An evening of entertainment for Mother's Day

"Mommies Beloved"

  1. (The presenters come out to the music.)

1. Host : Good evening, dear mothers!

Hello lovely women!

2. Host : Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day!

1. Host : There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, clearly marked for centuries

2. Host : May the sun applaud her forever, where she will live for centuries

The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms.

1. Host : Today is mother's day and we want you to forget your worries and household chores for at least one evening. We felt like the dearest mother!

2. Host : We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how children love you, how dear your attention is to them.

1. Host : Our dear mothers! We want to please you with our performances. And they were prepared by your dearest, most beloved children. Meet them.

2. (Children come out to the music)

2. Host : Mother's Day is not an easy holiday for our beloved children.

May mom be forever young and the most tender, sweet and beautiful!


1. We congratulate the women of all who are with us today!

But separately we congratulate our grandmothers and mothers!

And with love we dedicate our concert today to you.

2. Everyone in the world loves mom, mom is the first friend,

Not only children love mothers, everyone around loves them.

3. If something happens, if suddenly trouble,

Mom will come to the rescue, help out always.

4. Mothers give a lot of strength, give health to all of us.

So, really, there is no better mother in the world.

5. We live easily and simply because with our warmth

Our grandmothers, our mothers warm our sweet home

6. Any mother is ready to protect the world for us with a good heart

For this we will give you the word to become the same in life

7. You can travel all over Russia, spend many days on the road,

You will not meet anyone more beautiful, you will not meet anyone closer.


We dressed up today

Let's sing and dance

Let's have fun together

Let's congratulate mom


Moms are beautiful

Good and beloved

We now congratulate

Let's give them a song!

(3. Song "Song for mothers.")

1. Host : For children, there is no one in the world dearer than their mother,

The children of our group send their dance greetings to you!

(4. "Mickey Mouse Dance")

2. Host: The word "mother" is one of the most ancient on Earth and sounds almost the same in the languages ​​of all peoples. How much warmth is concealed by this magic word, which is called the closest, dearest, only person. Guys, what kind words will you say to your mother? (children's answers)

1. Host: Now let's play the game "My Mom". I will ask questions, and you answer in chorus: “My mommy”

Game "My Mom"

Who came to me in the morning?

Who said "Wake up?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who poured the tea into the cup?

Who braided the daughter's pigtails?

Whole house swept one?

Who kissed you?

Who childish loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

1. Presenter: I invite children to a song

5. "Kind, sweet mother"

2. Host: For you, dear mothers, the scene "On the bench"

Scene "On the bench"

(the characters of the scene are sitting on the bench, you can only wear hats)

1. Host : There is a conversation in the yard - these are the mothers gathered: Mom is a cat. mother pig. mother chicken with a basket. mother is a red dog. mother duck - aunt Quack! And in the shade near the fence, conversations do not stop:

Chicken: Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, raising children is so hard

my chick, my naughty chick has become a child,

everything is pushing, making noise, he will be the first to go everywhere

Cat: Well, my Fluffy is a bully, he will just leave the apartment

look, the nose is already scratched, oh. will fly to him from dad!

Piggy : And let's engage in education together with you.

I'm in the barn oink - oink, I don't say rude words

Chryuzantema - my daughter - just the spitting image of me!

2. Host: You listen for a minute what aunt duck will tell you

Duck : Quack - quack - quack - quack - quack - quack.

And my duckling was a naughty from the cradle:

I found a girlfriend - a bug-eyed frog!

Dog: Trivia. here is my son firmly learned the lesson:

Doesn't bully anyone, doesn't run far,

He never argues with me and sings in a dog choir!

2. Host: All gossip neighbors who have what kind of children,

what to do with stubborn kids?

All: oh, how hard it is to be mothers!

1 Lead: You watched a mini-scene with your children. But not only Moms are needed in raising children, but dads are very important!

To your attention a gift from fathers and their daughters!

(6. Dance "Daughter")

1. Host : And now we will check the mothers of the boys, how they would cope if they had girls. For this we invite 6 mothers of boys.

Competition "Braid the pigtail!" (from tapes)

  1. Leading. You listened to the song, watched the dance, played, and now let's dance with the children.

(7. Dance "Heel toe")

  1. Leading . Special words are needed in order to thank for the care and affection of our mothers.


Better than my mom

I don't know anyone

"Dear sun"

I call my mom!


Mom is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful.

Affectionate, kind, most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

For her, after all, there is no more important than me - blue-eyed.


Mom, I love you very, very much.

I love it so much that I can't sleep in the dark at night.

I peer into the darkness, I hurry the morning.

I love you all the time mommy.

The sun is up, it's already dawn.

There is no one better than a mother in the world.


Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer: this is my mother!

2. Host . Dear mothers! You probably remember well how your children were small and you had to feed them porridge.

1. Host . And now I invite mothers to remember how they fed their children. But only now you will change places and the kids will feed you.

Competition "Feed Mommy"

Blindfolded mothers sit on a chair, and the child feeds her fruit puree from a spoon.

1. Host . Well, well done guys. They fed their mothers. Sit down and mothers, full and satisfied, also go to their places!

2. Host . These lines are dedicated to dear, dear, beloved and only, our mothers.

1st child.

We want to be the same as before

But just a little more fun.

We wish your hopes come true

As soon as possible and quickly.

2nd child.

So that everyday worries

The smile was not removed from the face.

So that you come from work

Without a shadow of sadness and sadness.

3rd child.

To the autumn breeze

Blew away the sediment from the heart of sorrow

Only laughter disturbed the order.

1. Host . And now I will ask everyone to stand together, we will play now.

8. The game "Boogie-Woogie Dance."

1. Host . Ah, yes, well done, have fun playing, take your seats.

2. Host . Today is the kindest, most important holiday - World Mother's Day!

Without affection, tenderness, care and love of our mothers, we could not become good people. Now I give the floor to our children.

1st child.

We are ending our holiday.

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, better.

2nd child.

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

And scold us less.

3rd child.

May adversity and sorrow

Will bypass you

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

2. Lead. Our evening has come to an end. We thank everyone for their attention to children, for the festive mood.

1. Host . Let the joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the life of children in kindergarten remain forever a good tradition for your family.

2. Host . Thank you for your kind heart, the desire to be close to the children, to give them warmth.

1. Lead. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers.

2. Host . Happy eyes of children.

1. Host . Thanks again for your participation in our celebration.

2. Host . And for the fact that you are always with us.

1. Host . For the fact that you are the best, the children prepared gifts for their mothers, made with love with their own hands!

2. Leading: Come on, guys, congratulate moms. Give your gifts.

Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. Here are collected scenarios that will help you congratulate moms and create a festive mood on this wonderful and important holiday for everyone.

Scenario of a poetry evening for congratulating beloved mothers on Mother's Day

Teacher: On the last Sunday of November we celebrate Mother's Day. How many of us say warm words to our mothers on this day? We remember them when we feel bad, we remember them when they have a birthday, and on other days? Until recently, this day - Mother's Day - passed unnoticed by us, and it appeared on the calendar not so long ago. Is it so easy to be a mother? No. This is the hardest work. After all, a mother is responsible not only for the physical condition of her child, but also for his soul.

Presenter 1: The first person we love in life is, of course, mom. This love, the most natural and selfless, we carry through our whole life. Many poets and writers have addressed this topic in their work. Some - touchingly sad about the lost happiness of communicating with their mother, others - recalling children's tricks with humor. But nevertheless, these works are distinguished by a general mood: mother is the basis of all life, the beginning of understanding love, harmony and beauty.

Reader 1. R. Gamzatov An excerpt from the poem "Take care of mothers!"

I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,
But in the soul the word born
Gets his own music.
This word is a call and a spell,
In this word - the existing soul.
This is the spark of the first consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
This word will never deceive,
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the sum total of everything. He has no end.
Get up! I pronounce it: MOM.

Presenter 2: “The most beautiful word on Earth is mom. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it will not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. and the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life. Zoya Voskresenskaya

Reader 2. A. Barto "Mom"

It was morning in a quiet house

I wrote on the palm

Mother's name.

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,

Not on a stone wall

I wrote on my hand

Mother's name.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

It got noisy during the day

What did you hide in your palm?

They started asking me.

I opened my hand:

I kept happiness.

Presenter 1: The most terrible and tragic thing for a mother is to lose her child. Perhaps that is why mothers all over the world hate wars - because they take the lives of their sons.

Reader 3. V. Zhukov "Mom"

In the breaches of the walls, the flame hums and dances,

There is a war on the native side ...

Silent, sleepless, like a memory

The old mother bent over me.

Hot ashes burn her gray hair

But what is fire, if the son is in deaf delirium?

It so happened that a mother comes to her son

Through bitter smoke, misfortune and trouble.

