In 1996, a special decree on the introduction of professional holidays created the day of the Black Sea Fleet. It is celebrated every year on May 13, since it was on this day that the first warships took their place in one of the bays of the Black Sea. In 2017, the fleet will be 234 years old. Today's flotilla includes the most modern ships, equipped with the latest technology, and some of them have no analogues in the world.

history of the holiday

The reason for the creation of the Black Sea Fleet was the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. Empress Catherine II decided that it was necessary to have her own military forces on the Black Sea. At that time, only the Azov Flotilla defended the Russian Empire from the south, but it included small vessels, which were significantly inferior in power to Turkish ships. For this reason, at the end of 1775, a decree was issued on the main directions for the creation of a combat flotilla intended for the Black Sea waters.

According to the decree, it was supposed to include 20 large ships. The construction of the first 8 ships was carried out on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. The remaining combat units were built on the Dnieper, on the site of the future Kherson. It was here that the battleship St. Catherine was laid down, which had 60 guns on board. And already in 1783, Catherine the Great announced that Crimea was annexed to Russia.

On May 13 (according to the new style), the first ships settled in the Akhtiar Bay, which turned out to be the most convenient place for the deployment of military forces. Later, Sevastopol was built on this site. And when in the 90s of the XX century the question arose of establishing a professional holiday for sailors serving on the Black Sea, it was the day the ships entered the bay that was chosen as a memorable date.

For many years now, Russia has been celebrating the Day of the Black Sea Fleet on a grand scale and with color. It falls on May 13th. The tradition of celebrating the above date appeared a long time ago, but it was officially fixed only in 1996.

What is remarkable about this grandiose holiday - the Day of the Black Sea Fleet?

In many Russian cities, solemn parades are organized on May 13, tributes are paid to the memory of sailors who died in wars on obelisks and memorials. A solemn prayer service is served to the glory of these defenders of the Motherland. And this is not all the events that remember the great date - the Day of the Black Sea Fleet. But about them a little later. First, about how the flotilla was born on the Black Sea.

Historical reference

Of course, such famous admirals as Ushakov, Nakhimov, Lazarev, Kuznetsov laid the foundation for the glorious history of the squadron. It was the Russian ships, which were attacked on the Black Sea, that influenced the course of events in the First World War and the Crimean War. And during the Great Patriotic War, they played one of the main roles in the defense of the Crimea, the North Caucasus and Sevastopol.

Everyone knows that back in 1783, a group of ships of the Azov flotilla, numbering 11 units, crossed the Black Sea bay (Akhtiarskaya). This happened on May 13: this date is known to contemporaries as the Day of the Black Sea Fleet. After some time, she joined the squadron of the Dnepropetrovsk flotilla. As a result, 28 combat ships formed the backbone of the newly minted Russian fleet. After the Crimea became Russian, the Russian autocrat Catherine II ordered the formation of the Black Sea Fleet, which was headed by Admiral Fedor Klokachev. His naval army influenced the course of events in the war with Turkey and France. However, the flotilla lost in 1856, and an international document was signed in the French capital, according to which Russia was deprived of the prerogative to have a military army on the Black Sea. Only the provisions of the London Convention of 1871 eliminated the above injustice.

Recent milestones in history

The Black Sea Fleet in recent years has been a serious strategic object of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine, the bases of which were divided.

In 1994, in the Russian capital, the heads of the above states officially agreed that the problem of the army in the Black Sea would have a phased solution plan, but the document left the principle of fleet division in force.

And finally, at the beginning of the summer of 1997, the Black Sea ships were hoisted. Over the past few years, the Russian squadron on the Black Sea has sailed over long distances to other countries in order to exchange experience. The exercises are conducted with the Italian, French, Bulgarian, Greek, Indian, Egyptian navies.

Holiday traditions

The Day holiday has long acquired its glorious traditions. The celebrations begin with sailors laying flowers and wreaths at the monument created in honor of the Tercentenary of the Black Sea Fleet. All day long, from morning to evening, concerts are held on the streets of Russian cities, and Russians organize large-scale festive festivities. Congratulations on the Day of the Black Sea Fleet are said by the Commander-in-Chief of the squadron, as well as representatives of our country. On this day, sailors who have distinguished themselves in the service receive insignia, government awards, valuable gifts and awards. Naval and signal flags are hoisted on ships.

Sevastopol residents always remember holiday traditions

And of course, the Day of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia is celebrated in Sevastopol with a special scale and breadth.

