem of the development of coherent speech, the child's ability to structurally correctly construct a text and use the means of communication necessary for this is considered as the most important indicator of the coherence of statements. The path to the formation of this skill leads from a dialogue between an adult and a child, in which the adult takes on a leading role, directing the train of thought of the children and suggesting ways of expression, to the detailed monologue speech of the child himself.

There is a clear logic in the process of transition from dialogue to monologue. An adult teaches a child to first build simple statements, then connect them together. At the same time, the child's speech acquires an arbitrary character, an element of planning is included in it.

This makes it possible to move on to learning planning and retelling. The development of generalization and awareness of linguistic phenomena acted as one of the conditions for the successful assimilation of elements of vocabulary, grammar, coherent utterance, the formation in children of initial linguistic ideas, understandings of what a word, sentence is, how they are built. Awareness of the sound composition of a word and the verbal composition of a sentence brings the child to the threshold of learning to read and write and, most importantly, lays the foundations for a new attitude to language, conscious operation with it.

Main aspects of task compatibility

Dictionary work is aimed not only at the quantitative enrichment of the dictionary, but also at deepening the understanding of the meaning of words. Children begin to master the ways of expressing the necessary content in a word and the ability to apply the learned words in a coherent statement. The solution of lexical problems, of course, is impossible without special work to familiarize children with an ever-expanding range of objects and phenomena, to deepen knowledge about them.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech is also closely related to the development of coherent speech and lexical work. When analyzing a literary work, while looking at pictures, inventing independent stories, children learn to recognize the semantic shades of a word, and the tasks that are offered to them are aimed at learning to agree on nouns and adjectives in gender, number, and case. Such exercises contribute to the fact that the child begins to realize grammatical forms and use them correctly when compiling stories.

The tasks of developing coherent speech are closely related to the tasks of educating a sound culture of speech. Such elements of the sound culture of speech as sound pronunciation, speech rate, voice power, intonational expressiveness, each in its own way affect the coherence of the presentation of a particular content. Speaking about the coherence of the statement, it should be emphasized that its formation involves the child's assimilation of various types of connections (between words, sentences, between parts of the statement),

In the classroom, it is not the sequence of one or another type of storytelling that comes to the fore (retelling, compiling stories based on a picture, about a toy, various types of creative stories), but the compatibility of the task of developing coherent speech with other tasks. So, some classes with objects and plot pictures are used both for children to perform lexical, grammatical and phonetic exercises, and to develop the ability to answer the teacher's questions, highlight the features of the objects described and compose independent stories.

Much attention is paid to the evaluation of children's statements. First, the teacher gives an assessment (thanks for the story, it was very interesting). At 5-7 years old, children can evaluate their own stories - this is part of learning to build a coherent statement.

At each lesson, educational tasks are also solved: the development of a culture of speech communication; the formation of the moral qualities of a person (empathy, sympathy), while a great positive impact is exerted, first of all, by the content of literary works, paintings.

When teaching preschoolers to retell literary works, their attention is specifically drawn to the theme (content) of the work, due to which they penetrate into the moral aspects of the work, they form ethical ideas and moral feelings. And when using methodological methods for the development of coherent monologue speech, they contribute to the formation of moral behavior.

When telling stories together (one picture or a series of plot pictures), the children agree among themselves on the sequence of storytelling: who will start, who continues, who completes the story. Here, on the one hand, for themselves and for other children there is a “living model” of the structure of the story, on the other hand, the formation of relationships necessary for the implementation of joint activities takes place. Storytelling in groups teaches preschoolers to negotiate among themselves, if necessary, help each other, give in, etc.

Collective storytelling can be carried out in different forms:

1. When choosing storytellers by the teacher.

2. A group of children.

3. One of the children.

It is important for the teacher to take into account the conditions of upbringing and the level of development of children, remember about educational tasks and solve them in conjunction with other (speech, mental, aesthetic) tasks.

Children should develop not only speech skills, but also communication and speech skills. It is necessary to create conditions for the emergence of a speech motive, as well as for the planning and implementation of speech acts in the process of teaching speech and language.

Care should be taken to motivate children's speech, which encourages them to speech activity. The presence of speech motivation means that the child has an inner impulse to express his thoughts, and it affects the transition of patterns into the child's own active speech.

This happens in a relaxed, natural setting of communication. Thus, the teacher should take care to bring the nature of communication with children in the classroom closer to natural conditions.

Another side of the communicative-activity approach to speech is that it always enters into some other - entirely theoretical, intellectual or practical activity. Each of them can be used in different ways.

For the development of speech, this means that it occurs not only in communicative, but also in other activities of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to determine with the help of what methods, using what language means, in relation to what types of children's activities, it is possible to solve the problem of improving the child's mental, speech and practical activities.

The structure of a lesson on the development of speech is determined by the principle of the relationship of various sections of speech work:

1. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

2. Work on the semantic side of the word.

3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

4. Education of sound culture of speech.

5. Development of elementary awareness of linguistic phenomena.

6. Development of coherent monologue speech.

It is the interrelation of different speech tasks in the lesson that creates the prerequisites for the most effective mastering of speech skills. Therefore, an integrated approach is advisable, where different speech tasks are combined more often on the same content.

Principles of work with preschool children on speech development:

1. Scientific.

2. Taking into account the psychological, age characteristics of children.

3. Accounting for preschool activities of children (play, life, occupation).

4. Systematic relationship between the educational material and the child's interest in native speech.

5. Accessibility, specificity.

Material from gigabaza.ru

Tasks for the development of coherent speech

The general task of speech development consists of a number of particular, special tasks. Studies of the problems of speech development in recent years, conducted under the guidance of F.A. Sokhin, made it possible to theoretically substantiate and formulate three aspects of the characteristics of the tasks of speech development:

- structural ( the formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical);

-functional or communicative(formation of language skills in its communicative function, development of coherent speech, two forms of verbal communication - dialogue and monologue);

-cognitive, educational(formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech).

Let us dwell briefly on the characteristics of connected speech tasks. The development of coherent speech includes the development dialogical and monologue speech.

The development of dialogic (colloquial) speech. Dialogic speech is the main form of communication for preschool children. For a long time, the methodology discussed the question of whether it is necessary to teach children dialogic speech if they master it spontaneously in the process of communicating with others. Practice and special studies show that preschoolers need to develop, first of all, those communicative and speech skills that are not formed without the influence of an adult. It is important to teach the child to conduct a dialogue, to develop the ability to listen and understand the speech addressed to him, to enter into a conversation and support him, to answer questions and ask himself, to explain, to use a variety of language means, to behave taking into account the situation of communication.

No less important is the fact that dialogical speech develops the skills necessary for a more complex form of communication - a monologue. A monologue is born in the bowels of a dialogue (F.A. Sokhin).

The development of coherent monologue speech involves the formation of skills to listen and understand coherent texts, retell, build independent statements of various types. These skills are formed on the basis of elementary knowledge about the structure of the text and the types of connections within it.

So, having solved the above tasks, we can distinguish the following speech skills that a child must master when forming a coherent speech:

Listen and correctly understand the thought expressed by the interlocutor;

To formulate in response one's own predestined, to correctly express it by means of language;

Change, following the thoughts of the interlocutor, the topic of speech influence;

Maintain a certain emotional tone;

Listen to your speech in order to control it and make corrections.

Methodological foundations for organizing work on the development of coherent speech

Teaching coherent speech to children in the domestic methodology has rich traditions laid down in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy.

Written essays in grade 1 are preceded by various teaching oral exercises: drawing up sentences united by a theme, restoring a deformed text from a series of plot pictures, oral answers to questions united by a theme, oral stories based on what was read, by analogy with what was read. Performing these exercises, students, under the guidance of a teacher, learn to express thoughts in a certain order, sequentially. Compositions of first graders are collectively composed stories about games, fun, and by working on them, students learn to comprehend their activities.

The role of the picture in the development of coherent speech of students is extremely great. The picture affects the feelings of the child, opens up to him those aspects of life that he might not encounter in his direct experience. The picture helps to better understand those phenomena that are already familiar to the student. It makes life easier for him. Educational pictures are used in schools. They are accessible to students, convenient for use in the classroom, but not always expressive enough. Therefore, for the development of coherent speech, artistic pictures should be used. Pictures develop observation, imagination of students, teach to understand the art of painting.

The first essays on one picture should be oral and preceded by a conversation. The description of a painting is the most difficult form of writing. Usually it is held in the upper grades, but it is also acceptable in the 4th grade (elements of the description of the picture are possible in 2-3 grades).

