Municipal autonomous institution of additional education Sovetsky district "Center" Constellation "named after. Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel-General Grishin I.T.

Open class .

Topic: "The character of a favorite fairy tale"

According to the program "Plastic", (FGOS)

Section "Salt dough workshop"

Developer: teacher


Tsymbalov's education

Ekaterina Gavrilovna


Summary of the lesson on the topic: « Favorite fairy tale character »

Target : Making your favorite characters from the fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin" from salt dough.


Teaching ie :

1. Consolidate and expand the knowledge gained in literature lessons and contribute to them


2. To form figurative, spatial thinking and the ability to express your thoughts with

using salt dough molding volumetric forms, flat figures.

3. Improve skills and develop skills in working with the right tools and

equipment for processing salt dough.

Developing ie :

    Onceto develop children's cognitive interest in reading fairy tales;

    promote imagination,figurative and spatial thinking,


3. develop general skill, hand motor skills, eye

nurturing ie :

    Cultivate a love for reading fiction and fairy tales;

    foster a sense of responsibility, collectivism and mutual assistance;

    in cultivate accuracy, diligenceand care at work.

    cultivate independence in work, strong-willed qualities.

Formed UUD :


Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems;

- formation of the ability for creative disclosure, independence, self-development;

To master the skills, to apply the acquired knowledge in later life.

Communicative : - develop the ability to work in a group; - develop the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other,

Mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the assignment; - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers

definition of the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

Regulatory: - planning of the technological process and the labor process;

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;- control of intermediate and final results of labor; - identifying errors in the labor process and substantiating ways to correct them;


    action meaning formation (interest, motivation);

    the action of moral and ethical evaluation (“what is good, what is bad”);

    the formation of a personal, emotional attitude to oneself and to the world around;

    formation of desire to perform educational activities;

    the use of fantasy, imagination in the performance of educational activities.

Children's age : 7 - 8 years old, pupils of the association "Plastic", (FSES of the second year of study.)

Lesson duration : 45 min.

Lesson type: combined, integrated lesson (literary reading + practice)

Forms of organization of training: group, with elements of individualization.

Form of the lesson: journey to a fairy tale.

Relationship with other areas: literary reading.

Teaching methods:

    verbal ( reading fairy tales, riddles, instruction, conversation);

    visual (demonstration of clarity: sketches, drawings, samples of finished products);

    Practical (practical work).

Tools and materials:

Flour; ● salt;

water; ● stacks;




Didactic material:

The book "Fox with a rolling pin", sketches, illustrations; ● samples of finished products, cards with riddles; ● instructions for safety when working with salt dough.

Lesson Plan

1. organizational stage. (2 minutes.)

Hello guys!- The guys gathered in a circle,
Friend on the left and friend on the right.
Let's hold hands together. And we smile at each other.
I pass on a smile to Maxim, Maxim passes on ... .. - And now let's pass on a smile to our guests. I am glad to welcome you to the lesson of the circle, sit down.

Stand in a circle, give greetings and smiles. Emotional attitude to work

2.Preparatory stage. (8 min.)

Formulation of the problem

The teacher leads the children to realize the goal and objectives:

Let's start our lesson... and how we'll start it, you'll guess for yourself... - That's right, we'll start it with a journey to the folk tale "Fox with a rolling pin". Author's and folk tales, what's the difference? A Why are fairy tales called folk?

Once upon a time, fairy tales were only told aloud, no one wrote them down. The very first creator of them at all times was the people. At first, of course, one person came up with it, told it to someone else, for example, to their son or daughter, and when they grew up, they told their children, etc. When such a fairy tale appeared, it is impossible to say exactly, but nevertheless this time it lived among the people and was told orally.Such tales are called folk tales. Much later, when writing appeared, fairy tales began to be composed and recorded by human writers. These tales are called copyright.

You have cards with the names of fairy tales on your table. If the fairy tale is folk, then put a letter on itH , if the fairy tale is author's, then put the letterA .

