In Rus', there have always been spiritually perspicacious people who were called elders. Moreover, they fell into this category not at all for advanced years, but thanks to special wisdom, which appeared as a result of fervent prayers and labors for the glory of God. Previously, such elders lived mainly in Optina Hermitage, where pilgrims from all over Russia came for advice and blessings. Today, this tradition is being revived, and Elder Eli, who will be discussed in our article today, played a significant role in this process.

For the sake of meeting this amazing person, people are ready to spend several days in Optina Hermitage, waiting for his visit and at least one encouraging word. As the pilgrims say, not a single trouble will hide from the gaze of the elder Elijah. He will encourage, support and guide everyone. Much that he does is perceived as something miraculous, although the elder himself believes that everything in this world happens only by the will of God. Who is he, Elder Elijah from Optina Hermitage? Let's get to know him together.

Getting to know an old man

Schema-Archimandrite Elijah is difficult to find in one place. Despite the fact that he recently turned eighty-five years old, he is constantly on the move. And how could it be otherwise, if the elder has so many tasks and duties that one wonders where he draws strength for all this? Although the Schema-Archimandrite himself only trusts in God. He is sure that everyone in this world is given a burden according to their strength and understanding. After all, the Lord is merciful, and therefore he will never scourge the children of his beloved.

Elder Elijah manages everything. He often travels around Russia and holds meetings with ordinary people, and besides this, he does not forget to visit Optina Hermitage weekly. After all, it was he who was blessed for the restoration and revival of this ancient monastery. And, judging by the way he looks now, the elder did an excellent job with this work.

Not so long ago, the schiarchimandrite was appointed confessor of Patriarch Kirill himself, with whom they have known each other for several decades. This appointment was the reason for the forced relocation of Elder Elijah to Peredelkino.

Many pilgrims wonder how to get to meet him. They are planning visits to Peredelkino, but this is not worth doing. After all, it is almost impossible to find an old man here. He comes to his house for rare moments of relaxation and does not receive visitors. We will tell readers about the best way to see and communicate with the elder a little later.

Young years of Schema-Archimandrite

The future elder Elijah, and in the world Alexey Nozdrin, comes from a simple peasant family. He was born in the Oryol region and still loves these places very much. He comes here most often and oversees many parishes.

Despite the fact that in the thirties of the last century atheism was totally implanted, the Nozdrin family was very pious, and from an early age the boy regularly went to church. From the age of three, he could no longer imagine himself without prayer and, in his own words, turned to God for advice in absolutely any situation.

There were four children in the family, but it was Alexei who had to help his mother raise them. His father died at the front, and the boy took care of his mother and loved ones. By nature, he was generously endowed with kindness, diligence and humility. In addition, the young man was distinguished by intelligence, quick wit and a desire for knowledge, which helped him finish his studies in high school.

While serving in the army, a story happened to Alexei, which he later regretted for a long time. Surrendering to the persuasion of his commander, he joined the Komsomol and received a Komsomol ticket. However, the young man believed that a person who believes in God cannot be a party member. He deeply regretted that he had allowed himself to be persuaded to this act, and soon burned the ticket issued to him.

In the fifties of the last century, Alexei graduated from a vocational school in Serpukhov and was sent to work in Kamyshin.

Path choice

Since the young man learned to be a builder, he was sent to build a new factory. However, it was at this time that Alexei realized that he did not feel any attraction to his profession at all, and began to visit the only functioning church in the city more and more often. There he often talked with his spiritual, and he once advised the young man to try to enter the theological seminary. This proposal seemed very interesting to Alexei, and after much deliberation, he moved to Saratov, where he entered the seminary.

Seminary studies

The years of study were not easy for Alexei. During this period of time, mass persecution of the church began in the country, as a result of which churches and Christian educational institutions began to close.

The seminary in Saratov was closed, and the young man had to continue his studies in Leningrad. Here he graduated not only from the seminary, but also from the academy. During these years, he met the future Patriarch Kirill, communication with whom gave him great pleasure. As the patriarch later recalled, Alexei seemed to him a lively, reasonable and very kind person who literally saw everyone from the inside, and was very sociable by nature.

In Leningrad, he received monastic tonsure and took a new name - Ilian. He began his service in several parishes of the city and region at once. In the first years of his obedience, he was ordained a monk with a priestly rank.

