The older a person is, the more difficult and more troublesome it becomes to surprise him. Modern youth will not be pleased with the usual gift. We bring to your attention a game-search for a hidden "treasure". You can spend it both in an ordinary apartment, house, and in nature or in any other place. You ask how to organize a quest at home? Easily! We give an example of the simplest option, for one person, lasting no more than 15 minutes. This option is well suited if you cannot be present at the event, having prepared in advance, you can leave the player to independently explore the dwelling. With a little effort, it can be upgraded into tasks for a group of people, extended by increasing the number of steps, and the like.

Let us mention that quest - it is a form of leisure that came to us from computer games. It involves the simultaneous connection to the interaction of all players of one team. And, as a rule, it is aimed at solving certain tasks set in advance, which will lead the participants to the goal.

You will need:

Glue, adhesive tape;
Felt pens - pencils;
A little fantasy;

Treasure map. An important point at the stage of planning and developing a scenario is to think over the search route. It is most convenient at this stage to draw a plan of the house, or the area for which the game is designed. And place the key points (where the hints will be located) clockwise from the entrance, or the starting point of the route. Thus, you exclude as much as possible the possibility of finding a gift quickly, because, in fact, it is hidden not far from the entrance, and the game takes the search in a completely different direction. An example is in the photo.

To determine the number of key points, decide how long the quest should take, and how difficult one game will be (how long it will take to complete it). For example, we created tasks in general for 15 minutes, hoping that the games would be easy - 1-1.5 minutes per task - we have 11 points. And the tasks themselves consist only in guessing the next key place. You can complicate it by encrypting it with an anagram, a crossword puzzle, a rebus, and so on.

Selection of tasks. Here you need the same flight of fancy. We cut out stars for each task and began to invent. At the entrance, the first detailed hint was waiting for the birthday girl, with instructions on what to do, how to play.

#1 Look for a device that constantly sniffs dirty things.
It's about a washing machine. It has the following clue.

#2 Where is the coldest place in the apartment?
This is a freezer. There is an envelope with a cut image in the freezer.

#3 Put the puzzle together.

After completing the task, a photo of the microwave oven is obtained.

And here's the next clue.

No. 4 "We ate from their plates, slept on their beds, and the cup was broken there and the spoon was broken."
This is from the tale of the three bears. Just such heroes are available in our bedroom. And they have the next clue.

№5 Collect the word from the letters in the envelope.


Under the keyboard, two-way prompt:
No. 6 Side 1: Go to the specified page on the Internet from the tablet and see the number of reviews.

#6 Side 2: Take book #____ from left to right from the shelf above the laptop. (Enter number of reviews)

When the player finds out the number of reviews, he will understand that he needs to take the 9th book.

And in it:

#7 Go through the long tunnel that connects the rooms outside.

It's about the lodge.

It has hints on it. "He's waiting for you on the couch." In the room on the sofa, the first gift and:

#8 That's not all. Go into the small room where the "treasures" are kept.
This is a closet.

#9 Look for the one who said “You are the sweetest in the world, all blush and whiter”
This is a mirror. You need to review all the mirrors and find:

#10 Dial the phone __________ and listen to the answering machine.
Congratulations and an indication of the last place with a gift are recorded in advance on an answering machine.

The last gift may have a wish card.

Advice: Formulate tasks unambiguously so that the player does not have a false judgment, and he does not declassify you ahead of time.

Good luck with your quests, take care of your family and friends, please and pamper them more often.

The entertainment industry around the world is progressing incredibly fast. Games in reality are a prominent representative of this area. Why is one quest popular and the other not? One important feature is the puzzles in the quest, which should depend on the plot.

Classification of tasks by goals

The scenario of the game and tasks for the quest can be completely different and depend on the author's imagination. However, successful games have several mandatory elements: the boundaries of space, the rules announced before the start, the starting point and the necessary conditions for victory.

