"Improvisation Master" is a fun word guessing game for kids and adults aged 12+. There are four options for tasks on the playing field, including drawing and pantomime. If the other players understand what you are portraying, you have reward points in your pocket.

A classic for any company

This game will become a favorite in your party collection! A children's holiday or adult gatherings are doubly more fun over a game of Improvisation. Stock up on paper, pencils and a sense of humor!

The best improvisation is a plan of action!

Every impromptu can be planned. When your chip is on the field of drawing, pantomime or verbal description of the word, use your imagination! Figure out how to get the word across to your team to earn maximum points.

Who will we play with?

Improvisation is great to play with a large company, especially in teams of 3-4 people. The main thing for the player in "Improvisation" is the presence of a wide vocabulary and ingenuity.

What type is this game?

"Improvisation Master" is a sociable word game with elements of creativity and pantomime. For fans of such games, we recommend the series "" and "".

In the box:

  • playing field;
  • 112 cards;
  • 4 wooden figurines;
  • 4 chips;
  • cube;
  • rules of the game.


Warm-up, attention, transfer of initiative

This exercise is done in pairs. Take a partner and stand opposite each other. The distance between you should be about a meter. One of you is the Leader, and the second is his Reflection. The host shows any movement, and the Reflection copies it. Try to be in sync. The leader can offer everyday or abstract movements. There is no need to rush - make sure that the Reflection has time to tune in to the general wave!

The next step is a spontaneous change of Leader. At any moment, any of the partners can seize the initiative and start leading. The second partner is sure to adjust!

Lagging Mirror

warm up, attention

The principle is the same - one of the partners is the Leader, the second is the Reflection. Only the Reflection repeats the movements with a lag of one! This exercise is great for developing attention.

Mirror and associations

warm up, attention

We take a variant of the "Mirror" exercise and add a game in the Association to it!

Divide attention - body and imagination.

One of you shows the movements, the second copies it and at the same time you play simple associations.

Associations are necessarily nouns that are associated with each other (table - chair - furniture - shop - seller - glasses - look, etc.)


Warming up, spontaneity, feeling of a partner

This exercise is best done in groups of 3.

Distribute the order - the first, second and third!

The first participant takes any position of the body, the second one attaches to it so that a sculpture would be obtained, and then the third one joins them. After that, the first one dies off again and is attached to the sculpture that remains) And further in a circle!

The main thing in this exercise is the speed of thinking and reaction. When you are dying and you need to find a place and a position for yourself, then do not think - act quickly, without a pause. Be spontaneous and creative!

Variation 1: set a certain image that the sculptures will embody. For example: summer, clouds, underwater world, flower shop, etc.

In this case, you don't need to guess what other partners mean, just start from the given image and real sculptures!

Variation 2: voice each sculpture with a sound or a word. If you voice with words, then this exercise turns into a game of "Associations" with movement!

This exercise develops associative thinking, imagination and expands your repertoire of movements.

Director - actor

Warm-up, acting, liberation

The exercise is done in pairs. One of you is a director, the other is an actor. Then everything is simple: the director gives the actor various tasks, and the actor fulfills them!

Tasks can be divided into three types:

  • simple steps
  • acting games
  • creative thinking

Simple actions are tasks like: sit on a chair, go to the door, look out the window, etc. They should be as simple as possible and only real objects should be used in them.

Acting games are tasks that begin with the word Show me!

show me tiger, chair, manual sunset, inspiration, emancipation, etc. The director can come up with any images, feelings, concepts that the actor shows. The main thing here is improvisation, courage and acting skills.

If you are in the role of an actor, then feel free to let go of your imagination and rush into the game!

Creative thinking. The director gives simple tasks: bring a chair, sit on the sofa, pour a glass of water, etc. Only in this variant the actor has to perform this task not directly, but to modify it.

