149 09.10.2019 7 min.

Hairstyle "Shell" came to us from distant France. Its second name is corresponding - "French bunch". The first one appeared because the styling resembles a sea shell in its shape. The hairstyle has existed for more than 150 years and at the same time does not remain unchanged. Since its “birth”, many variations of the “Shell” have appeared, which we will consider in more detail.

Benefits of styling

"Shell" is a high hairstyle that neatly removes hair, opens the shoulders and emphasizes the dignity of appearance. The benefits of this installation do not end there:

  • the shell looks aristocratic and elegant, as it emphasizes the beautiful lines of the neck;
  • suitable for both social events and business meetings;
  • You don't have to have long hair to create a hairstyle. It is enough if your hair falls just below the shoulders.

A particularly important nuance is that the hairstyle should be performed exclusively on smooth hair - this is how the smoothness of its lines is achieved.

If your hair is curly or just wavy, use a blow dryer and a round comb to straighten it. An iron is also suitable for this procedure.

Who will suit "Shell"

A shell is a very elegant hairstyle. She stretches the silhouette, making the girls taller and slimmer. Fitting will fit:

  • owners of magnificent forms;
  • short women;
  • ladies who want to emphasize the back, neck and shoulders;
  • owners of perfectly straight hair;
  • business women and teachers.

It should also be noted that styling is done on even hair, so happy owners of curls should arm themselves with an iron or straighten their hair with a hairdryer.

Hair styling tools

Laying in itself is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. You only need a little patience and a few tools to create and consolidate the result:

  • comb with a sharp end;
  • iron to create a smooth hairstyle;
  • hairpins, invisible, hairpins;
  • massage comb;
  • Polish for hair;
  • decorative elements.

Hair Styling Tools

Despite the simplicity of its execution, styling requires certain knowledge and skills. Some recommendations will help facilitate the implementation process - by following them, you will achieve an impeccable result. Before you do your hair before a responsible event, practice in a more relaxed environment.

In order for the hairstyle to look neat and elegant, it is necessary not only to follow the instructions correctly, but also to prepare the hair for styling. The hair should be clean, obedient and smooth.

It is equally important to maintain the health of the hair, because it is on shiny and silky curls that the hairstyle looks the most advantageous. Before styling, apply a little foam or mousse to your head.

  1. Make a side parting and lay the strands on the left side;
  2. Secure the curls with hairpins. This must be done in an asymmetric manner;
  3. Next, the strands should be twisted, making it inward;
  4. Secure the resulting shell with hairpins.

In the final, fix the styling with varnish. So the hairstyle will last a long time. Remember a few more nuances that will help make the styling flawless:

  • in no case do not do your hair on wet hair. Such a “shell” will disintegrate very quickly;
  • hair should be perfectly smooth. If you are the owner of natural curls or just wavy strands, dry them with a hair dryer and a round comb;
  • Another way to secure the shell is to use chopsticks. They will not only securely fix the styling, but also refresh the image;
  • use mousse in moderation. An excess of fixative will create the effect of dirty hair and give the hair an extremely sloppy look.

If you want your look to be somewhat romantic, leave a few strands falling over your face. Curl them lightly.

mirror shell

The peculiarity of this variation is two rollers of hair twisted to face each other. This is what gives the effect of mirror reflection, which looks very impressive and non-standard. The creation of such a styling is carried out as follows:

  1. Treat your hair with a strong hold. If this is not done, both rollers may crumble, since the hairstyle is one of the most fragile.
  2. Divide your hair into two equal parts using a straight parting in the center.
  3. Start twisting the rollers: alternately make shells on both sides. Twist them towards each other.

Spray the resulting rollers with varnish and secure them with hairpins. Make sure the styling is secure.

Mirror styling

The combination of bangs and retro style

  1. wind your hair on or use tongs. Strands need to be slightly curled;
  2. then begin to twist the hair into a roller. This is done not as tightly as in the standard scheme, but more weakly;
  3. Secure your hair with bobby pins and medium hold hairspray.

To enhance the effect of non-standard, pull out a few thin strands from the hairstyle to give it a somewhat tousled look.