Formation of the spiritual world of the elder

Ilian was very thoughtful about his duties and read a lot. Under the influence of the lives of the saints, his spiritual outlook and attitude to the service of the Lord was formed. He was especially inspired by the opportunity to devote his life to serving in the Athos monastery. For the sake of this, Ilian spent ten long years in the Pskov-Caves monastery. Here he could often be caught in spiritual conversations with Elder John Krestyankin.

Finally he was sent to Athos, where he carried out the obedience of a monk and lived in a secluded cell. The years spent in the monastery of St. Panteleimon gave the elder a lot. In silence and prayers, he learned the secrets of the human soul, which greatly helped him in his future activities.

Revival of the Optina Hermitage

By the early 1990s, the situation in the country had changed dramatically. Temples and monasteries began to revive everywhere, and the people reached out to faith with their souls. Such a massive impulse revealed an acute shortage of priests, who by this time were scattered around different parts of the world. From Athos, Ilian was also called, who was entrusted with the important mission of restoring the Optina Monastery. By this time, for more than ten years, he had been in complete desolation and needed a person who could take on the real feat of reviving the holy place.

In the same year, the elder received the highest rank, according to which he completely renounced the world and devoted every second of his life to the Lord. Since the acceptance of this dignity can be considered as a birth in God, the elder also received a new name - Eli. The elder has been serving in the Optina Desert for about thirty years, and the monastery owes its current status to the tireless labors of the Schema-Archimandrite. Quite deservedly, this place is considered the center of Orthodoxy, where tens of thousands of pilgrims come every year.

honorary mission

For eight years already, the schiarchimandrite has been fulfilling the most honorable mission that an Orthodox clergyman can only imagine. He is the confessor of Patriarch Kirill. Surprisingly, the elder himself believes that this work is his sacred duty, and even left the monastery so dear to his heart to settle in Peredelkino. From here it is much closer for him to get to Moscow and communicate with his spiritual child.

Warm relations have long been established between the patriarch and the schiarchimandrite, so they are only getting stronger every day. Not the last role in this process is played by the prayers of the elder. They are credited with incredible power, because where Elder Eli, there is always a place for a miracle.

Many Orthodox think about how to get to Elder Elijah in a given life situation. And those lucky ones who managed to do this tell amazing things about the schiarchimandrite. Each pilgrim has his own story of meeting and communicating with the elder, because he literally saved many from spiritual blindness and other problems.

Some talk about how, without even looking at the pilgrim, the Schema-Archimandrite answered all the questions that tormented the soul of the person who came for an answer. At the same time, depending on the situation, the elder found comforting or accusatory words.

Many write that Eli is able to heal mental anguish with one or two words or make a person think about his life, completely changing it in the future. And after all, the elder does not raise his voice, does not accuse, but can penetrate into the very essence of the pilgrim standing in front of him and understand what exactly he needs.

The elder always knows which of those present to give an icon that he personally brought from Athos, and to whom a book, the reading of which will help the pilgrim to see spiritually.

There are known cases when, after the elder's prayer, people were healed in the most miraculous way. The story of a soldier on the verge of death is widely discussed. His relatives brought him to the monastery hoping for a miracle. The man no longer regained consciousness, and only after the prayer of the elder opened his eyes, and soon got to his feet. Doctors simply shrugged their shoulders regarding this case and could not find a worthy scientific explanation for it.

Elder Eliy, Optina Pustyn: how to get there

If you really need to see the elder, then feel free to go to Optina Pustyn. True, no one knows when the Schema-Archimandrite will arrive here. However, he visits the monastery almost every week and communicates freely with pilgrims in the refectory. Therefore, be sure to pray before going to the monastery and be sure that the Lord will give you the opportunity to talk with the elder if it is necessary for the good of your soul.

They say that today there are no elders left in Russia at all. The clergyman Elijah is called the last one who can be honored with such a title. Elder Ily Nozdrin, well-known among the people and the church environment, despite his advanced age, still receives visitors and is the personal Patriarch of Moscow.

The path to love and faith

Faith in Elijah, whom at birth his parents named Alexei Afanasyevich Nozdrin, seems to have always been there. As a boy, Alexei went to church, the boy began to pray to God at the age of three.

