
We give you the document.

Deserved - get it.

Will you lie on the stove

There is a pie and kalachi!

(Pie is handed.)

For the mind you want food -

We will advise you like this:

Useful in education

Dostoevsky and Balzac.

(A work by Dostoevsky or Balzac is presented.)

If the soul of love asks

Output flawless:

Serial stories -

Like a heart balm.

(A CD with your favorite series is given.)

If you are drawn to the garden

I need to stretch

Help yourself take

Garden equipment.

(A watering can, garden shears, etc. are awarded)

.Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the council of pensioners allows you, Rimma Mikhailovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, children and husband, solemnly swear: fervently with the heat of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the obligations of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in spite of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with duties and rights.
Responsibilities: (on the screen)

Get up, wash up. Sit down, eat.
receive guests,
Don't forget friends.
Put the brazhonka for distillation.
Do sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly
Never grow old
All men like it.

Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

When I want - then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie down.
And if I want to, I'll drink it.
I will go where I want.
When I want - then I sleep.
Whoever I want, I love.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!

Vedas. Not festively gilded,
And in an everyday preoccupied,
I could not sit with my hands folded,
In front of him aged,
Not counting wrinkles, not gray hair,
Has not lost its modest charm,
Keeping the eye glow,
Who forgave him all his sorrows,
I have not forgotten my best dreams,
Who taught him constancy,
Here it is, simple and proud,
He loves more than when he was young!
Here is such a - the best wife, loves you, Rimma Mikhailovna, Your husband - Sergey Ivanovich. And we give him the floor for congratulations.

VED.: Our dear Rimma, we all know you as a wonderful cheerful friend, hospitable hostess, loving wife. Also, you are a wonderful mother of two sons. Today is a special day for them too, so I would like to give them the floor.

Hosts invite sons to the center of the hall

LEADING: Rimma, do you remember how small your sons were, how they loved to sit in your arms? Let's remember.
The presenters invite the hero of the day to sit on a chair and, to the applause of the guests, put their adult children on their knees.
HOST: Do you feel comfortable in your mother's arms? And now, you take your mommy in your arms, and kiss quickly.

A song about mother sounds, the sons take their mother in their arms, kiss her, carry her to the table, say a toast.

On this glorious day, all relatives
Wishing you much happiness here
do not live without joy for a day
And drive away all misfortunes!
In the soul, so that peace and harmony,
Good health to be
And let the years go back
And the sun always shine!
To hear congratulations
I want to give the floor to RODNA!

Ved.: congratulations words now
Sounded from dear friends.
On an anniversary like yours,
Should be even more fun!
Our culprit of honors is worthy,
Now we will arrange something for you.

Program Guide.

TV, presenter in it, a group of guests to perform songs.

Vedas: Good afternoon! Our audience is different.
We send you screen greetings.
To everyone who watches us today
We will tell without embellishment
News of one outback,
Our story is about a countrywoman.
From the village of Reid
Message arrived -
To everyone's surprise.
There is one beauty
And she is the sweetest of all
She is called Rima
Her heart is like the sun.
If there is a holiday in the club house,
She is the first rascal
The ringleader, the hypocrite,
That's the woman! Believe!
And she was a kolobok
And dived like a fish
If necessary, and a cop
It will become very flexible.
All roles can not be counted,
After all, Rima has talent!
And slender, but majestic!
Acts like a peacock
Well, he says speeches
It's like a river is babbling.
But she's a coward
As the mouse sees - yells!
And for the rest:
Wonderful rural woman
This citizen!
All animals will confirm
Even shepherd puppy.
That woman is top notch!
Reid lives in the village!
And now the vocal-instrumental group Slender Waist will tell us about this woman, no, sorry, the group Saggy Belly.
It turns out, stepping heavily, stroking their bellies, a group of guests and sing to the tune of the song "New Turn".
We made a promise to ourselves
Don't deviate from the straight path
But, to Rimma skidded ... m..m..m
And boil, and fry,
The curtains will starch,
Hey, fly in soon ... m..m..m

Chorus: Here, glorious pancake, compote,
Doesn't fit in your mouth
And I'm so rushing
And she carries:
Olivier salad,
Sauce, marmalade.
Go ahead, believe
Goose meat
You have pity on me.

There's a plate of cucumbers
And potatoes with jelly.
Here - baking brings ... m..m..m
And salads are carbs!
Oh, the belly is growing, guys,
But, I pull everything into my mouth ... m..m..m

Vedas: We complete the transfer,
In conclusion, we wish
Live without old age
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings,
We know you deserve them!

Vedas.Now I will ask our hero of the day to go to the middle of the hall.
Look, well, just a beauty, a real woman.
And if someone doubts this, that she is just a real woman, then I will prove to you now.
1. A real woman just needs to smell sweet.
Perfume to the exit. (to a man)
Let's create a halo of fragrance around our beauty...
2. It would be nice for our hero of the day in this situation to have beautiful beads(to a man)
– Be a bead – hang elegantly around your neck.
3. The portrait is good. But the gold bracelet is missing.
Golden bracelet for the exit.
4. What else does a real woman need? Handbag
She will hang on the arm
5. And at the end of the portrait! Foreign car!
Get close. Let her lean on you in a businesslike way.

And now look: here is a real woman for you!
There are so many courageous men around her, one does not let go of her hand (watch), the other bewitches her with his charms (spirits), and the rest just hang on her. Is this not proof that our hero of the day is a real woman.

Vedas: Dear guests!
Today is not an easy day for all of us.
Today the doors of the heart are opened.
So that wishes flow like a river,
To do this, they poured wine into a glass.
It's time to congratulate us
Here, at the table, a beautiful maiden.
Yes, yes, the hero of the big celebration,
We will give congratulations like the Firebird!
Fill the glasses to the brim
And say congratulations words
The most beautiful anniversary.
And then we'll drink everything to the bottom!

Vedas.: And now I invite several people to participate in the game. I will read the text, and you show everything that I read.
You are walking in a hot desert. You are terribly thirsty. Your throat is dry, you can barely move your legs. And the sun beats down mercilessly. Suddenly, on the horizon you see an oasis. With the last of your strength, you go to him. Seeing the stream, you are madly happy, raise your hands to heaven and kneel down. Leaning on your hands, you tilt your head towards the water.
Everyone gets on all fours. The host salutes the birthday girl and addresses her.
- Dear Rimma, in honor of your anniversary, a platoon of service dogs has been formed!

Second toast.