Festive updo

A shell can be not only strict, but also festive. Arm yourself with decorative elements, fixatives and tools and go:

  1. hair must be collected in a high tail. This is done on the crown almost at the very base of the hair. Leave two small strands free. The first should be in the occipital area, and the second should be located near the forehead;
  2. secure the ponytail to your head with a strong elastic band. The latter should not be visible, so hide it by wrapping it with a separate strand;
  3. twist the strands into a bun, doing this around the base of the tail;
  4. divide the back of the head into two equal parts;
  5. Wrap the first strand of hair around the base of the ponytail. Do the same with the second strand from the back of the head;
  6. then proceed to the strands in the crown area. Comb them thoroughly and attach to the rest of the hair wrapped around the resulting bun.

Fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish, hairpins and hairpins.

Make sure the hair is in good condition. To complement the festive look, you should add decorative elements - voluminous hairpins, shiny hairpins, artificial or natural flowers.

Creating hairstyles with Chinese sticks

This method is very original and unusual and will help in no time to give the lady the image of a geisha. Also, this method is suitable for girls who want the resulting roller to hold as tightly as possible. It is done quite simply and will not require much of your time:

  1. Clean and combed hair is collected in a side ponytail at the bottom of the head.
  2. Pull the resulting tail with an elastic band, making it slightly below the level of the ears.
  3. Take Chinese sticks and wrap them around the tail. They should be directed towards each other at a slight angle.
  4. Wind strands on sticks on both sides of the tail;
  5. When the roller is ready, fix it with hairpins, hairpins and medium-hold varnish.

In the final part, you can either remove the sticks or leave them - this will give the hairstyle a special originality.

Stacking with Chinese chopsticks

Non-standard way of twisting the roller

This option is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones. If you do not have the opportunity to turn to a professional stylist, then seek help from a person who has experience in creating hairstyles. Either way, you'll need another pair of hands. If you are ready, then get to work:

  1. Divide the hair into 4 parts: in the zone of the crown, nape and temples;
  2. comb the strands in the parietal zone and fix them with hairpins;
  3. divide the temporal zone into 3 parts and form tightly twisted bundles from the strands;
  4. previously created harnesses should be assembled at one point. The ends should not look out, so wrap them inside the hairstyle;
  5. Twist the strands in the back of the head into a tight roller.

Secure the resulting roller with hairpins, hairpins and medium fixation varnish. Add any decorative elements you wish. The hairstyle is ready.


The main stages of creating a “shell” hairstyle are shown in the video


The shell is a very interesting solution. Such aristocracy will refresh the image, please its owner with showiness and elegance. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. With experience, such styling is easier and easier to do.

For a significant event, when you need to look elegant and, at the same time, festive and elegant, a French shell hairstyle will be appropriate. It is shaped like a real seashell.

Such a hairstyle will make its owner visually more elegant, emphasize posture and sexually open the neck. That is why ladies prefer the shell both for business meetings and social events, weddings and private parties.

The advantage of the shell is that its owner does not have to have very long hair. Enough medium length. But there is one thing - the hairstyle is suitable only for girls with smooth hair. Well, curly young ladies need to pre-straighten their hair with a ceramic iron.

By itself, the process of creating an original hairstyle for all occasions is not very complicated, but it may not work out on the first try. Therefore, do not plan to do your hair just before leaving the house, it is better to practice in a relaxed atmosphere in your free time.

What do you need to make a French shell?

In fact, a little: foam (any hair mousse you have will do), varnish to fix the result, as well as a comb, hairpins or invisible. Without all this, the hairstyle simply will not hold well.

Do-it-yourself shell hairstyle

So let's start creating!

1. Slightly moisten the hair with water, evenly apply a light mousse or foam. After that, comb your hair and dry it. Do not wet your hair too much, otherwise you will have to wait until it dries before starting work.

2. In the area of ​​​​the bangs, we take a wide strand of hair and stab it with invisibility.

3. We comb the bulk of the hair once again and take it to the left. We create a mount with the help of invisibility.

5. Spray styling with varnish.

To make the French shell styling look more airy, you can make a small bouffant with a small comb on top. Moreover, voluminous hairstyles are now in fashion! Carefully tuck the combed hair into a shell.

