The term visualization itself means projecting a picture of your future. Now it is gaining more and more momentum. Of course, many people do not even know what the term itself says and how to visualize to get what you want. But with a strong desire, you can understand all the intricacies of this topic.

Rice. Visualization of goal achievement. Learning to visualize the goal correctly

First you need to make a list of your desires. Next, you need to take photos to consolidate your thoughts. For example, if you want to buy a house, then the photo should be exactly what you want, that is, an identical copy. And so it is necessary to do with all other desires. After that, all this needs to be attached to a conspicuous place, where your eyes most often rush. Five views a day are enough to get the result. This gives you the opportunity to scroll through the thought in your head about this subject on a daily basis. And thoughts, as you know, are material and are projected into life.

The next step is to visualize the object in your head before going to sleep. You need to view it as a picture, but with all the details. It is important to take into account all the elements of your desire so that it comes true faster.

Classical music helps a lot with evening visualization. It makes it possible to relieve stress after a working day and allows you to relax to the fullest. After all, only with complete relaxation, your desires will approach reality.

Now you need to remove the negative influence of extraneous elements and unnecessary things. Do not watch crime or melodramas on TV to protect yourself from bad thoughts. Surround yourself with positive people and enjoy being around them. And those who constantly complain about their worthless life should be weeded out as early as possible so that their problems do not become yours.

If you begin to follow the above tips daily and do not allow the negative impact of the world around you in your life, then in the near future you will be able to achieve the desired result. Your desires with a very high speed will begin to be fulfilled and will delight you again and again. So, to concentrate only on good events. Design your future the way you want it to be. And you will have everything you want. And most importantly, don't forget. This will help you aromatic oils that will be fragrant and bring a cheerful mood to you and your household.

Visualization is one of the most effective techniques for fulfilling desires. However, this method has special rules, the observance of which will increase its effectiveness and help you realize your cherished dream in the shortest possible time.

It is not for nothing that both psychologists and bioenergy specialists so often mention the power of thought. Constant thinking about any situation really contributes to the embodiment of this event, and precisely because the "obsessive" thought settles in our subconscious. And if you learn how to manage this process, you can get what you want as quickly as possible. This will help knowing the five basic principles of visualization.

Principle one: formulate desire correctly

Thoughts need a verbal shell. Before presenting a desire, it must be formulated, and this must be done correctly - otherwise the chances of fulfilling a dream will seriously decrease. There are three important rules regarding the formulation of desire:

  • you should not use negative particles;
  • when formulating a thought, use the present tense;
  • avoid abstract language.

A wish like “I don’t want money problems” is unlikely to be heard by the Universe: particles “no”, “no” create a corresponding impulse that reduces your chances of success. The same applies to vague wording. Remember: the more specific the picture that your imagination draws in the process of visualization, the faster you will get what you want. And how can you imagine something specific if the desire is formulated in general?

So, let's say you want to find a better paying and promising job. It is better to formulate the desire as follows: “I get a new job, and with it a high income and career prospects.”

Principle two: present the end result

The path to any goal is most often thorny and difficult, and absolutely every person comes across obstacles. But it is not necessary to visualize it: our goal is to present our dream as if it has already come true. If you want to become richer, imagine yourself with a large sum in your hands or making a long-awaited purchase. The surge of positive emotions that will happen at the same time will fulfill two good goals at once: it will set up your subconscious mind so that it directs you towards this goal, and will give you an energy impulse for action. Surely you yourself have noticed that work is much more productive if you are in a good mood?

Principle three: total immersion

When visualizing a dream, do not put yourself in the position of an outside observer: you must be a direct participant in the events presented. In other words, looking from the outside is not acceptable: you must be inside the situation, and the imagined world must surround you, like the real one. Only in this case visualization will be effective.

Try to imagine the picture of your success as detailed as possible. Visualize even the smallest details. If there are other people in the situation that you have imagined, draw in detail the elements of their clothing - up to the bracelet on the arm of some woman. The situation should look real - and then it will really come true.