Host: And we continue to congratulate ... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day). As the proverb says, tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. And there are a lot of tales about female friendship in general. As if it does not exist at all ... It happens, it still happens! There is not a single woman in the world who does not have girlfriends. So, our hero of the occasion is congratulated by her friends!

to the motive of a song from the movie “Wedding with a dowry” (“I won’t praise myself in vain ...”)
About you, friend, a song
We wrote in the morning
We are so wonderful with you
So much light and kindness!
All people will say about you:
And beautiful and smart
Our women's shortcomings
Completely devoid!
You, girlfriend, girlfriend
Don't waste your time:
Get the "check" soon
And pour your friends!
Life will seem more beautiful
Let's sing and dance
All men will be ours
No one can run away

Vedas. Just two numbers five and five.
But how much do they mean
and how things look different.
It's just how you submit them...
Add them up - there will only be ten
And childhood is seen again ...
It is still impossible to weigh everything in life.
But the whole world wants to hug.
Multiply them - there will be twenty-five
Still unknown disease.
Ready to hug your friends
And you want to live and be useful.
Two numbers next to five and five
You know how to weigh and argue
Not many want to hug.
But you know life
and you can build
and rebuild again.

Dear birthday girl, may today's holiday always remind you that retirement is not a reason to lay down your hands. It's time for experiments! You can change your hair color, you can sew a breathtaking dress, grow roses in pots, learn something that you never had enough time for... The main thing is to be sure: life is just beginning! We wish you such good health that it will be enough for all your experiments and for many, many years of a happy life!

There are several important stages in a woman's life:

girlhood- when you want everything, but your parents won't let you;

marriage- when you want everything, but your husband does not let you;

parenting- when you want even more, but the children are not allowed; And,

finally , retirement- when everything is possible and no one will forbid!

Let's drink to this wonderful age when a woman can finally devote her time to herself!
Leading. As if it was not with us,
Eighteen, twenty, twenty-five.
And where did the strength come from?
That we could fly like birds.

Eighteen rushed like a dream
Bright carefree years.
First love in incomplete twenty,
And a family with a child at twenty-two.

At twenty-five, life was seething like the sea,
Then suddenly raised to the sky,
That threw us into the abyss of grief,
And sometimes cracked at the seams.

Time passed and the children grew up
We are now raising our grandchildren,
Our songs are again at the cradle,
As before, they sound with tenderness.

The youths say after us: "old women",
They, beardless, simply do not understand:
That we are getting younger, like science,
There will be a hundred, but in the heart - twenty-five

Competition for the best connoisseur of fairy tales

1A fairy tale about a hostel that collapsed from overpopulation. Teremok
2. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective labor in agriculture. turnip
3. A tale about the insecurity of casual acquaintances. Little Red Riding Hood
4. A fairy tale that you can work in a hostel and get married elsewhere. Snow White
5. A fairy tale with three assassination attempts and one murder . Kolobok
6. The tale that, being an absolute log, you can provide for the old age of your parents well. Pinocchio
7. People's action movie, in which two, brought up on old traditions, could not achieve the desired result, and the little sly one did what those two had planned. Ryaba hen
8. This fairy tale is a bright advertisement for home fire insurance. . cat house
9. Fairy tale - a textbook for mothers-in-law on checking daughters-in-law. Princess Frog
10. A fairy tale in which a fox is in a civil marriage with a cat . Kotofey Ivanovich
11. A fairy tale with four proposals and only one wedding . Thumbelina
12. People's detective about the abduction of seven minors . Wolf and 7 kids
13. A fairy tale in which one pet suits the personal life of the owner. Puss in Boots
14. The tale that it is easier for a man to change his chosen one than his habits. Blue Beard

Vedas. And now I suggest you go back a little to your childhood. And remember all the good things that once happened to us ... in the USSR (PIONEERS)
(The presenter offers to sing the song “Fly up the bonfires of the blue nights.” Three guests enter the hall, dressed as pioneers or schoolchildren. The presenter should distribute the text to them in advance).

Vedas. As you know, in wine there is wisdom, in brandy there is strength, in vodka there is fun, in beer there is strength, and only in water are microbes. Therefore, I propose once again to fill the glasses, and how can one not recall the words of the poet:
What else do we need in life
To forget about the troubles in an instant?
Poke, pull, poke,
Lay behind the collar.
Life is like a zebra - all striped.
Celebrate fate's whim
All the way, in the insole, in the board
And to the prone position.
It's easy to knock us out of the saddle,
And more reliable than lead
knock over, peck, drink,
Nazyuzyukatsya to the end!

Leading. Has all its meaning -
And the course of time, and the course of things.
Great anniversary!
Let's raise our full glasses
For your finest hour to come,
To keep love warm,
Hope filled you.
You look amazing to everyone
Beautiful wise clear look.
We wish you a beautiful life
Easy second fifty!
(Guests drink).
Presenter: Every age of a woman is beautiful!
Freshness, youth, wisdom, maturity of years...
For those who don't understand the question...
I want to give an answer to that question.

Youth, well, she is always beautiful -
Who does not look after youth?
A woman in her prime is not in vain
The fiery poet sings.

Wisdom comes in middle age
Experience - at least share your tips!
Grandchildren call their grandmother, they come in,
Youth second! move

A woman is always beautiful!
Body, deed, thought, soul,
Life doesn't pass in vain
And she will be forever young

Vedas: And we continue our news program. And in honor of the beautiful woman Rimma, the folklore group “Lapti-give” will perform ditties.

TALE (Instant performance)
King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken
In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimistic king. Once the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms, generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a multi-colored butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will show his tongue to him. That will make a face. In general, the word indecent will shout. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and she flew away into the thicket of the forest.

And the king laughed and galloped on. Suddenly, a little hare jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the pose of an ostrich, that is, head down. The bunny was surprised at such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's paws shook. And the hare screamed in an inhuman voice.

And just then the fox was returning from the night shift from the poultry farm. Brought a chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, but in surprise she let go of the chicken. And the chicken turned out to be insolent. She cackled with delight, gave the fox a crack, so much so that she clutched her head in pain.

And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked at his soft spot. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of fear of such a fox, jumped on its paws and grabbed it by the ears. The fox here abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.

And the king and the brave hen also jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They rode off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know this, but I think that he will definitely pour it for her. As well as all the guests present.

Leading: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened .... he pours !!!
Musical pause


Requisites, attributes: a box of chocolates, a pack of tea, clothes for "girls": headscarves, bows, headbands, etc., short skirts, stockings, flip flops with bows.

The congratulations involve guys or men, big, with bellies.