And the sons go forward stubbornly,

We are faithful to our native land, like mothers ...

That's why the simple word "mother"

Saying goodbye to life, we repeat.

Reader 4. A. Nedogonov "Mother's Tears"

How the iron winds of Berlin blew,

How military thunderstorms boiled over Russia!

A Moscow woman saw off her son ...

mother's tears,

Mother's tears!

Forty-one is a bloody, sultry summer.

Forty-third - attacks in snow and frost.

A long-awaited letter from the infirmary...

mother's tears,

Mother's tears!

Forty-fifth - beyond the Vistula there is a parting,

The Prussian land is being torn apart by Russian bomb carriers.

And in Russia, the flame of expectation does not go out -

mother's tears,

Mother's tears!

Reader5. R. Rozhdestvensky "Requiem"

Oh why are you

The sun is red

You're all leaving

Don't say goodbye?

Oh why

From the joyless war

Not returning?

I will save you from trouble

I'll fly

Eagle fast.

answer me

My bloodline!


The only one…

White light

I got sick.

Come back

My hope!

My grain.

My dawn.

My goryushko, -

Where are you?

I can't find the path

To cry over the grave.

I do not want

Nothing, -

only son

Behind the forests is my swallow!

Beyond the mountains

Behind the bulk

If the eyes are crying out,


Mothers are crying...

White light

I got sick.

Come back

My hope!

My grain.

My dawn.

My goryushko, -

Where are you?

Presenter 2: no one could wait for their children from the war as mothers waited. We all remember the finale of Pavel Chukhrai's film "The Ballad of a Soldier": a lonely female figure on the edge of the village looks into the distance with tears in her eyes and faith in her eyes.

Reader 6. A. Dementiev "The Ballad of the Mother"

Mother has aged for thirty years.

And there is no news from the son and no.

But she keeps waiting

Because he believes, because the mother.

And what does she hope for?

Many years have passed since the end of the war.

Many years since everyone came back.

Except the dead that lie in the ground.

How many of them in that distant village,

Bearless boys, not come!

... Once they sent to the village in the spring

Documentary film about the war.

Everyone came to the cinema - both old and small,

Who knew the war and who did not know.

Before the bitter memory of man

Hatred flowed like a river.

It was hard to remember...

Suddenly, from the screen, the son looked at his mother.

The mother recognized her son at the same moment,

And a mother's cry began:

Alexei! Alyoshenka! Son! .. -

As if her son could hear her.

He rushed out of the trench into battle.

His mother got up to cover him.

Everyone was afraid that he would suddenly fall.

But through the years, the son rushed forward.

Alexei! shouted the countrymen.

Alexei! - they asked, - run ...

The frame has changed. The son survived.

He asks the mother to repeat about her son.

And again he runs on the attack,

Alive and well, not wounded, not killed.

At home, everything seemed to her like a movie.

Everyone was waiting - just about now through the window

In the midst of the disturbing silence

Her son will knock from the war.

Host 1: Mommy, Mommy! How much warmth this magic word conceals, which names the person closest, dearest, the only one. Maternal love warms us to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, she endures all our troubles with us, she gives us life.

Reader 7. Yu. Pavkin "The Word of the Mother"

Everyone must live their measured age.

Life is born again and again!

So, a person who could not yet walk

Speaks the sacred word!

Will the heart suddenly become cloudy in the spring,

If life is hard and stubborn -

We involuntarily then - in reality or in a dream -

We call with hope: "Mom!"

You knew how to love, and protect, and forgive

With faith in happiness unshakable:

You were a support, unforgettable mother -

And wife, and sister, and beloved!

It happens: fate called on the road,

You have to part with your stepfather's house,

We'll go back - just finish things,

It's time for us to say goodbye!

Do not forget your boundless kindness:

(We couldn't imagine that!)

We bring flowers to your last home

To bow to a bright soul!

Presenter 2: no matter how adults children grow up, for mothers they will always remain children. And mothers worry about their adult children no less than when they rocked them in the cradle. And children who have scattered from their parental nest sometimes have no time to call, to come. And a mother's heart hurts.

Reader 8. S. Vikulov "Write letters to mothers"

Sing guitars marching strings

In the taiga, in the mountains, among the seas ...

Oh, how many of you today, young,

Lives away from mothers!

You are forever, young, on the road -

Show up there, then here...

And your mothers are worried

Everyone is waiting and waiting for news from you.

They count days, weeks,

Words dropping out of place ...

When mothers turn gray early -

Not only age is to blame.

And therefore, serving as a soldier

Or wandering the seas

More often than not, guys

Write letters to mothers!

Reader 9. A. Tvardovsky "In Memory of the Mother"

We say goodbye to mothers

Long before the deadline

Even in our early youth,

Still at the native threshold,

When we need handkerchiefs, socks

Good hands will lay them down,

And we, fearing a delay,

We are rushing to the appointed separation.

Separation is even more unconditional

For them it comes later

When we are about the will of the sons

We hasten to notify them by mail.

And sending them cards

Some unknown girls

From a generous soul we allow

To love their daughters-in-law in absentia.

And there - behind the daughters-in-law - grandchildren ...

And suddenly the telegram will call

For the very last parting

That old grandmother mother.

Presenter 1: Motherly love is built on sand, which can wash away the first turbulent stream of the first difficulties. But the heart of a mother is all-understanding and all-forgiving!

Reader 10. D. Kedrin "Mother's Heart"

The girl is being tortured by a Cossack at the wattle fence:

“When will you, Oksana, love me?!

With a sword I will get for stealing my

And sonorous sequins, and white rubles!

The girl in response, braiding her braid:

“A fortune teller told me about that in the forest.

She said, I will love the one

Who will bring my mother's heart as a gift!

No need for sequins, no need for rubles,

Give me the heart of your old mother!

I will infuse his ashes with hops,

I'll get drunk and love you"

The Cossack from that day fell silent, frowned,

I didn’t sip borscht, I didn’t eat straw.

With a blade he cut his mother's chest

And with the cherished burden set off.

On the way, his eyes blurred,

Climbing onto the porch, the Cossack stumbled,

And mother's heart, falling on the threshold,

I asked him: “Are you hurt, son?”

Presenter 2: We are destined to learn love all our lives, day after day. So who do you learn from, if not from your own mother. Can someone else give you such sincere and sacrificial love?

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

From any misfortune conjuring

(She’s not good at all!),

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

Proud, sublime mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

And so it stands for centuries:

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is marked with traces,

No matter how many paths you walk,

Apple tree - decorated with fruits,

A woman is the destiny of her children.

May the sun applaud her forever,

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

Presenter 1: We are proud of our mothers, rejoice in their professional achievements. But much more - the fact that they cook deliciously, create comfort in the house, warm everyone with their worries and love. After all, the most important thing in the life of every person is his family, which gives him support for life, and the main thing in the family, of course, is his mother.

Let's not limit ourselves to congratulations on this day, but just try to make the life of our mothers a little easier and more festive every day.

Reader 12. "Do not offend mothers"

Don't hurt mothers

On mothers

Don't be offended.

Before parting

At the door

Be gentle with them

Say goodbye.

And go around the corner

You don't rush

Do not hurry

And to her, standing at the gate,

As long as possible


mothers sigh

In the silence of the night, in the silence


For them we are forever

And it's impossible to argue with that.

So be a little

Guardianship of them

Don't get annoyed

Don't hurt mothers

On mothers

Don't be offended.

They suffer separation

And we are on the road


Without maternal good hands -

How to kids

No lullaby.

Write letters

them sooner

And high words

Do not be shy,

Don't hurt mothers

On mothers

Don't be offended.

Presenter 2: Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are all indebted to them.

Reader 13. Yu. Pavkin "Madonnas of Russia"

The night melted into predawn blue

I see a star familiar from childhood ...

My thoughts are about the Madonnas of Russia,

Who survived the war and trouble.

You kept the fields fertile,

Only the war fell on the shoulders, -

Feelings gave birth in the hearts of noble

Hands of Madonnas and gray hair! ..

Thunderstorms swept over native sides ...

On the way, seeing off husbands, sons,

How did you petrify over the funeral

In the bitter fate of his mother! ..

In this fate - restless, capricious,

In your eyes that measure the distance

In your wrinkles drawn by life

I did not see joy - pain and sadness! ..

I do not hide what I saw sometimes,

As in a merciless, pitch hell

Even the fearless, even the heroes

"Mother!" - shouted in death delirium! ..

…Yes, we are responsible for many things in life!..

Life! On your steep turns

Often I met traces of hard times,

Mournful faces, like the faces of saints! ..

You did not ask for the fate of the chosen ones

In the formidable misfortune of deprivation and trouble!

... How I wish you, mothers of Russia,

Clear skies, cloudless years!

Maybe you asked God for mercy,

Crossing the departing to the army ...