A grandiose military sports festival and a parade of ships are held in the waters of the local bay. Residents and guests of the port year can watch a military parade, festive concerts, take part in quizzes and competitions. Well, on some ships on May 13 they organize the so-called when ordinary people can see with their own eyes how the life of a sailor works.

So, May 13 is coming - the Day of the Black Sea Fleet, and the inhabitants of Sevostopol rush to the House of Officers to see the exposition of paintings by artists who professionally paint seascapes. How not to visit the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet on a holiday to see a unique collection of knives and firearms, portraits of participants in military battles, Russian lithographs and much more?

In the evening of the holiday, pop stars sing and dance for Sevastopol residents, and a few hours later, artillery salutes will thunder over the bay, after which no one goes home. Guests stay to enjoy a breathtaking spectacle - fountains on the water.

Holiday this year

This year, May 13, the Day of the Black Sea Fleet, was also celebrated with glory. Again, this was felt first of all in Sevastopol.

Flowers were laid at the monument to the founder of the fleet - Catherine II, and a prayer service was served in the garrison church, which was attended by the head of the Black Sea Fleet headquarters Alexander Nosatov, representatives of officers, fleet veterans and ordinary sailors. A festive concert was organized for the sailors in the officers' house.

On the platform of the summer stage, which is located on Primorsky Boulevard, musicians and artists who came from the most remote corners of Russia performed. In 2015, the ship composition of the fleet will be expanded by several combat units, which is good news.

For the Russian people, the Day of the Black Sea Fleet is an important and significant holiday.

The strength and power of the army on the Black Sea

At present, the Russian flotilla, based on the Black Sea, is the stronghold of the country's defense capability, namely its southern borders.

The army's arsenal is truly impressive: modern surface vessels, high-tech submarines, missile-carrying, fighter and anti-submarine weapons. With such objects, we are not afraid of any external threats. Moreover, by 2020 our flotilla will be replenished with modern sea vessels. This year alone, it will include 3 destroyers and 4 submarines.

May 13, 2017 - the Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy is celebrated. Program of events, congratulations and gifts for Black Sea sailors. The history of the creation and development of the Black Sea Fleet of the Navy. The composition of the ships and brigades of the Black Sea Fleet for 2017.

Day of creation of the Black Sea Fleet

On May 13, 1783, 11 Russian ships from the Azov flotilla entered the Akhtiar Bay. The sailors who landed on the shore laid the first stone in the foundation of the city of Akhtiar, which later became Sevastopol.

It is this date that is one of the key ones in the navy, since the whole country celebrates the Day of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia. In 1785, the first composition of the fleet was approved, which included 12 battleships, 20 frigates, 5 schooners and 23 transport ships. The personnel turned out to be 13.5 thousand sailors and officers.

A few years later, the composition was replenished with 17 ships of the Dnieper flotilla, which was due to the approaching war. The victory of the Russian ships in the war with the Ottoman Empire caused real rejoicing in the country. The enemy had one of the best fleets of his time and for many decades remained the ruler of the Black Sea. But the Russian soldiers once again confirmed that nothing is impossible for them. Since then, the Day of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol has been celebrated annually.

The Mediterranean campaign of Admiral Ushakov demonstrated to all of Europe that another strong squadron appeared at sea, which would have to be reckoned with. For 2.5 years of the campaign, not a single ship was lost, and the Russian Empire gained a base in the Mediterranean Sea, which significantly increased its authority.

The base of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol became the main one in 1804, since the convenient location of the port made it possible to effectively conduct military operations. During the first half of the 19th century, there were constant conflicts with the Ottoman Empire for influence in the Caucasus and the Balkan region.

Therefore, ships were the main striking force in wars, because with their help it was possible to quickly transfer troops to the combat zone. The overland journey would take much longer and would take a lot of strength from the soldiers, which in no way contributes to success in battles.

During the Russo-Turkish Wars, the imperial fleet almost always won victories, so that Russian influence expanded after each successful campaign. Therefore, the Day of the Navy of the Black Sea Fleet was one of the main holidays in the state. The authorities and ordinary people honored the brave sailors who protected the peace of the state and won authority for it in the European political arena.

It is especially worth noting the incredible feat of the team of the brig "Mercury". Captain-Lieutenant Alexander Yakovlevich Kazarsky, together with the sailors, took the fight against two Ottoman battleships. As a result of the skillful actions of the team, both battleships were put out of action and safely joined their squadron. This was the first and only time in history when such a small vessel managed to overcome two huge warships without any help.