Having prepared in advance, they enter the hall "girls in three girths"

(The scene involves disguised guys, men, scarves or bows on the head, pre-sewn tutu skirts, stockings, boxes in the hands - gifts with a surprise inside)

We are girls in three girths
We came to you for the holiday
And congratulate the addressee
Better time not found

Bring your greetings
And smiles ringing laughter
And in a box of candy
To bring success

And we wish
You never get bored
And invite us more often
Oh! For strong delicious tea

Also follow the instructions
Never be discouraged
And in a good mood
you always meet guests
(balls are given)

In this OH! cozy home
We sang nonsense
Pour glasses quickly
We have been waiting for grooms

This competition will be held between the two sides of the tables. The first people sitting at the tables are given one piece of paper and a pen in their hands. At the command of the host, they should start making a paper airplane. As soon as someone has made his airplane, he passes it to the second guest and gives him a pen. The second guest at the table must write one word on the airplane in the form of a wish. For example, happiness, love or health. And then he passes both the pen and the airplane to the third. The third guest also writes one word of wish and passes it on and on. And so on. The main condition is that you cannot repeat the words that are already written on the airplane! And in the end, which side of the table will be the first to deliver its airplane with the wishes of the hero of the day, she wins

The host offers to drink for all the congratulations that were addressed to the hero of the day.
Vedas: Dear guests! We were so carried away by congratulations and forgot that today is not an easy anniversary. 55 years for a woman- this is the boundary, having crossed which, she begins to live in a new quality. As a pensioner, in our case as a working pensioner.
The gray hairs hid, the fire burns in the eyes,
Today, on a holiday, you are among friends.
From the bottom of my heart, they are in a hurry to congratulate you
All guests at the table on your anniversary.
Today, attention is here for you, love,
We all hasten to wish you success.
You remember the youth of the past again,
You see dreams about your pension!
And on a bright day for us, in the night eclipse,
A path has been paved for you with a bright star,
Let everything be always, only at will -
Longing and sadness will go away from the heart.
Today is such a special day for you.
We are all ready to confirm this -
And this choice is yours quite conscious,
To be a working pensioner!

We meet the hero of the occasion - confetti, red carpet, fresh flowers, or a crown and a throne. We meet at the door, he (she) appears. Meeting with multi-colored fabrics or ribbons (7 pieces)

We ___________________ will meet with colors,
After all, there were different stages in life.
We want to repeat these steps,
After all, you certainly did not forget them. _____________________ (m-ts), _____________ (date), year ____ - th -
A boy was born, (a girl) such a good one ...

He is quite a baby, and therefore
Everything was PURPLE to him
Childhood then is a golden time,
Life is carefree, like a game.
Although the guy (girl) he (s) was (s) and smart (s),
But as a child, I was
GREEN (th) youth ... sorry, there will be no more ...

It is, of course, the color BLUE.
Met in youth
He (s) his love,
With ______________ together we started a family.
They were young and beautiful...
The color we choose is BLUE.

Children were born - they are not loved!
Let it be ORANGE (WHITE) color ...
Always loaded with hard work.
Light is YELLOW.

And now - your holiday - solid, beautiful,
Let it be bright, walk under RED!

For all the culprits of the celebration at such moments, we are all ready to give endlessly, together ... APPLAUSE !!!

_______________ (name) our (s) is amazing! We want you to invite all guests to the table now!

Good evening dear friends, relatives, colleagues! Today, on this beautiful day, in such a solemn and warm atmosphere, we have gathered in this cozy hall in order to congratulate everyone on our beloved and respected ____________________. Let's try today to make sure that a smile does not leave the face of our (his) ________, and her (his) eyes shine with happiness ... I sincerely welcome all the guests gathered here and gladly open this holiday!

This day brought us together and united, ______________ eclipsed everyone in a place of honor, because it’s not for nothing that he (s) was awarded fate today - this date, which is popularly called dear! Let the beginning of the century be outside the window, we will not change traditions, we will now sip a glass of wine for a dear person. May this day go down in history forever, and ___________________ only bring happiness! And let the guests have fun, let them carelessly, I hope no one will leave the holiday sad! To start the celebration, as expected - it is proposed to fill the glasses for everyone !!!

Before the toast of the spouse: Dear guests! All of you are witnesses that in our firmament of one star the light does not fade. And by the way, there is a fan among us who has been studying this for many years ... Once they met and fell in love, and live together to this day ... Of course you guessed it - I'm talking about the precious second half, this ...

1st toast ________________

Presentation of guests

Wonderful charm, tenderness, grace for the hero of the occasion, for the charming (th) Your applause!!

Let's make great moments
For the husband (wife) your applause!

This evening the pleasant excitement of the honored guests is a performance. We have a lady here.
Native sister __________________!
Cousins ​​()
Are here
Now a flurry of applause in the hall will break!

There is always peace in the soul,
When sons (daughters) are next to you.
Mom (dad) has very good ones, let's clap our hands for it

And now I'll tell you more simply:
Congratulations on the holiday
Favorite daughters-in-law.
They are all here and waiting for applause too!

And for his grandmother (grandfather), on such a beautiful day, Grandchildren are here, now gathered.
They were waiting for applause
And now we welcome the matchmakers together!
We really need their presence.

I want to introduce you soon
Great, loyal friends!
They are also waiting for applause
Show where you are!

Now let's clap our hands. and all the guests, good for you!

Getting to know the guests

2 toast ___________________________

Thoughts on who arrived on what

We ______________________ hand out a retirement apron.

He is an indicator of the start of a new life.
Special pockets were sewn on it.
And they decided to explain their meaning:

1. Pocket first, gets on your nerves:
Pension pocket.
A pension for work is a reward, and a big pocket is a joy.
The pension dangles in it, and it is believed that it does not end!

2. Second pocket, not so big.
Gift pocket for grandchildren.
You don't put gifts in the chest.
To treat your grandchildren, keep them ready in your pocket.

3. The third pocket is like a stash trap.
Hide far, hide deep
So that no one finds, so that no one takes away!

4. The fourth pocket, the most shabby.
Glasses pocket.
Put your glasses in your pocket and don't try to use them often
Resist loss of sight.

5. Fifth pocket, for seed bags.
Pocket for self-employment.
Plant a garden. Harvest.
Without pickles and jams there will be a pension not a paradise.

6. Sixth pocket - it's time to rest.
Seed pocket.
Sitting on a bench, you click on the seeds.
Well you retired, you found the extra time.
Wear a ______________ apron, don't take it off, treat your friends to tea!
Now you have a free life:
Ahead - “free program”:

If you want - sleep, and if you want - have fun.
If you want - starve, but if you want - get better
(Only this task is difficult to complete:
There is a lot of fat - today it is impossible!)
Do you want to open a cooperative
If you want - travel by taking a letter of credit.

