The religion of the ancient Egyptians Teacher of history and social studies MBOU secondary school No. 72 named after M. N. Tolstikhin Krasnoyarsk Karavayskaya Ekaterina Georgievna November 22, 2016 Repetition of the past

Why did the pharaohs of Egypt organize

military campaigns?

The pharaohs organized military campaigns in order to expand the territory of their state and enrich themselves.

How was the pharaoh's army armed?

The army of the pharaoh was armed with spears, hatchets, bows.

The tips of these weapons were made of bronze.

What did the war chariots look like?

The chariot had two spoked wheels.

A platform is fixed on the axle between the wheels,

where two stood - one controlled the horses,

while the other shot from a bow and threw short spears at opponents

What did the participants bring from the campaigns?

From campaigns they brought everything of value, and most importantly, slaves

What were the results of campaigns for the pharaoh and ordinary soldiers?

In military campaigns, only pharaohs and nobles were enriched, and ordinary wars did not receive anything.

It is known that in Egypt, a statue of his master, carved from stone or wood, figures of cooks, porters, other slaves and servants were placed in the tomb of the pharaoh. On the walls of the tombs, the artists depicted the household of the master. What do these burials testify to? What conclusions can be drawn from these data? Plan
  • gods of the ancient egyptians
  • Religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians
  • Religion and power of the pharaoh
Gods of Ancient Egypt Geb - earth

Ra, Amon-ra

Gods of Ancient Egypt


Anubis the realm of the dead

Serpent Apep and Amon-Ra in the form of a cat The myth of Osiris and Isis

May and June in Egypt is the worst time of the year. For 50 days in a row, the wind blows from the desert, carrying hot sand and dust with it. Sand creaks on the teeth, penetrates into the clothes. Everything dies from the heat. The Egyptians believed that Osiris died then. In the middle of summer, the terrible wind of the desert subsides, the Nile floods, nature comes to life, the fields and trees turn green - this is Osiris came to life again.

The gods of the kingdom of the dead in ancient Egypt The oath of the Egyptian from the "Book of the Dead" “….Glory to you, great God. I have come to you, my lord, to behold your beauty. I know you, I know your name, I know the names of 42 gods. Here I come to you, the lord of truth: I brought the truth, I drove away the lie. I did not do unrighteous things to people, I did not kill .... I didn't do evil. I did not do what is an abomination for the gods ... I did not reduce the bread in the temples, I did not reduce the food of the gods. I did not reduce the measures of grain, did not reduce the measures of length, did not violate the measures of fields ... I did not envy. I did not speak ill of the king. I didn't cause tears. I'm clean, I'm clean!, I'm clean!” Consolidation of the studied material

Fill in the missing letters in the names of the gods,

B--------t; O-------s; I-----a; A------s;

gods names,

revered by the ancient Egyptians:

Bastet; Osiris; Isis; Anubis;

Match the name of God and the phenomena,

with whom he was personified in ancient Egypt

Amon god of the desert

Apep sun god

Geb god of wisdom

Nut goddess of the earth

That sky god

Seth god of darkness

Amun - god of the sun

Apop - the god of darkness

Geb - god of the earth

Nut - goddess of the sky

Thoth is the god of wisdom

Set - god of the desert

Religion was one of the most important areas in the life of the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians explained the natural phenomena and skills acquired by people by the activity of the gods. And even state power in Ancient Egypt was based on religion, since the pharaoh was considered the son of the powerful sun god Amon-Ra Homework Paragraph 10, prepare for an oral survey List of sources used 1. A. A. Vigasin, G. I. Goder, I. S. Sventsitskaya; History of the Ancient World - M.: Enlightenment, 2009 2. History of the Ancient World. Grade 5: universal lesson developments for the textbook A. A. Vigasina / authors - compilers O. V. Arsalanova, K. A. Solovyov. - M .: Publishing house "Vako", 2011. 3. G. I. Goder. Workbook on the history of the ancient world. The life of primitive people. The Ancient East. - M .: Enlightenment, 2001. Used images
  • image of ancient egyptian gods
  • image of the pharaoh's tomb
  • sun god Amun-Ra
  • earth god Geb
  • god Osiris
  • god of the underworld Anubis
  • image of the struggle of the ancient Egyptian gods Amon-Ra and Apep
  • depiction of the meeting of Set and Osiris
Used images
  • Images of the god of wisdom Thoth
  • Image of the Nile River

1. Gods and priests. The ancient Egyptians believed that gods were everywhere. And on the earth where people live, and in another, invisible world, where the sun god goes at night and where people go after death. The gods created the world and do not let it perish. They control people and nature.

