Our school is a big friendly family, which each of its members is rightly proud of. At the beginning of the new school year, I express the hope that we will continue to lead our school ship to new heights together as a friendly team, each performing our duties responsibly and diligently.

It has become a good tradition for us to work together to solve the creative tasks facing the team, to take care of the image of the school together, its successful presentation at competitions, olympiads and competitions! May this wonderful tradition be preserved this academic year and bring new successes to our school team!

Congratulations on September 1

I would like to especially welcome first graders.
Guys! Today is a special day for you that will be remembered for a lifetime. you now not just boys and girls, you are already SCHOOLCHILDREN!. You open a world of knowledge and new discoveries.

You are now on the threshold of a new interesting life that will make you more mature from the first day, fill every day with new experiences and, of course, new impressions. I want to wish you success in school affairs from the bottom of my heart!

My friends, second graders, you learned to read, count, learned all the numbers and letters. In grade 2 you will reveal the secrets of animals, birds, learn about the discoveries of the planets, the secrets of the underwater world. For all your answers and solved problems you will receive marks. I wish that each of you had only fives and fours!

Third graders! This year you will learn how to write dictations and solve the most difficult problems, become especially polite, because you have already become adults. You will learn a lot of interesting things about scientists, discoverers, you will do good deeds for younger children.

Dear fourth graders ! Every year you become better and smarter. This year you will become elementary school graduates, you will hear the last call and part with your first teacher, perhaps with tears in your eyes you will look at the native walls of the elementary school. But first you have to work and pass your first exams on a difficult path called the "Road of Knowledge".

Our fifth graders!
Just yesterday in elementary school
With my first teacher
You comprehended the wise sciences
And they wanted to get older as soon as possible.
Now there will probably be more worries:
More lessons, more difficult material.
But together you need to deal with them -
We become friends in times of trouble.
Bolder on the road! Go to new knowledge!
Today you have become a little more mature.
When will you be appreciated for your efforts,
You will be the first to remember your teachers!

Congratulations sixth graders!
Half of school life is soon over,
But the same second is waiting for you ahead.
Do not lose courage and boldly forward,
May it be successful for youtransition year!
Half of school life is not lived in vain:
Everyone today has true friends,
You learned a lot of sciences from teachers.
To the equator of school lifemove boldly!

Congratulations to seventh graders on September 1
Let the number 7 once again
You will be lucky:
Dictations are written on "five",
Problems are solved.
Let the school be good
And on any subject
Let them open for you
All 7 wonders in the world!

Dear eighth graders!
Everyone says: your age is transitional,
That's why it's difficult, I guess.
Refer to the factor you are natural,
Your actions are not always exemplary.
Today, understanding your difficulties,
However, I wish you:
You comprehend all the sciences of wisdom,
To conquer all the peaks in life!

ninth graders, from September 1!
For you, probably for the first time
A difficult period is coming.
You decide: how to study further
And which one of you will go.
And maybe very soon
Someone leaves the classroom.
Whatever this choice,
May he be true to you.

With the start of the school year!
Now they call you "high schoolers"
And look at you with respect.
Now they tell you"tenth graders" -
You have 10 times more responsibility.
For the younger you become an example,
Assistants - for teachers.
With hope, faith and love
Look forward more cheerfully!

The most important in school, everyone's favorite eleventh graders!

I would like to wish you great success and no less great strength, dear graduates! Very little time separates you from the line when you leave your usual school life. This year is the last push before future achievements. I wish you energy and determination. Let the last school year be the most fruitful for you!

Your last school year
this minute is coming.
On behalf of the teachers
I wish you: "Be brave
Difficult path to go
And find the right path in life!

Congratulations to young teachers on September 1
On behalf of colleagues, accept congratulations,
Please join our family.
It's hard to be a real teacher
Therefore, I want to wish you:
Appreciate the noble profession
Love your students
Respect your parents
It will be difficult - do not be discouraged!

Dear teachers of 34 schools!
You are considered, you are respected
And they call you luminaries.
For experience, for being faithful to the school,
For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.
Well, that soul is young,
Who is always with the young.
I want to wish you all good health
To bring up a worthy replacement for yourself!

Congratulations to the head teachers for the start of the new academic year.
USE, projects, schedule,
Yearly checks are not once!
Everything must be foreseen in advance:
The subject, the program and, of course, the class.
But I believe, with this difficult work
Of course, you can do it on "five".
And do the impossible
So that the school moves forward, and not stand! ...

