• Category: Work analysis

1) Features of the genre of the work. The work of Yu.P. Kazakova belongs to the genre of the story.

2) Themes and problems of the story. A problem is a question posed by the author on the pages of a work of art. Problematics - a set of problems considered in a work of art.

What problems does Yu.P. Kazakov in his story " Quiet morning"? (conscience, duty, love of neighbor, love of nature, etc.) Explain your thought.

How does the writer try to solve the problem of the boys' relationships with each other? (the writer prepared a difficult test for his heroes)

3) Features of the plot of the work. The description of the events that happened to the boys unfolds against the backdrop of nature.

How does Yu.P. Kazakov? (from a description of the early morning and the fog that almost completely covered the village)

4) Characteristics of the heroes of the story. In Yuri Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning", two boys are depicted as the main characters: the city dweller Volodya and the simple village boy Yashka.

The image of Yasha. Yashka is a typical resident of the countryside, a connoisseur of real fishing. The portrait of the hero is remarkable: old pants and shirt, bare feet, dirty fingers. The boy contemptuously reacted to the question of the city Volodya: “Isn’t it too early?” Yashka, seeing that his partner is drowning, makes the only right decision: he rushes into the cold water to save Volodya: “Feeling that he was about to suffocate, Yashka rushed to Volodya, grabbed him by the shirt, closed his eyes, hastily pulled Volodya’s body up ... Not letting go Volodya's shirt, he began to push him to the shore. Swimming was hard. Feeling the bottom under his feet, Yashka put Volodya on the shore with his chest, his face in the grass, he heavily climbed out himself and pulled Volodya out. Yashka's tears at the end of the story testify to the great relief experienced by the hero. Seeing Volodya’s smile, Yashka “roared, roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking with his whole body, choking and ashamed of his tears, he cried for joy, from the fear experienced, from the fact that everything ended well ...”

Who does Yashka feel like when he is going fishing early? (by an adult, a real expert in fishing)

Why did Yashka get angry with Volodya? (Volodya, who is not used to getting up so early in the city, still cannot fully share all the delights of Yashka)

How do boys behave when they go fishing? (Yashka considers himself a specialist in fishing, so he turns up his nose in front of Volodya.) Who is Yashka's new friend, whom he is going to show real fishing? (Volodya - a visitor from Moscow)

What kind of knowledge about nature, about the world around, did the village resident Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya? (Yashka said that a loud crackling in the field means the sound of a tractor, that they have all kinds of fish in the river; identified the voices of birds; explained how to catch a thrush)

How do the boys behave when fishing? (all changes in Yashka's mood are now related to fishing, he wants to show himself as a real expert in fishing; Volodya is clumsy, lost his balance and fell into the water)

What feelings does Yashka experience, realizing that Volodya is drowning? (at first fear, but then, overcoming his fear, Yashka jumped into the water, then the horror that Volodya would drown him; then again the desire to save Volodya)

Re-read expressively the passage that helps to understand the feelings of Yashka after saving Volodya. What feelings does Yashka experience at this moment? (a feeling of fear for Volodya's life, a feeling of pity and compassion that give rise to love for one's neighbor)

The image of Volodya. The city boy is the complete opposite of Yashka: he was going fishing in boots. The guys quarreled over a trifle, so they are angry with each other. But Volodya has a softer and more compliant character, so he does not ask unnecessary questions, fearing to anger Yashka even more. Gradually, thanks to Volodya's complete delight from the early morning walk, the tension between the boys subsides, they begin to have a lively conversation about fishing. Yashka readily talks about the peculiarities of biting at dawn, about the fish that is found in the local reservoirs, explains the sounds heard in the forest, talks about the river. Future fishing brings the boys closer. Nature, as it were, is in tune with the mood of the characters: it attracts with its beauty. Volodya, like Yashka, begins to feel nature, the gloomy pool of the river confuses with its depth. After some time, Volodya fell into the water.

How is Volodya different from Yashka? (Volodya is a city dweller who has never fished, never seen real fogs, never woke up so early; Yashka has been living in the village since childhood, walks barefoot, catches fish, knows how to communicate with nature)

5) Artistic features story.

