Not every person can express their thoughts beautifully and correctly. But sometimes you need to choose the right speech, convey your spiritual impulses to the interlocutor or society. Phrases of gratitude are the limit of politeness and good breeding. Sometimes a simple “thank you” is not enough. Everyone in life has situations when you need to thank a colleague, friend, and even a casual acquaintance. Do it beautifully, let the words bring a smile and joy!

From the heart and soul

Gratitude phrases must be chosen with great care. After all, the one to whom they are intended should feel your sincerity and cordiality. Let it not be a formal speech, color it with emotions, gestures, a smile. Try to explain in detail how the help, advice or action worked. Don't be ashamed of your feelings, say whatever you think. Be sure to come up with an appeal to someone who helped in a difficult situation. Let it be not just a name, but something gentle, affectionate, expressing gratitude:

  • kindest person;
  • savior, messenger from heaven, the best of all whom I know;
  • faithful comrade, good fairy, magician.

Such simple words will bring a smile to the face of the interlocutor and energize for other good deeds. After all, it is not difficult to express gratitude for the help, but it is so nice.

Key words

Having come up with an appeal, you can move on. The main part of the speech depends on you personally. How ready are you to open up to a person, how great is your gratitude? These phrases will help build the correct text that you will pronounce, looking into the eyes of someone who did not refuse help. Simple phrases of gratitude are touched to the core:

  • “It is impossible to express a warm attitude for help, because this is such a rarity in our world. Many people have forgotten the concept of “compassion”, and you have it in abundance. Share your kindness, irrepressible energy and cheerful disposition. And then the world will become much brighter. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance."
  • "A low bow to the earth to you, kindest person! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings. You supported me in difficult times, extended a helping hand. Let this bright hand receive as much as it gives! After all, you are always ready to extend it to someone who is having a hard time" .
  • "Thank you - huge and sincere! Your help was needed like air! We received it, moreover, free of charge and from all your kind heart! Thank you and remain your obedient servants and debtors! As soon as you need our support, immediately let us know, and we will arrive at that just a moment! Many human thanks and bow. "

Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases. Don't forget the power of the word. You need to say "thank you" even for every little thing, and if you have received real help, you should not skimp on gratitude.

The Wonder Years

School is the best time in everyone's life. It is a pity that we understand this after many years. Graduates and their parents should definitely say words of gratitude to the teacher. After all, he invested in them knowledge, soul and strength. This profession is usually chosen by kind and creative individuals. Dealing with dozens of children is very difficult. You need to find an approach to everyone, look into his soul and inspire confidence. Material gifts, of course, also do not interfere with teachers, but the most important thing is words of gratitude.


You can thank the teacher in a duet. Choose from the class the most artistic child with good diction and the same parent. Have them take turns saying the phrases, and then give the teacher a huge bouquet. Convey the words from the heart, sincerely and touchingly: “Dear and beloved cool fairy! We have loved you very much over the years. We would like to wish you success in your work, health and prosperity! But most importantly, we want to say thank you! For your patience and understanding, for love and sometimes necessary severity. After all, it is so difficult to find with children, to put light, eternal into their heads. You brought us up with dignity, instilled love for the world, nature, and your neighbor. This is a huge, titanic work! Continue in the same spirit, do not lose your charm and kindness. We will always remember you with a smile on our face! A low bow and gratitude to you from us for life!”

Such phrases of gratitude are sure to please the teacher. The speech will not be feigned, but sincere and sincere.

A simple "thank you"

Pride sometimes gets in the way of accepting help and support. But if it is necessary, there is no other way. But to say words of gratitude is usually obtained easily and in one breath. If you have been helped, be sure to express gratitude in prose, poetry, in writing - it does not matter. Saying "thank you" is very easy. Prepare a speech in advance or write it down in a beautiful postcard:

  • “Thank you for your help and support! You helped at the right time, most importantly, with all your heart, without excuses and delays. and kiss your hands!
  • “Your help has been invaluable. Thank you for your support, I will definitely answer the same in the near future!

Such simple blanks can be supplemented with specifics. Feel free to express what has accumulated inside.

Dear Evgeny Olegovich!

