Every year since I started working with the Angels, I have performed these activities on my birthday. They can be created in any order, and some of them need to be prepared in advance. Thanks to these practices, my birthday turns into one of the most fulfilling days of the year. I am happy to share with you. Choose any!


We buy candles by the number of completed years. Candles can be anything. The main thing is that they can be installed. This year I bought cake candles, but not thin, but of the usual diameter, like church ones. I made holes in the cardboard box and stuck them in. You can fill the box with sand. Be sure to follow the safety rules. Keep water nearby. And do not put candles close to each other. When they all burn, they can melt the neighboring candle with their heat.

Light the candles. Look at every candle, every year of your life.

Close your eyes and mentally invite your Guardian Angel and your Divine support, Angels, Archangels.

And in the presence of the Heavenly Power, say the following words.

I (name) came to this joyful and happy world.
Confidently walk on the chosen path.
May my mind be clear.
Let the happy light illuminate my way.
May the path I choose lead to goodness and prosperity.
Let love surround me.

I thank my soul, my body, my support and all those who surround me and lead me through life.

The practice is not only beautiful, but also impressive in its fullness. You recognize yourself in this world, wish only the best for yourself, and pay tribute to all those who are with you on your way. Angels. Archangels. Heavenly Teachers. And the people of the earth.

Angel Mandala

Every year I redraw my .

Who, together with the Guardian Angel, accompany us through life, all come together on this very day. The Angel of the Incarnation, the Angel of the Mind and the Angel of the Heart are all activated in full force on your birthday. Sometimes I draw the Mandala in advance, with the arrival of my Angel of Incarnation, and on the holiday itself I create a picture-activation of the support of the Higher Forces. That's exactly what happened this year.

If you have an Angelic Mandala template or a ready-made Mandala, you work with them. You take out the cards of your angels, read the description of the energies and the gifts that they bring to you. Take the colors of the energy of birth, destiny and your angels and combine them into a picture. Draw only with the colors that represent your support.

For example, I have the energy of birth - green / yellow, destination - purple / crimson, Angel of incarnation - turquoise / transparent, Angel of the heart - green / blue, Angel of the mind - green / crimson. That is, I create a drawing only from these colors.

If you do not have an Angelic Mandala in any form - you can invite 3 of your Angels - see what color they are and draw a picture of these colors.

Desires by number of years

I write the wishes that I want to come true in my personal new year. I ask the Angels and Archangels for support. This action helps me move on to the next practice. Highlight the main thing and create an intention.

Angel Essence

When I have identified the main, that same desire, I write it separately on a piece of paper. And I invite the Archangels in turn to understand which of them will accompany me in his performance. What to pay attention to and what to focus on. In what area my request actually lies.

Usually there are several Archangels. I do with the energies of these Archangels.

Then I do aroma testing. It gives information from another Archangel, at the subconscious level. And it is the energy of this Archangel that I put into the angelic essence through the fragrance.

I give her a name. This time the word came - Element.

It turns out the Angelic essence for daily use, the awareness of everything that is needed, and the support of the Archangels. Very powerful.


And of course, all this must be combined in celebration and in the body. I use a kundalini meditation remix for this. I invite the angels to dance with me.

The practice consists of 4 stages of 15 minutes each. It is done with closed eyes. You can wear a bandage. It is better to breathe in the first two stages through the mouth.

In the first stage, standing on the floor with our feet shoulder-width apart or wider, and without moving them, we do the shaking - just shaking the whole body as much as we can to release ourselves from tension.

On the second - we dance as we want. Feet can already be torn off the floor. You can sing. And spin. Let the body take over the process.

On the third - we sit. You can breathe through your nose.

And on the last we lie in silence.

At the last stage, Archangels usually come through color, sensations, revelations, pictures, images. I receive support and healing.

This power lifts, fills and nourishes.

You can try to dance or download this music here.

I have 2 different options - ocean and beauty - sharing both with you.

Hooray, the transition to the New Year of my life is complete.

In the Body, Creativity, with the Soul, with the Guardian Angels, the Angels of Birth, the Archangels. All Earthly and Divine family.

Let's celebrate life! She continues!

I accept, thank you!

Birthday - personal New Year. This is a wonderful holiday, which is important to celebrate correctly.

How to celebrate your birthday so that you can live happily all next year? All the main secrets in this article! Read, memorize, write down the best recommendations of psychologists, astrologers, esotericists.

Preparation for a birthday: a month, a week, a day

Nothing happens suddenly in nature. Everything happens gradually. So it’s better to start preparing for your birthday in advance. The best option - per month.

For 1 month before your birthday, start cleansing procedures at all levels of your being.

First purify everything material, physical.