Fans of the classics should not do bouffant strands at the crown. Classic styling can be supplemented with small decorations. Well, you can play with bangs depending on its type, shape and length.

Shell hairstyle, photo of fashion options

A shell is a far from “middle-aged” hairstyle, our grandmothers loved it, but despite its considerable age, this styling is also popular with young modern girls. In this article, you will learn how to make a shell out of hair, and you will learn a lot of other interesting information related to this styling.

Classic styling "Shell"

A shell, in other words a “snail”, is a classic French bun, but if in France this is an ordinary hairstyle, then for Russian girls, this is a very unusual styling that looks quite interesting. First, carefully study the photo instruction that you will find below, and then start doing your hair, following the instructions of the master class.

  • Before you start styling, wash and dry your hair. If you dry your hair with a hairdryer, then the styling will turn out to be more magnificent. After these steps, the hair must be carefully combed. You can apply a little styling foam to your hair, so they become more manageable.
  • Gather your hair at the crown, as if you want to make a ponytail, but you do not need to fix it with an elastic band, start twisting your hair into a bundle.
  • Now fold this hair flagellum into a loop, and hide the tip inside it. Secure the hairstyle with hairpins or invisible, matched exactly to the color of the hair. Form a “shell” of the desired shape from the hair, correct all the places that do not suit you and fix the styling with hairspray.
  • You can leave a few strands near the face, and you will get a very gentle and romantic look, the strands can be curled a little.

Shell "second"

This hairstyle is called a “second” because it will take you the minimum amount of time to create it, not a second, of course, but no more than five minutes.

  • First, comb your hair well, you can comb it a little at the roots to add volume.
  • Now collect the hair in a ponytail, do it not at the crown, but closer to the back of the head. Leave the elastic almost at the ends of the hair.
  • Now place the elastic between two Chinese styling sticks (you can use sushi sticks, just wash them thoroughly before doing this).
  • Now just wind your hair around these sticks, fix your hair with invisible hair and remove the sticks from your hair.
  • It remains only to fix the styling with hairspray, and, if desired, add accessories.
  • If you still have questions, you can see the photo instruction below:

Exactly the same styling can be done with a twister, it will even be even easier and faster, the only thing is that the twister remains inside the hair, and is not removed like sticks.

horizontal shell

We suggest you make a slightly different version of the shell hairstyle, making it as easy as other options.

  • Comb your hair and gather your hair into a low ponytail at the back of your head.
  • Now you need to make a loop from the hair and twist the tail into it. Simply put, you need to make an ordinary inverted tail.
  • Now tease the hair in the tail to give it volume.
  • Finish combed hair to the base of the ponytail and hide the tip inside the hairstyle. Straighten the shell and give the hairstyle a shape.
  • Secure with hairpins and fix with hairspray.
  • You can see each step in the photo tutorial below.

  • You don't have to style wet hair. Yes, the styling will be much easier, but as the hair dries, the hairstyle will fall apart.
  • You should not overdo it with gels, styling foams, the hair will be glued and seem dirty, for the same reason you should not overdo it with hairspray.
  • To make the hairstyle more magnificent, you can add artificial hair. Also, if you have a short haircut, but you really want to do such a styling, you can attach tips (hair on hairpins) to your hair and make a hairstyle, if the hair in front is too short and does not gather, you can leave a few strands near your face.

  • When combing your hair before styling, it is better to use a comb with fine and frequent teeth.
  • Today negligence is in fashion, you can make a shell in a casual style, for this you just need to pull a few strands out of the styling.
  • The shell looks great with accessories, but if you are doing such a styling for an office-business style, it is better not to use bright hairpins, maximum a hairpin with a pearl ball at the end.

  • The shell hairstyle looks great on both perfectly straight hair and curly hair, so if you are the owner of chic curls, it is not necessary to straighten them with an iron first.
  • This styling is quite reliable, so it can also be done for going to the gym, but in general this hairstyle is universal, suitable for both holidays and working days, you just need to add some accessories, and the hairstyle from one style, turn into another.

The shell hairstyle is a classic that will never go out of style. It is unlikely that someone will turn her tongue to call her old-fashioned, rather, this option is a universal styling that will look equally good for going to a restaurant, to work, a wedding, and even for everyday wear.