Monaco and Valencia are waiting for you
(If you have income other than pension!)
Do you want to watch a movie in the morning,
Or open the window wide
And spin the hula-hoop for hours.

And you don’t want to “twist” - lie down.
Now you can rest easy
Love, make friends, walk at night
(after all, you can sleep in the morning!)
And see your friends more often
And read different books!

3 toast _______________________________

Choice contest

PENSION CERTIFICATE with the following comment. This certificate must be made by yourself. On the front side, write to whom it was issued, and on the other side, the following wish:

How do you get the book
Take care of her - They won't give money
Without a book, oh my!
Be a girl at heart
Jump like a goat
But this little book
Respect for
That you can ride
I don't take a ticket.

If you want - fold your hands,
If there is no hunting
Commute to work
And break your spine
Just what are you on
Buy a bite?

How do you get your pension?
live for five days
And rush with a song
Throw in again!
such a pension
They give us not in vain -
So that we don't get old
Never friends!

For this care
dear authorities
Let's not leave work
Until the last days!!!

sand ceremony

Dear _____________________!

Now we will create a festive cocktail together with you! So,

1. White color - you were born!
Happy mom and dad!
They gave you a name.
For joy, love and happiness!

2. Blue - you are 18!
Dance, love and flowers!
Youth, romance!
Do you have something to remember
Your hopes and dreams!

3. Red is your holiday!
And again you are good!
Wisdom has come, your life is arranged!
Children do not have a soul!

4. Orange is the color of success.

5. Yellow - the color of the sun, comfort, warmth,
Good weather to you at home always!

6. Green is the color of wealth
May it bring happiness with gold!

And so that there is no boredom - these sparkles are your grandchildren! Dilute your cocktail with them, and life will become more fun!

She has worked hard, and her work is not in vain!
That's for it, dear, you have been given a pension!
You have become more prosperous, poverty will not return.
Thank you very much to the President, he cares about everyone!
Do not be sad, do not be sad, there is no return to those past days!
Always and everywhere smile, and do not go to the doctors!
God bless everything is great.
Always behave yourself!
Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly
Never grow old
All men love it!
Enough fairy tales!
Now it's time to drink vodka.

Choice contest

Pension - such a word, gently flows like a stream.
Just ask anyone
Who doesn't think about her?
Everyone climbs out of their skin
To live up to retirement.

Only in retirement can you
Live in peace, do not grieve.
The director does not need
Nothing to ask for a day off.
The money will be straight to the house
Bring postmen.

Take care of your health,
Take a cold shower
And all the colds and ailments
Don't let it cross the threshold.
On the estate
This cabbage, radish, horseradish,
To make your family ship
Did not give the slightest heel.

And we wish you all the best
(God is my witness - these are the cross),
So that you see (see) in life
His great-grandchildren brides.

If occasionally upset,
If the light is not nice,
Let me remind you of us
This humble souvenir.

(Presenting a gift.)

Draw box or by name

Line up 11 people with the letters PENSIONER

Attention! Attention! Your finest hour is coming! Answer quickly and correctly! The host asks the hero of the day questions to which she answers: “Yes.”

Do you have the title of an ideal wife?

Blow a kiss to your other half.

Is there a title of "loving mother"?

Name the children.

Has the solid title of “mother-in-law” been awarded?

Compliment your son-in-law.

Has the high title of “grandmother” already been deserved?

How does the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Kids” end?

The answer to all questions was “yes”, the test was passed with flying colours. So, it's time to add to the already sounded titles the noble title of "Pensioner".

Readiness number 1. Eleven guests line up in one line, each with a piece of paper with a letter in their hands, all together form the word “pensioner”. During the reading of the poem by the host, after each line, the guests turn over one letter in order.

So many years have passed...
Barely counted...
But it's not worth it, we know, no ...
Suffer and despair...
And there is still a large stock,
We will reveal the secret:
... Our hero does not lose heart, ...
We will celebrate her for a hundred years ...
Blush, joyful, ...
Beautiful, sweet...
Active as a pioneer, ...
Worthy of a title...
All. Pensioner.

To applause, fireworks of sparklers, the hero of the day is tied over her shoulder with the ribbon “Mrs. Freedom”.


Leading: Today we accept our ……….. into the society of pensioners ( state name) and take an oath from her:

I, a young pensioner _________ (name of the country), joining the honorary society of pensioners, working and non-working, drinking and not drinking in moderation, sticking my nose everywhere, I solemnly swear: To be a worthy member of society, that is, to always be in good spirits and sound body. Do not allow yourself to be brought down by the wind, or illness, or hops.

She): I swear!


Work tirelessly, without stretching your legs.
Confidently walk on any of the roads!
I swear!


Be sharp on the tongue, eyes and ears.
Do not succumb to sadness, or illness, or cold!
I swear!


Drink only with friends, and then little by little.
Always find a path to the house.
I swear!

Leading: Dear ___________________! We accept you in the ranks so that you do not know trouble.
Do not get sick, do not lose heart, eat more, sleep better.
Be cheerful and not swear, never worry.
Young so that the pensioner manages everything and manages everything.
To live, when everything is in moderation, to the title of an honorary pensioner.
And when you are a hundred, we will lay this table again!

Contests, costume show

Choice contest

Seeing off retirement is organized in a festively decorated hall. The guests sit at the laid tables, the hostess of the holiday is at the head of the table or in the center, next to her is her husband or the “main man in her life”. Nearby you can install a serving table, on which it will be convenient to put gifts, certificates, awards, postcards.

Scenario of the evening celebrating the retirement of a woman

The presenter is provided with information about the kindergarten, school, college, technical school, institute where the hero of the day studied, a list of enterprises and positions where she worked, in chronological order. Props:

  • A comic diploma for a unique contribution to the "life" of the team (regularly watered the ficus in the office, baked unsurpassed cookies for tea, etc.).
  • Comic "Certificate of Quality" of the hero of the day.
  • "Gold" medals (from foil or a round chocolate bar in a golden wrapper) for winning competitions.
  • Postcards and pens.

The drink list includes champagne.

Leading Each person from the moment of his birth is born many more times:

  • at the age of seven, a schoolboy is born on September 1; then came the days of appearance:
  • Octobrist;
  • pioneer
  • Komsomol member;
  • applicant;
  • student
  • trainee;
  • groom or bride;
  • young mothers and fathers;
  • graduate theorist;
  • young specialist-practitioner;
  • experienced worker;
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
  • pensioner.

