Most of us have thought about how to change our lives for the better at least once. This is usually caused by dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and with oneself. And the idea that a new life will begin on Monday hovers constantly. However, another Monday comes, and ... everything remains the same. If you still firmly decided that you want to change something, read and take note of the tips below.

Thinking about bad things is forbidden

Everyone seems to know about the power of thought today. Talk about the effectiveness of a positive attitude is not in vain. It really brings results. How to change your life if you constantly think only about the bad? This will be very difficult to do! Positive thoughts give hope and strength to move on. Without faith, not only in success, but even in its ability to change anything will be almost impossible.

Forget about fear and laziness

How to completely change your life? For this, it is important to stop being lazy. And even if the steps taken are not always the right ones, remember: you are already on the path to success, and mistakes cannot be avoided. Don't be afraid to change things. If you are interested in how to change your life, then something in it does not suit you. Where does the fear come from then? It is better to be afraid that you may never achieve your dream, and not that you will have to leave your comfort zone.

Learn to be responsible

How to change your attitude towards life? Be guided by one simple rule: you and only you are responsible for your own future. It just won't change. Your motto should be the following phrase: “If not me, then who?”. Decide in which direction to turn the river of life, and do not deviate from the plan.

Don't Postpone Anything

The assigned task must be completed. If you postpone one important thing, you will create a kind of precedent. In the future, events are likely to develop in a similar scenario. Thus, you will forever remain in the hole from which you tried in vain to get out. Moving towards the intended goal is always concrete steps, not dreams. As an example - simple mathematics: if you make your life better by one percent every day, then in a hundred days everything will be completely different!

Doubt away

From childhood, we learn to think about the consequences of our own actions, and often this is what prevents us from moving forward. Presenting possible scenarios, in most cases we are confident in a negative scenario. But your chances are 50/50. So why does everything have to be bad? With the same degree of probability, you will be able to achieve what you want! Use your intuition and listen to your heart. Of course, if you are wondering how to change your life, this does not mean that you need to give up on everything that does not suit you. So, if you decide to open your own business, do not quit your job immediately and do not rush to register an individual entrepreneur. First, draw up an action plan and realistically assess your strengths. Perhaps, on the way to success, you still need to change a lot in yourself.

We start with housing

How to change life for the better? To this end, we recommend that you draw up a plan to free the house from unnecessary junk. At the same time, every day, allocate to a certain group of things (for example, magazines, CDs, kitchen utensils).

Look around you for things that need fixing, whether it's a T-shirt, a kitchen cabinet, or a rickety chair.

Turn to face happiness

How to completely change your life? On the advice of psychologists, you should think about what you are grateful for. Get your thoughts on paper. In a bad mood, re-read the list. This will become a source of positive emotions.

Write down the things that bring you joy. Aim to pamper yourself with them at least once a week.

Start a diary and record your internal dialogue for ten days. At the same time, try to be as accurate and honest with yourself as possible. Analyzing what you have written, answer the following questions:

Do you criticize the thoughts and actions of others?

Do you often blame yourself for something?

What assessment can be given to your thoughts - positive or negative?

After looking at your internal dialogue from the outside, start changing it for the better. At the same time, do not hold back negative emotions, but try to direct them in a constructive direction. The well-known advice to exercise to vent your anger actually works.

Laugh more often. If you are not in the mood, look for ways to cheer yourself up - watch a good comedy or a humorous show, find a site on the Internet with funny videos, pictures, jokes.

The Importance of Learning and Personal Growth

How can you change your life? Expand your thinking. Read more. At the same time, choose not those books that are fashionable to read, but those that are really interesting and useful to you.

Memorize and learn something new every day, whether it is a description of an unusual animal or the capital of a distant state. If in the evening, when you are going to bed, you remember that you did not follow this recommendation, open the dictionary of the language you are studying and learn one new word.

Get up earlier. Every day for ninety days, set your alarm 1 minute earlier. Use the time that has appeared to open the window, let fresh air and sunlight into the house, and do exercises. We do not recommend using this advice to born owls, because you need to get out of bed early in a good mood, and not just because someone demanded it from you.

Visualize. Fill your thoughts and personal space with pictures, images and phrases about what you want to achieve.

The financial side of the issue

How to change your life radically? We recommend learning to treat money differently. You probably thought that advice on total savings would follow? No, let's consider another option. Think like a rich person: “What do I need to do in order to earn more?” Appreciate your experience and time. There will definitely be an employer who is ready to pay a decent amount for your work. The main thing, as noted above, is to stop being lazy and afraid. Spend an hour every day looking for a new (or additional) source of income.

Time management basics

Free your brain from huge information flows. Keep a notebook to write down your thoughts, upcoming meetings, unresolved issues and burning things. Record on paper how your days go. The information received in five to seven days will be enough to analyze your own lifestyle and identify weaknesses.

Engage in the preparation of a kind of budget, allocating a certain time for certain regular activities. Mark things as low priority and replace them with more important ones. And now move on to the most important thing - finding ways to leak precious time. Try to “patch” the identified “holes” like this:

Allocate even less for video games - twenty minutes;

Turn on the TV for 30 minutes. maximum.

Take time each evening to plan for the next day. At the end of each week, make a review by answering the following questions: “What was achieved?”, “What went wrong?”, “What was right and what was wrong?”.

How to change life? Pay attention to your desktop. Spend at least a few minutes every day throwing away unnecessary papers, cleaning the sharpener, replacing the refill in the pen, etc.

If you feel like stepping back from your plan, ask yourself if doing so would be a better use of your free time.


How to change your life in a month? Take care of yourself. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Reduce servings by one teaspoon daily. After a month, you will notice that you began to eat much less. Give up soda in favor of regular drinking water. Make lunch, not dinner, your main meal. Don't overeat. A diary will help you keep track of your eating habits, in which you will list everything you eat during the day.

How to change lifestyle? Be active. Get a pedometer. The norm is ten thousand steps a day. Put the scale in a visible place. Monitor daily whether you have recovered or lost weight. When gaining weight, take appropriate measures - go in for sports, exclude fried, smoked, salty foods from the diet, etc. Drink a glass of water once an hour, if you forget, set a reminder on your phone. To calm the mind, meditate and visualize.

Having cleansed the body, you will notice how many negative thoughts will disappear, more strength will appear.

Affairs of the Heart

How to change your life radically? Take a fresh look at your loved one. Have you been fighting more and more lately? It's time to build relationships. Get an album and mark in it all the good things that happen to you. After a few months, when enough pleasant moments have accumulated, decorate the notes beautifully and show them to your soulmate.

Decide for yourself three things you will do daily to strengthen your relationship. These can be affectionate words, confessions, hugs, etc.

