Equestrian sports and riding have firmly taken their place in the list of favorite hobbies. And horsemen, as you know, are people too, they have birthdays, they need to give gifts for the New Year and a bunch of other holidays. Of course, I want to give a person something related to his hobby, so that the gift brings joy. But what to do if you yourself are not a horse rider at all, and you saw horses only in the picture? ..

Konikov can be conditionally divided into two large groups: those who have their own horse and those who ride a horse or rent a horse in an equestrian club. And gifts to these people need to be given completely different!

Let's start with the owner of the horse. What might he need? A bridle, a saddle?.. But somehow he rides a horse - that means he already has all this ... And what else could be needed?..

If it's a gift for a loved one, relative or good friend, don't hesitate to just ask. Often, the owner of a package of vitamins for a horse will be more delighted than a new saddle pad ...

Stop! What is a valtrap? This is a small rug that is placed on the back of the horse, under the saddle. And at the same time - a completely win-win gift. There are never too many saddle pads! First, you need a few replacement ones: they need to be washed regularly. And secondly, it is one of the most beautiful elements of horse equipment. Saddle pads come in all kinds of colors, with embroidery, decorative stitching, decorated with braid, appliqués, rhinestones ... The main thing is to find out what color the horse is and what kind of sport the equestrian is fond of. For example, a blue or blue saddle cloth will go to a gray horse. But yellow or orange will be out of place on a gray horse, but it is perfect for a bay or red. And the sport is important for this reason: show jumping and dressage saddles have different shapes, and saddle pads for them are also different. A jumping saddle will fit under a regular walking saddle.

Another good gift: a headstrap for a bridle. As the name suggests, it is located on the forehead of the horse, so this part of the bridle is often decorated. The browband on the bridle can be easily changed. Therefore, even for someone who already has a bridle, a beautiful browband will not be superfluous at all. They are decorated with decorative chains (it is better to choose from white metal, because all the buckles on the equipment are usually white), embossing, rhinestones, a colored leather backing (consider the color of the horse!), Decorative rivets ... Yes, they decorate with everything. The thing "in the economy" is not very necessary, but beautiful. Almost everyone wants this, but not everyone will buy this “pampering” for themselves.

A good option is a likit, a “delicious” toy for a horse. It is a bit like hanging toys for parrots: a ball or a spinner that is hung on the stall grate. And in the middle of this toy is inserted a "lollipop" for the horse: a treat that can be licked. Only first you need to catch a nimble toy! The horse spends a lot of time in the stall, where there is no one to play and communicate with, so the toy will most likely be happy, especially the edible one.

Separately, I will say a few words about books. If you don’t understand horses yourself, it’s better not to give them away! There are so many movements and schools that you can "miss" big by giving a book about dressage to a show jumper, a book about cowboy western sports to a dressage fan, and a manual on "natural training" to a western fan. An exception can be made for gift editions with artistic photographs of horses.

If a person does not have his own horse, but he rents a horse in a club (he rides it all the time), or you know for sure that he has some special favorite among the rental horses, you can also give him some equipment for the horse. If not, donate things useful to the rider.

A lover of horseback riding, walking in nature, or just a person who rides in different clubs and on different horses, a fur saddle cover will do. In country stables, saddles are quite often old and not very comfortable, so a fur saddle cover will make the trip much more comfortable. Just do not confuse a fur coat ON a saddle (for a rider) with a fur coat UNDER a saddle (for a horse).

Not all stables have individual lockers where you can leave your belongings. Usually such a service is provided only for horse owners, and alas, ordinary visitors! - You have to carry everything with you. And if so, a special "equestrian sports" bag, where you can pack the necessary things, will be a great gift. It has a compartment for boots, a helmet and a change of clothes.

Since we are talking about riding clothes, I will say a few words about such a gift. Of course, you can ride in the most ordinary sportswear, but this is inconvenient. For example, riding trousers - breeches - are sewn in such a way that there is not a single seam on the inside of the leg that could rub the leg, and special patches are made on the knees so as not to wipe the breeches on the saddle ahead of time. The jacket or vest is cut so as not to interfere with the movement and, at the same time, tightly fit the figure, giving the trainer the opportunity to control the posture of the rider. No doubt, and convenient, and a good gift. But it is better to choose it not “by eye”, but along with the one to whom it is intended. Knowing the size is not enough here: these clothes must fit the figure very precisely. Of course, clothes that don’t fit in any store will be exchanged without any problems, but this is extra hassle, right?