Now listen to the story...

Children themselves determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Children answer questions

Consolidation of new knowledge about folk tales.

Children listen to a story

3. The main stage.

(30 min.)

Practical activities

Guys, we begin to sculpt characters from a fairy tale we read. And before we start sculpting, let's remember the rules for working with salt dough. Children sculpt heroes from the fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin".


Guess the heroes of fairy tales.

1. A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,

I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.

Mom made a beautiful hat

And don't forget to bring pies.

What a cute girl.

What is her name? … (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. Each other in a chain

Everything is so tight!

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will win the stubbornness.

How firmly seated! Who is this? ... (Turnip)

3. I am a wooden boy,

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my nose everywhere,

My name is ... (Pinocchio)

4. A little blue boy in a hat

From a famous children's book.

He is stupid and arrogant

And his name is ... (Dunno)

5. In the dark forest at the edge,

They all lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This tale is for the guys ... (Wolf and seven kids)

Introductory safety briefing. Children plan actions (the teacher helps, advises)

Perform physical exercises and gymnastics for hands, eyes.

Consolidation of knowledge, children guess riddles about fairy tales.

4.Control stage:

(4 minutes)

Let's see what we got. And tell me what you feel? Is everyone happy with the result of their work? (if no, why not?)

Children evaluate their work and their comrades, correct their activities, correct mistakes.The teacher advises

5.Final stage:

(1 minute).

- Our journey into a fairy tale has come to an end, which has shown that you know and love fairy tales. But there are still many fairy tales that have not been read. You are waiting for interesting and unexpected meetings with the heroes of new fairy tales.

Who enjoyed the trip?

What mood do you have after meeting with a fairy tale?

In the next lesson, we will draw up our work.

Children who liked the lesson clap your hands.If you don't like it, put your palms under your cheek.

Thanks everyone for the activity! I wish you success!


Put in order jobs, there is a desire to come to the next lesson.

Reflection is underway

Used Books

    Khananova I. Salty dough. Moscow. 2007

    Sineglazova M.O. Amazing salt dough. Moscow. SME Publishing House.


    Russian folk tale "Fox with a rolling pin" publishing house "Prof. Press". 2008 - 10 pages

    Agibina M. I., V. S. Goricheva. "Let's make a fairy tale out of clay, dough, snow, plasticine." Yaroslavl, "Academy and Co", 1998

    Romanovskaya A.L., E.M. Chezlov. "Crafts from salt dough" M., "AST-Press", 2009

    Izolda Kiskalt "Salty Dough" M., "AST-Press".

    Shpikalova T. Ya. Visual arts. 1 class. Textbook for educational institutions. - M., Enlightenment, 2011

Annex 1

Physical minutes

Exercises to relieve eye fatigue.

First complex.

    Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times with an interval of 30 seconds.

    Look up, down, right, left without turning your head.

    Slowly rotate your eyes: down, right, up, left and in the opposite direction.

Gymnastics for fingers.

    Extend your arms and run your fingers across the table.

    Drum your fingers on the table.

    With the fingers of one hand, make a small massage with the fingers of the other hand (all fingers in turn).

    Shake with hands.

    Rest with the fingertips of one hand on the fingertips of the other hand, at the same time “push” with the right hand to the left, with the left hand to the right, while making a slight effort.

    “Say hello” with the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other hand alternately (the little finger of the right hand comes off and reconnects with the little finger of the left hand 2-3 times and so on).

Annex 2

Safety instructions .

    The distance from the eyes to the product or part should be an average of 30 cm.

    When working with salt dough, avoid getting crumbs and hands in your eyes.

    Keep the workplace clean, avoid cluttering the workplace with foreign objects that are not currently used in work.

    During work, be attentive, do not be distracted and do not distract others.

    Pass piercing and cutting objects with the handle away from you, place them on the table with the sharp end away from you.

