If you are arranging a holiday on the occasion of the anniversary, then you need to properly prepare for it. Be sure to come up with funny pranks and games for guests. Even better, if you have a couple of scenes that will make you laugh so that the guests fall off their chairs. For example, a scene: hu and li is a great option for an anniversary. Hu and li are the names of foreign guests who came from far away to congratulate the hero of the occasion on the anniversary. Only one name will cause delight and laughter among guests. And what will happen next, you will find out for yourself.

Everyone knows how great it is to get together with a group of friends and sit in the evening. And to make it even better and more interesting for you, there are new impromptu fairy tales for a drunken group of friends on different holidays. For example, for an anniversary or a new year, a birthday or just for friendly gatherings. See our ideas, take something for yourself and have fun.

How nice to sit with friends, drink beer and discuss the latest news. But sooner or later, simple gatherings get boring and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What do you want to play? Maybe in new fairy tales-alterations for a drunken company? It is very easy to play roles in such fairy tales. You only need to distribute the roles, and then everything will go by itself. Look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Whatever holiday you are celebrating, you always need to arrange games and contests, hold fun game blocks, and even make fairy tales and performances! But in order to show a fairy tale or a performance, one has to rehearse, but there is no time for this. How to be? Here an instant impromptu performance for a cheerful company comes to the rescue, which does not require preparation and rehearsals. You only need to choose the guests to participate in the performances. Give them a role and words, and that's it - you can show the scene for the judgment of the audience, who will definitely appreciate it.

The anniversary is not only solemn speeches, pathos toasts, a plentiful feast and presentation of gifts to the birthday man, the anniversary is also a festive show. And any show requires a thoughtful script and careful preparation.

The humorous skits and comic numbers below will help you create your own script for the event, because you always want the holiday to be fun, unforgettable and not like others. When choosing skits, be guided by the tastes of the hero of the day and his company - jokes should be appropriate, and the guests involved in the action should not feel awkward. However, you can (and even need to!) edit any number, add individuality and targeting to it, hone the lines of characters, remove doubtful moments in your opinion, add witty jokes and find responsible and talented artists from among future guests.

Also, prepare all the props and costumes in advance, take care of the prizes, print out the lyrics and poems in case someone needs to be replaced urgently or other guests want to join the performance. And let your holiday be cheerful, sparkling and incredibly interesting!

Scenes for the anniversary and other usefulness

  1. (exclusive)
  2. (exclusive)
  3. (exclusive)
  4. (exclusive)
  5. (exclusive)
  6. exclusive)
  7. (exclusive)

"Ballerina" (for the anniversary of the man)

Acting person:

  • The ballerina is a very large man in a T-shirt, tutu, white socks and sneakers. On the head is a rim with feathers (swan).

Dear birthday, dear guests!
I don't understand, maybe I'm in art,
Forgive me, friends, for this,
But I approve, God sees, the presence
On the anniversary of the lady from the ballet!

(Ballerina runs out on tiptoe)

Song of the Ballerina

Original: “There is no better color”

There is no better for ballet
Very small ballerinas!
And I don't have the strength to carry -
There is only one way out:
What will I be wearing
All partners on hand!
Then maybe I will
I'm in the lead!

I am a partner of the hero of the day
Wanted to have it!
We would then be with him for a couple
Fuete could twirl!
He makes me so excited
So it beckons me
That my soul is on fire
My whole soul is on fire!

(runs up on tiptoe to the hero of the day and kisses him)

presenter (referring to the ballerina):
We will ask the hero of the day
Dance with you!

presenter (referring to the hero of the day):
Our dear birthday boy!
Come out here soon!
Together with the ballerina girl
Dance the swan dance!
You have a partner - class!
You will make us happy!

(the hero of the day and the Ballerina dance the "Dance of the Little Swans" to the phonogram or the chant of the guests)

The birthday man has a lot of talents,
But now we have opened another one!
For this we need to drink a little,
That's why we're all here!

"In a certain kingdom" - an impromptu scene with guests (for a man's anniversary)


  • The king is the hero of the day
  • The queen is the wife of the hero of the day
  • Dust Blowing Servant
  • Servant bringing a glass
  • Servant putting to bed
  • Ophonasius the masseuse
  • Kangaroo marsupial
  • goose
  • Purring cat
  • Dog Barbos
  • Sparrow


  • crowns for king and queen
  • Kangaroo bag with a long strap (hang on the chest)
  • rolled-up notes indicating the roles (can be folded into a box or candy bowl)


Dear guests! Now, with the direct participation of our esteemed hero of the day, we will try to play a small performance. Each of you will choose a role for himself, but for our birthday man and his beloved wife, I will assign the role myself. I will read the script - this is a comic fairy tale, and you, already knowing your role, will portray the characters - actions and sounds, if necessary. And don't forget the humor!

(the host invites the guests to randomly draw notes with roles, and appoints the birthday man and his wife as king and queen)


So let's get started! I will ask all participants to come on stage (in the center of the hall)! Here are our king and queen (points to the hero of the day with his wife) - the main characters of the fairy tale. I will read a fairy tale, and you, dear actors, do not forget to play your roles!

Fairy tale

In what land - it is not known, in what year - it is not heard, the Tsar lived with his Queen!

(dressed on the birthday with the wife of the crown)

And that king had many different servants:
one servant blew off dust and hairs from him in the morning, another brought him a glass for dinner, and the third laid his bed and lulled him to sleep!

But that king had a beloved servant - Othonasius the Massage Therapist. He really pleased the tsar-father, because he delivered many pleasant minutes with his sophisticated massages! The king only cringed with pleasure and squealed! And after a pleasant massage, he always brought a cup to a diligent campaigner, and sometimes he himself used it for brotherhood with him for a future dream.

So what to do? It is necessary to keep your body in good shape, because his queen was very young and frisky! The king-father loved her so much! Pampered with various sweets, but with overseas dishes! Either he would kiss her ruddy cheek, then he would hug her tightly, but what can I say - he carried her in his arms all day long, he did not allow anyone else to do this, except perhaps his beloved servant - Othonasius! In general, they lived together, there is nothing to say, and they had a lot of good things on the farm, there were different kinds of living creatures - no need!

Kangaroo Marsupial - the king in her bag hid a stash from the queen!

The clawed goose - it was important to walk like that, but ga-ha-ha yelled its incessantly, tired of everyone!

Well, they also had naked living creatures! Purr's cat - from morning to evening he washed everything and kept the acid-base balance in the body, so he didn’t catch mice, he used kitiket for nothing!

Yes, even Dog Mongrel - everything ran and sniffed out, to devour Che!

In general, they kept all the big animals, from the small ones - except perhaps the stray sparrow - they kept jumping and chirping, and he didn’t know what he chirped!

The tsar had a cheerful life, God forbid everyone!

And our fairy tale is over, who played in it - well done!

"Leader of the Savages" (for the anniversary and retirement)


  • Kakbudtonevsedoma (leader of savages) - a man in a curly black wig, a loincloth. There is a large ring in the nose, colored plastic clothespins on the ears, beads made of corks from plastic bottles on the neck.
  • Beloved Wife of Kakbudtonevsedoma - a man of a larger build and tall stature. In a curly wig, loincloth, with fake breasts (from a joke store or a padded bra). There are also bright beads on the neck, flowers (or bones) in the hair.


  • “Passport of a savage” or “Passport of a traveler” - these crusts can be purchased at a joke store and put in them a piece of paper designed for the first page of the passport with the data and photo of the birthday boy)

Dear birthday boy! From far, far away, islands lost in the ocean, the leader of the savages, named Kakbudtonevsedoma, has come to you for your anniversary. He arrived not alone, but with one of his beloved wives. Like a new home, he really wants to congratulate you and present a gift from his tribe.

Meet dear guests!

(the leader of the savages comes out with his wife. The leader’s wife periodically asks her husband for permission to kiss the birthday man: “Darling, can I kiss him.” And the leader, interrupting his speech, answers her “Padazh, look for a wound”).