But the most useful piece of equipment for a rider is a crash helmet. And they neglect it in the mass about the same as motorists - seat belts. A person who goes in for sports (especially show jumping) most likely has a helmet: without it, they simply will not be allowed to compete. In many training groups, they also don’t put on a horse without a helmet (I hope it will be like this everywhere soon), and they give out for rent to those who don’t have their own. The option is convenient, but ... not the most hygienic. So a helmet is a great gift for an equestrian! And it’s easier to buy without trying on: models with size adjustment are on sale. Such a gift without words will demonstrate your attention and care for a person.

And now the most important thing: where can I get all this? After all, in pet stores there are no goods for horses, and in sports stores - for riders. Equestrian sports goods (both for a man and for his four-legged friend) are usually sold only in specialized stores, which are now available in almost all cities. Well, if the assortment does not suit you, there are Internet resources where you can order the goods you like with delivery to almost anywhere in the world.

Equestrian sports and riding have firmly taken their place in the list of favorite hobbies. And horsemen, as you know, are people too, they have birthdays, they need to give gifts for the New Year and a bunch of other holidays.

Equestrian sports and riding have firmly taken their place in the list of favorite hobbies. And horsemen, as you know, are people too, they have birthdays, they need it for the New Year and a bunch of other holidays. Of course, I want to give a person something related to his hobby, so that the gift brings joy. But what if you yourself are not a horse rider at all, and you saw horses only in the picture? ..

Equestrians can be conditionally divided into two large groups: those who have their own horse and those who ride or rent a horse in an equestrian club. And gifts to these people need to be given completely different!

Let's start with the owner of the horse. What might he need? A bridle, a saddle?.. But somehow he rides a horse - that means he already has all this ... And what else might be needed?..

If it's a gift for a loved one, relative or good friend, don't hesitate to just ask. Often, the owner of a package of vitamins for a horse will be more delighted than a new saddle pad ...

Stop! What is a valtrap? This is a small rug that is placed on the horse's back, under the saddle. And at the same time - a completely win-win gift. There are never too many saddle pads! First, you need a few replacement ones: they need to be washed regularly. And secondly, it is one of the most beautiful elements of horse equipment. Saddle pads come in all kinds of colors, with embroidery, decorative stitching, decorated with braid, appliqués, rhinestones ... The main thing is to find out what color the horse is and what kind of sport the equestrian is fond of. For example, a blue or blue saddle cloth will go to a gray horse. But yellow or orange will be out of place on a gray horse, but it is perfect for a bay or red. And the sport is important for this reason: show jumping and dressage saddles have different shapes, and saddle pads for them are also different. A jumping saddle will fit under a regular walking saddle.

Another good gift: a headstrap for a bridle. As the name suggests, it is located on the forehead of the horse, so this part of the bridle is often decorated. The browband on the bridle can be easily changed. Therefore, even for someone who already has a bridle, a beautiful browband will not be superfluous at all. They are decorated with decorative chains (it is better to choose from white metal, because all the buckles on the equipment are usually white), embossing, rhinestones, a colored leather backing (consider the color of the horse!), Decorative rivets ... Yes, they decorate with everything. The thing "in the economy" is not very necessary, but beautiful. Almost everyone wants this, but not everyone will buy this “pampering” for themselves.

A good option is a likit, a “delicious” toy for a horse. It is a bit like hanging toys for parrots: a ball or a spinner that is hung on the stall grate. And in the middle of this toy is inserted a "lollipop" for the horse: a treat that can be licked. Only first you need to catch a nimble toy! The horse spends a lot of time in the stall, where there is no one to play and communicate with, so the toy will most likely be happy, especially the edible one.

Separately, I will say a few words about books. If you don’t understand horses yourself, it’s better not to give them! There are so many trends and schools that you can "miss" big by giving a show jumper a book about dressage, a dressage lover a book about cowboy western sports, and a western fan a manual on "natural training". An exception can be made for gift editions with artistic photographs of horses.