Social life

How to change your life? The advice of those who have already been able to set foot on a new path agree on one thing: contact with society helps to find backup sources of strength in the process of moving towards the goal. Especially in this regard, communication with those whom you admire and respect is useful. At the same time, do not compare yourself with more successful comrades. Fill your life with joy, success, money.

Thanks to all"

Unfortunately, if something good happens in people's lives, they quickly start to take it for granted. In order not to sin in the same way, use one piece of advice: starting today for a week, thank everything and everyone. For what? For kindness, mutual understanding, participation, sympathy, support ... Meditate before going to bed, be sure to include an expression of gratitude in this process. Say "thank you" to the world for the past day, for new acquaintances, for the opportunities provided. And even for the difficulties it is worth thanking, because all the problems that arise are an opportunity to become even stronger, more organized, more insightful. Such meditations play the role of the strongest energy practices.

Magic power of desire

How to change the dream of a lifetime? It's not as hard to do as you think! The main thing is to start acting immediately. Do you feel like you are moving in the wrong direction and setting the wrong goals for yourself? Start life from scratch, literally. On paper, write down what exactly is the limit of your dreams. For example, you have been going to an unloved job for a long time, you get a more or less decent salary and you hate Mondays. People around say that everyone does it. Plus, there will immediately be a dozen applicants for your vacancy, so sit back and do not tease fate. And for the time being, you heed the advice of caring friends, continuing to regularly go to the hateful office.

And now, using our advice, you find yourself in front of a blank sheet of paper. And you even know what to write on it, because you like flowers so much! So, the limit of your dreams is to breed plants that are amazing in their beauty. Start working on realizing your dream with half an hour a day. To get started, wander around the Internet and select the necessary information, register on the flower growers forum and absorb the experience of like-minded people. The question of how to change your lifestyle will no longer be insoluble for you. The secret is simple: you set a specific goal and go towards it. Over time, a hobby will take more and more time and, with proper organization, will be able to generate income. You can at least sell plant seedlings, and also start your own blog to share your observations and experiences with readers.

Decide on a global goal

In addition to small desires and goals, it is very important to decide on common aspirations. This can be done by answering the following questions: “What am I talented at?”, “What benefit can I bring to society?”, “If I had a billion dollars, what would I do?”.

Don't give up on yourself

Very often people, being under the influence of stereotypes, do not even give themselves a chance to try to apply their abilities, knowledge and strength in a different way. So, a fifty-year-old man does not even think about a career as a chansonnier, and a twenty-five-year-old lawyer only in his wildest dreams allows himself to be a programmer. At the same time, both can have all the makings for successful development in new areas.

But how can a woman change her life, if it seems that luck has turned away, her husband has fallen out of love, the scales treacherously do not want to show lower numbers, and the children bring only triples from school? First of all, it is recommended to relax well. Take a day off from the whole world and pay attention only to yourself. Solitude will help put your thoughts in order and understand which problems are serious and which are not.

Now think about your children. What example are you setting for them? After all, the younger generation (and especially girls) copies the behavior of the mother. Do you want your daughters to behave the same way? No? Then take care of yourself immediately! Appreciate every moment and learn to find joy in the little things.

Think about how your behavior affects your relationship with your spouse. Agree, the statement that only he is to blame for all the problems sounds very doubtful.

If your mood is spoiled by the sight of your own reflection in the mirror, start small: go to bed earlier, start the day with a glass of water, and skip muffins. Your life will not change overnight, but you need to constantly work on improvements.

Don't focus on family. Believe me, children will not thank you for the fact that you devote your whole life only to them. However, it is very important to strike a balance here so that the children still do not suffer from a lack of invaluable maternal attention.

Take your time

Every day of your new life brings with it certain changes. And even if it seems that nothing extraordinary happened, today you still become a little different. Global changes cannot cover you with a huge wave a minute after deciding that it's time to change something. So, if you look at a flower all day long, you will not notice how it grows. But this does not mean at all that the process of plant development has stopped.


What prevents people from freely moving towards their dreams? Often this is a banal fear. This is our psychology. How to change your life? Stop being afraid, discarding all stereotypes about the value of a familiar place.

Everyone knows the fact that we control life exclusively ourselves. And everything that we have achieved, and that you will receive in this life, is completely our merit. Another conclusion follows from this: all the negativity that surrounds us occurred only through our fault and because of our decisions or actions. However, despite our knowledge, it takes us a very long time to realize that we have the ability to change everything. Therefore, in this article we intend to tell and convince you that changing your life for the better is very real, no matter how scary and impossible it may seem.

5 simple steps to change your life and yourself

Our team of authors of the online magazine site believes that there are five main steps to radically change yourself and your life. It is with these steps that you should start if you decide to make changes in your life.
In addition, we would like to warn you about the difficulties that you will most likely have to face: they will not understand you, they will advise you to do everything differently, they will probably try to stop you, and most importantly, you yourself will not particularly oppose this, since you will have little faith into the reality of possible better changes. Therefore, before you change your life, believe in yourself, your strength, and most importantly, in the final success!

So, the steps to a better life:
  1. Build an imaginary better future and make a detailed plan to bring it to fruition. Every change starts with a dream. Each of you should have your own dream, or rather a goal for which you will live, work and change yourself. The dream should be so strong that for the sake of it you can wake up early in the morning and get to work, for the sake of it you will not stop after failures. Try to describe in detail your future better life: what and how it will take place every day. For example, describe to yourself what clothes you will wear, what house you will live in, and what kind of person will be next to you. After you have a goal, try to come up with a step-by-step plan or tasks that you need to complete on pieces of paper and write in detail on pieces of paper. For example, we have a dream to live in Canada. To do this, we draw up a rough plan: to study options for emigration to Canada, collect the necessary documents and raise money. Then you begin to implement each of the points. This is how they change their lives for the better.

  2. Touch real change. You cannot change your life for the better by changing some little thing in it, such as buying a professional camera or going to the sea. The goal should be more global and relate to most of your life. For example, you can change your job, place of residence, attitude to life, etc. In addition, your desires must be real, and not the desire to learn how to fly in the air.

  3. Change your social circle. In many ways, the changes will depend on the circle of your communication, if the people around you support, help and in every possible way contribute to your improvements, then everything will work out. If others envy, escalate the situation, not believe in you and say all sorts of nasty things about you, then, of course, no changes will occur. We can tell you right away that in 95% of cases the social circle will have to be changed in any case, because if you are unhappy now, then this is partly the fault of the people around you too. They can be direct culprits in this, and indirect, for example, be indifferent to your life situation. Therefore, start communicating with successful people, kind and those who believe in your potential changes. It’s better for other people not to talk about their plans at all, just stop contacting them and that’s it ...