Start especially watching your diet. Eat only healthy and proper food, in moderation. Cleanse your body with food that brings health. Drink plenty of water.

Sport helps to clean up physically. It's great if before your birthday you reduce the percentage of fat in the body (both subcutaneous and visceral).

Various water procedures are very good during this period. Take a bath before your birthday. Take showers and baths more often - cleanse yourself.

Clear your outer physical space. Do a general cleaning of your home and workplace. Throw away everything old, unnecessary, reminiscent of the bad, long outdated.

After cleansing the physical space and body, proceed to the second stage - put things in order in your social environment. Forgive your enemies, ask for forgiveness. Thank all the people you interact with for the lessons and experiences.

Without regret, stop unnecessary relationships and connections. At a minimum, clean up your phone book, social networks, email. Delete all "friends".

In general, clear your ether. Try not to let unnecessary information into your mind. Don't watch TV, limit your internet videos and radio.

Pay off your debts. Fulfill the promise.

The third stage of purification, which is better to start during the week before birthday - cleaning thoughts and beliefs.

Make a list of “What keeps me from enjoying life?” or “What is wasting my energy and time?”. Name it whatever you want. The main thing is to be able to list everything that you do not need to have in your head. This is a super-effective technique, although it sounds trite.

Everything that did not come true, did not happen, did not succeed, write down if the past torments you.

If the first list is useful for working on yourself, then the second - just destroy it - burn it and flush it down the toilet.

Behind three days before your birthday, make a list of "My Victories for the year." Write at least 24 achievements. Let it be joyful, happy, victorious - the best events or phenomena. This practice will uplift your spirit.

Another similar great practice is the list of “50 things for which I am grateful to myself (grateful)”.

By compiling these two lists, you will understand a lot about your life! These wonderful discoveries will help to renew your thinking, outlook on yourself and the world.

Per day before your birthday, try to let go of all thoughts about these two lists. Abstract from everything external, immerse yourself in silent contemplation of yourself. Listen silence in myself at this time.

It’s great if you manage not to work that day, not to do anything around the house, to postpone absolutely everything. Communicate only with pleasant, loving and beloved people. Very good to contact spiritual- be in nature, visit church, meditate at home.

As you dive in, give thanks to someone or something you believe in for everything you have in your life. Let the motto of this day be “I Thank You!”. Do not regret anything, do not wish for anything - rejoice that you are alive, be filled with gratitude.

On your birthday

After analyzing the past and practicing gratitude, boldly start dreaming about future.

Late in the evening the day before, at night and already on the birthday itself:

  • make a wish,
  • write plans for the year
  • Set goals in every area of ​​your life
  • make cards, lists, scrolls of desires,
  • visualize your desired future.

Choose any or your favorite goal-setting technique.

Task at this time - make it clear to the Universe (the power you believe in) that you are grateful for life, appreciate it, love yourself, therefore you know How improve life. You know how to be happy. You know exactly!

More more important task- to feel, to create within yourself the feeling that everything you so sincerely desire, you already have! Act like a completely happy person.

Be happy on your birthday. Happiness is personal choice.

Celebrate your New Year the way you want to spend it.

Solar- the time of the position of the Sun in the sky, similar to the one that was at the time of your birth. This is the exact astronomical time of birth. Every year it is different, it may not coincide with the birthday. Sometimes a day earlier or later.

During the solarium, it seems to happen rebirth.

Online solar time calculations can be found on the Internet.

You can make a cherished wish at the very time when you were born.

At three days- the day before, after and the birthday itself - you need to exclude:

  • visiting public events
  • long stay on the road, long journeys,
  • noisy celebration in a big company,
  • drinking alcohol, coffee, and other stimulants.

Let nothing overshadow your consciousness these days. Having consciously celebrated your birthday, you will preserve harmony and inner balance throughout the entire personal new year.

At the time of birth

Great if for 1 hour before the time of Solar you will get:

  1. Take a bath or shower.
  2. Put on clean, nice new clothes. Preferably from natural fabrics.
  3. Drink a glass of clean water.
  4. Turn off the telephone, TV, computer, radio, intercom - to exclude as much as possible the receipt of any information from the outside.
  5. Ask people around you not to disturb for an hour. But don't tell me what you will do.
  6. To refuse any conversations - to be silent. Refuse to eat, drink.
  7. Retire.
  8. Light a candle.
  9. Immerse yourself in your inner world in any way: prayer, meditation, auto-training. It will be enough just to calm down, focus on feeling yourself, on feeling.
  10. Behind 12 minutes to Solar to remember the outgoing year and mentally transform everything that does not suit you. Scroll through the events in your head like a film. Reshoot negative footage. Present the best options. Correct mistakes by visualizing the best case scenario.
  11. IN Current time in Solara to speak clearly, confidently, with a smile, how the upcoming personal year is seen. Start with the most desirable goal. Speak all your goals for the coming year in each of the areas of life. You can write them down. It will be good if you manage to do it in the first 12 minutes. But more important than that is the right mindset. Feel happiness and gratitude with every cell of your body from the fact that everything has already turned out the way you want.
  12. Dream enough, from the heart with a feeling of boundless happiness in your heart. Know that the Universe hears you. She cannot but hear you at the moment when you are reborn!
  13. Extinguish the candle.
  14. Slowly return to the here and now. Feel the calm joy for as long as possible. You can drink a glass of clean water.
  15. Maintain a sense of goodness at least hour after practice. Then it will be possible to turn on all sources of information, to get in touch with the outside world. But don't get too active. Do not tell anyone about the magical practice you have carried out, even if feelings overwhelm. Keep your secrets.