There are always close people next to everyone who help to move to a new stage and, as it were, pass it on to the future period of life. Our “Maria Ivanovna” has compiled a much larger list, which we need to consider and approve today at this glorious meeting. Like every serious meeting, I propose to conduct ours according to the rules I read out, not to miss a single stage known to us, to announce all the circumstances loudly, raising filled glasses. To confirm the veracity of the words of the speakers, I propose to approve the commission that transfers its faithful colleague, and the commission that accepts his beloved wife, mother, grandmother into an already full and unconditional family membership. I propose to appoint “Ivan Ivanovich” as the head of the admissions commission, the faithful companion of the hostess for N___ (years of marriage) years. Since today we are sending Maria Ivanovna to a new life, let us take as a model the beginning of the journey sending a new ship on its first voyage and open our holiday with champagne. I propose to announce the beginning of the meeting with a festive salute of opening champagne and fill the glasses.

The first word for proclaiming a toast to the birth of a new pensioner is given to "Peter Petrovich" - the immediate superior of our Maria Ivanovna.

The boss speaks in his own words. Leading To make it easier for the members of our "admission committee" to assess what kind of treasure they are accepting, and for the chairman of the "transferring committee" to prepare for the presentation, let's give the floor to a faithful school friend, let her tell about a cheerful, smart girl who came to school No. _ (number of years) ago .

School years - a long time, Satchels, pigtails, a fun lesson, Less often - an exam, an assessment, a diary, The years have rushed by - the call is not forgotten.

A school friend speaks in her own words. Leading Now everyone can see what our Maria Ivanovna looked like in those years. The granddaughter (name), who is surprisingly similar to her, but lives surrounded by modern iPods and iPads, will share her school experience.

Lessons to do everything is more boring in notebooks, Textbooks are too lazy to carry with you, There is Internet in your smartphone to instantly Find answers on the most difficult day.

Leading But our Maria Ivanovna was not only busy with homework, she learned to sew (knit, embroider) in a school circle, and today's wonderful dress (suit) is sewn according to her sketches. In addition, she did not miss discos, and she loves to dance.

So that everyone can better see the wonderful outfit of the hostess, Ivan Ivanovich, invite Maria Ivanovna to today's first dance, and the guests will support you.

Leading The school years passed quickly, but the student years rushed even faster. Choosing a profession was not easy, our hero of the occasion has so many interesting hobbies! Now our hostess will tell you how she chose (the name of the educational institution), and friends from the student bench will confirm and supplement her words (suddenly something has already been forgotten). The word is given to friends. Leading The teachers prepared a wonderful young specialist, which Maria Ivanovna came to (the first job). Our hostess does not have the ability and strength, therefore, already after (number of years) she received the first promotion (qualification or position - what entry in the work book). The excursion in those years will be conducted by an old friend and for many years - a colleague (full name). A word - to the first colleagues and friends at work. Leading Work is an important part of Maria Ivanovna's life, but not the only one, her husband (Ivan Ivanovich) will now confirm this. He will tell how he lived in those years with a young wife, a young specialist and a young mother of their first child. Husband speaks in his own words. Leading All the difficulties of youth are remembered with warmth when you see the joyful expression on the faces of friends and colleagues gathered in this hall, and the happy smiles of relatives - husband, children, grandchildren. Therefore, we can move on to the present day and continue the work of our "transmitting and receiving commissions." To announce the full description of our hostess and present her with a certificate of honor, the floor is given to the most experienced connoisseur of the hero of the day - the head of Maria Ivanovna with (number of years of joint work) -years of experience, Petr Petrovich. Leader speaks in his own words. Leading A friendly team does not want to lag behind its leader either. To draw up a collective image of our Maria Ivanovna, the floor is given to the representative of the trade union committee. The representative of the trade union committee speaks in his own words.

Presentation of the certificate to the hero of the occasion

Leading To confirm all of the above orally, the management of the company (company name) provides an appropriate quality certificate. For the announcement and transfer of the document to the receiving party, the floor is given to a colleague, a representative of the consumer protection bureau (full name). Quality certificate issued to Maria Ivanovna, confirming the possession of:

  • high professionalism;
  • unfading beauty;
  • inexhaustible diligence;
  • inexhaustible optimism;
  • inexhaustible kindness and readiness to come to the rescue in any situation.

The validity period is unlimited. The certificate is awarded to the chairman of the host party - the husband. Leading All of the above repeatedly confirms what a wonderful student our hostess is, but she will have to learn how to live in retirement and “retire”! Her friend (full name), a pensioner with (number of years in retirement) years of experience, will share her experience. A retired friend speaks in her own words.

Leading What a wonderful woman and master of her craft the team conveys (the name of the company in which the hero of the occasion worked), everyone has already heard, and her husband Ivan Ivanovich received the appropriate certificate, but what kind of meeting they prepared for her at home, the daughter (son) (name) will tell.

Our mother does not know how to mess around, Such a thought never visits her, The beds have been waiting - it will only get warmer, And the cottage will only let go sometimes.

There is already a plan for rearranging the room, And teaching the granddaughter how to crochet, She won't be bored, and in the family staff Will find the position where she will spin like a top.

Daughter (son) speaks in his own words.

Drafting a playful solution

Leading Everything that has been said must be documented and it is time to start drafting the decision of our solemn meeting, for this I ask you to name the most correct adjectives suitable for our hostess. Draft decision On this (1 adjective) day, after listening to (2 adjective) comments and (3 adjective) suggestions from the (4 adjective) comrades present here, the (5 adjective) team makes a (6 adjective) decision to spend (7 adjective) a woman, on (8 adjective) pension, and (9 adjective) family (10 adjective) meet her, (11 adjective) greet and not let go anywhere. The adjectives named by the guests are inserted into the text of the project, the finished solution is read out and transferred to the husband. You can transfer the resulting set of words to different groups of guests and make several options. The best text will be chosen by the hero of the occasion. Musical arrangement, the number of dances and competitions depends on the composition of the guests. In the "adult" team there may be a lover of songs or jokes, such people quickly find themselves and can significantly help the toastmaster in holding a banquet. The organization of farewell to retirement is inextricably linked with the profession and field of activity of the hero of the day. It is very important to prepare souvenirs characteristic of the former work.

You can give a real or toy tool or equipment that the person used. Such souvenirs are easy to play in the script, they serve as a great addition to traditional toasts.