In the primary grades, children describe the picture by questions, identifying, firstly, the theme of the picture (what is depicted on it); secondly, its composition, foreground, background, arrangement of objects. Thirdly, the actors, the action, if any. Finally, the ideological meaning, the "mood" of the picture. Already in the 2nd grade, an oral description of the picture is practiced ("Tell me what you see in the picture"). From class to class, the requirements for describing the picture become more complicated, elements of analysis are introduced, and children's observation skills develop.

Observation is very important for the development of coherent speech. The school organizes a system of observations of nature, individual objects and processes. Oral stories and written compositions summarize and streamline the results of observations.

Observational stories turn out to be large in size, because children have a lot of material. And the sequence, completeness of the description are provided by a preparatory conversation.

The development of speech requires the painstaking work of students and teachers. Systematic work on the development of speech will certainly lead to success.

By developing a coherent speech of schoolchildren, we instill a number of specific skills, that is, we teach them. Let us emphasize the skills that relate specifically to the level of the text:

Firstly, the ability to understand, comprehend the topic, highlight it, find boundaries;

Secondly, the ability to collect material, select what is important and discard the secondary;

Thirdly, the ability to arrange the material in the desired sequence, build a story or essay according to plan;

Fourthly, the ability to use the means of the language in accordance with the literary norms and tasks of the utterance, as well as to correct, improve, and improve what is written.

Connectivity as one of the most significant categorical features of a text is characterized by the interaction of several factors: the content of the text, its meaning, the logic of presentation, the special organization of language means; communicative orientation; compositional structure.

Peculiarities of children's coherent statements depending on the nature of the visual material and the situation of communication were identified, the most effective methodological methods for the formation of speech coherence were identified, such situations were selected in which the development, coherence, and compositional completeness of children's statements are provided to a greater extent.

Retellings based on illustrations are more meaningful, structured, and more complete in sequence. Children reproduced almost all the main points of the tale, as they are clearly presented in the illustrations.

Thus, the simultaneous use of a literary sample and pictures has a positive effect on the content and coherence of retellings, their volume, fluency of speech, the motivation and independence of statements increase. At the same time, in some cases, the level of situational speech increases, when children are more oriented to the picture, the retelling is replaced by a listing of the depicted characters.

Limited verbal communication, unformed coherent speech negatively affect the child's personality, cause specific neurotic layers, form negative qualities (isolation, negativism, aggressiveness, insecurity, a sense of inferiority), which affects the academic performance, as well as the child's social activity.

Thus, the presented arguments prove the need for special purposeful phased pedagogical work on the development of all levels of speech and the personality of the student as a whole.

As noted above, the development of students' speech is a long and complex process that requires systematic and targeted intervention by the teacher. Preparatory work begins in the alphabetical period and is carried out throughout the academic year. For this, plot handouts are used for the development of not just speech, but for the development of coherent speech and plot pictures given in textbooks. Such work brings students closer to a coherent story.

Work on the development of speech requires a variety of techniques and means. In the process of classes, the educational situation and the motives of speech change many times. Students either express themselves freely, or perform a "hard task" (L.V. Zankov), which disciplines thought and directs their speech activity into a strict channel. In the work on the development of coherent speech, it is necessary to consider both. It is necessary to teach meaningful, logical, clear and correct speech every day in all lessons of the Russian language and literary reading.

When teaching coherent speech, it is necessary to give children a minimum of theoretical information, since skills and abilities are formed more successfully when they are comprehended.

The emergence of speaking is the sacrament of language ka.
Paul Ricoeur

IS - information block

Text number 1.

Goals and objectives of speech development in preschool educational institutions.

The goal of speech development of preschool children- the formation of not only correct, but also good oral speech, of course, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities. The general task of speech development consists of a number of private, special tasks. The basis for their selection is the analysis of the forms of speech communication, the structure of the language and its units, as well as the level of speech awareness.Studies of the problems of speech development in recent years, conducted under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin, made it possible to theoretically substantiate and formulate three aspects of the characteristics of speech development tasks:

Structural (formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical);

Functional, or communicative (formation of language skills in its communicative function, development of coherent speech, two forms of verbal communication - dialogue and monologue);

Cognitive, cognitive (formation of the ability to elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech).

The main work on the development of speech- the formation of oral speech and the skills of verbal communication with others on the basis of mastering the literary language of their people. The development of speech is closely connected with the development of thinking and is the basis for mental, moral and aesthetic education. The problems of speech development of preschoolers were studied by teachers and psychologists: Rubinshtein, Zaporozhets, Ushinsky, Tikheeva and others.

The theoretical approach to the problem of speech development is based on ideas about the patterns of speech development of preschoolers (formulated in the works of psychologists and linguists Leontiev, Ushakova, Sokhin, Konina (patterns of speech activity)).

The main directions for determining the tasks of speech development:

Structural - the formation of phonetic, lexical, grammatical components.

Functional or communicative - the formation of speech communication skills (forms of dialogue and monologue).

Cognitive, i.e. cognitive - the formation of abilities to understand the phenomena of language and speech.

Tasks of speech development:

1) education of sound culture of speech(development of speech hearing, teaching the correct pronunciation of words, expressiveness of speech - tone, intonation, stress, etc.);

The tasks of educating the sound side of speech can be formulated as follows:

Work on the sound and intonation characteristics of speech;

Formation of ideas about linear sound units: sound - syllable - word - sentence - text;

Distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics: vowels and consonants (voiced and deaf, hard and soft);

Learning the sound analysis of a word (selecting a sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word), isolating hissing and whistling sounds at the beginning of a word, finding the same sound in different words;

Development of the ability to analyze words of various syllabic structures: naming words with one, two and three sounds, determining the number of syllables;

Finding words that are similar and different in sound.

2) vocabulary development(enrichment, activation, clarification of the meaning of words, etc.);

Vocabulary tasks:

Enrichment of the dictionary with thematic groups of words;

Consolidation of ideas about generalizing concepts (vegetables, fruits, transport);

Development of ideas about the semantic side of the word: work on the correct understanding of the meanings of a polysemantic word; disclosure of semantic relations (familiarization with synonyms and antonyms of different parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, verbs); formation of word selection skills and word usage accuracy.

3) formation of the grammatical structure of speech(syntactic, morphological side of speech - ways of word formation);

Tasks of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech:

Formation of the ability to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case;

Learning the correct formation, declension and use of words in the singular and plural;

Development of the ability to form the names of baby animals (cat-kitten, dog-puppy, chicken-chicken);

Teaching the ability to correlate the name of the verb-motion with the action of an object, person, animal;

Compilation of sentences of different types - simple and complex.

4 ) development of coherent speech(central task) - the main function of the language is implemented - communicative (communication), the formation of ideas about different types of text - description, narration, reasoning;

Tasks for the development of coherent speech:

Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end);

Learning to connect sentences in different ways of communication;

Development of the ability to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement, to title the story;

Learning to build statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to the awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including artistic, text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, stories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and the use of means of artistic expression; learning to compose reasoning with selection to prove strong arguments and precise definitions;

Use for statements of different types of appropriate models (schemes), reflecting the sequence of presentation of the text.

Central, leading task is development of connected speech. This is due to a number of factors:

Firstly, in coherent speech, the main function of language and speech is realized - communicative (communication). Communication with others is carried out precisely with the help of coherent speech.

Secondly, in coherent speech, the relationship between mental and speech development is most pronounced.

Thirdly, all other tasks of speech development are reflected in coherent speech: the formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure, and phonetic side. It shows all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language.

5) preparation for literacy(sound analysis of the word, preparation for writing);

6) acquaintance with fiction(as an art and a means of developing intellect, speech, a positive attitude to the world, love and interest in the book).

The teacher's knowledge of the content of the tasks is of great methodological importance, since the correct organization of work on the development of speech and teaching the native language depends on this.

Most of the tasks of speech development are set in all age groups, however, their content has its own specifics, which is determined by the age characteristics of children. So, in the younger groups, the main task is to accumulate a dictionary and form the pronunciation side of speech. Starting from the middle group, the tasks of developing coherent speech and educating all aspects of the sound culture of speech become leading. In older groups, the main thing is to teach children how to build coherent statements of various types, work on the semantic side of speech. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, a new section of work is introduced - preparation for literacy and literacy.

Version of the program in 2005. (under the editorship of Vasilyeva, Gerbova, Komarova) includes a new heading "Developing speech environment" (speech as a means of communication).

