Grandiose plans are being made for the new academic year and great hopes are placed, I want the first day of school, September 1, to be remembered for a long time. Therefore, we publish congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, as well as beautiful pictures on September 1. Read the best congratulations on September 1 for parents, teachers and first-graders further.


Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1
You, our lovely teachers!
Good luck to you for the whole year,
So that there is always comfort in the soul!

Patience to never end
Salary so as not to "bite".
Lessons so that they are carried out,
So that everyone sits at their desks in an instant!

So that the leadership praises you,
Always worthily appreciated you,
Respected for your work
For all merits - awarded!

Teachers, Happy Knowledge Day to you!
You give them generously to children.
We wish you not to go out
Fire in the soul that shines brightly.

May your days be easy
Enough let health, strength,
And all your students
Thank you for everything!

You are our dear teachers,
So kind, so dear to us!
We congratulate you on the holiday today,
The Day of Knowledge! We sincerely wish you
In the soul of warmth, and in the heart - kindness,
Always only positive, beauty.
So that there will never be sadness
May you always be loved!

An important day, you have been waiting for it for a long time,
Finally today has arrived
First graders, we wish you good luck,
Joy, health, a lot of strength,
May learning bring you joy
Brings knowledge and success
We are glad to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
May you always be lucky in everything!

Dressy! Eyes are on fire!
In the hands of huge bouquets.
But no, not the kids are standing,
From now on, this is first-graders.

More kindergarteners yesterday
Now the students have become
And the foliage quietly spreads
Under their timid steps.

We congratulate you, friends!
The school opens doors for you.
Will tell you everything from A to Z
And the most faithful friend will become.

Who is walking to school?
There is a briefcase and there is a bouquet.
Who is walking so cheerful?
There is my answer to this.

First graders at school
They stand in a friendly crowd.
Full of new expectations
Their uneven noisy build.

We wish the first-graders
Diligence and victories.
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
Productive school years!

Happy first school holiday
Congratulations first graders
Day of knowledge before you
Opens the doors
Yesterday's babies
Girls and boys
To my family today
The school accepts.
I wish, first graders,
You are good at studying
To easily standouts
You managed to become
So that parents can
Proud of success
And the school taught you
All know and know.

Photo:, open sources on the Web, cover -

On the first day of autumn, September 1, Knowledge Day is celebrated all over the world. On this holiday, a solemn line is traditionally held, at which teachers, parents and schoolchildren congratulate each other on the beginning of the school year. This year, preparations for the First Call have already begun, and schoolchildren are already looking for cool and beautiful congratulations on September 1 to teachers in poetry and prose. The teachers themselves prepare calendar plans and notes for the next academic year and make solemn congratulations on the end of the summer vacation to colleagues in their own words. Our site contains the best short and beautiful congratulations for September 1 to the teacher from parents, colleagues and students, which will ideally fit into the scenario of the First Call. Also here you will find beautiful postcards with congratulations on September 1 for the teacher from current and former students.

Beautiful congratulations from September 1, 2018 in verse to teachers from students

Undoubtedly, summer holidays are the most favorite time of all schoolchildren, because in the summer you can take a break from lessons and daily homework. But many schoolchildren already in the second half of the summer begin to miss their native school, their favorite teachers and classmates. They dream that the 2018-2019 academic year will start as soon as possible, so they are happy to complete the task for the summer and prepare on the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge to solemnly read touching congratulations on September 1, 2018 in verse.

A selection of touching congratulations from September 1 to teachers in verse

You again lead to the light of knowledge

Big and small kids.

You give your soul to work

For which you are all thankful!

We wish you an easy start

And happy school days

So that everything is fulfilled with success,

Life became brighter.

You, our lovely teachers!

Good luck to you for the whole year,

So that there is always comfort in the soul!

Patience to never end

Salary so as not to "bite".

Lessons so that they are carried out,

So that everyone sits at their desks in an instant!

So that the leadership praises you,

Always worthily appreciated you,

Respected for your work

For all merits - awarded!