2. What did the Egyptians tell about their gods. Amon-Ra is the king of the gods, the sun god, the creator god who created everything that exists. Every morning Amon-Ra appears in the east. As long as the day lasts, he sails in his boat through the sky. A round solar disk sparkles on his head. His way maintains order in the world. Plants come to life, people and animals rejoice, birds sing. Amon-Ra with his companions floats across the sky.

But now the day is drawing to a close, because the boat of Amon-Ra is descending from heaven. At the western edge of the sky, she floats into the gates of the underworld. Here Amon-Ra enters into a mortal battle with the god of darkness, a ferocious serpent, whose name is Apep. The battle continues all night. When the serpent is defeated, the crown of the solar god shines again, heralding the coming of a new day 2. What the Egyptians told about their gods. The god Amon-Ra in the form of a cat fights with the god of darkness Apep.

2. What did the Egyptians tell about their gods. The Egyptians represented the earth as a masculine principle, which personifies the god Geb. Often he was depicted as a man with the head of a snake: after all, the snake is the most “earthly” animal. The Egyptians represented the goddess of the sky Nut as a huge cow, whose body is dotted with stars. In the beginning, Earth and Heaven were inseparable: Nut was the wife, and Geb was the husband. But they constantly quarreled among themselves because Nut every morning eats his children - the stars - and in the evening gives birth to them again. And then the air god Shu separated the spouses: the sky rose high above the earth.

The god of wisdom and knowledge, Thoth, enjoyed special respect among the Egyptians. He invented counting and writing to preserve and transmit knowledge. The patron of scribes, he himself serves as a scribe with the gods, writes down all their decisions. Thoth is usually depicted with the head of an ibis bird and a scribe's palette. In addition, Thoth is the god of the moon. At night, he replaces the sun god Amon-Ra in the sky 2. What did the Egyptians tell about their gods.

3. The myth of Osiris and Isis. The Egyptians told such a myth about one of their most beloved gods. Osiris was once king in Egypt. Big dark eyes sparkled in his swarthy face, and his hair was shiny and black, like the very fertile land of the Nile Valley. Good Osiris taught the Egyptians how to grow grain and grapes, how to bake bread.

3. The myth of Osiris and Isis. The younger brother of Osiris, the god Set, looked different: he had small evil eyes and red hair. Set was the god of the desert and sandstorms. Set envied Osiris and hated him. He decided to kill Osiris. Once Seth appeared at a feast in the royal palace. The servants carried behind him a large luxurious wooden coffin, decorated with images and inscriptions. “Here is the precious coffin! Seth said. Whoever needs it, will get it!” The guests were not surprised by the gift: the Egyptians were preparing for life in the land of the dead from their youth. One by one, the guests went into the coffin, but it was too big for them. Now it's Osiris' turn. As soon as he lay down on the bottom of the wooden box, the servants of Set slammed the lid. They lifted the coffin with the body of Osiris, brought it to the banks of the Nile and threw it into the water. Osiris is dead.

When Horus matured, he decided to take revenge on the insidious Seth for the death of his father and entered into single combat with him. With the help of Isis in a fierce fight, Horus defeated the enemy 3. The myth of Osiris and Isis. Horus is usually depicted as a falcon or a man with the head of a falcon. Horus defeats Set in the guise of a donkey.

Isis wandered for a long time. searching in the swamps of the delta for the coffin with the body of her husband. Finding it, she miraculously revived Osiris. God resurrected, but did not want to stay on earth. He became a pharaoh and a judge in the kingdom of the dead, and Horus was the patron of the earthly pharaohs. Isis became the intercessor and protector of all wives and mothers. The most difficult time of the year in Egypt is the drought period in May June. The Egyptians believed that then Osiris dies. But then the waters of the Nile overflowed, the fields turned green and the trees, it was Osiris who came to life again. 3. The myth of Osiris and Isis.

4. What did the Egyptians tell about the "realm of the dead". The Egyptians believed that after death, people go west to the underground kingdom of Osiris - the Duat (or Dat). There is light and warmth, blue water flows in the canals, grain ripens in the fields and sweet dates grow on palm trees. The path to the afterlife is a difficult and dangerous test. Spirits and demons lie in wait for the deceased at every step and try to lead him astray. In order not to succumb to their power, a person must continuously repeat spells and unravel the inscriptions on the numerous gates leading to the kingdom of the dead. Having passed all the gates, the deceased meets with Anubis, the manager in the kingdom of the dead, who escorts him to Osiris.