Leading tasks by age:

up to 1 g.

to develop the ability to understand adult speech, to form the prerequisites for active speech

from 2-3 to 5-7 min. - activity games

up to 2 l.

+ development of understanding of speech, vocabulary, art.

I ml.

+ formation of a dictionary + development of sound culture of speech + coherent speech

15 minutes. - individual lessons or in subgroups (introductory, main, final parts)

I I ml.

+ formation of the grammatical structure of speech


- “ -

20 minutes. - memorization, storytelling - exc.


- “ -

30-35 min. - frontal and complex classes, less visibility, children are more independent


+ preparation for literacy

Exercise. Consider schemes No. 1, 2. Describe the tasks of speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in DL.

Scheme 1.

Scheme 2.

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On the tasks of speech development


One of the important tasks of education and training in kindergarten is the development of speech, teaching the native language. This general task includes a number of particular tasks: the education of a sound culture of speech, the enrichment, consolidation and activation of the dictionary, the improvement of the grammatical correctness of speech, the teaching of colloquial (dialogical) speech, the development of coherent monologue speech, the cultivation of interest in the artistic word, preparation for teaching literacy. Let's look at some of these tasks.

Children, assimilating their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication in its full form - understanding of speech and active speech - develops gradually.

The formation of verbal communication between a child and an adult begins with emotional communication. It is the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development (in the first year of life). The child responds with a smile to the smile of an adult, makes sounds in response to an affectionate conversation with him, to sounds uttered by an adult. He seems to be “infected” with the emotional state of an adult, his smile, laughter, gentle tone of voice.

In emotional communication with an adult, the child reacts to the peculiarities of the voice, the intonation with which the words are pronounced. Speech participates in this communication with its sound form, intonation, accompanying the actions of an adult. The semantic content of speech is not clear to the child.

In emotional communication, an adult and a child express their general relationship to each other, their pleasure or displeasure, they express feelings, not thoughts. This becomes completely insufficient when, in the second half of the year, the relationship of the baby with an adult (as well as with other children) is enriched, his movements and actions become more complicated, and the possibilities of cognition expand. Now it is necessary to talk about many interesting and important things around, and in the language of emotions it is sometimes very difficult to do this, and most often it is simply impossible. We need a language of words, we need verbal communication between an adult and a child.

In a situation of emotional communication, the child is initially only interested in adults. But when an adult draws his attention to something else, he, as it were, switches this interest to an object, an action, to another person. Communication does not lose its emotional character, but it is no longer actually emotional communication, not an “exchange” of emotions for their own sake, but communication about an object. The word spoken at the same time by an adult and heard by a child, bearing the stamp of emotions (in such cases it is pronounced expressively), is already beginning to be released from the captivity of emotional communication, gradually becoming for the child a designation of an object, action, etc. On this basis, from the second half a year of the first year of life, the baby develops an understanding of the word, speech. Elementary, incomplete verbal communication appears, as the adult speaks, and the child responds only with facial expressions, gestures, movement, and action. The level of such understanding is sufficient for the child to be able to meaningfully respond to remarks, requests and demands in everyday, well-known situations. At the same time, the baby's initiative appeal to adults also develops: he draws their attention to himself, to some object, asks for something with the help of facial expressions, gestures, sounds.

The pronunciation of sounds during an initiative appeal is especially important for the development of verbal communication - this is where the intention of speech is born, its focus on another person. Equally important is the imitation of sounds and sound combinations that an adult pronounces. It contributes to the formation of speech hearing, the formation of the arbitrariness of pronunciation, and without it it is impossible to imitate whole words that the child will later borrow from the speech of surrounding adults.

The first meaningful words appear in a child's speech usually by the end of the first year. However, they are not very suitable for verbal communication with an adult. Firstly, there are not enough of them - only about ten (“mother”, “grandfather”, “yum-yum”, “av-av”, etc.). Secondly, the child very rarely uses them on his own initiative.

Approximately in the middle of the second year of life, a significant shift occurs in the development of the child's speech: he begins to actively use the vocabulary accumulated by this time in order to address an adult. The first simple sentences appear.

A characteristic feature of these sentences is that they consist of two words used in the same form (three- and four-word sentences appear later, by two years): “ise maka” (more milk), “poppy boil” (milk boils) , "kisen petska" (jelly on the stove), "mom bobo" (mom hurts) [i]. Even such a grammatically imperfect speech of a child significantly expands the possibilities of his verbal communication with an adult.

By the age of one and a half years, the child speaks about a hundred words, by the age of two, his active vocabulary increases significantly - up to three hundred words or more. Individual differences in the development of speech can be very large, and the data given are, of course, approximate. The development of speech during this period (by the end of the second year) characterizes not only the quantitative growth of the dictionary, but also the fact that the words that the child uses in his sentences (now often three- and four-word sentences) acquire the appropriate grammatical form: “the girl sat down” , “the girl is sitting”, “the woman is doing the shoulder blade” (made) (examples from the book by A.N. Gvozdev) [i].

From that time on, one of the most important stages in mastering the native language begins - mastering the grammatical structure of the language. The assimilation of grammar is very intensive, the child learns the basic grammatical patterns by the age of three - three and a half years. So, by this time, the child in his speech correctly uses case forms without prepositions and with many prepositions (“looks like a wolf”, “hid under the ground”, etc.), uses various forms of verbs, complex sentences with conjunctions: “In I saw in a dream that a wolf had bitten my hand”; “The window is open to ventilate,” etc. (examples from the book by A.N. Gvozdev).

By the age of three, a child's vocabulary has grown to a thousand or more words. The dictionary includes all parts of speech, particles, interjections.

During this period of intensive development of speech, speech communication remains the main one.benka with adults. At the same time, the possibilities of verbal communication of children with each other are significantly increasing. When perceiving the imperfect speech of a child, an adult corrects the shortcomings of pronunciation, word usage, “deciphers” an incorrectly constructed phrase, etc. A child, perceiving the imperfect speech of his peer, cannot do all this, such a correction is inaccessible to him. But when, in the third year of life, the speech of children begins to approach in its structure the speech of adults (and they already understand it quite well), then conditions are created for verbal communication of one child with another, with a group of children. The teacher should use this opportunity by specially organizing the communication of children (for example, in a game).

Knowledge of the native language is not only the ability to correctly construct a sentence, even if it is complex (“I don’t want to go for a walk, because it’s cold and damp outside”). The child must learn to communicate coherently.

In the formation of coherent speech, the close connection between the speech and mental development of children, the development of their thinking, clearly appears; perception, observation. In order to tell a good, coherent story about something, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story (object, event), be able to analyze the subject, select its main (for a given situation of communication) properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena.

Connected speech is not just a sequence of words and sentences, it is a sequence of thoughts related to each other, which are expressed in exact words in well-formed sentences. A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves his speech by learning to think.

Coherent speech, as it were, absorbs all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language, in mastering its sound side, vocabulary, and grammatical structure. This does not mean, however, that it is possible to develop a child's coherent speech only when he has mastered the sound, lexical and grammatical aspects of the language very well. Work on the development of coherence of speech begins earlier.

An adult shows a small child a subject picture with a blue ball and asks: “What is this?”. It is unlikely that the baby will answer: "Blue ball." Rather, he will say: "It's a ball" or just "Ball". The next question of an adult: “What? What colour?". Answer: Blue.

And then comes the important point: the child's isolated cues must be put together to give him a sample of a more complete answer. But how to connect? After all, you can say both “blue ball” and “blue ball”. Let's listen to these combinations of words, think about them. "Blue ball" is a simple name, designation of an object, including one of its properties. “The ball is blue” is no longer just the name of an object, it is a judgment about the object, i.e. a thought in which, through affirmation or negation, the sign of this object is revealed (“The dog is running”).

Therefore, if we limit our task only to teaching the baby to distinguish and name different colors or other qualities and properties of objects, we can say: "This is a blue ball." But you can say in another way: “This is a ball. The ball is blue. It seems to be a small difference, but it is significant. After all, here we give the child a model for constructing a coherent statement. In fact, two judgments are consistently expressed here: "This is a ball" and "The ball is blue." And the second does not just follow the first, it is closely connected with it, follows from it. In the first, the object stands out from many others: it is a ball, and nothing else. In the second, this selected and named object is characterized by one of its properties, in this case, by color. This is a very simple, elementary case of a coherent utterance, the rudiment of coherent speech, but it develops in the child gradually, from simple to complex forms.