Find in the text of the story synonyms for the word fog. (large duvet, stingy owner)

Find one of the descriptions of nature (description of morning, fog, river). Determine its role in the text of a work of art. (Nature in this work is not the usual background against which the main plot twists and turns unfold. The landscape helps the writer to reveal the psychological state of the characters, to convey their emotional experiences. The village boy Yashka got up very early to prepare for fishing with his city friend Volodya. Narration in the story begins with a description of the fog that enveloped the entire village early in the morning: "The village, like a big duvet, was covered with fog. Nearby houses were still visible, distant ones were barely visible as dark spots, and even further, towards the river, nothing was visible anymore and, it seemed that there had never been a windmill on a hill, or a fire tower, or a school, or a forest on the horizon ... "Thanks to the comparisons and metaphors used, the reader imagines the picture that opens before him. The spreading fog is a kind of impersonal hero of the story: he then recedes before boys going fishing, "opening more and more houses and barns and a school and long rows of milky-white farm buildings", then "as if a miserly owner" shows it all for only a minute and then closes behind again. The pool of the river, where the boys came to fish, warns the guys about their danger. To describe it, the writer uses the following epithets and comparisons: “it overflowed with deep gloomy pools”, “rare heavy splashes were heard in the pools”, “it smelled of dampness, clay and mud, the water was black”, “it was damp, gloomy and cold”. Nature, as it were, warns the boys of impending danger, but Yashka and Volodya do not see this warning, their desire to start fishing as soon as possible is too great. The serene landscape contrasts with the terrible events that happened to the boys while fishing, when Volodya almost died, so the story constantly repeats the phrase: “the sun shone brightly, and the leaves of the bushes and willows shone ... everything was the same as always , everything breathed peace and silence, and a quiet morning stood above the earth ... ”, but Yashka, who saw Volodya drowning, was restless in his soul, therefore, having gathered all his strength, Yashka came to the aid of a friend and saved him from inevitable death. So, nature in the story of Yu.P. Kazakov "Quiet Morning" helps to reveal the inner experiences of the characters, to convey their feelings.)

1) Features of the genre of the work. The work of Yu. P. Kazakov belongs to the genre of the story.
2) Themes and problems of the story. Problem - a question posed by the author on the pages artwork. Problematics - a set of problems considered in a work of art.
– What problems does Yu. P. Kazakov touch upon in his story “Quiet Morning? (conscience, duty, love of neighbor, love of nature, etc.) Explain your thought.
- How does the writer try to solve the problem of the relationship between boys?

(the writer prepared a difficult test for his heroes)
3) Features of the plot of the work. The description of the events that happened to the boys unfolds against the backdrop of nature.
- How the story "Quiet Morning" begins. Yu. P. Kazakov? (from a description of the early morning and the fog that almost completely covered the village)
4) Characteristics of the heroes of the story. In Yuri Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning", two boys are depicted as the main characters: the city dweller Volodya and the simple village boy Yashka.
(see characteristics of heroes)

