If we talk about Easter with an emphasis on our time, then often the Bright Sunday of Christ becomes a day of incredible all-consuming gluttony. Ambulance doctors and emergency departments of hospitals work in emergency mode on Easter, taking patients with cholecystitis, exacerbations of gastritis and peptic ulcer, intestinal volvulus. Most often, these are people who are banal, as they say, torn and as a result ate too much after the end of the post.

The body during the abstinence from fatty foods rebuilds its metabolism and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Any changes take time, so such gluttony can lead to an undesirable effect. The transition to a normal diet should be done gradually. Only a balanced diet will benefit the body after the completion of a strict fast.

Back in the 18th century, the Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov, in a conversation with Catherine II, once noted that in Rus' the people “die” most of all in the first two weeks after Easter. After seven weeks of fasting, many begin to overeat, sometimes leading to death.

It has long been customary that the Easter table is bursting with dishes. Easter, Easter cakes, colored eggs, and around dishes of pork, lamb, turkey, veal, ham, sausages, sausages, several varieties of vodkas and liqueurs - who has enough imagination and ... money.

It is extremely difficult to resist such temptation. Therefore, the people “come off” to the fullest, and then health problems begin. Remember Chekhov’s hero, for whom the Easter holiday ended in tears: “The court adviser Semyon Petrovich Podtykin put the fattest piece of salmon, sprat and sardine on the pancakes, then, chuckling and panting, rolled both pancakes into a tube, drank a glass of vodka with feeling, grunted, opened his mouth ... But then he had an apoplexy.

Unfortunately, something similar happens today. Many Christians who have endured a strict fast forget that the way of life and diet must be changed very carefully. After Great Lent, one must gradually get used to fast food, that is, break the fast.

Easter food - Easter cake, eggs, Easter, fried meat and other pickles is not harmless. It contains a lot of fats that are difficult for the body to digest. Keep this in mind and do not arrange a test for your stomach after fasting, which can cause a sharp deterioration in your health.

The Easter holiday lasts a whole week, during which I always recommend gradually preparing your body for "worldly" food. It is best to start with fermented milk products (kefirs, bifidocks, cheeses ...), as they are well absorbed by the body.

Many eggs are boiled at Easter, but this is quite heavy food for the stomach. In order not to deviate from tradition, doctors recommend eating no more than one egg. In the first three days after fasting, it is best to eat small portions every 2-3 hours. It is undesirable to consume meat in large quantities. From meat dishes, preference should be given to steam cutlets, chicken broth or boiled chicken. Fish lovers should stick to cod or pike perch dishes. As for baking, it is also better to eat it little by little, but Easter cottage cheese can be eaten modestly, but without fear.

If, nevertheless, you did not have enough willpower not to overeat, keep in mind that an ordinary lemon will help normalize the digestion process. Black pepper is a good choleretic agent, therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences during the Easter meal, generously sprinkle it on fish and meat dishes. In no case do not wash down fatty foods with any (especially sweet) carbonated drinks. Instead, prepare in advance and put on the festive table a natural rosehip infusion, real cranberry juice, a drink made with mint or lingonberries.

According to VTsIOM this year, every fifth inhabitant of the country limited himself to food in one way or another. Adhering to strict church taboos is only half the task, a competent exit from the state of abstinence is an important process that should not be neglected. Alas, according to statistics, most eating disorders occur precisely during the light week.

According to the personal experience of the editorial staff, after Great Lent there is a risk of going to two food and: 1) yearning for your favorite foods, start randomly eating everything; 2) continue to comply with the regime of restrictions. For example, it is especially difficult to return to the meat.

You should only get by with prepared, sacred treats: an egg (it is better to eat one egg white, without the yolk) and a piece of Easter cake (but save the cottage cheese Easter for the second day of Bright Week). Otherwise, try to maintain the same delicate food regimen on this day. On the second day, fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.) can be returned. Animal proteins in them are already broken down by bacteria, respectively, they are easier to digest. As an option - eat lightly fried cheesecakes for breakfast.