  • At the beginning of the game, when the participants are just immersed in another reality, it is important to make the tasks and puzzles not difficult in order to involve each participant in the process.
  • Later, when the plot starts, it is necessary to increase the complexity of the game, make it a team game, so that not a single participant is left without a lesson.
  • The third level is characterized by an acceleration in the pace of the game, it is advisable to insert disturbing “wow-effects” here, in which case everyone will have time to move away from them by the finish line. And finally, the final step. It is the most important, because the emotions and impressions with which the participants leave depend on it. It should be organically inscribed in the plot and be its logical conclusion.

Real-life games are popular entertainment for many reasons: they're fun, they're good for the brain, and they're suitable for different people and spaces. It is clear that, for example, a children's quest is not suitable for holding in the office. Therefore, we can distinguish the main audience:

  • Corporate
  • For girls
  • For guys
  • For children
  • For teenagers
  • For family

Quest types

For office

    Suitable primarily for a company where employees are creative, with non-standard thinking. A distinctive feature is that for each company you need to select individual scenarios for the quest. Tasks should be team, where you can go to the next level only by interacting with each other.

For girls

    This is a great opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. You can unusually celebrate both a bachelorette party and a birthday. For the fair sex, those quests are suitable where you will not need to apply force, and the tasks will be intellectual and to search for hidden objects.

For men

    Various options are suitable: it can be both intellectual games, and endurance and dexterity games, the “leave the room” genre is very suitable here. Tasks can also be very different: mechanized props, interactive puzzles, deciphering or searching for objects will arouse interest.


    Real life games can be just as fun as adults. Often the organizers use their favorite characters from movies and cartoons. Most often, children like tasks to search for various objects and artifacts.

For teenagers

    Simple puzzles and tasks in the case of entertainment for teenagers are no longer enough. More challenging puzzles will be more fun, but the game should remain dynamic and colorful, the best choice would be an interactive action game with elements of interesting tasks and risk.

For family

    Adults and children participate in family games in reality. Therefore, it is necessary that all tasks are within the power of each player, be it a child or an adult.

Locations for quests

Of course, the choice of tasks for the quest also depends on where it will take place. Those tasks that are suitable for the home may not be suitable for the office and definitely cannot be used in open space conditions (parks, museums, streets, etc.). Locations can be:

  • School, sports quest
  • city/nature
  • Kindergarten
  • Web quest

Quest types


For the home, you can come up with a huge number of tasks, it would be enough only imagination! A great idea would be to use improvised inventory. For example, an old suitcase that closes with a combination lock. Hide the main prize of the game in it, and the team must find the cipher by number by completing various tasks. You can also use a deck of cards, encrypted messages (the cipher can be made, for example, with wax), various furnishings. It is optimal for one person to do 5-7 tasks, but for a team there are already more. Such home entertainment is a great option to give a gift to a birthday person or to cheer up all the guests.


A quest at your workplace is a great option to surprise your boss or colleague who has a birthday. If your company has few employees, then everyone can come up with one puzzle for the boss or another employee, and then enjoy how the participant moves around the building, solving clues. Live quests are also perfect for the office. The main feature is the interaction with other players. Each participant receives his own unique role and, based on it, solves problems to achieve his goal. The final is often unpredictable, because the player can behave not according to the script, and there are no hints. Here you can find out how your colleagues will behave in a non-standard situation.


If you want to entertain your child in kindergarten or at home, then it will not be difficult for you to write a game script, including fantasy and ingenuity! Only you, like no one else, can know what fascinates your child and his friends. In warm weather, creating a maze is great for a kindergarten. Remember your childhood! How many emotions were there when passing an obstacle course made of stretched ropes or branches. You can also make a labyrinth indoors, using tape or using a special tunnel for children.

On city streets and nature

A city quest is an educational entertainment where the action is not limited to any room and takes place in an open space - in parks, estates and city streets. In this type of quest, QR codes, maps and applications on the phone are actively used to build a route. There are many options for puzzles, you need to start from the desire of all participants. It can be a detective story, then puzzles in the style of "encrypt the map" are good. If you want to make a historical quest, then include the monuments of politicians and kings in the route, and make up questions about them. There are also many other locations for games. All of the above ideas and puzzles can be adapted to any desired location.