5) Artistic features of the story.
- Find synonyms in the text of the story

by the way fog, (big duvet, stingy owner)
Find one of the descriptions of nature (description of morning, fog, river). Determine its role in the text of a work of art. (Nature in this work is not the usual background against which the main plot twists and turns unfold. The landscape helps the writer to reveal the psychological state of the characters, to convey their emotional experiences. The village boy Yashka got up very early to prepare for fishing with his city friend Volodya. Narration in the story begins with a description of the fog that shrouded the whole village early in the morning: "The village, like a big duvet, was covered with fog. The nearest houses were still visible, the distant ones were barely visible as dark spots, and further, towards the river, nothing was visible anymore and, it seemed that there had never been a windmill on a hill, or a fire tower, or a school, or a forest on the horizon ... "Thanks to the comparisons and metaphors used, the reader imagines the picture that opens before him. The spreading fog is a kind of impersonal hero of the story: he either retreats in front of the boys, going fishing, “opening more and more houses and sheds and a school and long rows of milky white farm buildings”, then “as if a miserly owner” shows it all for only a minute and then closes behind again. The pool of the river, where the boys came to fish, warns the guys about their danger. To describe it, the writer uses the following epithets and comparisons: “it overflowed with deep gloomy pools”, “rare heavy splashes were heard in the pools”, “it smelled of dampness, clay and mud, the water was black”, “it was damp, gloomy and cold”. Nature, as it were, warns the boys of impending danger, but Yashka and Volodya do not see this warning, their desire to start fishing as soon as possible is too great. The serene landscape contrasts with the terrible events that happened to the boys while fishing, when Volodya almost died, so the story constantly repeats the phrase: “the sun shone brightly, and the leaves of the bushes and willows shone ... everything was the same as always, everything it breathed peace and silence, and a quiet morning stood above the earth ... ”, but Yashka, who saw Volodya drowning, was restless in his soul, therefore, having gathered all his strength, Yashka came to his friend’s help and saved him from inevitable death. So, nature in Yu. P. Kazakov’s story “Quiet Morning” helps to reveal the inner experiences of the characters, to convey their feelings.)
- What is the purpose of the author describing the village? (to convey the feelings and moods of the characters; the village in the wee hour is extraordinary)
- Explain the meaning of the title of the story by Yu. P. Kazakov “Quiet Morning”? (The very title of Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov’s story “Quiet Morning” captures one of the phenomena of nature. Indeed, all the action of the work takes place in the early summer morning. But this name was not given by the writer in order to accurately determine the time of the action. The silence of the morning allows Yu. Kazakov to see the beauty of nature, and also highlights the culminating event that happened to the main characters of the story on a fishing trip. “Quiet Morning” - the contrast of nature and the trials that befell the boys are emphasized.)
- Explain the features of the finale of the story, (in the finale, a description of nature is given, which evokes a joyful, bright feeling in the reader; nature itself is happy with such a favorable finale of the story)

Other works on this topic:

  1. Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov is a prose writer of the second half of the twentieth century. The writer has a special ability: to write about typical things, but to characterize them from an unusual side. In the story...
  2. The genre of the work is a psychological story. There are two heroes - a village resident Yashka and his new acquaintance, who came from Moscow to stay, Volodya. The basis of the plot is the behavior of two ...
  3. Analysis of the work The genre of the work is a psychological story. There are two heroes - a village resident Yashka and his new acquaintance, who came from Moscow to stay, Volodya. The basis of the story is...
  4. The story of Yu. P. Kazakov “Quiet Morning” is intended for both the small and adult reader, because in the center of the story is the child’s overcoming not at all ...
  5. Literary analysis. The story of Yu. P. Kazakov “Quiet Morning” is intended for both small and adult readers, because in the center of the story is the child's overcoming ...
  6. Retelling plan 1. Yashka wakes up very early to go fishing. 2. Yashka wakes up Volodya and starts bullying him. 3. The guys go to the river. They...
  7. Volodya Volodya - one of the main characters of the story by Yu. P. Kazakov "Quiet Morning", a Moscow resident who stayed in the village. Volodya is a typical city boy. He is more accommodating...

Synopsis of a lesson in literature in grade 8

Subject: “And there was no one to cry out for help…” Yu.P.Kazakov. "Quiet Morning"


- education of moral qualities, such as kindness, empathy, courage, love and respect for a person;

- briefly introduce students to the work of Yu.P. Kazakov;

Continue work on developing skills to write a characterization literary hero, answer questions, argue;

- to stimulate the cognitive activity of students through solving problem situations in working with text.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

The line dividing good and evil runs through every human heart.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

2. Teacher's word.

Yuri Kazakov had a remarkable gift for speaking simply and unsophisticatedly about important and complex issues human life, to give their answers to the eternal questions: why and how should a person live? What is the most important thing in his life? But speaking of serious things, the writer is so skillfully able to captivate us with the dynamic course of events, the conviction of the importance of what is happening, that we do not even notice how unobtrusively the author reveals to us his soul, his idea of ​​the world and man.