The simplest tasks for constructing a coherent utterance, for example, retelling a short fairy tale, impose two most important requirements on the child’s monologue speech: firstly, speech must be built intentionally to a greater extent than, for example, a replica in a dialogue (an answer to a question, etc.). ), secondly, it must be planned, i.e. milestones should be outlined along which a complex statement, a story will unfold. The formation of these abilities in simple forms of coherent monologue speech serves as the basis for the transition to its more complex forms (for example, to creative storytelling).

The coherence of monologue speech begins to form in the depths of the dialogue as the main form of verbal communication. Dialogue should also be evaluated in terms of coherence, but in it coherence depends on the abilities and skills of not one person, but two. The duties of ensuring the coherence of the dialogue, distributed at first between the adult and the child (of course, with the leading role of the adult's speech), the child gradually learns to fulfill. In the dialogue, each of the interlocutors answers the questions of the other; in monologue speech, the speaker, consistently expressing his thoughts, as if answers himself. The child, answering the questions of an adult in a dialogue, learns to ask questions to himself. Dialogue is the first school in the development of a child's coherent monologue speech (and in general the activation of his speech). Therefore, it is important to learn how to “design” a dialogue and manage it.

The highest form of connected monologue speech is written speech. It is more deliberate, conscious, more planned ("programmed") than oral monologue speech. The task of developing written speech in preschoolers now, of course, cannot be set (namely, written coherent speech, the ability to compose a text, and not the ability to compose from a split alphabet or write two or three sentences; the latter can be carried out when teaching preschool children to read and write). This requires a good level of literate writing skills.

And yet, the psychological features of written speech can be used to form preschoolers' skills to deliberately, arbitrarily build a statement (story, retelling), plan it, to form the coherence of oral speech. This possibility is realized on the basis of the "division of labor": the child composes the text, the adult writes it down. Such a technique - writing a letter - has long existed in the methodology for the development of speech of preschoolers. E.I. Tikheeva pointed out: “It is necessary to develop in children an attitude towards letters as a serious matter; you need to think carefully about what you will write, how best to express your thoughts. E.I. Tikheeva even considered it possible to conduct letter-writing classes “already with three- and four-year-old children,” but this provision should be verified.

Writing a letter is usually carried out collectively, but this does not mean at all that the monologue of speech disappears, the requirements for premeditation, awareness of text construction are reduced: after all, every child composes a text. Moreover, the collective writing of the letter makes it easier for the educator to develop in children the very important ability to select the best, most appropriate version of the sentence (phrase) or larger part of the text that continues the presentation of the content. This ability, in fact, is the essence of arbitrariness (premeditation), awareness of the construction of the statement. However, the predominant use of the collective form of work does not exclude the individual writing of the letter. A combination of both is needed.

Psycholinguist A.A. Leontiev, considering the relationship between oral and written speech and emphasizing the greater development, arbitrariness and organization of the latter, puts forward the position that it is easier to start teaching organized (i.e. planned, “programmed”) speech from written speech. As for such education of preschoolers, it is precisely carried out in the form of writing a letter.

Using the composition of a letter, one can achieve significant results in the development of the coherence of a child's oral speech, in enriching it with complex syntactic constructions. In this case, speech, remaining oral in external form, is built on the level of expansion and arbitrariness characteristic of written speech, and due to this, in its structure, in the quality of coherence, it will approach it.

The formation of the arbitrariness of speech, the ability to choose language means is an important condition not only for the development of coherence of speech, but also for language acquisition in general, mastering what the child does not yet have in active speech. Let us assume that a small child actively owns only the first two words from the synonymous series "walk - walk - stomp - trudge" (although he can understand all these words). If he has not yet developed the ability to select linguistic means in accordance with the tasks of the utterance, he will simply reproduce the word that, so to speak, first comes to mind (most likely it will be "go", as a more general meaning). If the ability to select already exists (at least an elementary, initial one), then the child will use a word that is more suitable for the given context (“walk”, not “go”). The main thing is that the child faces the very task of selection. He can choose, of course, only from what he has. But “is” is both in the active vocabulary and in the passive one, i.e. in the vocabulary that the child understands, he does not use his noses. And when the conditions for constructing an utterance are such that none of the words that the child actively owns fit the given context, he can turn to his passive stock and use not “go”, but, for example, “walk”. The situation is similar with the activation of complex grammatical (syntactic) constructions.

Coherent speech, thus, accumulating the child's success in mastering all aspects of the native language, acting as one of the most important goals of speech education, at the same time, from the first lessons on its formation, becomes an important condition for mastering the language - the sound side, vocabulary, grammar, a condition for educating skills it is appropriate to use linguistic means of artistic expressiveness of speech.

In the general system of speech work in kindergarten, vocabulary enrichment, its consolidation and activation occupy a very large place. And this is natural. The word is the basic unit of the language, the improvement of verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child's vocabulary. At the same time, the development of the child's thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words, which reinforce the new knowledge and ideas received. Therefore, vocabulary work in kindergarten is closely connected with the cognitive development of the child, with his acquaintance with the surrounding reality.

Emphasizing the importance of vocabulary work in terms of its connection with the cognitive development of the child, it should be noted the importance of working on the word as a unit of language, in particular on the ambiguity of the word. So, under certain conditions of familiarizing children with the properties and qualities of objects, new words are introduced: “green” (to designate color), “fresh” (in the meaning of “just made”). Here we introduce new words based on the properties of the subject. And this is very important, since both the child's vocabulary and his knowledge of the subject are enriched. But at the same time, it is important to take into account the actual linguistic characteristics of the word, in particular, its ambiguity. For example, the word "green" has both "colour" and "immature" meanings, while the word "fresh" means both "freshly made" and "cool." Revealing to children (older preschoolers) the ambiguity of a word, we show them the “life” of the word itself, because objects and phenomena corresponding to its different meanings can be completely different, unrelated or little related to each other. So, the word "strong", if used in the sense of "durable, such that it is difficult to break, break, tear", refers primarily to the physical properties of objects ("hard nut", "strong rope"). If we take this word in a different meaning - “strong, significant in manifestation”, then it will be used to refer to the properties of completely different phenomena and, moreover, very different (“hard frost”, “strong sleep”, “strong wind”). The disclosure of the polysemy of a word (and most words are polysemantic) plays a large role in shaping the accuracy of word usage.

The Kindergarten Education Program says: “In the preparatory group, speech becomes the subject of study for the first time for children. The educator develops their attitude to oral speech as a linguistic reality; he leads them to the sound analysis of words.

In the perception and understanding of speech, first of all, the semantic content that is transmitted in it is realized. When expressing a thought in speech, when communicating it to the interlocutor, the semantic content of the speech is also realized, and the awareness of how it is “arranged”, what words the thought is expressed with, is not mandatory. The child does not even realize this for a very long time, he does not even know at all that he is speaking in words, just as the hero of one of Molière's plays, who has been speaking prose all his life, did not know that he is speaking in prose.

If in preparation for teaching literacy, first of all, a general task is singled out ("speech becomes the subject of study"), then in simpler forms the solution of this task begins and should begin not in the preparatory group, but earlier, in the previous groups. For example, in classes and didactic games on the sound culture of speech, in particular on the formation of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, correct sound pronunciation, children are given tasks to listen to the sound of a word, find the most frequently repeated sounds in several words, determine the first and last sounds in a word , recall words that begin with the sound indicated by the teacher, etc. Work is also carried out with children to enrich and activate the vocabulary, during which they receive tasks, for example, select antonyms - words with the opposite meaning ("high" - "low", "strong" - “weak”, etc.), synonyms are words that are close in meaning (“way”, “road”, “small”, “small”, “tiny”, “tiny”, etc.). The teacher draws the attention of the older preschooler to, for example, how snow is described in a poem or story, what it is (“fluffy, “silver”). At the same time, the teacher can ask about the word, use the word “word” (for example: “What word does the author describe snow, talk about his impression of snow, about how he sees snow?”).

Receiving such tasks and completing them, children begin to learn the meanings of the words "sound", "word", but this is possible only when the teacher sets himself the special task of including the word "word" or the word "sound" in the wording of the task, otherwise the use of them becomes a matter of chance 1 .

After all, the task can be formulated in such a way that the word "word" will not be needed. For example, instead of saying: “Remember the words that have the sound sh,” you can say: “What objects have the sound sh in the name?”. Another example. The children are given the task: “Which house is shown in the picture? (Small.) Yes, a small house. What is another word for this house? (Small house.) That's right, a small house. However, instead of the question: “What other word can be said about such a house?” another question is quite possible: “How else can you say about such a house?”. The meaning of the task does not change if the teacher set as his task only, for example, the activation of the dictionary.