Try to connect all the senses: try to imagine not only the “picture”, but even smells, taste, weather conditions. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the situation as much as possible, and visualization will be much more effective.

Principle Four: Add Dynamics

Another important point is that the more dynamic what you imagine, the better. A static picture will not evoke the same vivid emotions as the situation being played. Suppose your desire is related to love relationships. Make two visualizations: first imagine a static situation, like a photograph - you are in the arms of a loved one. Now imagine something more dynamic - for example, how the alleged soulmate confesses his love to you. Surely the latter will cause a greater emotional outburst. So, it will give a greater effect.

Principle Five: Visualize at the Right Time

Many practitioners claim that the most productive time for visualization is the moment before going to bed and after waking up. Before falling asleep and in the process of transition from sleep to alertness, the line between consciousness and subconsciousness becomes thinner, so it is easiest to “program” yourself to get what you want at this time. In addition, at night you will provide yourself with wonderful dreams, and starting with visualization in the morning, give yourself a charge of beneficial positive energy for the whole day.

Once rendered visualization will not give any effect. For a wish to come true, it is necessary to visualize systematically, approaching the goal over and over again. For some, the desire is fulfilled already 21 days after the start of the cycle of such exercises - that is how long it takes to develop a habit or set your body on a wave of changes. We wish you the realization of all hopes, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Visualization is one of the most common tools in practical psychology. Despite this, or maybe precisely because of this, many are very skeptical about whether it can positively affect a person's life.

The concept of visualization is quite simple. You use the power of your imagination to create visions of what you want in life and how you will achieve it. It's like a movie in your head. In our article you will find seven visualization techniques - and if you have never practiced it, you will get a visual idea of ​​​​what it is and how to use it.

In what cases does it not work? Only when you use it like a magic pill: sit on the couch in front of the TV and imagine how to achieve success, stand in front of the mirror and convince yourself that you are beautiful and attractive. Visualization Always goes hand in hand with great difficulty. It is more of an addition than an instrument itself.

How can visualization be used?

The true value of visualization, of course, goes beyond simply boosting motivation and inspiration. It can be used in many ways to improve many areas of your life. For example, for:

  • Goal Achievement
  • Focus Improvements
  • Learning Ability Improvements
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Decision Making Improvements
  • Changes in values
  • Eliminations
  • Breaking free of limiting biases
  • Mastering a new skill
  • Changes in Habitual Thinking Patterns

Later in this article, you'll find visualization techniques you can use right now to improve some of these areas. Remember also that a person visualizes almost all his time, only he does it unconsciously. Which in many cases is not very useful. That is why you need to turn off the autopilot mode and take matters into your own hands.

Seven Visualization Techniques

Let's take a look at seven visualization techniques you can use to improve some aspects of your life, including:

  • Mastering a New Skill
  • Improving Perception
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Relaxation of mind and body
  • Healing the mind and body
  • Outline of action plan
  • Achievements of goals

We will now describe the process of all the steps you need to take for each area, as well as briefly discuss how the use of each imaging technique can be beneficial.

Mastering a New Skill

The first thing that visualization can be useful for is to master a new field of knowledge. It can be quite effective in this case, because the human brain is stimulated in much the same way when we perform an action physically and when we imagine it in our head.

Psychologist Alan Richardson conducted a famous experiment with basketball players, during which it turned out that:

  • If you do not practice throwing into a basketball hoop for a week, then your skill drops.
  • If you visualize (represent the process in your head) training, then the quality of the throws improves by 23%.
  • If you train, the quality of the throws improves by 24%.

Of course, you can use this visualization technique to master any skill, but it is important to use all your senses when visualizing.

Here are five easy steps to help you do just that.

Step one. Choose the specific skill you would like to master.

Step two. Determine your actual level of proficiency in this skill.

Step three. Visualize the process of practicing this skill in vivid detail, using all your senses.

Step four. Repeat this process for 20 minutes a day. The course should last 11 days or more.