Only on the third day is it worth preparing low-fat varieties of white fish or light fish broth with vegetables for lunch. If you yearn for meat most of all, it is introduced into the diet on the fourth day. No sausage or steak! The best dietary option is steam cutlets or meatballs from beef (not veal!) Or turkey without a side dish. Vegetable salad is best eaten as a snack before. Remember that animal proteins are absorbed much better in the company of vitamin C. Accordingly, do not limit yourself these days to citrus fruits, parsley, and bell peppers.

Even if you are distinguished by a passion for a healthy lifestyle and the principles of a healthy diet, it is better to return to your usual regimen (for example, start eating hard cheeses again) in 7-10 days. By the way, this is a great time to eliminate sugar from the diet and reduce the amount of yeast products. And don't forget to drink plenty of water these days!

It is a big mistake to believe that by “starving” in fasting, you get not only spiritual benefits, but also dietary ones - you can lose a few kilograms. No matter how! High carbohydrate intake, restriction of protein and an important part of micronutrients, endless snacks - and on the scales on Easter day you can see a solid increase.

It's time to accustom yourself to the practice of intermittent fasting or unloading, "empty" days. Provided that there are no medical contraindications to this. They help to release toxins and cleanse the body, which is especially valuable in spring. A regular ELLE columnist and wellness expert, a model to arrange such “X days” once a week, and prudently exclude dairy and meat products, caffeine, alcohol and pastries from the diet a day before. “Well, to heighten the effect, stock up on probiotics - live bacteria will take care of the intestinal microflora. The main thing - do not forget that you need to store them in the refrigerator.

Great Post. 48 days of cleansing, not only physical, but more spiritual.
And it does not matter for what purpose you kept this fast - for the benefit of the body or spirit. Now the most important thing is not to lose the acquired good habits in limiting the diet.
Simple rules for leaving the post will allow you to smoothly switch to a light summer menu and consolidate the results you have.

For 48 days of abstinence from protein foods in the body, the production of enzymes involved in the breakdown of proteins has decreased. Therefore, if you eat fried and fatty food right on Easter day, your stomach will not forgive you. Nutritionists advise smoothly leaving the Fast for at least 2 weeks. In addition, a properly composed menu will protect you from weight gain, and the gastrointestinal tract from overload.

From 1 to 3 days. Most important

After a long abstinence, I really want to try all the delicacies on the festive Easter table. You should not hone your willpower - cook everything you want and tasty. Just eat very little and often - have a snack every 3-4 hours: it is worth eating in moderation and spacing. Always remember the classic canon of giving up quantity in favor of quality - this rule applies to our nutrition one hundred percent!

Someone uses a proven method when determining portion size. But this method is not convenient for everyone, because it requires not only the presence of time and kitchen scales, but also a thorough knowledge of all the ingredients of the dish.

To exit the Post, you can use an even simpler option.

Each of your meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner, should be no more than 3 children's fists in volume. And for a protein serving (for example, meat, cottage cheese or poultry) it is worth taking no more than one fist. After all, your stomach has significantly shrunk during fasting, so you should not immediately load it with huge portions.

For the first few days, try not to get involved in baking. Of course, this is not a reason to refuse the consecrated Easter cake, but limit yourself to one slice. And for better assimilation, drink it with kefir, fermented baked milk or bifidok. Also try not to cook soups with strong meat broth. It is better to bake or boil the chicken separately, and for soups, give preference to vegetable or light cream soups.

