Target: to educate in preschoolers love and deep respect for the dearest person - for the mother. Create a festive mood for children and mothers on the eve of the holiday.

Preliminary work: the design of the hall, the children draw portraits of their mothers, the teacher writes down the story of each child about his mother. Grandmothers and mothers prepare pastries for tea drinking. Children make invitation cards.

Material: portraits of mothers, masks for the scene, medals for each mother. Shawls, scarves, ribbons for the competition. Two brooms, two balloons, skittles.


The phonogram "Mammoth's Song" sounds. Children enter the hall with their mothers in pairs, sit on the chairs.

Leading: Good evening, we say to you. It is not by chance that we have gathered today, this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother's Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

From the bottom of my heart, in simple words
Let's talk friends about mom.
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything in common with her.
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
we can cry at our native shoulder.
We love her and for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush.
For what is always, without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And just because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and dearly.

- Today you will meet with jokes and surprises, with songs, poems, in general, you can’t count everything. But whether it will be fun today depends on you, dear friends. Because we do not have professional artists, but each of you, I will tell you a secret, is an artist, if you encourage him a little.

There are a lot of good words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
Of two syllables, a simple word "mother"
And there are no words in the world more precious than it.

Many nights have passed without sleep
Worries, worries, do not count.
A big bow to you all dear mothers,
But what you are in the world.

For kindness, for golden hands,
For your maternal advice,
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long life.

Leading: Dear mothers! Accept a song as a gift.

The song "It's good with you mom" is performed

Leading: There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother, whether our mothers know them, we will check now. You need to complete the proverb.

Competition 1. Warm-up - gymnastics of the mind

  • When the sun is warm (when the mother is good).
  • Maternal care does not burn in fire (does not sink in water)
  • The bird is happy for spring (and the child is happy for the mother).
  • Maternal caress (does not know the end).
  • For a mother, a child (a child up to a hundred years old).

Leading: I think everyone in the audience will be interested to know how well mothers know their children.

Competition 2. "Find a child by the palm of your hand"

Children stand in a circle, mother in the middle of the circle. When the music stops, the mother must, with her eyes closed, find her child by the palm of her hand.

Leading: Our mothers have the kindest, gentlest and most skillful hands. But how rich imagination mothers have, we will now check.

Competition 3. "Golden Pens"

Leading: We invite 2 mothers to the stage.

Mothers should make an outfit for the child from a scarf, scarf, bows.

Leading: And the audience is sick, screaming and applauding. (Music playing) Thank you for these outfits! Children walk. Loud applause!

Leading: Special words are needed in order to thank for the care and affection of our mothers.

Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,
Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.
Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.
For her, after all, there is nothing more important than me - blue-eyed

Many mothers in the world
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.
Who is she? I will answer:
"This is my mother!"

I will kiss my mother tightly, I will hug her dear.
I love her very much, mom, my sun.

Leading: You listened to the poems, and now let's see if mothers have forgotten how to sweep the floor.

Competition 4. "Venikobol"

Participants need to circle a balloon between the skittles with a broom.

Leading: I will ask everyone to stand together, we will play now.

Game with a tambourine "You roll a cheerful tambourine"

Adults and children become in a circle, and pass a tambourine to each other, saying the words:

"You roll a cheerful tambourine,
quickly, quickly on the hands.
Who has a tambourine left
He will now dance for us.

Leading: Dear mothers! You probably know your dear children well. And children, in turn, know their mothers very well. They even drew such wonderful portraits. But, unfortunately, not a single portrait is signed. Now we'll see if you recognize your portraits from your children's stories about their mother. (On the reverse side of the portraits, the child’s story about his mother is written in advance: for example, his favorite dish, singer, flowers, favorite pastime, profession, etc.)

The game "Find out whose portrait?"

Leading: And now the most daring, most talented participants are invited to the stage.

(7 mothers come out to the middle of the hall, they are given the masks of heroes: a tower, a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a fox, a wolf, a bear. The facilitator reads the text, the parents perform actions and pronounce the words).

