A wedding is one of the most joyful events in the life of every couple in love. This day is especially important for a girl who wants her wedding to be perfect. Decoration of the hall is one of the main components of the success of the wedding. Today, everyone wants to "stand out from the crowd" and come up with something special and new at the wedding that has not been used before. You can make your wedding original by decorating the banquet hall in an unusual way, for example, with the help of interesting hand-drawn wedding posters.

wedding posters for bachelorette party

A wedding is not only the wedding itself, but also the pre-wedding day. That is why wedding posters need to be prepared not only for the wedding day itself, but also, for example, for a bachelorette party. The preparation of a bachelorette party must be approached quite seriously and take into account all the details. Your bachelorette party will show your status not only as a bride, but also as a stylish girl with taste. To organize a bachelorette party, you need to use various kinds of accessories for organizing, including posters (possibly made by yourself).

You can insert photos of the bride and her bridesmaids throughout the years of their friendship into hand-made posters for a bachelorette party. In addition, you should take into account the theme of the bachelorette party (for example, a denim or sea party) and design the room where the bachelorette party will take place in accordance.

bride price wedding posters

Any wedding (traditional) begins with the ransom of the bride. This custom came from the pagan tribes that used to live on the territory of Russia. Previously, a man did not engage in long courtship with a woman, but immediately acted if he liked this woman. He, along with his friends, went to her village and abducted her. Rarely did anyone succeed in leaving unnoticed, and therefore the man had to “appease” relatives and other witnesses of the abduction in every possible way. At that time, the girl was considered, first of all, a labor force, therefore, losing his working hands, the leader of the tribe wanted to receive a commensurate ransom.

In modern times, this fact has been transformed into a tradition. Of course, there is no such barbarism today. The ransom is carried out in the form of a game, when the bridesmaids and relatives of the bride want to receive gifts equivalent to her. However, in most cases this happens "symbolically" and the groom gives everyone candy and coins. The design of the entrance or courtyard of the bride for ransom should look in line. To do this, you must use posters for the ransom of the bride. These posters can serve as both a mere decoration and a vehicle for ransom contests. Bridesmaids should be involved in making wedding posters with their own hands. Here you should be smart and come up with some original phrases. Here are some phrases you can use:

  • hee hee and hahaha we will rob the groom;
  • tili-tili dough the bride lives here;
  • give a daughter - do not sleep a night and others.

Of course, you can also buy ready-made products, but beautifully handmade wedding posters look more stylish and original. In addition, finished products are often more standard than original ones.

Wedding posters for a banquet

The groom redeemed the bride, and then the registry office, a photo shoot, a walk ... now it's time for the wedding evening (banquet). Here, too, you can not do without wedding posters. There are standard posters sold in stores. Of course, you can buy them and "do not bother."

However, if you want to be original and want your wedding to be different from all others, it is better to prepare them yourself. Wedding posters can be prepared by both the bride herself and her bridesmaids. If you doubt your "artistic talents", then you can easily turn to people who provide this kind of service. They will not only make them for you with their own hands, but also help develop ideas for these posters.

Everyone wants to make their wedding day with their soulmate unforgettable and fabulous, and various methods are used for this, including do-it-yourself wedding posters. Such an idea is wonderful not only because it can diversify the holiday and decorate the room. Another plus is that such a poster will hide various wall defects from guests and the camera lens - dents, cracks, and other shortcomings of the room. In addition, the inscriptions and drawings on the posters will keep your guests entertained while preparations continue, add fun and joy to the celebration. And drawing posters on your own will serve as an additional pleasant element of preparing for the wedding, because this process cannot but cheer up future spouses or their relatives and witnesses who can also join the lesson. Quite often, it is the latter, wanting to help the bride and groom to decorate the holiday even more, that are engaged in this important and exciting business if the heroes of the occasion have too much trouble.

There are many options for how to design a wedding poster, and among them are posters with the names of the spouses, with their photographs, with wishes for a happy married life from friends and relatives, various funny and romantic phrases, quotes, poems.