May the first day filled with flowers

And the joy of long-awaited meetings,

In the soul stays longer with you,

To save the mood.

May your faces shine with joy

And the children happily rush to school,

We wish you to study with them -

Discoveries will only then be made.

Let the fire of creativity burn brightly

Will make you think and look for the answer,

Let it only be hot in the field of truth,

Let everyone be touched by knowledge light!

We hope that in the summer

Managed to rest.

It's time to get to work

Dive desperately.

The academic year has begun

And fight, teachers!

On you, in fact,

The whole earth is holding.

Therefore, we wish

You stamina and strength,

To family and school

Calm and peace reigned!

Knowledge Day today

And he is rightfully yours

For noble work

We will tell you: "Bravo!"

We wish you strength

Patience and will

We congratulate you

Within the walls of our school.

decent salary,

From all respect,

Winged dreams

All-all performance.

Postcards with congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers from former students

Unlike schoolchildren, most of whom dream that summer never ends, graduates recall their carefree school days and favorite teachers with nostalgia and warm sadness. Therefore, on Knowledge Day, many of them personally congratulate their teachers or send postcards with congratulations from September 1, 2018 to high school teachers and their first teacher. And it is doubly pleasant for teachers to receive such postcards and congratulations, because they are once again convinced that grown-up students appreciate their work and remember them with warmth.

Touching to tears congratulations in pictures on Knowledge Day to teachers from former students

Touching congratulations in prose from September 1, 2018 to teachers

In addition to the congratulations that sound at the solemn line in honor of the Day of Knowledge for all teachers of the school, many teachers hear other congratulations - congratulations from their beloved students. Many children sincerely love teachers who treat them with all their hearts, therefore, by the First Call, they are looking for beautiful and touching congratulations from September 1, 2018 in prose to their favorite subject teachers, as well as to their primary school teacher.

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 for teachers in prose

Dear teachers, today I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you diligent students, moral stability and strength, health and optimism. You are faithful keepers of knowledge passed down from generation to generation. May your work be valued and respected. Blessings to each of you. Good luck to the new school year!

Our dear and respected teachers, here you are again at the start of the annual school run. Let this year be fruitful, productive, informative and interesting. We wish you steel patience, granite health, radiant happiness and silk students.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. We sincerely wish you incredible strength, interesting ideas, exciting activities and respect. Be healthy, strong, successful and happy. Let it always turn out to carry out everything planned, prosperity to you and good luck.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the day of knowledge! An exciting day, the start of a new school year. We will solemnly meet first-graders, we wish easy study to students. Let every teacher be proud of his work. Joy to you, knowledge, good mood, great achievements and smart students! Happy holiday!

Happy knowledge day, our dear teachers. Let the new academic year bring a lot of positive emotions and excellent marks. May school life be full of bright events and grandiose achievements. Beloved teachers, health to you, happiness, well-being and a cheerful mood.

Short funny and funny congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers

Friends and relatives of educators are sure to congratulate them on the end of their summer vacation and the start of the school year. And often they send short funny SMS congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers, in a comic form expressing sympathy for the end of the vacation and wishing them strength and patience in the 2018-2019 academic year. And such funny SMS congratulations from friends can cheer up all teachers and give them a smile on the first day of autumn.

A selection of cool SMS congratulations from September 1 to teachers

Happy knowledge Day. I wish that knowledge easily and simply flies into the head, like files on a USB flash drive, I wish that the adventures on the ass are the most interesting and fun. May you never be bored, may your teeth never break on the strong granite of science.

Hooray! Back to school today

Again the call meets you,

The teacher is stately and cheerful,

Bring everyone back to class!

May this year be filled

Mystery, knowledge magic,

May the days be joyful

And the world is filled with witchcraft!

For three whole weeks the whole country

I bought uniforms, diaries and satchels,

And the kids were going to school,

Throwing bathing suits and slates in the closet.

You came to school early today

After all, the new school year has begun.

We wish it to be successful

In the cycle of work concerns.

Chrysanthemum tenderness,

violet love

And pink joy to you,

To bloom all year round!