Leader (speaking in broken Russian):
Daragaya birthday (NAME)
2185 moons have passed since you blessed us with your appearance! (calculate how many days ago the birthday boy was born)
And sifodnya you pirast sfoy killed and, I'm not afraid of this slofa, wihot for a pension.
We don’t know what a pension is like, but we were told that it’s a good carasho: you want a hard worker, you don’t want a rest.
Looking for Miklukho-Maclay told us: “A hard worker is not a wolf, there is no runaway into the jungle”
So that we live in the type of strong savage health, more rest and puteshestfofat, better savage, deshefshe wakes up.
And patam mi give you a patchport of a "savage" (or "traveler"), and invite you to visit our party!

(gives the document to the birthday man, then turns to his wife)

Well, you can kiss the typer, it’s not very good sense!

(the leader's wife kisses the birthday boy)

My inner voice prompts me, for a gift we are supposed to have a fiery fod!

(bring a glass, the leader says a toast):

Be always, everywhere we live,
We are waiting for guests in our tribe!
Happy anniversary!



  • two gypsies - women in stylized gypsy outfits

Two gypsy women enter the hall and address the hero of the day and the guests, speaking in turn.

I will scatter the deck, Spades, tambourine, yes clubs,
Yes, I will tell the people It was in her life that she had.

I'll scatter the deck, the same suits, the same clubs,
Yes, I know from those suits, It will be in life that she has.

In the past, a wedding, a feast on a mountain, Yes, there are no guests around

A wedding that is called golden I have in my deck!

There was a Muscovite, or a Zhiguli, I see a light color;

The first was, the second child, Both sons, no doubt.

Let's give someone a thrashing so that she has a plane,

Say, let her pay Kasyanovskaya reach!

But we, in this case, would also have something to fuck!

An invitation abroad Was to sell them the mind.

But then their moneybags must marry her.

Everything is fine with her here too, The husband is not easy in rank!

It is gratifying for me to say then, To live somewhere near Moscow!

She has a considerable house. Everything you need is endowed.

So, the card told me, There is no reason for her to leave.

Her children are a joy, Brava guys, no matter where!

Great-grandchildren need to wait, And then we'll talk!

To all the childless for a child, That slogan has been put into practice!

The main thing is that each of them should be endowed with a vest!

Where will we settle the generation, And where will we get housing?

The main thing is that she has a desire for life!

Happiness can not be counted in the asset, And merit cannot be counted!

There is happiness in the future, And there are merit too!

Let's collect all the cards together, In a pile so that one is one,

At least two hundred years old, the Anniversary must live!

Gypsies walk around the hall and tell fortunes to guests

Well, well, dear guests, gild your pen, and I'll tell you the whole truth.

(Husband.) Well, beautiful gild the pen, I'll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! Hangover, tomorrow you will!

- (Husband.) Wai dear, tomorrow you will be bad, you have to go to work!

- (Female) And you - I know for sure what will happen tomorrow! Monday!

- (Husband.) Oh, my rich man, in five minutes you will have to dance a gypsy girl, and tomorrow wash your trousers.

- (Female) Oh, my dear, they will lay eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue and everything else.

- (Husband). You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly, until the salad is pulled out from under you!

- (Female) today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

- (Male.) Friends will be around you tonight. Friends are faithful. Can you tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik, and Polkan.

- (Female) Boundless distances are waiting for you, unprecedented distances, you will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!

- (Women). Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that you will lose today.

(Man) Get ready for the big fight! Have you ever eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come to take revenge.

- (Female) Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you! ... In the morning, when you get up on the scales.

- (Husband.) A great loss awaits you. You will lose your tie (belt). You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.

"Donna Rosa from Brazil" (for a woman's birthday)


  • Donna Rosa is a woman in a curly wig and hat. In his left hand is a small handbag, from which a bottle of vodka sticks out, in his right hand is a gift - a “bouquet of health”.


  • Bouquet of health - a bouquet of various vegetables and fruits, impaled on rods.

Donna Rosa:
From sunny Brazil
I'll give you a gift!
I ask everyone to pour
I want to speak!
Your birthday girl
Looks just class!
And so now
I will give her this command:
To good health
She had a hundred years
It is necessary to fulfill the condition
Eat the bouquet with gusto!
Everything in the bouquet is mine!
I'll tell you about it:

(demonstrates fruits and vegetables and talks about their purpose)

So that you are always like this
how it is an apple juice!

And these, dear, are sweet pears,
for eyes to see and ears to hear!

I do not feel sorry for you and sweet carrots,
so that you never frown your eyebrows!

And this is for you a Brazilian onion,
No one could bring you to tears!

Banana, as a guarantor of sexual possibilities,
I give you so that there are no difficulties!

Dear birthday girl, I invite you to Brazil! We have a lot of wild monkeys in the forests.
And by the way, their favorite food is banana!

"Italian guest" - a scene for the anniversary


  • Italian Nachihante Naproblemo is a man in fashionable black glasses, with a beautiful scarf thrown over his shoulder. In the hands of a suitcase in which pasta is hidden.
  • Translator

Dear birthday, dear guests! Signor Nachihante Naproblemo arrived to us for the holiday from sunny Italy with his translator! Meet them with thunderous applause!

(Italian and translator exit)

Chao cocoa, the anniversary is grown up!

Hello, dear hero of the day!

Chao cocoa, sedanto darmoedo!

Hello dear guests!

Italian tourist, immoral appearance!

I came to you from sunny Italy!

Crawled saboteur passportino lost!

Long and difficult was my way!

But I am cheerful and cheerful and brought a whole suitcase of gifts!

Amore mia!

Dear hero of the day!

Signore hostione free then!

Dear guests!

Macarone on ushanto mon seigneur naveshanto!

Listen to me carefully!

Bravissimo spaghetti! The animal purred in the morning!

The most satisfying meal is Italian spaghetti!

Neodanto nizachtone italian pasta!

Therefore, I am happy to give the birthday man a pack of Italian spaghetti!

(gives a pack of spaghetti)

Neprosinte imploringly nizachtonte neodamo!

I don't mind giving away everything I have!

Wishing the hero of the day a healthy animal!
Not bolento golovanto but morning with a hangover!

I wish the hero of the day good health!

Wish you an anniversary cabbage doloranto!

And also I wish you always had a lot of money!

Oprokinto nemeshento un momento freely!

If I am offered to drink a glass for the hero of the day, then I will not refuse!

"Pedlar" (for the anniversary of the man)


  • - Peddler - a man in a smart shirt with a belt, trousers tucked into boots, on his head - a cap with a flower. On the chest is a tray with goods.


  • chocolate medal,
  • comb,
  • joke banknote,
  • condom
  • tickets with prize numbers.

presenter (sings to the motive of the song "Pedlars"):
Oh, the box is full
The one who came to us!
He will offer goods with a walker,
That's why he went!

(Peddler appears)

Is it really
Here today is the Anniversary?!
So I'm back in business
I'll offer him a product!

(Approaches the Anniversary with his tray.)

But my goods are encrypted -
I'm saying it right!
In this case, I'm savvy,
And I love surprises!
However, I will tell you
What a secret I keep!

(He takes goods from the tray in turn and, showing them to everyone, says what this product means if the hero of the day pulls it out):

Here's a gold medal
If you choose her
Then life will be like this:
You will get high from her!

If you choose a comb -
You'll be great right away!
You will be with a fashionable hairstyle,
And beautiful as a cucumber!

If you choose a banknote,
I'll tell you then:
Your lips are not stupid
You will always be like this!

If you choose the remedy
To protect yourself
I will tell everyone without coquetry:
You will live happily!

And now I ask more boldly
Use the chance in the lottery!
Choose your number
And get a gift!

(The hero of the day draws out a number, the peddler repeats again what this gift means for the hero of the day, and then tells him):

I am no businessman!
No hand will be raised
All goods are beautiful
Do not give you from the tray!
So take everything
Remember me often!
And for your birthday
I want to drink with you!