Our family learned about you recently thanks to the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky" on 7TV.
I am 28 years old and my son is 9 months old. Now that I have begun to study your books and programs, I understand the meaning of the following parable:
“A woman comes to a wise man and asks for advice on how to raise her child?
The sage asks, "When was he born?"
"Yesterday!" the woman says.
"You are nine months late," the sage replies.
My pregnancy was desired and long-awaited. I devoted all 9 months to the unborn baby. I walked a lot, did yoga, read about pregnancy in order to better understand what was happening to him and how. Of course, I looked at the pages of magazines about newborns and children of the first year of life. There was a certain idea about how I would behave. I bought a book by Benjamin Spock. I read in good faith about the beginning of a child's life. I went to courses for pregnant women, where they prepared for childbirth, and also taught how to care for the baby.
The information received during pregnancy gave confidence. I dreamed of childbirth without pain. My dream has come true. The doctor who took delivery was sympathetic to my wishes and did not interfere with my active behavior in the delivery room. Thankfully there were no contraindications.
While still pregnant, I decided not to wrap the baby. She gave birth in hot August and from the first days the child was in a diaper during the day. And at night I had to swaddle tightly. And a series of mistakes began (I understand this now, but then I didn’t understand and didn’t know what I was doing wrong).
I decided to breastfeed. By all means, keep breastfeeding. I have been able to do this so far. I didn’t drink water, now I think that this is one of the reasons for colic in my baby up to 3 months. Fed on demand for up to 6 months - before the introduction of complementary foods. She fed me until she vomited. And he demanded more. I would like stupid water to give. No, I gave breast. The WHO said not to drink more water. And they said the same in the course. Not a single person said that all WHO recommendations apply to children in the first 4-5 weeks of life. And then you need to accustom to the regime and add more solder if it's hot. And it was very hot!
I was discharged on August 26, the temperature was over 30 degrees. At home, too. I did not turn on the split system. I thought warm was better than cold. Another mistake. When I talked about this topic with my gynecologist. She timidly remarked that the heat was worse. I looked at her like she was crazy. Now I understand that I was wrong.
Mistake number 3 - air humidification. Write all and sundry in all magazines about it. They don't write like that!
I honestly bought a humidifier before I got pregnant. I will turn on the day, I will not turn on the other. Forget about a week. Then I will turn on the day. In short, no system.
When the baby was born, I didn’t even think about the humidifier. Your programs and books drive milestones very clearly into your head. We bought a thermometer with a hygrometer. We live in a steppe climate (semi-desert). When I brought the device into the house and turned it on, I could not believe my eyes. With the heating turned off and the balcony constantly open, the temperature in the room is 24-25 degrees, the humidity is 25%. Now the humidifier works around the clock against the backdrop of a split system. The temperature in the room is 21 degrees. Humidity is difficult to raise above 45.
Mistake number 4. Co-sleeping. The first month I honestly tried to feed sitting. And night and day. I was afraid to put it with me, because there was a lot of milk, I could accidentally close his nose with my chest, or he often swallowed air. After a month of torment (you need to add all the above problems), I could not stand it and began to feed lying down. The child began to sleep with me. He slept with me regardless of the temperature, colic and something else. And in order for him to sleep at least 15 minutes in the crib, he had to wrap it in a "chrysalis" and shake it.
Until I watched your shows and read your books, I didn't think I'd get into crib training. On your recommendation, we have replaced evening breastfeeding with complementary foods. We give porridge and my milk from a bottle. After that, we put the warmly dressed in the crib in a cool room, where the child falls asleep with a smile! It's just happiness!!! I was desperate from constant screaming before falling asleep. It was a short and very sensitive sleep in the crib, inevitably ending with the transfer of the child to my bed and feedings all night. The second stage was weaning from night feeding. Instead of breast, the child receives water at night. Breast give only at 5 am. After that we sleep until 6-7 o'clock and walk until 8 in the morning. At 8 am breakfast and sleep outside.
And recently we got sick. The temperature ranged from 38.2 to 39.6.
By that time I was already familiar with some programs and your book. I have canceled food during this time. Turned on the split system, humidifier. They boiled compote from dried fruits, gave it to drink from a syringe, from a glass - as it turned out. They called the doctor. Those are teeth! But now we knew that the teeth do not give a temperature above 37.5. Grandma called. Rub with vinegar. I explained to her why I wouldn't do it. we didn’t go for a walk, but we slept on the balcony at that time. When the temperature was above 39, paracetamol was given 1/4 tablet along with efferalgan. It was a pediatrician's recommendation. Efferalgan did not help on its own. And with paracetamol brought down the temperature. For all 3 days they gave Efferalgan 3 times. Everything else is drink and climate. When on the third day the temperature dropped and the baby cheered up, our happiness knew no bounds. But I waited - and waited for a rash. It was roseola, very well described in your book. The rash lasted 4 days and then disappeared.
Thank you for your hard work, patience and talent! For the fact that the information came to me so on time and allowed me to avoid completely unnecessary actions. For the fact that I now have an understanding of what is happening with my beloved child. For the fact that I can filter the advice of my grandmother and other people, accepting valuable ones and rejecting stupid ones.
For convincing me of the need for all vaccinations. We gave up hepatitis B. We did BCG and DTP + polio. Now, a month after roseola, we will most likely start the Hepatitis B vaccine. I think it will be at the end of the summer when we return from the village. It will coincide with the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine. But I think that together with the pediatrician we will develop an optimal vaccination scheme.