    Keep order in the workplace.

    When using water, do not splash it on yourself or your neighbour.

    Tidy up your workspace after work.

Regional State Special (Correctional) Educational Institution for Students with Disabilities "Border Special (Correctional) General Education Boarding School"

Educator of the first qualification category

Fokina Natalya Nikolaevna

Primorsky Krai Border region

Pogranichny settlement

2012-2013 academic year

"Visiting a fairy-tale hero."

salt dough molding

Occupation type: gaining new knowledge.

Age: 7 years

View: Decorative art

Lesson form: salt dough molding

Materials: "Gingerbread man" demo, salt dough, modeling boards, napkins, ball, ball. Beads, hearts, etc.

Tools : stacks, brushes, cups.

Music: fairy tale musical "Kolobok"

Consonant with the theme. (howl of a wolf.; barking of a fox; growling of a bear; sounds of a hare)

Calm music can also be played while the work is being done.


-Introduce children to a new type of activity and instill interest in the subject "Modeling from salt dough"

- To improve in children the ability to bring the work begun to the end, trying to do it beautifully and accurately.

Lesson progress:
1. Organizational part

2. Communication of new knowledge and listening to a fairy tale.

4. practical work of children

5. Summing up

Music (fun)

Educator: Guys, a hero from a fairy tale should come to visit us today. Help me guess what his name is, what fairy tale is he from?

round, ruddy
Walked through the forest.
There are enemies
He met.

Children: Gingerbread man!

Educator: Guys, do you know this fairy tale. (Children answer) What is the name of this fairy tale? Let's listen to it again!

(The fairy tale "Kolobok" sounds - a record on the disk) Guys, let's name the heroes of the fairy tale.

1. Who asked to bake Kolobok?

2..Who baked Kolobok?

3.Who met the kolobok. In the forest?

A game: "Arrange the animals correctly"

-Look at the board and say if the Kolobok animals met in this order. (Children's answer)

-Put the animals in the right order (children put the heroes in order)

(animal music playing)

The children name the animal. Whose music was

Guys, who is the main character in this story?

Children: Kolobok

Educator: Tell me guys, what shape is the bun?

Children: Round.

Teacher: That's right guys.

(carried out a game"Magic Bag"

(the teacher examines round objects with the children.)

What is it guys?

Children: Ball.

Educator: What shape is the ball, guys?

Children: Round.

Teacher: That's right guys. Let's see what other objects look like a circle?

Children: Ball!

Educator: All the named objects are round in shape.

Today we are with you, we will sculpt a bun.

(Subgroup lesson.)

To do this, we will need

Your wish



Do you have a desire (answer of children in chorus)

Patience - yes (answer of children in chorus)

There is a fantasy (answer of children in chorus)

But before we start sculpting, we will warm up our hands to make it easier for us to sculpt.

(Physical minute to be held)

Finger gymnastics

1. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman

In the meadow by the river.

(Knock fist on fist.)

2. And loved very, very much

On sour cream koloboks.

(Squeeze, unclench fists.)

3. Although the grandmother has little strength,

Grandma kneaded the dough.

(Shake hands.)

4. Well, grandmother's granddaughter

The gingerbread man rolled in the handles.

(Three palms.)

5. Came out smooth, came out smooth,

Not salty and not sweet.

(Stroking hands alternately.)

6. Very round, very tasty,

Even eating it makes me sad.

(We clap our hands.)

Educator: Guys, you have colored salt dough on your tables, it is soft, warm. Grab the dough guys!

Independent work of students

Show me how you can sculpt? (Showing the modeling technique - with palms, in a circular motion.)

We twist, we twist the circle

We twist, we twist the circle

Turned out (who guys?)

Ko-lo-side! (Choral answers.)

Let's work a little on our own, if anyone needs my help, I'll be right there. All of you are doing very well.

Look what a bun we got!

Guys, we got the same koloboks. How are we going to distinguish between them, confuse them. What to do?

