There is so much magic in winter, so much beauty! Look around!

Here it is happiness: snow, marmalade and warm mittens ...

Winter smells like tangerines vanilla and hot chocolate.

What does winter smell like? -- A miracle! After all, everything about it is fabulous!

Winter encourages us to warm the good in our hands and share it with one touch.

God, I want snow so much! So that in winter the human soul is warmed by the expectation of happiness and miracles.

The first snow is amazing!

First, you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight how snowflakes wrap the world in a white veil.

And I hid, almost not breathing ... Ah, a winter fairy tale, how good you are!

Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow ... It’s as if you are entering some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery, the first contact with something pure, untouched, not defiled pervades you all. John Steinbeck

Hello winter! A sparkling wonder! Weightless snowflakes fly like an angel's fluff from a wing ...

And how small children rejoice at snowflakes, run after them, catch them.

You raise your head to the sky, and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar.

And snowflakes climb to kiss ...

You listen to the music of the snow, throw your soul up and freeze.

And if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away ...

Winter was created in white colors to start your life from scratch.

Skis, skates, snowballs,
Here are the fun of winter.
She's not far off
With snow and wind.

Winter-ah! Joyfully knocked knees and teeth!

All around is snow.
We are on a snow planet.
Around the usual winter,
But we are happy with her like children.

If there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never know these merry days!

Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! May your life be the same!

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters. A.S. Pushkin

Snow... Adults say it's frozen water, but children know better: it's little stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

Remember your childhood. It’s snowing outside, a blizzard, and they wrap you in a jacket and take you on a sled with full packages of tangerines and sweets on your knees.

Winter has come! And in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! And it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

Winter is the time when you wait for the summer, but at the same time you are madly happy about the snowfall, and softly sing a song from a Coca-Cola advertisement.

I want to walk along a dimly lit street in the evening, where snow crunches under my feet, my favorite music plays in my headphones, and lanterns illuminate the path.

Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. Weather created for hot tea, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

A purring cat and a burning fireplace make winter pleasant. Scottish proverb

There are winter books. Not those about winter, but those that make a cozy blizzard outside the window. Nadia Yasminska

The charm of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. Heinrich Heine

Winter ... Snow falls on the ground in huge flakes. He is everywhere. Stunningly quiet, bright night; she has so much peace.

I love winter not for the New Year, but for the fact that it brings together people who are in the same room in the evening, when billions of snowflakes fly past the windows and the wind howls in the drainpipes.

Waiting for the new year
Warms the soul, as in childhood once:
The guys were expecting gifts
And holidays beckoned freedom.

There were Christmas trees in the houses dressed up
In tinsel and glass beads,
We were all warmed by love
And careless for the years were pluses.

Today everything is a little different:
New Year - a step to a different limit,
And the road is already tired
It's hard to learn new things.

But look at the happy faces
Guys - and the heart is warmer,
Again you believe that everything can come true,
And again, the soul is more fun.

New Year beckons with a new fairy tale,
Promises, does not regret hopes,
And, as in childhood, with silver paint
All sorrows will be able to paint over.


On the Internet, there are "rootless" poems that have lost their author's signature. In hundreds and thousands of reposts, people share the thoughts of the poet ... Touched, touched a nerve. It has already become popular!) Thank you!

Thanks, Allah!
Only reposts without a signature make the verse not "rootless", but rather "popular".
Happy New Year! Good luck and wish fulfillment!

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

The best statuses about the New Year

In anticipation of a happy fairy tale, mood and gifts, joy and champagne ... yeah, sing, sleep, sleep, sing, go to VK.

I love New Year's Eve, the last week of December... The city is smart... the children have started their holidays... In the offices, work is already slowing down... Everyone is in anticipation of a miracle! Everyone is in a fuss looking for gifts and outfits for New Year's Eve ... But, it's such a pleasant fuss, and such pleasant chores, right?)))

How I look forward to this: the smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, snow on the ends of my hair and snowflakes in the palm of my hand, snowball fights, daily photos in the snowdrifts and hot chocolate at the skating rink, Christmas garlands, and New Year's Eve itself, a large bag of sweets and many, many gifts , and expectations.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it... I want to play snowballs and eat snow, and not think about getting sick...

The smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, snow on the ends of your hair and snowflakes in your palm... Daily pictures in snowdrifts and hot chocolate on the ice rink. Christmas garlands, and New Year's Eve itself ... A big bag of sweets and many, many gifts, and expectations ...

Autumn, get lost already. I'm waiting for red Coke cars.

Soon, very soon, a fairy tale will come ... In any case, I'm really looking forward to it.

For so many years I have been waiting for a fairy tale for the New Year ... Maybe at least this year I will wait!)))