Be on this day in the company of only the closest and loved ones. Noisy and fun, in the company of colleagues, esoteric friends are recommended to celebrate later - starting from the fourth day after the birthday.

And the whole project is completely dedicated to how to fulfill your desires! Follow the links! The information you need is looking for you too! Your gifts are already waiting for you to accept them!

Birthday - personal New Year. This is a wonderful holiday, which is important to celebrate correctly.

How to celebrate your birthday so that you can live happily all next year? All the main secrets in this article! Read, memorize, write down the best recommendations of psychologists, astrologers, esotericists.

Preparation for a birthday: a month, a week, a day

Nothing happens suddenly in nature. Everything happens gradually. So it’s better to start preparing for your birthday in advance. The best option - per month.

For 1 month before your birthday, start cleansing procedures at all levels of your being.

First purify everything material, physical.

Start especially watching your diet. Eat only healthy and proper food, in moderation. Cleanse your body with food that brings health. Drink plenty of water.

Sport helps to clean up physically. It's great if before your birthday you reduce the percentage of fat in the body (both subcutaneous and visceral).

Various water procedures are very good during this period. Take a bath before your birthday. Take showers and baths more often - cleanse yourself.

Clear your outer physical space. Do a general cleaning of your home and workplace. Throw away everything old, unnecessary, reminiscent of the bad, long outdated.

After cleansing the physical space and body, proceed to the second stage - put things in order in your social environment. Forgive your enemies, ask for forgiveness. Thank all the people you interact with for the lessons and experiences.

Without regret, stop unnecessary relationships and connections. At a minimum, clean up your phone book, social networks, email. Delete all "friends".

In general, clear your ether. Try not to let unnecessary information into your mind. Don't watch TV, limit your internet videos and radio.

Pay off your debts. Fulfill the promise.

The third stage of purification, which is better to start during the week before birthday - cleaning thoughts and beliefs.

Make a list of “What keeps me from enjoying life?” or “What is wasting my energy and time?”. Name it whatever you want. The main thing is to be able to list everything that you do not need to have in your head. This is a super-effective technique, although it sounds trite.

Everything that did not come true, did not happen, did not succeed, write down if the past torments you.

If the first list is useful for working on yourself, then the second - just destroy it - burn it and flush it down the toilet.

Behind three days before your birthday, make a list of "My Victories for the year." Write at least 24 achievements. Let it be joyful, happy, victorious - the best events or phenomena. This practice will uplift your spirit.

Another similar great practice is the list of “50 things for which I am grateful to myself (grateful)”.

By compiling these two lists, you will understand a lot about your life! These wonderful discoveries will help to renew your thinking, outlook on yourself and the world.

Per day before your birthday, try to let go of all thoughts about these two lists. Abstract from everything external, immerse yourself in silent contemplation of yourself. Listen silence in myself at this time.

It’s great if you manage not to work that day, not to do anything around the house, to postpone absolutely everything. Communicate only with pleasant, loving and beloved people. Very good to contact spiritual- be in nature, visit church, meditate at home.

As you dive in, give thanks to someone or something you believe in for everything you have in your life. Let the motto of this day be “I Thank You!”. Do not regret anything, do not wish for anything - rejoice that you are alive, be filled with gratitude.

On your birthday

After analyzing the past and practicing gratitude, boldly start dreaming about future.

Late in the evening the day before, at night and already on the birthday itself:

  • make a wish,
  • write plans for the year
  • Set goals in every area of ​​your life
  • make cards, lists, scrolls of desires,
  • visualize your desired future.

Choose any or your favorite goal-setting technique.

Task at this time - make it clear to the Universe (the power you believe in) that you are grateful for life, appreciate it, love yourself, therefore you know How improve life. You know how to be happy. You know exactly!

More more important task- to feel, to create within yourself the feeling that everything you so sincerely desire, you already have! Act like a completely happy person.