For example, if you need to bring a chair, then the actor will first carefully check it for stability, and only then bring it)

If you need to pour a glass of water, then the actor can put this glass on his head and fill it with water in this position! The main thing is that these actions are internally justified. For example, an actor is rehearsing a number with a glass of water, or he lost a bet to a friend.

History by word

This is both an exercise and a very fun impro game!

You need to write a bright, interesting and coherent story with your partner.

Only in this story you speak one word at a time.

For example:

But yesterday

B: Maria

A: out

B: from the hut.

And she

B: saw

A: big

B: beautiful

A: bear! etc.

The main thing here is to listen to the partner and accept everything that he gives.

We need to collaborate and write together. Don't pull the blanket over you!

Feel free to take the initiative - assign places of action, heroes, events.

Follow the story line. It is better if you have one main character with whom different events occur.

One of the good tricks here is a game with adjectives: "Big, beautiful, white, in love .. bear!"

You describe something that doesn't exist yet, and it's always interesting what will come out of it.

Good luck and practice!


(form of the game, attention, partnership)

This is a great game for developing the speed of thinking and a sense of the whole.

Start a dialogue with your partner on any topic. Only each subsequent replica must begin with the next letter of the alphabet.

For example:

A: A August ends..

B: B autumn is coming!

A: IN it's time to get the alenki)

B: G mountain skiing too!

A: D come on, let's get some skates - I've always dreamed of learning how to skate on them!

B: E skiing is more fun! Etc...

As you understand, there should be no pauses between replicas! The dialogue is fast and dynamic. Name any word that comes to mind with the right letter and weave it into the text of the conversation.

Find a logical ending to your dialogue!

Variation 1: Take one letter, and start all the remarks only with it! Try not to repeat yourself, change the starting words.

In this option, you also need to keep the momentum and find the end of the dialogue.

For example, you and your partner chose the letters "H" and "P":

A: H paint the fence!

B: R I don't want to get dirty)

A: H put on gloves!

B: R rubber?

Variation 2: Repeat each letter of the alphabet twice. In this option, you will have a longer and more detailed dialogue!

For example:

A: A Your craftsmanship is top notch!

B: A our director doesn't think so..

A: B Oris Borisovich generally rarely praises anyone, don't worry!

B: B udto he does not know - how important it is for an actor!

A: IN inspiration and play are more important than praise!

B: IN you inspired me, thank you) Etc.

Verbal and theatrical games develop associative thinking, communication skills, acting skills, and a sense of rhythm in children. They can be used in any environment, with a different number of participants and without any prior preparation.


This game develops associative thinking, increases vocabulary, develops memory, improves communication, develops reaction. It is good to play with both younger and older students.

The driver thinks of a word and calls its first letter: for example, "k". All the rest take turns asking the driver about some word with the letter “k”, but they formulate the question so that other team members guess what word is meant, but the driver does not guess. When one of the players understood the meaning of the question and the implied word, he says: "Contact."

If the driver still guesses the word given by the participants, the game continues. If not, then he calls the second letter from the word he has conceived. This may continue until the word is fully revealed. The task of the driver is to unravel as many words of the command as possible and not give out his word for as long as possible.

For example, the driver thought of the word "caramel". One of the participants asks him: “Is this not what they eat for breakfast?” Team members must guess what is being said. If the driver does not guess the word within 10 seconds, the players call their word “porridge”, and this word must match with them. If two people from the team call two different words, then the contact is not counted.

Mom and Dad

This game is aimed at developing the child's vocabulary. It is good to play it with younger and older students, you can all together, even with your parents.

Two nouns are guessed, one is feminine, the other is masculine, but such that they are related to each other. For example, a bald head and a wig, a knife and a fork. The person who guesses these words is allowed to ask questions to the whole team, and the team can only answer “yes” or “no” to the question asked by him. The player wins if he guesses correctly. Then the next player in the team becomes the guesser.

Nouns and hat

A game of cohesion, understanding, the ability to listen and explain. Develops imaginative thinking, reaction, the ability to clearly build a sentence.