Look at each other, do you look alike? How are you different? (eye color, hair, height, clothes)

Explanation of the new execution technique

Let's also make the koloboks different to distinguish them from each other.

Can you make kolobok eyes? (children answer)

What can you make a nose out of? (From dough, etc.)

What can you make a mouth out of? (children answer)

And you can also make a forelock. What do you think can be used for this? .

What else can be added to koloboks?

(You can make arms, legs and a hat.)

What can hands be made of? (

What can legs be made from?

(during work, the song Kolobok sounds)

Children sculpt koloboks, the teacher helps the children to select a variety of means to convey the expressiveness of the craft.

Formulation of finished products.

So we made our kolobok, it's time for us to get to know him. Children put their koloboks on a stand.

Educator: You guys are great!

What beautiful koloboks from salt dough you got, they are all different. It's clear that you've put in a lot of effort.

I really enjoyed our work. You all worked very amicably and in an organized manner today. We had time to play and work. I would really like you to always be so friendly in our classes and have time for everything.

5 Debriefing
-Choose the most accurate work

-The most unusual kolobok

-The funniest kolobok

- The smallest kolobok.

List of used literature:

1 Internet resource - music; fairy tale "Kolobok"

2. physical minutes for elementary school

Publishing house "Enlightenment"

Explanatory note

Fokina Natalya Nikolaevna

job title


Educational institution

Regional state treasury special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities “Border special (correctional) general education boarding school of the 8th type. Border, Border district, Primorsky Krai.

Lesson form:

Salt dough molding

Purpose of the lesson

Introduce children to a new type of activity and instill interest in the subject "Modeling from salt dough"

- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

- educate diligence, accuracy.

- develop creativity

- To improve in children the ability to bring the work begun to the end, trying to do it beautifully and accurately.

Lesson type

gaining new knowledge.

List of used literature.

1 Internet resource - music; fairy tale "Kolobok"

2. physical minutes for elementary school

Publishing house "Enlightenment" 1000 Riddles Publishing Exam

The lesson was shown to M.O. educators at the Border Correctional Boarding School in May 2013.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education

Starodub Center for Children's Creativity

Lesson outline

"Fairy-tale heroes from salt dough"


additional education teacher

Potupova Anastasia Sergeevna



Topic of the lesson « Fairy tale characters from salt dough »

Target: To form figurative, spatial thinking in the process of sculpting a fairy-tale hero - Cheburashka.


    Learn to express your thoughts in the process of sculpting a fairy-tale character using salt dough;

    To improve the skills of the main types and techniques of modeling from salt dough in practice.

    To improve skills and form skills in working with the necessary tools and devices when processing salt dough.


    Develop cognitive interest in reading fairy tales;

    To promote the development of imagination, figurative and spatial thinking, memory;

    Develop a sense of proportion, motor skills of the hands, an eye in the process of sculpting three-dimensional figures;

Educational :

    Cultivate a love for reading fiction and fairy tales;

    Education of diligence, independence, interest in the process and result of work (the ability to plan work and bring the work started to the end;

    To cultivate accuracy in the process of work and in the organization of the workplace;

Lesson type: combined


    verbal ( riddles, instruction, conversation);

    visual (illustrations with fairy tale characters);

    Practical(practical work).

Forms of organization of training: group, with elements of individualization.

Material, technical and didactic equipment of the lesson:

    For the teacher: illustrations with fairy tale characters and riddles (Applications );

    For students: plastic bowl, flour, salt, water, toothpicks, stacks, oilcloth, water cup, brush.

Children's age: 9-11 years old, students of the preparatory class of the Department of Fine Arts.

Lesson duration: 40 min.

Lesson plan:

    organizational stage.(1 min.)

    Preparatory stage.(5 minutes.)

    main stage(Practical work) (20 minutes.)

    Control stage (5 min.)

    Final stage(4 min.)

    Workplace cleaning (5 min.)