Sample menu for 1-3 days

A good choice:

1-2 boiled eggs
Dried bread toast with homemade jam or honey (no butter)
Green or herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee

Lunch (second breakfast)
A piece of cottage cheese Easter
Apple, pear, banana
Kefir, ryazhenka

Vegetable soup with low-fat sour cream
Light cream soup (with low-fat milk)
Stewed vegetable stew with baked chicken or fish
Tea with mint, juice

afternoon tea
Grain bread sandwich with low-fat cheese (Adyghe type)
Baked apples with honey
Tea, compote

stewed potatoes
boiled rice
Baked fish (perch, tilapia, pollock)
Salad from any vegetables with a spoonful of oil
Herbal or green tea, water

Not the best choice

Sausage and smoked meats
fatty cheese
Fresh loaf with butter

Lunch (second breakfast)

Solyanka (and other fatty, rich soups)
Fried potatoes
Pork chop

afternoon tea
Fresh sweet pastries

Spaghetti with meat sauce
Salad with mayonnaise
Salad type "Olivier"

From 4 to 7 days. Most delicious

Well, the first stage of adaptation is passed. And if there is no heaviness in the stomach, then you can expand your diet. When cooking, the following rules should be followed: it is preferable to cook chicken or turkey rather than duck or goose, and veal instead of beef, pork and lamb.
Low-fat sour milk (cottage cheese, sour cream, milk) prefer fat.
But you can already eat fatty fish, however, it is better to start with small portions.
Of all the cooking methods, it is better to stop at baking or steaming for now.

Sample menu from 4 to 7 days

A good choice:

Omelet with vegetables or baked cheesecakes
A fresh vegetable salad
Sandwich with boiled meat
Tea coffee

Lunch (second breakfast)
Cottage cheese whipped with berries, banana and oatmeal (fiber)

Fish soup
Peppers stuffed with rice, vegetables and veal
Tea, compote

afternoon tea
Caesar salad without dressing

Salmon, stewed or baked
Fresh vegetables and herbs
Tea, decoction or compote

Not the best choice

A sausage sandwich
Coffee with cream

Lunch (second breakfast)

Herring under a fur coat
Pasta with cheese

afternoon tea
Pancakes with meat

Dumplings with butter
creamy ice cream

From 8 to 14 days. The final phase and the transition to spring-summer mode

Well, the final phase of leaving the Lent coincides in time with the height of spring.
And now is the time to transfer your body to the summer menu.
After all, it was not invented by us that in the summer our body becomes slim much faster, especially if you properly balance your diet.

In no case do not forget about breakfast, it is he who sets the tone for the whole day.
If you have already decided to treat yourself to “fast carbohydrates”, then you should do it in the morning hours. Still give the palm to light vegetable and pureed soups. And replace heavy meat dishes with chicken or fish. Late spring and early summer is the time for salads and the first fruits, it is on them that you should base your snacks during the day.

And for convenience and control of your nutrition, you can use the “plate model”. Mentally divide the plate in half each time, and fill one of the halves with vegetables in any variations (of course, without fatty sauces). The second half again in half: in one of them there will be the protein part of your meal (poultry, fish, mushrooms, meat ...), and in the second carbohydrate side dish (buckwheat, lentils, brown rice ...) or a slice of grain bread.

Sample menu from 8 to 14 days

A good choice:

Cottage cheese casserole
Sandwich with canned tuna and herbs
Tea coffee

Lunch (second breakfast)
Mix of nuts and dried fruits

Mushroom cream soup
A fresh vegetable salad
Baked lean meat cutlets
Herb tea

afternoon tea
Seafood and avocado salad
Tea, fresh juice

Homemade chicken pastor
Vegetable stew

Not the best choice

Bacon and eggs
Sweet, glazed muesli (flakes) with full-fat milk

Lunch (second breakfast)

fried cutlets
Meat baked with mayonnaise and cheese

afternoon tea
Biscuit cake, pastry

fried pork

By adhering to these simple rules, you will not only get out of a long fast without loss, but also charge yourself with energy and vitamins for spring and the coming summer.

(Illustrations: wavebreakmedia ltd, Photoanatomy, shutterstock.com)

During fasting, significant changes occur in the body: a person weans himself from protein foods of animal origin, his body stops producing enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of meat, eggs and dairy products, that is, if a person starts eating meat dishes immediately after fasting, then his body there is simply nothing to process them.