Competition 5. Impromptu theater "Teremok"

Stands in the field teremok (Squeak-creak!).
A mouse runs past. (Wow!)
I saw a mouse. (Wow, you!) The tower (Squeak-creak), stopped, looked inside, and the mouse (Wow, you!) thought that if the tower (Squeak-creak) is empty, she will live there.
A frog frog jumped up to the tower (Squeak-creak) (Quanteresno!), began to look into the windows.
The little mouse saw her (Wow, you!) And invited her to live together. The frog agreed (Quantiresno!), And they began to live together.
A runaway bunny runs past (Wow!). He stopped, looked, and then a mouse-louse (Wow, you!) and a frog-frog (Quantiresno!) jumped out of the house (Squeak-squeak!) And dragged the runaway bunny (Wow!) into the house (Squeak-squeak! ).
A fox-sister is walking past (Tra-la-la!). He looks - there is a tower (Squeak-creak). I looked into the window and there a mouse-louse (Wow!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!) and a bunny-runaway (Wow!) live. The fox-sister asked so plaintively (Tra-la-la!), They accepted her into the company.
A top-gray barrel ran up (Tyts-tyts-tyts!), Looked at the door and asked who lives in the tower (Squeak-creak!) Lives. And from the teremka (Squeak-squeak!) the mouse-louse (Wow, you!), the frog-frog (Quantiresno!), the runaway bunny (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and invited him over. With joy, a top-gray barrel ran into the tower (Squeak-creak) (Tyts-tyts-tyts!). The five of them began to live.
Here they are in the tower (Squeak-creak!) They live, they sing songs. Mouse-louse (Wow!), Frog Frog (Quantires!), Runaway Bunny (Wow!), Fox-Sister (Tra-la-la!) and Top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts !)
Suddenly there is a clumsy bear (Wow!). He saw the teremok (Squeak-creak!), Heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs the clumsy bear (Wow!). The little mouse (Wow, you!), the frog frog (Quantiresno!), the runaway bunny (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts- tyts!) And called a clubfoot bear (Wow!) to live with them.
The bear (Wow!) climbed into the tower (Squeak-creak!). Lez-climb, climb-climb - he just couldn't get in and decided that it would be better to live on the roof.
A bear climbed onto the roof (Wow!) and just sat down - fuck! - the teremok collapsed (Squeak-creak!).
The tower crackled (Squeak-creak!), fell on its side and fell apart. Barely managed to jump out of it a mouse-louse (Wow!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!), a runaway bunny (Wow!), a little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!), a spinning top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts!) - everyone is safe and sound, but they began to grieve - where do they live then? They began to carry logs, cut boards - build a new tower (Squeak-creak!). Built better than before! And the mouse-louse (Wow, you!), the frog-frog (Quantiresno!), the bunny-runaway (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the spinning top-gray barrel (Tyts -tyts-tyts!) a clubfoot bear (Wow!) and two-from-a casket (We'll do everything!) In a new tower (Squeak-creak!).

Leading: These lines are dedicated to dear, dear, beloved and only, our mothers.

We want to be the same as before
But just a little more fun.
We wish your hopes come true
As soon as possible and quickly.

So that everyday worries
Didn't take the smile off your face
So that you come from work,
Without a shadow of sadness and sadness.

To the autumn breeze
Blew away the sediment from the heart of sorrow,
And so that the child's voice,
Only laughter disturbed the order.

We are gathered here today
to congratulate our mothers,
great happiness and health
we sincerely wish you.

Leading: I propose to hold a competition that will help test the erudition of our mothers, grandmothers and children in the field of poetry and fairy tales.

Competition 6. "Find the mistake and answer correctly"

* Dropped the bunny on the floor,
They cut off the bunny's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

* Sailor's hat, rope in hand,
I am pulling a basket along a fast river.
And the kittens are jumping on my heels,
And they ask me: "Ride it, captain."

* I sewed a shirt for Grishka,
I'll sew him pants.
Gotta put on a sock
And put candy.