The second part of the souvenirs is parting words for the future “free” life. This category can include:

  • a new daily routine (the alarm clock rings at the same time, but you don’t have to go to work, but where - close people who know the hobbies and hobbies of the hero of the day can suggest);
  • a new pensioner's diet (income is decreasing, and free time is increasing, so we need to suggest how to replace a sandwich with sausage, compiled in a hurry for work);
  • a subscription to the pool (although there is no current there, the skills to overcome the “waves of life” can come in handy);
  • a subscription to some kind of health magazine (the pensioner has time to finally take care of his health, because information on how to do this will be useful).

The more organizers collect personal information about the "newborn" pensioner, the richer and more fun the banquet will be. Well, in addition, the organizers can include in the scenario of seeing off a woman to retire such a video postcard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRJzkqsu6Vs

Installation (from Soviet traditions)

1. It seemed this date would not come,
Days, years, decades passed...
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.

2. May this day not add wrinkles,
And the old will smooth and erase,
And happiness will bring to the house for a long time.
We wish to live without knowing the troubles,
Knowing no misfortune
And to last for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness!

3. Just two numbers five and five.
But how much they mean, and how things look different.
Just how you submit them...
Add them up - there will only be ten
And childhood is seen again ...
You can't weigh everything in life yet.
But the whole world wants to hug.

4. Multiply - there will be twenty-five
Still unknown disease.
Ready to hug your friends
And you want to live and be useful.

5. Two numbers next to five and five
You know how to weigh and argue
Not many want to hug.
But you know life
And you can build and rebuild again.


(to the tune of the song "Black Cat")

If suddenly the blues come,
Bad mood in the morning
Dial friends' phones
Gather at the table on your birthday.

Chorus: They say it'll take

This happens every year.
May you have less trouble.

Busy all day at work
Life is not the same these days.
So let's take a break from problems -
They leave on their birthday.

Chorus: They say it'll take
If the birthday comes to the house again.
This happens every year.
May it bring you much happiness!

If suddenly the body goes crazy,
Something, somewhere, hurts again
You don't think about it seriously
And don't hang your nose, please.

Chorus: They say it'll take
If the birthday comes to the house again.
This happens every year.
May he bring health with him.


Today we have a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have too much intelligence, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that different thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap.

And also, you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat, they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them. To prevent this from happening, we give her a bib.

And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they always worry very loudly, so their eyes are always wet. So that our pensioner does not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier.


For merit on the anniversary
Award a big medal
With a red ribbon on it.

Sock requires decency
In vain do not force a medal
Badge of special distinction
Only wear on holidays.

Choose a place to wear sparingly,
To please people.
Let it hang above the navel
And a little lower breasts.

Keep that medal from wax
Do not take greasy in your hands,
On the days of pay and advance
Wipe with fresh vodka.

Do all movements quickly
Gazing into the distance,
Fix your hair
And stroke the medal.

Don't talk, don't smile
Don't shake hands with everyone.
On the native chest of the authorities
Do not lie without a medal.

With the loss of this medal
Do not count as an award
Exclude from anniversaries
And take away her medal.

ORDER TO A WORKING PENSIONER(given by a pensioner from the team)

To save a place at work
You do not contradict the authorities,
Never go in a bottle
Righteousness defending ardently!

Before the authorities, stand at attention,
And behind your back you can scold
After all, living on a pension is not so fat,
And it would be nice to receive a plus salary!
And, by the way, what to teach you,
You yourself will teach anyone to live.


Dialogue about the fact that they came to the anniversary, but they don’t see any pensioners. Only "young people" are sitting. Then they bring Ostap Bender, whom they met on the way.


As a gift to a young pensioner, Ostap donates his chairs, which he was looking for all over the world. There is a treasure in one of the chairs. The task of the hero of the day is to find him. This will be his gift.

Song to the motive "Hope"

1.Our years are flying like birds,
Leaving an indestructible trace.
Here you are already 55
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Let the sun shine on you
And the sadness of fate will not disturb
Happy anniversary, good luck
Happy holiday - happy and good.

Chorus: Galina, our dear friend
Happy Anniversary
Galina, be always young,

2. May you in all your ways
Protects the light of the native home,
Pleases the attention of relatives,
Respect for relatives and friends.
Days go by with business
Years go by at work
May they be happy
Let adversity fly by.

Chorus: Galina, our dear friend
Happy Anniversary
Galina, be always young,
You can still get old.

Now it's time to retire! We invite you not to be sad about this, but to celebrate this event in an interesting and fun way with friends and family. Use the retirement scenarios below, and you are guaranteed a great mood.

Scenario "Retirement"

Host: Today is an important day. Today our honored (full name) goes on vacation. All your friends and relatives will accompany you on this journey.
There are many people on this day
Gathered to you for the holiday.
We take you to rest
That's how it happened in life.
And so as not to succumb to sadness,
We repeat again and again:
Rest is our happiness!
Everyone is ready to rest.
Presenter 2: You have worked hard and for a long time, you have earned honor and the right to rest. Now we will remember this day and think of you as a model.
Retirement scares someone
Worse than going to the dentist.
But do not judge (name) you strictly.
Let's dance cha-cha-cha today.
How to earn a retirement? Maybe each of us can do it. But our pensioner goes there with a sense of accomplishment.
Next, you need to list the main dates of the pensioner's activity. It is necessary that as many details as possible should be listed, starting with kindergarten. Find photos, simulate slideshows and show them to everyone present. For example:
Presenter 1: In the preparatory group in ... the year I began to study .... (description of the child). He was smart, tenacious and funny. (name) entered the kindergarten - also a description, for example - a child of average height, in the prime of life, with excellent prospects. He entered the school number ... of the city ... (Name, surname, patronymic), who knew how to draw, read with expression and do push-ups on the uneven bars.
When listing the dates, you need to announce the cases in as much detail as possible. For example, show diplomas, name merits, participation in amateur performances, victories in some competitions, character traits. List friends, classmates, fellow students, etc. Briefly describe them.
When it comes to describing work achievements, be sure to list them starting with the year of work. Briefly describe your profession. Read the verse:
We respect you as a person
You are very brave and kind.
Everyone can have numbers by the century,
That they won't be old at all.
We congratulate you today, because the rest
From now on, it has come for you.
The words will sound, impregnable and proud,
We want to take more power!
For the speech that will be dedicated to the school, this is the dedication:
We go to school with hope.
Will the plan work out in life?
We dream of our own, as before.
Let everyone decide his own fate.
We are gathered today, because the reason
It was given to us today.
Everyone can be young at heart
So that as at school there were a lot of forces.
Presenter 2: Dear (full name), today our task is to report on your achievements. But we still want to give you a gift. Today is a special day. We give you our gift and we want you to remember this day by using this (item name).
Next, a rationale should follow for why the pensioner is given this particular gift. You can compose something with humor, but according to the occasion.
Presenter 1: So we shared our mood. It is solemn and sublime. And now we are giving the trade union committee an opportunity to speak.
PROFCOM: Dear pensioner,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
You are a constant example for us!
You cannot express reproach to life.
We are not waiting for you at work tomorrow!
Let your holiday start brighter.
Soon we will also join the ranks
Those who solve problems pensions.
Host 1: We want to congratulate you on joining the special ranks. This is not an army, but pensioners have their own teams. For example - "Grandchildren", or "To the garden." We give you such a ticket of a pension sample. Now you are in a special army.
Applause sounds. They give a comic army-type ticket for pensioners.
Presenter 2. And now let's shout a triple cheer loudly. With wires for retirement!
A three-time brisk hurrah should sound.