What is the difference between the above formulations? In cases where the word "word" is used, the attention of children is drawn to the fact that different words are used in speech, that we say words.

Here the teacher leads the children to understand the meaning of the word "word", the verbal composition of speech (long before they begin to form such an understanding). In cases where the word “word” is not used in the formulation of speech tasks, children perform tasks without thinking about the fact that they are using the word.

For preschoolers (if special work has not yet been done with them), the words "word" and "sound" have a very vague meaning. As observations show, in response to the question of what words he knows, even an older preschooler can utter a sound, name some letter (me, be), say a sentence or phrase (“good weather”), or even note that no does not know words, but knows a poem about the ball. Many children name words, as a rule, only nouns denoting objects (“table”, “chair”, “tree”, etc.). When children are offered to pronounce a sound, they very often also name some letter (this, by the way, is not the worst option: even quite literate adults often mix sound and letter), recall onomatopoeia (tu-ru-ru), say about some kind of sound phenomenon (“thunder rumbles”), etc. Such indistinctness of children's ideas about the word and sound is largely due to the ambiguity of the corresponding words.

"Word", "sound" - the same words as many others. Like others, they have a certain meaning, they denote a certain phenomenon. But the meanings of these words are not simple things. In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, one can read that a word is a “unit” of speech that serves to express a separate concept” or “a unit of speech, which is a sound expression of a concept about an object or phenomenon of the objective world.” However, along with this main meaning, “speech”, “conversation, conversation” (“gift of the word”, “transmit the request in words”, “tell in your own words”, etc.) and a number of others. The word "sound" has two meanings: 1) "a physical phenomenon perceived by the ear", 2) "an articulate element of human spoken speech."

Dictionary definitions of the meanings of the words “word” and “sound” cannot be given to a preschooler - he will not understand them (although in general it is possible and necessary to develop a methodology for using dictionary definitions for the development of speech of preschoolers in kindergarten). However, it does not follow that children do not receive any definitions at all.

In the science of logic, there is the term "ostensive definition", which is opposed to a verbal, verbal definition. The word "ostensive" comes from the Latin words ostensio - "showing", ostendo - "show, demonstrate, indicate as an example." It is precisely such definitions that are given to children when, in the formulations of the tasks discussed above, the educator uses the words "word" and "sound." The situation is exactly the same with the words “sentence”, “syllable”, when direct work is carried out to prepare children for literacy. Children are not given a grammatical definition of a sentence (for example: “A sentence is a grammatically and intonationally formed combination of words or a single word expressing a complete thought”). The "Kindergarten Education Program" notes that children's ideas about the sentence, the word (and, of course, the syllable) are fixed in practical exercises. Such exercises are the use of ostensive definitions.

The formation of the elementary meanings of the words "word" and "sound" on the basis of ostensive definitions in various speech exercises allows you to give the child initial ideas about the distinction between word and sound. In the future, when teaching children the division of sentences into words, the sound analysis of a word, etc. these meanings are used, since the child singles out, isolates the word and sound precisely as units of speech, has the opportunity to hear them as components of the whole (sentence, word).

When introducing children to the verbal composition of a sentence, to the sound composition of a word, we not only form their ideas about the sentence, about the word, etc. We reveal the most general properties of human speech as a process - discreteness, separateness of its constituent units (human speech is called “articulate speech”) and linearity, the sequence of these units.

Speaking about the understanding of speech by a child, isolating language units in it, it should be emphasized that it makes sense both for direct preparation for learning to read and write, and for the formation in children of those elementary knowledge and ideas about speech that will help them learn the course of their native language at school. The awareness of speech that occurs in preparation for learning to read and write is of great importance for general speech development. On the basis of awareness, the arbitrariness of speech is formed: the intention of choosing both the semantic content of the statement, and the language means by which it can be expressed most accurately. The child acquires the ability to consciously, arbitrarily build his speech.

Comprehending the laws of physics, a person gets the opportunity to control certain phenomena of the external world. Learning the laws of some of his own, human activity, he acquires the ability to manage it, to improve it. Therefore, awareness of speech by a child is not just a condition for the successful mastery of reading and writing, not just an expansion of knowledge and ideas about speech. This is an important means of its further development, improvement and enhancement of its culture.

The famous Soviet linguist and methodologist A.M. Peshkovsky considered the conscious use of linguistic means to be the main difference between literary speech and everyday speech. “Any awareness of the facts of a language is based primarily on the conscious snatching of these facts from the general flow of speech-thought and on observation of what has been snatched out, that is, first of all, on the dismemberment of the process of speech-thought ... Natural speech representations flow together. It goes without saying that where there is no knack for such a division, where speech complexes move in the brain with the dexterity of a bear dance, there can be no question of conscious use of the facts of a language, of their selection, comparison, evaluation, etc. d. There, it is not a person who owns the language, but the language owns the person.

At the senior preschool age, one of the most important periods of a person's life (and perhaps the most important), his first "university" ends. But, unlike a student of a real university, a child studies at all faculties at once. He comprehends (of course, within the limits available to him) the secrets of living nature and inanimate nature, learns the basics of mathematics. He also takes an elementary course in oratory, having learned to express his thoughts logically, expressively, and joins the philological sciences, acquiring the ability not only to emotionally perceive works of fiction, to empathize with its characters, but also to feel and understand the simplest forms of linguistic means of artistic expressiveness. He also becomes a little linguist, because he learns not only to pronounce words correctly and build sentences, but also to realize what sounds a word consists of, what words a sentence consists of. All this is very necessary for successful learning at school, for the comprehensive development of the child's personality.


1 Instead of the expression "word "word" ("sound")", the expression "term "word" ("sound") is usually used, however, it should be borne in mind that in relation to the definition of meaning, the term is subject to much higher requirements than the word.


  1. Gvozdev A.N. Questions of studying children's speech. M.: Publishing House of APN RSFSR, 1961.
  2. Leontiev A.A. Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity. Moscow: Nauka, 1974.
  3. Peshkovsky A.M. Selected works. M. 1959.
  4. Tiheeva EM. Development of speech of children (early and preschool age). 4th ed. M., 1972.

The purpose and objectives of the development of speech of preschool children

Speech development: purpose, tasks, typical mistakes in the development of children's speech and their overcoming.

The purpose and objectives of the development of children's speech

I was prompted to write this article by a chance - on one of the popular "mom" sites I came across gross errors in explaining to parents the methodology for developing the speech of preschoolers. And I realized that I definitely need to write an article for parents about the basics of speech development methods. Moms and dads, grandparents need to know what is actually the development of speech of preschool children, For what every family needs it and what are effective ways speech games and activities with preschool children.

Who doesn’t write now about the development of children’s speech! It is very difficult for an ordinary reader - a non-specialist to understand all this confusion. For some reason, it is believed that it is enough to read articles on the Internet or books, to retell them in order to declare oneself an “expert / consultant / specialist / trainer in the development of the speech of preschool children” and start teaching other adults to develop the speech of children. But the theory and methodology for the development of children's speech is a very deep, complex and versatile science that requires knowledge of psychological, psycholinguistic, physiological, and methodological foundations. And in order to advise and teach someone the development of children's speech, you need to know its basics and understand the system and patterns of the child's speech development, as well as engage in daily practice of the speech development of many, very different kids. In this article, I will try, as a specialist and candidate of pedagogical sciences in this area, in a simple accessible language, to “sort through” the confusion that exists on the Internet on the development of children's speech. I hope that as a result of reading this article, you will be able to properly and effectively develop the speech of your kids and avoid mistakes. You will also be able to navigate the literature and articles on the development of children's speech.

What you will learn in the article is not only my personal opinion, it is also the results of numerous studies by scientists, as well as the results of my personal long-term work on the development of speech in children from various families and social strata.

You will learn from this article:

Part 1 - "We hit the bull's-eye", or about the main goal of developing the speech of children under seven years old and why all this is needed,

Part 2 - "Measure seven times, cut once" or why you need to know the norms of children's speech development,

Part 3 - “Wherever you go, you will find”, or the main directions of speech development and tasks,

Part 4 - "Pan or Lost", or effective and ineffective ways to develop the speech of babies.

Speech development: how to and how not to develop speech in preschoolers

Part 1. Why is it necessary to develop speech and what is speech development? Or we determine the goal of speech development and “hit the bull's-eye”

Speech development: typical mistakes in understanding the goal.

In order to do something effectively, we need to have a very precise idea of ​​the desired goal of our actions. Then we can "hit the bullseye" and achieve it. What will be the result of our actions? What will the child or his speech be like?