We recommend checking out these articles.

Of course, it is impossible to list all possible puzzles and tasks, because there are not a single hundred of them. However, the QuestInfo website has made a selection of successful examples.

  • You can use invisible ink for assignments. Distribute the keys in hidden places, and hints around the room. To complicate matters, clues can be encrypted using invisible ink that shows up under ultraviolet light.
  • Another option, in the style of British spies, is to write a clue with melted wax. To find the answer, you only need colored pencils, which you need to paint over the inscription.
  • Also, to open a secret place, you can use the details that start working when you guess the code lock or cipher from numbers or letters.
  • Another fun option is to make a word from the headlines of magazines or newspapers and thus get the key.
  • Or use photographs or paintings scattered around the room. For example, each has a letter, you need to find them all and make a word.
  • And you can also encrypt riddles using pictures, which are a symbol of the next step.
  • Currently, many organizers resort to the use of QR codes. They work most successfully during city quests. You can also use this idea.

Various quest scenarios: general patterns

Completing tasks can be completely different, but there is a set of mandatory elements of any quest: clearly defined boundaries of space, voiced rules, the beginning of the action and victory conditions. At the first stage, the participants are just beginning to dive into a different world, so it is important to keep the riddles fairly simple in order to captivate the team in the process. The plot of the plot is accompanied by more complex tasks aimed at team play. Players must interact with each other so that no one remains a passive observer. At the next level, the pace of the quest accelerates, and many companies prefer to insert unexpected “wow effects” at this very moment so that guests can recover by the finale. The final step is the most important. The impression that the guests leave with depends on its quality, so the denouement cannot be blurry, understated or “raw”. A logically structured ending is the key to success.

How to choose a theme for a script

Quests are popular entertainment, so they will suit any event and company. That is why there is a huge variety and a whole field for fantasy on the topic of an interesting and catchy scenario for the quest. The choice depends on your target audience, as well as the place where the quest will be held.

  • Let's say that you have chosen a standard type - an escape room. If your audience is mainly young people, then horror or fantasy style options are perfect for such a room. "Get out of the Chamber of Secrets" based on the Harry Potter books, "House of Peculiar Children", "Abandoned Hospital", "Bank Robbery" - there can be many options.
  • In order to come up with original and interesting scenarios for a quest based on series or films, it is necessary to take into account the demand of consumers. Simply put, it is necessary to analyze what is most popular at the moment. For example, more visitors will come to you if the room is decorated in the style of the Marvel universe or the world of "Game of Thrones"
  • The game can take place not only in your location, but also in a cafe, school and even in the office! In this case, you need to adapt to the theme of the place itself. For example, if this is a game in the office of a company, then tasks can be on knowledge in a professional field, on the use of technology, as well as hidden places in the room.
  • The city quest can be done in the style of a detective story about Sherlock Holmes or as a study of local attractions.

Questinfo Offers ready-made quests with prices for every taste

To make things easier, we've put together some helpful tips on how to set up a location and write a script. Distribute clues in secret places, and distribute clues evenly throughout the room. Hints can be encrypted, special ink can be used, which will be visible only under ultraviolet radiation, to open the cache, mechanisms can be actively used that open under the influence of a combination of numbers, signals or key combinations. The fantasy or science theme welcomes all sorts of chemical experiments to solve puzzles. Players must first look for clues to obtain the required ingredients, then they must find the liquids themselves, and then mix them and get a potion or medicine. It is not at all necessary for the team members to be in the same room to solve the quest: you can divide the participants into different closed rooms, the only way out of which is by interacting with each other through the walls.

It must be borne in mind that quests for a child and an adult can vary greatly both in level and in content. Some tasks suitable for an adult player will not be given to kids.

My memories from childhood + imagination were enough for exactly one quest: a dozen tasks that are not duplicated.
But the children liked the fun, they asked for more quests and had to go online.
This article will not describe the scenario, legends, design. But there will be 13 ciphers to encode the tasks for the quest.