I have not seen worse injustice:

In pain to give birth, then to lose?!

You survived everything - there were pains,

Protecting both the earth and the house,

That we survived and won -

A considerable share of our madonnas!

Troubles and misfortunes parted the mountains -

It seems like a storm has died down for a long time,

But on our Russian expanses

Bad times have come again!

Wars, devastation and our flaws

Motherland comprehended more than once!..

To patch up our holes

Russia has hope for you!

... The night was dissolved in the pre-dawn blue,

The star familiar from childhood goes out! ..

Dear, kind mothers of Russia,

May any trouble pass you by!

Scenario of the evening of rest dedicated to Mother's Day with contests

Before the beginning of the evening, while the guests are gathering, music sounds. Tables with samovars, sweets, cookies, tea are set in the hall.

1st Leader. Everything in this world

All from mothers

baby crying

And the song of our days.

Flight to the star

Into the expanse

We were shown her open eyes.

2nd Leader. On the crests of the waves

We can see from afar

Is it not our mother's gray hair?

Is it kindness

Mother's words

Do we feel in the glow of flowers?

All from worries

Everything from reasonable deeds,

From an honest heart

From her kind hands.

1st Leader. Good evening, dear friends!

2nd Leader. We are pleased to welcome you to the evening dedicated to Mother's Day.

1st Leader. What could be more sacred in the world than the word "mother"? With respect and gratitude, we look at a person who reverently pronounces the name of his Mother to gray hair and respectfully protects her old age.

It is in relation to the mother that the people measure their attitude towards the person as a whole.

2nd Leader. Today we have young parents young mothers visiting us. Where do we start? Of course, from acquaintance After all, these are all links in one chain: acquaintance, friendship, love, marriage, children. So, let's get acquainted.

The heads of families introduce themselves, introduce their wives, name the names and ages of their children.

1st Leader. Thank you. We were very pleased to meet you. The poet said: On the evening balcony Everyone gathered - both young and old, Brings everyone together in one law Boiling rapidly samovar. Purple lilacs are blooming, Sunset is minting gold. And in my thoughts, the fragrance disperses the shadows of Chinese weed.

2nd Leader. Here we are, inspired by the example led-| many predecessors, let's disperse the last gloomy thoughts with this wonderful drink, whose name is tea!

1st Leader. Dear guests, you are welcome to taste! our tea.

Girls carry samovars, tea begins.

2nd Leader. By the way, a special prize has been established today. It will go to the couple who will be the most active at our evening. So, fight for the title of "Spouses - 2008", and you will become the owner of a great prize.

1st Leader. And now we bring to your attention the quiz "Parents and children".

How many children did A.S. Pushkin and his wife
N N- Goncharova? (Four: Maria, Alexander, Gregory and

Which famous domestic actors have a daughter - ass
lazy TV presenter? (Menshov and Alentova - Julia Mensho
How many children did the Count and Countess Rostovs have in ro
mane L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Give them their names.
(Four: Nikolai, Vera, Natasha, Petya.)

Which domestic film director starred with
daughter in a hit movie? (Nikita and Nadya Mikhalko
You. Movie "Burnt by the Sun"

Which of the daughters of Peter I became the empress? (Elise

What is the name of the largest Russian pop-
stars? (Valeria. Three children.)

According to ancient tradition, the daughter in Japan obeys the father,
wife to husband. And to whom does the widow obey? (To the eldest son.)

Name five works whose titles include
any relationship is maintained. ("Father Go-
rio" O. Balzac, "Mother" M. Gorky, "Son of the regiment" V. Kata
ev, "The Brothers Karamazov" F. Dostoevsky, "Grandfather Mazai and Zai
tsy "N. Nekrasov and others)

There is a quiz.

2nd Leader. This house is subject to the Immutable Prohibitions. Entry to men here is forbidden from time immemorial. But in cold winters And in rainbow summers With might and main, it is besieged by the strong floor.

1st Leader. Young fathers, Having dispersed in earnest, Hang from the trees And knock on the window, Announcing a wake-up call to the neighboring Chambers, To look at their beloved children once.

2nd Leader. I saw how they come Here early in the morning, Leave in the night, Taking a taxi-crew. How two dads dragged a stepladder with them And climbed on it To the fourth floor.

1st Leader. The chief doctor could not stand

Went out into the street

And angry fathers

Driven away from the wall.

And she said: "You are right,

Climb on the roof

If only the roof were made of glass.

2nd Leader. But there was a joker And handed her violets, And, begging for forgiveness To others and to himself, He whispered: “Darling, Are you really sorry? Let me go to the drainpipe."

1st Leader. Most recently, almost all the women sitting in this hall were in the maternity hospital, and all became mothers. Dear young mothers, what thoughts, feelings did you have when you first took your child in your arms?

A survey is being conducted.

2nd Leader. I have a question for fathers. What did you experience, feel when you found out that it was time for your wife to give birth and you were about to become a father?

1st Leader (fathers). Were you at the hospital during childbirth or did you watch TV at home?

2nd Lead (mum). Would you like your husband to hold your hand during childbirth, as is done in many foreign clinics?

1st Leader (fathers). Did your newborn child seem to you the ideal of beauty?

A survey is being conducted.

2nd Leader. Well, our conversation turned out to be very interesting and informative. And we offer you a competition called "In the Maternity Hospital". We ask four couples to come to us. Stand, please, husbands on one side, and wives on the other, opposite each other. Imagine (addressing men) that your wives are in a maternity hospital, where, as you know, men are not allowed.

The wives are given envelopes containing notes with the text indicating: 1) the sex of the child, 2) weight, 3) height, 4) name, 5) the item to be transferred to the hospital. Husbands are given envelopes with text for verification: gender, weight, height, name, object. The wives need to convey with facial expressions and gestures what is written in their envelopes, and Shchyam to understand what the wives show.

Task for wives:

1. Girl, 2.500, 48 cm, Sveta, watermelon.

2. Boy, 3.200, 54 cm, Vanya, book "War and Peace".

3. Girl, 3.000, 52 cm, Sonya, bathrobe.

4. Boy, 2.800, 50cm, Anton, bottle of champagne.

A competition is being held.

1st Leader. There is a holy page in our poetry, dear and close to any unhardened heart. These are poems and songs about mother.

So, an auction of songs about mom. According to the rules of the auction, the winner is the last one to name a song that contains the word "mom".

An auction is being held. The song is about mother.

2nd Leader. We invite everyone to dance. And the dance part of our evening opens - a waltz.

dance block.

1st Leader. What a sin to hide - our planet has become impoverished with geniuses. Not like the 18-19th century, when each country had its own titans. And why? That is why, the Dnepropetrovsk scientist A.V. Tkachenko believes, that today we have acceleration. Previously, in intelligent families, they married at a mature age, and now she is 17, or even younger, and he, God forbid, that 20. Tkachenko, having access to unique information, made the discovery that if the parents of a child at the time of his birth are aged from 28 to 55 years, then the probability of a genius increases 10 times. Comparing the biographies of great people, he confirmed this in practice. So, at the time of the birth of the great son, Beethoven's father was 32 years old, and his mother was 22, Tchaikovsky's were 45 and 27, respectively, Pushkin's were 31 and 24, Darwin's were 43 and 44, Peter 1-43 father and mother 19. Balzac's parents are 53 and 32. So think for yourself, decide for yourself. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and maybe your child is already a genius. But yes, a brilliant child requires constant care and attention. We are sure that mothers know their baby like the back of their hand, but we will now find out how things are with fathers. We invite four couples to participate in the competition. I ask the wives to leave the hall for a few minutes. So, dear men, you must answer some questions. Then we will invite your wives and find out if you answered them correctly.


What was the first word your child said?

How many vaccinations has your child received?

What fruit puree is your baby's favorite?

Who does the child love more, grandma or grandpa?

What is your baby's favorite toy?

A competition is being held.

1st Leader. Well, someone answered the questions correctly, someone did not. You still have ahead. We congratulate the winners and, as they say, real women do not judge men, they take them prisoner. And for the winners, and for the vanquished, a song sounds.

Musical pause.

2nd Leader. It's time for a cup of tea. After all, tea is not intoxicated, it will not make out.

1st Leader. Drinking tea is not chopping wood.

2nd Leader. Steep boiling water will warm the stomach.

1st Leader. You won’t drink tea - where will you get the strength from?

2nd Leader. Exactly. Forces for competitions and dances, and there are still many of them ahead, today it will take a lot. In the meantime, you are drinking tea, I offer you a poetry contest about mother.

A competition is being held. The song is about mother. dance block.

2nd Leader. American researchers asked the question: how does playing the piano affect the mental abilities of children? A group of 3-year-olds played light melodies daily for 10 minutes. After 9 months, they conducted an IQ test. It turned out that children involved in music are 35% smarter than their non-musical peers. So sing a lullaby to children more often and allow them to play all musical and not very musical instruments, play musical games with them.