I must admit that I downloaded the first books on the Internet. When I read them, I realized that we should have them at home. Grandparents should also have such information. Besides, it's a shame not to pay for such information. We bought 4 books on Now I'm reading "emergency" and next in line is "orz".
Looking forward to the drug book.
We sincerely wish you good luck in everything and everywhere. May God grant you health and long life.
Special thanks from our dad, who did not expect that the child would someday sleep separately.


Basic words of gratitude in English and answer options

To express gratitude in English, you can do with the words “Thank you”. But what to do if you need not just to thank, but thank you very much, thank you from the bottom of your heart? How to respond to words of gratitude? How to say thank you for something specific? Read about all this below.

How to express gratitude in English in everyday speech

Let's take a closer look at how to thank in English, respond to gratitude and thank for something specific.

1. Words of gratitude in English

In the most ordinary everyday situations, phrases are used to express gratitude in English:

  • Thank you \ Thanks. - Thank you.

Between thank you And thanks there is no difference. Both are “thank you” or “thank you”. The only caveat is that for a formal situation thanks less suitable than thank you.

  • Thank you very much. - Thanks a lot.
  • Thanks a lot. - Thank you very much / huge.
  • Thank you so much. - Thank you very much.

These three options are also practically the same. These are all different variations of “Thank you very much” and are suitable for both informal and formal situations. I note that in the USA they often like to add the phrase I appreciate it (I appreciate it) after the words of gratitude. For example:

Thanks, I appreciate it.

– Thanks a lot for you help, I appreciate it.

This phrase can be said with or without. You can hear it from a friend who was helped to lift the piano to the 8th floor, and from a stranger who had the door held in the elevator. It's just a way to increase gratitude a little.

  • Cheers. - Thank you (informal)

Word Cheers as "thank you" is used in informal situations. In business correspondence or official conversation, it is inappropriate.

– Here's that book you wanted to borrow. Here is the book you wanted to borrow from me.

– Oh, cheers! - Oh thanks!

  • You saved my life. - You saved me.
  • I owe you one \ I owe you big time. - I owe you.

You saved my life- this is not literally “You saved my life”, but an analogue of our “Thank you for helping me out!” or “You saved me!”, that is, gratitude for some kind of help. I owe you one or I owe you big time is the equivalent of our “I owe you!”.

  • You shoudn't (have) - It wasn't worth it.

“Thank you, you shouldn't have!” So they say, for example, having received a gift. It means that it was not worth giving something so valuable. You shouldn't (have) is, like “shouldn't”, an unfinished phrase. The full version could sound like this: You shouldn't have done it! - You shouldn't have done that! You shouldn't have presented this to me! "You shouldn't have given me this!"

Oh what lovely flowers. You shouldn't have! - Oh, what beautiful flowers! Not worth it!

2. How do you say “No way” in English? (how to say thank you)

The easiest way to respond to gratitude is in a universal, unmistakable way:

  • You're welcome. - Please.

This answer is suitable for any situation. There are other variations of it:

  • Welcome. - Please.
  • always welcome. - You're welcome.

Like “You’re welcome”, they are appropriate almost everywhere.

Let me give you a few more answers:

  • That's all right. - Not worth it.
  • Don't mention it. - My pleasure.
  • Not at all. - My pleasure.
  • It's nothing. – Not at all / Nothing.
  • no problem. - No problem.

All options mean something like “Not at all” or “Not worth a thank you.” Option no problem can be called informal, appropriate in a friendly conversation.

3. How to say thank you in English for something specific

Often you need not just to say “Thank you”, but to thank for something specific. There are two main ways to do this:

  • Thank you for + (often with your).
  • Thank you for + on -ing.

We choose an option depending on whether it is possible to express the reason for gratitude with a noun or a verb. Here are typical examples with nouns:

  • Thanks for your help! - Thank you for your help!
  • Thank you for your support. - Thanks for your support.
  • Thank you for your help. - Thank you for your help.
  • Thank you for your understanding. - Thanks for understanding.
  • Thank you for the information. - Thanks for the info.

And some examples with verbs:

  • Thank you for visiting us. - Thank you for visiting us.
  • Thanks for helping me. - Thank you for helping.
  • Thank you for shopping. - Thank you for your purchase.

Formal Expressions of Thanks in English

There are quite a few formal, polite ways to say thank you in English. In speech, they are used at celebrations, official events, ceremonies, but for the most part, formal thanks are needed for written speech, especially for.