Be happy on your birthday. Happiness is personal choice.

Celebrate your New Year the way you want to spend it.

Solar- the time of the position of the Sun in the sky, similar to the one that was at the time of your birth. This is the exact astronomical time of birth. Every year it is different, it may not coincide with the birthday. Sometimes a day earlier or later.

During the solarium, it seems to happen rebirth.

Online solar time calculations can be found on the Internet.

You can make a cherished wish at the very time when you were born.

At three days- the day before, after and the birthday itself - you need to exclude:

  • visiting public events
  • long stay on the road, long journeys,
  • noisy celebration in a big company,
  • drinking alcohol, coffee, and other stimulants.

Let nothing overshadow your consciousness these days. Having consciously celebrated your birthday, you will preserve harmony and inner balance throughout the entire personal new year.

At the time of birth

Great if for 1 hour before the time of Solar you will get:

  1. Take a bath or shower.
  2. Put on clean, nice new clothes. Preferably from natural fabrics.
  3. Drink a glass of clean water.
  4. Turn off the telephone, TV, computer, radio, intercom - to exclude as much as possible the receipt of any information from the outside.
  5. Ask people around you not to disturb for an hour. But don't tell me what you will do.
  6. To refuse any conversations - to be silent. Refuse to eat, drink.
  7. Retire.
  8. Light a candle.
  9. Immerse yourself in your inner world in any way: prayer, meditation, auto-training. It will be enough just to calm down, focus on feeling yourself, on feeling.
  10. Behind 12 minutes to Solar to remember the outgoing year and mentally transform everything that does not suit you. Scroll through the events in your head like a film. Reshoot negative footage. Present the best options. Correct mistakes by visualizing the best case scenario.
  11. IN Current time in Solara to speak clearly, confidently, with a smile, how the upcoming personal year is seen. Start with the most desirable goal. Speak all your goals for the coming year in each of the areas of life. You can write them down. It will be good if you manage to do it in the first 12 minutes. But more important than that is the right mindset. Feel happiness and gratitude with every cell of your body from the fact that everything has already turned out the way you want.
  12. Dream enough, from the heart with a feeling of boundless happiness in your heart. Know that the Universe hears you. She cannot but hear you at the moment when you are reborn!
  13. Extinguish the candle.
  14. Slowly return to the here and now. Feel the calm joy for as long as possible. You can drink a glass of clean water.
  15. Maintain a sense of goodness at least hour after practice. Then it will be possible to turn on all sources of information, to get in touch with the outside world. But don't get too active. Do not tell anyone about the magical practice you have carried out, even if feelings overwhelm. Keep your secrets.

Be on this day in the company of only the closest and loved ones. Noisy and fun, in the company of colleagues, esoteric friends are recommended to celebrate later - starting from the fourth day after the birthday.

And the whole project is completely dedicated to how to fulfill your desires! Follow the links! The information you need is looking for you too! Your gifts are already waiting for you to accept them!

Birthday is a unique, mystical event. This is not just a day on the calendar, it is a sacred day when the soul incarnated on Earth to fulfill its mission.
Most people treat their birthday as a sentence: another year has come, I have become older ...

However, the Universe values ​​your birthdays very highly, because it knows how important each individual is to the development and creation of the entire cosmos.

The power of your birthday: it is on your birthday that certain channels open. On this day, the birthday person is given a certain portion of strength and energy for the implementation of tasks for the next year. And of course, unprecedented opportunities are opening up for the fulfillment of desires, getting answers to your questions, blessings.

What to do on your birthday?

On a birthday, a person’s connection with the Universe is limitless. Therefore, you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity.
It is customary for us to simply celebrate a birthday, accept gifts. It's good to have fun on a day like this.

But at the same time, a birthday is a mystical day that opens up unprecedented opportunities. And if you want to receive guidance and energy to implement your plans, you need to properly prepare for it.
After all, the fact that on your birthday you will be given energy does not mean that you can accept it.

Solar is the bookmark of the program of success on your birthday.

SOLYAR is the exact time of the conjunction of the Sun with the degree of its natal position - the position at the time of the birth of a person. The sun returns every year to the same spatial point - the moment that coincides with your appearance in this world. Solar is the exact return of the Sun at the same minute/second/degree as when you were born.

It is at the moment when the Solar is turned on that a person begins to be influenced by special energies that are crucial for the year. And as mentioned earlier, it is important to perceive these energies correctly, to let them into your life.

How to celebrate your birthday?

1. Before your birthday, it’s good to get rid of everything superfluous, unnecessary, starting with physical blockages in the apartment, ending with a review of your emotions, actions, thoughts, etc.