1st Leader. We bring to your attention several such musical games.

The games are played by couples.

"Hot - cold." The object is hidden, and the child begins
look for him. Only instead of the words "hot", "cold", "warm",
music sounds warmer. The closer the baby is to the hiding place, the
louder music. You can just turn on the tape recorder and adjust
make sound.

"Ocean is shaking". Players move freely
major music and should instantly freeze as soon as
will sound minor.

"Clap and stomp." With the smallest children
you can just stomp and clap to the music. This develops into
the child's sense of rhythm.

"Broken phone". In a quiet whisper in the ear of a neighbor with
any word is being communicated. As the neighbor hears him, so
gives further.

"What did mom say?" Playing children line up
nyu at one end of the room, and my mother is standing at the other end and
says something very quietly. Children do not hear and take a step towards
mom. Then another step. Whoever hears it first wins
min phrase.

1st Leader. An interesting phenomenal case, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In the second half of the 19th century, a peasant woman Vasilyeva from the village of Shuya, Ivanovo province, gave birth to 69 children. She gave birth 27 times: 16 twins, 7 triplets and 4 quadruples.

2nd Leader. The world record for the number of newborns in one birth - ten (2 boys, 8 girls) was recorded in Brazil in 1946.

1st Leader. It's amazing how these women coped with so many children. We will do the opposite: one baby for five nannies.

The game "Youth and Experience" begins. Two women's teams of 5 people each participate in it. One team - women who have children, the other - who do not have them yet. Team members line up one after another. Before each team, a “baby” sits on a chair. For more fun in this role, it is best to use mustachioed men. As soon as the music starts to sound, the "nannies" run up to their "child" with a relay race:

1st puts on his cap;

2nd puts on a bib;

3rd feeds porridge;

4th is bottled;

5th plugs her mouth with a pacifier and gives a rattle.

For each baby, a lullaby is performed by the whole team.

After a certain time, the music stops. The first team to complete all the tasks won.

2nd Leader. In our computer age, the age of progress and speed, we, as always, are in a hurry somewhere, catching up with something and suffering from lack of time. Let's imagine that early in the morning you have to redo a lot of things, take your child to Kindergarten and be in time for work, but the child gets dressed very slowly, and you naturally need to help him. So that you do not get into a mess in the future, let's practice dressing children today.

Two dads are invited, they are "provided" with two young children and a few items of children's clothing. The task of fathers is to dress each of their children very quickly, but correctly and accurately.

A competition is being held.

1st Leader. Attention! Attention! Now the best married couple of the year will be awarded.

2nd Leader. And we will reward the family couple that you, the audience, call the most charming, friendly, cheerful, active and in love!

1st Leader. So, the title of "Spouses - 2008" today is awarded to spouses ...

There is an award.

2nd Leader. Dear friends, this is the end of our evening. Dear mothers! May your homes always be filled with light, warmth, kindness and love of people dear to you.

1st Leader. And may motherly cares never prevent you from being young, loved and happy!

2nd Leader. Let them not be considered fiction.

I heard it from the sun

Roses bloom in our hearts

While the mother's heart is beating.

1st Leader. All the best to you, see you soon!

Holiday script for elementary school dedicated to Mother's Day

Music sounds
1st student:

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
The holiday of our dear mothers!
This is the kindest holiday
Comes to us in autumn.

2nd student:

This is the feast of obedience
congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
Holiday of the best words!

Teacher: - Guys, what holiday are we talking about?

- The holiday of the Day of Mothers of Russia was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

This is the day when the maternal work and selfless sacrifice of women for the benefit of their children is paid tribute. Many countries celebrate their own Mother's Day. The celebration of Mother's Day has its roots in the mists of time. The ancient Greeks paid tribute to the mother of all gods, Gaia. The Romans devoted three days in March (from 22 to 25) to another mother of the gods - eastern Cybele. For the Celts, mother's day was the day of honoring the goddess Bridget. Mother's Sunday was celebrated in Great Britain from the 17th to the 19th century. On this day, young men and women who worked as apprentices or servants, returning home, brought a fruit pie as a gift to their mothers.

Teacher: What could be more sacred than the name of the mother! There is one holy page in Russian poetry and prose, dear and close to any heart, any soul that has not been lost - this is a story about mother.

- Since ancient times, in Russian families, the upbringing of children mainly lay on women's shoulders. It was for them to “correct the children’s temper”, “keep watch over their children”. The Church demanded from women the upbringing of obedience, patience, and respect for elders in their children. It is no coincidence that even on the icons we see the image of a mother with a baby in her arms.

“Light-empress, mother!”, “My lady, dear mother!” such are the appeals of children to their mother in Russian fairy tales, songs and epics.

- The words mother, mother are among the most ancient on Earth. They sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples of the world. How much warmth is concealed by the word with which we call the closest, dearest and only person!
Mother! How capacious, how beautiful is this word! Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy of the world comes from mothers.”

Every second three people are born in the world, and they, too, will soon be able to pronounce the word "mother". From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, as the first rain.

No matter how mature, strong, smart, beautiful we become, no matter how far life takes us from parental shelter, mother will always remain mother to us, and we will be her children, whose weaknesses and shortcomings no one knows better than she. And no one, of course, will be able to regret, and at the same time scold us the way mom does. Reprimanding us, she does not want to offend us, but to correct us. That is why we remember even our mother's slaps with gratitude, because she is always angry with us with love.

The rain beats on the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman, named MOTHER.

The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that dreams, sometimes, did not sleep at night.
Warm hands pressed to her chest.
And she prayed for us to all the Holy Images.

Scene "Three mothers"


Often, children, you are stubborn,
Everyone knows this.
Mothers often tell you
But you do not hear moms.
Tanyusha came from a walk in the evening
And the doll asked:

Tanya: (referring to the doll)

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
With these daughters, just trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecakes for lunch today.

Presenter: Tanya's mother came home from work and Tanya asked:

Doctor Mom:

How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
"Lunch!" - Grandma screamed more than once,
And you answered: "Now, yes now."
These girls are just a mess.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.


Here grandmother - mother's mother came.
Came and asked:


How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital, for a whole day
Again, there was not a minute for food?
Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?
You can't sit all day without lunch,
I've already become a doctor, but still a fidget,
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you'll be thin like a match
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?

Tanya, mother, grandmother - in chorus: - Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!

A calm melody sounds, the guys line up in front of their mothers and read poetry.

Our dear mothers,
We tell you without embellishment
Honestly, sincerely and directly
We love you very, very much!

Mom is the first word
The main word in our destiny
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you!

Teacher: - Look at the picture of the sun. What is the sun for in life?

(It gives life to all living things, like a mother to her children.)

- The sun warms the earth and all living things, and mother's love warms the baby's life. There is only one person in the world whose heart is hotter and stronger than nine suns, and this person is mother.

Teacher: Tell us what kind of mothers you have, let's write it in the rays of the sun: affectionate, kind, smart, strong, fair, beloved, gentle, the only one, hardworking ...

- See how the sun shone.

Girl: Who came to me in the morning?
All (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Who said "it's time to get up!"?
All (in unison): Mommy!
Girl: Who managed to cook porridge?
All (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Pour tea into my glass?
All (in unison): Mommy!
Girl: Who picked flowers in the garden?
All (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Who kissed me?
All (in unison): Mommy!
Girl: Who's childish loves laughter?
All (in unison): Mommy!
Boy: Who is the best in the world?
All (in unison): Mommy!

Presentation slides with photos of mothers.
Children talk about their mother for 1 minute.

Leading. How many of you can tell what mom's eyes are like? No, I do not mean the color - brown or blue, thank God, we remember this. Mom's eyes... In them - our whole life, in them - we ourselves in the present, past and future. Sometimes you can read peace and tranquility in your mother's eyes. They are like a lake, unmoved by a single breeze. When you look into these eyes, anxiety and anxiety go away, the heart is freed from fears and fears, and you believe: everything will be fine, because mom is nearby. And sometimes these eyes darken, as the air darkens before a thunderstorm, and the eyes turn into menacing eyes, truth comes through them, and you realize that you are small and sinful, and you are ashamed of your contemptible vile deed ...

Teacher: - Guys, do you always tell your mother about your bad deeds?

I suggest that you write about them on slips of paper.

And now let's hide these leaves in a box, let them never upset our mothers again, because our kind hearts belong only to them. And on the colored hearts that I have prepared for you, I ask you to write declarations of love to your mothers.