Lesson progress

Stage 1. Organizational stage. (1 min.)

Teacher actions: welcomes students, creates an emotionally positive attitude to the lesson. Checks attendance, readiness for occupation.

Stage 2. Preparatory stage. (5 minutes.)

Teacher actions: leads students to understanding the topic of the lesson (goals and objectives):

    Guys, today we have unusual guests at our lesson..

    But to find out who it is, you must solve riddles. Do you agree?


Teacher actions: after the riddle is guessed, he turns over the picture with the image of a fairy-tale hero and attaches it to the board.


Mom made a beautiful hat

What a cute girl.

What is her name? …

Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

The nose is round, with a heel,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

Answer: Three piglets

Everyone wanted to eat it

But he fell into the mouth of a fox.
Sweet little ball
In a fairy tale it was called...

Answer: Kolobok

I am a wooden boy

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my nose everywhere,

My name…

Answer: Pinocchio

Little boy in a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He is stupid and arrogant

And his name is...

Answer: Dunno

In the dark forest at the edge,

They all lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This story is for kids...

Answer: The wolf and the seven Young goats

    Guys, who are our guests?(Fairy-tale heroes)

    Well done!

    Oops, I forgot one more...

Teacher actions: shows students a blank sheet with a secret hero, reads a riddle ...

After all, this is a friend of Gene.

Answer: Cheburashka

    Well done! Indeed, this is Cheburashka!

    But, unfortunately, the sheet is empty, and we cannot see what our guest looks like. Can you help me?(Students describe the appearance of the fairy-tale hero "Cheburashka": a good-natured image, with big ears and big eyes)

Note: If time permits, the teacher invites students to draw Cheburashka. (A4 sheets, simple pencils should be prepared)

    After the release of the first series of cartoons, Cheburashka became very popular.

    For a year in Athens, he was chosen as the mascot of the Russian Olympic team. Why do you think this particular fairy-tale hero was chosen for the mascot?

Stage 5. Main stage (20 minutes.)

Teacher actions: checks the readiness of students for practical work, conducts a conversation on questions.

    Guys, I suggest you mold the fairy-tale hero "Cheburashka" from salt dough, but first let's remember the rules for working with salt dough.(Students repeat safety precautions when working with salt dough)

    What materials and tools do we need for modeling? Check if you have everything on the table?

    Analyze the shape of the sculpting object, what is the best way to mold Cheburashka?(constructive) .

    How can you strengthen the details from the test?(toothpicks).

Student actions: sculpt the fairy-tale hero "Cheburashka".

Teacher actions: during practical work provide individual assistance to students.

Note: students independently knead the dough for modeling during practical work. Also, to save time, students can prepare the dough before class.

Stage 6. Control stage(5 minutes.)

Teacher actions: organizes an exhibition of students' works, conducts consultations.

    Let's see what we got.

    Do your works look like on-screen Cheburashka?

Student actions: evaluate their work and comrades, correct their activities, correct mistakes.

Stage 7.Final stage. (Reflection) (4 min.)

    Did you like the topic of the lesson?

    Is everyone happy with the result of their work? (if no, why not?)

    What fairy tale character would you like to blind?

    In the next lesson we will color our work.

Workplace cleaning. (5 minutes.)

    Tidy up your workplace, wipe your hands with wet wipes.

    Thanks everyone for the activity! I wish you success!



A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,

I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.

Mom made a beautiful hat

And don't forget to bring pies.

What a cute girl.

What is her name? …

The nose is round, with a heel,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

Everyone wanted to eat it

But he fell into the mouth of a fox.
Sweet little ball
In a fairy tale it was called...

I am a wooden boy

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my nose everywhere,

My name…

Little boy in a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He is stupid and arrogant

And his name is...

In the dark forest at the edge,

They all lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This story is for kids...

He used to be - a nameless toy,

Not a bear, not an elephant, not a rattle.

And now every mongrel knows him.