Participants sit at the table, but it is important that there are an even number of players. They take a number of pieces of paper, and each writes on his sheet as many nouns as possible that come to mind. Then all the sheets are mixed, put in a hat, and it goes in a circle.

Some player takes out a piece of paper, unfolds it, and after that he must explain to his counterpart (or neighbor), without using the word written on the sheet, as well as words with the same root, which means this noun. You have two minutes for this. Words are guessed in order. The pair that manages to guess the words written on the largest number of pieces of paper wins.

The host conceives a well-known quatrain and writes out rhymes from there, and distributes the leaves to the players. Each player composes his own quatrain with the received rhymes. Then the host reads aloud all the composed quatrains, and each of the participants must guess from which poem these rhymes were taken.

A point is counted to the one who guessed at least a specific poet. The one who scores more points wins.


1. Option for older students

The game is aimed at developing vocabulary, sense of rhythm and rhyme.

All participants sit in a circle, take a large piece of paper. The first participant writes three rhyming lines on it and folds the piece of paper so that only the last of them is visible to the next participant. The next participant comes up with a rhyming line for it, and also composes another one for the next player.

The result is a joint poem. Usually it comes out very funny, because one of the participants comes up with their own plot for the line they got, and someone supports the neighbor's plot.

Another kind of game: the participants are given four rhymes, and they need to come up with their own poem.

2. Option for younger students

With young children, you can play not poetic, but drawing burim. The rules of the game are the same, but instead of rhyming lines, each participant draws a part of the body of a single creature.

literary heroes

This game develops acting skills, communication, develops a team spirit, cohesion, develops abstract thinking.

The guys are divided into teams. Each team shows some kind of scene, but preferably without words. It is best if it is a scene from a well-known book. For example, at the lesson we recently read “Mowgli” by R. Kipling. The students were divided into 3-4 teams, 4 people each, and each team presents some episode: one shows the scene on the Council Rock when Mowgli attacks Sherkhan with fire, the other team depicts how Akella missed, and the rest during the show guess , which episode they see and which of the characters the participants play.

In the same way, you can think of fairy tales, cartoons, legends, myths. For example, the theme of the game may be the exploits of Hercules. Then each team shows some feat of Hercules, and the rest guess.


The game helps to develop communication skills, acting skills, teaches you to understand the psychology of the character being portrayed.

One participant drives, and the rest come up with a word whose number of letters matches the number of people sitting. Then each player depicts some kind of human quality, the name of which begins with the letter he got (tediousness, laziness, impudence, kindness, etc.). The driver must guess which quality is being depicted.

Another kind of game: the driver goes out, and the team members agree on which of them portrays which quality. At the same time, it is allowed to represent quality not only mimicry, but also with the help of words, intonation.


The game is aimed at developing figurativeness, fine motor skills, promotes interaction skills and team building, helps to deal with psychological problems - such as stage fright, inability to speak to a large audience, answer tricky questions. It is good for shy people who find it difficult to feel free in communication.

One of the guys sits on a chair and pretends to be a senile professor. He wears a large jacket, usually backwards. Another person stands behind him and puts his hands under his arms so that they look like the hands of a seated person.

All participants, secretly from the professor, think of some fantastic invention that this scientist allegedly made. And the professor needs to give a lecture about his new invention and at the same time guess what it consists of, since he does not know this in advance. His only assistant is the hands of the second player, which move in front of him and try to depict what the professor has invented, or somehow tell him what it is.

It is important for a scientist not to lose face, because he is giving a lecture: “Dear audience, I am a famous professor, I recently invented a fundamentally new device, now I will remember what the essence of my invention is.” At the same time, everyone sees hands that explain something, and it turns out very funny.

The task of the professor is to guess what invention he made. The task of the player depicting the hands is to explain the essence of the discovery with gestures.

Acting and game improvisation have a lot in common.

But given that in acting there is a text of the author and a ready-made plot, but this is not the case in improvisation, we need to decide on the rules of the game!