My congratulations to the workers of the canteen
To study well
All of you need to refresh yourself.
We wish our chefs
Let everything be cooked deliciously for us:
Borscht, and porridge, and compote,
Goulash, belyash and entrecote,
Salads, vinaigrettes...
Thank you for that!

Congratulations to the acting director of the school on September 1
You have a big responsibility
For the whole school, for every class.
And making difficult decisions
In care you and every day and every hour
Let your work change everything for the better,
And I want to wish you
So that you have enough strength for the academic year,
Perseverance, vigor and strength,
To manage the school wisely.

Congratulations to parents on September 1
It's hard to raise your children
There is a lot to know for this.
I would like to wish my parents:
Always help children in everything,
To collect the child to school in the morning,
Give good parting words in time,
Smart book to have time to read,
Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend
To avoid all diseases,
We still need to temper the children,
Meetings at school visit everything,
Help the school as much as you can.
And most importantly - without a doubt -
I wish you patience!

Technical staff of the school and everything, everyone. everyone!

I hope this year will be successful for you. For some it will be the first and unforgettable, for others it will be the last and extremely intense, touching and exciting. In any case, today I sincerely want to congratulate each of you on the first day of school and wish you perseverance, diligence, determination, patience and success.

And finally, I want to wish all of you, friends, good luck, Happy Knowledge Day, my dears! The school has already opened its doors and, with its usual cordiality, is waiting for you!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the start of the new academic year, on September 1. May this year bring a dream come true to every member of our large school community!

With great respect for each of you, school director Natalya Ivanovna Govorukhina.

Calls to study the third grade -
Forward, for new knowledge.
Excited like the first time
And look forward to other tasks.

You're not new to school
Two years have passed.
Grab your briefcase and hit the road!
Go to the cherished goal.

In the third grade today you
You stomp with a smile.
Get only fives
Avoid mistakes.

New knowledge, impressions
I wish you.
Happy autumn day
Warm congratulations.

Happy Knowledge Day to our wonderful third grader! We wish that the craving for something new and interesting increases every day! To make knowledge easy and simple. So that the grades please both you and your parents! Learn, strive, achieve, learn, develop, improve, be healthy and strong! Good luck in the coming school year!

Congratulations third grader
Happy knowledge day to you
Your third academic year
Let it be great.

I wish you in class
Take the first place
And let others try
A whole year to catch up with you.

May good grades
Do not leave the diary
Classmates you
Appreciate, love, respect.

Knowledge Day is a special holiday,
Every third grader knows.
This day is the third year
The world of science is calling you.

Let learning be easy
Deal with her deftly,
And the teacher will be happy
Ask less at home.

Let the parents do not grieve
If two is found
They will help and advise
And they won't punish you at all.

In school uniform at this hour,
You've already entered the "third" grade!
You brought a beautiful bouquet...
And you stand so happy!

Here's my favorite school class
In it - the teacher is waiting for all of you,
Here, the director of the School is nearby,
Gently looks with a sweet look.

In class, be diligent
In life, only, successful,
Be careful, be obedient
And always generous!

The third time sounds so loud
It's already a call for you.
Collected notebooks again
In a brand new backpack.

I want more knowledge
Get in the third grade.
Learn to be tolerant
And be a good friend.

You go to third grade
Behind so much knowledge
And I wish now
Strength, perseverance and effort.

May the day of knowledge bring
Many bright impressions
And your third school year
Fly by in an instant!

Happy Knowledge Day, third grader!
You are in school for three years.
Let many, many important
Discoveries are waiting for you.
You will always be interested in learning
To wonderful events
The star guides you.
May it always be near
Lovely circle of friends.
And fix all eyes
To the sources of science.

They say three is a lucky number.
You are very lucky this year!
After all, you are no longer a first-grader with us,
You're going to the happiest third grade!

But in studies, the number three does not need to be received,
Get always four, but better - five.
Learn more about the world you are not too lazy,
You are in a happy third grade, study well!

Now you have become quite big!
And third grade is rightfully yours.
Happy knowledge day, schoolboy, third grader,
Our fidget and prankster!

We wish you not to be lazy
Diligently, thoughtfully study,
So that all tasks and examples
Decided diligently and approximately!

Last year I was still a first-grader,
Well, today you are going to the second,
With a fashionable briefcase and a white shirt,
We are so proud, our boy, of you!