Script farewell to retirement for a man-anniversary on his 60th birthday

Scenario of the anniversary of a man of 60 years old, seeing off for retirement
This scenario is designed to be held in a small room for 30 - 40 people.
For the event you will need:
room decoration
Musical accompaniment.
Props for competitions, prizes.
Treats for guests.

In advance, you need to decorate the room with balls, flowers, garlands.
Draw a poster, collect and paste photos of children and youth.
We create a living corridor of guests.
At the entrance of the hero of the day, the guests greet him with applause

Friends and employees, sparing no words
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day
You are full of light and joy, happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary to us.
Your family loves and appreciates you,
Reliable loyal friends.
We all wish you health and strength
So that you always have everything you want
So that youth, happiness, luck, success,
Fate has always given you without interference!

After the guests sat down at the table, a toast is expected from the boss


The retirement period has come - you are rewarded
And he spent his life in labor - free from work affairs,
Now in another task - how to process your allotment in a summer cottage.
How to catch more fish - so that everyone has enough.
Collect mushrooms and pickle - so that there is plenty.
So that the grandchildren had something to meet - when they would visit.
Yes, and do not forget about us - we would ask ...
Doubly good health - we wish you!
Life is very long to you - we foretell!

To congratulate the hero of the day, options are offered.
A group of Voni Em came from faraway Nigeria (You don’t need to go into history). Three participants and a participant come out, in black nylon stockings on their heads, (like blacks) the music turns on, the participants imitate singing. After the music stops, they read congratulatory verses with an accent:
They say good wine
It will become real only over the years,
So this is the magic
Will definitely be with us!

For example, our dear hero of the day
Waiting for good endurance
And at sixty he is a unique specimen,
Stay young in mind and body!

And the date is round yours
Raised your price
So let's all ask now
Priceless culprit on stage!

Stand high, our hero of the day,
And listen to our instructions
We dedicate a circular to you,
And in it - congratulations from the heart!

Like a unique wine
Get stronger, our dear, over the years ...
And the taste of happiness to be to the bottom,
Pour a glass and drink with us.

Let the festive drink
Raises the mood
And happiness overflows
On your anniversary birthday.

Let today, dear,
You have become much older.
But how fun they shook the old days
We are on yours, my friend, anniversary!

After a short break, a song is sung to the motive: “...” (prepare several copies of the words in advance so that all the guests sing).

Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without the hero of the day, let's face it, there is nothing to do.
We will gather at the table, pour full glasses
And for his health we will sing a song:

It's time for us to celebrate.
And meet this day

Let you not 20 and not 30, let!
Don't lower your vigor!
We will follow strictly, you can’t hide from us,
You know so!

We see the brave, brave, brave
A slender, handsome, curly-haired man!
Let the years go by in succession, but we wish that always
The soul (name of the hero of the day) remained young!

It's time for us to celebrate.
It's time to celebrate, celebrate a glorious anniversary!
And meet this day
In a large company of colleagues, friends!

Let fate sometimes be cruel to us, let it be!
In response to her, you let go of your jokes!
Follow the same strictly, around despondency
Don't let it!

Tonight, tonight, tonight
There is nothing to do without a dear hero of the day!
We'll drink one, we'll drink two for an anniversary and for deeds,
But don't have a headache tomorrow!

Other reworked songs for the hero of the day

The next guests will be a gypsy with a monkey. The gypsy will remind you of all the good and successful things that happened in the life of the hero of the day. About marriage, about the birth of children, success in the profession, a big purchase... retired.
The fortuneteller concludes with the words:

Anniversary is a worthy occasion
Talk about merit
uniqueness, genius,
Finally, yours to recognize.
And for recognition - a wish:
Happiness, joy in fate,
Long healthy life
And good luck to you!

You don't have to work tomorrow!
Now you have a day off on weekdays.
You have retired to a well-deserved rest.
Leaving everyday worries behind.
Hurry in the morning to do a lot of things,
Everywhere you tried to be in time all the time,
Carrying all women a heavy burden...
Now the home hearth is your lot.
You will not suffer from boredom:
Affairs in the house and over the years will not decrease.
Rather, we will miss you -
Tomorrow we will start to miss you.
Thank you for being in the world
Such a kind, sweet person!
Stay in our hearts forever
And our evening today is in your honor!

In YOUR HONOR, a medal was cast (you can make a medal yourself by pasting, for example, a photo of the hero of the day, or buy it ready-made in a store). The medal is awarded to applause.
A memo to the award medal is read.

(Other attributes of the anniversary)

Reminder to the award medal.

FULL NAME. award a commemorative jubilee medal and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all prosperity.
The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of relatives, at a festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

The procedure and conditions for the use of the medal.

The medal consists of the medal itself, put on, holes for put on.

In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the put on and into the contour, stick your head in so that the put on catches on the part of the body that connects the head to the body. The medal must be placed on the upper front part of the torso, facing outward. The user of the medal must at the same time make a happy-solemn expression on his face. The lower edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day.

So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the dignity of the hero of the day, every year on his birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with a good Russian snack.

The recipient of this medal has the right to:

Complete all orders.
- For free travel in the cars of friends, "hare" in any mundane transport
- For free visits to clinics and supermarkets.
- Demand reimbursement from the spouse for the proper care of the medal.

It is forbidden for a person awarded with a medal to: get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grow old, use the medal for making teeth, as a load when pickling cabbage.

Control over the safe storage of the medal is entrusted to police officers, the FSB, and faithful children.

Before giving gifts, you can sing a song.
The song is sung: “We can’t give you a birthday ...”