1. Acceptance

We must learn to unconditionally accept what our partner gives us.

He can assign a scene, roles, facts, whatever)

We must agree!

Block information that is not given.

For example, the partner said that you are the king - we accept

The partner said that you - the janitor - are accepting.

The partner appointed you a pebble - we accept, even if at the first moment everything rebelled and it is not clear what to do with it now)

BUT! This does not mean that the whole game is played by one person alone. Here we turn to the second law - initiative.

2. Initiative

After we have agreed with the partner, it's our turn! This is a chance to introduce a new fact, new circumstances and details.

The initiative belongs to the one who introduces new information.

There is one interesting point - the initiative cannot be transferred, it can only be taken.

If you do not act, do not take risks, do not offer anything to develop the story, then your destiny is to go with the flow for a partner (see rule 1)

When you are just starting to improvise, it is possible and even necessary to do this - in this way you learn to hear your partner better, understand him and respond adequately, but at 3-4 lessons with this practice you already need to tie up and actively join the game!

3. Take your samovar to the stage

No need to conceive a story in advance, before you get to the playground.

This is contrary to rule 1.

We are constantly repelled by a partner, from his answers, emotional reactions and actions. And they can be unpredictable.

And then your "samovar" will only interfere

Before reacting to reality, you will first have to scroll through your script inside, understand that it does not work, because the partner behaves differently, refuse it, and only then return to the game!

As you understand, this takes a huge amount of internal energy, adds doubts and indecision.

So let's remember - we do not carry a "samovar" with us to the stage!

4. Interest

This is probably the easiest rule of all :)

Its essence is that the game must be interesting!

And above all, it concerns the players themselves.

The game should be interesting to the players, and only under this condition it will be interesting to the viewer.

5. "Here and Now"

Key rule. Improvisation takes place only in the present, and our task is to BE in this present!

This rule also includes the "samovar" - no need to cling to the past, to what is prepared in advance, and acceptance, and initiative, and interest.

A little clarification: be interested in what is happening on the court in the game, and not in what is happening in the auditorium!

The task is not to entertain the audience, but to unwind yourself.

But! If the audience is active, reacting violently, then take it into circulation!

And again, be the attention on stage with a partner, otherwise there is a risk that you will quit the game and run to entertain the audience. And you are not clowns - you are Improvisers!

6. Conflict

Conflict gives the story movement forward, a reason for the game and the severity of the situation. A conflict-free existence on the set is uninteresting and always passive.

Conflict is a good place to start improvisation. Immediately put the question point-blank - yes or no, life or death. It is necessary to create a problem that the players will solve.

Each player must understand what his task is, what he wants, what to strive for and what he is ready to do for this.

This develops a conflict. Well, when there are two opposing opinions.

Don't be afraid to be silent. Mhatov pauses are a great way to think and find a solution. Acting exercises help us fill the gaps and not make them empty. During silence, act, play with objects, move around the space, in other words, live!

The game is not only words. These are actions, and emotional assessments of events, and pauses.

9. An end set in the beginning

Hold the main line of play. Remember, what started, it must be untied! Of course, you can go to the side (the so-called lyrical digressions), but the main direction should be clear. Otherwise, there is a risk of going into "nonsense", losing logic and getting confused.

10. Stop! Sample!

React unpredictably, but at the same time logically! Always look for new options. Go beyond the ordinary. Try, search, create and improvise!

And the most important rule: if the game allows it, then the rules can be broken!

Article: L-161

Duration: 90-120 min. Number of players: 2-4 Age restrictions: 8+ Dimensions: 24x37x6 Weight: 0.75

"Improvisation" - a game for those who want to have a great time in a fun and creative atmosphere with the benefit of self-education.

Our advice: in any incomprehensible situation - improvise!

A game " ImprovisationClassic-for children with a rich imagination over 8 years old and for those who want to develop it. The game is of great interest not only because the players strive to win, but also the process of the game itself is very exciting, where it is possible to improvise and express themselves.