The styling got its name due to the amazing resemblance to the shell of a snail. It is usually performed on straight hair, which allows you to emphasize all the curves and every centimeter of styling. How to make a shell hairstyle?

This hairstyle can be done while at home.

This hairstyle should be chosen by girls who have long or medium curls. For short hair, this option is better not to do, because. the hairs will fall out of the overall composition, which will spoil the impression of the hairstyle.

In addition, if you have a beautiful neck and regular facial features, then you should also pay attention to this option, because. the emphasis will be on these parts.

Creation options

The hairstyle gives a lot of room for imagination, for example, strands can be twisted at the back, or you can make several small shells of any size. Laying can also be done on only one part of the curls.

To perform the hairstyle we need:

  • A tool designed for styling curls;
  • Comb;
  • Various hairpins and devices: hairpins, invisible, combs, ironing, hair dryer.


This version of the hairstyle is possible to do on medium hair. To create a step-by-step instruction is offered:

  • Curls must be divided into two equal parts. Fix the upper part on the crown;
  • The lower part must be twisted into a bundle and secured with a tourniquet (standard version of the shell). A pile is performed on the upper part, then the hair is twisted with a roller, hiding the tips inside.

This styling is perfect for thin strands, because. it creates extra volume.


The classic version of shells is made on straight or straightened strands.

The fact is that wavy strands quite quickly get out of the overall composition, while giving an untidy look to the styling. If a girl has a very long bang, then it is better for her to stab it to the side, because. the shell hairstyle looks very good with an open forehead.

  • Before you start styling, curls should be carefully combed. Apply a styling agent to the hair;
  • Collect hair in a ponytail, take it to the side and fasten. Strands that fall out of the composition should be fixed with hair clips;
  • Twist the hair into a tourniquet and lay in the opposite direction;
  • If the bangs were removed up, then it is better to hide its ends in such a bundle;
  • Fix the styling using varnish and hairpins for this.

To create a festive look, you can use glitter polish.


This version of the hairstyle looks quite impressive due to several rollers of curls that twist towards each other.

Due to the fact that the French bun is one of the most fragile styling, to create it, it is necessary to properly prepare the strands using styling tools for this. Installation step by step:

  1. Divide the hair into 2 equal parts and start twisting into rollers;
  2. It should be twisted in a mirror image, i.e. opposite each other;
  3. To fix the styling, you will need studs and varnish.

Non-standard option

Such styling cannot be done by yourself, so it is better to use the services of a hairdresser.

Before creating a hairstyle, the hair must be divided into 4 equal parts: occipital, parietal, and temporal on both sides.

  1. Parietal strands should be given maximum volume. The result is fixed with hairpins;
  2. The strands located at the temples are divided into 3 equal parts and twisted into bundles;
  3. The strands are attached to the main part of the hair, using hairpins and invisibles for this;
  4. Twist the back of the head into a shell. The result is fixed with hairpins.


The shorter the strands, the harder it is to twist.

Hairstyle "minute" can be performed on both long hair and medium.

With practice, you can learn how to do this styling in less than 1 minute, which is extremely important if a girl is late for a meeting or work.

  1. Strands should be combed and applied styling agent;
  2. The tail is thrown to one side and twisted into a shell;
  3. The tip is hidden inside the hairstyle, and the shell is fixed with varnish, as well as invisibility.

During styling, you need to ensure that small strands do not stand out from the overall composition. In this case, the styling will last until the evening.

There is another option for creating a shell:

  1. The strands should be collected at the back of the head. Fix the result using a small rubber band for this;
  2. Raise the strands of curls, making a kind of pocket in the hair;
  3. Twist the hair, hiding its tip in the made "pocket".

By alternating these two simple ways, you can create an elegant look with your own hands without spending too much time on it.

Using accessories

Today, twist styling can be done using various devices for this.

  • With roller. This styling option emphasizes the gracefulness and femininity of the neck line, as well as the oval of the face. Many styling that uses a roller has long gone out of fashion, but not the shell hairstyle;
  • With Chinese sticks. This device will help to twist the shell in a short time.

There are a few simple tips to help you create the right twist styling.