With the names of the bride and groom

A win-win option is the beautifully drawn names of the bride and groom placed on the poster. In addition to names, images of hearts, flowers, rings and other romantic elements are also placed on a large sheet of paper. To make such a poster, you will need whatman paper, a pencil, an eraser. However, it is advisable to do without the latter and make drawings and inscriptions carefully so that you do not have to carefully remove blots. After the drawing is finished, it remains to paint it with watercolors or gouache. This requires special care not to damage the poster and to avoid re-preparing it. If you are not sure that you can do such work the first time, we advise you to download and print stencils on the Internet, which make it easy to design a poster.

For the ransom of the bride

Another idea for a poster is a traditional bride price. It can depict the girlfriends of the future wife, demanding payment from the groom for the beauty. Also a good option is to list the fun tasks that he has to complete. Jokes and rhymes that are thematically appropriate to the process are welcome.

For a wedding photo shoot

Such posters can be used as a background or scenery for a photo shoot. These can be inscriptions made both on a large poster and on other props - plates, arrows, which are held by the spouse during photography. Typically, such photo shoots are held in nature, but you can either limit yourself to this option or shoot at home, during the wedding. It will also be interesting to prepare a few props for this occasion and take two photographs.

Wishes for future spouses

A classic idea, perhaps one of the most interesting of its kind. Firstly, it will help to involve more guests in the process, which will clearly diversify the celebration, and secondly, it will be a pleasant memory for the spouses about one of the happiest days of their lives, and about friends.

In this case, there are two options for compiling a poster. If it is made up in advance by relatives or friends, wanting to make a nice gift for the couple, it all depends on their imagination. You can prepare a poster by decorating it with different drawings along the edges of the paper, leaving a place in the middle for congratulations that guests will write at the holiday itself. The idea wins in that in this case more people will be connected to the process than in the first option. But you can also combine both versions - for example, friends or relatives preparing a poster paint it and write their wishes, after which they can be supplemented by other guests at the celebration itself.

humorous posters

Classic jokes and funny drawings on the topic of family relationships, future children and the severity of married life are suitable here. Use all the fun ideas that come to your mind to make the holiday more alive and memorable. However, avoid humor, which, as you think, can hurt and offend any of the guests - this can seriously spoil someone's impression of the holiday and the whole celebration as a whole.

As an option, you can offer a drawing of a little one, crowned with a playful inscription “Have fun today, you will get married today. Only you can hardly get away from me”, or “Children are the flowers of life! Collect a big bouquet! There are a variety of lettering options for a joke poster on other topics, including the following:
  1. Do not gather under the table for more than three.
  2. So that there is harmony and peace in the family, drink not vodka, but kefir.
  3. Managed to get ready for the wedding, manage to get home.
  4. Let the world know - there is a wedding and a feast.
  5. Married himself - help a friend!
  6. To whom it is bitter, but to us it is sweet!
  7. Love is blind, but marriage is an amazing eye doctor.

wedding slogans

This version resembles the previous one, with the design of the poster in a humorous style and placing various jokes and funny drawings on it. But in this case there is more romance, which will undoubtedly please the young. Having decorated the poster with beautiful elements, such as flowers, rings, doves and images of hearts, you can start making holiday inscriptions on the theme of love. For example, “Legal marriage is a sign of love and consent”, “Love is a ring, and the ring has neither beginning nor end” and others.

Portraits, collages

If among your friends or relatives there are professional artists, or just paint beautifully, you can involve them in the process of creating a holiday poster. Portraits of the bride and groom made on a large sheet of paper will attract everyone's attention and will be a wonderful addition to the celebration.

In addition to images of the spouses, you can put on the poster and drawings depicting the most important guests of the wedding - parents, best friends, witnesses. Portraits can be made both in a romantic style and have a humorous focus.

If among your acquaintances there is no person who has the talent of an artist, you can print color photographs of future spouses and, sticking them on paper, decorate them with beautiful drawings and patterns.

You can arrange such a poster as a collage by placing several photos on it in a certain sequence. This can be a chronological order describing the growing up of each of the future spouses, their acquaintance and love story. The main thing is to know which photos mean the most to the bride and groom in order to make the poster more memorable.

How to make a DIY wedding poster

Material selection

For the manufacture of posters, which will then decorate the entrance, the hall and the backs of the chairs of the future spouses, ordinary sheets of A1 or A2 formats are usually used.