Leading. And what do we know about mother's hands - many-caring, not knowing either fatigue or peace, either cooking, or darning, or washing? We believe and know that mother's hands are miraculous. That is why, as soon as something hurts us or we scratch our hand, shove it, bruise it, we immediately run to it with a loud cry: “Ma-ma!” And - lo and behold! - as soon as mom pulls us close to her, strokes where it hurts, kisses us - and the pain is already half as much, or even completely gone.

Children read poetry.

She teaches us patiently
Work together and make friends
Do everything joyfully, beautifully
And love your homeland.
That's how it goes, probably
I've been standing on this for a long time.
The one who loves his mother
He loves his country.

Though the expanses beckon us,
We are not a step away from mom!
We can move mountains with dad...
If mom says how!

And there is no diligent work
Mothers of the brave, fighting,
Everything that dads can't handle...
Moms will do for them!

Mom is the best friend.
I share my secrets with her.
I'll get sick if suddenly
Heal me instantly.
Braid braid in the morning
For me to be beautiful.
Lubricates a pimple on the nose,
I will be happy without him.
My mom is the best.
I love her immensely.
She has success
So life goes right.

Our mothers are our joy
There is no word for us relatives,
So be grateful
You are from loving children!

With you, our mothers,
Let's take an example in everything.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"

I love you mom, why, I don't know
Probably because I live and dream
And I rejoice in the sun, and a bright day,
Why do I love you, dear?
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom
You are my best friend.

The song "Solar circle" is performed.

Leading. How can we repay, repay mother for her love, carried like a burning candle through all the years of her life? How shall we repay mothers for the sleepless nights spent near our bed in the fight against ailments and ailments that so often fall to the lot of children?

Who among us can truly appreciate the daily, painstaking, continuing from year to year, and at the same time such an inconspicuous work of the mother around the house, around the house? And all for our benefit and our good: if only the children were full, clean and tidy, if only childhood remained the happiest time of life.

Teacher: There is no more sacred name than Mom, but all women - mothers have a Heavenly intercessor - the Mother of God. She is the Mother of all people, including your mothers and grandmothers.

Teacher: In difficult life situations (during war, natural disasters, illnesses), our mothers ask for the preservation of life, for the health of their children, to the Most Holy Theotokos with special words - a prayer.

“Holy Mother of God, protect my child, help him, I beg you!” "This is how every mother addresses the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary Mother of our God Jesus Christ. Whoever she will help and protect. After all, a mother's prayer comes from a pure heart. That is why the words addressed to her are warmed with spiritual warmth."

Disciple: Mother - Mother of God believing people revere, love, glorify. The Mother of God is considered the patroness of our fatherland. Temples are built in honor of the Mother of God, icons are painted, poems and songs are dedicated to Her.

(Presentation "Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos", temples.)

Teacher: We cannot give our mother worthy anything, only gratitude - never impoverishing, but increasing. Gratitude, and in words, and in deeds, and in prayers.

(Against the background of the song "Ave Maria", the teacher reads Alexander Yashin's poem "Mother's Prayer".)

Intercessor, give me a big soul
good heart,
The unsleeping eye
The voice is soft, easy-going, affectionate,
Hands are strong, gentle, -
It is very difficult to be a mother!
I'm not asking the authorities
I don't stand for money.
Breathe in. Compassionate, in my chest
So much love and strength
To the grave
For the whole family -
For my husband, for my son, for my daughter,
Enough for every character
For all doubt
And confusion
On stumbling and whims,
On the swirls
And hobbies
On delusions
And chill.
Only love opens hearts
Only grief recedes before her.
I need a lot of love.
You are Mother, You understand me...

Host: Mothers love us for who we are, but mother's most cherished desire is to see us healthy, kind and smart. And we want to see them always young, cheerful and cheerful. If you want to make your mother the happiest person, do so that she is happy and proud to say. "You know what good children I have!"

If you love your mother, do not believe that she does not need your help, stand next to her, help, get tired with her. She will be happy.

Teacher: Guys, at the technology lessons you prepared surprise crafts for your mothers, drew portraits, prepared poems, and now you have the opportunity to give your gifts to your beloved mothers.

Happy Holidays again, dear mothers!

No matter how the course of events beckons you,
No matter how you draw into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother's eyes
From insults, from hardships, from worries.
If you have become a hard heart,
Be, children, more affectionate with her,
Protect your mother from an evil word,
Know - children hurt everyone more painfully!
Mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul,
Mother will leave and the pain cannot be relieved ...
I swear: take care of your mother!
Children of the World, take care of Mother!

Sounds like "Mammoth's Song"


Who is he - the captain of the timber ship, the explorer of the new time? It is difficult to find another profession for my neighbor in the compartment. Maybe he is one of those who once disturbed my sleep in Never? Massive, but picky, with a beard in moderation, with a calm look. We are traveling with him along the Trans-Siberian, almost alone in the carriage, and the train takes us to those places where we remember a lot ...
On the table in front of him is the same barely opened bottle of cognac, he looks thoughtfully out the window. We drove through the Urals, the spots of the lakes of Western Siberia flickered, after Krasnoyarsk the rivers meandered somewhere connected. To Yakutsk by water - and then a loop of thousands of kilometers. Gold was washed by a few, random people.
Already after the revolution, in the twenties, real scouts came from Yakutsk. This gold was discovered for the third time then! This time, the state took over. A Yakut pointed out gold to the scouts on a key that was completely inconspicuous. There they began to mine gold ... The mine and the village were called Imperceptible. And quickly, one by one, appeared around the mine - Proletarian, Gekonda, Lebediny, Zolotoy.
According to the pervach, people grabbed gold, grabbed it ... They said - they rowed in pounds a day. The wealthy lucky ones, as they were called, wandered around with money and gold. Rumors about Aldan gold spread far - from the Lena, from the Amur people rushed to Aldan. And they didn’t sit badly at home, but I wanted to shake the old days - they started with more!
They sold property, abandoned it, moved on with families, hired boats, knitted rafts, went through the taiga - what was done! It's hard to tell... There were no roads. Deer paths are good, but where there were no paths, they dived in deep snow, on foot with bags on their backs, with sleds. Not only the miners - the workers also moved - the devastation was barely over, disorder, nothing had yet settled down, the youth after the army, the lads from the navy, schoolchildren, almost boys, rushed after romance, even the intelligentsia reached out for luck. Russians, Buryats, Kazakhs, Georgians, Koreans, Chinese - ours and those who came from their homeland.
I felt the gold rush strongly. Maybe not the best passions in a person diverged, but strong ones. And it was good - brutal work, in fullness of strength and more. My sidekick and I came to Aldan not in the first year, we left Vladivostok - there we walked along the coast on karbass, on schooners - from industrialists.
From Never to Stanovoy there was still nothing, winter huts came across, savvy people were not at a loss, they set up, and even there were huts of Chinese that came from Tianjin. And behind the pass - the wilderness began, the taiga was impassable, the rivers were covered with ice, in hillocks with water. The snow is deep, it is difficult to carry things, every trifle hangs like a stone behind your back.
The Chinese are lean, they adapted flyers on their backs, everything worked out more quickly. Who pulled our sleds, who with horses and a pack. There were camels - that's what! We went in caravans and it's hard to believe alone. Lots of camels. The poor fellows froze, fell, which ones withstood.


The song "There is no better word in the world" sounds.

Voice behind the scene: The rain beats on the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart

The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that sometimes did not sleep with us at night,
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step for her was like a holiday,
And she was sicker from the pain of children.
We fly from our native nest like birds,
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!

(Curtain opens.)

1 Lead: Good afternoon dear friends! There are words in the world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother." The word that the child says most often is the word "mom". The word at which an adult, gloomy person smiles is also the word "mother."
2 Lead: Because this word carries warmth in itself - the warmth of mother's hands, mother's soul, mother's word. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?
1 Lead: Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person - we call MOM! And congratulations to all the women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother!
2 Lead: And we congratulate all the others sitting in this hall on the fact that they also had a great happiness - to be someone's children, to be born on this earth and to know loving tender hands.
1 Lead: I want to invite to the stage a person who is just eager to congratulate our mothers - the Head of our urban settlement.


2 Lead: I think that our frequent and welcome guest, Father Mikhail, will also find many kind words for mothers! Please take the stage!

(Speech by Father Michael.)

1 Lead: Modest, covering his palm with his palm, peacefully his hands lie on the table.
Having lost strength, twisting their fingers in pain, they pull a small handkerchief.
You were once young, tender kisses keeping ...
Affectionate, kind, dear, hands that raised me.
After raising my children and granddaughter, you worked all day long.
And they did it themselves. Alone, your long-awaited happiness.
They sewed, darned, washed, washed. Rinse clothes in ice water ...
If necessary, they threatened everyone severely, protecting their offspring.
All wrinkled hands are dear, but everything in the world is dearer to me.
Old, tired, sick hands of my good mother!!!