We can't celebrate your birthday
Dear "BMW" to give,
But we will give a gift, no doubt,
And we are ready to repeat a hundred times:
That you are kind, cheerful, attentive
And in business, a recognized specialist,
What are you wonderful about?
Comrade, friend, and father!

It's time to give gifts.

We wish you good health
For more bright clear days,
And if you can invite us
centenary celebrate anniversary

Time for competitions and games.

1. We will arrange a ditty contest, the winner receives a prize _______

2 let's arrange an adjective contest, let's say the letter B ....

"__________________" is our NAME of the hero of the day
All guests
Looking forward to your "__________________" anniversary
Everyone with "__________________" had fun,
And "__________________" sang songs,
Gave "__________________" gifts
Laughed "__________________".
We look forward to the next "__________________" anniversary!

4 Divide the guests into 2 teams and conduct a poll which team knows the hero of the day better:

1. Date and place of birth.
2. His origin: (parents, in which city
or the village has grown).
3. Place of study.
4. Time to discover talent or start a career.
5. Friends or personalities surrounding him. (This
The question can be asked by showing photos. Guests
should not only give the names of these people, but also
talk about what connects them with the hero of the day).
6. Detailed questions about where, when and how
man created his works, wrote songs,
7. Questions about personal life. Children, wives, mistresses, reasons for divorce.
8. What countries have you visited and with whom
9. What is he currently doing?

Place two chairs in front of the groups. One should have a sign on it.
"True", on the other - "False". You name a sentence taken from the biography of the hero of the day.
But half of the sentences must be lies. To do this, you need to distort dates or names. It is necessary to divide the team members in such a way that each pair consists of one member of the first team and one member of the second team.
Next, you loudly pronounce a saying regarding the life and work of your hero of the day.
The members of the first pair, with the help of the prompts of their team, must take the right chair, that is, if the saying is true, then the chair with the “True” sign, and vice versa. Whoever sits on the right chair first, he brings his team one point. The team that scores the most points wins.

We wish you today
Cheerfulness for many years
Be the way we know you
Sensitive and attentive always!

A comic oath of a "young" pensioner for a woman

Vedas: Today we accept our ........... into the society of pensioners and take an oath from her:

I, a young pensioner, joining the honorary society of pensioners, working and non-working, drinking in moderation and

Non-drinkers, sticking their noses everywhere, I solemnly swear:

To be a worthy member of society, that is, to be constantly in a sound mind and a sound body. Do not let the wind or

Diseases, no hops.

Anniversary: ​​I swear!

Vedas: Work tirelessly, stretch out your legs. Confidently walk along any of the roads.

Anniversary: ​​I swear!

Vedas: Be sharp on the tongue, eyes and ears. Do not succumb to sadness, illness, or cold!

Anniversary: ​​I swear!

Vedas: Drink only with friends, and then a little. Always find a path to the house.

Anniversary: ​​I swear!

Vedas: Dear ............................!

We accept you in the ranks so that you do not know trouble.

Do not get sick, do not lose heart, eat more, sleep better.

Be cheerful and not swear, never worry.

Young so that the pensioner manages everything and manages everything.

To live, when everything is in moderation, to the title of an honorary pensioner.

And when you are a hundred, we will lay this table again!


Yes, where the springs rise from the bottom of the river, there are islands.
" And why? Probably because, I think, that the ascending jets stop the rapid run of the river waters and the river dumps its sand load here. And also, of course, because the sources themselves carry turbidity up from the cracks - suspended solid particles and deposit them right there. And obviously: when there were no islands, more water poured out, the islands “muffled” the exits, and therefore, if more water is needed, it will be possible to take it under the islands. And that means that if there are islands somewhere in the river, you need to look to see if there are polynyas near them, if there is an under-ice current from rising springs in winter.
Under the ice near the camp, the sound of water is heard. Kolka Shkil with a frenzy plunges the ice pick into the ice and quickly cuts off the hole. So correct, as if by human hands, a rectangular channel carved in ice is hard to imagine. Fast yellowish water rushes along the canal from coastal springs.
On the island, where something was also noisy and trembling underfoot, Kolka Shkil made an ice-hole and barely managed to jump away - a raging foamy-gray whirlwind of water broke out on him and fell somewhere in the depths. So, under the ice on the island, there are also water outlets. Now you can’t remove this frost, like a lid from a pan, and you won’t find out what’s under it. Let's leave it until summer.
One day, in a warm sparkling puddle on ice under a bush, I saw merrily spinning pink stoneflies. We must hurry - spring is propping up, melt water is about to be mixed with our springs, and it will be useless to measure them.
Once Lyoshka made his way up the slope and happily waved his hands, shouting - he found something absolutely amazing! He stands and waits in the pose of an opera singer - he has such a habit and planting of his head, and his leg is slightly forward.
I approach the powerful larch, dark from moisture. The snow around the trunk has melted to the ground, and there, in the depths, bubbling, bouncing and, as it were, caressing the spring to the trunk! The spring goes down there, under the snow, disappears and, of course, merges somewhere with other sources in order to run with them to the river.
Why near a tree? - Leshka is almost indignant, - After all, it is freer on the side. This is against the law of nature - here the tree interferes.
I laugh because Lyoshka is incredibly goggle-eyed.
- The laws of nature are not comprehensible at first sight. The tree does not interfere - it is warmer near it: its roots loosen the ground, between the roots in the soil moisture remains longer and does not freeze. Now, in the spring, the dark trunk, warming up in the sun, thaws the snow and warms the earth around, therefore those underground streams that wander near the surface, looking for you, cross over here.
D Well, it's clear, - Leshka calms down. - The laws of nature on
Do you remember the springs under the taiga? It is too
most. Only those trees have already fallen, but these are still standing. They often fall because springs wash them away. It is easy to fall down a larch, it does not cling to the ground, its roots are spread over the permafrost. And the wind knocks it down, and the water, the taiga is always full of windfall, especially on the slopes. It's somewhere out there, far from here, they say beautifully: trees die standing up. Larch, like a person, more often dies lying down.
Almost all tributaries of the river above polynyas are full of under-ice murmur, sometimes they breathe a light steam of narrow polynyas - as if somewhere in inaccessible depths a common cauldron is heated for everyone. The same is true on the islands - everywhere in the gullies transparent jets are knocked out.
Leshka managed to measure small polynyas with a turntable, standing in the water in high rubber boots. And the largest polynya on the river turned out to be deep. There is no boat, without measuring this hole, our work is incomplete. But I can't force anyone to climb into the winter water at a frost of almost twenty degrees. Everyone is silent, and after a while we collect the turntables and remove the stakes from the alignment.