Anubis is the god of embalming (mummification). He also acts as an assistant to Osiris at the judgment of the dead. Depicted as a jackal or a man with a head, scale 4. What the Egyptians told about the "kingdom of the dead." Anubis with a mummy. Painting on the wall of the tomb of Sennedjem

4. What did the Egyptians tell about the "realm of the dead". The deceased, standing in white robes, pronounces an oath: I did no evil. I didn't kill. I didn't order the kill. I didn't steal. I didn't lie. I didn't cause tears. I didn't raise my hand to the weak. I didn't envy. I didn't swear. I did not speak ill of the king. I did not neglect the gods. I'm clean, I'm clean, I'm clean, I'm clean! The gods check the veracity of the oath: on one scale they put the soul of the deceased, and on the other - the figure of the goddess of truth - Maat. Balance means that the deceased did not lie: he was a kind and righteous person. The gods accept such a person into the realm of the dead. If the deceased lied, his soul outweighed the figure of Maat, then such a non-participant is devoured by the monster Amt, who stands next to the scales.

Maat is the goddess of truth, justice and harmony. Depicted as a seated woman with an ostrich feather on her head, sometimes winged. Wife of the god Thoth. 4. What did the Egyptians tell about the "realm of the dead". Amt is the "devourer of souls" of sinners. Depicted most often in the form of a lion with the head of a crocodile

In order for a person to move to the afterlife after death, it was necessary to preserve his body. Therefore, after death, the human body was dried, impregnated with resin and wrapped in thin bandages - it turned into a mummy. Then the mummy was placed in a sarcophagus (coffin), on which spells were written and gods were depicted. The tomb where the sarcophagus stood was considered the home of the deceased. 4. What did the Egyptians tell about the "realm of the dead". Egyptian pyramids - tombs of the pharaohs 25

The following sources were used in preparing the presentation: Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. History of the Ancient World: textbook. for the 5th grade general education. institutions - M.: Enlightenment, Myths and legends of the peoples of the world. Children's encyclopedia "Makhaon" - M.: Makhaon. Atticus Publishing Group LLC,


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1 . Gods of the ancient Egyptians. 2. The funeral rites of the Egyptians. 3. Religion and the power of the pharaoh. 4. Priests-servants of God. Lesson Plan

What religious beliefs did the ancient Egyptians have? Task for the lesson:

The Egyptians did not have a single god. Read item 2 on page 49 in the textbook and determine: What gods are shown on the slides and what did they patronize? 1 . gods of the ancient egyptians

1 . The gods of the ancient Egyptians Gods What forces of nature and occupations did they reflect? Ra, Amon, Amon-Ra God of the sun 2. Apep God of darkness 3. Geb God of the earth 4. Nut Goddess of the sky 5. That God of wisdom 6. Bastet Patroness of women and their beauty

Read the Myth of Osiris and Isis in the textbook (p.50-51). What phenomenon of nature is reflected in this myth? 1 . gods of the ancient egyptians

1 . The gods of the ancient Egyptians Isis and Anubis are guides of souls to the realm of the dead. Drawing from the Book of the Dead.

2. Funeral rites of Egypt. The body of the deceased was embalmed - rubbed with special ointments. Then the mummy was wrapped in several layers of fabric and placed in special boxes - sarcophagi. The more noble the deceased was, the more sarcophagi were inserted into each other. The upper sarcophagi were given the features of the deceased

The sarcophagus was placed in a special tomb-pyramid (for pharaohs), or a cave (for nobles). The tomb began to be built during the life of a noble Egyptian. Sometimes construction took decades. Next to the sarcophagus they put things necessary for life in the afterlife. To prevent the tomb from being robbed, the entrance to it was walled up, and traps were built inside. Pyramid in section.

Pharaoh - "son of god", "great god". "He is the sun who sees with his rays." What is the relationship between religion and government? 3. Religion and the power of the pharaoh

4. Priests-servants of God. Look at the "Duties of the Priests" diagram and answer the question: Why did the priests perform these duties?

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Slides captions:


1 . Gods of the ancient Egyptians. 2. The funeral rites of the Egyptians. 3. Religion and the power of the pharaoh. 4. Priests-servants of God. Lesson Plan

What religious beliefs did the ancient Egyptians have? Task for the lesson:

The Egyptians did not have a single god. Read item 2 on page 49 in the textbook and determine: What gods are shown on the slides and what did they patronize? 1 . gods of the ancient egyptians

1 . The gods of the ancient Egyptians Gods What forces of nature and occupations did they reflect? Ra, Amon, Amon-Ra God of the sun 2. Apep God of darkness 3. Geb God of the earth 4. Nut Goddess of the sky 5. That God of wisdom 6. Bastet Patroness of women and their beauty

Read the Myth of Osiris and Isis in the textbook (p.50-51). What phenomenon of nature is reflected in this myth? 1 . gods of the ancient egyptians

1 . The gods of the ancient Egyptians Isis and Anubis are guides of souls to the realm of the dead. Drawing from the Book of the Dead.