Before us is a photograph of the writer. Let's look at this smart and kind face, let's not miss the deep look directed at us, and the posture of a person immersed in thought...
Strokes for the portrait. When the fifteen-year-old Arbat boy Yura Kazakov dreamed of the future, he did not imagine himself a writer. He was drawn to music. Therefore, after graduating from the architectural and construction technical school after school, he enters the famous Gnesinka (Gnessin Music College in Moscow) and receives a specialty in the double bass class. Two years after school Kazakov studied music, but could not find a permanent job, and the passion for literature that began led him in 1953 to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. All years of study and after Y.Kazakov traveled a lot around the country. He went in for mountain climbing, fished, walked a lot, hunted.
The young writer became a hunter in order to win over people.
With a gun and hunting boots, he looked at the fire his own, understandable and close. Such an interlocutor can, without hiding, tell a lot.
And he was a poor shooter. Home “hunt” Kazakova was not for game, but for her future stories.

Kazakov's best stories are always based on some real case or everyday situation, drawn from life and valuable for its authenticity, although, of course, the author does not limit himself to this. Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov he was a very kind and generous person. He treated people tenderly, sometimes embarrassed by his tenderness and hiding it behind mock severity. Kazakov has many stories about children and for children. They attract with sincerity of intonation, fascination, joyful surprise at the miracle of living life. Kazakov in most of his works appears to the reader as a writer whom concerned about the problems of the meaning of life and happiness, moral purity and moral ugliness. What qualities do you need to have to be called a Human? How should one live? What underlies human behavior? All these questions arise in the mind when you read the story "Quiet Morning".

3. Genre of the work. Theme, idea.

a) - In the topic of the lesson, the genre of the work is already defined - a story.

What is a story?

Prove that "Silent Morning" is a story.

b) Plan
1. Early in the morning.

2. Yashka wakes up Volodya.

3. On the way to fishing.

4. Fishing.

5. Volodya is drowning.

6. Saving Volodya.

c) - The analysis of any story begins with the definition of its theme and idea.

What is theme of the story? (Friendship of two boys, mutual assistance, mutual assistance).

3. Work on the epigraph, the topic of the lesson.

How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph? (a person does good or evil, passes through his heart, and it will certainly be reflected in his soul, leave some trace, teach something, develop some qualities: good or bad).

The theme of our lesson is "And there was no one to cry for help ...". Open your notebooks, write down the date and the topic of the lesson.

At home, you read Y. Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning". Based on the topic, epigraph, what do you think we will talk about today? (we will talk about the main characters - Yasha and Volodya; consider and comprehend the act that Yasha did; what they thought, felt; about good and evil, understand the idea of ​​the story).

We will also talk about the work of Y. Kazakov, pay attention to the role of landscape in the work.

The epigraph contains the words “good and evil”, how do you understand the meaning of these words?

(Good - actions we perform for the benefit of others, even if we must sacrifice ourselves; evil - actions we perform to the detriment of others to achieve our own goals).

Tell us what you know about Kazakov? (student presentation, story about Y. Kazakov) 3. Analysis of the story "Quiet morning".

Let's take a look at the main characters in the story.

a) Quiz "Know the hero"

1) “Having sprinkled fresh earth on the worms, he ran down the path, crossed over the wattle fence and made his way back to the barn, where his new friend was sleeping in the hayloft.”
2) “Okay, let ... Let him mock. They still recognize me. I won't let them laugh! Just think, the importance of walking barefoot is great! What imaginations!”

3) "He trembled, touching the cold body, looking at the dead, motionless face, he was in a hurry and felt so tired, so unhappy."

4) “He leaned on his weak hands, got up, as if he was going to run somewhere immediately, but fell down again, again started coughing convulsively, splashing water and writhing on

raw grass."

b) Working with text.

Where does the story begin? (from the description of the morning). This morning promises a beautiful day.

Compare heroes:

    how did they wake up

    were going fishing

    on the way to fishing

    while fishing

    rescue Volodya.

Find in the text and read how the boys wake up and get ready for fishing.

What traits of their character and behavior are manifested here?

Read the passage, how Yasha reacted to such an awakening of Volodya.