  • Hairpins must be selected either according to the color of the hair or an approximate shade;
  • If you do not want the hairstyle to fall apart during the creation process, then it is worth moistening your hands and hair before the process. However, do not wet too much, because. wet strands are difficult to style;
  • In order for the image to turn out bright, it is necessary to use accessories, for example, a beautiful headband or ribbon;
    > > > > >

If you prefer the classics, but at the same time want to keep up with the times, be sure to consider such an option as a shell hairstyle. She looks elegant and restrained, but at the same time not boring. There are many variations of elegant styling, equally appropriate for work and a solemn, festive look. Find out if a shell is suitable for all women, and how to learn how to do a hairstyle at home.

general description

Laying, outwardly resembling a curl of a sea shell, is far from an innovation of recent years. It is found in paintings dating from the 17th and 18th centuries. True, the ladies of that time flaunted more complex hairstyles. The modern shell is more restrained and less intricate than its historical variation, which has now sunk into oblivion. Women want to look well-groomed and luxurious, but at the same time not spend many hours creating everyday styling. The shell helps them in this.

Other names for hairstyles are French bun or twist. One of the translation options for English twist is “twist”. Sometimes styling is called a French shell, wanting to emphasize its modest, stylish elegance and mysterious sexuality. In everyday life, the hairstyle received another name - “banana”, due to the similarity with the outlines of a yellow fruit.

The shell is performed on hair that can be collected and laid in a bun, that is, medium and long. They can be perfectly smooth or curly, curly. also organically fits into the silhouette of the French beam. At the same time, the long one is often combed back or to the side, opening the forehead.

Who suits

The epithets that are awarded to the shell - elegant, restrained, graceful, sophisticated, etc. - may inspire the idea that the hairstyle is suitable only for ladies in adulthood. However, it is not. The French twist also looks good on young women, adding mystery, eroticism and alluring female attractiveness to them. Simple styling can be done for girls who go to their first graduation, school or kindergarten ball.

Other features of the French beam:

  1. Favorably emphasizes a graceful, thin neck and beautiful shoulders. If you slouch, try to hide this flaw from others by choosing high styling.
  2. Ideal for owners of an oval face with regular, harmonious features.
  3. Chubby women should complement the shell with bangs and side strands released.
  4. If the face has a square shape, an asymmetrical styling with the same bangs will do. However, if the chin is too massive, you should choose a different hairstyle.
  5. On curly hair, you get a fashionable careless bun. To make a neat smooth shell, you will first have to align the curls.
  6. It will not be possible to collect short strands in a French style. Such a hairstyle will quickly fall apart.
  7. Do you have naturally thin, sparse hair? Make a pile beforehand. However, if the scalp is visible through the styled hair, discard such a shell.

Attention! French twist looks good on healthy hair. With it, it will be possible to mask the split ends so that the styling looks well-groomed.

Execution technology

As a rule, to create a hairstyle you need:

  • a comb with small teeth and a long tail - to make a pile, form a parting, highlight the strands;
  • a massage brush with which you separate tangled hair and smooth combed curls;
  • hairpins - invisible and hairpins;
  • iron, if you are going to perform strict styling on curly strands;
  • mousse or foam, varnish - for additional fixation of the shell;
  • mirrors (2 pcs.), which will help you evaluate the front and back of the hairstyle.

Practice beforehand to learn how to deftly twist the roller into a shell in French.

Video of a quick and beautiful shell hairstyle.

Video: shell hairstyle, and how to make it.


Detailed execution technology:

  1. Apply mousse or foam to washed hair.
  2. Dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  3. If necessary, straighten the dry strands with an iron.
  4. Make a parting that suits your face shape.
  5. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  6. Form a tail at the back of the head, gathering it with your hands. Rubber is not needed.
  7. Twist all the strands into a tight or loose bundle. The first option is optimal for strict styling, the second - for a more natural and romantic one.
  8. Lift it up, forming a kind of loop.
  9. Mask the edges of the hair inside the bun.
  10. Use hairpins to securely fix the shell. If you need long-term styling, spray your hair with varnish.

Advice. Before parting and twisting your hair into a spiral, comb the front strands. This will add some volume to the silhouette of the hairstyle. you can find out on our website.