The Crimean War ended with a heavy defeat at sea, but did not bring success to the enemy in land battles. Almost the entire fleet was lost in the port of Sevastopol and part of the Crimean peninsula. But in the end, the parties to the conflict moved to a peaceful settlement, and many territories were returned.

Further, the fleet is being re-equipped with modern ships with steam installations that allow moving in any direction, regardless of the wind. True, until 1871 there was a restriction on the composition of the Black Sea squadron in accordance with the Paris Treaty.

Sailors also took an active part in the Revolution of 1905-1907. The difficult social situation and the emperor's unpopular reforms led to uprisings on the Ochakovo and Potemkin. The rebellion was suppressed, but even then it became clear that not the entire army was loyal to the current political regime. A series of defeats in the Russo-Japanese War and the First World War finally decomposed discipline in the troops. Therefore, the Bolsheviks found fertile ground for the revolution.

History and composition of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet in the Soviet era

The bases of the Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea immediately after the revolutionary uprisings were captured by supporters of the Bolsheviks. In view of the intervention of foreign troops, an urgent decision was made to relocate all serviceable and completed ships inland. It was possible to evacuate 18 warships of various displacements.

The Novorossiysk base of the Black Sea Fleet has become a new location for equipment and personnel. At the same time, before the occupation of the Crimea, on the orders of Lenin, all the ships that could not be brought to other ports were flooded.

After the departure of foreign troops and the capture of the Crimea by the Whites, only 5 serviceable ships remained in the fleet. After some time, the ships were returned, which the Germans managed to capture before being destroyed. The White Guard movement received a number of modern combat vehicles, but lacked trained crews to use them.

In 1920, Soviet power was finally established in the Crimea, but 150 different ships were used by Wrangel and Denikin to evacuate the opponents of the Bolsheviks. As a result, almost all ships were lost to the Black Sea Fleet forever. The naval base of the Black Sea Fleet was again moved to Sevastopol, but the armada had to be completed practically from scratch. To restore the combat capability of the Navy in the Black Sea, the ships of the Azov Flotilla were used.

By the beginning of the Second World War, the Black Sea Fleet already consisted of 70 ships (1 battleship, 5 cruisers, 17 destroyers and 47 submarines), as well as a coast guard battery and over 600 aircraft. This is without taking into account minesweepers, patrol, torpedo and anti-submarine boats.

The Soviet Union managed to quickly restore the combat capability of its fleet in the Black Sea, which played an important role in the defense of coastal territories. The German command did not count on strong resistance, so it turned out to be unprepared for counterattacks on Romanian ports.

When it became clear that it would not be possible to keep the Crimea and Odessa, the fleet was used to evacuate the army, the wounded, party workers and cultural figures. The ships also took out works of art and other valuables.

The Black Sea Fleet took part in the defense of the Caucasus, and after the turning point in the war and the beginning of the offensive operations of the Red Army, it landed 13 troops behind enemy lines to capture bridgeheads.

After the end of the war, the ship structure of the Black Sea Fleet was replenished with new types of equipment, including those received from Germany as reparations. Rivalry with the United States at sea required the development of shipbuilding, so huge funds were invested in this industry. This made it possible to achieve significant success and equip the fleet with the latest models. Soviet ships regularly undertook patrol raids in neutral waters, and also went to the aid of friendly governments around the world.

The collapse of the USSR became a serious test, because the Crimea went to Ukraine, and the Russian Federation really did not want to lose its bases of the Black Sea Fleet in this region. The problem was finally resolved only in 2000 after the signing of a bilateral agreement. Until that moment, the situation remained extremely tense, and only by a miracle did it manage to avoid an open confrontation between the two powers.

Composition of the Russian Black Sea Fleet

The division of the property of the fleet between Ukraine and Russia was also quite painful. Many obsolete ships were sent for recycling. And the TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov" was actually hijacked by the crew and relocated to the Northern Fleet, where it remains to this day.

But at the same time, all aircraft and pilots decided to stay in Ukraine, so the flight team had to be re-formed, which was done in 1998. And the Ukrainian authorities sold a similar project that was at the construction stage to China.

The main base of the Black Sea Fleet remained in Sevastopol, which became a city with a special status. The Russian Navy and the Ukrainian Navy were located here, which were divided among themselves and had a separate command, staff, charter, internal regulations, weapons and ports. But in order to ensure collective security, joint exercises were often held, which made it possible to coordinate actions.