Code number 1. Picture

Drawing or photo that directly indicates the place where the next clue is hidden, or a hint of it: broom + socket = vacuum cleaner
Complication: make a puzzle by cutting the photo into several parts.

Code 2. Leapfrog.

Swap the letters in the word: SOFA \u003d NIDAV

Code 3. Greek alphabet.

Encode the message with the letters of the Greek alphabet, and give the children the key:

Code 4. On the contrary.

Write the assignment backwards:

  • every word:
    Etischi dalk dop yonsos
  • or the whole sentence, or even a paragraph:
    etsem morcom momas in - akzaksdop yaaschuudelS. itup monrev an yv

Code 5. Mirror.

(when I made a quest for my children, at the very beginning I gave them a "magic bag": there was a key to the "Greek alphabet", a mirror, "windows", pens and sheets of paper, and all sorts of unnecessary stuff to confuse. Finding another riddle , they had to figure out for themselves what from the bag would help to find a clue)

Code 6. Rebus.

The word is encoded in pictures:

Code 7. Next letter.

We write a word, replacing all the letters in it with the next ones in alphabetical order (then I is replaced by A, in a circle). Or previous, or following through 5 letters :).


Code 8. Classics to help.

I took a poem (and told the children which one) and a code of 2 digits: line number number of letters in the line.


Pushkin "Winter Evening"

A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child
That on a dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
Like a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

21 44 36 32 82 82 44 33 12 23 82 28

did you read where is the clue? :)

Code 9. Dungeon.

In a 3x3 grid, enter the letters:

Then the word WINDOW is encrypted like this:

Code 10. Labyrinth.

My children liked this cipher, it is unlike the others, because it is not so much for brains as for attention.


on a long thread / rope you hook the letters in order, as they go in the word. Then you stretch the rope, twist it and tangle it in every possible way between the supports (trees, legs, etc.). After walking along the thread, as if through a maze, from the 1st letter to the last, the children will recognize the clue word.

And imagine if you wrap one of the adult guests in this way!
Children read - The next clue is on Uncle Vasya.
And they run to feel Uncle Vasya. Eh, if he is also afraid of tickling, then everyone will have fun!

Code 11. Invisible ink.

Write the word with a wax candle. If you paint over the sheet with watercolors, then it can be read.
(there are other invisible inks.. milk, lemon, something else.. But I only had a candle in my house :))

Code 12. Rubbish.

The vowels remain unchanged, while the consonants change according to the key.
For example:
reads like - VERY COLD, if you know the key:
Z M Shch K V

Code 13. Windows.

The kids loved it so much! They then encrypted messages to each other with these windows all day long.
So: on one sheet we cut out windows, as many as there are letters in the word. This is a stencil, we apply it to a blank sheet and write a hint word "in the windows". Then we remove the stencil and on the remaining clean place of the sheet we write many different other unnecessary letters. You can read the cipher if you attach a stencil with windows.
The children first fell into a stupor when they found a sheet covered with letters. Then they twisted the stencil back and forth, but you still need to attach it with the right side!

Code 14. Map, Billy!

Draw a map and mark (X) the location of the treasure.
When I made my quest for the first time, I decided that the map is very simple for them, so they need to make it more mysterious (later it turned out that just a map would be enough for the children to get confused and run in the opposite direction)...