"Non-Dripping-Faucet" (anniversary or birthday of a man)


  • Non-Dripping Faucet - A man with a large faucet or faucet strapped to his belt.

Dear friends!
Our birthday is a master class!
He knows all the work!
And a new guest to him now
Confessions dedicate!
From all apartment plumbing
A dripping faucet sings
And this guest is corporate
Will not bend his soul!

(Non-Drip-Faucet exits)

Song of the Not-Dripping-Faucet

Original: “March of the high-altitudes”

Not a stoker and not a doctor
You were born into the world, ly-light!
And even, in general, not a plumber -
But that is not a problem at all!

You know all the work at home,
You are a master in plumbing, ma-so!
And you show concern
When something suddenly goes wrong!

I, sorry, often drip,
Mon cher ami, such a life, oh, life!
And even with a big salary
Gaskets do not attack me!

I thank you my dear
For the fact that I don’t go wet, I go!
And that's why all day long
I'm holding a crane with a carrot!

And where, where is my gramulechka-
I want to congratulate you, you!
You are my savior, my income
I tell you love!

(they pour a glass to Kranik and he says a wish to the birthday man):

Let everything be in order at home
And there will be plenty of money!
Plumbers are excellent for you,
And happiness in life without fail!

"Uninvited guests" (anniversary or birthday of a man)


  • Homeless Vanya
  • Homeless Zina


  • nets with empty bottles
  • shoe box
  • old holey slippers
  • colorful family briefs

With a cautious gait, the homeless Vanya and the homeless woman Zina enter the hall. In the hands of the homeless, a box and nets with glass containers.

Zin! Look, what a wonder!
Everything is so clean and beautiful!
Apparently here is not in vain
We sneaked in!

Yes, Vanyushenka you are mine,
We got lucky with you!
We can already see from the dumps
Climbing will be very embarrassing!

And this, look, the birthday boy,
The whole sparkles like a fifty dollars!
He pours us a glass
Eli, most likely, will beat!

Zina (addressing the birthday man):
Darling, don't swear
Don't touch us with your hands!
Do not look at our outfit -
We are kind on the inside!

We, since such a thing,
We give you a gift safely!

(takes out an empty bottle from the net and says):

All that is valuable to us
We will give you now!
When it gets tight
And the salary will not help out -
Our crystal is always in price,
You believe, my friend, me!

We do not suffer from miserliness,
We're giving away another gift!

(takes slippers out of the box)

Picked up at the dump
We successfully two sandals!
Don't be shy, dress up
Yes, pour a pile!

(they give sandals and drink a glass, after which Zina, waving her hand decisively, says):

Okay, so be it
I can't shut up!
Since they didn’t kick us out of the booze,
Get pants as a reward!

(takes out family shorts hidden in his bosom)

I wanted to give my husband
But it looks like you'll be wearing it!

(puts panties on the hero of the day and says):

Generally suitable size
You will look brilliant
In bed or on the beach!
I'm trembling with excitement!
Try them on now, dear friend,
And then I was wrong!

(the hero of the day puts on underpants over his trousers)

Well, thank God, everything is just right!
Let's drink to that again!

(glasses are poured and Vanya says a toast):

Live broadly, in Russian,
So that the crisis does not get you!
Let's drink to this without snacks
Full glass to the bottom!

"Landmarks for the apartment" (for the anniversary of the man)


  • lieutenant Pokhmelkin - a man in a cap on which "State Alcohol Inspectorate" is written in large letters

5 road signs:

  • (painted bed)

  • (there are 2 of them, a toilet is drawn on one, a bath on the other)
  • SIGN “DO NOT TURN!” (painted sofa and TV)

Dear birthday man, Senior Lieutenant Pokhmelkin, a representative of the State Alcohol Inspectorate, came to our holiday. And he did not come empty-handed. Meet our dear guest!

(Lieutenant Pokhmelkin exits)

I wish you good health, birthday citizen!
So that you don't get lost
Know everything around the apartment,
May be very useful
These signs, dear friend!

(shows in turn drawn comic signs and explains their meaning):

(painted bed)

SIGNS “You are on the right path, COMRADE!”
(there are 2 of them, a toilet is drawn on one, a bath on the other, gives at the same time)

Position indicators
To choose the right direction!
So that you do not stray awake,
We didn't look for a bath in the closet!

SIGN “FILLING STATION” (a fork and a spoon are drawn)

You will find a cool snack here,
All the things you'll be happy to eat!
Open the cabinet in the kitchen
Or clean the refrigerator!

(painted sofa and TV)

Set for contemplation,
To rest from all problems,
Here will be your reclining
Not worried by anyone!

(after giving all the signs, he says):

So, dear birthday boy, now you will feel completely safe at home! And on this occasion I want to say a toast:

I want it to be all right!
Let there be a bright and cozy house!
And so that you never go astray,
I hope the signs come in handy!

“Congratulations from a lightly salted cucumber” (on the anniversary of a man)


  • Salted Cucumber - a man dressed up with a cucumber, i.e. he has a long green cap on his head, a bindweed made of artificial leaves can be hung around his neck and stylized "cucumber" flowers can be added.


  • jar of pickled cucumbers

Congratulate the birthday boy
The brave fellow is torn!
Let me introduce you:
Salted Cucumber!

(Salted Cucumber comes out and sings a song to the hero of the day):

Song of the Pickled Cucumber

Original: "Let them run clumsily"

You sit like a cucumber
And a nice suit.
You got it on this morning!
You celebrate your birthday
You invite everyone to the table
So it's time for me to sing a song!

I am pickled cucumber
I'm standing here on my birthday
And I sing like a fool
Your song!

You are beautiful and so am I!
You and I are similar
Just like two drops of water!
Have a bite to, in Russian
There is no better snack
Without me, neither there nor the village!

I am pickled cucumber
I'm standing here on my birthday
And I sing like a fool
Your song!

I wish you
On this anniversary day
Always be young and everywhere!
And of course I wish
You will, I know
To always keep a cucumber!

I'm pickled cucumber
I'm standing here on my birthday
And I sing like a fool
Your song!

Dear birthday boy!
On your beautiful birthday
I give you pickles!

(gives the birthday man a jar of cucumbers)

"Congratulations from the Iron" (for an anniversary or birthday for a woman)


  • Iron - a man dressed up with an iron. For example, you can attach a long cord with a plug, an indicator light and a temperature switch layout to it.

Dear birthday girl!

I'm in love with you my friend
Not a little hot!
Let me stroke you
I will smooth out all your problems!

(approaches the birthday girl to stroke)

And now I will give advice,
Pour me a drink later for this!

For life to run smoothly
You need to have fun!

And to be smooth
Husband must feed!

To make life sweeter
Stroke your husband's back more often!

And for ironing and ironing
Take me as your friend!

To smooth the situation
We need to make things right in the world!

The anniversary passed so smoothly
Gotta have a drink!

Eh! While I was talking
It got a little cold!

Hold me now
I'm warm, believe me!

(the birthday girl hugs the iron)

Now accept the gifts
Yes, pour us a cup!

“Congratulations from the Chukchi (for a woman’s birthday)


  • Chukchi - a man in shaggy chips and furs. He speaks with a Chukchi accent.


  • "License" - a printed "document" for the right to hunt men. Can be rolled up like a scroll.

In our camp, however,
Every dog ​​knows
What is Anniversary
That's a lot of guests!
So that everyone has enough
I wish there was:
Lots of fish, venison,
Bread and butter, sturgeon,
And, of course, milk!
Well, however, that's all for now!
Oh! However, I forgot
Didn't provide documentation!

From our entire camp, I give the birthday girl a perpetual License to hunt for any man she likes, as well as permission to catch them with a bait and shoot them with eyes!

(Gives the License to the birthday girl)

"Post-anniversary Night" (on the 50th anniversary of a man)


  • - The post-anniversary night - a woman in a blue cape with yellow stars, on her head - a rim with a yellow moon.

Dear birthday boy!
Your fatigue will vanish away
And life will become unctuous,
When the night comes
Meet, the night has already come,
Found some time early!