2. It is better to celebrate your birthday 4 days later. When you vigorously celebrate your birthday on the very first day of your new year, you waste the priceless energy that the cosmos sends you to realize your desires. As a result, instead of receiving guidance, strength, on the contrary, you squander the energy that begins to flow. Result: the inability to fulfill oneself and achieve what one wants in the new year.

3. The power of a birthday: on the birthday itself, it is auspicious to do spiritual practices, to be in a place of power or in a sacred place. On this day, you need to be in silence and meditation. That is the key to getting energy. It's like you're putting yourself on a charge. The more noise, bustle on this day, the less you will get a resource state for the next year.

4. Solar is the sun. It is very good when a fire burns in the house on your birthday. This symbolizes your spirit, your inner fire. Therefore, it is favorable to light a fire on your birthday, but it is very bad when you extinguish it yourself. Therefore, blowing out candles on a cake is a very harmful practice! You blow out your fire. Let those candles burn out on their own.

5. A few hours before the Solarium, you need to take a bath and put on clean clothes. If you do not know your personal Solarium, then follow these recommendations on your birthday anyway.

6. Be sure to take stock on your birthday. If you constantly keep a diary, then view all the entries for the year. Review the past year: remember all the negative events and thank the Universe for these lessons. Remember all the positive experiences and give thanks for all the gifts.

7. Of course, on your birthday you need to make wishes! Write a script for your new year, formulate wishes, because the power of a birthday is limitless! On a birthday, wishes come true faster, because the day is filled with the magic of space. How quickly and most importantly your desires will be fulfilled depends on how you spend this day. In general, the more energy a person has, the easier it is for him to get what he wants. So once again carefully re-read paragraphs 2 and 3. And draw conclusions for yourself.

8. It is very auspicious to give gifts to others on your birthday. Yes exactly. Of course we are used to receiving gifts. And we always look forward to them. But in the East, the practice of giving on your birthday is very common. It is believed that this produces generosity, love, compassion - the qualities necessary for a happy life.

9. Do good deeds on the eve and after your birthday. This forms a good karma for the next year.

The Power of a Birthday: Interesting FACTS

1!) It is very important to meet the Solar at the age of 33, 66 and 99, when the time of the Super Solar comes, when the next 33 years are laid.

2!) If you don't like your birthday? feel sad, depressed, feel negative, feel weak and tired 2-3 weeks before your birthday, which means you prematurely used up the reserve of strength that you were given for a year.

3!) Negative emotions, unnecessary fuss, stress, bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol, foul language, etc.) and a hectic lifestyle take away your vital energy and can lead to the fact that you can NOT realize your desires. So during the year, carefully monitor and take responsibility for what and where you give your energy. In order not to say later that you are powerless to change something in your life.

Sacred practices on your birthday to gain strength and power!

Birthday is a bright holiday of the soul. But at the same time, every year we receive a new portion of working through our negative karma. Those who consult every year with specialists on their personal horoscope can know in advance what awaits them. But even if you have no idea about this, it is better to work out your Solar in advance.

It is necessary to start preparing every year before your birthday in order to smooth out all the negative influences of the planets in your horoscope and make your new year happy.

You need to start the practice 12 days before the birthday and continue to do it for another 12 days after the birthday. Ideally, in order to fully work out your Solar, it is better to practice 40 days before your birthday and 40 days after.


At least 12 days before the birthday, on the birthday itself and 12 days after it, you must recite the Mahamrityunjaya mantra.
This practice gives you strength, health, helps to work out your solarium, protects from evil, negative events and death.

It is desirable to chant the mantra 108 times, but the more the better. the minimum number of repetitions is 3, 9 or 27 times. But I note that the more you read it, the better the effect.





12 mystical days during the birthday period.

In astrology, there is the Zodiac circle and its division into twelve constellations, corresponding to the division of the year into twelve months.

The 12 days before and after the birthday are considered mystical. During this period, you sow the seeds of your intention, nurture the seeds of good karma.

Especially mystical are 12 days after the birthday. It is on these days that the characteristics of the 12 houses of your horoscope for the next year appear. In these twelve days you play in miniature your entire year. The Power of a Birthday: If you correctly “read” the events of the 12 days after your birthday, you will be able to avoid the negative events of the year and live the year more successfully.

Solar ritual:

The Solar ritual is simple and consists in meeting your birthday correctly (in a meditative state) and 12 days after.

To do this, be sure to get a notebook and write down all events, signs, dreams within 12 days after your birthday. After analyzing them, you will know what awaits you.

Below you will find a detailed description of the 12 solar houses and what to do on each of the 12 days after your birthday.

FIRST HOUSE - appearance, character, temperament of a person , denotes the impression that a person makes on others: this is a person’s appearance, his personal ideas about himself, his talents, temperament, activity, ability to be the first.