  4. Find the strength in yourself to rise after the falls. Of course, in building a successful and happy future, there will be constant problems and failures. In these difficult moments, you should never give up or give up. You need to “get up off your knees” and continue to go ahead into your best life. Be prepared for such difficulties. Look for support among people close to you. Be bolder and more persistent, because you still need to achieve your happiness, no matter what it takes.

  5. Start acting right now! Do you know what is the best moment to start your changes?! RIGHT NOW!!! Do you want to change yourself and your life?! Then immediately begin to change, do not wait for the right moment, it may never be, but this does not mean that you need to sit and wait for it. The faster you "start", the faster you will come to the goal - to your better life.

Each of us at least once in our lives thought about the question: how to change our lives for the better. As usual, everything started either on Monday, or on New Year's Eve, and so on. That day came, but ... nothing happened. And if the first timid steps were taken, then all this quickly faded and rolled back to the stage of intentions and dreams shelved. Well, isn't it terrible?

In this post, you will learn about ten fundamental steps that you need to take to make the planned changes in your life irreversible. It will really help change lives. Moreover, if at least one of these steps is not taken, the chances of making the necessary changes in life are noticeably reduced. By studying these steps, you can see where you went wrong when you tried to change your life. These steps are applicable in any area of ​​life, whether it is learning a new profession, working on your health and fitness, getting an education, etc.

To begin with, a little introductory information that will help you better understand what will be discussed here.

The human psyche is a very stable thing. On the one hand, this allows you to maintain the integrity of your personality, professional skills, accumulate knowledge, etc. On the other hand, resilience hinders change. And sometimes it interferes so much that even vital changes come with a terrible creak.

But change in today's environment is necessary just to stay afloat, and even more so if you understand the importance of growing and developing yourself. It can be confidently said that nothing shines in a person’s life if he does not work on himself constantly, does not develop and does not acquire new skills and habits. However, the stability of the psyche poses many serious barriers to change. How to overcome these barriers and get what you need?

There is an exit. It is necessary to learn new things, master new skills and knowledge. That is, you need to change yourself. You cannot get something qualitatively new in your life if you do the same thing that you are doing now. You will get something new only when you start acting differently, armed with new knowledge, skills and habits.

Step 1. Believe that you are the same as others. You are not unique.

No, no, this does not mean that you do not have any zest and uniqueness. This means that if one of the people managed to achieve something, then you can achieve the same and even surpass him. After all, he's only human, just like you. And he, just like you, experienced difficulties, doubts, fear, lack of experience and knowledge, ridicule of others.

If you dream of a healthy fit body, you can achieve it. Because many people already have it. If you want to quit smoking, you can do that too.

However, one should keep in mind the reverse side of its non-uniqueness. Many people have failed to achieve what they want, and, therefore, this can easily happen to you. If you act (or inaction) in the same way as they do.

It is especially easy to achieve goals if you have many people you know who have already achieved it. If you are surrounded by such people, you will rise quickly. If there are many people around you who have not succeeded, there is a high probability that you will not succeed either.

So, aim to stay close to people who already have what you want.

Study their books, seek to understand more deeply how they live, how they think, how they act.

Step 2. Start integrating new skills into your life

This literally means that in your lifestyle there should be a place and time for the new, the very thing that you so want to see in your life. It is necessary, and as soon as possible, to find a place for this in your diary, on your desktop, on your computer, on your smartphone, etc.

There is an interesting psychological law, according to which, if within a few days (maximum within a week) you do not take at least the very first and simple steps in the direction you are interested in, interest in this disappears. So desired begins to seem boring and uninteresting.

In order not to fall victim to this law and not to miss what could be the most life-changing decision in your life, just set yourself a time when you will do it. Do not think that this will work out somehow in between. Will not work!

It is necessary to plan it and be sure to complete it at the appointed time.

If you decide to study English, you should set aside at least half an hour or an hour for this every day, say, before going to bed. At this time, you just need to sit down at the table, read books, listen to records, etc.

We decided to start running, plan to get up half an hour earlier and go to the stadium. It's time to run and nothing else!

Decided to change your diet to a healthier one, start changing the contents of your refrigerator today. Make the necessary purchases on the way home. And today try a new dish that meets new requirements ...

Step 3. Decide what to give up

Each person has only 24 hours in a day, 6-10 of which he sleeps. You can not fill this time with an infinite number of cases. Something is bound to fail. Therefore, if you decide to bring new habits and skills into your life, you should give up something in order to make time and space for this new one. And, of course, it would be wise if you give up something that clearly interferes with the new and does not have much benefit.

You can get up half an hour earlier to run. But if you don't turn off the TV for the night, I'm afraid your running venture will quickly fade. You will simply not get enough sleep, and on this your passion for running will quickly end, without even starting. Do you want to get up earlier? Then you just need to go to bed earlier! There are no other options!

To find time to learn English, you need to stop watching your favorite series (which, by the way, does not bring you closer to the goal). The time spent on it is spent on entertainment. And this is not always so necessary.

A new skill should not get across the familiar rut of life.

And you need to think about how to embed it in a smart way so that there are no insurmountable difficulties or a desire to drop everything and return to the starting position.

Sometimes people try to combine completely opposite desires or try to squeeze into their lives what is clearly superfluous in it. I know people who are “trying” to start a healthy life, start running, exercising, but do not think about going to bed at the same time, giving up 30 cigarettes smoked a day and 10 cups of daily coffee. Meaning?

For this reason, a sophisticated mind is given to a person in order to find a suitable solution in order to cope with difficulties that at first glance seem insurmountable.

Step 4. What you want to bring into your life should bring joy

It is completely pointless to try to do exercises if you are not happy with it. You should not force yourself to learn a foreign language if it does not find at least the slightest joyful response in the depths of your soul.

As experience and scientific research show, any undertaking, if it is done through force (without obvious joy and interest), after a couple of months, leads to disgust.

Have you seen children who, after graduating from a music school, do not even want to look in the direction of the piano? Exactly!

Don’t even try to find “reasonable” reasons to start doing something if it doesn’t resonate with joyful interest inside

Don't waste time. Do what you are really interested in.

True, it must be said that there are elementary things that are still worth doing, despite the fact that they seem boring to some. For example, brush your teeth, wash your face, at least occasionally read books, move physically, ask questions about your place in life. They bring very rich dividends. And you just have to be mentally ill to be disgusted by such things ...

Step 5: Embrace failure as a life lesson

Have you already tried something many times, but it did not work out for you? Did you have a hard time with the first (second, third) failure and have already decided that you are a loser? Made fun!

Failure is your best friend!