(After the anniversary night appears, approaches the hero of the day)

Anniversary Night:
I came from a good fairy tale
Please close your eyes
Take a seat,
Enjoy the lullaby!

(The hero of the day is seated on a chair, he closes his eyes and listens to the lullaby sung by the Post-Anniversary Night. The night soothingly strokes his head or lullingly pats him on the shoulder.)


Original: Tired toys sleep

The tired birthday man sleeps
He marked his fifty
On a weekend!
And yes, you are very tired.
You want to sleep, by the way!
Close your eyes
Bye, bye!

Birthday, honestly,
On the rocks!
After all, you are all that is edible,
We knew how!
He worked hard for a year
And earned for the holiday!
fed you all,
Got drunk!

Spare no extra stacks
You to him!
He's not drunk,
I don't understand!
To enjoy life
Gotta stay in tune!
Open your eyes
Drink up!

(a glass is brought to the birthday boy)

Anniversary Night:
Although it's not yet evening,
But let's drink to our meeting!
On your wonderful anniversary
Give me a shot too!

"The Singing Turtle" (for the anniversary of the man)


  • Turtle - a lady in large dark glasses and a beach hat (other details of the outfit are up to you)


  • large basin - acts as a shell
  • beach towel or mat

The tortoise comes out, spreads a towel on the floor and lays on it on its left side opposite the hero of the day. He covers himself with a basin, and propping his head with his left hand, begins to sing a song. Replace the names in the song with the names of the hero of the day and his wife.

turtle song

Original: "I'm in the sun"

I'm lying in the sun
And I look at Vovochka
I lie and lie
And I look at Vovochka!

I see Lyudochka sitting
And Vovochka is watching
Everything is watching and watching
Spoils Vovka's appetite!

I see him sitting, not drinking,
All dignity is observed,
Man, don't touch him
Let him do whatever he wants!

Today he is the hero of the day -
Cancel dry law!
Vova your so good
You won't find better in the world!

Yes, and the guests are good,
They devour from the heart!
I'm just lying down
I'm just following the process!

Everyone sits so modestly
Do not lie under tables
I'm lying here alone
And soberly I look!

Guests beat everything in a row,
Lean on salad
I'm just lying down
Just look at the salad!

I see everyone is drinking vodka,
Yes, cucumbers chew
Only I'm lying
And look at the vodka!

Maybe they will give me
And snacks?
And then I'm here, I look
On an empty stomach and lie down!

(They bring her a drink and a snack. Before drinking, the Turtle sings):

I'm holding a glass in my hands
So now I'll make a toast!
Always be young
Dear birthday boy!

"Dress for the Queen"


  • guests with headdresses in the form of gifts.


  • hat
  • bandana
  • baseball cap)
  • cap
  • crown

Hats can be both real and really being gifts, and sham ones. In the first case, a diadem or an elegant headband resembling a crown can serve as a crown. And a cap - a hat for a bath or a hairdresser's cap.

All hats are tied with ribbons, or put in a gift box, but in such a way that they can be easily removed and tried on by the hero of the day.

In the course of the song, the guests try on hats in order.

At the end, the hero of the day is crowned and seated on a high-backed chair prepared in advance (a stylized throne). A beautiful glass with a drink is brought to her, and the guests also raise their glasses and drink for the queen-anniversary while standing.

congratulatory song

from m / f "Katerok"

Your anniversary has finally arrived!
And a specific question immediately arose:
What gift should we buy you?
And we decided to give a hat.

What a hat - tenderness,
Guys on the lookout!
But not in season
Here's a shame!

But let's not be sad now
And we'll get a gift
Very nice, suitable -
You will be glad!

To be useful for sports at once,
We found a cap by eye.
Didn't solve that difficult question.
We were torn to tears.

Very nice cap
Sits firmly on the top of the head,
Only rarely worn
Here's a shame!

But let's not be sad now
And we'll get a gift
Very nice, suitable
You will be glad!.

Will not go as a gift and a cap,
And only a fool wears a bandana
The swarm of offers has long since dried up.
Picking up a gift is not a trifle!

We will give you a crown
And we'll put you on a big throne!
We praise the Queen today!
That's how nice!

The anniversary will be cool
Let's have a drink, sit down,
Toast is needed now

"Gypsy fortune-telling"


  • gypsy Zara - a woman in a gypsy outfit


  • Card deck
  • a bouquet of paper daisies, the names of close women (wives, daughters, granddaughters, nieces, etc.) are written on the petals with a bright marker. You can stick miniature photos or humorous portraits.

The presenter says that a gypsy woman Zara is asking to enter the festive hall to tell fortunes to the hero of the day for free.

The Gypsy enters.


- Yes, diamond, free of charge, only if, of course, you pour a cup.

Zara takes out the cards and lays them out on the table and comments.

Maps are alien to lies and flattery,
The cards will tell it like it is.
I'll scatter the cards for you
I learn a lot of new things.

The cards tell me
What is your name, diamond, (name of the hero of the day)
And your name means - (name meaning)!
But do not strive to be the most important,
Not in friendship, not in big things!
You are equal in everything!
Help willingly agree
Always strive to be useful!

You were born, Precious, on the day (date, season)
"..." (zodiac sign) is your heavenly sign.
In the era of "fish", you can't live without fish!
Therefore, you are such an avid fisherman, even in winter, even in summer,
Fishing is your favorite hobby.
Am I right, Golden?
And you also love fish pie, but stuffed fish.
Guessed? That's it, my fish!

(Correct the text according to the zodiac sign of the hero of the day and his hobbies).

I will tell you, dear, that each person will be born under the auspices of a certain tree.
So, the cards say that you are patronized (a tree according to the druid horoscope).
And this means that you are a generous person in friendship, a gift in any company!
It is always interesting and fun with you, you are an artistic, addictive nature!
Passionate fan, hunter, fisherman!

Friends are always around you
You always have a lot of them.
And you were born strong
To stay awake for a long time
With a smart, clear head,
Not an aging soul!

You were born loyal and reliable.
Your life has been spent in labors and worries.
You love your family and are proud of your children
Faithful in marriage, loved by his wife.
Friends are safe and fun with him!

It turns out, our precious,
Women love you!
Yes, and you answer them in return,
All your life you live in their environment, like in a bouquet.
Come on, accept a bouquet of your favorite women of the hero of the day!

Zara presents a bouquet of daisies with the names (images) of women from the family of the hero of the day.

A gypsy is served a cup, she drinks for the hero of the day.

In conclusion, she performs a gypsy dance, involving guests, and herself, in the midst of the dance, quietly disappears from the hall.

The text of the gypsy must be adjusted for a specific hero of the day so that the fortune-telling looks reliable.

Poems, humor, congratulations and wishes with the names of Gypsies on the anniversary. Comic skits and entertainment How to make a champagne pyramid for a wedding

  • Amur and others... - skits and scenarios for the Day...
  • An anniversary is not an ordinary birthday, but a transition to a new stage of life. That is why it is customary to celebrate a round date on a grand scale. And so that the holiday does not become a simple gathering at the table, you need to add a little emotion and fun by playing cool scenes. When preparing scenes for a woman's anniversary, special attention should be paid to costumes: they must be bright and unusual. And, of course, do not forget about the musical accompaniment and scenery.