* What kind of transport did Emelya use (on a sleigh, in a carriage, on a stove, in a car)?

* Where can a bear not sit down (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on a stump)?

* What did the cat Leopold say to the mice (stop being naughty, come visit, you are my friends, let's live together)?

Leading: Everyone is probably tired of such a load, you need to take a break. Now I invite everyone to dance together, because not only work, mothers need to rest. We all dance together.

Dance "Boogie Woogie"

Leading: Today is the kindest, most important holiday - World Mother's Day! Without affection, tenderness, care and love, without our mothers, we could not become people. Now I give the floor to our children.

We are ending our holiday
We wish dear mothers
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, better.

We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.

We want for no reason
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.

Leading: Our evening has come to an end. We thank all participants of the competition for their attention to children, for the pleasure and festive mood. Let the joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the life of children in kindergarten remain forever a good tradition of your family. Thank you for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to the children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of their children. For your participation in our holiday and for the fact that you are always with us, for the fact that you are the most, most all mothers are awarded medals.

Children and guests are invited to tea.

Natalia Bocharova

Contest for moms: « SUPERMOM»

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! First of all, I sincerely want to congratulate all mothers on holiday - MOTHER'S DAY!

Day mothers celebrated in many countries of the world, but unlike March 8, on the day mothers are honored only mothers and pregnant women. According to some sources, the tradition of this holiday originate in ancient Rome. In different countries this holiday noted in different time: second Sunday in May celebrate in the USA, Denmark, Malta, Finland, Germany, Turkey, etc. In October: in India, Belarus, Argentina. IN december: in Portugal, Serbia. In Russia since 1998 this holiday celebrated on the fourth Sunday of November on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

Today we are glad to see you all on our competition. « SUPERMOM» . And I hope you, dear guests, have not forgotten to take with you more smiles and applause for the participants of our competition(applause)

And now we are starting our competitive program dedicated to the day mothers. For the title « Supermom 2013» today they will fight...

1. Amogolonova Arjuna Dashinimaevna

2. Zhapova Nelli Grigorievna

3. Aminova Nozonin Inomdzhonovna

4. Handarkhaeva Marina Sergeevna

5. Aslanova Tarana Khanhuseyn kyzy

6. Shishmareva Tatyana Mikhailovna

Look what mothers: beautiful, charming, attractive. Our children have prepared for you poetry:

Poems about mom:

1. Lovely women! Dear mothers!

The most gentle, the kindest!

We heartily congratulate you now,

We wish you happiness, health, love!

2. So that the kids do not upset you,

So that you do not know bitter sorrows,

To float through the streets like peacocks,

All as one "Miss Universe" were!

3. To make portraits of you more often written,

To be appreciated, loved, caressed,

To give flowers daily

And they talked about love all the time!

4. Deed so that these words prove

So that you become happier then!

Let everything come true, moms, with you!

Be always the same as now!

Introducing our jury:

1. Head of kindergarten Balabanova Maria Vladimirovna

2. senior caregiver: Taranenko Natalya Vladimirovna

3. Head of household / unit; Lizunova Elena Fyodorovna

Of course, we all want to get to know the participants better. competition so we start from the first tasks:

1 task: "Presentation"

(mothers should tell about themselves, their profession, hobbies, etc.)

2 task: "Questions for ingenuity"

presenter: When completing the next task, mothers need to be smart, resourceful, quick-witted and quickly give answers to unusual questions:

1. - What they can't live without mathematics, hunters and drummers? (Fractions)

2. - Where you will not find dry stone (in water)

3. - What is the female name, which consists of two, repeating letters (Anna)

4. - How can you carry water in a sieve? (to freeze)

5. - 5 knots are tied on a rope. How many parts did the knots divide the rope into?