Step five. Practice this skill in real life and evaluate your progress. If you are not satisfied with the results, continue with the visualization while doing physical workouts.

Improving Perception

Visualization can also be quite effective when you want to improve your perception and observation skills. This skill is of great value as it helps to improve your understanding of the people and situations you find yourself in. Moreover, it is.

Here is a step by step visualization process of this kind.

Step one. Sit in a quiet place and spend a few minutes just observing the world around you.

Step two. Now close your eyes and recreate the world around you in as much detail as possible in your imagination. Make sure you pay close attention to the subtle details, colors and textures of everything you observed in the first step.

Step three. Repeat the process until you can recall every detail of your environment.

Of course, once is not enough. Such visualization should become a daily practice: after a while you will become a more observant and receptive person. Too easy and simple? Yes, like all great things. Do not think that such skills require a mass of installed applications on the phone. Enough of this exercise.

Another variation of this visualization technique is to take 15-20 minutes at the end of the day to remember your entire day from waking up to now.

Increase self-esteem

Whether you lack confidence or suffer from low self-esteem, you can use visualization as a tool to help you feel better about both.

Just three steps.

Step one. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in a large empty room.

Step two. One by one, visualize people walking into this room. They come up to you and either congratulate and compliment you or acknowledge your work and efforts.

Step three. When the room is full of people, visualize yourself telling everyone about your accomplishments. Be sure to thank them for their support and valuable feedback.

You can, of course, change this visualization method by bringing famous people or mentors into the room. You can also imagine people giving speeches about how much they appreciate you. And, of course, it's all about the little things. Surprisingly, it is the details that make you unique that help just as much.

Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem is a very slow process, but with enough perseverance, you can reduce the amount of time. Work out for 10 to 20 minutes every day and gradually begin to feel that you have the power to change yourself and your life.

Remember, everything is always changing. And either you will change yourself consciously, or unconsciously let it take its course. Only efforts can lead to success.

Relaxation of mind and body

Visualization can be very effective when you are under stress. Whenever you feel pressure, you can use it to calm your body and mind.

Step one. Sit or lie down in a quiet place free of distractions. You can put some soothing music in the background that will help you enter a deep relaxing state.

Step two. Breathe deeply and start counting from 50 to 1. As you do this, slowly relax every muscle in your body from head to toe.

Step three. Once you are completely relaxed, send your imagination to your personal retreat. There you will find everything that makes you feel calm, serene and happy.

Once you are in this personal retreat, you can direct your visualization in several directions. For starters, you can simply enjoy the peace and harmony of the moment. Or use this space to reaffirm your goals, values, and priorities. Perhaps there is a person waiting there who is an authority for you? Talk to him about your problems and discuss solutions.

There are no limits to your imagination. You can use your hideout in a variety of ways.

Healing the mind and body

Over the years, science has repeatedly proven that there is a connection between body and mind. This connection is described in many scientific studies where placebo is used instead of drugs, when instead of a real drug a person receives an outwardly very similar drug that has neither positive nor negative effects. Sometimes a placebo works just as well.

How is this possible? Basically, we convince ourselves that something is going to help us (belief system), and then the brain releases the appropriate chemicals and neurotransmitters that activate the healing process.

Of course, there is also the opposite effect, which is called nocebo. The situation is very similar to placebo, only the patient receives some harm to the body. Again, our belief system and brain play a major role here in creating this effect.

Try these three ways to see the value of self-hypnosis.

Earth energy visualization

Close your eyes and feel yourself firmly on the ground (or Earth). Imagine energy flowing through you and healing your body.

Visualization of a golden ball

The second way is to sit in a quiet place and visualize a golden ball of energy or light surrounding your body. This energy begins as a small spot in the heart chakra, and then with each inhalation and exhalation, it gradually grows and expands until it envelops the body.