If a person does not have his own horse, but he rents a horse in a club (he rides it all the time), or you know for sure that he has some special favorite among the rental horses, you can also give him some equipment for the horse. If not, donate things useful to the rider.

A lover of horseback riding, walking in nature, or just a person who rides in different clubs and on different horses, a fur saddle cover will do. In country stables, saddles are quite often old and not very comfortable, so a fur saddle cover will make the trip much more comfortable. Just do not confuse a fur coat ON a saddle (for a rider) with a fur coat UNDER a saddle (for a horse).

Not all stables have individual lockers where you can leave your belongings. Usually such a service is provided only for horse owners, and alas, ordinary visitors! - You have to carry everything with you. And if so, a special "equestrian sports" bag, where you can pack the necessary things, will be a great gift. It has a compartment for boots, a helmet and a change of clothes.

Since we are talking about riding clothes, I will say a few words about such a gift. Of course, you can ride in the most ordinary sportswear, but this is inconvenient. For example, riding trousers - breeches - are sewn in such a way that there is not a single seam on the inside of the leg that could rub the leg, and special stripes are made on the knees so as not to wipe the breeches on the saddle ahead of time. The jacket or vest is cut so as not to interfere with the movement and, at the same time, tightly fit the figure, giving the trainer the opportunity to control the posture of the rider. No doubt, and convenient, and a good gift. But it is better to choose it not “by eye”, but along with the one to whom it is intended. Knowing the size is not enough here: these clothes must fit the figure very precisely. Of course, clothes that don’t fit in any store will be exchanged without any problems, but this is extra trouble, right?

But the most useful piece of equipment for a rider is a crash helmet. And they are neglected in the mass in much the same way as motorists - seat belts. A person who goes in for sports (especially show jumping) most likely has a helmet: without it, they simply will not be allowed to compete. In many training groups, they also don’t put on a horse without a helmet (I hope it will be like this everywhere soon), and they give out for rent to those who don’t have their own. The option is convenient, but ... not the most hygienic. So a helmet is a great gift for an equestrian! And it’s easier to buy without trying on: models with size adjustment are on sale. Such a gift without words will demonstrate your attention and care for a person.

And now the most important thing: where can I get all this? Indeed, in pet stores there are no goods for horses, and in sports stores - for riders. Equestrian sports goods (both for a man and for his four-legged friend) are usually sold only in specialized stores, which are now available in almost all cities. Well, if the assortment does not suit you, there are Internet resources where you can order the goods you like with delivery to almost anywhere in the world.

By the way, if you need not a "big" gift, but a souvenir - for example, a colleague on March 8, - any store has a large selection of "equestrian" souvenirs. You just need to figure out how to present it.

Well, and the last. Do not be surprised if after such a gift you will be actively invited to the stable and offered to ride! :)


March 8 is coming! And young people in a panic start thinking about what to give, where to buy, how to arrange a surprise, how to surprise!? In fact, even if you give a girl flowers and a box of chocolates, she will be grateful and she will be pleased. But if your girlfriend (wife) is an equestrian or just loves horses, then there is room for fantasy!

So! What can you give a girl who loves horses?

In order to somehow understand the desires of the girls, we decided to ask the girls themselves. To do this, we conducted a survey in the Vkontakte group.

That's wonderful. We list the possible gifts for girls who love horses on March 8.

Horse!(a joke, of course. Although ... in every joke there is a share of a joke)
If you give a girl a horse! She will not just be delighted, she will simply squeak with happiness, and this squeak will be full of happiness, delight, joy and a million other positive emotions!
The price range of such a gift: from 50 000 rub. (although you can buy a foal for 20,000 rubles). But please do not forget that keeping a horse is also not cheap and requires a lot of time and effort!

Horse tools and accessories!
It can be blankets, boots, saddles, accessories for a horse, plus all sorts of brushes and tools. In general, everything that your girlfriend may need when riding a horse, as well as when caring for her.

Ammunition for the rider!
Well, all girls, without exception, want to look beautiful. So help them! Give a beautiful riding gear. For example, breeches or leggings! Or pink gloves.

Horse figurine!
They will also be delighted with such a gift. A girl of any age will be happy with a horse figurine. It is not even necessary that it cost 100,500 money. It is important that it be beautiful, interesting and not repeat what is already in the collection of a young horse lover.