    No. 1 - "District"

    Characters: precinct, witnesses The precinct enters Good evening. Allow me to introduce myself - senior lieutenant Ivanov, your district officer. So we're celebrating? And which of you is a citizen (surname of the birthday girl)? You? There is a complaint against you, anonymous, that's why I actually came. Witnesses, come in. Witnesses come in So yes, citizen. Have you guessed why I came to you? No, not for an anniversary. Well, if you look closely, then this holiday becomes direct evidence in the accusation against you. Here's the thing: the complaint says that you have an illegal moonshine. Do you deny? Then why is there so much alcohol on the table? Bought? Where did you get so much money? I immediately understood - drive yourself! And are you not ashamed, citizen (surname)? Right under the noses of the authorities, without a license! What about taxes? What if you give me the whole area here? Good vodka, you say? Well, let witnesses judge. Pour it to the witnesses. Pour witnesses and at the same time offer the policeman. I'm on duty, so no need. Witnesses take glasses, and the policeman stops them. Stop, comrades. And how am I going to draw up a protocol if I don’t check it myself? Oh, I'll have to participate in the identification. They pour it to the district police officer, everyone clinks glasses and drinks. Eh, good! I mean, it’s a bit strong, it won’t do much ... But I want to! And what will witnesses say? Fine? Good. Well, citizen, you have a good moonshine still! It’s even embarrassing to take it away, especially on a birthday. Okay, pour another glass to make the protocol faster and easier to write. Well, now it's not a sin to eat. Do you have a snack? Yes, I know there is! After all, I found the way here by smell! After all, the hero of the day, the director of the meat processing plant. How is it not? Here in my anonymous letter it is recorded in detail: both how much moonshine and how much sausage. What kind of sausage do you like? (The birthday girl calls.) And so do I! Only rarely do I try this: I have a wolf job - I run all day, no snacks, no drinks. I mean, neither sit nor eat. And the salary is tiny, but like this glass of wine. Oh, why is she empty? Witnesses, did you come here for identification or what? Pour it, and I'll read the protocol: During the check, it was established: A citizen (birthday girl) has a moonshine still for ... years. After explanatory and preventive work, she gave her oral promise not to use it again. Literally: "I promise not to do this again, I will do it somehow differently." Based on the above, the authorized police officer, Senior Lieutenant Ivanov, decided: To oblige a citizen (name of the birthday girl) to make moonshine exclusively for her own needs, that is, to treat only her relatives and guests, especially Senior Lieutenant Ivanov. Date of compilation and signatures of attesting witnesses. Well, (name of the birthday girl), formally everything is clean. So we can continue the holiday. Witnesses, pour! Happy anniversary, citizen (surname of the birthday girl)!

    No. 2 - "Doctor's Visit"

    Characters: doctor Someone changes into a doctor's costume and instead of another toast reads the birthday girl's medical testimony. They should be beautifully designed in the form of letters. Dear guests, I was in a hurry to the holiday to check the health of our hero of the day. So, after observing her condition a little, I can read you her medical testimony, if, of course, she does not mind. Surname and name of the birthday girl Age: in his prime. Blood type: real "blood with milk" Tone of life: fully developed Pulse: it is not always possible to measure, because it is in full swing. Heartbeat: fickle - sometimes ticking like a clock, sometimes jumping from an overabundance of emotions and worries. Vision: 100%, can spot every little thing. Smell: subtle scent - can easily determine where the wind is blowing from and with whom the husband talked the day before. Hearing: like a big ear.

    Diseases: falls into hibernation for no particular reason after a chic dinner at a restaurant and while reading books. Daily regime: recently, instead of walking, she switched to sitting and even recumbent. Conclusion: the patient is absolutely healthy and is just beginning to live. Recommendations:

    • more assets;
    • less negative;
    • take from life everything that is still not received due to hard working days.

    To applause, the diploma is awarded to the hero of the occasion.

    No. 3 - "Cleaning Lady"

    This small skit is done during a break between other numbers, or is performed when everyone is sitting at the table. Characters: cleaning woman. A cleaner appears on the stage in a believable image - a bathrobe, a mop, a bucket of water. And begins to wash the floor (not pretend). Leading(or one of the guests): What are you doing here, it's actually a holiday here! Cleaning woman: I have to work. All sorts of people come here, get dirty, and I wipe until midnight. (continues to grumble quietly and wash the floor). The leader chuckles and leaves. At this time, the guests continue to celebrate, and the cleaner continues to wash the floor. At some point, she must leave for a short while and exchange for the same bucket, only filled with confetti instead of water.

    After that, she comes to the edge of the stage (or the festive table) and, with a deadpan look, pours the contents of the bucket on the guests from all over. Usually, everyone tries to dodge, and then they laugh for a long time.

    No. 4 - "Pupsik"

    Characters: leading, baby doll. For the role of a baby doll, it is better to take a full man and dress him up like a little girl: bows on his head, lace knickers to the knee, a small blouse, a toy in his hand, and so on. presenter: Dear guests! Let's remind our birthday girl about a carefree time - childhood. Moreover, a guest came to us, who will be able to tell us about him with full confidence. The “baby doll” runs out skipping and begins to sing in a childish voice (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).

    I'm a tiny girl

    I don't sit still

    (Insert the name of the hero of the day), like candy,

    I appreciate it the most!

    Everyone calls me baby

    But everyone sees for himself:

    my big belly

    Seen here and there!

    In your favorite baby dress

    I came to you for a holiday

    beautiful birthday girl

    Surprises in store.

    They are sitting beautiful

    Among your guests!

    Very tasty for this.

    Candy will be her!

    Pupsik runs to the hero of the day and presents a sweet present - a big candy, a coin or a medal.

    No. 5 - "Fortuneteller"

    Characters: a gypsy A gypsy appears with a bag. It contains eggs from kinder surprises. You need to unpack them in advance and come up with a comic prediction for each toy, if possible, you can improvise. There are as many eggs as there are guests plus the birthday girl. If the budget is limited, then you can take a few eggs and the gypsy herself will choose people to guess, while not forgetting about the hero of the occasion.

    Today for each of you

    I will predict a simple fate.

    I'll find the answer soon

    Glancing with one eye at the essence.

    Take an egg each

    Forgetting about your age and position!

    Let what hides below

    No. 6 - "Eastern Guest"

    Characters: old man Hottabych Appears old man Hottabych, who is dressed in a dressing gown, a turban and holds a rug and a small bag in his hands (it contains leaflets with numbers for completing tasks). He makes a bow and addresses everyone present: Hello, honored guests and the most beautiful of the birthday girls! He lays down a rug and sits on it. Then he turns to the birthday girl: Oh, the sun of my life, the most beautiful (name of the birthday girl)! I have come here from a distant land to fulfill your desires. But first I would like to see your wisdom and ask tricky questions. If you let me, of course. The hero of the day allows. I obey, my lady. To begin with, I’ll ask you this: is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row? The answer is no, because the night separates them. My incomparable! Listen to the following question: what does the birthday girl have, but do other people use it more often? The answer is a name. And now, my sun and stars, I will fulfill your innermost desires, and honorable guests will help me with this. He gets up, bows and goes to the guests. Dear guests. Now you will fulfill the desires of our dear (name). To do this, you must be ready for anything and complete tasks without hesitation. Now, grab your tickets. Each is given a bag, from which a piece of paper with a number is drawn. Then Hottabych gives a task by numbers.

    To cheer everyone up

    You must sleep a little.

    Kohl arrived for the anniversary,

    Have a drink quickly!

    Giving a little happiness

    Take the swallow pose.

    And with deep respect,

    Say a short toast!

    You, my friend, got the right

    Smack your neighbor on the right!

    Say a compliment

    Anniversary from the heart.

    Our birthday girl

    Just a fairy tale - the highest class!

    You quickly come to her,

    And hug tightly.

    Anniversary kiss,

    Just don't hurt!

    Well, buddy, come on

    Tell a joke.

    When all tasks are completed, Hottabych says: Oh, incomparable (name)! There is one more gift that I want to please your beautiful eyes and ears. This oriental dance is for you! As performers, you can take two or three guests, both women and men who have not previously been involved in the competition. Oriental music turns on and Hottabych dances with them. After the end, he approaches the hero of the occasion, bows and says: My lady, I retire, but I leave you in safe hands: your guests will always fulfill your desires. Well, I'll be back for the next anniversary.

    Anniversaries are a special date and should not be left unnoticed. Well, cool scenes will not leave indifferent even the most serious guests.

    The main task of festive scenes is to captivate the guests of the celebration in an unobtrusive way, to endow them with a positive mood. For this, funny games in the form of impromptu are used. At the same time, the host of the holiday acts as a good conductor and a kind of psychologist. He notices that the mood of the guests rushed in the wrong direction and knows how to divert the attention of the audience from the problem that has arisen in time.