For ribbon posters, ordinary wallpaper is suitable, which should be waterproof and dense. You can also buy special templates for posters in the store, which later will only have to be painted and signed.

If you can easily find campaign posters and posters, making wedding posters will be even more convenient.

Poster painting

The easiest option is colored markers, but it may seem quite difficult for many to make three-dimensional drawings and inscriptions with their help. In addition, at a distance, such posters will not look bright enough. In order for the color to be saturated, we recommend using watercolors or gouache. If there is a choice between the last two options, choose gouache - it lies more densely on a glossy surface.

Colored pencils can also be used to draw the poster, but in this case, artistic talent is also required, since it is necessary to press the pencil with force throughout the drawing. Unfortunately, this skill is not developed by everyone.

In order for the inscriptions on the posters to turn out beautiful and neat, it is necessary to involve the owner of the calligraphic handwriting in the process. As a last resort, you can always use stencils in the form of letters, words or drawings. Then you need to apply them very firmly and evenly to the paper so that the result does not disappoint.

Using all the above tips and turning on your imagination, you can make a truly beautiful and memorable wedding poster with your own hands.

A great way to decorate and diversify the celebration is to make DIY wedding posters, But how to make wedding posters not everyone knows. Here we will tell you how they can be made and the options for what they usually do. wedding poster lettering. In general, posters help make the wedding day of the young more cheerful, bright and memorable. By the way, the question how to make DIY wedding posters should excite not so much the newlyweds as their witnesses, friends and relatives. And the newlyweds themselves can only throw in this idea, help come up with original inscriptions on posters for the wedding, and so on.

How to get wedding posters?

You can get wedding posters in three ways: buy ready-made posters, draw them yourself or find the templates you need, print them and color them. Of course, the fastest way is to buy a poster for a wedding (average prices are 50-300 rubles), but it’s more interesting and original to make it yourself, picking up paint or gouache and whatman paper. When creativity is invested in something, it is always nice. It's great if someone who can draw well makes a poster, but if artistic talent is not given, then it is quite possible to download blanks (templates) for wedding posters from the Internet, which you can print, color and add something of your own!

When you make inscriptions on posters for a wedding, keep in mind that they should be comic and entertaining in nature, and there are many uses for these posters: for ransom, to decorate an entrance, apartment, banquet hall (cafe, restaurant) or for a competitive program. To add zest to the poster, you can make a collage with photos of the bride and groom, mother-in-law, father-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, as well as friends of the spouses.

So, how to make do-it-yourself wedding posters, and what you need for this: large sheets of whatman paper or wallpaper, preferably colored paper, multi-colored markers, paints. If you choose wallpaper as the basis for the poster, then there is an option to choose the side on which the inscription will be. If the wallpaper is paper and has a light delicate pattern, then the poster can be made completely on the front side. If the wallpaper is dense waterproof and even with a bright pattern, then it is better to use the reverse white side of the wallpaper for the wedding poster.

Next, you need to come up with or find suitable inscriptions on the posters for the wedding and, in accordance with them, start drawing the background. On a festive poster, both a funny inscription and, vice versa, a wise proverb will look great. A great surprise for the young will be a poster with a cartoon image, which after the wedding will remain in their memory. You can also invite portraitists and caricaturists directly to the wedding. It will be an entertaining sight for the guests, and the result of the work will remain for the newlyweds.

Let's assume that you have all the source materials. Expand a sheet of paper (drawing paper, wallpaper, etc.) and make an inscription with a simple pencil, if the inscription turned out beautifully, you can immediately circle it with a marker or paints (thin brush). The inscriptions look more solid if the lines are thickened. To give the poster glamor and variety, you can cut out flowers, hearts from colored paper, paste rhinestones, as well as photographs of young people. Glued applications should also be circled with a marker. You can also leave an inscription on the poster where guests can write their wishes. Such a poster will be very nice to look at the wedding anniversary after a few years. Alternatively, if the situation and traditions allow, you can make pockets for money on the poster: for a daughter, for a son, for a fur coat, for a car.