For children to listen

And always appreciated

The way you are with your soul

They were well taught.

And among the flowers, confessions

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

None other than wizards

I should call you

After all, you give with textbooks

An invaluable gift: to know.

And on the Day of Knowledge

I wish this year:

Let more cognitive

Everyone will take it into their own mind.

Let the work be easy

Let the children listen

The days will seem short

May will come soon.

Beautiful solemn congratulations from September 1, 2018 to the teacher from the parents

The script of the solemn line in honor of the first bell necessarily includes congratulations from September 1, 2018 to the teacher from the parents. Moms and dads of schoolchildren on this day are no less worried than the children themselves, because the holidays are over, and their children will now spend a lot of time at school, learning science under the guidance of teachers. On Knowledge Day, as a rule, parents wish teachers creative inspiration, patience and strength for their hard work.

Collection of congratulations on the Day of Knowledge to the teacher from parents in verse and prose

Happy Knowledge Day dear teachers,

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you,

Don't be too hard on our kids

Although they are, of course, tomboys with us!

We wish you success and good luck,

Thank you for your hard work

Solve difficult problems with ease

Let there be only joy ahead!

For us, parents, today is a holiday too,

Congratulations to teachers and children!

We cannot hide our excitement,

We wish you success and ideas.

We wish you to plunge into the sea of ​​knowledge,

Always strive upwards and forward,

Discoveries to you, ideas and undertakings,

Let the school year pass with benefit!

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness",

Wise and even very relevant

The words once spoken by the classic,

Knowledge Day is a holiday of new expectations.

He promises a new year, a school year,

Truly hard work

And invites you to go forward,

He does not want to turn off the path.

From parents on knowledge day

congratulations for you,

We want excellent students

More for each class.

May you be successful and successful

This school year will be

Let the bell ring - the day of knowledge

Started a new countdown.

On Knowledge Day, parents would like to wish their children good health, disobedience, determination, love and understanding, perseverance and good mood. And for teachers to leave wishes for patience and manifestations of kindness, love and respect, success and good luck, well-being and strong moral and physical strength.

Cool congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues in your own words

Returning from vacation, teachers congratulate colleagues on the start of the new academic year, share their plans and rejoice at the return to the team that has become familiar over the years of work. Since teachers always support each other and work closely with other teachers as part of the educational process, for many of them the team really becomes a second family. And congratulations on September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues, expressed in their own words, always sound touching and sincere.

Funny congratulations on Knowledge Day in your own words to teachers from colleagues

Dear colleagues, today is a wonderful day that symbolizes the beginning of a new interesting life in the field of education! May this school year be easy and successful for all of us and our students. Strength of spirit, patience and inspiration to us. Without this, our work is nowhere! The Day of Knowledge!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish that responsiveness and understanding are more common in our work, that difficulties are bypassed, and the educational process goes easily and naturally. May every day please you with success and achievements, both your own and our wards. I wish you health, strength, excellent mood and great prospects!

My dear colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge. I wish us all plenty of time, patience and strength, success in both work and personal plans, respect for children and their parents, great love from your loved ones and eternal love for life from you.

Dear colleagues, Happy Holidays! The Day of Knowledge! May September 1 be a return of memory to the past and at the same time a step into the future for everyone in their hearts. I wish to remember the main thing: that there will always be a place for knowledge, wisdom, kindness. Let the happy faces of students make you smile, remember yourself, help you cope with all the difficulties and enthusiastically enter the school year, full of new achievements, discoveries, victories!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. May this academic year be successful and favorable, may it bring a lot of pleasure, high successes, great achievements, joy, fun activities, unusually interesting activities, smiles and joy.

Beautiful SMS congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues

Since every year teachers interact more and more often with colleagues from other schools as part of their work, it is not surprising that teachers working in different educational institutions and even cities are friends with each other. Therefore, on Knowledge Day, they will definitely send greeting cards or SMS congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues who cannot be congratulated personally.