If you leave the post incorrectly, then you can harm your body more than bring benefits, for example, it threatens with the appearance and exacerbation of ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and poor health.

It takes 1-2 weeks to break the fast, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for returning to ordinary food.

Rule #1 Do not overload your body with delicacies, gradually introduce familiar dishes into your diet.

Rule #2 Before eating, drink two glasses of warm water, thanks to which your stomach will calm down, which will warn you against dizziness and reduce hunger.

Rule #3 After the end of the fast, continue to eat lean food for several weeks, gradually introducing milk, meat and eggs into your diet. Fermented milk products - yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir - will help your body get used to non-lean food.

Rule #4 Eat more fruits, vegetables and greens. These foods help digest heavier foods.

Rule #5 Do not pounce on pastries, it is better to eat cottage cheese Easter.

Rule #6 Meat should be consumed gradually, and it is best to eat meat, not sausage products. For dishes, it is better to choose beef, chicken, turkey or rabbit. Meat should be consumed boiled or stewed, but in no case fried. The most suitable dish in this period will be baked fish in the oven.

Rule #7 Eggs are a heavy food that can overload the liver, so we recommend eating 2 eggs a day.

Rule #8 Be careful with alcohol, after fasting you should drink wine in an amount of no more than 100-200 g.

Rule #10 You need to eat proteins of animal origin, because they are easily digested and absorbed in the body. The diet can be replenished with white fish, sprinkled with lemon juice, which is a substitute for gastric acid. Protein foods are best consumed in the morning. Eat only one protein product per meal.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the most important thing during Lent is not only the physical cleansing of the body, but also the cleansing of thoughts and souls, and the restoration of the psychological state. Spend your fasting time working on yourself and meet the holiday with a completely new person.

Great Post. 48 days of cleansing, not only physical, but more spiritual.
And it does not matter for what purpose you kept this fast - for the benefit of the body or spirit. Now the most important thing is not to lose the acquired good habits in limiting the diet.
Simple rules for leaving the post will allow you to smoothly switch to a light summer menu and consolidate the results you have.

For 48 days of abstinence from protein foods in the body, the production of enzymes involved in the breakdown of proteins has decreased. Therefore, if you eat fried and fatty food right on Easter day, your stomach will not forgive you. Nutritionists advise smoothly leaving the Fast for at least 2 weeks. In addition, a properly composed menu will protect you from weight gain, and the gastrointestinal tract from overload.

From 1 to 3 days. Most important

After a long abstinence, I really want to try all the delicacies on the festive Easter table. You should not hone your willpower - cook everything you want and tasty. Just eat very little and often - have a snack every 3-4 hours: it is worth eating in moderation and spacing. Always remember the classic canon of giving up quantity in favor of quality - this rule applies to our nutrition one hundred percent!

Someone uses a proven method when determining portion size. But this method is not convenient for everyone, because it requires not only the presence of time and kitchen scales, but also a thorough knowledge of all the ingredients of the dish.

To exit the Post, you can use an even simpler option.

Each of your meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner, should be no more than 3 children's fists in volume. And for a protein serving (for example, meat, cottage cheese or poultry) it is worth taking no more than one fist. After all, your stomach has significantly shrunk during fasting, so you should not immediately load it with huge portions.

For the first few days, try not to get involved in baking. Of course, this is not a reason to refuse the consecrated Easter cake, but limit yourself to one slice. And for better assimilation, drink it with kefir, fermented baked milk or bifidok. Also try not to cook soups with strong meat broth. It is better to bake or boil the chicken separately, and for soups, give preference to vegetable or light cream soups.