This is our street map. The clues here are house numbers (to understand that this is our street in general) and huskies. This dog lives next door.
The children did not immediately recognize the area, they asked me leading questions ..
Then 14 children participated in the quest, so I combined them into 3 teams. They had 3 versions of this map and each had its place marked. As a result, each team found one word:
That was the next task :). After him were hilarious photos!
On my son's 9th birthday, there was no time to invent a quest and I bought it on the MasterFuns website .. At my own peril and risk, because the description there is not very good.
But we liked it with the children, because:
  1. inexpensive (analogue somewhere around $ 4 per set)
  2. fast (paid - downloaded - printed - for everything about everything in 15-20 minutes)
  3. a lot of tasks, with a margin. And although I didn’t like all the riddles, but there was plenty to choose from, and you could enter your task
  4. everything is decorated in one monster style and this gives the holiday an effect. In addition to the tasks for the quest, the kit includes: a postcard, flags, table decorations, invitations to guests. And it's all about the monsters! :)
  5. in addition to the 9-year-old birthday man and his friends, I also have a 5-year-old daughter. The tasks are beyond her strength, but she and her friend also found entertainment - 2 games with monsters, which were also in the set. Phew, in the end - everyone is happy!

Do you want to somehow unusually give a gift for a birthday (or other occasion) to your loved ones? There is a great solution - arrange a test of ingenuity and ingenuity! Don't let the gift come so easily. The hero of the occasion must find a gift, following tricky clues that will gradually lead him to his cherished goal.

This quest (tasks) is suitable for both children from 8 years old and adults (for example, husband, wife, friend / girlfriend, young man, etc.).

Scenario of the quest to find a gift

  1. You give the birthday man a beautifully packaged small box, and in it lies a crumpled note (you can fill the box with confetti, raffia, strips of paper, etc., so that the note still has to be found):

You did not expect such a gift -

A piece of paper gathered into a ball?

But this is only the beginning of the marathon!

You'll have to work hard, my friend!

To get the first clue - solve the riddle:

Two bellies, four ears - what is it?

Answer: pillow.

The next riddle lies under any pillow in the apartment (on which they sleep or in sofa, decorative pillows).

  1. Tip #2

Choose a book from your home library. Now you need to compose the word of the next hide-and-seek place from the numbers that will indicate the page, row and serial number of the desired letter.

We write on paper by hand or print. We put the note in this book, and the book under the pillow. We encrypt the word PLATE (you can also add a color or purpose for complexity, for example, GREEN PLATE, SOUP PLATE).

For example:

The note will look like this (the "address" of each letter on a new line):

page row. letter(we do not indicate this in the note, the detective must guess for himself what these numbers are)

That is, the letter T" is in your book on page 150, in the 10th row from the top, and it is 4 letters from the beginning of the line. It seems like a long time, but in fact everything is done easily and quickly. The quest participant will be interested, the main thing is to remember, well, or write down the letters.

P.S. Instead of a plate, there can be: a flower pot, a favorite cup, the bottom of a lid. In general, anything, but the bottom of something is better. 🙂

3.Hint #3

At the bottom of the selected plate (or something else), glue QR code. It can be downloaded here ->

How to use the application:

  1. Take a cell phone with a camera
  2. Run the program to scan the code,
  3. Point your camera lens at the code,
  4. Get information!

You have to be well prepared. 🙂 If the detective looks at the code, as you yourself know who (there were cases :), then don't give up, let him think. Well, or give him a phone, let him try to connect.

The following is encoded: It's time to refresh, my friend! Eat the most delicious pie!

As an option: if it is not possible, or did not have time to print, then in clue #2 we encode the word not a plate, but COMPUTER (laptop, tablet), because the code is also read from the screen of the monitor or tablet. The quest participant must lift the lid of the laptop, or move the PC mouse, turn on the tablet, and a picture with a code is opened there.

  1. Tip #4

Prepare a separate pie (bun, muffin, cake) in advance (either bake it yourself and hide the note inside, or buy a cake and put the hint at the bottom of the plate / box in a small bag.) You can put it in the refrigerator.

In the hint: Collect the correct word and get the next clue!

The letters are written randomly (preferably in different colors), or you can cut each letter separately and put it in a small envelope and attach it to the note.

We write the letters of the following cache: OVEN

As an option: microwave, bottle, saucepan, coffee pot.

  1. Tip #5

We continue our home quest to find a gift.

In the oven (can be hidden under pans and pots if they are stored in the oven) the following task:

A little more, a little more! And the hard way will end!

Solve the riddle and get the following clue:

In a fairy tale he can fly

At home - become an ornament.