Attentive attitude to your own failures, thinking about their causes, analysis is the best way to achieve what you want. You always have one more chance.

Just carefully analyze why you failed. Failure always has obvious reasons.

Lost a boxing match? This means that the reaction is rather weak or the blow is not very fast. Can be corrected with exercise. Can't start eating right, even though you know everything about it? See what's stopping you. It may be necessary to talk with family members, remove interfering barriers, etc.

It is important to understand that failure can be accidental, or it can be the result of self-sabotage - an internal struggle with yourself (you wanted to fail from the very beginning).

Random failure can be caused by external causes beyond your control or by strong emotional upheavals (work rush at work, road accident, natural disasters). If the cause of your failure was a random factor, it is worth taking measures to reduce the likelihood of such failures in the future. And just move on.

In the case of self-sabotage, when you subconsciously resist change, it is pointless to continue to act in the same ways. You need to find a different approach, change the time and place, find a different teacher, and generally make sure that you really want it. Maybe you are not satisfied with the way to achieve the goal, or maybe this goal is simply not deeply interesting to you ...

A smart person with each failure acts more wisely and efficiently. Great and successful people have suffered a lot of failures in their time, but they have drawn the right conclusions from them.

Step 6. Consider the pressure of the people around you

You cannot even imagine how much the people around you are interested in you when you begin to change in the direction you need. And the first thing they begin to do is persistent attempts to bring you back to their usual state.

Close and familiar people always have some plans for you and expect that you will behave in the way they are used to.

If you quit smoking, you will definitely be pulled into the smoking room to discuss important news. Moreover, you will feel that you simply have to smoke.

If you start to change your diet and try not to eat at night, there will definitely be someone who will cook insanely fragrant pastries in the evening. You can be sure!

If you start going to the gym, you are sure to hear five hundred reasons not to do it with a scientific justification for the terrible harm of fitness from people who have never even tried to train!

You must understand that you will definitely encounter such resistance. And you just need to be persistent and firm. And there is no need to explain or justify anything to anyone. Calmly and thoroughly do what you have planned. In the family, you can limit yourself to one serious conversation and explanations why you are doing this. Gradually, the pressure of others will disappear, and many will even begin to follow you when they see that you are achieving what you set out to do.

Step 7: Reward yourself for even small successes.

Very often real changes occur after quite a long time. In almost all more or less serious things, noticeable changes occur in a few months. This applies to changes in the figure during fitness classes, to knowing a foreign language, to mastering some complex skill, such as touch typing or fast reading.

And you have to be just a hero to make efforts for several months with almost no visible result. So reward yourself for even the smallest successes. Celebrate the one week anniversary of starting your running 🙂 Celebrate your first 100 English words or mastering the grammatical forms of an English verb.

Give yourself a nice little gift to thank you for your efforts.

Buy yourself a cake, ice cream, cook your favorite dish, go to the movies, make a nice purchase... It seems like a small thing, but it really supports you on a long, sometimes difficult path. Your brain is stimulated and encouraged by such gratitude. Ultimately, it will keep you motivated.

Step 8: Actively Ignore Doubt

In any endeavor, doubts are inevitable. Not a single person escaped doubt when starting something new. Doubt is normal, especially when it comes to changing your life.

If you have not done something before, then you will not succeed in it anyway. Until you get your hands on it and get enough experience. It `s naturally.

However, beware of wallowing in doubt. This is a real swamp, getting out of which is very, very difficult. It's better not to step on it.

Try not to get too immersed in your failures and failures, which are simply inevitable at the beginning of the journey of change. Just get up and move on. Do not allow yourself to think that, well, I can’t do anything, I will never be able to do it, I failed again ... This is the path of the swamp. Every time you will fix your attention on the fact that you are not succeeding. And you will quickly convince yourself that it is all useless. After all, you, it seems, have indisputable facts on your hands, indicating that everything is going very badly. Thus, each new failure will convince you that you really will not succeed.

But in reality it is not so! With such thoughts, you simply stop your movement, deprive yourself of energy for further movement. But you want something completely different! So do it anyway. Go to your goal, despite the falls and failures. Moreover, failure is a great assistant on the way to the goal, as we said above.

It is hard to imagine the number of people who spent all their energy on doubts, instead of persevering towards their goal.

Decide for yourself whether you do it or not. And just take the right steps.

Step 9. Take your time

Any new business almost always goes very slowly. This is natural, since you do not have the skills and sufficient knowledge. You have to learn everything along the way and think over every little thing for a long time. This is a completely normal process.

When a novice musician masters the first simple pieces, he must play them at a very slow pace, but very clearly and with high quality. This is fine. It takes time for the necessary nerve connections and processes in the brain to develop. And after some time, the same musician, often unexpectedly for himself, is able to play this piece much faster.

If the musician tries to play this piece at once at the right speed, I'm afraid you won't appreciate this music. Moreover, as practice shows, such an approach never leads to a high-quality performance of the work. That is, a musician spends hundreds of hours rehearsing, but rushes things, not allowing the necessary skills to form correctly. The result is a complete marriage!

Therefore, do not rush when starting a new business for yourself. Make sure that it starts to turn out at least a little. Reward yourself for it, let the skill get stronger, don't rush to move on. Let the skill become stable. And after that, move on. Change your life gradually but persistently.

Don't try to run if you haven't really learned how to crawl yet.

Give yourself all the time you need. And don't beat yourself up for being slow. Everyone has their own pace. Follow your pace.

And very soon you will realize that you are doing a new business very quickly and very effectively.

Step 10: Overcome growing pains

When you start moving towards new achievements, mastering new skills and knowledge, you will inevitably face a situation where you are no longer the same person, but also not the one you want to become. At this stage, you are, as it were, a semi-finished product.

If you decide to go in for sports, you are no longer the weak and sick person that you were at the very beginning, but you are not an athlete yet (the muscles still look like funny bumps and ridiculous bumps on the body). You are on your way. And this state can be uncomfortable. You may feel annoyed, insecure, uncomfortable, irritated. You cannot intelligibly answer the question of who you are now. It's normal growing pains!

To overcome this uncomfortable state, just try to be your own friend. Be attentive to yourself and try to act consciously. Be aware that you are on the way to your goal. And believe that you will definitely achieve it. If there is a failure, tell yourself that yes, it happens, if there are successes, rejoice in it with all your heart.

The most important thing for you now is the fact of movement

You are growing and developing. This is the main thing. Now you are a river flowing from the source to the mouth through the steppes, deserts, mountains and forests. You do everything in your power to achieve your goal. Apparently, there is nothing more worthy in life!

Understanding and clear awareness that you are now on the move makes it much easier to survive failures, the opinions of others and other difficulties.