Write down the keywords in the characteristics of the heroes:



"lark", strong-willed, "overcame himself"

dexterous, energetic ("merrily trotted to the barn")rustic, close to nature

arrogant, arrogant, bold

clumsy, unorganized, slow

urban, reserved, purposeful

snarky, rude, impulsive

modest, reserved

braggart, outgoing


connoisseur of nature, likes to tell tall tales, self-confident

knows how to appreciate beauty

inquisitive, more educated than Yashka, not self-confident

knows how to appreciate beauty

both of them are kind, cordial, ready to help each other

Which means of expression does the author use here? (Metaphor, colloquial vocabulary)

Biting expressions in the literature are called IRONY. AND ronia = ridicule, ridicule.

How does Volodya behave in response to Yasha's causticity? What qualities of character are shown here?
- Can Volodya overcome difficulties on the way to his goal?

(Yes. He was hastily tying his shoelaces...)

Can Volodya be accused of servility? Why?

Reread the dialogue between the guys on the way to go fishing.

How does Yasha's behavior differ from Volodya's?

What else were the guys talking about? (about heard sounds, about octopuses)

How are their characters manifested in these fragments?

(I am a connoisseur of nature, loves to tell tall tales, self-confident

V. - inquisitive, more educated than Yashka, not self-confident)

V)Artistic retelling"Description of the River".

What did the guys see the river when they approached it? “We went to the hillock ...” to the words: “Volodya was ready ...”) - The river is seen equally beautiful by both Volodya and Yasha. Write in the table: they know how to appreciate beauty.

What do the boys talk about while fishing? (on how to fish properly)

Has Yasha always succeeded in fishing? Prove with words from the text.

(I am inclined to attribute my guilt to another, not admitting my mistakes)

Look at the table. Are the guys similar? Can they be considered friends? Why?

G) "Volodya is drowning."

But fate prepared a terrible test for Yasha and Volodya. Selective retellingthis test.“But at this moment the earth ...” to the words: “Volodya’s eyes darkened ...”

In this dramatic situation, Volodya becomes an accidental victim, and Yasha, obeying the natural instinct of self-preservation, first runs away from the scene. Only fear owns the boy in these moments. But another unaccountable feeling makes him return to the disastrous place. What is this feeling?
(Shame for hitting Volodya in the water, mutual assistance, mutual assistance)

How to explain that Yashka, after everything ended happily, there was nothing on

light sweeter than the pale, frightened, suffering face of Volodya?

Change the situation, change the boys places. What would Volodya do if Yasha was drowning?

e) Draw a conclusion-characteristic for both boys.

- Now we can safely say that, despite all the differences between the boys, they are both kind, cordial, ready to help each other. The mutual assistance that Yasha shows changes our attitude towards this hero. It is, indeed, the measure of a person's morality.

What role does the description of nature play in the story? How does nature change? Early morning, fog, silence - the motive of alertness, incomprehensibility, perhaps tragedy and even death sounds; the sun is a motive of light, joy, life; again dead silence, the description of the whirlpool is a danger; the sun is the victory of life over death. At the very beginning of the story, there is no harmony between man and nature. And only at the end of the story is there really a quiet morning: the sun is shining brightly, the earth rejoices in a new bright day, and Yashka and Volodya are very happy, happy that Volodya did not drown ...

5. - What is the story idea?

(The idea is to remain human in any circumstances; the mutual assistance shown by Yashka in relation to Volodya can be considered a measure of human morality.Friendship is known in trouble).

6. - Let's try to look into the future of heroes. Will they become friends? Why are you so

think? (The main thing in life is to remain a Human, in spite of any trials, to be kind, merciful)

7. Reflection.

1) What feelings did you have after reading the story?

Is it possible to unequivocally evaluate a person, whether he is good or evil?

Let's return to the epigraph: “The line separating good and evil passes through every human heart”, you said that there should be more good in a person, now each of you will write on stickers what good is.

Are the questions raised in Y. Kazakov's story modern today? Why?
2) “A hero is one who creates life in spite of death, who conquers death,” M. Gorky argued. Can Yashka be called a hero, and his behavior - heroic?