    Why are scenes needed?

    Women line up with each other in a modular structure that allows you to change the program at any time, to close the pauses that have inadvertently arisen. Even if the script has already been prepared, and everything in it obeys logic, it can be changed almost between toasts. It is unlikely that the guests will notice anything, but the holiday will gain momentum.

    The main congratulations

    Before conducting cool skits and congratulations on the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of the woman, the presenter should congratulate the hero of the occasion. His speech might be:

    “Beloved (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion)! On this bright day, we can talk a lot about how honorable this noble age is, and about what is still ahead, and you are at the very beginning of your journey. All these words, of course, are standard and ordinary. But I would like to fill my congratulations with warm words addressed to our irresistible Birthday Girl. Unforgettable, sweet, and beloved (name of the hero of the day)! Let all the troubles and hardships bypass you. Let relatives and friends become a source of happiness, kindness and light. You really deserve it, and no expensive Loreal cosmetics can replace the peaceful family happiness that remains with a person, no matter what.

    I congratulated, and now our dear guests are taking the reins of government. But they will not just congratulate. Each of those present will write wishes on balloons. But you need to do it in such a way that no one notices. Even you should not read these bright words. All balloons will be collected and released into the sky in the evening. So all the best wishes will come true - tested on yourself!

    Cool skits on the anniversary of a woman 60 years old or older at this stage are still ahead. In the meantime, the presenter gives each speaker a helium balloon and a felt-tip pen. All balloons are taken by the leader and released under the ceiling. There they are until the end of the celebration.

    Birthday Girl Achievements

    One of the first cool scenes for a woman's anniversary can be a congratulation. The host's words can be used as an alternative start to the evening. If you wish, you can change the order of congratulations, starting the evening with a toast of the hero of the day, and then continue with the above-described congratulations from the host to the birthday girl.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen! We are sincerely glad to welcome you to this significant event - the 50th Anniversary of (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion). Now let's all greet our wonderful, dear and irresistible birthday girl with a standing ovation!

    (Celebratory music plays, the birthday girl enters the hall).

    “Our dear guests! I hope that everyone has already managed to fill their glasses with champagne, because now, according to tradition, our Birthday Girl will be the first to raise a glass and make the first toast of this wonderful evening!

    (Toast of the hero of the day)

    “Today is a very special day. After all, 50 years is not just an anniversary. This is one of the most significant events in a person's life. The figure that indicates the number of years lived is not at all the main thing. And the main thing is that our dear Birthday Girl has acquired over the years. Who among those present will tell us about her main achievements? Let's find out, dear guests, who will tell the most information about our Birthday Girl? Who has such exclusive knowledge? Of course, there are prizes waiting for you for this!”.

    (Guests call achievements, and the presenter gives a prize to the one who can list the most merits).

    Husband and children toasts

    Before you spend cool skits on the anniversary of a woman of 60 years old, a loving spouse and children should voice their toasts. The host says:

    “There is a person in this hall who not only treats our hero of the occasion with love and respect, but, in addition, considers her nothing less than the most beautiful, charming, expensive and beloved. This is the closest person (name and patronymic of the birthday girl), husband (name and patronymic of the spouse).

    (Husband makes a toast).

    “And now, dear guests, while you have not started dancing yet, an exciting and fun competition is offered to your attention. An interesting prize awaits the winners. So, attention! All of you are well aware of the name of our Birthday Girl. The guest who manages to come up with the maximum number of rhymes to the name (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion) will be able to win. Sheets of paper and a pen can be obtained from me. You have 15 minutes to come up with a rhyme, so hurry up!”

    (In a quarter of an hour)

    “Well, it's time to find out the name of the winner. Let's listen to the rhymes that you managed to come up with!

    (Guests take turns calling rhymes, the winner is chosen, who managed to come up with the largest number of rhymes).

    “The winner of this competition is (name). And the prize for him is a ticket for the fulfillment of any desire by the Birthday Girl!

    (A cool scene on the anniversary of a woman of 50 years old continues with the presenter presenting a ticket. It says:

    “This ticket entitles its holder to the fulfillment of any wish by the Birthday Girl in the amount of 1 pc. Validity - from (date of celebration). Signature of the birthday girl).

    The game "Princess Nesmeyana"

    Another great cool scene for a woman's anniversary. Everyone present should be divided into two groups. The players belonging to the first team - "Princess Nesmeyana" - sit on chairs and try to take on the most serious expression on their faces. And the task of the players of the second team is to work together to make the “unsmeaners” laugh. If in a certain time it will be possible to make all the "unsmeaners" laugh, then the team of "mixers" will win. If not, vice versa. The participants can then switch roles. In order to unbalance their rivals and make them laugh, representatives of the second group can tell jokes, make funny faces, and demonstrate pantomime. But it is not allowed to touch the "unsmiling".

    congratulatory song

    In the holiday, you can include not only cool scenes. The scenario of a 60-year anniversary for a woman (or any other age) may also include a song congratulation to her best friends.

    “Our dear (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion). So many wonderful friends have gathered here today who are eager to congratulate you on this wonderful event. Each of them, of course, will congratulate you personally. But now I invite everyone present to sing a congratulatory song for our Birthday Girl!

    (The host distributes the text of the song to the guests, the melody plays, everyone sings).

    Congratulations to girlfriends

    No less warm congratulations will be uttered by the closest friends of the hero of the occasion. For this cool scene for an anniversary, a woman will need the participation of her close friends.

    “Well, now I will ask the best friends of the Birthday Girl to go on stage.”

    (Girlfriends of the hero of the occasion go on stage).

    “Now you ladies are one team. I will give you 20 A4 sheets. On ten of them you write the bad things that you want to protect our dear hero of the occasion from. And on others - the best that you can wish for the Birthday Girl!

    (In this part of a cool scene, congratulations on the anniversary of a woman's girlfriend do what was said).

    “And now, right in front of our dear Birthday Girl, we will perform magic. With his help, bad things will never happen in her life! To do this, we put the sheets directly on the floor and, to the active music, we begin to merrily trample on all the bad things with our feet. If the paper rips and you can't see what is written on it, that's very good! So, friends, let's move to the music as actively as possible!

    (A cool scene for an anniversary for a woman of 50 or older continues with cheerful music. The host turns on a fast melody. The goal of the friends is to tear the sheets).

    “I see that you did great! And now all good wishes must be sung to our Birthday Girl to the sounds of life-affirming music! Do you sincerely wish our dear (name) what you have written now? And let the guests support you with a storm of applause!”

    (Girlfriends “sing” positive wishes).

    “Well, (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion), you really have wonderful friends. They really are ready to do a lot for you - and it's very cool! And now I propose to encourage your friends with the help of sweet prizes - chocolates and sweets!

    Wet viewers

    The draw can be held separately or included in any scene. During one of the host's performances, a cleaning lady suddenly appears from behind the scenes. She is wearing a blue bathrobe, in her hands is a wet mop and half a bucket of water. Her intentions to clean the floor are serious.

    Leading: “What are you doing, citizen! We're having a celebration!"

    Cleaning lady: “I have a job! What is incomprehensible?! Everyone who is not too lazy walks around, trampling ... ”(grunting, he begins to wash the floor).

    The host, shrugging his shoulders, tries to continue the previous scene, periodically glancing sideways at the cleaner. She, not at all embarrassed, continues to wash a rag in a bucket and rub the floor. Gradually, the bucket moves across the stage and at a certain moment hides from the eyes of the guests behind the scenes. At this point, the bucket of water must be replaced with exactly the same bucket, but filled with confetti. As if nothing had happened, the cleaning lady with a bucket approaches the very edge of the stage and, with all her strength, suddenly “pours water” on the audience. Frightened guests with a squeal are trying to dodge. There is an explosion of laughter as confetti falls on those present.

    Scene with a cap

    This cool scene is suitable for the anniversary of a woman of 55 years old, during her retirement.