2. Funeral rites of Egypt. The body of the deceased was embalmed - rubbed with special ointments. Then the mummy was wrapped in several layers of fabric and placed in special boxes - sarcophagi. The more noble the deceased was, the more sarcophagi were inserted into each other. The upper sarcophagi were given the features of the deceased

The sarcophagus was placed in a special tomb-pyramid (for pharaohs), or a cave (for nobles). The tomb began to be built during the life of a noble Egyptian. Sometimes construction took decades. Next to the sarcophagus they put things necessary for life in the afterlife. To prevent the tomb from being robbed, the entrance to it was walled up, and traps were built inside. Pyramid in section.

Pharaoh - "son of god", "great god". "He is the sun who sees with his rays." What is the relationship between religion and government? 3. Religion and the power of the pharaoh

4. Priests-servants of God. Look at the "Duties of the Priests" diagram and answer the question: Why did the priests perform these duties?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson development of a lesson on the history of the Ancient World (5th grade) for a textbook edited by A.A. Vigasina, G.I. Goder. "Religion of the Ancient Egyptians"

Students consolidate knowledge about the geopolitical features of Ancient Egypt, which determined the specifics of the development of its culture; learn the fundamental principles that make up the essence of religious ideas ...

L.A. Sinyaeva Religion of the ancient Egyptians § 10. 06/29/17

What do the kings of Egypt know? 1). What was the name of the king of Egypt? 2). How did the pharaoh get rich? 4). What hardships did the warrior and his family endure? 5). Who do you think the warrior and his family could ask for help from? GODS Who will formulate the topic of the lesson?

Beliefs of the ancient Egyptians § 10. Warriors turned to the gods for help. What is the problem? Problem: Did the gods help the Egyptians? What questions do we need to ask? I. Discovering new knowledge: 1. Gods and priests 2. Egyptian gods 3. The myth of Osiris and Isis 4. What the Egyptians told about the land of the dead 5. Deification of the pharaoh III. We apply new knowledge. P. 56. 2 points - c. 4. 1 point - c. 2. 2 points - tasks. 1 point - y. answer. IV. Homework: § 10, c. 1 - 4. Choice: p. 56. rubric 2. task 1-2

1. Gods and priests Problem: Did the gods help the Egyptians? Exercise. Find out: 1). Why did the Egyptians give gifts to the gods? S. 51. 2). Why were temples built? S. 5152. 3). Who are the priests? What duties did you perform? P. 52. Who did the gods "help" to get rich? Responsibilities of Priests

Temples and priests Serving the gods Watching the stars. Created calendars. Rice. 1. Priest Construction of the pyramids Development of medicine Development of mathematics Temples were built in honor of the gods and pharaohs. Inside the temple was an altar where statues of the gods were placed. Only priests and priestesses could enter the temple. Prayers were on the square in front of the temple. Task 1. Consider the scheme "Duties of the priests" and answer the question: Why did the priests perform these duties! Task 2. Write down the conclusion: who did the gods "help" to get rich?

2. Gods of the Egyptians The Egyptians did not have a single god. Task: find out which gods are shown on the slide. Write down their names. 1 1. God Amon-Ra God of the sun, chief god, king of the gods. 2 2. God of the earth Geb Depicted the god of the earth in the form of a man with the head of a snake 3 3. God Nut Represented a cow with a body dotted with stars 4 4. God That God of wisdom, a scribe. Taught people writing, counting, various knowledge. Explorer in

3. The myth of Osiris and Isis Isis and Anubis guide souls to the realm of the dead. Drawing from the Book of the Dead. Task: 1. Read the Myth of Osiris and Isis in the textbook. pp. 53-54 2. Find out what phenomenon of nature is reflected in this myth? Change of seasons: spring summer

4. What did the Egyptians say about the "land of the dead" Problem: Did the gods help the Egyptians? Exercise. Find out: 1). Who rules in the realm of the dead? 2). What does the deceased swear by? S. 5455. What did the oath of the dead teach the Egyptians? 3). How was the veracity of the oath checked? 4). Who will be allowed into the wonderful fields of the dead? S. 55. 5). Why was the body of the deceased turned into a MUMMY? S. 55.