Fireball visualization

The third method is used to effectively manage pain. Calm your breath and sit down. Close your eyes and start focusing on the area of ​​your body where you feel discomfort or pain. Visualize this area as a large, bright, red fireball. Then gradually, with each exhalation, the fireball gets smaller and smaller until it becomes a small spot on your body. As the fireball shrinks, your pain subsides.

You can, of course, use each of these techniques in combination, or creatively explore other visualization techniques for pain or healing. There are many possibilities here for you to explore.

Outline of action plan

If you ever feel stressed or tense, visualizing your action plan can help you calm down, focus, and take action.

This method is best used at the end of the day to plan work for the next day. However, it can also be used during the day when you have about 10 minutes.

This visualization has three steps.

Step one. Calm your mind and just relax. Sitting is probably a good idea as it will help you mentally take a break from what you are doing.

Step two. Close your eyes and start visualizing exactly what you would like to accomplish for the rest of the day (or tomorrow). Imagine it in great detail and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What exactly do I want?
  • How do I want to feel?
  • What specific actions do I want to take?
  • How will I interact with other people?
  • What obstacles will I have to overcome?
  • How can I overcome these obstacles?
  • What do I ultimately want to achieve?

It is important that you fully visualize your answers to these questions. Don't settle for the first answer that comes to mind. Actually, here you will see how inclined to live on autopilot.

The more answers you come up with, the better you can see what mistakes you've made before. Pay attention to every detail.

Step three. The reality of life is that we, unfortunately, cannot predict everything that happens to us. Unexpected events often break our plans. However, it's not about being precise and inflexible. Rather, it is an adaptation to the circumstances that arise in life.

With this in mind, it is important to state at the conclusion of the visualization that everything will change in one direction or another. By affirming this, you keep your mind open to possibilities. As a result, you'll be ready to make adjustments when unexpected obstacles come your way.

No, this process certainly does not provide a solid plan, but what this visualization definitely helps with is to imagine possible scenarios that could take place. By imagining them, you will be able to make better decisions as you complete your projects and tasks.

Achievements of goals

The final rendering method we will discuss involves the . The use of visualization for this area of ​​life can be of great value, but the technique also has one distinct disadvantage.

Goal setting is probably the most popular form of visualization. Many of us imagine how we achieve something. But, unfortunately, this method often does not work due to one serious flaw. When most people visualize their goals, they represent only the end goal. They see in their fantasies this big, bright, and beautiful destination at the end of their journey. And yes, they represent this process in detail, using all the senses.

This is wonderful, because after such a session there is a huge motivation. However, it is fleeting and at the first problem is depleted.

They then feel like they need to visualize their goal again in order to find motivation once more. However, every time they do this, nothing happens and the energy is depleted.

What are these people doing wrong? A destination is not a destination, it is a journey. And on the way to it, you will encounter a lot of mistakes and failures, emotional downturns and breakdowns. This is what you need to include in your visualization in the first place.

Of course, you need to represent the end goal, but don't spend more than 10% of the entire visualization time on this. The remaining 90% should be dedicated to problems and solving them in your imagination. What will you do if you suddenly forget the words while speaking in public? Thinking about this question, you will immediately begin to look for the answer and find out that many people asked it to themselves and found a way out of the situation.

Here are five steps to properly visualize your goals.

Step one. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes. Start visualizing your end goal. Imagine yourself in the future as a person who has achieved it. Experience all the feelings associated with it.

Step two. Now step back in time from this future. What did you do to achieve this goal? Imagine all the obstacles you have faced and the failures that have held you back - now you will clearly see that you are successfully overcoming them. Keep visualizing all the way up to the present moment.

Step three. Now move forward in time and visualize how you took advantage of the opportunities and how lucky coincidences helped you overcome each obstacle. The details are very important.

Step four. Once you complete your visualization, it will take time to fuel the future "you" with positive energy for the journey ahead.

Step Five

When you exit the visualization, immediately emotionally disengage from the result. The only thing that can hold you back is an emotional attachment to a particular outcome. Instead, stay open and flexible for the future. And get ready for a lot of work.