Soft toy - horse!
Also quite an interesting gift. Suitable for any girl. And for a horse lover who loves soft toys - this is a super gift!

Horse painting!
If your girlfriend, in addition to horses, also loves art, then a large wall-to-wall painting with a herd of free horses or a rearing stallion is the best gift for March 8!

Keychains, magnets, brooches, calendars and other little things!
If you have already chosen a gift and it is not related to horses, but you want to do something more pleasant. Then go to any equestrian store and there you will find a lot of little things depicting a variety of horses. This will be a great gift addition!

Here is a list of gifts. I hope now you know what you can give a girl on March 8 if she is an equestrian!

I wish you a great holiday! Bright smiles and sincere joy!

Horse riding and equestrian sports have recently attracted more and more lovers. And there is nothing surprising in this, firstly, it is useful, secondly, it is beautiful, and thirdly, it is considered prestigious, since the traditions of noble Russia are being revived, in which not a single decent person could imagine himself without a horse. What to give to a person who loves horses, is engaged in horseback riding, or professional equestrian sports, to someone who refers to himself as a “rider”? After all, these people also have birthdays, I want to please them with something for the New Year and other holidays ... And if you please, it means giving something related to a person’s favorite hobby. How not to hit the sky with your finger if you are far from horses, and have seen them only on TV? Gifts for those and others are divided into several types. Firstly, of course, these are goods for riders, secondly, ammunition for horses, and thirdly, related, but no less pleasant gifts with equestrian symbols: books, albums, souvenirs, key chains, tie pins and much, much more. How to please a horse? Let's look at the first type of gift first. Making a gift for a horse is not an easy task. But if you are, as they say, “in the know”, or the rider himself hinted to you that his horse is not enough for complete happiness, then you can handle it. A great gift for a horse can be a saddle pad. This is a small rug that must be placed on the back of the horse under the saddle. It's okay if the person you are going to gift already has one saddle pad. There may be several such rugs, since they wear out periodically, and besides, they need to be washed periodically. The saddle pad is considered one of the most striking accessories for horse ammunition. And their choice is simply huge. They differ in color, design, material. On sale you can find gel saddle pads and saddle pads with natural fur, decorated with appliqués and rhinestones, with decorative stitching, embroidery, etc. . For example, a blue or blue saddle cloth is suitable for a gray horse. And, for example, orange or yellow will be at the time of a red or bay horse. For show jumping, one type of saddle pad is used, and for dressage, another. All these points need to be clarified, but this does not seem particularly difficult, it is enough to find out in a casual conversation what kind of horse your friend rides and what exactly he does. We figured out the saddle pads, let's move on. Another worthy gift for a horse is a headband for a bridle, which performs a decorative function, as it adorns the horse's forehead. The browband on the bridle is very easy to change. Therefore, there may well be several of them, with the same gift it will not be terrible to repeat. The foreheads are decorated with chains, rhinestones, embossing, decorative rivets, pieces of colored leather. A thing for a horse is not mandatory, but attractive. Many people want to have such an elegant accessory, but not everyone is ready to fork out for it. You can also donate - likit, the so-called "edible" toy for the horse. It is a spinner or ball that is attached to the stall grate. And some tasty delicacy for the horse is inserted into its center, which must be licked. True, for this, a movable toy must be grabbed. The horse spends a certain amount of time in the stall, where he can be bored, so such a toy, especially tasty, will entertain him. This is not the whole list of what can be donated from equestrian equipment. There are also saddles, girths, bandages, reins, horsetails, blankets and much more... Giving the rider the second type of gift for the equestrian is a thing donated personally for the rider. This includes clothes, for example. It is clear that you can go in for equestrian sports in ordinary sportswear, but this is inconvenient, and the feeling of discomfort while doing what you love… who needs it? For example, riding trousers, called breeches, are designed so that the seams do not rub the inside of the leg, and special patches are sewn on the knees so as not to rub them prematurely on the saddle. The vest or jacket is made so as not to interfere with movement, but at the same time tightly fit the torso, giving the instructor the opportunity to control the rider's back. No doubt, and convenient, and a wonderful present. But it is better to choose it not “by eye”, but together with the fitting. Knowing the size is clearly not enough here: these clothes should sit like a glove. Of course, clothes that turned out to be out of time can be exchanged in any store, but this is additional trouble, and the feeling of the gift will be blurry, you hardly want it. Not all stables offer riders personal lockers where they can put their clothes. As a rule, such a service is provided only to the owners of horses, and everyone else, unfortunately, is forced to carry everything with them. Therefore, a special “sports” bag will be an excellent gift option, in which it is convenient to pack everything you need. It is equipped with a compartment for a helmet, for boots, and for a change of clothes. But the most significant and even obligatory attribute of the rider's equipment is, of course, a protective helmet, which provides such an important property as the rider's safety. A person involved in sports (for example, jumping) most likely has a helmet: it is not allowed to participate in competitions without it. In many training groups, the lack of a helmet is a reason not to allow the rider to practice. Therefore, a helmet is the best gift choice for an equestrian! Moreover, there is no need to measure it; there are models with size adjustment on sale. Such a gift is easy to demonstrate care and attention for a person. Souvenir horses And the third category of gifts for fans of equestrian sports, these are all kinds of souvenirs, books, albums with the image of horses. Such a present will always be pleasant to the rider. Ball puzzle "Horses", for example, will not only entertain the recipient, but will also become a worthy decoration of any interior. The same can be said about the stylish figurine "Foal". If you are planning to donate a book about horses, then keep in mind that a show jumper will not appreciate a publication about dressage, and a dressage lover is unlikely to be happy with a book about cowboy western sports. Therefore, the best option may be a gift edition with artistic photographs of these beautiful and noble animals. And finally ... a gift in a royal way And a little more about those who are in love with this smart and beautiful animals. If material resources allow, you can give a thoroughbred horse. Few can afford this truly royal gift, but it can become the fulfillment of someone's dream. The main thing is to know why a person needs a horse? There is a large classification of horses, and turning to any stud farm, this question will be asked to you first. There are race, race, harness, show jumping or dressage horses, for example. If you absolutely do not understand anything about them, then do not buy such an expensive gift from your hands, but contact a professional. It is clear that they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, but do you want your gift to be a dream come true, and not just one living problem? A more economical gift option for a person who is just about to get close to this animal is a gift certificate for a month for riding a horse with an instructor. Such services are provided by equestrian clubs, the service is several times cheaper than a thoroughbred horse, and there will be no less pleasure. In any case, for a month for sure, and then ... who knows, maybe the recipient of such a certificate will not want to part with his favorite.