This unique person was born in the village of Stanovoy Kolodez. After graduating from high school in the 1950s, he joined the army. There he was enrolled in the ranks of the Komsomol members, which, upon his return to civilian life, he greatly regretted.

Repentance seized Alexei so much that he decided to burn the party card. And again he turned to faith as the only source of grace and righteousness.

Then Alexei Afanasyevich studied at a technical school. Worked in the city of Kamyshin. After work, the young man often came to the local church to the priest John Bukotkin. He then advised Alexei to enter the theological seminary.

While studying at the seminary in St. Petersburg, Alexei began to communicate closely with the future Patriarch Kirill. In 1966, at the hands of Metropolitan Nikodim, he was tonsured a monk. At the same time, he was given the spiritual name Ilian in honor of one of the forty holy martyrs of Sebaste. By the same metropolitan he was appointed to the rank of hieromonk. He served in various Leningrad churches, monasteries and parishes.

He was sent to Optina Hermitage in 1989 to work as a confessor, where the rector of the monastery tonsured him into the great schema with the name Eliy. Elder Eli Nozdrin lives there today.

The schiarchimandrite is extremely negative about any manifestations of communism. Stalin and Lenin for him are the worst enemies of the people and faith. His public views are as follows:

The Optina elder leads a simple life. He prays a lot and regularly receives people who need his advice.

The way of life in Optina Hermitage is quite severe. Confessor Eli wears an ordinary cassock. Looks thin and hunched over. But everyone who gets to see him vied with each other about the holiness that comes from this warrior of Christ.

Elder Eli speaks in a quiet voice and in simple words. But they seem to penetrate into the heart, they respond there with something already known for a long time, but not yet fully realized. The clergyman Eli knows the Bible, church history, and the lives of the saints very well. He understands many worldly problems. And he often moves from place to place for his church affairs. And everywhere he is found by people who want to receive a blessing from the elder.

Who are spiritual elders?

Those who just come to work in the church are called beginners. Like spiritual babies who have just stepped onto the path of faith.

Who then are the spiritual elders? The title of an elder cannot be obtained by someone else's order. Those priests who strive for unity with God, live according to God's laws and are marked by God's mercy become elders. These people go through a difficult path of faith and love. They are endowed with insight, but do not show it without measure, their wisdom is quiet, and their faith is very deep.

The elders know how to instill spiritual strength in a person so that he can cope with his problems on his own. They only point the way and share their grace with believers.

True elders are as pure in soul as children. They are really full of love for the world, devoid of passions, calm and humble. This state is achieved by people when they work hard spiritually, engage in spiritual development. All of the above is also in Ilia Nozdrin. And this is confirmed by the endless stream of people, which does not seem to dry up next to the elder.

Optina elder Iliy Nozdrin is an example of a highly spiritual person. His deeds are simple and devoid of pathos, and the results from them exceed all expectations. Will there be elders like him in Russia in the future? This question is difficult to answer. But Christianity, like the whole world, is constantly evolving. Therefore, there is always hope for such spiritual support. After all, more and more people come from year to year. Perhaps the faith of some of them will be so strong, and life is pure, that a new elder will appear who will tirelessly help people solve their problems, support them and guide them along the right path.

What recently took place the so-called. "Missionary Expedition of the Russian Orthodox Church" led by Schema-Archimandrite Eli (Nozdrin) , which is called "the spiritual strength, wisdom and meekness of the old man known to the entire Orthodox world."

The message, in particular, says that "after the service, the parishioners ... were waiting for the appearance of the spirit-bearing priest, who is now called the elder of the Russian Land, to touch him, to come under his blessing."

Let us cite the testimonies of some Orthodox believers, which allow us to doubt the "elderhood" and "spiritual wisdom" of the respected Schema-Archimandrite Elijah.


First of all, I want to say that I am opposed to Father Eli being called an elder. In my understanding, he is not. Elderhood presupposes not only spiritual experience, but a certain spiritual community and continuity, and what kind of continuity does Fr. Elijah have? With which of the elders of the 70-90s does he have a spiritual community? I would say that at one time appointed be Elder of Optina Hermitage... Which is not surprising. This branch stretches from Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov), ​​who was a complex personality, and most likely worked for the KGB, plus expressed and professed heretical views, and the shameful sin of ecumenism, which reaches out for the ROC MP, lies on his conscience.