On this day, creativity and activity should be shown in everything. It is good to pay special attention to appearance, manners, and active manifestation of character - but this does not mean that you need to suppress others and be overly selfish. We do not allow aggression and other negative emotions.

In a healthy body healthy mind. Outdoor activities, gymnastics, active sports, massage and SPA procedures will not hurt. On this day, it is better not to invite guests - try to pay more attention to yourself.

SECOND HOUSE money, valuables, movable property , the ability to earn and spend money, practical knowledge and skills obtained by one's own efforts, business activity, property, wealth and wealth.

Well, if this day coincides with the receipt of gifts, profits, wages. If not, it’s not scary either, then we make a gift to ourselves. We try to spend money usefully, check all our accounts, debts - do not borrow on this day and, if possible, do not lend money to others (in some cases, lending money does not apply to generosity). You can’t be greedy on this day, indulge in pride about material property. If you consider yourself poor and earning money is given to you with great difficulty, then you, on the contrary, can devote the whole day to earnings. Try to understand that you simply “made up” your poverty and from this day on you will have and have the full right to well-being.

THIRD HOUSE - close environment, neighbors, contacts, training , relationships with others, exchange of thoughts, curiosity, speech, contracts, agreements, news. Near travel.

If we want to radically change our lives, it is most useful on this day to do the opposite of what you usually do, communicating with other people. If you are a “silent person” by nature, it is useful to contact more, exchange your thoughts and ideas. If you are a talker-talker, on this day, in order to avoid “punctures”, it is best to be silent more or speak very little and to the point. The motto of this day is “you can answer for the market”. The same can apply to desires. We do not allow ambiguous phrases, for example: “to your health”, “wow”. Another example of the phrase “leave me all alone” can result in the husband leaving for another, the children leaving for distant lands, and you alone and alone in an empty apartment.

FOURTH HOUSE - parents, home, family, your roots , ancestors in general, home and family, end of life, peace of mind, familiar environment, emotional security, support for survival.

Watch where you want to go during this day - you may want to spend the day in the forest or in nature, or in a place where you can remember your family, ask him for help and support. It is best to visit relatives on this day. It is good to do housework, put the garden in full order. On this day, it is better not to start anything new, not to be active, but it is better not to allow inaction, laziness, sadness, tears on this day so that they do not accompany you throughout the next year.

FIFTH HOUSE - creativity, love, children, childbirth, entertainment, art , creative professions, creativity itself, hobbies, hobbies, free time, random happiness, love, romantic adventures, the desire to be noticed and appreciated in society, popularity, spending on entertainment.

On this day, it is better not to get involved in love adventures, not to be tempted by them even if there are strong temptations and temptations, you should not gamble. It's good to be with children - watch them play and you will see how much joy, attention and spontaneity is in it. You can also do something that you have never done before today. We advise you to remember your childhood years - to do something that your parents categorically forbade you then. In love adventures, on the contrary, abstinence is needed - then you will make up your own. An important place is occupied by natural communication with your own or other people's children.

SIXTH HOUSE - your health and care for it, service and daily work, care for others , and duties, subordination, discipline, relations in the service, work environment, professional skills, work with tools and mechanisms.

A day to take care of your health. A day when you can fully devote yourself to business, everyday worries. On this day, you can move up the career ladder as if you had years of hard work. Day of calm. But try to avoid routine. See if you are being dragged into your whirlpool by small everyday affairs, behind which it is easy not to see the main, important. It’s good to try a new diet on yourself this day or arrange a light meal for yourself.

SEVENTH HOUSE - denotes spouse, partners and enemies, personal relationships with people, responsibility to them ; marriage, divorce, separation, breakup, litigation, trade, transactions, competition, co-authorship.

If you live with a partner, then it would be very good to spend this day together and discuss joint plans for the future - they may consist in the fact that you will start doing something that you did not dare to do. Maybe you will finally speak out directly, and clarify a lot in your relationship. It’s good to remember all your partners and understand what worked out for you and what didn’t and why. It is better not to sue, not to divorce, not to conclude contracts. But if on this day you still have to sign important papers, be sure to check them more than once.

EIGHTH HOUSE - completion of the old, obsolete and unnecessary, changes, trials, crises, the end of old conditions, the beginning of new ones; conception and birth, sex; losses and gains due to reasons beyond human control; other people's values.

This is the most difficult day, we do not allow complex conflict situations. It is especially important to learn to control your emotions and feelings. Even a small conflict can lead to losses in the future. Be prepared for the fact that on this very day something outdated, although still expensive, will leave your life. The best way to spend this day, more positive, we try to translate all the troubles into humor, a joke. Everything that is not done is all for the better.