    “She burst into tears, being born into the world,

    And everyone around - fervently laughed ...

    But it’s true, today we have a young pensioner born. We all know how naughty babies can be. They are afraid of a babayka and a cold. And yes, they don't have much of a mind. And so that different thoughts do not climb into the head of our Birthday Girl, we decided to give her a warm cap!”

    (The cool scene of congratulations on the anniversary of the woman continues with the fact that the presenter puts on a bonnet on the hero of the occasion).

    “And also all the guests know that little children are so clumsy that when they take a spoon in their mouth, they dirty themselves and everyone around. To prevent this from happening, we will give our pensioner an apron.”

    (Puts on an apron for the birthday girl).

    “And I would also like to add that young pensioners are terribly upset with or without reason, they worry very loudly and cry for everything. So that our Birthday Girl does not cry, we will give her a dummy.

    (Puts on a pacifier on a silk ribbon.)

    “Well, now, dear guests, I want to invite you to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, who still has a lot of important things ahead!”

    Arrival of foreigners

    For this cool scene for a woman's anniversary, the presenter must choose two assistants. One will play the role of "Italian", the second - a translator.

    "Dear guests! Dear birthday girl! Now I propose to greet our honored foreign guests with a standing ovation. An Italian delegation has arrived today.”

    Italian: Tsvetutto, shampanutto, congratulations on the hero of the day!

    Translator: Dear hero of the day, congratulations!

    I .: Sitting for free, drunken dormoedo!

    A: Dear guests, we welcome you with all our hearts!

    I.: Catitto scoragio from here.

    P: We are very glad to see everyone who is here.

    I .: Hard labor hard laborer, hunchbacked vkalovadzhi, nothing will be received.

    P: Representatives of the working class, as well as commercial organizations.

    I .: Brought on anything.

    P: I arrived on a special flight.

    I .: Italiano stubbornly shone in the eyes.

    P.: From sunny Italy.

    I .: Congratulations to the name of Catherine (the name of the hero of the occasion).

    P .: To congratulate the birthday girl.

    I .: From German, French and Italian different nonsense.

    P .: I brought with me congratulations from German, French and Italian friends.

    I .: And differently junk.

    P .: And also valuable gifts.

    I.: Now forgiven.

    P .: In conclusion of my speech, I would like to wish.

    I .: The legs are not bolento, the nose is not chihanto, the tail is a pistol, the catfish are kusatto.

    P: Health.

    I .: Copanto in the garden, the house is cleaned, tascanto products, everything is done well.

    P .: Youth and long life.

    I .: Not mothering, friends are respected.

    P .: Happiness and true friends.

    I .: For the hero of the day poured!

    P .: Let's drink to our birthday girl!

    "Vegetables": a cool fairy tale scene for a woman's anniversary

    The host announces: “Once in the country at (name of the birthday girl), vegetables started an entertaining argument.”

    (Vegetables come out, they have corresponding hats on their heads, on which different vegetables are depicted. This cool scene for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman consists of dialogues from each of the participants).

    “I am a pot-bellied squash.

    I lay down my barrel.

    Here the hostess passes by,

    Pinch me on the side:

    "Zucchini you are my favorite,

    I love you!

    “Well, stupid. Spread your brains:

    What will you give to a beautiful lady?

    Useless from you anywhere - neither in the country, nor in food.

    And here I am ... Full of clothes,

    And imagine - all without a fastener.

    I will sew such an outfit,

    Will (name) flaunt!”

    “What are you talking about, cabbage, foolishly,

    Don't cover your figure.

    Maybe with your leaf

    Is it shame to cover one.

    "What are you guys arguing about?

    She has only one love.

    Among you I am a gentleman.

    They call me crap.

    I look so freaky

    Who sees - will not forget.

    What do you look awkward?

    It's about preparations."

    “I am a green cucumber.

    The guy is just great!

    (name) loves me

    When he misses a stack.

    “You should only drink and argue.

    Stop talking stupid!

    To me, a carrot, everyone is happy.

    Vitamins in me are a treasure!

    "My yours do not understand,

    I'm actually a foreigner.

    Ladies are easily driven crazy

    (Name) - always mine!


    "Hey guys, without me

    (name of the hero of the occasion) - nowhere.

    Our lady without potatoes -

    What a skinned cat.

    Weakens, weakens

    And, look, it will lose weight.

    "Stop arguing, friends,

    Everyone has their own benefits.

    Together you are a hundred times stronger.

    And today is the anniversary!

    Congratulate the birthday girl

    Bring her souvenirs!

    (Vegetables are placed in the basket and presented to the hero of the occasion).

    Cheerful children's ensemble

    This cool scene is well suited for the anniversary of a woman of 55 years. The host announces:

    "Dear guests! I ask for a moment of attention! Sensation! Another delegation has just arrived for our evening. This time they are children from a kindergarten called "Snotty". They claim that they are our birthday girl's grandchildren. Do you confess yourself, or will we take a blood sample for DNA analysis? Do you confess?

    The children came for a reason - they have their own congratulatory program. Now I will ask all the guests to warmly welcome our little ones. So, your applause! Katerina Vyskochkina, Petya Obormotov, Olechka Zabubennaya!

    In this part of the script for the anniversary of the woman, the cool scene continues unexpectedly: “children” awkwardly enter. They hold hands tightly. You can see that they are shy. They have toys in their hands. In the role of children, colleagues or relatives of the hero of the occasion can be. It is desirable to take men for female roles. Special costumes are not required. You can put on bows for “girls”, and panamas for “boys”.

    First, the “children” stand in a line facing the guests, and then, after the second or third quatrain, they dance. Each of the following quatrains is spoken by one of the children.

    1. Cheerful day today

    To everyone's surprise.

    Babe Shura (name of the hero of the occasion)

    Let's celebrate a birthday.

    And not just a birthday

    After all, today is the anniversary

    Day of delight and fun -

    Get in a circle soon.

    1. Congratulations on your anniversary

    We wish you happiness, joy.

    We want to wish grandma

    Like fire, to be afraid of boredom,

    To work, work

    Hands were busy.

    III. How are you going to retire?

    Don't get lost right away.

    Buy goats and nutria

    Have fun with them!"

    "We are funny kids,

    Every guest will be happy with us.

    Happy birthday babu (name)

    Congratulations kindergarten!

    (Children bow to the audience and leave).

    “Oh, how I was inspired by the creativity of the kindergarten “Soplyachok”! I even had my own ditty:

    Stretch the fur, accordion,

    Hey play play!

    (name) has a name day today,

    Drink, don't talk!"

    (A cool scene for an anniversary for a woman of 50 years or older ends. The music turns on, the guests sit at the table and the celebration continues).

    Completion of the celebration

    To bring the celebration to its logical conclusion, the host unobtrusively invites everyone present to go outside. First you need to release balloons with wishes, and then a salute can become an unexpected surprise for the guests and the birthday girl. Thus ends the cheerful scenario of the anniversary. The scenes of a cool script (a woman can be 40, 50, or 60 years old) have come to an end, and now the presenter shows that it's time to end the celebration. He addresses the audience:

    “At the end of our grandiose celebration on the occasion of the anniversary birthday of our beloved (name and patronymic of the birthday girl), I suggest that you implement the plan we have outlined. Let's all take up ribbons of balloons together and say all the good wishes to ourselves! They will find their mistress and bring her a lot of happiness, joy and strength!”

    (Guests release balloons).

    "And now let the bright fountain of fireworks shine in your honor!"

    (Gives a command to launch fireworks. The hero of the occasion is invited to dance a dance with her husband).

    As a leader, there may be one of close friends, or a husband, if the birthday girl is married, or maybe a specially hired person. A scripted holiday can be held in a banquet hall or in a spacious room at home, depending on the number of invited people.

    an envelope with a phrase, a photo of the birthday girl, cards with inscriptions, sweets, prizes for competitions, several certificates, album sheets, two drawing paper, two markers, two blindfolds, a gift bottle,

    The host welcomes all guests.