Good afternoon,
please advise what to give to a friend who is fond of: a) playing Mafia; b) equestrian sports; c) mind games.

Ekaterina, Moscow, Russia, 27 years old

Gift wrapper response:

Hello Ekaterina.

You can ask about the novelties of stores selling board games. Most likely, a Mafia lover will like UNO, Taboo and Scrabble. But in general, there are an incredible number of interesting board games! A fan of games like "What? Where? When?" you can donate a collection of logical problems, an e-book, a selection of programs from the ChGK club on DVD. In general, such people are grateful for any interesting and unusual books. A lover of horseback riding, walking in nature, or just a person who rides in different clubs and on different horses, a fur saddle cover will do. In country stables, saddles are quite often old and not very comfortable, so a fur saddle cover will make the trip much more comfortable. Just do not confuse a fur coat ON a saddle (for a rider) with a fur coat UNDER a saddle (for a horse). Not all stables have individual lockers where you can leave your belongings. Usually such a service is provided only for horse owners, and alas, ordinary visitors! - You have to carry everything with you. And if so, a special "equestrian sports" bag, where you can pack the necessary things, will be a great gift. It has a compartment for boots, a helmet and a change of clothes. The most useful piece of equipment for a rider is a crash helmet. A person who goes in for sports (especially show jumping) most likely has a helmet: without it, they simply will not be allowed to compete. In many training groups, they also don’t put on a horse without a helmet (I hope it will be like this everywhere soon), and they give out for rent to those who don’t have their own. The option is convenient, but ... not the most hygienic. So a helmet is a great gift for an equestrian! And it’s easier to buy without trying on: models with size adjustment are on sale. Such a gift without words will demonstrate your attention and care for a person.

Sincerely, Evgenia Shaffert.