Fr. Elijah was tonsured by Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov), ​​who then ordained him a hierodeacon and hieromonk. About the Pskov-Pechersk stay of Father Elijah in the monastery walls (from 1966 to 1976) - silence. 10 years - no information.

Much more is known about Father John (Krestyankin) during this period (he appeared in Pechory in 1967). And about his monastic path. Then some of the elders were still alive, and they began to spiritually minister to Father John.

As a matter of fact, in the late 80s Father Iliy was sent to Optina with a certain “task” - the opening of the monastery and its life had to take place under the supervision and control of the church authorities, who were still closely connected with the KGB and the CPSU. Father Eli was "his" person. He was the perfect fit for the position of spiritual father. But there were unforeseen obstacles. It turned out that there are other views that run counter to the “party line”. But it became clear that this "party" would stop at nothing. However, Father Eli himself was far from fulfilling the "task". He just showed amazing cowardice. And the line of the party was performed by Father Melchizedek (Artyukhin)...

Shortly after the Local Council of 2009, Schema Iliy became the confessor of his fellow student at the Theological Academy, the newly elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, and moved to Peredelkino, in the courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. However, this does not surprise me ... The clan of Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) won unexpected victory. I hope it's temporary. Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, from the same cohort. In fact, the close link between the authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church has not disappeared anywhere, and those who were once close to secular power turned out to be in the highest echelons of church power. Here is the succession!

I can't say anything about Father Elijah as a monk and priest. Because his spiritual life is the mystery of God. And I must show respect for his monastic rank. At least formal. But I wonder if there were more examples destination an elder in the history of the Church? When and to whom did you make a powerful PR campaign in the media?

Most of the reverends and elders of the era of the USSR, and even after 1991, were persecuted to one degree or another, either by the authorities, or by their own brothers, and often existed in disgrace (however, this was also in general church history). Here is an amazing example, when an old man is “spun up” also above. Of course, opal is not a sign of holiness. But in this case, it's about something else...

I read what they write on some Orthodox forums about Father Elijah - the style of speech is simple - religious exaltation. Completely alien to the Orthodox spirit. Orthodox information sites are literally “crammed” to capacity with conversations, interviews and instructions from Fr. Or me. It is already written that “almost the last real old man” Russian Orthodox Church (

Fortunately, Father Eli does not consider himself as such. In this he is honest with God.

In fact, at the moment, the leadership of the ROC MP is the "spiritual children" of the odious Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov).


Those who lived in Optina for a long time, after the appearance of Abbot Elijah in Optina, should remember the scandal with the photo portrait of Pope John Paul II in the cell of this "old man".

And only when many of the brethren murmured and refused to go to Elijah for confession, the portrait that hung not far from the icons was taken down.

I heard this from my confessor, hegumen Nikon, one of the restorers of Optina, a prayer book and faithful warrior of Christ.


Was familiar with Fr. Nikon, if we are talking about the hegumen of Optina Nikon, who recently labored in the Optina courtyard in Moscow and has already reposed.

He was in disgrace, that's for sure. I also know about Elijah and I know some details from his life from Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim (Tomin), who was the dean in the monastery on Mount Athos, when Fr. Eli (then Hieromonk Ilian) labored there as a librarian. Even there he had a portrait of the Pope in his cell, which embarrassed the brethren.

And one day a cardinal arrived on Athos. The brethren ignored his arrival, and Father Ilian went out to meet the cardinal with a cross, as to a bishop. After that, the brethren stopped communicating with him, and after a while, Fr. Ilian returned to Russia.

He said that it was hard for him there. Because on Athos there are only abbots in free mode, and hieromonks must carry out obediences like ordinary monks. And he returned to Russia to receive abbess here. He took the vows of the schema, received the hegumenate and wanted to return to Athos, but he was invited by Fr. Evlogii to Optina not as an elder, but as a confessor of the brethren. From Optina, Ily wrote a letter to Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov), but he never received an answer.

I think that Father Eliy is a good person. That's just his faith distorted. He believes that Catholics are not heretics, but our brothers in Christ. He spoke about this in front of me to a monk from Optina Hermitage and spoke with fanaticism.

He showed Fr. Elijah a letter from Elder Ambrose, where the Elder condemns the heresy of the Latins, and Fr. Elijah sneezed at his feet, calling him "Satan" and "schismatic."