2 Lead: Probably everyone will agree that there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother leaning over a baby who has fallen asleep on her chest. There is nothing more disturbing than endless sleepless nights and unclosed mother's eyes.
1 Lead: Mothers always burn themselves and light the way for others. They are full of tenderness, selfless love, and their hands do good on earth.
2 Lead: So where does mom start?
1 Lead: And mom starts with this magical house!


2 Lead: What is happiness? Such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.
1 Lead: In fact, happiness is simple!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
2 Lead: These are undershirts. Booties and bib
1 Lead: A brand new described mother's sarafan.
2 Lead: Ripped tights...
1 Lead: broken knees,
2 Lead: These are the walls painted in the corridor ...
1 Lead: Happiness is soft warm palms,
2 Lead: Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...
1 Lead: It's a whole bunch of broken toys
2 Lead: It's a constant rattle of rattles...
1 Lead: Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...
2 Lead: Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...
Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead ... this is a constant "What" and "Why?" ...
1 Lead: Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...
2 Lead: A small candle on a huge cake...
1 Lead: This endless "Read me a story"
These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka ...
2 Lead: This is a warm nose from under the blanket ...
1 Lead: Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas ...
2 Lead: Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...
1 Lead: Puppet theater, matinee in the garden…
2 Lead: What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;
Everyone has it
TOGETHER: who has kids!


2 Lead: Being a mother of girls, of course, is not something: there are dolls, dishes, a hospital. Lotto…
There are puffy dresses and braids to the heels ... but God gave us guys with you.
My house is not decorated with vases of roses, but a killer cyborg. What did your son bring?
Finding him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it up and it's like new now...
No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to break the military base???
Do you want to demolish the aircraft hangar???
Think again, woman! It's a nightmare!!!
You will lead the tin soldiers into battle.
Be bold and courageous, not a step back!!
So, come in from the flank, hit with artillery!
If you don't know what it is, ask your sons!
You will learn with them all the brands of cars,
And they will get bigger - all kinds of their tires.
They will grow up and enlighten you,
How the starter, cardan and jack work ...
Without them, you might not know anything -
Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearings - what is it? Something with spikes?
So many things that could pass by...


1 Lead: Our dear mothers! Children dance for you! Dance group "ASSORTI!"


2 Lead: He takes care of his house, and this one - dresses,
Ta- decorations of fine casting ...
And I ... I'm afraid of losing wealth,
My wealth is my mother!
There is no more priceless treasure in the world,
What generosity and love is not for show ...
We are spoiled We are all little kids.
As long as our mothers are alive.
Oh, mother, mother, upset, crying,
I hasten to you - to pour out my sorrow.
But what to hide - do I always remember you on the days of good luck? Is it always?
Warm me with all the great sensitivity,
Understand, forgive me, hold me close to you!
Oh, mother, mother, even though we live smoothly,
You are on earth - and I live in peace!
As long as you are. Light is my home!
As long as you are, any pain is easy!
I am rich ... Do not make me a beggar!
Until the time I'm not a deprivation!


(the song “Kindness” sounds in the background) Against the background of music:
1 Lead: Yes, years take away beauty, they won’t take away kindness ... We dedicate these words with love to our grandmothers. Granny, grandmother and just ba ... This is how we affectionately call our good friend, intercessor, educator, storyteller, cook, keeper of the hearth - grandmother.
2 Lead: For you, beloved grandmothers, the vocal group "____________-" sings, your grandchildren from school No. ____.

(vocal group "____________" sings)

1 Lead: Mom is eternal and imperishable. Mom is a symbol of warmth and love. And we are in eternal, unrequited debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives.

("Pity the Mothers")


1 Lead: In an affectionate, affectionate evening, we will sit side by side together.
With mother, an eternal friend, we will grieve about the past.
Warm, tired hands will fall on my shoulders,
Mom will take pains large and small as her own.
Dear, dear mother, how I love you.
Again you feel sorry for your stubbornly adult daughter.
With a hard, rough palm you stroke gray temples,
With warm care, love, you heal me from longing.
Tea with pies and buns will plunge me into childhood,
An old forgotten toy will quietly leave sadness.
Both long gray, like friends of winter ...
Only for mothers, matured, children are still us.


1 Lead: We grow up, leave our home, and our vain affairs fill all our time, and mothers are waiting ... waiting for at least news from their children.
2 Lead: Forgive us... for every wrinkle...
After all, because of us, it is not easy for you.
Forgive us for every tear
Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.
And how hard it is for us in life.
When longing scares with a black shadow,
Holy protects us from all troubles
Beloved mothers blessing...


1 Lead: And again, dear mothers, children dance for you!

(Music number)

1. Rain, don't knock!
Don't hit the glass.
My mom is just sleeping
Evening looks out the windows.
2. Do not make noise and do not wake
Mommy is tired
You go quietly
She gets up so early.
1. You see a red cat nearby.
The sly one sleeps, purring,
He will take us to a fairy tale,
To give smiles.
.2 Between stars and clouds
The moon is lost
I'll draw vivid dreams
Let her sleep well.
1 your lullaby,
For mom to sleep
I'll sing along with the rain
She gets up so early.


1 Lead: And here are the lines from the daughter's letter to her mother ...
“Mom, thank you for what you do for me. When I was little, I knew that I could always rely on you. I knew that if you were around, everything would be fine, no matter what happens ...
When I was a teenager, I could not always understand you, and it happened that we quarreled. But I was always sure that you love and believe in me, no matter what.
And only now, when I have matured, I began to understand how much you have done for me. Thank you for all the love that only you can give, because you are my MOM……


2 Lead: _____________________ congratulates you with a song about mom!

("MY MOM".)

1 Lead: The kindest…
2 Lead: The wisest...
1 Lead: The most beloved…
2 Lead: ____________________ congratulates the most beautiful mothers in the world.


2 Lead: And now our grandmothers will take the stage. Grandmothers are perky, cheerful, with young voices and a young soul! Meet the ensemble "___________" with a song that our mothers sang when they were young!

(ensemble "___________")

2 Lead: Mom is getting old. She is no longer happy with the calls of her friends and the pranks of her grandchildren ...
Years and fatigue press on my shoulders, and my hands do not want to rise.
And the legs do not go ... the strength has dried up. Eyes watering, voice trembling a little...
I heard - she asked yesterday: “Give me, Lord, to live!”
Mom is sick. She can't sleep at night. All dreams are long gone.
It lies and waits: suddenly, in the morning, a nimble tit will knock on the window with its beak.
I will put candles: help her, God, add health to her and my strength.
Let mom become at least a little younger. And wisdom is enough for us for two.
I myself am a mother. I will not hide from anyone - I am both unbearable and harsh.
And I know that sometimes offensive epithets fly off the tongue.
Of course, not from evil, but from annoyance, I can say unnecessary words ...
Do not be offended, sons, do not! Forgiving is sometimes easier than understanding.
And you, dear, smile bravely! Look, spring is on the way again!
Live longer! You know it's so important to us
That grandmother and mother are next to us!


1 Lead: Meet the smallest participant of our holiday - ___________________!


1 Lead:
I'm always afraid of failing

For love and for what I am
And for being a bit pretty.
I'm always afraid to be late
I'm always afraid not to get there
And forget or not recognize
Childhood warm quiet echo.
Constantly afraid of not catching up
My only important train.
To come and tell you
That I live, as taught, in good conscience.
To take another look
On the mountain ash and the slenderness of the birch.
To, as in childhood, breathe deeply
The spirit of the January evil frost.
To see native eyes again,
That you are not yet tired of life,
And with a soft smile say:
“Here, have you arrived, or were you not waiting?”
I'm always afraid of failing
Say "thank you" at dawn
For love and for who you are
And for being born happy.

(Music number.)

1 Lead: Dear mothers! Do you remember how your children were small? How they were capricious and did not want to sleep? And your kind voices always calmed them down? Every mother has her own lullaby. And the life of each of us in childhood was made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.


2 Lead: No matter how many worries
All the same - in need, in abundance, -
If a woman sings, then everything is in order in the house!


2 Lead: Dear friends! Let's remember the wedding saying together: “If you want to live simpler, remember your birthday ... .. mother-in-law!
1 Lead: Dear mothers-in-law, you are second mothers to your beloved sons-in-law. Congratulations to Yuri Kondrashov!