A wedding celebration is an abundance of bright colors, original decor. At the wedding, it is customary to decorate the bride's house, from where the groom should pick her up. This is a creative process, in which an initiative group of young girlfriends is involved. The house and the room are decorated with balls, garlands, and various crafts. Including hand-made wedding posters are very popular.

They accompany all stages, from the ransom to congratulations during the banquet.

bride price posters

The tradition of redemption is rooted in the ancient past. In Russian villages, at the wedding of serfs, the master could easily kidnap the young wife of a peasant and demand a ransom for her. If the groom had enough money, he got his wife back, and if not, then the first wedding night belonged to the master. Perhaps this custom is a legacy of the domination of the Tatar-Mongols, who conquered Rus' in the 13th century. Among these peoples, kalym for a wife was widely distributed.

In our time, this action has turned into a beautiful and comic tradition, without which almost no wedding can do. Redemption is one of the brightest and most fun stages. It is fun and noisy with jokes, jokes, tasks for the groom. The bride's house should be beautifully decorated with various bright objects and posters, which can be either printed or self-drawn.

If the bride lives in an apartment building, then they decorate all the way from the threshold to the door of her apartment. For ransom, they necessarily draw thematic posters with a warning that the groom will not get his betrothed just like that. He must pay for the right to take her away from her father's house. To do this, a poster is hung on the front door, which sets out the requirements of guests and relatives from the bride's side.

On the way to the cherished goal, the groom goes through various trials, conceived by the girl's girlfriends. Homemade posters are also actively used for this. For example, here is a task: "Find your bride!".

For this task, white paper is used, the format of which depends on the number of people who want to take part in the comic task. On paper, girls leave prints of their lips, painted them with lipstick. Among them, there is always an imprint of the lips of the bride. The groom must find out which one belongs to his chosen one.

This is not the only test for the groom. He will see the next tasks on another poster, made in the form of a camomile - a flower on which girls are guessing for love. Each petal contains a text with a task for the groom. Usually these are riddles about how well he knows the preferences and tastes of his beloved, or her physical parameters, for example: eye color, height, weight, shoe size.

Similarly, you can use such tasks, but already in the form of a grate at the entrance to the house narrowed. Strips of paper containing funny questions are attached to the doorway. For each correct answer, the young man has the right to tear off the strip with the completed task, thereby moving one step closer to the cherished goal - his bride.

Decorating a banquet hall with posters

The theme of decorating wall newspapers of your own making is also relevant for decorating a banquet hall. Guests will be interested to know the history of love between young people. For this, a poster using a photo of a couple is the best fit. Often such banners tell about the bride and groom, starting from childhood.

In addition to the "historical" wall newspapers, there are always posters at the wedding banquet, on which they use all kinds of beautiful inscriptions, as a rule, with wishes and parting words to a young family:

It is not difficult to make such posters on your own. All you need is paper, paints and pencils, more imagination, the ability to draw and a sense of humor. Children are very actively involved in such creativity. Watch a video on how to make a wall newspaper. The topics can be completely different, but the essence of the process is the same:

Posters for different occasions

Do-it-yourself poster is a great idea for any event: birthday, anniversary, or wedding anniversary. No one better than close relatives can present this or that story of a particular family. And the warmth of the hands and feelings applied during its creation will preserve the atmosphere of the holiday for many years. Such posters, as a rule, are stored in the "family archive" and, after a while, with love and warmth, the exciting moments of the celebration are re-experienced.

Actual congratulations with the help of posters for the anniversary, or wedding anniversary. The manufacturers of such wall newspapers can be either guests or relatives, or the heroes of the occasion themselves. If they want to tell their story to others, this is a very suitable option.

Wall newspapers with a wedding day can be made for the annual anniversary of the wedding day, and even more so for an anniversary, for example, for celebrating a golden wedding. By this date, you can tell a fascinating love story of a married couple. More than one generation of the family will take part in the creation of such a poster: children, grandchildren, and, most likely, great-grandchildren. After all, a golden wedding is 50 years of marriage!

Posters for decorating such a celebration as a wedding, or its anniversary, or anniversary are a great occasion to show your love and respect to a married couple, expressing it in creativity.