Happy Knowledge Day! Be the most exemplary
Only excellent, for joy, study.
May a friend be surprisingly faithful
Life will be very happy!

Third year of study
Once you master it,
All sciences meaning
You'll get it without any problems.

You are a second grader today
The first experience is over.
In the new year educational glorious
You go confidently.

I wish you knowledge
Very necessary to accumulate.
And in all subjects new
Whatever you need to memorize.

Back to school, back to school
You're going to third grade
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
You take orders from us:

Will be attentive, savvy,
Listen to the teachers
Always study well
Be a little bolder!

Solemnly Happy Knowledge Day
Congratulations today.
And in your endeavors
We wish you success!

You have a special day today
Promise you won't be lazy.
You will study perfectly
And behave, of course, decently.

You will not leave the little one in trouble,
And you will be active everywhere.
You will always offer help
And you won't act like a vegetable.

In general, so that everything is class here,
You go to third grade.
May your day be happy
Read the congratulations more carefully.

The third class is already big,
Proudly walking with a briefcase
We are proud with all our hearts
And we strongly believe in you!

Will be an even line of letters,
Lie down on the sheet again
You will be the smartest!
We give this congratulations

Here the summer has flown by
The school called again.
You are now a sophomore
You can count to one hundred.

Class 2 will teach you
Sing songs, read poetry
Make friends with mathematics
He will tell you how to solve an example.

About dashes and commas
The teacher will tell you.
And about what is in the world
Many, many distant countries.

You learn and be an example
For your friends always.
Let the fives be only ...
Well, fours sometimes!

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you to go to the second grade with enthusiasm and great zeal for an interesting and exciting school life. Let only good marks appear in the diary, let the lessons be informative, let the breaks bring fun and laughter. Good luck in the new school year.

The Day of Knowledge! Let the sun shine
Inspires you to succeed.
Study very hard
Strive for excellent grades!

The third time sounds so loud
It's already a call for you.
Collected notebooks again
In a brand new backpack.

I want more knowledge
Get in the third grade.
Learn to be tolerant
And be a good friend.

New days and new knowledge,
New meetings and new faces,
New searches, daring,
Unread pages!

Third year of study!
There is experience and knowledge.
Difficult, no doubt
But it takes effort!

You're already big
Going to school for the third time
Third grader is proud
You will gain a lot of knowledge!

Let school bring joy
The path will be interesting.
In acquiring new knowledge
Don't you dare turn around.

In this autumn holiday
So many new experiences
You will be the most exemplary
We know this without a doubt!

September day has come
The bell is calling you again.
Let it be entertaining
Each new lesson.

On the day of knowledge, I wish to know everything,
And surprise everyone with knowledge,
Worthy to learn, grow, develop,
Reach for the heights and never give up.

Congratulations on the new school year. I wish that this year you learn a lot of new things, discover very interesting things from different fields of science. Always be a diligent student, listen to teachers, help first-graders and always be a true friend to your classmates.

Congratulations on Knowledge Day
I wish you well
And study well
Strive for the best!

You will read smart books,

Be smart and try to get it
So that all difficulties are subdued.
You've already done a lot
By right, to be proud of you.

May the year be interesting
With good grades, flattering,
It is important to put in a lot of effort
To make wishes come true!

Let learning bring joy
Lots of knowledge and interest.
May wishes come true
To make progress in everything!

Congratulations third grader
Happy knowledge day to you
Your third academic year
Let it be great.

I wish you in class
Take the first place
And let others try
A whole year to catch up with you.

May good grades
Do not leave the diary
Classmates you
Appreciate, love, respect.

Studied in first grade
You became a year, grow up.
Here you are, second grader,
Run to school, don't be shy.

Notebooks, books are waiting for you,
Your good friends.
Both girls and boys
Glad to meet you all.

Be as before, strong, smart
Be diligent and reasonable.
You please all relatives,
You are the best, for all of them.

Happy knowledge Day. Let the academic year be successful and prosperous, I wish you to get a lot of new knowledge and make many interesting discoveries. Great mood and great marks!

Happy Knowledge Day, third grader. ABCs and counting sticks are a thing of the past, now you can safely be called a schoolboy, a student who is not afraid of obstacles on the way and confidently comprehends more and more new knowledge. I want to wish you not to get sick and not lose heart, to wake up in the morning easily and with vigor, to spend every day with enthusiasm and fun.