After all, this is a friend of Gene.

From this unusual material, you can make various souvenirs, and then also paint them. It is strong and durable and can please a person for many years.

How to prepare dough for modeling

From the dough, it turns out, you can not only bake pies and cakes, but also make wonderful paintings, toys and much more. It is easy to sculpt from it, almost like from plasticine, and the dried toy becomes hard and, unlike plasticine, will not melt in your hands. Salt dough makes wonderful and original surprise gifts, and you can prepare such material for modeling quite quickly. In addition, it will not require you to spend a lot of money - everything you need for this exciting work will surely be in your home.

Of course, the composition of this magical dough is different from the one from which grandmothers bake cheesecakes. There is no single, "correct" recipe, each master uses his own. We will try to stick to one of the directions, but if you want, you can experiment with the proportions of water, flour and salt. Only on your hands there should not be cuts and abrasions, otherwise the salt may get into the wound.

For work we need:

- flour - 1.5 cups;

- salt - 1 cup;

- water - 1 glass;

- dry wallpaper paste - 1-2 tbsp. l.;

- sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;

- utensils for kneading;

- rolling pin;

cutting board or any smooth surface

- a plastic bag for storage.

Operating procedure

1. Pour flour and salt into a container and carefully add water little by little (be sure to first flour, then water, and not vice versa, otherwise lumps may form) and mix. If lumps form in the dough, knead them with your hands. So we interfere with the whole dough until it becomes soft and homogeneous in composition.

2. Add sunflower oil to this mass so that the dough does not stick to your hands, and wallpaper glue - so that the dough becomes like plasticine, bendable and elastic. Mix all this again thoroughly and knead the remaining lumps.

3. Now we take the dough and put it on a cutting board. We roll out the dough several times with a rolling pin in order to completely exclude the possibility of lumps.

4. Put the dough in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. An hour later, the dough is ready to go.

During modeling, you should not immediately take out all the dough from the bag - it will quickly begin to dry out in the air. It is better to pinch off the necessary pieces, and close the rest with a bag. If the dough remains after sculpting, you can put it in the refrigerator - it can be stored there for several days.

If your hands are wet, the dough will stick to them. You have to dust them with flour. And in order to fasten the parts together, on the contrary, you need the dough to be wet. To do this, we wet the parts that we want to glue with ordinary water and a paint brush.

After the dough figures are molded, you need to dry them, this can be done in two ways.

Method one- just leave the toy at room temperature to dry for 3-4 days or more - it all depends on the size of the toy and the temperature of the room.

Method two- roasting in the oven. We put the toy on a baking sheet and place it in a preheated oven. The temperature should not be very high, it is better to bake on low heat for 30-60 minutes. The figurine is ready when it acquires a light brown tint, but by no means dark.

It is best to paint the toy with tempera or acrylic paints, as they are the most resistant - watercolor will look pale and quickly absorbed, and gouache will leave marks on the hands.

The finished product, if desired, can be coated with a transparent varnish. And remember, although the toys look strong, they are actually easy to break if accidentally thrown on the floor. Therefore, do not leave them on the edge of the table and in those places where they can be easily broken. And glue the salty figures on the frames and pictures securely, so that they do not fall over time.

DIY salt dough gifts. Step by step master classes

The fairy tale "Teremok" from salt dough - a master class for making dollsAuthor: Maria Trofimovna Murygina, teacher of the Kindergarten No. 34, Ivanovo. Description: this master class will attract the attention, first of all, of educators and parents of preschoolers. Salt dough dolls are easy to make and all materials are readily available. Dolls can be made together with older preschoolers. Purpose: Dolls for the fairy tale "Teremok" can be used in independent games of children, educator ...

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Master Class. Do-it-yourself salt dough matryoshka. Description: a master class will help parents, together with older children, make a bright craft with their own hands. Purpose: to generate interest in modeling dough. Tasks: to form the skills of modeling from dough, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, to develop the creative abilities of children, fantasy, imagination. For work you will need: 1 glass each: flour, water, salt. Acrylic paints or gouache. 1. Knead the dough: combine flour, salt and gradually ...