Yes, all these techniques seem very simple. We are used to the fact that in order to change, something difficult is needed. Do they have something like that? Yes: the most difficult thing in these techniques is persistence.

Even if these techniques look primitive, they are very effective. But only if performed every day. And if they are followed by .

Step #2. Imagine in your mind your dream already realized. Visualize in your mind very vividly and colorfully all the details and feelings that accompany the idea of ​​having what you dream of. Create this dream from the understanding that YOU are the creator of everything that is already in your life and everything that will be in your life . Everything that you have already lived and that is in your life today is YOUR CREATION! Accept this reality as it is forgive yourself for mistakes , thank yourself for the experience and start creating consciously.

Only out of love for your creation, present and past, will you enter into the energy of accepting your creative nature, your ability to create. Then you can create ANYTHING YOU WANT! If you create a dream from the idea of ​​a lack of something in your life, then any dream pictures will contain vibrations of the lack and create a lack again and again. This is called scarcity thinking. You can read more about what it is and how it manifests itself in life in the article. How not to cross out happiness and well-being.

All creation should come from the acceptance of everything that is and was, from the energy of LOVE and GRATITUDE for everything created, and from your CONSCIOUS CHOICE to create something different, better, perfect, etc. Feelings of love and gratitude are the canvas on which to paint a dream. Decorate it with all the beautiful emotions. Remember that it is FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS that are the key to transmitting your order to the Universe! Learn to visualize in such a way that frost runs over the skin from bright feelings, that tears appear in the eyes, that joy fills the heart, that self-confidence fills every cell, etc.!

It is very important to see the realization of your dream as a fait accompli, not the future! Work with one dream until you master the technique like a master! Your state during the day should be emotionally consistent with those that you experience during the visualization-manifestation! Like attracts like - this is the Law of Attraction, about which a lot has already been said. Focus your thought! Strengthen your will and faith in your limitless possibilities! Remember that anything you can think of, you can manifest! But you need to fulfill all the conditions of the manifestation process.

STEP #3. Release your goal for implementation. After you have clearly defined your goal, your desire, a very important stage is to release it for implementation. What does it mean? Letting go means no longer becoming attached to it, removing all expectations and not saying (even mentally) to the Universe: "Well, where is she? Well, when will this happen? But I only visualize, I imagine so much, well, when will this happen?" Do not rush things, trust the executors of your desires - your higher Self and the Universe. Impatience VERY slows down the process of manifesting and realizing what you want. Here you can draw some analogy. For example, you ask your friend Lena to find something on the Internet on the topic of cooking. She replies: "Yes, of course, I'll take a look." Comes a couple of minutes. You approach again and say: "Lena, have you already found what I asked for?" She replies: "Yes, yes, of course, I remember. I'm looking for." Another five minutes pass and again approach her with the same request. After what time do you think Lena will run out of patience and she will tell you everything that she thinks about you? It's the same with the Universe. It is not necessary with your expectation and impatience to remind her every "five minutes" of your request.

Exercise Pink Bubble.

In order to learn to let go of your desire into the world, there is a very simple and extremely effective meditation. The exercise is as follows:

Sit or lie down comfortably, turn on relaxing, meditative music. Breathe deeply, slowly and naturally. Take a look inside all parts of your body. Gradually relax deeper and deeper.

Imagine what you want to have. Imagine that what you want has already manifested. Create as clear a picture as possible. Now mentally surround your fantasy with a pink bubble; your target is in this bubble. Pink is the color of the heart; the vibration of this color is such that when you surround an imaginary object with it, you can be sure that the thing you create will most closely match your being.

The last step is to release the bubble, and it will fly into the Universe, carrying the image you created in itself. This is a symbol that you are not emotionally attached to the goal. Now he can freely fly around the Universe, collecting the energy necessary for his manifestation (manifestation).

That's all you need to do.

Math video tutorials.