2 Lead: That mother, whose son is dearer than the world, dearer than the sun, and therefore herself ...
That mother who kept his dreams, caring and loving.
Which praised and scolded, taught the kindest, bravest,
Which, not knowing, helped him once to fall in love strongly.
I'm not the only one, maybe I don't know... but at this moment I'm with him. And I'm alone.
I accept the past as a memory. And my life is like a new spring.
That mother who was sick when he was sick and did not get up,
Who always felt sorry for him when he got tired at work.
Which was dearer than light, dearer than the sun, heaven and earth ...
Thank you! Thank you for that! For bringing me happiness!
Thank you for being forgiving. For comforting in difficult times.
For the fact that nothing promises empty ...
And for loving you!
For the fact that he himself, sometimes not knowing, will only say a word - and peace in his soul.
For the fact that he understands me so ... and accepts me as I am, such.
And if together we go one way ... laugh together and be sad,
I swear to you that I will not be strict, that I can always forgive him.
That I will try to be, like you, reliable, and affectionate, and kind, and direct.
And in this life - joyful and difficult to love him, as it was given to me alone.
And maybe later ... I will believe, -
Just like me, afraid of everything
He will quietly say: “I will not forget you ... thank you for my husband!”


1 Lead: Your hair has turned white, mom.
Like snow, anxiety lay on the temples.
But like a steadfast soldier you stand straight
And your steps, mother, are light as before.
You follow your destiny without surrendering to adversity.
I am not afraid of any trouble with you, nor sadness.
You are my unquenchable beacon for many years,
You are a support, you are stronger than strong steel.
How many times has life thrown me down the slopes
So that I did not want to live and the world collapsed.
You saved your daughter, forgetting about yourself.
She lent her shoulder, lifting from the ground ...
I will touch your snow strands with my lips,
I warm them with love and warmth.
You are like a guardian angel, covering me,
From adversity you shield with a reliable wing ...


2 Lead: In the mother's heart of tenderness without edge,
Mom's eyes are the sun in the sky.
Do not be sad that we have frost, dear,
Silver gray in hair.
Don't count wrinkles on your face.
Are your hands rough? Do not Cry!
And wrinkles are cobwebs
From your and our failures.
Regret and give good advice -
Is there a kinder mother?
Motherhood is not an easy burden.
There is joy and sorrow in it.
Obeying the command of the heart.
I'll look into the eyes, my dear, I'll look ...
I'll gently fall on my knees
And I'll tell you: "Thank you ..."


1 Lead: Dear mothers! For you - this extraordinarily beautiful song!


2 Lead: Our loved ones!
May adversity not touch your days!
And God bless you to live longer in the world!
1 Lead: Today you love, health, happiness
Your children wish with all their hearts!


1 Lead: Lovely. Dear relatives, happiness to you, health, love of your children and grandchildren! And let every person reverently pronounce the name of his mother to gray hair and respectfully protect her old age! Happy holiday to you, our mothers and low bow to you!

(The final song is "MAMA".)

Mother's Day in college. Scenario

Scenario of the theme evening dedicated to Mother's Day

Development author: Belyaeva Marina Valerievna, teacher of general education and special disciplines, State Budgetary Educational Institution JSC SPO "Astrakhan College of Computer Engineering".

1. Description of work: The script is designed for children of senior school age, students, as well as teachers and teachers who want to use all or part of the material when holding a themed evening dedicated to celebrating Mother's Day.
2. Goals and objectives:
Raising a respectful attitude to the mother, to the woman.
Development of cognitive interests, broadening the general outlook.
Raising a sense of beauty.
Creating a holiday atmosphere in the game-competition.
Congratulate mothers and grandmothers on Mother's Day.
To develop a culture of behavior and communication among the participants of the event;
Cultivate a sense of collectivism and cohesion in the group.

3. Preparation for the parent meeting:
1. Creating a thematic presentation in PowerPoint: each slide is designed in accordance with the name of the competition and, if necessary, you can attach musical accompaniment to each slide;
2. Projector, laptop (for presentation demonstration)
3. Office decoration (the inscription "Happy Mother's Day!", balloons, flowers made of colored paper, hung on the walls of the office).
4. Preparation of equipment for competitions: themed postcards, a post box for letters, A3 sheets, felt-tip pens, video clips with tasks, video karaoke of children's songs "Mammoth", "Lullaby for Umka", "Let there always be sunshine"
5. Proper arrangement of tables in the office. Since there are two teams planned, we set the tables with the letter “P”. Teams will sit on the right and left sides of the letters (the left side is the side for participants - students, the second side - for participants - mothers and grandmothers). The guests of our event occupy a third party.
6. Preparation of musical accompaniment for competitions:
"These eyes are opposite" - F. Kirkorov
“How I love you, mom” - the group “Fidgets”
"Mom" - L. Gurchenko and M. Boyarsky
"Song of the Mammoth"
"Lullaby of Umka"
"Let there always be sunshine"

Event progress:

Leading: Good afternoon dear guests of our meeting. You all received an invitation from your children to the parent meeting. And literally today, by order of the director of the college, it was decided to cancel the parent meeting, and to hold our meeting under the same name "MOTHER'S DAY"

screen caption changes

the "Mother's Day!" screensaver appears.

Leading: And today at our meeting we will not talk about the academic performance, behavior and attendance of your children.

Applause is heard from the students

Leading: Every year in the last week of November, people living in different parts of the world congratulate their mothers, give flowers and smiles, express their love and respect.
On November 30, Russia celebrates International Mother's Day. The holiday was established in 1998 at the initiative of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs, with the aim of strengthening family foundations, maintaining a caring attitude towards a woman and emphasizing the importance of the most important person in our life - Mother.

Leading: looking ahead, I want to say that we will hold our meeting in the form of a competition: a team of students and a team of our mothers. But before we start our game, a 2nd year student came to visit us with his holiday gift.

Sergey Maleev performs with Oleg Gazmanov's song "Mom"

Leading: So let's start our competition.

The first task "Let's meet!":

Leading: We will conduct this competition in the form of a blitz survey.
In turn, I will ask one question to each team. Students will have to answer questions related to their moms, and moms will answer questions related to their children and student life.

Some questions are asked in advance to mothers and students before the start of the event in order to know the answers in advance

The second task for moms: "These eyes are opposite"

Leading: The most beautiful, most expensive, but a little sad eyes will appear in front of you in turn (I will explain the reason for this sadness later). Dear mothers, identify the eyes of your children

Leading: Well, well done everyone! Completed the task. And they are sad, apparently because these photographs were taken on a pass to college when they just entered the 1st year of study

The third task for students: "Who is called mom?"

Leading: Dear Guys! I am addressing you now:
Russian children call their mother "mama"
little French - "maman",
German guys - "mother",
English - "mamma",
Chinese - "mother",
Korean - "omma"
Georgian - "nana",
Avar - affectionately "woman"

Leading: Answer my question: who else can be called a mother?

Answers are accepted from students. If necessary, you can ask parents to help their children

In parallel with the answers, a slide is shown:

1. A woman who baptizes a child
2. Mother-in-law - when a girl marries, she gets another mother
3. "Mother-heroine" - the highest title assigned to mothers of many children, and the name of the order of the same name in the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War in 1944, when the country already knew that Victory was coming soon, that the most terrible wound had to be healed - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order "Mother Heroine" was established
4. Rembrandt's painting "Madonna and Child with St. Joseph"
5. Motherland. The work of sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and engineer N. V. Nikitin is a multi-meter figure of a woman stepping forward with a raised sword. The statue is an allegorical image of the Motherland, calling its sons to battle with the enemy.

The fourth task for moms "Lost and Found"

Leading: Very often our students leave their belongings in the classrooms and laboratories. And now I will open my chest of some Mash-confused. Dear mothers! Find your children's things.

Students' belongings appear on the screen in turn, and mothers try to recognize them.

Leading: But in our laboratory after the joint holidays there are girls and old women. Please help me figure out dear mothers whose children these are.

The students themselves appear on the screen in costumes, in which they took part in the New Year's class hour, and their mothers are trying to recognize them.

Fifth assignment for students: "A word about mom"

Leading: Mom is for each of us the best, dearest and most beloved person in the world! Now we want each of you to name three adjectives for the word MOM.
So let's start..

Students take turns calling adjectives for the word mother.

Leading: Well done! Now we know what wonderful mothers we have.

Leading: and now while the teams are resting, horsemen came to visit us with their surprise

Three students in stage costumes dance lezginka

The sixth task for moms "Oh, this is the word":

Leading: And so we continue. And this task for mothers was prepared by the students themselves.
Three slides with three videos are shown in turn, describing one of the concepts. Your task is to guess this word. Each word has three clues.

Answers: computer, internet, college

The seventh task for all teams: “There is no better mother in the world”

Leading: And now the competition for mothers and children. Have you forgotten children's cartoon songs yet? Let's take a look at some of them one by one. The first note is a song for a team of students who sing - Mammoth's karaoke song.
The second note is a song for teams of mothers who will sing karaoke - the song "Umka's Lullaby".
And the third note is a song for all of us “Let there always be sunshine!”.
And so, let's go!

Leading: Now let's applaud each other. Well done!

Task 8 for all teams: "Let's compliment each other"

Leading: For this assignment, I need the help of another team, consisting of a mother and her son.
So, the task is this: a team of students draws up a wish list for their mothers.
Team of mothers - draws up a wish list for their children
And the team of mother and son draws up a wish list for everyone at once.