Print out and hang these steps above your desk. Memorize them by heart, practice them daily, and changes in life will not keep you waiting.

How to change your life? Another guide to action to improve your life and put in order not only your thoughts, but also your things. As we know, everything is interconnected: if you lower your head and slouch, you will immediately feel insecure. But as soon as you raise your head, straighten your shoulders and smile, even in a bad mood, everything changes around you and you are already the kings of the ball.

"100 Days of Summer" will no longer work, so let's add a small piece of the velvet season there for good measure;)

In order to change your life (and in any direction), you need quite a bit - just start acting. But this "simple" is not always so simple. Sometimes we know what to do, but these actions seem scary to us. And sometimes we do not have a clear plan, nor an understanding of how to draw up this plan. Perhaps these 60 small steps will help you finally start doing something. And even if after 20 steps you realize that this is not your plan, you will already be ready to make your own plan. Eyes are afraid, but hands do?


1. Create your own “Calendar for cleaning the House of unnecessary things”, distributing the cleaning of various household areas by day.

Day 1: Parsing magazines.

Day 2: Parsing the DVD.

Day 3. Parsing books.

2. Live by the mantra: "There is a place for everything and put everything in its place." Try all 10 days to follow the following 4 rules:

1. If you took something, then put it back in its place.

2. If you open something, close it.

3. If you drop something, pick it up.

4. If you took something off, hang it back.

3. Walk around the house and find 100 things that need to be fixed or tweaked a little. For example, change a light bulb, seal a hole in the wallpaper, screw in a new outlet, etc.


4. Follow, finally, the advice that psychologists of all countries and completely different views repeat - write on a piece of paper from 5 to 10 things for which you are grateful in your life every day.

5. Make a list of 20 small things you enjoy doing and make sure you do at least one of them a day for the next 100 days. For example, eat your lunch on a bench in the park, walk in the park with a dog in the evening, 1 hour of watercolor painting, etc.

6. Keep a diary of your psychological chatter - that is, write down your thoughts and feelings that arose throughout the day. For example, how many times a day have you blamed yourself for something, how critical you are to others, how many times a day you have positive thoughts, etc.

7. For the next 100 days, try to have a good laugh at least once a day.

Study or self-development

8. Choose a difficult book that you still have not dared to read, but wanted to. Read it in 100 days from cover to cover.

9. Learn something new every day. For example, the name of a flower, the capital of a distant country, the name of a dog breed you like, etc. And in the evening you can scroll in your head all the new things that you learned over the past day, get a dictionary and learn a new word.

10. Stop complaining for the next 100 days. Negative thoughts lead to negative results. Every time you feel like complaining, try to stop yourself.

11. Set your alarm a minute earlier each day for 100 days. Try to get up as soon as the alarm goes off, open the windows, do light exercises. After 100 days, you will wake up 1.5 hours earlier without much effort.

12. For the next 100 days, lead the Morning Pages, a simple stream of consciousness in the morning that you will write in a special notebook. This should be the first thing you do after waking up.

13. For the next 100 days, try to focus your attention on the thoughts, words, and images of who you want to be and what you want to achieve.


14. Make a budget. Write down every penny you spend in 100 days.

15. Search the Internet for good financial advice and pick 10 of them. Try to follow them for the next 100 days. For example, going to the store with limited cash and no credit card, doing several things in one trip to save on gas, etc.

16. Pay in stores only with paper money and put the remaining change in the piggy bank after purchases. After 100 days, calculate how much you can save.

17. For 100 days, do not buy anything that you do not really need (meaning fairly large purchases). Use this money to pay off a loan (if you have one) or put it in a savings account for six months.

18. For 100 days, dedicate at least 1 hour a day to finding or creating a source of additional income.

Time Management

19. For the next 100 days, carry a notebook with you everywhere. Write down all the ideas and thoughts that come to your mind, make your to-do list, write down new meetings literally on the go right after the calls.

20. Track how you use your time for 5 days. Use the information you've collected to create your "time budget": the percentage of your total time spent on activities that you do each day. For example, house cleaning, commuting time, vacation time, etc. Make sure you stay within your budget for the next 95 days.

21. Identify a low priority task for yourself that you can not do for 100 days, and replace it with a really important one.

22. Identify 5 ways your time is "leaking" and limit that time to the next 100 days. For example, do not watch TV for more than 1.5 hours, do not spend more than 1.5 hours a day on social networks, etc.

23. For the next 100 days, stop multitasking and do only one important thing a day.

24. For the next 100 days, plan your day from the evening.

25. For the next 100 days, do the most important things on your to-do list first, and then everything else.

26. For the next 14 weeks, review each week. During the weekly survey, answer the following questions:

What have you achieved?

What went wrong?

What did you do right?

27. For the next 100 days, at the end of each day, tidy up your desk, sort out your papers and stationery. So that every morning you will have an order on your desktop.

28. Make a list of all the promises and commitments you've made for the next 100 days, then take out a red pen and cross off anything that won't bring you joy or bring you closer to your goals.

29. For the next 100 days, before you switch from one thing to another during the day, ask yourself, is this the best use of your time and resources?


30. Losing about a pound of weight requires burning 3,500 calories. If you reduce your calorie intake every day by 175, then after 100 days you will lose about 2.5 kg.

31. For the next 100 days, eat vegetables 5 times a day.

32. For the next 100 days, eat fruit 3 times a day.

33. Pick one food that consistently disrupts your attempts to eat healthy—whether it's cheesecake from your local bakery, pizza, or your favorite potato chips—and stop eating it for the next 100 days.

34. For the next 100 days, eat from smaller plates to control how much you eat.

35. For the next 100 days, use 100% juice instead of high sugar substitutes.

36. For the next 100 days, drink only water instead of soda.

37. Make a list of 10 easy and healthy breakfasts.

38. Make a list of 20 easy and healthy meals that you can eat for lunch and dinner.

39. Make a list of 10 easy and healthy snacks.

40. Use your healthy meal lists to plan your meals for the week ahead. Eat like this for the next 14 weeks.

41. For the next 100 days, keep a food journal to see if you deviate from your menu.

42. For the next 100 days, spend at least 20 minutes a day exercising.

43. For the next 100 days, always carry a pedometer with you and try to walk 10,000 steps a day.

44. Set up your scales and hang a graph from your bathroom. At the end of each of the 14 weeks, weigh yourself and record your weight loss (gain), changes in waist circumference, etc.

45. For the next 100 days, set your watch or computer to remind you every hour to drink water.

46. For the next 100 days, meditate, breathe, visualize - make it your daily ritual to calm your mind.


47. For the next 100 days, find something positive in your partner every day and write it down.

48. For the next 100 days, keep an album of your joint activities, scrapbooking. At the end of your experiment, give your partner the resulting scrapbook and a list of all the positive things you have observed during those 100 days.