If there is no precise understanding of the goal, then our actions will be very similar to firing cannons at sparrows, and the goal will be difficult and almost impossible to achieve. The choice of ways to achieve it also depends on the understanding of the goal, that is, the selection of effective methods of speech development and the ability to distinguish them from ineffective ones.

Therefore, at the beginning, let's look at the purpose of developing the speech of children at preschool age and those typical mistakes that occur in this very important issue.

What is speech development? Opinion 1 and error 1. The most common mistake in the development of speech, which I encounter daily in my practice of communicating with parents and teachers, with my friends, is understanding of the development of speech is too narrow - like the work of a speech therapist in staging disturbed sounds in children. It is believed that if a child pronounces all the sounds, then his speech is well developed and nothing needs to be developed, which is not at all the case! Once I even heard from the lips of a teacher (I went with a friend to pick up her child in a kindergarten and accidentally heard a remark from a teacher): “You know! It turns out that we also need to develop the speech of children, but we do not have a speech therapy group. This was said by the teacher of the senior group of a kindergarten in a large city (!!!), which showed me that even many teachers do not understand the purpose of their own work on the development of children's speech and do not know why this is necessary. This means that they do not have results in this direction.

Let's separate these two concepts and these two lines - speech correction and speech development.

Line 1. Speech correction. A speech therapist is engaged in speech correction, i.e. correction of her speech disorders in children and adults. That is, a speech therapist conducts classes with children whose speech is already impaired and helps the baby in correcting speech disorders. Moreover, speech disorders concern not only sounds, but also speech breathing, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech, as well as grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech, that is, all aspects of speech development. If the child does not have speech disorders, then he does not need speech therapy classes, but he needs speech development classes (see line 2).

Speech therapists conduct classes both with the youngest children of early age with a delay in speech development or with mental retardation, and with older children - 3-7 years old, and even with schoolchildren, adolescents and adults. But the methodology of classes with 2-year-olds and with 5-year-olds or with schoolchildren is different.

Line 2. Development of speech and prevention of speech disorders. With the normal development of speech, speech therapy classes are not required for the child. But to develop his speech is very necessary and important! This means that he needs classes and games not for speech correction, but for the development of speech. A lot can be done from the first days of a baby's life so that he does not have speech disorders in the future. And so that he speaks freely, beautifully, precisely, expressively, correctly and without errors. This is the development of speech.

I specifically wrote in simple everyday language without terms, so that the difference was clear.

What is "speech development"? Opinion 2 and error 2. Very often, the concept of “language development” is narrowed in modern families, and in many centers of preparation for school and preschool education, only to prepare children for literacy, or is considered even more narrowly - only as teaching to read. That is, in this case, teachers and parents believe that the development of speech in preschoolers is teaching children to read and good knowledge of letters by kids. But quick reading and knowledge of such concepts as “word”, “syllable”, “hard consonant”, “soft consonant”, “vowel”, “sentence” is only a small, very narrow particle of an integral system of speech development in preschool age. And it cannot be “pulled out” from this system. More on this below.

A case from my practice. Years ago, I held a parent-teacher conference for my new group of kids. The kids in my group were three at the time, some were four. The first thing parents asked me at the meeting was how fast I would teach their children to read, and how fast they would read by the end of the school year. They thought that since I was engaged in the development of speech, this means that the main thing for me in teaching three-year-old children is reading. Then I asked one of the mothers: “Irina, when did you get your prestigious job, did you pass a competitive interview?” “Of course,” Anechka’s mother answered. “Did you have your reading speed checked when applying for this job?” Anya's mother laughed: "Of course not." Then I asked those mothers and fathers who were tested for reading speed when applying for a job to raise their hands. Nobody checked :). I asked what was tested, and what tests did they need to pass? It turned out that absolutely everyone, when applying for a job, was tested for the ability to navigate in new situations, as well as in typical and non-standard situations, to think independently, to prove their opinion correctly, to conduct a discussion, to analyze information, not to get lost in life situations, the general level of development, the ability to cooperate with people and other life skills. “This is what is laid in preschool childhood, and this is what I will teach your children,” I said then. - “And to have your own thoughts, and to express them accurately and clearly for the interlocutor, to conduct a discussion, to clearly formulate questions and answers to them, to defend your opinion, to navigate in different life situations of verbal communication. And this is the development of the speech of babies! So what will be the main thing in the lives of children - the speed of reading or these life skills of verbal communication with people, the ability to express oneself, one's thoughts and feelings, to feel one's individuality? Each parent answers this question for himself. (Note: I do not deny reading, but I believe that it should not be an end in itself and the most important thing in teaching kids)

At this meeting, we decided this issue in favor of life skills of communication. And we did great! These children not only spoke well by the end of preschool age, they became my co-authors of many speech games and activities that you are now reading on the site. And we also wrote two real books with them, published by the publishing house "Karapuz" in the series "Development of speech and speech communication" on interesting expressions of the Russian language (counting crows, scratching the tongue, and others). Playing with these kids and the stories and tasks they created formed the basis of my online course.”

What is "speech development"? Opinion 3 and error 3. Another very common mistake that occurs to me in letters from readers of the site is equate the development of speech with its appearance in a child. From this point of view, it turns out like this: as soon as the baby spoke, as soon as the first words appeared, there is nothing to develop, no development of speech is needed, because the child speaks, which means that speech is and is developed! This is wrong. Just the first words are only the first stage in speech development. All the most interesting is waiting for you ahead. And the writing of fairy tales and riddles, and acquaintance with poetry and other genres of children's literature and the ability to distinguish them from each other, and logical speech puzzles, and games with sounds, syllables, sentences, and retelling, and much more.

What is speech development? Opinion 4 and error 4. Some people think that the speech development technique is just tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters. It is necessary to use them with children in any order and more often, and everything will be fine.

Or is there such an opinion that the development of speech - it's just memorizing and naming different objects by a child from pictures(remembering and naming the names of cities, trees, flowers, animals, countries, body parts, birds, fish, etc.). And it is necessary to make sure that the baby remembers more words - the names of objects, so his speech will be developed. This is wrong. Well-developed speech is much more than just naming things.

I encounter this error all the time on different sites on the network. For example, on one of the sites for mothers, the author wrote that at an early age there is a developed methodology for the development of speech, everything is clear, there are well-scheduled classes for Doman, but “for preschool age, there is no methodology for the development of speech, you need to create it.” This phrase caused me a sincere smile, I laughed for a long time and from the bottom of my heart. After all, for many decades in our country, entire teams of talented scientists and practitioners have created and are creating a methodology for the development of children's speech! Students study this technique for several semesters, and it is considered one of the most difficult. And the methodology for the development of speech is not a mountain of randomly selected rhymes, poems or tongue twisters and games - but these are specific stages in solving specific problems in their system. Reasonable, proven steps! Since each tongue twister or tongue twister or other technique does not exist on its own, but "fits" into the system of speech development, and does not fit just like that, but in a specific direction and at a specific stage of children's education. It is then that they will really “work” as effectively as possible on the development of children’s speech. Otherwise, we use their potential only by 10-20%.

What happens in case of this error? We get the so-called "learned helplessness" in the development of the child's speech. It manifests itself in the fact that the child perfectly and quickly performs the tasks that he was taught and which were often repeated. But he does not speak as a means of communication and knowledge in life and is lost in any unfamiliar situation. But the possession of speech as a means of communication is the main thing! As one mother, a reader of my site and a graduate of my course for parents, said: “I was proud that my daughter knew the names of all the capitals of the world, while she could not meet other children in the yard or talk to them, tell a fairy tale. And only now I realized that it was not the main thing! I must say right away that after the change in the position of this mother in communicating with the child, there was a sharp push in the development of the baby's speech. Now the girl already uses phraseological units in her speech, actively composes stories and fairy tales with her mother. And if this had not happened, she would have remained at the level of memorized words.