NINTH HOUSE - worldview, religion, philosophy, higher education, knowledge , expanding horizons, distant relatives, people from afar, with a different view of the world, long trips and travels, especially for educational purposes.

You CAN learn something new - it's very good! It is good to meet guests from afar, to go on a long journey if you intend to travel all next year. On this day, it is important not to sit at home. Go to a museum, an exhibition, a library, read an educational magazine. But it is on this day that you cannot teach anyone yourself. You can not teach relatives, friends and even children, although you may be very drawn to this.

TENTH HOUSE - denotes power, embodiment of ideas, profession, career, social position , authority, practical goals and results in life, evaluation of your merits - both glory and shame, relations with superiors, state authorities, personal power and its use, manifestation of ambition, strategy for moving towards the goal, practical life choices.

On this day, a reassessment of your labor, professional, creative orientation. Whether I occupy the place, whether I like it. On this day, there should be no excesses either in deeds or in thoughts. Do not create illusions and false goals. On this day, there may be a strong desire to feel like a boss, but the initiative is not desirable. Nobody needs a one-day commanding tone and can become a cause of future conflicts. But the soldier who does not want to become a general is bad. Career planning is quite appropriate on this day Be sure to remember all your bosses and mentally thank them for the "science".

ELEVENTH HOUSE - denotes friends, hopes for the future, plans, faith and dreams of a person, his idea of ​​happiness, patrons, surprises.

TWELFTH HOUSE - denotes restriction, renunciation and liberation from the old , unnecessary, cleansing of karmic knots, religious activities. A day of gratitude, prayer and rest. Feel your strength, visit the Temple. On this day, one must be patient, be peaceful and compassionate to the needs of other people. It is very good to help someone in a difficult situation and completely free yourself from the burden of memory, from all past years, forgive your offenders, feel love for the whole world, for all people.

Each of your Birthdays is a unique chance to change your Destiny and Luck. You are given the strength to lay down any new program for the year. However, most do not know or are simply too lazy to take advantage of this opportunity.

Of course, it’s more customary to buzz noisily in a restaurant on your birthday.

But if on such a day you make a choice in the direction of Awareness, Meditative practices, you will receive absolutely fabulous gifts in the new year. And you can and should celebrate noisily with friends and family a few days later.

Use your birthday to tap into the universe's endless field of luck!

Hi beauty.

At the beginning of the post, I want to say that I write more practical and interesting information on astrology and accepting my nature in my own.

I must say right away that this post is not a selection of ideas on how to celebrate your birthday. No, these are tips on how to spend this day in such a way that the next year you will enjoy the disclosure of your potential and be true to yourself.

In recent years, I have always wanted to hide from everyone on my birthday and spend it in silence. At the same time, I was ashamed that I was somehow strange and unsociable. But in fact, there is nothing abnormal here. It is believed that each person is measured a certain number of breaths or heartbeats. Perhaps this is the secret of the longevity of yogis and swimmers - they are excellent at controlling their breathing. We, with our lives in chaos, are always in a hurry, we often waste our energy in nowhere. It is believed that this energy is not released all at once. Namely, on our birthday, a certain portion of vitality comes to us for the implementation of our plan during the year.

And towards the end of the year, energy becomes less. And if before that it was spent on destructiveness, stress, unnecessary activity, then there is a desire to run away somewhere, weakness in the body, illness, irritability, apathy.

How to spend your birthday in order to use your resources for the benefit of yourself and others? Let's talk about that ;)


It is important to complete the lived cycle and take everything good from the past, leaving everything bad. To do this, pay attention to the following points

Take stock

Make a revision of plans - remember in advance what exactly you wanted for yourself a year ago. Look at what has come true, what plans are still waiting to be implemented this year, and which

Clear the tank for new energy

Imagine that you are a bowl that will soon be filled with a new portion of resources. Do you really want to absorb more energy? If she "poured" into a dirty bowl, then all plans and desires for the year would be overshadowed by this. To prevent this from happening, take care of cleansing your "chalice":

  • go to the bath
  • fast for a couple of days until your birthday
  • get rid of unnecessary things - throw away expired cosmetics, jewelry and clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time and probably won’t be again. And even more so what you were in the difficult moments of your life
  • get rid of unnecessary thoughts - forgive everyone who offended you, yourself for all the "mistakes". Ask for forgiveness from those you have offended. Do not keep this burden in yourself, draw conclusions, thank for the lessons and let go. It would be great to do this in writing, so that later you can burn this piece of paper and flush everything down the toilet, for example))


It is advisable, of course, not to have a noisy party on this day, to give up heavy food and alcohol. Better move it to another day if you really want to.