6. - Think about what belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name)

3 task: "Let's go to the carnival"

presenter: Our mothers are very similar to Cinderella: everyone can, everyone can. I wonder how they did their homework? And my homework was to come up with and make a costume from junk material for your child and give him a name. While our mothers are preparing, we will not be bored either, the children will perform song:

For you, dear guests, there will be a song about mother in the Buryat language "My mommy"

Well, I think our mothers are ready, let's welcome our participants:

"Costume Show"

presenter: These are the costumes our children will go to the ball, which Cinderella once visited. At the ball, she conquered everyone not only with her beauty, but also with her clear, sonorous voice. I think that our mothers and children also sing very well. Children will perform for you ditties:

All: Stretch the fur, accordion,

Eh, play, play.

Hear the truth about mothers

And don't talk.

1. The sun will only wake up in the morning -

Mom is already at the stove.

Cooked breakfast for everyone

So that both I and you grow!

2. The family only ate,

Mom picks up a vacuum cleaner

Won't even sit in a chair

Until everything is taken away.

3. Here the apartment sparkled,

Lunch is coming.

Mom sighed heavily:

There is no time to rest.

4. Fed, watered,

Everyone from the kitchen dispersed,

Lying on the sofa

And they left the house.

5. Mom washes - I dance,

Mom cooks - I sing

I'm in household chores mom

I will help you a lot.

6. So that mom does not get bored

From household worries.

I'll show you a fun concert

Let me just call.

All: Let's say "thank you" to moms

For such hard work

But children how happy we are

They just won't find it.

4 task: "Funny ditties" performed by mothers.

And now ditties performed by mothers.

1. We are autumn ditties

Let's sing for you now!

Clap your hands louder

Have fun with us!

2. It got cold outside -

You have to wear jackets.

This autumn prompted

Sing ditties about her

3. So autumn has come,

You can do it in a jacket.

Bought it for me in the summer

They didn't let it go.

4. Barely waited for autumn -

I love to be fashionable.

Oh guys enjoy

You are on my hat.

5. A leaf hangs on a tree,

Swinging in the wind...

Rustles with regret:

"Autumn is coming to an end".

6. Oh guys, just look

You are on our girls:

Dressed from head to toe

Only the noses stick out!

All; Autumn, autumn, goodbye,

We say goodbye for a year.

Smile at us goodbye

Winter is coming to visit us!

5 task: "Autumn Still Life of Fruit"

presenter: While our mothers are preparing fruit still lifes, children will dance cheerful dance: "Little Gnomes"

6 task "Playing a fairy tale"

Attributes: Crown for Autumn, headscarf for the breeze, wolf mask, dogs

2 crowns: prince, princess, horse

presenter: Moms take turns drawing lots. And we find out who got what role. Now you know who you have to portray in our fairy tale. Now I will ask you to take the items that you will need from the table. Each participant in the right place will depict the action of her character.

Fairy tale:

We are in a beautiful fairytale forest. Late autumn has come. A sharp cold wind blew. Far away in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. In response, the dog howled furiously. And in a beautiful castle wept bitterly Princess: she was not allowed to the ball. Suddenly, the clatter of hooves was heard from afar, it was the Prince who arrived. He put the princess on a horse and together they rode to the ball.

presenter: Well, well done everyone. While our jury is counting the points, our children will sing song: "Evening and the moon has risen"

presenter: Well, ours has come to an end. contest« Supermom»

You will probably agree with me that it is very difficult to choose the best mother, because all mothers are charming, attractive, quick-witted, resourceful, quick, skillful. And so each of you became the winner of our competition.

The word appears to our jury: Rewarding - nominations:

Presenter 1

Let me congratulate you

Leave joy in your soul,

Give a smile, wish you happiness,

Away with adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

On this festive day!

Lead 2

Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered today for a celebration dedicated to the mother woman. Family celebration! Autumn holiday! From the bottom of our hearts we give poems and songs to you!

Presenter 1

When I say: "Mom" -

smile on the lips

And upturned nose stubbornly,

And happiness is in the eyes!

When I say "Mom"

My soul sings

And a heart diagram

Call me to call!

I call my mom

And I'm looking forward to

When will she answer

And I'll say: "I love you!"