In many cases, the usual “Thank you for + reason” will do. Here, for example, are typical phrases of gratitude from business correspondence:

  • Thank you for contacting us. – Thank you for contacting us.
  • Thank you for your (kind) cooperation. – Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Thank you for your attention to this matter. - Thank you for your attention to this issue.
  • Thank you for your prompt reply. - Thanks for the quick response.

But there are other ways to express gratitude. All of them are clichés, templates for different occasions.

  • Many thanks for your email. Thank you very much (much grateful) for your letter.
  • I am very grateful to you. – I am very grateful to you.
  • I am eternally grateful for your trust. I am eternally grateful to you for your trust.
  • I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for… - I would like to express my sincere gratitude for…
  • I am very much obliged to you. - I am very grateful to you.
  • I greatly appreciate your kind words. - I really appreciate your kind words.
  • I am very grateful for your kind help. - I am very grateful to you for your help.

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The life path of a person from the point of view of numerology consists of his date of birth, month of birth and year of birth. Each of these numerological characteristics has its own impact on the future life of a person and carries its own energies that affect fate.

The birthday number itself is considered by numerologists as a kind of psychological portrait of a person, since it is, as it were, an amplifier of those qualities that are inherent in him from birth.
Birth number
Each day of the month in one way or another affects the fate of a person. Knowing the characteristics of your birthday, you can control both the development of events and your own behavior, lifestyle and thoughts.

People born:

1st. They absorb the very first energy of the month, which gives them enthusiasm, independence and logical thinking. By nature, they are leaders who try to demonstrate leadership qualities everywhere.
2nd number. They are very sociable and emotional people. They always need to encourage others, and they do not know how to manage things on their own, they definitely need to work in a company.
3rd. Strive to enjoy all the pleasures of life. Most often they become popular, but they are too restless to create strong bonds.
4th. By nature, they are excellent organizers, but they are too stubborn and do not like to change decisions. Very attached to family and home.
5th. Sociable, versatile, often successful in business. But they tend to experience too much, so the main difficulty for them is to learn to concentrate.
6th. Cheerful and caring charms with strong emotions and a lively mind. They become happy when they help others.
7th. Closed personalities who like to work for themselves and apart from others. Very attached to friends.
8th. Born businessmen. They were born to work in the financial sector. Often workaholics, ambitious and purposeful.
9th. In life, you always give more than you receive in return. These are idealists who find happiness by being creative.
10th. Decisive and cheerful people. They work too much, they need to be reminded that there is also rest in life.
11th. Often rush from one extreme to another; They have many ideas, which, however, cannot be realized. But they can inspire others.
12th. They have a complex character, often want everything at once. They know how to present themselves well.
13th. Hard working and disciplined. While achieving good results, they nevertheless remain dissatisfied and complain that they are limited by circumstances.
14th. They know how to adapt to circumstances, but they can be easily controlled by others. The main danger is a tendency to abuse alcohol and drugs.
15th. Caring, sociable, devoted. They often come to the aid of others. They value their independence very much.
16th. In life closed, suspicious, restrained. They find it difficult to love and be loved.
17th. These people know how to make money, and stubbornly go to their goals, achieving, in the end, what they want.
18th. They are good leaders who can solve problems creatively. However, they often have difficulties in their personal lives.
19th. Responsible idealists, however, it happens that in some situations, their emotions begin to dominate the mind, which can let them down.
20th. They strive to avoid unnecessary fuss and prefer a quiet, measured life. Often subject to mood swings.
21st. These are cheerful and creative people, but tend to worry over trifles. Their life is characterized by sharp ups and downs.
22nd. They regularly suffer from nervous and physical exhaustion, because they are too nervous. And yet it is they who can achieve much more than others.
23rd. Very independent, diversified, coping with any difficult situations.
24th. Always full of energy, very positive and purposeful, have a phenomenal ability to solve problems.
25th. Easily vulnerable, which is why they often withdraw into themselves. It is difficult for them to get close to others, but if they have already made friends, then their friendship will last a lifetime.
26th. Stubborn, firm, purposeful. They know how to make money out of thin air.
27th. They love variety and change, they like to help others. The main thing is to curb your temper.
28th. Very freedom-loving individuals who can not stand when they are told what to do. Happy when they are their own bosses.
29th. In life, enthusiastic dreamers who find it difficult to bring their ideas to life. Their fate is highly dependent on the influence of the numbers 2 and 9.
30th. People are very creative, but they need someone along the way to push and encourage them to take action.
31st. Excellent managers and organizers. Almost always achieve success in business. And they never forget either good or bad attitude towards them.