The "pink bubble" technique is taken from

Step number 4. Act. Take at least one small step towards your goal every day. For example, if you decide to build a house, then you can look online for one day for prices for suitable plots of land in the area where you plan to do it. The next day is to sketch out the scheme of the house you are going to build and so on. Another very important note. It is better if the result you have declared is on the verge of your capabilities. What does it mean? If you want to buy a car for yourself, and you have enough money for it, then this will be a boring event. And you will always forget about him (if the need does not prop up, of course).

But if you dream of a car that you “cannot afford” today, then your Subconscious mind will feel that you are in danger. And it will give you additional energy of excitement so that you overcome your danger and achieve success. In people, such a long-term excited state on the way to the goal is called "excitement". And if you are in a passion, then everything will turn out in the most successful way for you, you yourself understand. Of course, if you have cleaned up their past failures and loaded into the Subconscious Mind of your imminent success. That is why the desired result should exceed your current capabilities. Otherwise, you yourself will forget to reach the place where you can get it.

Leave different implementation paths. When formulating a goal, it is not necessary to limit the ways of its implementation. This means that when formulating a goal, it is better to use such verbs that will make it possible to use any paths available to you to achieve the goal. For example, you want to improve your living conditions. Based on everyday ideas, you think that you can only BUY a new apartment. With this mindset, your goal formula will look something like this: “During the current year, I will purchase a beautiful three-room apartment.” That is, you have chosen ONLY ONE way to achieve your goal - buying an apartment. And now your Subconscious will not look for other opportunities, but will focus on the process, as a result of which you will buy an apartment for yourself at the usual price. Most likely on credit. This is the usual way of thinking and the actions that follow from it.

And another option is possible. You admit that Life (with the help of the Subconscious) can somehow dodge and offer you the right apartment for much less money. Or completely without money - it also happens. It’s not a fact that it will turn out that way for you, but it’s better not to block this opportunity. Therefore, it is recommended that when formulating a goal, do not write that you are “buying” an apartment for yourself. And just expand the ways of obtaining it, and immediately write down the result that you dream of: “During the current year, I am moving into my beautiful three-room apartment.” You move in, and you bought it, or inherited it, or gave it to you - it doesn't matter to you.

Set only the goals you really need. In the goal formula, write only what you really need. That is, to achieve what you are ready to apply your strength. It is even better if, at the thought of a desired goal, you feel excited (!) And are ready to go to it in any conditions. What is it about? The fact that if the stated goal does not inspire you, then you most likely will not achieve it. It is simply not interesting for you, and you will find thousands of options for where you can direct your energies and get more pleasure from it. That is, the goal "I'm getting married so that my mother lags behind me" is not a true goal. It is your mother who wants to see you married, not you yourself. So let mom come out ... There is also an article on this topic In pursuit of illusion. How not to live life in vain?

Step number 5. Thank. Accept with gratitude what life sends. Thank the Universe for any, even the most insignificant, positive changes on the way to the goal. Give thanks for every step the Universe takes towards you. Why is it important? Let's draw an analogy again. If you did something good to a person, rendered some kind of service, but he didn’t thank you, he didn’t even say “thank you”. Would you like to do something similar for him? I doubt. The same is true of the Universe. When you give thanks, when you accept with gratitude what is given to you, you tune your radiation on the line of life, where it becomes even more.

Visualization. step by step algorithm.

You can learn more about this simple step-by-step visualization algorithm, following which the goals are realized in the fastest, easiest and most optimal way, by watching the video.

An excerpt from Igor Solonevsky's speech at the conference "Revealing Secrets 2.0"

Useful materials.

Visualize everything, even if they don't know it. Unfortunately, in most cases, people misuse their creativity by visualizing adverse effects.

Every time you plan or worry about something, you visualize the future. You visualize something from the present that is outside of your perception (for example, what your spouse does at work, etc.). You visualize the past every time you remember something.

Essentially, worrying is a misuse of the imagination. Usually people start to worry out of habit, without realizing that they are worried.. If you have a habit of worrying, it seems like a normal way of thinking. But what good does excitement do? It only causes you stress and does nothing to achieve the desired result!