A case from my practice. Sasha is 4 years old. When monitoring the development of speech, I pay attention to the fact that the baby has a very low level of speech development and great difficulties with speech. He cannot retell" from pictures and even "Turnip" with my help, several groups of sounds are broken, the boy is confused in colors and shapes, cannot describe where the object is, cannot describe the toy even with my help, cannot continue the phrase, selects words with difficulty, coordinates words with each other in sentences with errors, he has many grammatical errors in his speech. But to my amazement, he answers very accurately from the pictures and gives me all the prepositions (in, on, under, behind, in front of, from under, because of). I ask Sasha's mother what is the matter and how does he know prepositions so well, because. I can't understand the reason. It turns out that for a whole year, every day, the mother memorized pictures with the child depicting various prepositions (the ball is on the table, under the table, at the table, in front of the table, jumped out from behind the table, etc.). And in the end, Sasha remembered them all and knows how to reproduce - to name. It took a lot of time for this lesson - it took a lot of repetition of pictures - daily speech exercises unloved by the child in the evenings throughout the year !!! Did this give impetus to the development of Sasha's speech? No. During this year of “coaching” the child only for the knowledge of prepositions, very important other aspects of speech development were missed. "Training a child" to solve one problem never leads to good results in the development of speech. All prepositions could be learned very quickly and interestingly for the baby with Sasha in exciting and fun speech games (you can find a detailed description of them in my series of articles about). Were the mother's heroic daily efforts to develop her son's speech effective? No. But it was possible with joy and enthusiasm to play speech games with the baby and achieve better results instead of the painful repetition of the same pictures day after day!

Let's now see how to avoid mistakes and without unnecessary "heroism" to develop children's speech easily and with joy. And finally we will determine our true goal, for what we will try and what we want to get.

What is actually a methodology for the development of speech and the development of children's speech?

The methodology for the development of children's speech answers the questions: 1) what to teach in the development of children's speech, 2) how to teach, and 3) why and why to teach in this way. Moreover, the answers to these questions and recommendations in the methodology for the development of children's speech are also taken not by themselves "from the head", but are determined from the practice of developing the speech of babies and from experimental work with children. How does this happen? To test a certain method of speech development, the authors take several groups of children (groups should be approximately the same in terms of the level of development of babies). Further, with these groups of children, work is underway to develop speech, but they are taught in different ways in order to choose the most effective one. Next, the researchers look at the difference in the results obtained in children. The results are then cross-checked with other groups of children. And on the basis of a comparison of the data obtained, a conclusion is made about which method of developing speech in working with children is more effective and gives the best results. And it is this method that is recommended for everyone to use - both teachers and parents. This is how the theory and methodology for the development of children's speech was created and is being created. And I, as a researcher of children's speech, developing my own methods of developing children's speech and game communicative situations for speech classes with children, do exactly the same - I definitely check all the methods of speech development in my work with children before recommending them to other people - teachers and parents.

The purpose of the development of speech of children in preschool age

What is the speech development of preschool children really? The development of speech has as its goal help the child master competent, beautiful, expressive oral speech in their native language, learn to accurately, vividly, figuratively convey their thoughts, feelings, impressions in speech (pay attention - your own, that is, do not memorize and repeat like a parrot what an adult said, but compose your opinion about the event and express it in a speech, prove it, discuss it with others).

That is, a child’s well-developed oral speech should be: a) correct (that is, without errors), b) “good” in quality, that is, beautiful, figurative, accurate, rich, expressive. Here is our goal of developing the speech of toddlers at preschool age.

Now more and more often there are children who are considered geniuses in the family. They know by heart huge passages from encyclopedias. But any creative or problematic situation confuses them. They also do not have beautiful creative expressive speech. That is, they do not have a base, a basis for the development of abilities and the development of speech.

A case from my practice. Vanya was very intensively developed in the family, as he was the only son and grandson in the family of professors. Vanya's speech was also developed, but in a special way: they read passages from encyclopedias to the child and forced the boy to retell them. It was a daily task - Vanya's lesson with his parents "on the development of speech." The child retold, indeed, at the highest level for his age - still, daily training in the family gave its result! The family believed that a good retelling was the main thing Vanya needed to succeed in school. But with verbal communication and creativity, as well as with initiative and curiosity, the child had obvious problems. They were not encouraged in the family. Once I asked Vanya (he was 6 years old at that time): “Will your wooden boat float in the water?”. And he answers me: “Grandfather has not yet read about this to me. When he reads, I will tell you what he said. And no attempt by the child to even try to reason, generalize, or practically test his version - to launch the boat into the water and draw a conclusion about its "buoyancy" and its causes. Such children cannot compose a fairy tale, meet a peer in the yard, and negotiate with children. Is their speech well developed? Can they express their thoughts? No. Alas, they only repeat other people's memorized thoughts. The goal was not achieved, although the adults in the family put in a lot of effort, but, alas, in the wrong direction! Vanya is now studying at school - he is studying averagely, without outstanding success and without the desire for knowledge. Indeed, at school, it’s not the retelling that is important, but the child’s ability to highlight the main thing in the educational material, generalize, draw an independent conclusion, analyze, compare, and not repeat after an adult. Parents are disappointed and offended by Vanyushka. And I don’t envy Vanya - after all, the family itself “driven” him into this “dead end” of development.

This is interesting: When the methodology for the development of speech was just being created in Russia, it set an even more interesting and even higher level task - to educate a child not only in correct expressive speech, but individual style of speech! Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and other writers have an individual style of speech - we will never confuse authors with each other, feeling their author's style. You can read more about this in the article (the article was written almost 100 years ago, and what deep and very modern thoughts it contains! And how you want to go to these heights!).

Alas, in the current situation, this task is no longer up to it, because. usually children don't "mature" to that level. We are already talking about the fact that almost every child has a violation in the development of speech! But after all, a huge number of these violations simply could not have happened if the child had been properly dealt with and communicated in the family and in the kindergarten!

So, with the goal and with typical mistakes in determining the goal of speech development, as well as with what a speech development methodology is, we have decided. The goal is high, interesting, very necessary for all of us in life, and the main thing for us is to start moving forward - to go towards it in small steps.

Now let's talk about indicative indicators of speech development - or about "norms" and monitoring the development of the child.

Part 2. Who came up with the standards for the development of children's speech and why you need to know them.

Speech development is a process that goes through a number of stages in a child. And there are indicative indicators of the development of a baby's speech in each of his age periods. All the standards for the speech development of children that exist in our country are the result of serious, long-term and in-depth scientific research into the development of the child.

Of course, all children are very individual! But a 2-3-term delay in development is already an alarm signal that requires an appeal to specialists. And if help is provided to the child on time, then everything will be fine. But if you ignore the lag in the development of your baby's speech, then there may be problems at school - great difficulties in writing and in learning in general. The development of speech is closely connected with the development of thinking, with communication with peers, so it is very important that the child does not experience problems. And if there are problems - so that they are solved in time.

A little about the baby's vocabulary and indicative indicators in its development.

Literally today I receive a comment on my website: “Ha ha ha. 200-300 words by 2-3 years!” (the implication is unrealistic!) But this is a modern minimum - the standard of speech development. The reader laughs at these figures, because. Indeed, many children do not speak at all now in their 2-2.5 years. And she thinks it's normal! But these numbers are not random! This is the minimum, not the maximum! Let's see what is the maximum and what children in their 2-3 years old can really do.

For that, let's go back to our story. 1965 This is 49 years ago. This year, the book "Development and upbringing of a child from birth to three years" was published under the editorship of a remarkable scientist - a classic, a researcher of the early development of children N.M. Shchelovanova. I quote from this book:

“In the third year of life, the rapid development of the child's speech continues. His vocabulary is growing every day. For a year it increases 3-4 times, reaching 1300-1500 words (my note - let's compare these figures for the number of words in a child's dictionary by the age of three!). The child, as it were, on the fly catches and repeats not only new words, but now even whole turns of speech, and easily remembers poems, songs, fairy tales, although he does not understand everything that he grasps so quickly ... As has been said more than once , the level of speech development depends on education. The main means of developing the speech of a child of 2-3 years old, as well as a younger one, is his communication with adults and the speech of adults. This was written when me and many of you - my dear readers - were not yet in this world. Pay attention to the figure - 1300-1500 words!!! Not 300, but five times more!!!

When I read these old lines about two-year-olds, I involuntarily compare the two-year-olds of 1965 and today's, not even speaking children. And this despite the fact that we are all intensively engaged in “early development” from the cradle, we buy expensive toys, we take them to centers almost from the age of six months and pay quite a lot of money for it. And children are lagging behind in the development of speech from their peers of previous years! And they are behind the baseline! And after all, speech - all experts know this - is a mirror of the overall development of the baby, which reflects all his achievements and problems. Why is this “mirror” now showing us such sad results? Maybe we have lost something very important or missed in the race for the unimportant and set other goals for the development of speech? Yes! This is true!