3) - Yulia Drunina writes about what we should all strive to be in the poem “Daughter's Order”.
You can't live without mistakes,
If the whole century does not vegetate in silence.
Only b, daughter, there were these mistakes
Not from poverty - from the generosity of the soul.
It doesn't matter that you reach for a lot:
It's bad if it doesn't lead to anything.
We are not always on the right track
Let's break through the darkness right now.
But when you break through - do not turn off -
And don't call your mom for help...
I want to be clean and lucky
You were in work and in love.
If someone suddenly deceives bitterly,
It will be difficult, but you will survive.
Worse, if you love by calculation
And put a lie in your heart.
Don't be cruel to the guilty
And you yourself are guilty - confess.
Still, we are people, not machines,
Still, life is hard...

With this poem I would like to end our conversation about morality. And if each of us tries to help another in a difficult situation, then life will become better, and we will all be a little kinder and more merciful.

8. Houses: Write a description of Yasha or Volodya, using the table compiled in the lesson and the textbook material.

The genre of the work is a psychological story. There are two heroes - a village resident Yashka and his new acquaintance, who came from Moscow to stay, Volodya. The basis of the plot is the behavior of two guys, completely different in character and way of thinking, in an extreme situation.

The plot - preparing the boys for fishing, a morning walk around the village. The climax is the situation when Volodya almost drowned, and Yashkin's flight from the scene of a possible tragedy. But Yashka overcame his fear, and everything ended well. The denouement is the salvation of Volodya and the fact that he is alive and can talk. Experienced emotions find an outlet in tears.

The writer considers all the nuances - from Yashka's irritation with the ineptness of the "capital thing" to the desire of the city dweller Volodya to please him, animal fear and a sense of self-preservation that recede before Yashka's conscience and the voice of reason. Volodin's helplessness is a measure of Yashkin's decency.

Essays on topics:

  1. Yashka is a village boy. He promised to take Muscovite Volodya with him on a fishing trip. Yashka knows fishing spots, according to him, ...
  2. In the early morning, when it was still dark in the hut, and the mother was not milking the cow, Yashka got up, found his old pants and ...
  3. When we think of good stories, Chekhov, Turgenev, Bunin most often come to mind. But it would be a mistake to assume that...
  4. The meaning of the article is transparent: these are memories of the past. The situation itself has them: the hero is on the road. They don't distract him...
  5. Written in 1885 (and then published in the journal "Shards"), the story "Salted" refers to the early humorous stories of A....
  6. Kazakov's early stories remained in the circle of permitted cordiality. The story "Blue and Green" (1956) is highly indicative. Kazakov said...
  7. Yuri Kazakov's story "On the Road" is devoted to the theme of social changes in the village in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century. The main characters of the story are...

Synopsis of a Literature Lesson

Subject: Yu.P.Kazakov. Quiet morning story. Mutual relations of children, mutual assistance, mutual assistance. The feat of the boy and the joy of his own good deed.

Teacher: A.V. Stepanova, MKOUSOSH No. 38, Tula

Grade: 7

Lesson Objectives:

A) Didactic: to introduce students to the work of Yu.P. Kazakov; follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of the main characters of the story "Quiet Morning"; pay attention to the role of descriptions of nature in the disclosure inner world heroes; improve the skills of analyzing an epic work, compiling the characteristics of heroes, and expressive reading.

B) Developing: develop oral speech, attention, imagination; develop the ability to analyze, compare, compare; to continue the formation of the aesthetic culture of the personality of schoolchildren.

C) Educational: to cultivate respect, sympathy, compassion for a person.

Type of lesson: lesson learning new material

Equipment: computer, screen, projector, speakers, Power Point presentation; table "Characteristics of the hero. Yashka", "Characteristics of the hero. Volodya”, “Landscape as a means of characterization of heroes”.

During the classes.

slide 1

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Teacher's word.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of Yu.P. Kazakov. This writer rather late began to think about devoting himself to literary work. He graduated from the music school in Moscow. For three years he played in symphony and jazz orchestras. And only at the age of 26, Yuri Kazakov enters the Literary Institute.

slide 2

His very first stories brought success: "Arcturus the Hound Dog", "On the Road", "Blue and Green", "Two in December". His stories are based, as a rule, on a real case. Such is the story "Quiet Morning". This is what we are going to talk about today. Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov is an honest, truthful, sincere writer, not hiding anything disadvantageous for his heroes. He cares moral issues. How should one live? What qualities do you need to have? What underlies human behavior? What is good? What is evil? In the story "Quiet Morning" the writer appears before us as a subtle psychologist, revealing the most hidden corners of his characters. And the reader must decide for himself how good Kazakov's characters are.