The best SMS congratulations on September 1 for colleagues

Colleagues, back to battle,

Educational and decisive!

Happy knowledge day, first day,

Here's a congratulations.

We wish you patience

To captivate kids

With nice mood

Light up the stars!

Well, girls, congratulations,

More power in the new year!

I wish smart students

So that everyone catches on the fly!

Let the days fly by in circles

Good luck in your school affairs,

Let only large banknotes

Stored in your wallets!

I congratulate you, colleagues,

Happy first day of school.

Celebrating knowledge day

Today we are magical.

I wish you patience

Good health.

Prepare for what won't

A whole year of rest.

On the day of knowledge, I want to wish my colleagues patience with a large margin, health and respect. May the new academic year be easy and fruitful. May each of us realize all our plans. I wish you all happiness, love, prosperity and great luck.

fellow teachers,

We celebrate the holiday

Today I want you

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

Let knowledge day give

Smiles and warmth

I wish teachers

Everything was always lucky!

It is appropriate to present beautiful postcards and pictures from September 1, 2018 to preschoolers, first graders, elementary, middle and high school students, parents and teachers. This method is considered the most successful option for congratulating on the Day of Knowledge for both children and adults. Our new collection features the most attractive and vibrant themed images with inscriptions, poems and good wishes.

Funny, cool pictures and animated gifs with a flickering effect are placed in separate sections. After downloading the image you like absolutely free of charge, you can print it on a printer, and then hand it over to those who you want to please. Or send pictures over the Internet, supplementing them with optimistic phrases and joyful words of wishes.

Perky pictures for September 1 for kindergarten - you can download for free

If you don’t know where you can download perky pictures for September 1 for kindergarten for free, we suggest right here. We have collected the most interesting images with thematic stories and welcome inscriptions. It is appropriate to use them as decorative elements for the premises of the garden, where ceremonial events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge will be held.

Free images with pictures in honor of September 1 in kindergarten

The best pictures for September 1 Knowledge Day for preschoolers

All the best pictures for September 1 Knowledge Day for preschoolers are in this section. Each image is distinguished by a rich color scheme and contains a welcome inscription.

The best selection of pictures for Knowledge Day for preschool children

Beautiful pictures with congratulations on September 1 to a first grader from relatives

It will be very flattering and pleasant for a first grader to receive beautiful pictures with congratulations on September 1 from relatives. In this way, close people will greet the baby and give him the best, good wishes and parting words. For a presentation, it is better to choose bright thematic images with a short inscription. A clear congratulatory phrase will be immediately remembered and will please the young first grader for a long time.

Examples of beautiful greeting pictures for September 1 for first graders

Funny, funny postcards for September 1 to first-graders

Very bright, funny, cool postcards for September 1 will cheer up a first-grader and help to cope with the excitement associated with going to school. Mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandmother, grandfather and other close relatives or family friends can hand over congratulatory images to the future student.

Postcards with funny, cool stories in honor of September 1 for first graders

Cool pictures from September 1 - postcards for Knowledge Day for elementary school students

Funny, funny pictures from September 1 and postcards for Knowledge Day for elementary school students should be prepared by teachers and parents. It is better to choose bright, colorful thematic images with optimistic inscriptions in poetry or prose. Children are very fond of such cute signs of attention from adults and are always sincerely happy to receive postcards with funny pictures.

A collection of cool pictures with congratulations on September 1 to elementary school students

Funny pictures from September 1 to parents from students

Pupils can present funny pictures to parents from September 1 before going to school for the line. Funny, humorous stories will cheer up adults and make them look at the school year that has begun from a different angle.

Postcards with humorous pictures in honor of September 1 from schoolchildren to parents

Pictures with congratulations in honor of September 1 to the teacher from students in grades 9-11

The best gift for Knowledge Day from students in grades 9-11 is pictures of congratulations in honor of September 1 for the teacher. Despite the simplicity and ingenuity, such a touching, sweet surprise is always to the liking and evokes only the brightest, kindest and good emotions in the teacher. A good addition to the thematic image will be sincere wishes for professional success, patience, peace of mind and great personal happiness.