Father Eliy is a simpleton. He can’t even connect two words, watch his video of the conversation - they are all contradictory and paradoxical.

Simplicity is good, but the main gift of a true elder is prudence. The elder will never praise the one who harms the Fatherland, but Fr. Ily reveres Gorbachev, who ruined our state. Father Eli even blessed his children to print portraits of Gorbachev and handed them out in the church.

I do not condemn the Church, and even more so I do not oppose the Church, talking here about Fr. Elijah. Don't bother blaming me for this.

I just want to warn people against the danger that awaits them when they turn to Father Elijah. I think that the article published here has the same purpose.

Schema-Archimandrite Eli attracts with his "humble" appearance. But try in front of him to start a conversation about Catholics, call them heretics and you will see how his "humility" will disappear like steam. For some reason, the communists will immediately become to blame for everything. This is how Fr Eliy reacts to any political question.

An even greater misfortune of his religion is the Origen heresy. He believes that everyone will be saved - regardless of faith. And he thinks that this is his manifestation of love. ""God is love". He cannot make someone suffer,” says Fr. Eli.

I don’t know what it is: a charming delusion or a heretical conviction?

Time will tell, but the Lord will judge. Sorry if I confused anyone. Be carefull. And to the enemies of the Church who blaspheme the Patriarch and the priesthood, I advise you to pay attention to your sins, and if you do not see them, then go to the temple of God. There are plenty of good shepherds who sincerely seek salvation.


"Elder" Eli (Nozdrin) as a weapon of information warfare

How is Orthodox anti-Sovietism promoted?

1. A person is taken who has the image of a “deserved authority” (in some cases this image is promoted artificially).

2. He is encouraged to speak out on camera on issues in which he is a priori incompetent.

3. After obtaining the required result, the information field is pumped with the finished material.

4. The Orthodox reverently absorb the offered ear noodles, because ... "this is old man And confessor of the Patriarch».


For example, about the "gravedigger" of the great power (or "evil empire") of the USSR B.N. Yeltsin, the “old man” Ily spoke as follows: “ If it were my power, I would make a monument to him. He, like George the Victorious, with all this synodism - the Central Committee - threw down a party ticket ... He went to be torn to pieces ... His merit is that millions, billions of people turned to God, and the Church became normal.

Obviously, the terry anti-Sovietism of Schema-Archimandrite Elijah used as a weapon of information warfare against our Motherland.


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Father Eli, Schema-Archimandrite, spiritual mentor of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill and St. Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage.

Father Eli

Iliy Nozdrin was destined from childhood to become a “man of God”


Birthday of Father Elijah

Alexey Afanasyevich Nozdrin was born on March 8, 1932 in the Oryol province in the village of Kolodez, in the most ordinary family of peasants. In a family where faith in God was honored.

Father- Athanasius Nozdrin,

Mother- Claudia Nozdrina.

In the family, apart from little Alexei, there were 3 brothers and a sister.

By the time of the birth of Alexei, grandfather Ivan was alive on the paternal side. Ivan Nozdrin served as headman of the Intercession Church in his village.

In the difficult year of 1942, the Nozdrin family suffered tragic losses. My father died at the front, and my grandfather died the same year.

After the death of father Alexei, the mother decided to devote herself to children, family and did not remarry.

The baptism of Alexei Nozdrin took place in infancy near the lying village of Lukino.

From a young age, thanks to the efforts of the mother, the child learned to read books, especially books with prayers were given to him easily. Even his boy friends called him "Divine".

According to the stories of little Alexei's contemporaries, a case is widely known in his native village: in 1947-1948, Alexei was robbed. He prayed in tears before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and found a hot wheat loaf on the ground

Years of study

Military service

Father Ily perceived her as a black streak in life, due to forced entry into the Komsomol

1949 - completed his studies at the Stanovokolodezskaya secondary school.

After the army, he realized that this was a sin against God. Repentant, he did not think of anything better to fix it and simply burned the ticket.

1955-1958 - student of the Serpukhov Engineering College.

After completing his studies at the technical school, he was sent to work in his specialty in the Volgograd region, Kamyshin.

The city of Kamyshin was one of the rare cities where an Orthodox church operated in the late 50s.