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  1. Setting the task of the lesson.

Teacher: To better understand the nature of the actions of the characters in the story, I suggest you answer the question:what is good and evil?

slide 3

Children: Good - actions that we perform for the benefit of others, even if at the same time we have to sacrifice ourselves; evil is the actions we do to harm others in order to achieve our own goals.

Teacher: Do you think that good and evil exist exclusively in the external world, or does it live in the soul of a person, comes from a person?

Children: Good and evil exist in the human soul.

Teacher: What are the names of the main characters of the story "Quiet Morning". Who was good and who was evil?

Children: children's answers.

Teacher: Can we unambiguously assess a person, unequivocally say whether he is good or evil? Why?

Children: it is impossible, in the soul of a person there is a constant struggle between good and evil, moral “ups” and moral “falls” are also characteristic of a person.

Teacher: So in the story “Quiet Morning”, heroes with the strengths and weaknesses of their souls appear before us.Our task today is to observe the heroes, their actions, to understand the reasons for these actions.During the lesson, you will fill in the tables: the first row characterizes Yashka, the second - Volodya, the third - considers the landscape as a means of characterizing the characters.

  1. Analysis of the work.

slide 4

Teacher: briefly describe the main characters of the storyby answering the questions:

  1. Where does the boy live?
  2. How does he feel in the village?
  3. What is the hero's attitude towards fishing?

Children's answers.

Actually in the story there is a clash of two cultures: urban and rural.The world of Yashka is limited by his village, and the world of Volodya by the city. On the pages of the story, a description of the first contact, the contact of seemingly opposite worlds unfolds.

slide 5

Problem statement:So our characters are very different. In this regard, in the process of analyzing the story, I ask you to think about the question: can Yashka and Volodya, who have a different understanding of the world, come to an understanding? Why?

Teacher: The story begins with the awakening of Yashka.What was the boy's mood like?Find words in the text that support this.(p.182 - last paragraph, p.183)

Children: The boy was in a joyful mood. This is confirmed by the following words: he overcame himself, jumped off the porch, trotted merrily, ran, rolled over the fence, whistled.

Group 1 - filling in the table.

Children: The description of a quiet, joyful morning corresponds to the mood of Yashka. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Peaceful joyful dawn inspired artists and musicians. Listenexcerpt from piece of music composer M. Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River"to better understand the mood of Yashka.

slide 6

Listening to a piece of music.

What is the composer's morning like? What feelings did you have?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Readmorning conversation between Yashka and Volodya.

Children: reading by roles

Teacher: Do you thinkWhy was there a conflict between the boys? Why did Yashka lose his mood?

Children: Yashka did not receive the expected recognition.

Teacher: Find keywords that characterize state of Yashka (Group 1 - filling in the table - p. 183)

Children: I got angry, answered angrily, looked with disdain, the beauty of the morning was poisoned, contemptuously asked, got bored, sarcastically.

Teacher: And how does Volodya react to the conflict?Find the words that characterize the boy's condition (Group 2 - filling out the table, p. 184)

Children: He kept silent, blushed, answered through his teeth, trembled with resentment with his nostrils, was ready to burst into tears, waited for this morning, suffered, was angry with himself, seemed to himself awkward and pitiful, looked with envy and admiration.

Teacher: And so our heroes go fishing.How do they behave on the road? Read.

Slide 7.

Children: At first the boys walk in silence.

Teacher: How is Yasha doing?

Children: he feels like a master, he is on his own land, he knows about everything that happens here: about the sounds of the village, about the birds, about fishing. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: When does Volodya get fun?

Slide 8

Children: When the boys talked at the well, and Yashka invited Volodya to catch big fish in the barrel in the evening and burn a fire at night. Volodya felt a little "one of his own", and he began to have fun. He felt the beauty of the morning. Group 2 - filling in the table.

Consider episodes of fishing.

Teacher: Where did the boys go fishing? Finddescription of the pool (p.188, paragraph 5). How does the description of nature change? Why?