With the invisibles

With this step-by-step guide, you will be able to make a French twist on strands of medium length, including on a square:

  • comb your hair well;
  • divide it with a parting;
  • comb the part with which you will start styling a little;
  • bring it back and stab it crosswise with stealth, slightly lifting the curls for extra volume;
  • in a circle, collect the hair on the other, free side;
  • direct them to the place where they fixed the hair with invisibility;
  • put the resulting roller in a shell;
  • fix the result with invisible ones, pinning them along the beam from top to bottom;
  • if some strands are out of the hairstyle, correct them and style them with hairpins;
  • gently smooth your hair and sprinkle it with varnish.

At the very beginning, you can separate a wide strand in the parietal region and form a small voluminous “tuft” from it. It is also fixed with invisibility. The shell will come out voluminous. But if the face is narrow, elongated, this technique will not work, because it will further change the proportions of the face.

with twister

A hairpin in the form of a loop, matched to the color of the hair, will help to cope with styling on medium curls:

  • comb the strands and make the necessary parting;
  • thread the hair through the hole in the hairpin;
  • start twisting them from the tips to the back of the head, the direction is inward;
  • make sure that the edges do not slip out of the twister;
  • turn the resulting beam vertically to one side;
  • it is desirable that the hairpin adjoins the head with the side part - this will provide the shell with volume;
  • fasten the edges of the twister and fix your hair.

Another way:

  1. Comb the strands, treat them with foam or mousse.
  2. Divide them into 2 parts with a diagonal parting.
  3. Collect the bottom in the tail.
  4. Make a pile on it from the inside.
  5. With a deft movement of your hands, turn the tail into a bun. To keep it well, use studs.
  6. Divide the free mass of hair horizontally.
  7. Place a twister under the front.
  8. Cover it with strands and wrap it back to the back of the head.
  9. Hide the ends. Final touches - fixing the styling with hairpins and varnish.

With chopsticks

Buy special Chinese (Japanese) hair accessories or take chopsticks. They can also be replaced with regular pencils. More often this option is recommended for girls with long hair. The step-by-step process of creating a hairstyle looks like this:

  • comb your hair thoroughly;
  • if necessary, lightly treat them with a styling agent;
  • just below the back of the head, make a free tail;
  • secure it with a thin elastic band;
  • fold the sticks in the shape of the letter V;
  • put the edge of the tail between them;
  • holding the sticks parallel to the growth of the curls, roll the roller with them;
  • wind your hair as if you are forming a roll out of them;
  • having reached the back of the head, fix the hairstyle with hairpins and stealth, varnish;
  • carefully remove the sticks from the shell.

Advice. You can decorate the French bun with decorative Japanese accessories with rhinestones, pendants, carvings, etc. As a rule, the sticks are placed crosswise.

Styling options

Having mastered the classical technology, you will be able to perform other types of French beams on its basis. The most popular are:

  • Wavy. Designed for curly hair. It is not necessary to apply smoothing agents and use an iron: due to the natural structure of the strands, the hairstyle looks fashionably careless.
  • Spiral. Hair is twisted into a tourniquet and stacked in a spiral. Outwardly, the styling resembles the curls of a sea shell.

  • Double. It looks like two halves of a shell, mirroring each other. They can also be wrapped in one direction. The hairstyle is formed from two bundles. This version of the beam turns out to be more voluminous, but thick hair is needed to create it.
  • textural. Imitates the ribbed surface of the shell. It looks very impressive and is the result of hairdressing skills.

  • Evening. It differs from the classic variety in interesting details: a side curl twisted along the face in a spiral, sparkles in the hair, original decorations - combs, hairpins, fresh flowers, etc. We have prepared for you.
  • Wedding. Looks the most solemn and pompous. The fixation of such a shell must be especially strong. When creating styling, you need to consider how the veil, wedding diadem or decorative hairpins will be attached. Having collected the hair in a bun, you can leave the edges of the strands to form rings from them and put them on top of the shell. It will be useful to rehearse the wedding hairstyle. you will find on our website.

  • With a pile on the bangs. Forms additional volume in the crown area. To hide a long bang, a hoop or scarf is often used.
  • . Weaving decorates the shell and makes the hairstyle original. You can make 2 side braids or make a “spikelet” on one side, from the crown of the head to the back of the head.