Sample menu for 1-3 days

A good choice:

1-2 boiled eggs
Dried bread toast with homemade jam or honey (no butter)
Green or herbal tea, decaffeinated coffee

Lunch (second breakfast)
A piece of cottage cheese Easter
Apple, pear, banana
Kefir, ryazhenka

Vegetable soup with low-fat sour cream
Light cream soup (with low-fat milk)
Stewed vegetable stew with baked chicken or fish
Tea with mint, juice

afternoon tea
Grain bread sandwich with low-fat cheese (Adyghe type)
Baked apples with honey
Tea, compote

stewed potatoes
boiled rice
Baked fish (perch, tilapia, pollock)
Salad from any vegetables with a spoonful of oil
Herbal or green tea, water

Not the best choice

Sausage and smoked meats
fatty cheese
Fresh loaf with butter

Lunch (second breakfast)

Solyanka (and other fatty, rich soups)
Fried potatoes
Pork chop

afternoon tea
Fresh sweet pastries

Spaghetti with meat sauce
Salad with mayonnaise
Salad type "Olivier"

From 4 to 7 days. Most delicious

Well, the first stage of adaptation is passed. And if there is no heaviness in the stomach, then you can expand your diet. When cooking, the following rules should be followed: it is preferable to cook chicken or turkey rather than duck or goose, and veal instead of beef, pork and lamb.
Low-fat sour milk (cottage cheese, sour cream, milk) prefer fat.
But you can already eat fatty fish, however, it is better to start with small portions.
Of all the cooking methods, it is better to stop at baking or steaming for now.

Sample menu from 4 to 7 days

A good choice:

Omelet with vegetables or baked cheesecakes
A fresh vegetable salad
Sandwich with boiled meat
Tea coffee

Lunch (second breakfast)
Cottage cheese whipped with berries, banana and oatmeal (fiber)

Fish soup
Peppers stuffed with rice, vegetables and veal
Tea, compote

afternoon tea
Caesar salad without dressing

Salmon, stewed or baked
Fresh vegetables and herbs
Tea, decoction or compote

Not the best choice

A sausage sandwich
Coffee with cream

Lunch (second breakfast)

Herring under a fur coat
Pasta with cheese

afternoon tea
Pancakes with meat

Dumplings with butter
creamy ice cream

From 8 to 14 days. The final phase and the transition to spring-summer mode

Well, the final phase of leaving the Lent coincides in time with the height of spring.
And now is the time to transfer your body to the summer menu.
After all, it was not invented by us that in the summer our body becomes slim much faster, especially if you properly balance your diet.

In no case do not forget about breakfast, it is he who sets the tone for the whole day.
If you have already decided to treat yourself to “fast carbohydrates”, then you should do it in the morning hours. Still give the palm to light vegetable and pureed soups. And replace heavy meat dishes with chicken or fish. Late spring and early summer is the time for salads and the first fruits, it is on them that you should base your snacks during the day.

And for convenience and control of your nutrition, you can use the “plate model”. Mentally divide the plate in half each time, and fill one of the halves with vegetables in any variations (of course, without fatty sauces). The second half again in half: in one of them there will be the protein part of your meal (poultry, fish, mushrooms, meat ...), and in the second carbohydrate side dish (buckwheat, lentils, brown rice ...) or a slice of grain bread.

Sample menu from 8 to 14 days

A good choice:

Cottage cheese casserole
Sandwich with canned tuna and herbs
Tea coffee

Lunch (second breakfast)
Mix of nuts and dried fruits

Mushroom cream soup
A fresh vegetable salad
Baked lean meat cutlets
Herb tea

afternoon tea
Seafood and avocado salad
Tea, fresh juice

Homemade chicken pastor
Vegetable stew

Not the best choice

Bacon and eggs
Sweet, glazed muesli (flakes) with full-fat milk

Lunch (second breakfast)

fried cutlets
Meat baked with mayonnaise and cheese

afternoon tea
Biscuit cake, pastry

fried pork

By adhering to these simple rules, you will not only get out of a long fast without loss, but also charge yourself with energy and vitamins for spring and the coming summer.

(Illustrations: wavebreakmedia ltd, Photoanatomy, shutterstock.com)