Be sure to spend this day the way you would like to spend the whole year. Maybe a noisy party with alcohol is just right for you. Look the way you like yourself, not the way you are supposed to. Let there be people nearby whom you are really glad to see, and not those who will be offended if you do not call them, or they invited you, and now you must. You can celebrate your holiday with them on another day.

What is the best thing to do on your birthday? I offer the following practices:


Write in your diary, or maybe directly on social networks, 100 thanks to the Universe, to yourself and to the people who have helped you all year. So you will feel how much the world cares about you and how much beauty is in your life.

acceptance of congratulations

Accept all congratulations by visualizing a magic chest at chest level, where you put all the good things that you wish for and leave with you for the whole year.

letter of congratulations to yourself in a year

Write a letter of congratulations to yourself in a year, wishing yourself everything that you really want. And then hide it in an envelope and open it on your next birthday. Or you can write an e-mail and set the date of sending in a year.

list of goals and desires

Think and write down what you want to achieve this year, voice your intentions for the year, what qualities you want to develop, what to give up, write down plans: long-term and step by step.

Energy is given to us for creation, and not for nonsense. So it is very important for yourself to understand what you really want. And ask the blessing of the Universe for the fulfillment of your desires.

You can create a dream college: stick pictures from magazines of your ideal world on whatman paper. This will give impetus and direction for development

mood before bed

Before going to bed, talk to God / the Universe / guardian angel, thank you for your care, ask for tips that will help you on the path of development

solar diary

Write in a diary how the first 12 days from your birthday go. Each day will show how this or that month will pass. You can specifically plan these days the way you want to spend the next months. After all, correctly lived 12 days lay a successful program for the year ahead.

And what is Solar, now I'll tell you


Every year we live not only the day of our birth, but also the moment of birth. The so-called Solar, the moment when the Sun returns to the degree in which it was at the time of birth. It is important that this moment may come not on the birthday itself, but one day before or after it.

The 12 days following the Solarium are very significant, as the laying of the next year's events is taking place. It is in our interest to spend these days consciously.

Solar practice is prescribed for these 12 days in order to pump 12 areas of life. These spheres in the natal chart represent 12 astrological "houses".

There is a lot of general information on the internet. It is written which “house” is responsible for which area and what is favorable to do on a particular day, responsible for this or that “house”.

But it will be much better to take into account the features of your natal chart, your astrological periods and transits. This is how you can take the maximum out of your strong "houses" and play tricks with weak spheres. Considering at the same time their qualities and abilities.

Of course, I will be happy to compose for you your personal Solar practice. At the consultation, we will be able to discuss all the features of your natal chart, in which direction you should focus, and where you will need to lay a straw. I will make a list of practices for each of the 12 days, selected especially for you. If interested, then all the details about my consultations

Advice from an astrologer: make your personal horoscope for the year.

I think you understand that the general advice of astrologers makes little sense. It is hard to paint 8 billion people with 12 signs and then give them similar advice.

But the individual annual forecast has a practical application in life, which concerns you. Agree, it is useful to know in what months you can expect the best efficiency from yourself and squeeze the maximum, and when it will be more practical to pay attention to yourself, health, rest and your conditions without a twinge of conscience?

The annual horoscope will provide an opportunity to understand which areas require close attention and elaboration, and on which it is better not to waste your time and effort. This way you can plan important events and holidays, understand when it is better to launch your new project, and when to go into deep meditation) You can take a closer look at the areas of money, relationships, children, work.

If you are interested in knowing your individual annual forecast, I will be happy to help you;)

Tell me, were you already familiar with the Solar practice? Practiced? Do you love your birthday? How do you prefer to celebrate it?

I really hope the post was helpful to you. If so, it will be very nice if you share it with a friend;)

With a wish of happiness,

And if you want to always stay in touch, subscribe to updates in or in. I will be very glad to our close communication;)

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  • How interesting! I want to try this practice. I will write to you next month about the consultation))

  • Nastya, I fall in love with you more and more with every post! You are awesome! Seems like more? No, you never cease to amaze me!

    Yes, I also felt that on my birthday I want to turn off my phones and social networks, go into the forest and just live this day quietly. I heard something about this practice, but I didn’t know that it was called Solar and didn’t know what to do during these 12 days. Moreover, the first couple of days I remembered that I had to live these 12 days the way you want to live a year, and then I safely forgot =))) This time I will definitely turn to your help, my birthday is August 21, about how much time Do you need to apply so that you are comfortable in terms of time to calculate it? And what's the cost? How is the consultation?

  • Nastya, thanks for the article! I remember once flashing on Instagram, and today, during a brainstorming session about how I want to spend my day, I remembered the article. I really like the recommendations, I even downloaded an article for myself, I hope I will be able to implement something)

  • Anastasia, good afternoon! I want to order a personal horoscope from you.
    Are you still doing this?
    Thank you.