(song "My mom is the best in the world")

Lead 2

Mother. With this word, children are born into the world and through the years they carry in their hearts the love that was born in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for a mother accompanies a person, nourishes him and gives new hopes and strength for new achievements! We all love our mothers and on this wonderful holiday we have gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers!

Presenter 1

And what is a mother in the minds of their own children? Let's find out soon! We invite our guys to the center of the hall!

(Children recite previously learned poems)

Child 1

What is mom?

It's a bright light

That's a lot of knowledge

Dinner and lunch!

Child 2

What is mom?

Fun, joy, laughter!

Mom is like a heart

After all, everyone has a heart!

Child 3

What is mom?

It's like a wall

Protects from drama

Dad and me!

Child 4

What is mom?

This is what it is!

Child 5

What is mom?

It's all in the world!

We congratulate mom

With love, your children!

(Song: "My Mom")

Lead 2

MOTHER! - There is light in this word!

MOTHER! There is no better word!

MOTHER! Who is dearer than her?

MOTHER! She has spring in her eyes!

MOTHER! The best on earth!

MAMA gives fairy tales, a smile and laughter!


Dear friends, let's listen to a parable with you.

Lead 2

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

“I don’t know why I’m coming into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

“I will give you an angel who will be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand it? I don't know his language, do I?

- The angel will teach you his language and protect you from all troubles.

What is my angel's name?

- Doesn't matter. What is his name, he will have many names. But you will call him MOM.

(Dance performed by mothers and daughters to the song "Mom is the first word")

Three girls come out

1 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Just get greener!

2 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Revealed among the fields!

3 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Sparkling in the darkness of the night!

(Grigore Vieru)


If drama happens

Who will help? - (ALL) It's MOM!!!

(Dance to the song "Mammoth" with balls)

Presenter 1

Now let's see if our mothers know their immediate duties so well.

You will not find trash at home,

Cleaned everything up mom!

And the frame shines in the window,

Mom washed it all!

Even the soup is delicious

Mom made it for us!

The younger brother ate recently,

His mom swaddles!

At school they gave us a scale,

My mom will help her!

If you are not shame and disgrace,

Here are some tasks for moms!

1. Competition: "A book in the family"

Presenter 1

Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.


I went to visit my grandmother
Brought pies to her
The gray wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Run away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way.

And the hare and the wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

Like Baba's Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Which? (Mortar)

The duck knows, the bird knows
Where Koshcheya's death lurks.
What is this subject?

Lead 2

Well done guys, you did it!
Now hurry up guys
Guess the riddle!
Near the forest, on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
Grew colorful,
all in peas

Presenter 1

(referring to mothers)

Are you tired?
How long have you been dancing?
Well, get out soon!
Stretch your legs!

I invite everyone to dance together, because not only work, mothers need to rest.

We all dance together. ("Lavata")

After the dance, the mothers sit down.

2. Contest "Think"

Interesting questions:

1) Whether he is small or big, he must be kept (secret)
2) In which cage can not be kept a bird (in the chest)
3) Liquid, not water, white, not snow (milk)
4) The softest fish (herring)
5) The shortest month (May)
6) What question does no one answer “yes” to? (Are you sleeping now)
7) What stands in the middle of the Volga (letter L)
8) Favorite melody of the schoolboy (call)
9) Why do people walk barefoot (on the ground)
10) What month do people talk the least (February)
11) Why do ducks swim? (from shore)
12) What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
13) What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)
14) What note is not suitable for compote? (salt)
15) There is a table with 4 corners. One corner was cut off. How many corners are left? (5)
16) Why do we eat? (at the table)
17) Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep (on the floor)
18) A grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? (none, all crashed)

Competition 3: "Recognize your child by voice"

4 competition: "Draw a portrait of a child with closed eyes."

Lead 2

What is happiness?

Such a simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.

In fact, happiness is simple.

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts, booties and a bib,

A brand new described mother's sarafan.

Torn tights, knocked knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor.

Happiness is soft warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole bunch of broken toys

It's a constant rattle of rattles.

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

It's constant: What? But why?

Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.

A small candle on a huge cake.

This endless "Read me a fairy tale"

These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.

This is a warm nose from under the blanket,

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.

What is happiness? There is simply no answer.

Everyone has it - These are our children.

Mother and child scene:

Son: Three years have passed ... I have already grown up.

Naturally, this begs the question:

Everyone knows that little guys

Why are they sent to kindergarten?

And there are problems ... Where there are none!

And how do you find answers to questions?

Mom: Well, tell me what you did in the garden?

I know everything: I'll go there!

What does “I didn’t want to eat porridge” mean?

Why did you put it on your head?

Oh, not yourself? Why Seryozha?

Is he a sneak? What are you? Oh my God!

Come on, in the corner! March and don't cry!

Your father will talk to you!

Son: But kindergarten - flowers and no more,

And the berries are waiting for us at school ...

Mom: What did the student bring today?

Tell me, show me your diary!

So… What is this? Where is the two from?

Ah, Zoya cheated on you again?!

Well, answer me, why are you quiet?

Ah, a deuce with Zoya for two ?!

Well done! And what's that? Again?

Broke the window? Did you get pushed again?

Have you forgotten what word you gave me?

Presenter 1

Mothers are our pride

This is our glory, strength!

This is our spirit of firmness,

This is help for impotence!

We bow our heads to mother

And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

So that you, mothers, know for sure

What is the best only you for us!

(Song and dance “Mom, Mommy-Dear Beloved” by Taisiya Pavaliy.)

Lead 2

Well, now, dear mothers, we have one more gift for you as parting! Take a look at the screen again. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. And then we invite you to take a look at our little art gallery, appreciate the work and love of your children. (The soundtrack of the song “Mom is the first word” sounds. Personal photos from the pupils’ family albums are projected onto the screen. After viewing the slides and children’s drawings, parents are invited to the group for a festive tea party).

Bobrova Oksana Vladimirovna,
music director MBDOUDSOV №5,
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia.

Mother's Day is celebrated in our country not so long ago, but this holiday, beloved by Russians, quickly became popular. Its date falls on the last Sunday of November (in 2019 it is November 24). And in many countries of the world it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May (in 2019 - May 12).

By this day, many kindergartens and schools hold drawing competitions “My mother is the best in the world”, entertainment events, concerts are held at which children read poems and sing songs dedicated to mothers.

The program of the holiday may include interesting games and competitions, in which both children and their parents will be happy to take part.

We will show you how to organize funny Mother's Day contests for moms and kids in kindergarten or elementary school.

Games and contests for mothers and children on Mother's Day

Invite the children to solve riddles dedicated to the family:

Everyone knows this word
Will not change for anything!
I will add "I" to the number "seven".
What will happen? (Family).

Who does not stop loving
Bakes pies for us
Delicious pancakes?
This is our ... (grandmother).

Who does all the hard work
Can do on Saturdays?
With an ax, a saw, a shovel
Ours is building, working ... (dad).

He did not work out of boredom,
He has callused hands
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved ... (grandfather).

Who is the cutest person in the world?
Who do children love the most?
I will answer the question directly:
Ours is cuter than everyone ... (mother).

After that, the guys can answer the quiz questions. Participants in this fun Mother's Day contest for moms and kids will need to say:

  • Which plant has the word "mother" in its name? (Coltsfoot).
  • How many kids were waiting for their mother in the famous Russian folk tale (Seven).
  • What did mom wash in the famous children's poem? (Rama).
  • In many languages, the word "mother" means mother, but in one the meaning of this word is "father." What language is it? (Georgian).
  • What did the mother from the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood put in her daughter's basket? (Pies).
  • What bird that tosses its eggs in someone else's nest lacks a maternal instinct? (Cuckoo).

- The mother of the baby elephant is an elephant,
Mom hedgehog - hedgehog,
The mother of the calf is a moose.
What about the mother kangaroo? (Kangaroo).

Participants of the next children's competition for Mother's Day will need to answer the questions:

  • What color are your mom's eyes and hair?
  • name her favorite flower
  • favorite dish,
  • favorite song,
  • favorite movie,
  • best friend's name, etc.

Older children can answer more difficult questions:

  • name your mother's date of birth
  • year of graduation from her educational institution (technical school, university) and its name,
  • what does mom do? What company does she work for?
  • and so on.

Other Children's Mother's Day Contests

In kindergarten on Mother's Day, you can play a musical game with moms. The children, divided into teams, will take turns singing songs about their mother (“Mom is the first word”, “I love Mommy very much”, “Mom, always be with me”, “There is no dearer than Mom”, “Mom's holiday”, etc.) or songs that contain the words “native”, “sweet”, “beautiful”, “hardworking”, etc. This performance will certainly please every mother and give her an unforgettable experience.

Then the facilitator will say a few words about the warmth of mother's touch, which the child knows from the first days of life, and invite the children to take part in another game with their mothers. The children will need to recognize by touch the hand of their mother among others; while the children are blindfolded.

Then mothers will take part in funny contests for mothers and children. The participants of the contest “I will recognize you by your voice” will be blindfolded and offered to recognize their children by their voices. You can also invite mothers to recognize themselves in the drawings of children.

For the game "Baby", which can be played with mothers on Mother's Day in kindergarten, you will need diapers, diapers and baby things: undershirts, sliders, caps. Each mother will need to dress her "baby" (doll) and swaddle. The winner will be the one who was able to cope with this task faster than the other participants.

For a fun competition "Hostess" on Mother's Day for mothers and children in elementary school, you also need to purchase props: various cereals and kitchen utensils. In this game, mothers will need to determine by touch, with their eyes closed:

  • types of cereals (buckwheat, barley, semolina, etc.),
  • different types of kitchen utensils (frying pan, whisk, ladle, etc.)
  • identify various spices by smell (thyme, rosemary, cumin, cloves, etc.).
  • Then mothers will answer questions - how much does it cost
  • a loaf of white and black bread,
  • liter of milk
  • kilogram of doctor's sausage,
  • a dozen eggs,
  • pack of washing powder
  • baby tights? and so on.

Those present at the Mother's Day celebration will like this game with the participation of mothers. Divided into teams, mothers and children will need to attach plates with the names of products to cardboard “pans”: meat, rice, carrots, onions, garlic, salt, oil, bay leaves, beets, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, meat, onions, tomato, black pepper, salt.

At the same time, one team, for example, cooks borscht, and the other prepares pilaf. In this competition, mothers and children will also need to demonstrate their culinary skills by collecting all the necessary "ingredients" and voicing the recipe according to which they prepare their dish.

Moms, participants in the next funny competition for Mother's Day will need to answer the questions:

  • Name your child's favorite school subject
  • his favorite teacher
  • exact class schedule for tomorrow,
  • a dish in the school cafeteria that your son or daughter especially likes,
  • what poem your child knows better than others and can tell it at the holiday.

The answers obtained are compared with those given by the children in parallel.

Several mothers will take part in a fun “Collect a Briefcase” competition for Mother's Day at the school, who will be awarded a satchel. School supplies (fountain pens, felt-tip pens, rulers, pencil cases, notebooks, notebooks, etc.) mixed with toys will be laid out on the tables. On command, mothers should go to the tables, select school supplies and put them in a satchel. The participants who complete this task faster will win.

And finally, with mothers and children on Mother's Day, you can play such a game. The host will give each mother with a child a card with the task of playing some scene from life. In this case, mother and child will change places.

For example, a child tries to feed his mother with semolina, and the mother is naughty and refuses, or the mother makes excuses for behaving badly on a walk in kindergarten, and the child reads her morals.

At the end of the holiday, all participants will receive small prizes. It can be beautiful postcards, toys, souvenirs, sweets, etc.