And when this important thing is revived again, speech problems go away! When we start:

- correctly use lullabies, nursery rhymes, pestles, roll calls from the cradle,

- listen and look closely at your baby and follow him, and not try to impose your ideas and ideas on him,

- conduct communication taking into account the form of communication with the child, characteristic for this age,

- when we, in the course of ordinary affairs, draw the attention of the child to the word and the expression of our thoughts and feelings,

- when we try not to speak ourselves, but to create situations for the baby to actively speak -

then the children change after us and there is a sharp jump in the development of the speech of babies! How sometimes you want children to change themselves. It's unrealistic. When we - adults - change, our children and their speech also change after us!

This has already been proven by many mothers with children who took my Silent Children not only spoke in this course last fall, but now - a year later - they began to speak better than their peers! This result is not a “magic pill”, it is the spiritual work of parents, but the work is very grateful, joyful, creative and interesting! And yet - this is the result of understanding by these mothers and fathers of the patterns of speech development. And when you understand not only “what and how to do”, but also “why and why to do it this way”, then a creative spring wakes up inside, everything becomes clear and understandable, fits into the system. And there is no need for extra "developmental" courses and toys. Since there is already an understanding of what a child really needs for development, and what is not.

You will find a small "cheat sheet" on the development of children's speech in the course of everyday life in the article And if you want to learn this and find out all the details, welcome to my course. Sign up and receive information about the recruitment of a new group in the mailing list. I do not advertise the course, because the number of people who want to study on it is always greater than the number of places in the group of the course, which comes with my individual support to each participant and her baby.

Why is it so important to know the standards of speech development? Or about monitoring the speech development of babies.

Are the standards necessary and is it necessary to know them if all children have individual developmental characteristics? Yes need. Although very often on the net I read in mom's forums that "there were old farts - they came up with standards, they drive everyone one size fits all." Of course, this is written by those who do not know anything about the standards - indicative indicators of the development of babies. Or those who prefer not to solve the problems of their baby's speech development, but to hide their heads in the sand like an ostrich - this tactic is not the best. Any problem in the development of a child's speech can be solved if it is solved and contacted in time by specialists!

"Indicative" They are not called that for nothing. They are like a landmark for us - a beacon on the way across the sea of ​​a baby's development. And we need to notice this beacon and understand that it is signaling us.

Why is it important and necessary to know them? To track the development of your baby. So that if suddenly there are problems, then notice them immediately, contact a specialist - a doctor and a speech therapist and not waste precious time. In order not just to watch, but to see your baby - what is constantly changing in him, what new things he learns, what he needs help with, where he is especially strong, and where he still does not succeed and you need to support him with additional games and exercises.

It's important to know: When monitoring the development of a child's speech, it is important not even how much he knows now, but dynamics in its development. And it is important to see that the baby is learning new things, that all the time in his development is happening forward movement. But if there is no such movement, then there is reason to think. Two reasons can contribute to developmental delay:

A) either we - adults - "lag behind" the child and give him old tasks that he has long outgrown. And it's time to give him more complex tasks of verbal communication according to his age

For example, we understand the baby at a glance, we guess right away what he will need and what he wants. Why then should the child speak? She is simply not needed in his life! Speech and no! This is one of the reasons why a child does not appear on time - and a very common reason, which, fortunately, is easy to overcome and fix everything, and the baby will soon speak.

B) Either there are problems in the development of the child and it is worth consulting with specialists.

I will give examples of the importance of knowledge by parents and teachers of development standards.

Example 1. Baby talk. All babies start to babble, even deaf ones! Moreover, they begin to babble at about the same time. And this applies to children of various nationalities and from different social strata. Surprisingly, this is a scientifically proven fact! One gets the impression that babble appears and develops on its own, and the child babbles "for himself." But - what is important to know: in deaf children, babbling gradually fades away (by the way, babbling fades in another case - if the mother does not communicate with the baby, for example, if the baby is in the child's home). In deaf babies, babbling does not become more complicated (there are certain stages of complication of babbling in the normal development of a child, which are described in the heading “Baby Development from Birth to a Year”).

So if:

A) the child does not babble (and he, for example, is already 10 months old),

B) his babble appeared, but it does not become more complicated, but remains at the same level,

B) babble appeared, and then began to fade

– then you should immediately contact the experts.

Example 2. Child food and ... speech development. In the "standards", that is, in the approximate indicators of the development of the child, an approximate age is given when we begin to accustom the baby to solid food. It would seem, what difference does it make when you start giving your child solid food? It turns out that this is very important! I know my friends who ignored solid food until the age of 3, and processed all the food for their son in a blender (there were no medical indications for this, my mother just wanted it that way - it seemed to her that it would be better for the baby’s digestion). The result - the child has huge problems with articulation and speaks very badly!

Let's look at why solid food is so important and how it affects speech.

If a baby after a year or even after 2 - 2.5 years eats only pureed food, then it will be difficult for him to start speaking well. Why? Because speech requires the ability to control the muscles in the mouth, and the ability to control breathing. And chewing solid food is not just about nourishing the body and eating, but also developing the ability to coordinate muscle work. Food for the little ones is a kind of “articulatory gymnastics”, which is “carried out” 3-4 times a day (how many times the child chewed solid food, so many times he trained his muscles, that is, he did such “gymnastics”). Need to know? Yes! And in time to start giving the child a cracker, fruit, cookies, dried fruit. And also give straws for a cocktail to drink juice from them or play with them - blow bubbles. It is also good for muscle development.

That is why the norms for the development of a child's speech are not just written words, they contain very deep factors and patterns of development of the baby. But these patterns and factors are not immediately visible at a glance, if you look at the norms superficially! They still need to be seen and understood. I'm glad that today we managed to look deeper! I will continue to reveal some of the secrets of child development, familiar to professionals. And if you have a desire to learn such secrets - write :-), I will tell on the site and in my courses. And I already tell a lot on the course, which I wrote about above. There is also an idea to make a creative workshop - a workshop on sharing such secrets and joint compilation - inventing family speech activities and activities. Therefore, I will be glad to know your wishes and interests. Write in the comments!

Part 3. Tasks of speech development.

So, we have determined that the development of speech is not a narrow area of ​​​​working with sounds or learning to read, but this is a very broad area, very important in the development of a child. What does the development of speech include - what directions stand out in it:

  1. Sound culture of speech- correct pronunciation, rhythm, tempo, timbre, intonation, speech breathing, diction and other indicators of "sounding speech".
  2. Vocabulary development: includes three lines - a) enriching the dictionary with new words, b) activating the dictionary, c) clarifying the dictionary (that is, the ability to select the most accurate and appropriate word in a given situation).
  3. Mastering the grammatical structure of speech: a) morphology (that is, the ability to correctly and without errors coordinate words in sentences with each other - for example, say “red boots”, but “red dress”, and not “red boots”, “red dress”), b) syntax ( the ability to build sentences and texts of various types), c) word formation (the ability to form new words from known ones by analogy, for example: builds - builder, teaches - teacher, development of language sense and word creation)
  4. Development of coherent speech- the ability to build a dialogue and monologue (description, narration, reasoning), creative writing of fairy tales, fables, stories, riddles.
  5. Preparing for literacy- familiarization with the word, sound, sentence, syllable, mastering the sound analysis of words. Initial reading instruction (this is not a mandatory part of the program for preschoolers, therefore it is not available in all preschool education programs, but most modern children already read freely by school, and many school teachers require this from future first-graders).

In the continuation of the article next week, you will learn how to effectively solve some of these problems and what common mistakes are usually made, how they can be overcome. We will talk about speech development presentations - which ones are useful and which are useless for the development of children's speech, how to find time for the development of speech of babies, how to make speech classes interesting and much more interesting. You will learn not only about my experience, but also about the experience of mothers - readers of the Native Path website.

You will hear useful information about the development of children's speech in the video lectures below from the "Talk to me, mom" series. Lecturer - T.D. Yakovenko, teacher of psychology and children's literature, National State Pedagogical University.

Lecture 1 "Speech and literary and artistic development of preschool children" (from 3 years old)

Lecture 2. The development of the speech of the smallest children - from zero to three years

And I want to complete the first part with a poem by Sergei Skachko about his native language and speech:

Touch with reverence
To what you are armed
Create light and get drunk
Boundless Russian language

Airy, juicy, tasty,
Severe and gentle, many-sided,
Skilled in all melodies
Our amazing language.

It suits him and the term is narrow,
And an interjectional sigh, and a cry,
Be proud that you understand Russian,
Try to get deep.

It's funny and sad to hear, right,
Like Elochek and Fimok army
To overseas "ings", "shn" and "wow"
They want to press him, groaning.


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"