Answer: Carpet

  1. Tip #6

Hiding under the carpet next message! Well, if there are several carpets in the apartment, the search will take longer!

Under the carpet is a riddle:

Round, smooth like a watermelon.

Any color, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds.

Answer: balloon

Prepare a balloon.

  1. Tip #7

We put the next clue in the balloon and inflate it. The ball itself must be hidden somewhere, let the quest participant look carefully, not everything is so simple)).

Examples of hide and seek: on/in the closet, under the bed, on the balcony, in a bag.

As an option: you can inflate several opaque balloons so that you still need to determine which balloon has a clue. You can also use a helium balloon.

To get a hint - you need to burst the balloon.

The test participant finds a task in the ball, where you need to guess the place of hide and seek.

In a note: Next clue in white high-rise building!

Answer: closet.(we change to the color of your cabinet)

We hide the note on a shelf in the largest closet in the house so that a piece of paper sticks out (an envelope, a tail of a rope tied to a note).

  1. Hint #8

Hint found in the closet:

There is very little left! Well done!

The centipede will help you find the next clue,

who has a back, but he never lies!

Answer: chair

We hide the next clue on the chair (glue it from below or to the leg with adhesive tape).

9. Tip #9

The last step remains and the quest to find a gift will be completed!

In the last clue under the chair:

Looks like the whim succeeded!

You could find the answer to everything!

And you can get your prize

From where the sun shines on us!

Answer: window

We hide the gift behind the curtains on the windowsill!

Quest cards

To save time during preparation, we suggest purchasing a set of ready-made cards for the quest (in electronic form) for only 65 rubles.

You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 min.) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the "Place an order" button. You will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill in the fields and select a convenient payment method.

All you have to do is print it out and hide it around the apartment.
What is included:
1. Cards with tasks (the text of the cards is adapted separately for girls and boys)
2. Blank cards for your corrections or assignments
3. Individual letters (of the entire alphabet) for task No. 4
4. QR code (encryption according to this scenario)
5. Additionally - a stylish postcard "happy birthday". It can be attached to a gift that the player finds.

6. Also included is a set with NEW YEAR DECORATION.

Attention! The order is sent automatically. If you have not received the material within 10 minutes. (check your spam folder), then write to us immediately in those. support (address below), we will resend.

By placing an order (by clicking on the "place an order" button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site.

I have already tried to systematize the types of quests,. Today I will try to remember all the questions that I heard from customers about the “moving quest in nature”.

The games popular today among children and adults (sometimes called "reality quests" not to be confused with computer walkers) are games based on life situations with a lot of puzzles and team challenges. The plot often echoes the stories of sensational films and books, so the participants, as a rule, easily plunge into the right atmosphere.

Quest themes

There are presentations on all topics, send requests indicating the specific date of the event, the number of participants, I will send it to the mail.

Eco-quest "Clean Games"

The quest appeared in the year of ecology in Russia, it is held outdoors in any nature reserve, botanical garden, arboretum, large greenhouse. This is not just drawing attention to the problem of ecology, but also real assistance to the environmental institution. Here are some tasks: Water filter assembly, Environmental survey, Coordination, Battery collection, Sorting, Escape from poachers, Irrigation system, Chemistry assistant, etc. All this in the form of interesting puzzles and creative tasks.

Agent 007

Cool entourage quest. Lots of "spy props" in colorful play sets for each team. Employees are involved in the topic a few days before the event in a special mailing list. Here is a list of several tasks: "Information Gathering", "A Second Before the Explosion", "Radio Message", "Intelligence", "Native Element", "Weapons Question", "Trolling Line", "Colored Symbols", "Bond's Note", "Unexpected call", etc.

Alice in Wonderland

The very strange wonderland in which events are constantly taking place that expand the boundaries of consciousness. A costumed quest that will help you smile and look at the real world from a fairy tale. Short list of tasks: "Royal Palace", "Chamber of Secrets", "Invisible", "Wonder Elements", "Vicious Circle", "Masters of Illusion", "Search for Miracles", "Wonderful Mechanism", "Cheshire Suit", " Magic key", "Liberation".