The best postcards with pictures for congratulating the teacher on September 1 from grades 9-11

Where to download free beautiful animated gif-pictures from September 1 for a teacher

You no longer need to waste time searching for where to download free beautiful animated gif-pictures from September 1 for a teacher. All the best flickering images with inscriptions and congratulations are collected on our website and are available around the clock to network users.

Free beautiful gif-pictures with a twinkling effect by September 1st for teachers

Postcards from September 1 and congratulations in verse to fellow teachers

This section presents beautiful postcards from September 1 and congratulations in verse to fellow teachers from the school staff, director and head teacher. They look bright, attractive and spectacular, and sincere pleasant inscriptions evoke only the best emotions.

Types of greeting cards for September 1 with poems for fellow teachers

Cool postcards from September 1 to teachers for free download

All the coolest postcards from September 1 to teachers are here and are always available for free download. They can be “transferred” to your gadget, printed on a color printer, signed and handed over to your favorite teachers on Knowledge Day. Good and warm wishes will be a good addition to the thematic gift. In order for the phrases to sound sincerely and cordially, it is worth saying them in your own words. This will give the congratulation a personal touch and make it more sincere and optimistic.

Free funny postcards by September 1 for teachers - you can download for free

Teachers on Knowledge Day prepare for daily work, for everyday life filled with joys, difficulties, sometimes happy moments, and sometimes sad or touching.

A good teacher can only be a strong-willed person who knows how to find the right approach to children.

And by this day, we have collected congratulations on September 1 to fellow teachers in prose, which contains beautiful thematic wishes for this holiday.

Choose the words you like, and let this significant date become truly happy and joyful for your school staff!

Dear colleagues, with all my heart I congratulate you on one of the most important holidays for all of us - September 1st! After a long break, difficult everyday life begins, we are waiting for calls, lessons, breaks, we are waiting for new topics, tests, checking notebooks ... And even if such work seems monotonous and even boring to someone, we know that our work is noble, our work is needed and in demand. Teaching children is not easy, and sometimes very difficult, but for a teacher who has love for children in his heart and a desire to give them new knowledge, this is the most pleasant job in the world! I wish you all enthusiasm, the desire to introduce new techniques and techniques, the desire to explain, instruct and admonish. And may your students always answer you with gratitude!

Congratulations on September 1st! On this holiday, we want to wish you interesting lessons in the new academic year, so that the students love, respect and honor you, and also that you are always satisfied with the results of your work! Let everything be as you always dreamed!

September 1 is an exciting date for both schoolchildren and teachers. Therefore, I would like to wish my colleagues patience, ease in the learning process, tact and mutual understanding, more endurance and good mood, and let schoolchildren please with diligence and diligence!

Dear colleagues! We are fulfilling a difficult but necessary mission - to share knowledge with children. Our task is to give students the basic knowledge and interest them in their studies. Tell them about how amazing and beautiful our world is. I congratulate you on the first autumn day! I wish you a successful academic year, smart students, interesting lessons! May you have strength, health and patience! Good luck!

On a wonderful September day, I hasten to congratulate you colleagues on the Day of Knowledge! Wishes today are traditional. Health heroic, real Siberian! Be guided by interesting programs, respect the personality of the student! Before the call, have time to give out a new topic of the lesson, and not sit at night checking notebooks. Happy to go to work. And I wish the wards to go to school with pleasure. Financial stability and family joys!

Happy Knowledge Day, colleagues. Let's endure all the trials of this year together, let's become even more confident, stronger, more optimistic, let's open for students the doors to the world of important knowledge, and the doors to the country of exciting ideas. I wish you all cheerfulness and inspiration, as well as peace of mind, joy of the heart and good luck in life.

On Knowledge Day, dear colleagues, I would like to wish you to enter the new academic year with new strength and creative ideas, good mood and good health, a great desire for common success and moral stability. May everything work out for each of us, may we be pleased with good results and marks in magazines.

My dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. Without them, our life would be boring and gray. Every day we learn something new, share our discoveries with our students, pass on some of our experience to them, and help them avoid mistakes. I wish everyone optimism, personal growth and career achievements in the field of school education. Let each standard lesson be like a holiday for you, and the pranks of the wards will be replaced by diligence and hard work. Happy holiday, friends!

Dear colleagues, with all my heart I congratulate you on one of the most important holidays for all of us - September 1! Our difficult everyday life begins again, we are waiting for calls, lessons, breaks, we are waiting for new topics, control, checking notebooks ... On this day I want to wish us all enthusiasm, the desire to introduce new techniques and techniques, the desire to explain, instruct and admonish. And may your students, dear colleagues, always answer you with gratitude!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish that responsiveness and understanding are more common in our work, that difficulties are bypassed, and the educational process goes easily and naturally. May every day please you with success and achievements, both your own and our wards. I wish you health, strength, excellent mood and great prospects!

My dear colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge. I wish us all plenty of time, patience and strength, success in both work and personal plans, respect for children and their parents, great love from your loved ones and eternal love for life from you.

So the summer has flown by... A wonderful holiday has come - September 1, which marks the beginning of the school year. I see that today you are all in a great mood, ready to work, eager to start teaching again. Today, a little matured, but still beloved by you children, your students, came to school. I wish that you - teachers - strive to convey new material to schoolchildren in an interesting and accessible form, so that you try to captivate each student with your subject. I believe that only such an approach to our work will bring the desired results! Dare, try new tricks, master new techniques - in a word, be Teachers with a capital letter!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. May this academic year be successful and favorable, may it bring a lot of pleasure, high successes, great achievements, joy, fun activities, unusually interesting activities, smiles and joy.

Congratulations on September 1! I want to wish you happy and successful everyday life, joyful and exciting weekend, great success and unique abilities, determination and self-confidence, good health and good mood!

Dear Colleagues, Today is the start of a new academic year. And this year I wish you all new achievements and great achievements. Let new methods be mastered, the desired degrees obtained, let the students delight with their successes, let support and mutual understanding reign in the team!

Dear colleagues, Happy Holidays! The Day of Knowledge! May September 1 be a return of memory to the past and at the same time a step into the future for everyone in their hearts. I wish to remember the main thing: that there will always be a place for knowledge, wisdom, kindness. Let the happy faces of students make you smile, remember yourself, help you cope with all the difficulties and enthusiastically enter the school year, full of new achievements, discoveries, victories!

My respected and respected colleagues! For the umpteenth time, after the summer separation, we welcome our dear students and excited first-graders with open arms! Starting the school year, I would like to wish you talented students, a reserve of strength and health, a wonderful mood and family well-being.

Let every moment of your difficult activity be filled with pride for those to whom you give a ticket to adulthood, presenting the next certificate of secondary education. Happy Holidays, teachers!

Good afternoon, dear readers! Usually, thank-you speeches on Knowledge Day and Teacher's Day are heard from the lips of students and their parents. But sometimes I want to present congratulations to colleagues on September 1 and on my own behalf. In what form it is better to do this, we will now think with you.

Each of us carefully keeps memories of the wonderful years spent at school. In it, we not only mastered the sciences, but also acquired many true friends (and some even our first love). But for any teacher, I am sure, the teaching staff means much more than just colleagues at work, especially if years have been given to work at school. In fact, this is a real big family, which by common efforts is doing an important job of educating new worthy members of society.

Varieties of congratulations to colleagues on September 1

To please those with whom you work shoulder to shoulder, there are many ways, simple and difficult. This can be done on a school-wide line, and in a close circle of the team, and individually for each. You can congratulate your colleagues in this way:

  • in prose;
  • in verse;
  • holiday postcard;
  • a pleasant souvenir;
  • a bouquet of flowers;
  • musical performance;
  • video congratulations;
  • sweet dessert;
  • via SMS;
  • in a humorous way.

A cheerful greeting card is a small, but very nice gift, especially if it is not from a store, but made by hand (for example, using quilling or scrapbooking techniques). A modest surprise in the form of some trinket or a beautiful thing would also be appropriate.