49. Determine for yourself 3 actions that you will take every day for the next 100 days to strengthen your relationship. It can be the words "I love you" or hugs every morning.

Social life

50. Chat every day for the next 100 days with someone new. It can be your neighbor with whom you have never communicated before, your comment on a blog where you have never written anything before, a new acquaintance on social networks, etc.

51. For the next 100 days, focus on connecting with people you admire and respect.

52. For the next 100 days, if someone has offended or upset you, think for a minute before responding.

53. For the next 100 days, don't even think about issuing a final verdict before both sides have been heard.

54. For the next 100 days, try to do at least one good deed a day, no matter how small.

55. For the next 100 days, praise everyone who deserves it.

56. Practice active listening for the next 100 days. When the interlocutor speaks, listen to him, and do not rehearse your answer in your head, ask again to make sure you heard everything correctly, etc.

57. Practice empathy for the next 100 days. Before judging someone, try looking at the case from their point of view. Be curious, find out more about the interlocutor (his interests, beliefs, etc.)

58. For the next 100 days, live your life and don't compare yourself to anyone.

59. For the next 100 days, look for good intentions in the actions of those around you.

60. For the next 100 days, constantly remind yourself that everyone is doing the best they can.

Human nature is such that we are always striving to improve our lives. Even those who have already achieved many of their goals, from time to time ask themselves the question - how else can you change your life? And people who value stability, nevertheless, will never refuse, for example, a salary increase, a pleasant acquaintance, or some other change in life for the better.

Why is it necessary to change lives? Is it bad when it flows in its own way, measuredly and smoothly? Having achieved favorable conditions - a stable job, their own apartment, a beautiful family - people often fold their hands and begin to think that there is nowhere to improve their lives even more, and there is no need. And what is the result? After some time, work begins to bother, a period of misunderstanding sets in in the family, and the apartment, it turns out, could be bigger and more comfortable. A person simply becomes bored, because in order to get joy from life and be successful, it is important to develop and not stand still.

Therefore, no matter how successful life may seem, there are always ways to improve it. We will suggest several different areas in which you can make progress - take your pick and decide what could be done today!

How to change your life

To improve your life, first decide what exactly you would like to change. Someone can say - everything is fine with me, I don’t need to change anything. But don't such people deep down want progress? After all, changing life is not necessarily a rejection of existing benefits, it is also the emergence of something new. Career growth or the birth of a long-awaited child are also changes, and, moreover, pleasant ones.

Are you determined to change your life for the better? Then let's figure out which way to move. First, decide on your goals and aspirations. Someone already knows for a long time what he wants and achieves. But even such purposeful individuals will not be superfluous to take a closer look at themselves - just to make sure that they are moving in the right direction.

1. Ask yourself questions.

What is my life like now and how much do I like it? How do I want to see her? What do I like to do and what can I do now? What concessions for the sake of this am I ready to make, and what will I not do? This sets the stage for future changes and lets the brain know that its owner is serious.

2. Understand yourself.

Take two sheets of paper, write down your strengths on one and your weaknesses on the other. Now, on the first line opposite each item, write what you would like to improve and develop - for example, not only to read in English, but also to speak fluently with native speakers. And on the second - what can be done to mitigate or eliminate these shortcomings. You will immediately see the future front of work.

3. Build an action plan for the coming year based on these two lists.

Every month, focus on one of the items from each. A new habit is established in 21 days - thus every month you can develop and consolidate one useful one and find a replacement for one harmful one. Think about how to combine these points: for example, in April you can start going out for morning runs, and for this you will have to learn how to get up early and, accordingly, not stay up late in the evening. And before that, you can learn to devote not two hours a day to social networks, but one, and in the free time to make entries in your diary, cook, do your hobbies or household chores.

4. Take responsibility for your life.

Tell yourself: from this moment on, my life is changed by my powers. Even for those who find fault in their failures in the strictness of their parents and unhappy childhood, it is important to realize that changes in life are the work of their own hands. Give up the thought of waiting for outside help and looking for someone to blame. This is a change in the way of thinking, which unties the hands and makes it much freer.

5. Learn to look at life with optimism.

In everything that happens, highlight the positive side. Have you been sold a defective product? You now have experience with a store manager, and besides, you know how important it is to collect a check. Take advantage of everything you come across.

6. Be prepared for not the most favorable outcome.

This does not contradict the previous point: in the same case with the purchase, you can hope that everything will be fine with it, or you can take into account the unpleasant option and reserve the opportunity to return the money. An optimist is not the one who looks at life through rose-colored glasses, but the one who sees both sides of the issue, consciously choosing the positive from them.

7. Replace apologies with gratitude.

This does not apply if you stepped on someone's foot, but in many cases it is useful to replace self-abasement and attempts to see your guilt with respect for yourself and at the same time understanding for others. Instead of “sorry for bothering me with my problems” - “thank you for your caring”. Instead of “sorry to wake you up” - “thanks for paying attention, I remember that you sleep at such a time, but this was an exceptional case.”

8. And at the same time, train yourself to be attentive to people.

No amount of gratitude will save those who regularly wake up with phone calls or overload with their problems from conflict.

9. Start timing.

Spend the day writing down each of your activities - down to brushing your teeth - and the time it takes. You can discover the most curious facts: a frighteningly difficult task, the implementation of which takes half a day to persuade yourself, in fact takes only twenty minutes, and innocent surfing the Internet takes two hours, flying by like five minutes. Manage your time, use it wisely.

10. If the results of the previous paragraph showed that time really goes wrong, learn time management.

How exactly can this technique be applied? Here are a few ways to get your life in order with it.

11. Develop a sense of timing.

Take one minute, close your eyes and try to determine when it will pass. When you feel that the right moment has come, open your eyes and compare your result with a stopwatch. You will most likely see that time, as we perceive it, differs from the actual course. We think that only an hour has passed, but in reality - “oh, how late it is!”

Practice this exercise more often - in line, in the elevator, and it is especially convenient when you are waiting for the subway train and see the stopwatch. Gradually increase the interval from a minute to two, five, ten. It will also be useful to learn to guess what time it is. All this will help you become the master of your time.

12. Get rid of tasks that you perform unnecessarily long, to the detriment of other things.

If you can find a faster replacement - try to do it. Or even delegate the task.

Do you really need to cook a three-course meal every day? Maybe you can get by with simpler recipes or get family help? Are you sure that you need to go to the store across the city - maybe it's more rational to make a purchase near the house or order delivery?