Are you also looking forward to the New Year? Yes, I'm waiting for the summer!

I love you, I want you, I'm waiting for you, well, when you come... New Year!

Everyone was looking forward to summer. As a result, someone was happy, and someone just missed this summer. Nevertheless, now everyone is waiting for winter and the New Year, when you can go for a walk again...

Let the fun celebrate housewarming in the souls, and snowflakes will kiss you for us at this hour! Let joy and good luck knock on every home! It should not be otherwise in the year we are waiting for!

Who said miracles only happen in fairy tales? Maybe you just don't notice them? One has only to look around, and you will understand that there are many miracles around. Look at the flowers, look at the trees, isn't that a miracle of nature?

Everyone understands miracles in their own way. But everyone will agree that children are a real miracle. It seems that they came into this world as wizards, because they give happiness and fill life with real meaning. A woman begins to believe in magic when she carries a child. Pregnancy is the time when you live in expectation of a miracle. Are you convinced that miracles exist?! You don't need to look for them, they are all around you, and sometimes even inside you.

Most of all believe in miracles in winter. Snow-covered trees, New Year holidays, gifts, meetings with relatives… In winter, everything around reminds of a fairy tale. What is the New Year worth! On this holiday, not only children, but also adults make wishes and dream. And let them know that Santa Claus does not exist, but they are waiting for their loved ones to fulfill all their wishes. Warmth, understanding and love - this is a real miracle, and in order to give it, it is not necessary to be a magician. You just need to love and be loved!

Waiting for a miracle, a selection of quotes and aphorisms

In anticipation of a miracle, do good deeds. Then a miracle will come to you not empty-handed.

Do good and it will come back to you.

There are two ways to live life: the first is as if there are no miracles, the second is as if there are only miracles around. If you really dream, then do not deny yourself anything, right?

Better to be a dreamer than a pessimist.

Well, a miracle did not happen, what now ... Do not believe wizards?

How about trying to become a wizard yourself?

If a miracle is to happen, then it will happen, whether you believe in it or not.

If fate wants to give you a gift, she will definitely do it.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​"Miracle". But only one "miracle" can call you dad and mom ...

Children are a real miracle.

A miracle comes when you least expect it.

I don’t wait, I don’t wait at all ... Why doesn’t it come?))

While I am waiting for a miracle, it is already learning to walk and speak its first words.

If you have a child, then consider that you have the greatest miracle on earth.

Miracles still happen. Either with you or without you.

Better, of course, when with you.

Living in a stream of miracles is much more interesting than being bored, ironic and collecting disappointments.

Never give up, you just have to believe!

She is a little miracle. Let us not be together, but every New Year I will make a wish that she was always happy.

Beloved person, isn't this a miracle?!

Children's love can work wonders.

In addition, she is the most pure and disinterested.

Are you waiting for a miracle? You are awake, you are alive, you are breathing. Isn't it a miracle?

Appreciate what you have, for you this is a common thing, but for someone a miracle ...

Miracles are where they are believed in, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.

Believe and everything will happen!

We live in hell, and every moment we live is a miracle.

Appreciate and love life!

What a strange creature man is. His whole life is a continuous miracle, but he does not believe in miracles.

This is the main problem of man.

Statuses about miracles

Amazing New Year's Eve! Even adults begin to make wishes and believe in miracles.

Everyone wants miracles, and adults are no exception.

Everyone has their own eighth wonder of the world.

Do you have it, maybe you just don't notice it?

Any miracle is a response of the environment to the ultimate concentration of will. To the very coherence that creates history and returns to man his essence taken away by capitalism.

Status for scientists))

It is easier to repeat a miracle than to explain it.

What if it actually happens?)

Miracles are not necessarily grandiose, a miracle can happen in the most unexpected place; the most amazing miracles occur in the most ordinary surroundings.

You just need to learn to notice them.

Never interfere with someone who sincerely believes in a miracle.

Do not believe yourself, do not break the dreams of others.

Opportunity is given to those who dream... A miracle is given to those who believe.

Believe, dream, and you will be fine.

If you do not believe in a miracle, then it will not happen.

Faith is a great thing.

Dreams make a person perform miracles.

Dreams exist to be fulfilled.

Sometimes, in order for a miracle to happen, you need to come to terms with the fact that miracles do not happen.

At the moment of disappointment, a miracle occurs as a reward for suffering.

Miracles always happen against all odds. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

Why don't we live in a fairy tale?!

And they say there are no miracles! Then why do jeans, a fashionable handbag or boots so often looming on the horizon so often turn into a fashionable jacket or a new toy?))

I went to buy myself new clothes, the entire salary went to children's things, you say this is not a miracle?))