The Crimean naval base of the Black Sea Fleet was leased by the Russian Federation with the possibility of a permanent extension of the contract. In 2010, an agreement was signed in Kharkov until 2042 with the possibility of further prolongation for another 5 years. With the holding of a referendum in Crimea and its entry into Russia, the treaty lost its relevance and was unilaterally denounced by the Russian Federation.

Composition of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia for 2017:

1. Missile cruisers of the 1st rank - 1 unit.
2. Large anti-submarine ships - 1 unit.
3. Patrol ships of the long-range class of the sea zone - 5 units.
4. Landing ships of a large class - 6 units.
5. Diesel-electric submarines - 7 units.
6. Small missile-type ships - 4 units.
7. Fire-fighting, emergency, rescue, search and rescue and passenger ships - 12 units (located at the base of the Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk).
8. Missile boats of the Molniya project - 5 units.
9. Anti-submarine ships - 11 units.
10. Minesweepers - 9 units.
11. Patrol ships - 5 units.
12. Landing ships of the middle class - 5 units.
13. Anti-sabotage boats - 5 units.
14. Diving boots - 2 units.
15. Reconnaissance ships - 4 units.
16. Towing ships - 1 unit.
17. Tankers - 5 units.
18. Military transport ships - 2 units.
19. Hospital ships - 1 unit.
20. Communication boats - 2 units.

In addition, the armament of the Black Sea Fleet includes a coastline of defense and naval aviation. The coastal troops include missile and artillery brigades, marines, reconnaissance brigades, an RBKhZ regiment, an engineer regiment, and a logistics brigade. And naval aviation consists of 43 OMSHAP and 318 mixed AP. All units are armed with modern models, and by 2020 all obsolete models should be completely replaced with the latest ones.

Warships of the Black Sea Fleet and their weapons

The flagship of the fleet is the 1st rank missile cruiser of project 1164 Atlant. In the Soviet era, it was called "Glory", and now it is called "Moscow". In service are:

1x2 AK-130 artillery mounts;
. 6x6 anti-aircraft guns AK-630;
. 8x2 PU SCRC P-1000 "Volcano";
. 8 × 8 launchers for S-300F "Fort" air defense systems;
. 2 × 2 air defense systems "Osa-MA";
. 2 RBU-6000;
. 2 5-tube 533 mm torpedo tubes;
. 1 Ka-27 helicopter.

All ships are armed with modern means of conducting radar reconnaissance, as well as effective models for combating underwater, surface and air threats. Jammers make it possible to disable all enemy electronics in a wide range, so at the moment Russia has one of the strongest fleets in the Black Sea region.

The Novorossiysk naval base of the Black Sea Fleet has completely switched to modern weapons models, so now this operation will have to be carried out on the Crimean peninsula. There were practically no combat clashes in the post-Soviet era, but in some conflicts the fleet was involved:

1. On August 10, 2008, a group of ships took part in a collision with Georgian boats during the South Ossetian conflict. One boat of the Georgian side was sunk, and another one was damaged without losses from the Russian side.
2. In the period of March 3-17, 2014, ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation participated in blocking the sea route for Ukrainian ships on Lake Donuzlav. There were no clashes, since the Ukrainian side surrendered the vessel. The teams were released immediately, and after a while the Russian Federation returned 10 of the 13 captured ships.
3. Since November 24, 2015, the Moskva cruiser has been taking part in the operation in Syria, covering Russian forces from the port in Latakia.

For the next few years, it is planned to commission 6 new patrol ships and expand the aviation presence in the Crimea.

Day of the Black Sea Fleet-2017

The Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy is held especially magnificently after the return of Crimea to the Federation. Demonstration performances at sea and in the sky arouse genuine interest among thousands of citizens. This year there will also be a parade with the participation of a large number of vehicles. Aces will show their skills to everyone, and a television broadcast will be organized for residents of remote regions.

Voentorg Voenpro has prepared gifts for the day of the Black Sea Fleet. You can find them in the electronic catalog on the website. With the help of a convenient search system, it will not be difficult to find interesting products and order them with delivery to your city. The attributes of the Black Sea Fleet are applied to various products, so you can place individual orders for an original congratulation.

Flags and other symbols of the Black Sea Fleet are sold at Voenpro at competitive prices. It is worth noting that all products are made very high quality, so you can safely order them in large quantities. Recipients are guaranteed to be satisfied with such gifts.

Souvenirs of the Black Sea Fleet can be given not only to sailors, but to all Crimeans, because for the peninsula, the naval forces are a guarantee of security and confidence in the future. It is enough to look at the history of the Crimea to understand how important the fleet played in the development of the region.