Each team is given sheets of A3 format and felt-tip pens and performs its task to the song from the movie "Mama" performed by L. Gurchenko and M. Boyarsky

Leading: So, the teams announce your wishes!

In turn, each team demonstrates their completed tasks and, with the words of wishes, are shared with mothers and students.

Someone is knocking on the door

Leading: Oh who's there?

The door opens and the postman Pechkin comes in.

Pechkin: It's me! Postman Pechkin. Brought a note about your moms! I just won't show it to you.

Leading: And what do you want, Pechkin!..

Pechkin: Want Want want… (turns his head around and notices a vase of sweets)

Pechkin: ABOUT! I want that candy!

The host treats Pechkin.

Pechkin: How about two?
Leading: Can
Pechkin: How about three?
Leading: Can

Pechkin takes an armful of sweets and puts it in his pocket.

Pechkin: So! On Monday, your group held the action “Mom, I love you!”. The guys on the card wrote congratulations for their mothers, and I came to give them to you, dear mothers!

At this time, a slide with photos of the past action is shown on the screen.

Music. Leaders come out.

Moderator: Hello dear guests! We are glad to see you at the celebration dedicated to Mother's Day in Russia. Therefore, with special trepidation, we greet our dear mothers. Hello, mothers, low bow to you!

They bow.

Leading: How wonderful this holiday is, how much warmth it conceals in itself! Indeed, the most precious person for each of us is our mother. This is probably why the words "mother, mother" are one of the most ancient on earth. Scientists have noticed that these words sound more or less similar in almost 6 thousand modern languages. This is a kind of record among all related words. This is exactly what happens, because the word "mother" is the main thing in all languages.

Oh, how beautiful the word "mother" ...

Everything on earth is from mother's hands!

She us naughty and stubborn

Good taught - the highest of sciences.

Host: All people respect and love their mothers. This day is celebrated in many countries, people congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give gifts, attention and care, arrange a holiday for them. And today we have gathered to talk about mom. How many shades does this word have ...

The light goes out. Candles light up. On the screen - the image of the Virgin. Application No. 1

Voice-over: Rain hits the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman, named MOTHER.
The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that dreams, sometimes, did not sleep at night.
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest ...
She prayed for us to all the Holy Images.

A girl in a shawl, depicting a mother, approaches the image of the Virgin, kneels before the icon.

Girl: “Most Holy Mother of God, protect my child, help him, I beg you!”

Leading: This is how every mother addresses the Queen of Heaven, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of our God Jesus Christ.

The light comes on. The girl leaves.

Leading: Whoever the Blessed Virgin Mary will help and protect. After all, motherly prayer comes from a pure heart. And it cannot be otherwise, because the Mother of God is, first of all, the Mother. Mother of Jesus Christ and spiritual Mother of each of us. That is why the words addressed to her are warmed with spiritual warmth.

The slides on the screen change. Application No. 1.

Host: More than two thousand years separate us from the day when the Blessed Virgin appeared in the light of God. Today it is hard even to believe that She had an earthly life filled with human worries, joys and sufferings. We are accustomed to perceive Her as the Queen of Heaven, and She had her own earthly traits of character - a penchant for peace, thoughtfulness, as evidenced by Her contemporaries. The divine touching smile of the Virgin Mary was forever captured by icon painters, this is not even a smile, but an image of kindness itself.

Presenter: Mother Love is present in our hall today. She is the mother of three daughters, their spiritual mentor. We sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day. Thank you for your prayers, for your sleepless nights. Low bow for mercy.

Flowers, congratulatory letter. (The word is provided to the guest at will)

Leading: The word "Mother" is also called their homeland to emphasize that she treats her children like a mother. During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that a terrible wound had to be healed - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order of the Mother Heroine was established. How many mothers then lost their sons, husbands ... The mother's share in the war is hard ...

The light goes out. On the screen - the presentation "War has no woman's face." Application number 2. After the presentation, a girl comes out in a tunic, a cap.

Music background. Stage study based on the poem by Yu. Drunina "Zinka". Application No. 3

Host: Hundreds of thousands of mothers lost their sons in the war... It's scary to remember those years... In our hall today there is a WWII veteran Ponomarenko Alexandra Ivanovna. She is not only a mother, but also a grandmother, great-grandmother for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Low bow to you, Alexandra Ivanovna, for your feat! Happy Mother's Day!

May your sky be clear
The star does not go out of joy,
And the roar of tanks and guns
Will go out of life forever.
Over the years, without arguing,
We wish you with all our heart
Health, and again health,
And a good and big life!

Presentation of flowers, congratulatory letter.

Host: How many tears were shed in those bloody years! How many tears every mother sheds while her son or daughter grows up. How high can be the price of these tears! ..

Stage sketch "Don't Make Mom Cry." Application No. 4

Host: Indeed, how many tears have been shed by our mothers. They sincerely love us, worry about every word thrown out of place. He loves his mothers, give them affection and kindness, as our first graders do.

The kids come out. They say congratulations.

1 teacher: From the bottom of my heart, in simple words, friends, let's talk about mom. We love her as a reliable friend, because we have everything in common with her.

2 teacher: We love her also for the fact that sometimes her eyes become stricter in wrinkles. But it is worth coming with a confession with your head, wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.

3 teacher: Because we can always open our hearts to her without hiding and directly. And just because she is our mother. We love her deeply and dearly.

4 teacher: I love you, mom, why I don’t know. Probably because I breathe and dream. And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day, for this I, dear, love you. For the sky, for the wind, for the air around. I love you mom, you are my best friend!

Handed out flowers and crafts. Musical number "Dance with Umbrellas"

Host: And now let's move to the present. How many troubles and worries our mothers have. However, we ourselves will now see everything, but only through the eyes of children ...

Theatrical miniature "One day in the life of our mother." Application No. 5

(in the foreground of the scene is a dialogue between a boy and a girl; in the background, the students depict what the text is about: mother and children, household vanity)

A student dressed as a mother comes to the fore, and 6 children line up around her.


Mothers of many children are daughters of God,
You are the beauties of the world and the joy of Heaven!
Smile sweetly and look strictly,
Keeping the peace of children's hearts!

It is not easy for you sometimes, and sometimes even difficult,
All things, yes worries, and we must endure,
And you endure in silence and rule wisely,
You have a lot to do in life!

"GOOD a lot of kids" - that's the rule of life.
And you chose him forever for yourself.
And you serve our Fatherland with yourself
Like no one and nowhere - hot and loving!

There are mothers in our school who have several children in the family and this makes them the happiest in the world! We invite Igonina L.P. to the stage. She is the mother of six wonderful children!

The girl leaves the stage with the kids. A mother with many children comes out.

Leading: This woman is the pride of our school, because all her children are not only excellent students, but also just wonderful people.

(if desired, a woman can say a few words about her large family).

Leading: Happy holiday to you! Being a mother is not only a great happiness, but also a great responsibility, hard work. Being a mother of many children is a high moral feat! Low bow for this undoubted feat!

Flowers are handed out, congratulations to all mothers of the school with many children.

Musical number "How good it is under mother's wing." Application No. 6
The final stage of the holiday

1 presenter

Look at mother's hands:

Everyone is at work, they do not know boredom

Everyone is trying to do better

To be lower for you.

Everything is busy, forgetting itself,

Get some rest, dear.

Host: Our mothers are people of different professions! But they are united by one thing - the great power of maternal love for children. The power of maternal instinct. That is why Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries...

Presentation "Our mothers". Application No. 7

I remember my mother's hands

That once wiped my hands,

In handfuls they brought me from the fields

Everything that spring in the native land is rich in.

I remember my mother's hands

Severe caresses are rare moments.

I got better and stronger.

From her every touch.

I remember my mother's hands

And I want the children to repeat:

"The weary hands of mothers,

Nothing is holier than you!”

Presentation of flowers to all mothers of the holiday.

Leading: Bow to you, our mothers!

For every tear, we are ready to beg for forgiveness, crouching on our hands, asking for blessings ...

No matter how the course of events beckons us,

No matter how you would attract into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother's eyes

From insults, from hardships, from adversity.

Host: If your mothers are tired,

You must give them a good rest ...

Keep them away from black shawls!

Protect women from war!

Mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul.

Mother will leave - and the pain cannot be relieved ...

I swear: take care of your mother!

Children of the world, take care of your mother!

All the participants of the concert will take the stage with flowers and postcards.

Host: Dear mothers! Congratulations on Mother's Day.
Many nights have passed without sleep

Worries, worries can not be counted.

Bow to you, all dear mothers,
For the fact that you are in the world!

Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers.
Let your hearth always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love.
Good luck, dear ones!