Slide 9

Children: read the description of the pool (gloom, it smelled of dampness, black water, willows covered the sky). The state of nature portends future trouble. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Teacher: The guys have chosen a place. Fishing has begun.What does Yashka feel when the first fish breaks from him? How does the author convey Yashka's feelings? (p.190)

Children: Yashka was ashamed. He blamed Volodya for the failures. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Have you ever felt like this in your life?

Children's answers.

There are still misunderstandings between the characters. The conflict is no longer external, but internal. Boys don't try to understand each other.

Let's analyze the episode when Volodya starts to sink (pp. 191 - 192).

Teacher: What feelings does Yashka experience, realizing that Volodya is drowning?Find words that show his feelings.

Children: Yashka feels fear, but hopes that everything worked out somehow. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Why, without running even 10 steps, Yashka stopped, as if stumbling, feeling that “it’s impossible to run away”?

Children: Yashka realized that Volodya's life depends only on him. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: What actions does Yashka take and how does it end?

Children: Yashka tries to save Volodya, but a drowning man grabs Yashka and drowns him. Yashka understands that he himself can die, so he pushes Volodya away.

Teacher's comment: The author describes very subtlythe psychology of a drowning person.Volodya did not intentionally drown Yashka. The drowning instinctively grasp at whatever can save them. Therefore, inexperienced rescuers often die along with those they rescue.

Children: read the passage. Nature is still quiet and calm, and in the life of Yashka, an "unprecedented" has just happened. nature and internal state boy are opposed - antithesis. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Yashka is again trying to save Volodya. When Yashka sees a comrade immovable under water, he is still afraid that Volodya will grab him again. But Volodya can no longer do this.How does the story end?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Why is Yashka crying so bitterly and inconsolably?Can we say that tears indicate weakness of character?

Children: Yashka had not yet seriously encountered life, with its severity, unpredictability, he experienced a feeling of fear for Volodya's life, he was horrified at the thought that Volodya could drown, felt sorry for him. This tragic event shocked Yashka, left a mark on both boys. From a feeling of pity and compassion, love for a person, love for one's neighbor, is born. 1.2 groups - filling in the table.

Teacher: The final paragraph says that everyone rejoiced at the new bright day. Why does the story end with these words?

Children: A new day has begun not only in nature, but also in the souls of boys. Yashka not only saved Volodya. He rose to a new moral height, overcoming anger, irritation, fear for his life. Through feelings of pity and compassion, a real one came to Yashka. true love which alone must reign in the human soul. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Slide 10

  1. An answer to a problematic question.

Will Yashka and Volodya, who have different ideas about the world, be able to come to an understanding? Why?

Children's answers.

  1. Homework.

1 row - characteristic of Yashka.

2nd row - characteristic of Volodya.

3 row - landscape as a means of characterizing the characters.

The task is prepared according to the tables that the groups filled out in the lesson.

slide 11

  1. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Exercise "Plus - minus - interesting"

  1. Putting marks.


Characteristics of the hero.


Slides captions:

Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov. Quiet morning story. Relationships of children. The feat of the boy and the joy of his own good deed.


Brief description of the heroes Where was the hero born? 2. How does the boy feel in the village? 3. How does the hero feel about fishing?

On the way to go fishing "... The guys silently, without looking at each other, walked down the street." Volodya "... looked with frank envy and even admiration at Yashka's bare feet, and at a canvas bag for fish, and at patched trousers and a gray shirt worn especially for fishing."

Volodya became unusually cheerful, and only now did he feel how good it was to leave the house in the morning. How nice and easy it is to breathe, how you want to run along this soft road, rush at full speed, bouncing and squealing with delight!

Isaac Levitan "At the pool" Isaac Levitan "The lake" "...Here, by the water, it was damp, gloomy and cold."

The problematic question Will Yashka and Volodya, who have a different idea of ​​the world, be able to come to an understanding? Why?

"Plus - minus - interesting" What did you like at the lesson that caused positive emotions? What didn’t you like about the lesson, caused dislike, seemed boring? Interesting Facts who I learned in the lesson, what else I would like to know on this topic, questions to the teacher