    Hello dear guests! I am glad to see each of you at this magnificent holiday, which is organized in honor of our dear (name of the birthday girl). On this day, the world had a special honor to know this amazing, incomparable woman. I ask everyone to take their seats. We begin.

    As you may have guessed, this evening is under my leadership! But, there are many of you, and I am alone, so I will need my personal assistant! Look, please, everyone under your chair, whoever finds the envelope will be my assistant for the evening!

    (An envelope with a short phrase is attached to the chair, for example, “wow”, the person who found the envelope will pronounce this phrase loudly before each toast)

    Like every social event, our holiday has its own rules that everyone must follow! Now I will read them:
    1. Have fun until you drop;
    2. Do not be sad, do not lose heart at the table and beyond;
    3. Say beautiful toasts;
    4. Drink everything that is poured;
    5. Participate in all conversations;
    6. Dance, dance, dance;
    7. Obey the leader in everything.

    Everyone has gathered for a long time
    It's time to raise a glass to everyone
    For a beautiful birthday girl
    It's time to say congratulations to us!

    While you are all eating together, I want to remind you that you can leave the hall only with the permission of our beautiful Queen of the evening and only in your own things.

    (Name of the birthday girl) they say that in the East there is one wisdom that I really want to voice:
    It's easy to beat your age
    You can't refuse it
    Although in principle it is possible
    If your friends are by your side!
    May you be 100 or 200
    But your soul is young
    Pour your glasses soon
    Drink to youth (name of the birthday girl) to the dregs!

    And you know how wonderful it is sometimes to immerse yourself in the memories of your childhood, youth, youth. Probably, not everyone remembers what kind of girl our hero of the occasion was, but now, thanks to the efforts of her close friends (children, family, husband, parents, depending on who will undertake this creative process), you can plunge into her past, and see what she was and what she has become.

    (Prepare a collage with photos or a presentation about the birthday girl in advance. It is important to make this surprise bright, cheerful. You can insert a few jokes, photos into pictures, write some fun facts and stories from life)

    But, without (the names of the parents of the birthday girl), this event simply would not have happened. Therefore, I propose to raise glasses for them, for the fact that they gave us such a beautiful woman who fills the life of each of you with happiness!

    In the meantime, you eat, I would like to tell you one story that you may know, which you may hear for the first time. So this happened decades ago. In one town, in the most ordinary apartment, a miracle happened, a tiny girl appeared from nowhere, who remained to live there. The girl grew, grew, grew, grew and grew! Many different people appeared on her way, but she forever settled the most special in her heart. And so, so many years of desperate searches have led her to those with whom she shares her holiday today, to those whose love and support is more important than anything in the world. For friends, comrades, for you!

    You eat, eat, and I will hold a small auction for now! So, friends, three special lots are being drawn, including a photo of a birthday girl, a dance with a birthday girl and hugs lasting a whole minute! Let `s start?

    (Auction "Compliments". To win, the guest needs to give compliments. Whoever gives the most compliments, he gets the lot. Props: photo of the birthday girl)

    I offer you a drink for compliments,
    Who touched the birthday girl of the soul,
    Fill your glasses quickly
    And reinforce everything you said!

    Changer, please pay attention! I recently walked by a magic shop here and bought cards. But, these are not simple cards, but magical ones. They will tell you what the people at this table think of you. Draw a card gentlemen!

    (Cards are prepared in advance on which one of the qualities of the birthday girl is written. For example, “I think you are very good at putting the kettle on” (if the hero of the occasion does not know how to cook). The inscriptions should be cheerful, but at the same time truthful. You can also make cards with predictions Props: cards with inscriptions)

    It is a pity that our magical session was not long, but he made clear the thoughts of the guests. Now, I would like to talk about love, about the wonderful feeling that fills our soul (name of the birthday girl). And now, the man of her life will tell her about her feelings. As far as I know, he cooked.

    (A husband or boyfriend is invited, if there is no one and the birthday girl’s heart is free, the item is skipped, or they simply raise their glasses for love)

    Dear guests,
    Your turn has come
    Congratulate our birthday girl,
    Anyone interested, please come here!

    (Guests take turns saying wishes and).

    While you guys are having a snack, I want to hold a little competition, the winner of which will receive a valuable prize. I will ask questions about our birthday girl, for each correct answer - a candy, the one who collects the most candy will win!

    (Requisites: sweets, certificate of honor)

    1. What day of the week was she born?
    2. How much did you weigh on your birthday?
    3. How much does it weigh now?
    4. How long did she spend most of her time on the phone?
    5. Favorite color?
    6. Does she mope in autumn?
    7. How old are you?
    8. What grade did she have in algebra?
    9. Favorite sweet?
    10. How much time does he devote to sports?
    11. How many pairs of shoes does she have in her wardrobe?
    12. Does he like to chew at night?
    13. Smoking?
    14. Name of the first guy?
    15. Favorite flowers?
    16. Favorite music?
    17. Favorite movie?
    18. Excitement, her true ally?
    19. What did she dream about in 1st grade?
    20. Who was the first to get a kiss?

    (Questions may not necessarily be these, it is important to get answers first in order to know who guessed right. Questions are read loudly and quickly)

    Something you all sat up,
    Gotta fix it
    Wish what you wanted?
    Let's dance fast!

    (The presenter announces a dance break)

    And now, my dears, I invite you to play a little. You are all good dancers, and I would like to suggest that you diversify your steps a little.

    Competition "Repeat".
    Each guest must repeat the movements after the other, whoever copies better will receive a prize.

    Glasses are waiting, it's time for the table,
    Let's get back to the dance floor
    It's time to wish health, happiness,
    Friends, follow me!

    Now, I would like to torture our men a little. More precisely, I want to test their dexterity! Ladies, how do you see it?

    Competition "Kisses".
    Men are given sheets of paper. In half a minute they must collect the kisses of the ladies who have come, whoever collects the most receives a prize!
    Props: sheets.

    I would not want to be distracted from our hero of the occasion, but it seems to me that our men also deserve our attention, I propose to raise a toast to them!

    Dear guests, I suggest you draw a little! But, the drawings will be unusual. You will have to portray the birthday girl!

    Guests are divided into two teams. The first participant is blindfolded, and so on in a chain. The team with the best drawing will receive a prize.
    Requisites: two drawing paper, two markers, two blindfolds.

    Now get in line
    We will play with you
    Let's, let's have fun
    Evening long to remember!

    (The presenter announces the “Shore” contest. There are two code words “Coast”, “Water”. At the word “Coast”, everyone jumps forward, at the word “Water”, back. You can also use other words: land, sea, beach, ocean, etc. The inattentive fall out, the most attentive gets a prize.It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the participants, if necessary, you can use another one).

    Now, I invite you to be in the role of singers! The task is not difficult, you must sing for our dear birthday girl!

    (The presenter calls the word on which the song should begin. The one who sings the most will win)

    I want to raise this toast
    For happiness, for health,
    So that the birthday girl always blooms,
    To recede all the bad!

    Now, it's time to give us gifts,
    And to make it more interesting
    Should you describe your gift,
    Will the Princess guess it!

    (Guests take turns giving gifts, while describing them, but not naming)

    But the gift is common, it is from everyone,
    It will become a good memory
    It is recommended to open in 10 years,
    And treat the guests who came!

    (The host gives the birthday girl a bottle of good wine, or cognac. You can decorate the bottle, and instead of the label, stick a photo of the hostess of the evening)

    Great sounded congratulations,
    Nice toasts to all you said
    It's time for the birthday girl to say
    Thank you for visiting!

    (The birthday girl says her speech, thanks the guests for coming)

    (Turning to the birthday girl) did you manage to make a wish? Think well, because now is the time to blow out the candles!

    (Bring out birthday cake)

    Friends, our glorious evening is coming to an end. I'm sorry to part with you, but still have to. Finally, I want to wish our beautiful birthday girl ordinary female happiness and happy, prosperous days! Thank you for the atmosphere and good mood!