Around the world

Maps, routes, favorite countries and cities, an exciting search for a mysterious chest. The quest is very flexible, the script can be tailored to the task of the client. I will list the main stages of the game: "Global Vision", "Shooter", "Cartography", "Cape Letters", "Secrets of the Maya", "Naval Communications", "Cunning in Italy", "Riddles of Fur", "Japanese Communications", "Return".

Detective story

There's been a horrendous robbery in your office. Suppose these are important documents or the entire salary of employees. There is evidence, there is a dossier on suspects, there are important witnesses ... Blocks of the quest: “GoPro Camera”, “Ultraviolet Search”, “Secret Items”, “Photo Evidence”, “Cipher Circle”, “Unknown Lines”, “Trolling Line”, “Blind reading", "Musical square" and "Fingerprints".

The Da Vinci Code

A great game for lovers of books about Professor Langton. Many mysterious riddles and incomprehensible puzzles. Game Plan: Helm of Truth, Light of a New Day, Frame of the Creator, Wise Builder, Painted Forest, Secrets of Nature, Guide, Expansion, Sixth Sense, Labyrinth of Geniuses .

Success Code

This is a search for a universal formula that will help each player find personal and team success. The script has a bit in common with The Da Vinci Code, but has its own development. The Guardian, Wanderer, Monk and Merchant will spin the plot with such tasks: "House of Success", "Energy Conduit", "Key to Success", "Signs of Fate", "Circle of Fortune", "Attention to Detail", "Wind of Destiny" , "There is a way out", etc.


America, Prohibition Era. Mexican "partners" have come up with a new way to send alcohol across the border. Mafia boss vs police chief - who wins? The teams have a lot of tests: "Collecting Evidence", "Gambling House", "Cltramafia", "Mafia Faces", "Message from Informants", "Uzlovaya", "Hooliganim", "Communication Channels", etc.

mission Possible

Unknown hackers hacked the company's accounts. They are actively buying villas and yachts... How to get into the enemy laboratory and block passwords? There is a long way to go: Laser Networks, Security Room, Electronic Key, Hearing Point, Ultratech, Space Intelligence, Corpse, Truth in Color, etc.

Russian fairy tale

There are many charming villains in the fairy tale and there is always a happy ending. Everyone knows the habits of heroes, everyone knows where Koshcheev's death is kept, but you still need to think! This is the path to follow: "Gift of Dobrynya", "Noisy Key", "Bogatyr's Skipping Rope", "Bogatyr's Rocker", "Sticky Goblin", "Ivanushka to the Rescue", "Koshcheev's Intrigues".

Eagle and Tails

The Fate Coin will determine which team will complete the easy version of the task, and which will be the hardest. The lucky ones often win, but it also often happens that close-knit teams get ahead on points. Here is a list of challenges: Chinese Construction, American Action, Mexican Circle, Japanese Robot, Greek Maze, Indian Encounter, Sounds of Austria, English Rose, etc.

USSR born

An era that is fresh in the memories of those over 45. It also seems to the younger generation that everything is familiar - very often mothers and grandmothers tell Soviet “tales”. A lot of thematic props, participants easily plunge into the 70s: "On the road of knowledge", "Nuclear safety", "Grandma's garden", "Entertaining mechanics",


An incredible story about the disappearance of Sherlock Holmes himself. Watson turns to the leadership of your company for help, and you need to search for the great box with the help of modern technology. Quest stages: "Security grid", "Criminal traces", "Ultravision", "Reincarnation", "Tangible information", "In the labyrinth of evidence", "Fortunate loss", "Key cipher", "On the line".

Where is this game played?