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The Black Sea Flotilla is valiantly serving to control military security in southern Russia. The flotilla consists of several units: surface and submarine forces, coast guards, infantry, hydroaviation and others.


The creation of the navy began in 1783 after the entry of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Empire. The initial base point was the city of Akhtiar, which is now known to everyone as the hero city of Sevastopol. By order of Empress Catherine II, such a name was given that in Greek it means “majestic”.

The navy of the USSR, which existed in this mode until the collapse of the union, became the receiver of the Black Sea flotilla. After 1991, the squadron is divided into two divisions: the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Navy. In terms of percentage, 81.7% remained with Russia, respectively, 18.3% belonged to Ukraine.

By agreement of the parties, the following were determined:

  • fleet section parameters;
  • position of the Russian Black Sea Fleet on the lands of Ukraine;
  • rent payment rules and other details.

The agreements were signed for a period up to 2024. But due to the events that took place in 2014, the agreements lost their force. In March 2014, contracts were signed between Russia and the Republic of Crimea on the creation of new facilities on the peninsula.

The modern fleet of the Black Sea coast has two bases in the cities: Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. The armada includes 2,800 thousand ships, of which 43 are combat ships. The number of military personnel is 25 thousand people.


The holiday of the Black Sea Fleet is celebrated on a grand scale in two cities - Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. Both the military and city authorities are preparing for this day.

The military arrange joint exercises with other countries for their day, sharing and adopting experience. Concerts are held in the cities, where celebrities and artists are invited. Veterans are honored, recruits are accepted.

An obligatory solemn event is the laying of flowers at the monuments to the Black Sea sailors. Prayers are held in the cathedrals, where the Black Sea sailors and the entire fleet are glorified.

In honor of the holiday, parades are held, which come to watch from all over the big country. And in the evening, bright fireworks flash with all the colors of the rainbow to the delight of adults and children.

Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy is celebrated on May 13. It will be held for the 25th time in 2020. The holiday is celebrated by the personnel and command of the Black Sea Fleet.

history of the holiday

The Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy was established by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy of July 15, 1996 "On the introduction of annual holidays and professional days in the specialty."

The holiday is dedicated to the formation of the Black Sea Fleet. The decree on its foundation was signed in 1783 by Empress Catherine II. On May 13, 1783, 11 ships of the Azov flotilla entered the Akhtiar (now Sevastopol) bay. Five days later, 11 ships of the Dnieper flotilla joined them. These ships became the core of the new fleet.

Holiday traditions

On the Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, the fleet command awards personnel with thanks, government letters, extraordinary military ranks and insignia.

Near memorials and obelisks, people honor the memory of sailors who died in wars. In the temples, a solemn prayer service is served in honor of the servants of the fleet.

Large Crimean cities host military parades, parades of ships, concerts, pyrotechnic shows. Military sports competitions and quizzes are arranged. Some warships organize open days for the population.

The most large-scale events are held in Sevastopol. Officers, fleet veterans and ordinary sailors lay flowers at the monument to Catherine II, the founder of the fleet. Festive concerts are held in the House of Officers and on Primorsky Boulevard.

  • The Russian Navy includes 4 fleets: the Black Sea, Northern, Pacific, Baltic, and Caspian Flotilla. The Black Sea Fleet ensures the military security of the Russian Federation in the south.
  • The Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet is located in Sevastopol. It has been operating since 1869.
  • The press organ of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation is the newspaper "Flag of the Motherland". Published in Sevastopol since 1920.
  • The Black Sea Fleet has repeatedly become the cause of political disputes between Russia and Ukraine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the territory occupied by the fleet became part of Ukraine. But most of the officers did not want to submit to the Ukrainian authorities. They staged a riot, as a result of which the fleet actually passed to Russia. In 1995, the presidents of both countries agreed to divide it: 81.7% of the ships remained Russian, and the rest went to Ukraine. Since March 18, 2014, the Sevastopol base of the Black Sea Fleet has been under the jurisdiction of Russia.
  • The Black Sea Fleet fought in the Russian-Turkish wars of 1787-1791. and 1877-1878, the Crimean War of 1853-1856, the First World War and the Great Patriotic War. In the summer of 2008, his ships took part in the armed conflict in South Ossetia off the coast of Abkhazia. In March 2014, the ships of the fleet participated in the blockade of the Ukrainian fleet in Donuzlav.
  • In 1965, the Black Sea Fleet was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military merit.