The time spent should always be compensated for in some way - if not with money, then with pleasure, good health or benefit in the future. Where you can reduce the amount of time - do it.

13. Determine what extraneous factors "eat up" time.

Maybe a chat with a neighbor or an employee who came up for a minute and talked for half an hour? Or work meetings? Highlight what happens more than once a week, and talk to the "culprits", explain that you can give them no more than a certain period - five to ten minutes.

14. Try to make the most of every minute of your time.

Do sit-ups while the meatballs are frying, solve sudoku or memorize English words while waiting for the elevator.

The next few tips are not directly related to time management, but are certainly related to both time and improving the quality of life.

15. Set aside 7-8 hours of sleep.

This is the same necessary procedure for the body as an inspection for a car or cleaning the registry for a computer - it will help you work faster and better and protect you from more serious and expensive repairs.

16. Go to bed at the same time.

So the body will be easier to get used to and tune in.

17. If you feel overwhelmed in the morning, try not to increase the duration of sleep, but vice versa - reduce it by half an hour.

This is due to the change in fast and slow sleep phases: by moving from one to another, you can make it easier to get up.

18. If you decide to relax and take a nap during the day, allocate no more than fifteen minutes for this.

A longer sleep will bring a feeling of weakness instead of a feeling of relaxation.

Fifteen minutes is not so little if you change your life during this period and do it every day. Here are some examples.

19. Make it a habit to do something for your home every day.

Dust or dust the floors, put things in their places or vacuum, and the weekly general cleaning will be reduced by an hour and a half. Here it is the same as in sports: short-term, but regular exercises are more effective than long loads once every 2 months. First we feed our house - then it feeds us.

20. Go in for sports.

What can be done in 15 minutes? For example, stand in a plank, do a few push-ups or pull-ups, or perform a complex of therapeutic exercises.

21. Dance.

If you think you don't know how, just move to your favorite music. The body will figure out what it lacks to relax tense places.

Arrange a brainstorming session for a problem.

23. Read.

Fifteen minutes is not long enough to focus on a serious book, but enough for a short story or Wikipedia article.

24. Meditate.

Relax your mind and body, listen to the sensations - clamps, persistent thoughts.

25. Draw.

Do not be afraid that you will not get a masterpiece - do it for your own pleasure.

26. Call friends or relatives you rarely see.

27. Write a blog or diary entry.

Often people don't do what they would like to do because they think there is no time for it. A task that seems massive is intimidating. But try to do it in small portions, and in a week you will see the first results.

How to improve life

From simple daily tasks, let's move on to more serious practices. What can and should be changed in the mind to make life better?

28. Develop critical thinking.

Check the information you receive.

29. Listen first of all to the advice that was asked for.

30. And do not give advice yourself if they were not asked.

And if you decide to offer something, ask the person if he is ready to listen. If someone's decision seems strange and wrong, get to know the situation before giving your opinion.

31. Avoid generalizations, talk only about the present moment.

Instead of "you keep throwing things around" - "you took this book and didn't put it on the shelf, and I couldn't find it for a long time." This will help avoid many conflicts.

32. And do not allow yourself to be drawn into generalized expressions.

If someone is addressing you in the vein of "you're always late," don't fight back. Answer what you can agree with: “yes, I really don’t always time my time.” The interlocutor will not have the resources to maintain the conflict. You will receive information for reflection: maybe it’s really worth considering your schedule more carefully?

To the one who says: “it won’t work anyway”, “there won’t be enough money for this”, “there are many other things to do”.

This is not about the voice of reason that resists sitting on social networks or the tenth unnecessary purchase. We are talking about that internal censor, because of which many important and successful projects did not take place and which seeks to deprive self-confidence.

34. When the mechanism “it won’t work anyway” is turned on - find counterarguments!

No time? But you can always set aside at least an hour. What will others say? Perhaps they will say: “How good it turned out!” Fight, don't fold your arms.

35. Put yourself in the shoes of your inner critic.

Imagine that it is you who is preventing another from making and implementing a decision. Think about what intentions are driving at the same time, what makes you do this? This will help you find counterarguments and understand yourself.

36. If some quality of another person causes irritation, this is a signal to take a closer look at yourself.

Often we are annoyed in other people by what we do not like in ourselves, but are afraid to admit.

37. If possible, avoid value judgments about people - this will allow you to focus more on your development, and not on criticizing others.

38. Study psychology.

Knowing people and their motives will change life for the better, and understanding how best to behave in a given situation, even more so.

39. Don't be attached to money.

They are needed in order not to think about them. Feel free to spend what you earn, use your finances for your pleasures.

40. And if you already like to spend the entire salary for the week - try to change your habits and make savings.

41. Beat procrastination.

This quality interferes with a variety of people in different fields of activity. Start doing here and now, not postponing for the mythical “later”.

42. Give up conflicts.

Do not enter into an argument for the sake of an argument, avoid conflicting personalities.

43. Stop "kicking" yourself like a negligent subordinate.

Start cooperating with yourself as with a polite and professional business partner who does not let you down.

44. Master the Pareto rule: 20% of effort brings 80% of the result.

First, do the important things that will solve most of the issues, and then the details. Here are some examples of how this rule can be applied in real life.

45. Determine the circle of closest friends.

There can be many pleasant acquaintances, but only a few are worth seriously counting on. Be close to those who matter and don't have high expectations from random buddies.

46. ​​Choose the minimum clothing required for most situations.

Secure your basic wardrobe: a few durable, high-quality all-rounders to accessorize with.

47. Find your work niche in which you will develop, and go deeper in this direction.

Don't be scattered: one main occupation should bring the largest part of the income. If you find something more profitable, focus on this new activity.

48. A small number of mentors provide the bulk of knowledge.

One omniscient guru - good, two - very good, three - see how not to get confused in their advice. Find someone to support you, but don't expect advice from everyone at once. Listen to different people, trust proven ones.

But suppose both procrastination and conflict have long been defeated. You glanced through all the previous points, which are already a passed stage or something completely unknown. What can you advise to those who are successful, happy and still striving for more?

49. Conquer Everest.

Or, for starters, at least Goverla. Reaching the top in the literal sense is the best way to fill life with new colors.

50. Skydive.

51. Spend your vacation hitchhiking.

52. Buy a bike.

Ride it to work, on weekend trips. You will get not only an active lifestyle, but also new acquaintances with the same people.

53. Try scuba diving.

54. Go to an unfamiliar country with no money in your wallet.

Find a part-time job there to earn a living, meet the locals and find out how they live, try your hand. Not everyone decides to do this, but they return from such trips as completely different people.

55. Create your own project in which you can share knowledge and skills in areas where you have accumulated solid experience.