There are a lot of options! It can be a recreation center, the territory of a sanatorium or a manor. If your office is located on a territory with trees, cozy gazebos and fountains, great! There, too, you can conduct an interesting quest. However, once we ran around the Sokolniki Park - it’s also great. The main thing to remember is that a buffet table is expected at the final stage of the game. Sometimes players need a place where they can change for the official part of the event. In this case, it is more convenient, of course, at the recreation center. The quest is more interesting if the area is large enough so that the teams can move around a bit, moving around the map from point to point. If there are many teams participating in the game, they will not interfere with each other to pass the tests. The organizers will offer you options for holding the event, as over the years of work, vast experience and ready-made maps of the area of ​​​​many popular venues have appeared. You just have to name a convenient direction, and then it’s a matter of technology, as they say.

How many participants can there be

10 is boring. And 20 too. It is interesting to divide into teams when there are 50, 80, 100, 300 of you ... There was a quest for 800 people. You will be advised how to do better - make more teams or increase the number of players in each team. It depends on the plot you choose.

What usually starts

Option 1. For example, each employee receives an email from a manager, which may contain a message that “secret corporate information was stolen from the working servers, the dissemination of which seriously threatens the future of the company. The management asks employees to join the operational-search work in a certain area where detectives managed to find traces of the kidnapper.” The date, place and time of the game is indicated. Or so... The letter comes from Robert Langton, the protagonist of The Da Vinci Code. He plans to come to Moscow in search of an ancient artifact that was lost many years ago. Now Langton is turning to your company employees for help in finding the cryptex...

Option 2. Employees simply come to the recreation center for a standard barbecue corporate party, but they soon realize that they are involved in the investigation of an unusual crime. There are other options that our managers will tell you about. Of course, in each case there will be detailed instructions, so do not be afraid that you will not know how to start the game. Each team receives a box of valuable test scores, a map, a grade book guide, and handouts that are different for each topic. For example, in a detective story, they can plant fingerprints on a wine glass, a SIM card, a piece of newspaper, a glove, a pen, a pack of cigarettes, the remains of a burnt letter, etc. to you.

Job types

The division is conditional, there could be much more points, these are the main ones:

  • Tasks with the participation of professional actors

During the game, not only the host will be with you, but also several characters. They are not just dressed in themed costumes, but they are also the keepers of important information that you need to get with the right questions.

  • Team missions

In the quest, many tests cannot be completed alone or together. Everything is arranged so that each team member should be a participant in the process. Sometimes it takes several people to hold props, search for an item or quickly collect information on an area of ​​100 sq.m.

  • Logic tasks

Collective intelligence is also needed to solve puzzles, ciphers, rebuses and compare facts, but in order to make a final decision, it is imperative to choose a leader who will take full responsibility.

Test examples

I will briefly describe a few tasks. This is a mix of different quests, in one game all these tasks are not found together.

  • Defuse the bomb, the dummy of which is built into the case. You open it, the timer starts counting down 90 seconds. Did not have time? No, of course there will be no explosion, just a sound signal
  • You need to take fingerprints from a glass or lighter and compare them with those that the detective provided you
  • One of the participants puts on a helmet with a camera, while he himself does not see anything. The coordination of his movements will be controlled by the whole team from the tablet using voice commands
  • You need to get to the folder with documents or the desired key to the safe through a laser alarm
  • Arriving at the specified location, the players find a landline phone that suddenly starts ringing. It can even be a city payphone. You need to carefully listen to the message with further instructions or hints.
  • To disconnect the electronic key, you need to gently slide it along the curved metal rod
  • The team receives a set of walkie-talkies, with which you need to quickly collect information on a fairly large area. These are signs on trees and houses, coded words or fragments of objects.
  • Develop the inscriptions on an ancient scroll using special solutions
  • Solve the puzzles of the Riddler Master, who appears several times during the game in the most unexpected places
  • Solve the riddle of ancient scales
  • Cope with a large manual maze in which the ball must fall into certain pockets, but at the same time hides in "blind" zones at times
  • Use the power of the four elements - water, fire, earth and air to solve the password
  • Solve the chemical puzzle by mixing different substances
  • Get passwords to open cryptexes, caskets, cases, safes, etc.