  • . This bun looks stylish and a little vintage. It is collected from the side, twisting with soft, free waves. The shell is complemented with fleece and high bangs.
  • Unformatted. Does not limit the imagination of the master. In addition to the French twist, you can make a bouffant at the top of the hair, and form several strands on the sides.

Advice. Not all options are easy to do with your own hands. Entrust the hairstyle for a particularly important event to the hairdresser. In other cases, try to make your favorite shell, based on a detailed description and video tutorials from experienced craftsmen.


A detailed algorithm for creating a kind of mirror shell:

  1. Divide all hair into 3 parts: bangs (or parietal curls), upper (middle) and occipital strands. Secure everything with separate hairpins. Make sure the front and back are equal in size. The parting may be uneven.
  2. Roll the lower part of the curls in a spiral from the bottom up. Fasten securely in the usual way: with hairpins, stealth, masking the tips in parallel.
  3. Fold the middle zone too, but from top to bottom. Hide the protruding edges of the strands. You should end up with 2 identical shells facing each other.
  4. Take care of the bangs (parietal curls). Lightly comb all remaining hair and twist it back, as if on curlers.
  5. Form a neat loop and securely fasten with invisibility. The curl should fit well to the head.
  6. If necessary, sprinkle the styling with varnish and diversify with accessories: flowers, decorative hairpins, etc.

with weaving

This option requires skill, so don't be discouraged if the braided shell doesn't work the first or even the second time. Instruction:

  • comb all your hair;
  • above the left ear, select a small strand;
  • form a French pigtail out of it, simultaneously capturing the upper curls;
  • having reached the back of the head, loosen the weaving;
  • fix the result with an elastic band;
  • form the second pigtail from the remaining hair;
  • together with the first, roll it into a shell;
  • fasten securely.

Pin-up style

For this option, you will need a twister hairpin. Detailed styling algorithm:

  1. Comb the top of your hair.
  2. Form a ponytail from the entire head of hair, with the exception of one front strand - leave it free.
  3. Roll the shell. Let the ends of the curls remain sticking out at the top.
  4. Comb the back strands so that they connect with the front.
  5. Roll them up with a curling iron. Make curls of medium size.
  6. Wrap a beautiful scarf around your head (from the back of your head to the crown). Tie its edges at the top, slightly to the side.
  7. Curled curls should play the role of bangs. Leave them in front of the scarf.

Attention! Any shell made on wet hair disintegrates faster.

Where can you go

In this regard, the hairstyle is really universal. Simple, uncomplicated options can be done at least every day, going to a lecture at an institute (as a student or teacher) or to work in an office. A discreet French bun is in harmony with the image of a business woman, making the image business-like and moderately strict.

Evening styling is suitable for a romantic date, a solemn event. An elegant, elegantly decorated shell is very fond of brides. And even a graduation or matinee in kindergarten rarely goes by without at least one young princess coming to the party with a French twist.

A well-fixed hairstyle lasts all day. To be sure, you can additionally process it with varnish. If you are going to spend time actively (for example, dancing or participating in competitions), use foam or mousse before starting to form the styling. These styling products will not weigh down the hair, but will keep a neat silhouette of the hairstyle for the whole evening.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of shells are as follows:

  • performed on any hair except short;
  • looks solid and elegant;
  • has many options;
  • successfully complements both everyday and festive look;
  • is out of time - always relevant;
  • has no restrictions on age, profession.

Disadvantages of the French Twist:

  • creating a neat hairstyle requires skills;
  • too complicated, pompous styling can visually make a woman a little older.

Who makes of celebrities

Elegant styling was loved by recognized "style icons" Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor. Modern actresses also often go out with a shell of hair. You could see her in photos of Kristen Bell and Rachel McAdams, Eva Longoria and Megan Fox, Emma Watson and Kate Winslet, Angelina Jolie, Sharon Stone and Kate Beckinsale. This styling is in the arsenal of Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna and Heidi Klum.

Kristen Bell and Eva Langoria

Emma Watson and Kate Winslet

Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez

Thanks to the restrained seductiveness, the hairstyle is popular and does not go out of fashion. Almost any woman who wants to attract attention and evoke admiring glances of others can make it.