Always be careful and honest
Listen in class, don't yawn.
To make the academic year interesting
More fun to knowledge step!

Learn to work patiently

Direct path to school
You are not going for the first time.
You are no longer a freshman
And quite a "second".
Growing up and wiser
Have read many books
So it's time for you to go to school
Get to know each other better
Get useful knowledge
Oversized suitcase.
Congratulations sophomores
And good luck in school!

On the day of knowledge, I wish you heights,
Let the study go well
Merry changes to you
And always great reviews.

There is a lot of knowledge in the third grade,
You will read smart books,
There will be fewer cartoons, festivities,
You learn to become a man!

And those close to you are proud
Get well-deserved rewards
Immerse yourself in science with your head!

Learn to work patiently
Do everything that is asked
And then everything will be so beautiful
This work will not go in vain!

Congratulations on the day of knowledge
Third grade, wow!
Be successful and solid
Always be diligent.

And you have patience
And don't forget about sports
You became a year older
Conquer all peaks!

You are a third grader now
A new door opens for you
Knowledge Day is the path to science,
There will be no boredom on such a holiday!

On this day, you go back to school,
The third year is to gain knowledge.
To make the learning process fun
Try to answer more often.

In the third grade today you
You stomp with a smile.
Get only fives
Avoid mistakes.

New knowledge, impressions
I wish you.
Happy autumn day
Warm congratulations.

He became a year older with us,
He strives for knowledge.

Our third grader dear,

The summer time has passed
Keep learning, kids!
I wish you five to know everything
And a lot of smart books to read!

Congratulations to the dear third grader on the day of knowledge! May the new academic year open doors for you to new potential and pursuit of science. Do not give up and do not hang your nose, no matter how thorny your path to knowledge is. Remember, attentiveness, obedience and adequate perception of the teacher are important components of your success. Develop your memory, discover brilliant abilities in yourself, save letters and fives. Congratulations, student!

Knowledge Day is a special holiday,
Every third grader knows.
This day is the third year
The world of science is calling you.

Let learning be easy
Deal with her deftly,
And the teacher will be happy
Ask less at home.

Let the parents do not grieve
If two is found
They will help and advise
And they won't punish you at all.

In a word, congratulations!
Be an example to everyone!
Good - wish -
May your path be!

Happy Knowledge Day, third grade. I wish this school year to be a fun and kind fairy tale about a distant kingdom, where you will be able to conquer all peaks, defeat all enemies and win back your knowledge. Click puzzles like nuts, compose incredible stories about your dreams, please your parents with fives in your diary, and find an exciting adventure with your friends every day.

September holiday again
Autumn has come.
Summer is over,
Remember there is what was.

Friends are waiting for you at school
There will be conversations.
Who went where in the summer,
You will know soon.

And in the portfolio they are already waiting
new notebooks,
You also have the form
All right.

Let the autumn flowers
The holiday is decorated.
mom and dad you
Congratulations together.

Let the grades be what you need
And those close to you are proud
Get well-deserved rewards
Immerse yourself in science with your head!

Now you have become quite big!
And third grade is rightfully yours.
Happy knowledge day, schoolboy, third grader,
Our fidget and prankster!

We wish you not to be lazy
Diligently, thoughtfully study,
So that all tasks and examples
Decided diligently and approximately!

Grade 3 Knowledge Day. School.
May you always be healthy.
educated, learned,
Ready for testing.

Tons of knowledge in my head
You could carry easily.
And perky fun
Rest of knowledge is not a hindrance.

Hooray! Congratulations on Knowledge Day.
I wish you success in life
Good health, warmth,
To have a positive life!

I sincerely congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
Let learning be easy
And the lessons don't get boring
And in general, everything in life succeeds!

Congratulations on the day of knowledge today and I wish you to go to the third grade with a smile and optimism. May the new academic year bring a sea of ​​good grades, exciting events, positive emotions and new significant achievements.

Already today you are in the third grade,
Take flowers to school for teachers.
Come to the line as soon as possible
Show your abilities to everyone.
And on a beautiful, wonderful day,
We will give you this poem.

In the third grade for new knowledge and great success, congratulations on the start of the school year, on the Day of Knowledge! And for a third-grader, I want to wish you to become three times bolder and smarter, solve any problem and compose a story for “one, two, three”, meet your goldfish or a real Genie every day so that they fulfill your cherished three wishes.