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Master class on testoplasty for children 5-7 years old "Fish from salt dough". Author: Kolmakova Elena Pavlovna, educator of MBDOU "Child Development Center Kindergarten No. 73", Voronezh Description: a master class will help parents make a bright craft with their child with your own hands. Purpose: for interior decoration, as a gift. Purpose: the formation of modeling skills from salt dough, to arouse interest in modeling, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Objectives: to develop the child's creativity, imagination ...

Do-it-yourself monkey "Aunt" from salt dough Author: Pervenenok Svetlana Eduardovna, teacher of the Moscow State Educational Institution of Education "Suzunskaya Children's Art School" Purpose: Use for decoration, gift, symbol of the year. Purpose: To promote the development of personality through modeling. Tasks: To improve the skills of modeling techniques, to teach to work consistently, to develop a sense of proportion, to observe accuracy in work. Materials needed: Salt dough (the size of a palm-sized ball) stacks, pencil, glass of water, 1...

We sculpt a lizard from salt dough (a character from P.P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”). Master class with step by step photos. Nomination: The best master class in needlework. The work is designed for children 5 years old, teachers, educators, parents. The tasks of the master class: - to teach the techniques of modeling from salt dough, - to develop fine motor skills in a child, - to develop individual creative abilities, - to cultivate industriousness, accuracy, the desire to create crafts with their own hands. The purpose of the master class: - Make ...

How to make Winnie the Pooh from salt dough Let's make Winnie the Pooh from salt dough. Master class with step by step photos. The work is designed for children 4-6 years old, teachers, educators, parents. The tasks of the master class: - to teach the techniques of modeling from salt dough, - to develop fine motor skills in a child, - to develop individual creative abilities, - to cultivate industriousness, accuracy, the desire to create crafts with their own hands. The purpose of the master class: - Make your favorite fairy-tale character Winnie the Pooh. For data...

Master class with a step-by-step photo "Ladybug" in the technique of modeling from salt dough. Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher of additional education MBU DO DDIY, Millerovo The master class is intended for teachers of additional education, primary school teachers, technology teachers, students of 7-10 years . Purpose: souvenir, gift. Purpose: to mold a ladybug on a leaf using the technique of modeling from salt dough. Objectives: Educational: to instill interest in working with salt dough; Developing: r...

"Autumn Tree" (testoplasty) Master class with step-by-step photos. Author: Belyaev Artem, a pupil of the MBDOU kindergarten "Topolek" in Volgodonsk, Rostov Region. Head: Filinkova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of the MBDOU kindergarten "Topolek", Volgodonsk, Rostov region. Purpose: The craft can participate in creative exhibitions, serve as an interior decoration. Embraced the nature of autumn, Taking in the hands of the brush and the canvas, To paint the branches-braids Stately maples and birches. Scenic brushstrokes of Paint...

Salt dough house for a gnome. Master class with step by step photo Far away in the edge of the forest Once upon a time there was an old, old gnome. The gnome had an old house: He lived in it for three hundred years. And it happened, if the gnome Was not at home for a long time, The old house missed him: Sadly pounded the shutters. Mikhail Libin Mikhail Libin's poem, which became a well-known cartoon, tells about the magical living house of a gnome. This house missed the owner and went to look for him. Let's try to make the characters of the poem out of salty...

Magic house made of salt dough. Master class with step by step photos. Master class for teachers, children from 5 years old (with the help of adults), any creative people. Goal: learn how to make a decorative bottle house from salt dough Tasks: Develop creative and constructive abilities Learn how to work with salt dough Purpose: interior decoration, DIY gift Equipment: stack, glass bottle, salt dough, gouache paint, brushes, acrylic varnish. Dough recipe: 1 tbsp...