The purpose of the game. Guide your playing pieces across the field, completing certain tasks, guessing words in various ways, getting points for it. Before the start of the game, the players agree on the duration of the game. The optimal playing time is from 90 to 120 minutes.


  • playing field,
  • 112 cards with 4 tasks on each,
  • 4 wooden figurines,
  • 4 chips
  • one cube,
  • indication.

To play, players will need a sheet and a pencil.

Cards. Each card indicates the task (word or phrase), the method of its execution and its cost. Maps are divided by difficulty into 3 types. Easier tasks cost 5 points, medium difficulty tasks cost 10 points, and difficult tasks cost 15 points. Of course, this is very subjective and it all depends on the abilities and skills of the players themselves.

playing field. The field consists of moves on which the wooden figures move and moves with points, where the players will move their playing pieces according to their comprehension. Hod „ Drawing”, move „ Description”, move „ Pantomime” and move „ Vice versa” - these are moves, upon hitting which determines the way the task is completed.

Hod „ Description". When a wooden figure hits this turn, the player must, within a certain time, within one minute (you can start the stopwatch on a mobile phone), explain to the rest of the players the task indicated on the map. During the explanation, the word can be described by any words, except for the words that are contained in the task itself or their cognates. Players are not allowed to use a foreign language. The explaining player can only say "yes" or "no" to help the other players guess the word.

Hod „ Drawn
". When a wooden figure hits this turn, the task (word) must be drawn. The speaker should not talk or gesticulate. The figure should not contain letters or numbers. The performer of the task, with a nod of the head, can help the others by making it clear how close the voiced version is to the correct one.

Hod „ Pantomime". The task must be explained using gestures, sounds or chanting for one minute. The explainer can imitate animal sounds, wind noise, or hum a song, without words, that is associated with the task. The explainer may point to objects from his environment or parts of his body. With a nod of the head, the explaining player can prompt the others, making it clear how close the voiced version is to the correct one.

Hod „ Vice versa". When a wooden figure hits this turn, the task (word) must be read aloud by the explainer 2 times backwards, not very quickly and without syllables. The rest of the players do not have the right to write down what they heard.

Hod „ Vredina” when a wooden figure hits this turn, the player himself does nothing, and the other players must move their chips one move back, thereby losing 5 points from their asset.

Hod „ Smile” – when a player’s wooden figure hits this turn, that player moves his piece one move forward, thereby gaining 5 points, without completing the task.

Beginning of the game.
Players choose one wooden figure and a chip of the same color and place them on the field in the places designated for them. Wooden figurine is put on the move START , and the chip is placed before moves with points of the same color. Cards are placed next to the field face down. The players roll the dice. Whoever gets the highest number starts the game first. The first player rolls the die and moves his wooden piece as many moves as it hits on the die. The rest go clockwise. When a wooden piece hits the moves „ Description”, "Drawing", "Pantomime", "Vice versa" - it becomes clear to the player how the task should be completed, after which he draws one card from the pile with tasks, so that the other players do not see the tasks. After reviewing the task indicated on the card - opposite the method of completing the task, the player puts the card aside, now at his disposal for 15 seconds, to consider how best to complete the task. He must complete the task as clearly as possible, so that the other players would guess it. If within one minute, one of the players guesses the word, then the explainer and the guessing player move their chips forward by the number of points indicated on the card, what is its value and this card goes to the discard pile. If none of the players has time to guess, then this card is returned to the pile and the next player continues the game. If someone breaks the rules during the game, then he must return his chip back by 10 points.

Special conditions. If the player's wooden piece falls on the turn of his color, then when winning, the player, and only he, multiplies the number of points won by 2.

When the player's wooden piece reaches a turn "Finish", the player must return it back a turn "Start" and continue the game if the agreed time has not ended, and there are still cards with tasks left.

End of the game: At the end of the agreed time, the game stops. The player with the most points is the winner.