Happy Knowledge Day to all - from young to old,
Happy Knowledge Day to everyone - from villages to cities!
Let the light of learning be many-sided:
In the minds of descendants, in the wisdom of the ages!

They say three is a lucky number.
You are very lucky this year!
After all, you are no longer a first-grader with us,
You're going to the happiest third grade!

But in studies, the number three does not need to be received,
Get always four, but better - five.
Learn more about the world you are not too lazy,
You are in a happy third grade, study well!

Though you are a child, but a bit of an adult,
You are a naughty schoolboy, but a little serious,
You are a third grader and on a holiday - Knowledge Day
A sea of ​​wonderful tasks awaits you.

May this year be successful
Your perky class is already waiting for you,
Knowledge, experience you get
And don't hurt your classmates.

Studies! Studies! Studying again!
You know, this phrase is the key to success.
After all, knowledge is power, you need to strive for it!
So that you can achieve everything in life!

I wish you happiness and accomplishments
Success, laughter, achievements,
Health, joy in the family,
Warmth, joy in the soul,
Wins in dozens of competitions
And be able to do everything. Hooray! The Day of Knowledge!

A merry bell rings
The day of knowledge calls to school,
Let it be successful, happy
Your new school year.

The third year is harder
The third is an important year!
Soon after him
Everything will be easier!

How quickly you, son, became a third grader,
We congratulate you on this.
Successfully so that you receive knowledge,
We wish you health and strength!

With the start of the school year
I hasten to congratulate you!
Let there be more fives
And to school with the word "I want!" ...

Our kid goes to the third grade,
He became a year older with us,
He strives for knowledge.
Reading, writing, he loves everything,
He wants to achieve big heights.
But, but we will always help him boldly in everything,
Let him take it without difficulty and for any business.
Our third grader dear,
You remember - we are always with you!

You haven't forgotten for the first time
And for the second, I hope, class?
Knowledge is securely stored
Must be in your head.

After all, a third-grader is, brother,
Sounds meaningful and serious
You will be able this year, so
Grab three hundred stars from heaven!

Dear third grader! Congratulations on the start of the new school year. You entered the third stage of school life and learned a lot of new things for yourself. You have become more disciplined and collected, which makes you a good student. We wish you diligence, interest in new knowledge, strong friendship and a good rest, which will surely follow after hard work.

eternal development,
Goals and confessions.
Every day in discovery
The Day of Knowledge!

Read different books
Do all the lessons
study well,
Smile and don't get mad!

September has arrived today
And I hasten to congratulate you
I wish you ease in learning,
I want to wish you success!

Happy Knowledge Day to our wonderful third grader! We wish that the craving for something new and interesting increases every day! To make knowledge easy and simple. So that the grades please both you and your parents! Learn, strive, achieve, learn, develop, improve, be healthy and strong! Good luck in the coming school year!

Happy Knowledge Day wonderful! Already in the third grade
You will learn, because the summer has passed,
And quickly the holidays passed by,
And again the heat and warmth subside,

Today you will sit at your desk with a sigh,
Various tasks await ahead
But studying at school is not bad at all,
So have fun, third grader, look!

Calls to study the third grade -
Forward, for new knowledge.
Excited like the first time
And look forward to other tasks.

You're not new to school
Two years have passed.
Grab your briefcase and hit the road!
Go to the cherished goal.

Second class is not first, you are already big,
You know a lot, generally cool,
You go to school out of habit in the morning,
And you carry “excellent” in your diary home.

Let them praise you more often, dear,
Well, we, of course, as always with you,
We love and are proud: “This is our son!
Kind, very smart, nice little man!”

Here is the second year
Your school life.
Let the teachers be
Only you are satisfied.

I wish on the day of knowledge
new impressions,
Only fives in the diary
Joyful moments.

You're no longer a first grader
You are going to the second class
With this we congratulate you
Rejoice in your studies,
On the day of knowledge we wish
You happiness and victories,
You study only "excellent",
After all, learning is light!

Happy Knowledge Day, second grader!
Keep learning simple.
Let success in subjects
They will only make you happy.

Good luck, I wish you luck.
You have your whole life ahead of you.
Confidently walking boldly
I want to go through life.

On a September morning the sun smiles
The school year starts again
You have already become a third grader,
More books are in your backpack.
Congratulations on September 1,
We wish you good luck and success in your studies,
Learn, try, practice
Do not be distracted by trifles.