The good news is that you can learn to create the mental pictures and emotions that go with making your dreams come true.

What does visualization give if you visualize consciously?

You can creatively visualize favorable outcomes in all aspects of your life: career, life goals, relationships, household chores, finances, health, spiritual realm, material realm. In other words, for anything you want, including the subjective realm, like feelings. Visualization allows you to use the creative power of your imagination to your advantage!

Visualization always works. Everything is first created in the mind! No matter what you imagine (circumstances, feelings, desired outcome), this image must first arise in the mind before you ask it to come true.

Thought energy increases when you visualize. You know it works when you get excited and the scenario you're afraid of becomes more and more real! The more you think about it, the more realistic it becomes.

The energy of your intention commands your brain. Then the brain begins to look for available ways to translate the presented scenario into reality. For example, the computer you are sitting at now was once just an idea in someone's imagination. The more the inventor thought about him, the more the ideas condensed and merged into a single whole, until finally they could translate into physical reality in the form of a computer.

Visualization helps you use better, more positive ways of perceiving the world.. With the help of visualization, you can overcome the limitations of your perception, solve complex problems, and even get rid of stiffness and subjective assessments when thinking. It contributes to a significant change in your thinking, as a result, a radical change in your life.

The visualization of a dream is as real as anything else!

The brain does not feel the difference between the image that you create in your imagination and what you perceive with the help of the senses. For the brain, such images have the same power. It's impressive, isn't it?

Regardless of the source of the image, the brain creates neural connections based on its content. And relying on these neural connections, he can process information and translate images into physical reality.

Do you need to create only a visual image? No! Many people do not see any images while using visualization techniques. They are more suited to feelings or sounds. It doesn't matter which organs your brain uses during imaging. You can see the image, feel it, think about it in words, or feel it in some other way. The main thing is that the visualization is absolutely real to you.

Imaging Techniques

The Silva Method provides an excellent opportunity to learn effective creative visualization techniques. The technique itself is simple - close your eyes and use your imagination to create a visual image or feeling associated with the desired outcome. But the theoretical material and exercises of the Silva method help you fundamentally change your visualization technique.

Here's how it works:

  • Decide for yourself and be clear about what you want. Be careful: form your intention based on what you want, not what you don't want! The more attention you give to something, the more likely it is to show up in your life: be it something good, bad, pleasant, etc. So focus on what you want!
  • You must believe that you can become, have, or achieve whatever you desire. Otherwise, you will have too many mental contradictions for the visualization to bear fruit. Your mental energy will be weakened by negative attitudes such as "I can't" or "this will never happen". If you wish for too much to believe in the reality of it with all your heart, set more realistic goals for yourself and develop confidence.
  • You must be relaxed. When the mind is busy, worried, or stressed, it can only visualize what is bothering it! You must dive into the Alpha brain frequency before using mindful creative visualization techniques. All exercises of the Silva method are performed at the Alpha level. The brain is very easily suggestible at the Alpha level. In this state, super learning abilities, unlimited imagination, enhanced intuition are activated.
  • Let go of the situation. Do not try to force, overcome any difficulties or strain too much. One of the signs that the intention is not quite right is when the visualization seems unnatural and forced. Go back and reconsider your desires. Is it really yours, or someone else's dream? Do you believe you can make it happen? When you are relaxed and in love with your dream, you will enjoy the process of visualizing it. It's a GOOD feeling! And this is the most important sign that the goal on which the visualization is based is chosen correctly.
  • The most important component of visualization is emotions. Love your dream. Feel inspired, enthusiastic. Be happy. Direct all your positive energy into the created image.
  • Enlist the support of affirmations. Saying affirmations while meditating increases the effectiveness of visualization. Love it, visualize it clearly, live the experience fully.

All Silva Method exercises involve developing the skill of visualization to achieve the desired state and effect changes in your life. Practice with creative visualization before bed. Then your brain will have all night to process the information. And the ice will break.