Think: what do you like to do in your free time, what do you feel like a professional in? It is not necessarily what brings money or practical benefit now. If you find people who are interested in the same things and who need valuable advice, you will be able to monetize your "useless" hobby in the future.

56. Have a baby.

This is the most effective way to make changes in your life for years to come.

And what can you think of less extreme, but also important?

57. Introduce family traditions: dinner together or weekend hikes.

58. Visit relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

59. Love sports.

It will help develop discipline, stress resistance, willpower - these qualities are never enough. Among all the variety of its species, there is sure to be something that will appeal to you. Here are some options.

60. Sign up for a pool.

This is not only swimming, but also diving, and if you like to work in a team, then synchronized swimming or water polo. In water, there is less risk of injury, and at the same time, all muscle groups receive a suitable load.

61. Those who love team sports probably already play football or basketball.

But they are worth a try for those who consider themselves an introvert. Such a change can reveal unknown facets of personality and show what it is like working in a team.

62. And for those who do not think of themselves outside the team, it will be useful to play a few games of table tennis or badminton, where you have to rely only on your own strength.

63. Try yourself in martial arts.

Each of them has its own philosophy, from which something important can be learned. And besides, such skills can be useful outside the gym.

64. Learn to play chess.

And if you already know how - there is no limit to perfection! Find a partner you can exercise with regularly, or start making your own goals.

65. Hang a horizontal bar in the doorway of your room.

Every time you enter or exit, do pull-ups. This also applies to girls - such exercises will not make the shoulders masculine, but they will strengthen both the muscles and self-confidence.

66. Walk more - to and from work, at least part of the way. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

67. Go camping.

Travel agencies offer many options - hiking in the home country and foreign landscapes, mountain, water and even bicycle tours. This is a type of holiday that you need to try at least once in your life. Even one such vacation changes life for the better - it is an opportunity to spend time in an active and cheerful company, see breathtakingly beautiful places and test your strength. Here, too, there is plenty to choose from.

68. Alloys - on kayaks or catamarans, along a mountain stream or a calm river.

It will leave a pleasant impression for those who love water, and will bring incomparable pleasure from rowing. Plus, you don’t have to carry a heavy backpack on this trip.

69. Hiking - on the plains or mountains, in any case, invigorate and strengthen.

And a heavy backpack is nothing compared to the light nature of experienced tourists, unforgettable places and adventures, satisfaction at the end of the journey.

70. Winter outings.

Those who have tried summer outdoor activities may be interested in seeing familiar places in winter: frozen waterfalls and rivers, or caves in which the temperature is constant all year round. Not to mention such traditional winter entertainment as skiing. If you haven't tried it, discover it for yourself.

What to do at home?

You have returned from an alloy or from the mountains, determined to continue to change your usual way of life. Where to apply it?

71. Rearrange your room.

This will be a kind of breath of fresh air for the brain - such shakes and the need to change the usual course of action are useful to it.

72. Try new cuisine: Italian (and not only pizza), Georgian, Brazilian…

73. Love mornings and Mondays.

It sounds like a mockery, but in fact, you should not be aggressive about a new beginning and a clean slate.

74. Every evening make a plan for the next day.

75. Get a pet.

Let's dwell here in more detail.

76. Getting a dog will be useful for those who are not against daily walks and an active lifestyle.

And for those who are against it, it is especially useful. Having to get out of the house and pay attention to an active animal will change your life for the better - even if it doesn't feel like it at first. And the friendliness and devotion of the beast will show that all this is not in vain.

77. Cats are started by those who want to find an affectionate friend, but are ready for the friend to turn out to be self-willed and self-confident.

And if you take an animal from a shelter, then pride in a good deed done will be added to the pleasant impressions.

78. For those for whom both a cat and a dog are too large-scale acquisition, you can get rats.

It is in the plural - these animals are especially cheerful and playful in groups (of course, same-sex, although you can also change the usual way of life by establishing a rat nursery). Decorative rat pups are different from their wild relatives - they are sociable and not at all vicious. Communication with them will bring many pleasant moments. And their tails are not bald at all.

79. Set up an aquarium at home.

It will be an excellent decoration of the room, not to mention the opportunity to admire living creatures, which, moreover, do not need to be bathed.

80. Take pictures.

At least on the phone. At least for yourself. This will help to see what a multifaceted world is around. You will begin to notice different unique moments of life.

81. Learn something new, related to the main occupation.

Something you haven't dealt with yet, but want to try. If you sew, try embroidery as well. If you're a programmer, learn to test your programs, if only just to get an idea. This will expand horizons and knowledge, and can also be a bonus for employers.

82. And a similar method with a significant difference: try to learn something that you are not sure about.

What you think is not for you. Consider yourself a humanist - understand the basics of mathematics or physics. If you think you can't sing, take some vocal lessons. To change your lifestyle, change yourself.

83. Travel more often.

It can be either the opposite mainland or another area of ​​the city. Or a nearby town where you can go for the weekend.

84. Study your city: its history, architecture.

You will recognize familiar places from an unknown side and begin to appreciate the places you live in.

85. Read more.

Make it a rule to read one book a week. Or in two weeks, if the schedule does not allow.

86. Take out the trash.

Give it to those who need it more, or recycle it.

87. Clean up your computer.

Work will become faster and more efficient.

88. Cross out things you can't complete..

Give up or complete, but don't drag along - make life easier.

89. Find a side job.

Anything that will please and inspire. It will open up new horizons.

90. Make a new acquaintance.

91. Volunteer.

Philanthropy will help you find the individual meaning of life and give you confidence that you are not living in vain.

What exactly can you apply yourself to?

92. Help an animal shelter.

You can take the animal for overexposure, find a new family for it, buy medicines or food, or help with actions - in any large city there is a problem of homeless animals, and working hands are always needed there. If you cannot be indifferent to our smaller brothers, but do not have the time, help with finances, this is also always relevant.

93. Collaborate with an orphanage.

Children always need toys, new clothes, hygiene products, and even more - attention and care. Volunteers often arrange trips, showing children deprived of parental love that the world is not indifferent to them. They also arrange programs for teenagers, helping them to adapt in society. You can become a mentor for someone who is just starting to live - it will be priceless for his life, and he will certainly be grateful.

94. Work with people with disabilities.

There are programs that offer them help - everyday or simple communication, which these people often lack.

95. Just donate money to trusted charities from time to time.

On bank cards, you can enable the function to do this automatically, and change for the better every month.

And a few more simple tips.

96. Fix your handwriting.

97. Master calligraphy, if the handwriting is already beautiful.

98. Visit the dentist: This is a health benefit and a step towards courage.

99. Start a dream. Even if it's impossible.

100. Get off the internet! You won't change your life until you take action.