The school bell rings happily
Calls everyone to the class for a lesson,
The third year you open the doors to the school,
You get knowledge for yourself.
Today is September 1, congratulations,
May learning be your joy,
Let school friends surround
May you be lucky in everything, always.

You are a third grader already, not a baby,
You sit at a high desk
Let knowledge be easy for you
After all, they come in handy everywhere.
Congratulations on September 1,
We wish you an interesting study
Get excellent marks
Do sports and don't be discouraged.

The third year you go to school with flowers,
You carry a heavy backpack on your back,
You will receive knowledge for a whole year,
May you be sure to get lucky.
We are happy to congratulate you on September 1,
Let study be a joy for you,
Let the nut of knowledge gnaw easily,
May all be well in school life.

You are already a third grader, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you success in your studies,
We wish you excellent marks
Let you be lucky in everything everywhere.
Since September 1, accept congratulations,
May your dreams come true
Let luck follow you like a shadow
Let laziness flee from you without looking back.

September called you all to school,
And he gave instructions for study,
You are already a third grader, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you easy learning.
Let there be a strong school friendship,
After all, this is also necessary for study,
Always rejoice in the success of parents,
Congratulations on September 1st.

The autumn leaves turned yellow
So it's time to go to school
The third year you go to school,
And you carry a huge bouquet.
Happy knowledge day to you, from September 1,
Let study be easy for you
Granite of science conscientiously gnaw,
Always go to school with joy.

Congratulations on the day of knowledge:

Grade 3 Knowledge Day. School.
May you always be healthy.
educated, learned,
Ready for testing.

Tons of knowledge in my head
You could carry easily.
And perky fun
Rest of knowledge is not a hindrance.

"Hello dear school!" -
They will say again in the yard
Children joyfully gathered
On the porch, in September.

We congratulate you on Knowledge Day
Happy third grade to you
Many new things will be told
your school friends.

But leave all the stories
For holidays, changes,
Don't talk in class
And then miss the moment.

The one when the teacher is for you
About distant lands
About seas and oceans
Everything will be told without hiding.

In general, gain knowledge
Don't forget about charging
And then no one can
Reproach you for the deuce!

Dear third grader! Congratulations on the start of the new school year. You entered the third stage of school life and learned a lot of new things for yourself. You have become more disciplined and collected, which makes you a good student. We wish you diligence, interest in new knowledge, strong friendship and a good rest, which will surely follow after hard work.

You're already big
Going to school for the third time
Third grader is proud
You will gain a lot of knowledge!

Let school bring joy
The path will be interesting.
In acquiring new knowledge
Don't you dare turn around.

In this autumn holiday
So many new experiences
You will be the most exemplary
We know this without a doubt!

Happy Knowledge Day wonderful! Already in the third grade
You will learn, because the summer has passed,
And quickly the holidays passed by,
And again the heat and warmth subside,

Today you will sit at your desk with a sigh,
Various tasks await ahead
But studying at school is not bad at all,
So have fun, third grader, look!

There is a lot of knowledge in the third grade,
You will read smart books,
There will be fewer cartoons, festivities,
You learn to become a man!

Let the grades be what you need
And those close to you are proud
Get well-deserved rewards
Immerse yourself in science with your head!

Learn to work patiently
Do everything that is asked
And then everything will be so beautiful
This work will not go in vain!

Third grade: third time
The school accepts us.
Knowledge day will open the door,
To make us all smarter.

Congratulations you guys.
And we wish you rewards:
May success await you in everything
To learn the best.

Let the teachers praise you
They give you the knowledge you need.

Back to school, back to school
You're going to third grade
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
You take orders from us:

Will be attentive, savvy,
Listen to the teachers
Always study well
Be a little bolder!

The third class is already big,
Proudly walking with a briefcase
We are proud with all our hearts
And we strongly believe in you!

Will be an even line of letters,
Lie down on the sheet again
You will be the smartest!
We give this congratulations

Congratulations to the dear third grader on the day of knowledge! May the new academic year open doors for you to new potential and pursuit of science. Do not give up and do not hang your nose, no matter how thorny your path to knowledge is. Remember, attentiveness, obedience and adequate perception of the teacher are important components of your success. Develop your memory, discover brilliant abilities in yourself, save letters and fives. Congratulations, student!