Photo frame made of salt dough "Masha and the Bear". Step-by-step instructions with a photo Author: Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education Millerovo House of Childhood and Youth Master class photo-frame "Masha and the Bear" using salt dough modeling technique. The master class is intended for teachers of additional education, technology teachers, students of primary school age, primary school teachers. Purpose: interior decoration, gift, souvenir. Purpose: to make a photo frame...

Master class "Pot of fruit" in the technique of modeling from colored salt dough. Author: Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna - Teacher of additional education Millerovo House of Childhood and Youth The master class is intended for teachers of additional education, technology teachers, students of primary school age, teachers primary classes. Purpose: souvenir, gift for the holiday of March 8. Purpose: to make a souvenir "Pot of Fruit" from colored salt dough. Tasks: Educational: il...

Salt dough for kids. Master class with step by step photos

Testoplasty. Salt dough craft.

Panel "Bee and Bunny". Fairy-tale characters from the fairy tale "Magic Nectar".

Vorobyova Ekaterina, 6 years old, pupil of MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 125", Voronezh
Supervisor: Orekhova Vera Aleksandrovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of general development type No. 125", Voronezh
Description: this master class is intended for children 5-8 years old, teachers of additional education, educators, loving and caring parents.
Purpose: the resulting picture can be used as an interior decoration, and can serve as a gift for any holiday.
Making panels from salt dough
1. To acquaint with the technique of testoplasty, with the basic methods of working with salt dough;
2. Generate interest in salt dough modeling;
3. Develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of hand movements;
4. Develop aesthetic taste and compositional skills;
5. Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, abstract thinking;
6. To form perseverance, patience, accuracy in work;
7. To cultivate the ability to bring the started business to its logical conclusion;
8. Cultivate a desire to please family and friends.

Materials needed for work:
Salt "Extra";
PVA glue;
Brush, stack.

Before starting work, I suggest that you finger gymnastics.
"Hard working bee"
The bee works all day
(Hands draw a circle in front of you)
And she is not too lazy to work.
(Wagning index fingers in denial)
Flying from flower to flower
(Rhythmic wave of hands)
Glues pollen to the abdomen.
(Circular movements of the palm on the stomach)
Proboscis sucks nectar
(Stretch your arm forward, then down, bend over)
Gathers a lot in a day.
(“Open” all fingers in front of you)
He will carry the nectar to the hive
(depict flight)
And it will come back like a bullet.
(Sharply throws out hand with extended index finger forward)
Honey will be rammed in honeycombs,
(Stomping feet)
Soon winter will come.
The bees will have something to eat.
(imitation of the movement of a spoon)
They have to try in the summer.
(Imitation of putting honey in a honeycomb)

Step by step workflow:
Salt Dough Recipe:
2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 0.5 cup water, a little PVA glue.
Mix flour and salt, gradually add water and knead the dough. If the dough crumbles, add some water. If it sticks to your hands, then add flour.

For gluing parts from salt dough is used WATER .
We take our frame, put it in a bag.

We start to sculpt a bunny. We roll out the ball, flatten it, giving the shape of a circle, and place it on the base.

From a small piece of dough we form the body of a bunny.
Apply to the base, connecting with the head.

I remind you to use WATER to glue the parts.
We make ears. With the reverse side of the brush we make "pits".

We make paws, a tail.

We make a butterfly for a bunny.

Eyes, nose, draw a mouth with a stack.

Let's start sculpting a bee.
We make a small “sausage” from a piece of dough, flatten it, forming a torso. Similarly, we make the head and place the details on the base.

We make wings.

We make droplets from the dough, connect them. It turns out a flower.

We arrange on the basis.

We make paws for the bee, eyes, mouth.

Let's start making a jar of honey.

Our panel is ready. We wait until everything dries, remove the details, transfer them to a sheet of paper and proceed to coloring.

We color the bee.

We color the bunny.

Coloring a jar of honey.