If you have stage talent, you can try to surprise employees with a congratulation in a musical form. But a video greeting is perfect for posting on the official website of an educational institution.

Of course, no one will refuse a delicious treat if you bring a birthday cake and arrange small get-togethers for the entire teaching staff.

In the event that, for a number of reasons, it is impossible to personally congratulate one of them, then funny concise SMS sent to specific subscribers will do.

All of the above are most appropriate for implementation in an informal setting. As for the official part, here, as a rule, public speeches in front of the audience prevail, where all wishes are voiced in prose or poetry. We will talk about them separately.

We compose in prose

Words filled with warmth and kindness have always been and will be the best gift. All teachers are well aware of how difficult it can be to find an approach to a particular child, what difficulties they have to face during lessons, what stress their colleagues sometimes experience. Therefore, friendly help, advice, recommendations and, of course, verbal support are extremely important for teachers for a successful educational process.

A new class comes at a particularly high price, and all teachers are well aware of this. In this regard, wishes for fruitful work and parting words for creative achievements are heard.

Of course, everyone wants to hear sincere words and original thoughts filled with the solemnity of the moment and deep meaning. So it makes sense to try hard and prepare a speech that will touch everyone present at the celebration on the first autumn day to the core.

As an example, I propose here is such a small sweet congratulations.

Dear teachers! Here the summer flew by. A wonderful holiday has come - September 1. This day kicks off the new school year. Let me congratulate you, dear colleagues, on the Day of Knowledge!

I see that each of you is in a great mood, and impatiently waiting for the moment to start the first lesson.

Today, our students have gathered here, slightly matured, but still the same relatives and drawn to science. My wishes are that you also effectively convey new material to each of them, instilling in them a love for your subject. I believe that thanks to your efforts, our school will have an outstanding result. Work tirelessly, explore new professional horizons, but most importantly, be a Teacher with a capital letter for all the guys and proudly carry this title.

The following solemn phrases will sound wonderful:

My dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. Without them, our life would be boring and gray. Every day we learn something new, share our discoveries with our students, pass on some of our experience to them, and help them avoid mistakes. I wish everyone optimism, personal growth and career achievements in the field of school education. Let each standard lesson be like a holiday for you, and the pranks of the wards will be replaced by diligence and hard work. Happy holiday, friends!

Using poetry

Such an expression of your attitude towards those with whom you interact daily looks much more sincere and touching than expressed with the help of prosaic rhetoric. Of course, the best option would be poetic lines born directly from your inspiration.

If you are not strong in writing, you can always resort to the help of the Internet, choosing a poem that is most suitable for the occasion. Like the ones below.

How joyful in a pleasant team

Start the school year again.

Let him pass on the positive

And the sea will bring impressions.

Relatives and beloved colleagues,

Patience, health and strength to you!

Good mood for life!

The work of teachers is invaluable.

Happy Knowledge Day, I congratulate you today,

May there be smiles and flowers.

I wish you success and love

And the realization of a teacher's dream!

Let tasks be easily solved

And pleases our large school house.

Luck never leaves

And children's laughter sounds in it day after day.

So that the students love you all,

And the strength was enough for a hundred long years.

So that you only teach them good things,

And received thanks in return.

I think that young teachers and teachers with a sense of humor will also like such unpretentious comic rhymes.

Today we congratulate all the children and teachers.

We wish you all success and happy school days.

Teachers are not a team, but a single family.

So let's smile! Happy holiday to all of you, friends!

Whatever method you choose for congratulations, do not forget about the following elementary rules.

I am very glad if I helped you with my advice to decide on the issue of congratulating fellow teachers. I hope you take these thoughts into account so that later on the school line or personally congratulate the teaching staff on such a significant occasion as the first of September.

Allow me to say goodbye to you, dear readers. I would be very grateful if you share the publication on social networks and with friends, and also subscribe to my blog. New exciting content is just around the corner! Good luck to everyone and goodbye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva