The thirtieth birthday is a very significant anniversary for a woman. It marks the beginning of a new era in life - the era of maturity.

It is at the age of 30 that the time of the “golden decade” ends, when all life's problems and difficulties seem small and ridiculous, when a woman lives in the feeling that there is eternity ahead, beauty and health will always be, and living conditions will only get better and better.

And at the age of 30, this stay in the “fairy tale” suddenly ends, with horror the woman notices hints of wrinkles on her face and realizes that a third of her life has been lived.

That is why the 30th anniversary is celebrated with sadness, which is why it is very important to choose a gift for a friend on this anniversary. which will please her, make her smile.

However, choosing such a gift is not very easy. The Internet is constantly looking for answers to the question: What to give for 30 years on the forums.

And there are many things to consider here:

You can pick up many more gifts - impressions for your best friend, the main thing is to spare no time and effort!

Commemorative gift for a girlfriend for 30 years

In order for the birthday girl to remember her thirtieth birthday, as well as you, years later, you need to give her a memorable gift.

The birthday of the best friend is a great occasion to present a gift, especially if a round date is expected. You need to think carefully about what to give your girlfriend for 30, so that your gift will surprise and please the birthday girl.

30th Anniversary Gifts

When choosing a gift, consider the character and tastes of the birthday girl. If you don’t have enough fresh ideas for a gift, then just type in the search engine the phrase “what to give a girlfriend 30 years old” and read the tips.

  1. Flowers. Give only those that the hero of the occasion loves. You can buy a blooming indoor flower in a pot, and paint the pot yourself or paste over with beads, foil, ribbons or shells. This gift will be unique.
  2. Souvenirs. If your girlfriend loves decor items - give a beautiful figurine, box, scented candle. Even better if you can do something with your own hands.
  3. Photo. You can make any memorable photo unusual by ordering an original calendar or even a large poster in the studio. A photo frame, by the way, can also become the object of your creativity.
  4. Accessories. If the birthday girl is a fashionista, then the solution to the question of what to give a friend for 30 years is even easier: jewelry, scarves or scarves, handbags, reticules, wallets, belts, umbrellas - there are plenty to choose from.
  5. Postcard. You can draw it yourself, or make a fun collage, and sign it, for example, with poems you composed.
  6. Houseware. If the hero of the occasion is a practical person, then she will be pleased with useful gifts: sets of dishes, tablecloths, towels, a blender, baking dishes and all that.
  7. Cosmetics. To be original - present a certificate from a good cosmetic store so that a friend chooses what she needs. A subscription to a SPA or massage parlor is also a good idea.
  8. Gifts for the soul. These include books, concert or theater tickets, a CD with your favorite music. The main thing here is to know exactly the interests of the one to whom you are going to give them.
  9. Money. They can also be presented to a girlfriend for 30 years: hang bills on the leaves of a houseplant - it will be funny.

What not to give

  • Mirrors, watches, pearls, icons, handkerchiefs, knives and forks are not given for superstitious reasons. This should be especially taken into account if your girlfriend is superstitious.
  • Things that remind of illnesses or hint at physical shortcomings: a tanometer, vitamins, weight loss drugs, a gym membership.
  • Items that evoke dreary associations, for example, a woman who unsuccessfully dreams of a child, should not be given a figurine of a baby or an angel.

The most standard present will be unique if you approach its selection and design with love and attention. A good gift will please both you and your girlfriend, it will become a symbol of your friendship and affection.

Choosing a birthday gift for a birthday person is not an easy task, and especially when it comes to the anniversary of your best friend. If you want to surprise her, but there are no ideas, then our advice may well help with this.

What to give an original girlfriend for 30 years? The preferences of all women are different and can be quite different, so there are no standard presents that can please everyone. You can consider some options and choose the most suitable for yourself.

Gift selection rules

The main thing that should be in a gift is individuality. Well, if it fully meets the needs and tastes of the birthday girl. That is why before you go to the store, you need to think about what a friend is interested in, what she loves and what she does.

If the first place in her life is occupied by the family and the hearth, then this can be a gift that is useful in everyday life. If she is so busy with household chores that she literally does not have a minute of rest, then this rest needs to be organized. It can be a banal trip to the cinema or the opera.

Often thirty-year-old girls experience some dissatisfaction with their lives, they believe that time is wasted, but nothing has been gained. In such a situation, you need to try to cheer up your girlfriend and give her a lot of compliments. Attention and support are very important for her during a period of a kind of crisis.

In order not to spoil the mood of a friend on her anniversary, you should refrain from not entirely successful gifts, for example:

  1. Watches, a set of knives, scissors, pearls and mirrors. If a girl is superstitious, then she will not only not appreciate the present, but she can also get quite upset.
  2. Medical devices, such as a blood pressure monitor. The presented drug for weight loss will also look ridiculous. Even if the girlfriend is quite close, such a transparent allusion to her physical problems will offend her very much.
  3. Absolutely irrelevant stuff. For example, if a glamorous party girl is celebrating her anniversary at a club, then a donated frying pan will look silly.
  4. Things that can cause bad associations. You should not choose a figurine of a beautiful angel for a girl who has been unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant for a long time.

Universal gifts

On your 30th birthday, you can give:

  • Jewelry;
  • beautiful dishes;
  • household appliances;
  • various certificates;
  • subscription to sports activities;
  • photo album;
  • bag or wallet;
  • a beautiful jewelry box;
  • silk scarf around the neck or scarf.

Universal gifts for a girlfriend for her birthday

Gift for best friend

Close people can give each other everything that comes to mind. Surely best friends know about each other, if not everything, then a lot. In such a situation, the selection of a surprise is not a test, but, on the contrary, will become a pleasant experience. If the dreams and secrets of the best friend are not revealed, then you can get by with cute symbolic gizmos. An excellent option would be:

  • digital photo frame;
  • a mug with a photo of the birthday girl and touching wishes;
  • a handmade gift will be a wonderful surprise for a friend;
  • bijouterie;
  • cloth;
  • decorative things for the home;
  • couple certificate for visiting spa treatments;
  • trip to the sea.

Style and fashion

If a woman is a perfect style icon, she takes care of herself and follows fashion trends, then it will not be easy to choose a present for her. A universal gift that can help out a lot is a certificate with a certain amount of money that she can spend. Even choosing this option, you should carefully decide and choose the right one, for example:

  1. A perfume connoisseur can present a certificate to a selective perfume shop.
  2. If a friend likes to change her image, then she will surely like a certificate to a beauty salon.
  3. An athletic lady will love an annual gym membership. If she already goes to the gym, then you can purchase an additional service for her, for example, a personal trainer or masseur.
  4. A great idea would be a certificate for the purchase of branded clothing. Such a surprise will delight absolutely any girl. Everyone wants a beautiful dress for their birthday. 30 years is a very important date in the life of any girl.

For a housewife

If a friend devotes all her time to the household, then she can be presented with any items that improve life as a gift for 30 years. But you need to take into account the fact that such a surprise will please only that woman who really loves to cook, clean and create comfort in the house. If a housewife is tired of constant household chores, then another pot will only disappoint the girl. A true lover of comfort in the house will be delighted with such gifts as:

Jewelry is the best gift

If you want to please your beloved friend to the fullest, then it is best to give preference to jewelry. Do not think that such a gift is peculiar only to men. A beloved friend can also present such a valuable gift to a birthday girl. In addition, it is an excellent option for an anniversary. Of course, the ring may look out of place, but there are a wide variety of other options. For example, these could be:

  • bracelet. Branded jewelry or even a product made of precious metals will become an adornment for a girl and a memory for many years;
  • earrings. It is better if they are small, since a massive product may not suit a friend;
  • brooch. Such jewelry will complement any image of a young beauty and will be a wonderful gift for 30 years. You can choose a handmade product or a masterpiece of silver;
  • handkerchief clip. This is a non-banal accessory, but if the birthday girl wears a neckerchief, then it may well come in handy for her;
  • necklace. Of course, we are not talking about jewelry with diamonds. It is better to give preference to products made of natural stone.

When choosing such a gift, it is imperative to take into account the tastes of the birthday girl, because the essence of congratulations is to please and please.

Intangible Gifts

If a friend already has all of the above and, in principle, she does not need anything, then you should not limit yourself to standard figurines or a banal service. You can give her unforgettable impressions, emotions that will remain in memory for the rest of her life.

Here is a list of some of the gifts that can please the birthday girl.

Inexpensive gifts

If a friend invited her to her thirtieth birthday, but there is simply no financial opportunity to buy an expensive gift, then you can choose an acceptable option from the list below.

  1. Umbrella. Everyone needs a good rain protector. You should choose an unusual product design and then the print can hide the budget of the purchase.
  2. Flash drive. It can be made in the form of a funny animal or other figure. In the digital age, such a gift is quite practical.
  3. A bunch of balls. Surely having received several dozen beautiful helium-filled balloons as a gift, a friend will be delighted like a child. You can buy balloons with funny inscriptions or order an exclusive print.

I would like to say that, even if it is not possible to buy something worthwhile, then you need to try to make the gift sincere. You can even make it yourself. I hope that the question of how to surprise a friend will no longer be so difficult.

Attention, only TODAY!

The thirtieth birthday is a big holiday for any person, and if it comes to a good friend, then you need to thoroughly prepare for it. To do this, you need to buy a suitable gift that will cheer up the birthday girl and will be remembered by her for a long time. Find out what gift for the 30th anniversary of a friend you can pick up.

What can you give a friend for her birthday

Congratulating a girlfriend on her 30th birthday is a very difficult task, requiring a man to have imagination and certain knowledge about what the birthday girl wants. Before thinking about what to give a friend for her birthday, you need to ask her about her wishes and interests. In any case, the birthday girl will be happy with any surprise, without exception, however, knowing what the girl loves the most, you can make her holiday unforgettable. To find such a present among thousands of others, you need to try hard.

Numerous online stores can help you figure out what to give a girl for 30 years: catalogs of presentation sites are filled with unusual gizmos for every taste at affordable prices. Thanks to this method of choosing a surprise for a friend's anniversary, you can save a lot of time and effort, and the delivery service in Moscow, all over the country makes the task a hundred times easier. You can buy the right birthday present for a girl without being distracted from household chores and without getting up from your favorite easy chair.

The main rule is not to give such a present that would remind you of the age or shortcomings of the birthday girl. Bad gifts are considered: scales, household appliances, scales, clothes, personal care products, perfume and even money. Women appreciate men's attention and attention to detail, so the best way out will be joint shopping, where a friend will choose a present for herself, and at the same time have fun. On the way, you can drop into the birthday girl's favorite restaurant - and then the holiday will be one hundred percent successful.

Business lady

If a friend is a business woman, then you should choose a gift that emphasizes the status of a lady:

  • It can be a diary in a high-quality binding or a set of personal pens in a leather case.
  • Cufflinks with initials can be a suitable surprise - an ideal gift for those ladies who are actively involved in business and often attend business meetings.
  • For the personal account of the birthday girl, a stand for business cards with engraved initials is perfect. Such a present will emphasize the high status of a businesswoman.
  • Business ladies will be very happy with such a useful item as an unusually designed flash drive. It can store work files, as well as other documents, photos.

To make a friend surprised, the ideal surprise would be the creation of a video with congratulations from friends and relatives. If you write this file to a USB flash drive, run it at the time of the celebration, then the birthday girl will definitely be delighted. What else to give: a “smart watch” is suitable, which, connecting wirelessly to the phone, transmits all incoming information.

Another surprise can be a high-quality rollerball pen - a high-quality personal writing device with which the birthday girl can go to important negotiations. Business partners will definitely appreciate such a status item. What else to give a businesswoman:

  • business card holder;
  • organizer;
  • beautiful stationery set;
  • desk calendar;
  • electronic photo frame on the desktop.

car enthusiast

Friends who can not imagine themselves without a car, you can also pick up a suitable gift. We can say with confidence that the hero of the occasion will be happy with the new thermo mug, with which it will be very convenient to travel by car, while enjoying your favorite hot drink. Seat covers, a key finder, a smartphone holder, a cheerful interior pillow or a cover for documents with a beautiful image - all this can be presented to a car enthusiast, and she will certainly be happy.


A birthday gift for a friend who is fond of fashion and loves to dress beautifully is easy to pick up. Having learned her taste, you can buy a welcome surprise that the birthday girl will appreciate. Such ladies are very fond of jewelry, so a beautiful pendant made of precious metals will please a friend. Another idea is to donate photography from a famous photographer. A girl who always likes to look good will accept such a present with joy, because if you take it as a keepsake, you can’t imagine better.

Do not forget that any fashionista coming home becomes the keeper of the hearth. Given this fact, you can pick up something for home and life. For example, a grater with a container or a snack set will be useful in the kitchen. Another interesting thing is a porcelain vase that will decorate the hall if you put the birthday girl's favorite flowers in it. If a friend loves hot drinks, then the best gift would be a tea set, which includes custard petals of different varieties.

Among other interesting surprises, thanks to which you can forget about the pressing issue of what to give your girlfriend for 30 years, you will find:

  • photo calendar;
  • a mug with a photo of the birthday girl;
  • set Coffeeman;
  • engraved tea box
  • wall key holder;
  • chocolate card;
  • a certificate to a cosmetics store for any amount;
  • a subscription to a fitness, gym or women's beauty salon.

What to choose a gift for 30 years best friend

Many guys are worried about the question: what to give a woman for 30 years? Thanks to a wide range of souvenirs in stores, gift ideas for a friend's birthday can be varied. You need to remember one important fact: a lot depends on the wishes of the birthday girl. Thousands of men who do not know what to give a girlfriend for 30 years are limited to ordinary presents. However, if you connect your imagination, then, even without knowing the tastes of the fair sex, it will become easy to buy any creative thing.

Original present

If a man has enough creative qualities in his arsenal, then any original present will bring a lot of pleasure and happiness to his girlfriend. For example, paired t-shirts with funny images will be a very unusual gift for a girl - a surprise will make friends stand out from the crowd, and such attention will definitely please the birthday girl. A personalized set for wine would be a great idea: it already includes accessories - a collar for a bottle, a corkscrew, a cork, a special thermometer. Hint: beautiful wine glasses can be added to such a surprise.

Stylish accessory

Thinking about what to give a girlfriend for 30 years, many men despair. You should not do this - stylish accessories can be an excellent present. You can opt for an umbrella, a leather bag or a quality wallet. If your birthday falls in the cold months of the year, then a warm and beautiful scarf will not only be a great gift, but simply a necessary accessory. Many ladies dream of getting a watch as a surprise - a useful everyday little thing will be a great addition to the image of a birthday girl.

Unusual souvenir

Those who simply have no idea what to give a girlfriend for 30 years do not need to worry: a present can be prepared in the form of a creative souvenir:

  • A great idea is a photo plate with a joint picture, which the birthday girl will admire for many years.
  • If a friend spends a lot of time with her smartphone, then a stylus pen will be the perfect surprise for her. This thing is especially useful in winter, when a girl does not want to take her hands out of her gloves to send a message or call someone.

This date is beautiful and pleasant. What gift to give to a close friend for her 30th birthday, so that it is useful and remembered for a long time? It is worth digging into the past and remembering the preferences or hobbies of the birthday girl. If you spent a lot of time together, it's easy to find the right idea that you can give an original gift to a girlfriend for 30 years. You can make a surprise, give a gift with meaning or choose a practical classic version of the present.

What can you give a girlfriend for 30 years?

To surprise and please a friend, you can give her a paid photo shoot with her participation. This gift is sure to please any girl. The artist will display her beauty and femininity in photographs, memories of such a present will remain forever.

For a long memory there will also be a gift in the form of a modern painting or a portrait of a birthday girl.

It would be appropriate for an active and restless girlfriend to make a surprise for 30 years in the form of a weekend tour somewhere, a gift certificate to a beauty salon, a subscription to yoga classes or a balloon flight.

If you want to give a friend something cool for 30 years, you can stop at a spectacular magic ball, a protective amulet with her name, or order a photo collage. A cool pan for baking pancakes in the form of emoticons will surely please the hostess and will make you smile every time you use it.

In the case when a girlfriend is a practical and family person, it is better to dwell on the classic version that any woman will like: beautiful, gold or silver jewelry, handbag, jewelry box, or useful household appliances.

A friend will gladly accept any present, because the main thing is the love and attention of a loved one. And of course, you need to complement the gift with a bouquet of flowers, sincere congratulations and good mood.