
1. Development of teamwork skills, team building.

2. Strengthening a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, humanization of relations.

3. Education in schoolchildren of universal and moral values spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Role set: presenters, jury, 3 teams.

Material used: three sheets of A4 format, three scarves, three felt-tip pens - for the captains' competition, three packs of paper clips - for the "Chain" competition, cards with questions - for the "Quiz" competition, three balls and three skittles - for the relay "If you went out with a friend to way...”, three rolls of toilet paper - for the competition “Mummy”, evaluation sheet for the jury.

Preparatory stage:

Each team is given a task - to prepare a name and motto; fans (girls) are preparing posters on the theme: "Defenders of the Fatherland Day" for the poster contest.

Evaluation criteria:

Team presentation - max 10 points.

Competition 1 - warm-up "Verbal fight" - I place - 5 points;

II place - 4 points; III place - 3 points.

Competition 2 - "Competition of captains" - for each of the tasks - 5 points.

Competition 3 - "Chain" - I place - 5 points, II place - 4 points,

III place - 3 points.

Competition 4 - "Quiz" for each correct answer - 1 point.

Competition 5 - relay race "If you went on a journey with a friend ..." - I place - 5 points, II place - 4 points, III place - 3 points.

Competition 6 - "Mummy" - max 10 points.

Fan competition - poster competition - max 10 points.

Event progress

1st leader. Today is not just a February day, today is a special day. We have gathered to congratulate our boys on the Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

On February 23, 1918, the Red Army was formed. And this day began to be celebrated as the birthday of the Red Army.

After the formation of the USSR, this holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army. Later it was called the Day of the Armed Forces and the Navy. And now February 23 is the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

But this day has always been a holiday for men. And today we glorify the defenders of the Fatherland.

We wish you all to become strong, courageous, brave, to protect the weak, to become worthy representatives of our Motherland.

And now you can show your courage, courage, resourcefulness and solidarity.

1st student.

We will guide you together -

Waiting for that great success

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will go into battle one for all.

2nd student.

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a miss

Who will be friendlier -

He will win in battle.

1st presenter. Dear teams, now you need to choose a captain and adequately represent your team.

In the meantime, our teams are preparing, we present you the jury.

2nd host. Often the defenders of the Fatherland have to deal with weapons. How many types of weapons do you know? Let's check it out.

Our the first competition is called "Word Fight". You must remember as many weapon names as possible and, without repeating yourself, name them in turn. The team that remembers the most names wins.

1st presenter. Our the second competition - "Competition of captains". After all, often the success of the whole team depends on the captains, as they show themselves.

If the captain proves to be strong, courageous and resourceful, then his team will be united and successful. We ask the captains to come out, and let the teams support them.

a) Every captain, first of all, must be strong. Therefore, let's see which of you pushes the floor more times. (The captains do push-ups in turn, and the teams and fans count.)

b) Also the captain must be hardy. Which of you will hold the girl in your arms the longest?

c) In order to find a way out of a difficult situation and not let his comrades down, the captain must be resourceful.

We found out that you know many types of weapons, but can you draw a tank with your eyes closed?

The captains are blindfolded, brought to the board, on which sheet A4 is attached. give a marker in hand.

2nd leader. The success of our soldiers in battle is determined by the fact that they support each other and do not leave their comrades in trouble.

With our next competition, which is called "The Chain", we will test the cohesion of the team, the ability to help each other and act in concert.

You are offered the same number of staples. The team that quickly collects one chain from them will win this competition.

On the count of three, the teams begin the task.

1st leader. Defenders of the Fatherland are distinguished not only by strength, courage and endurance. A true defender of the Fatherland must be smart and well-read.

Next competition - "Quiz".

Captains receive cards with questions and the whole team answers them.

The answer is written on the card. The captains announce the answers aloud. If the answer is not written on the card, the verbal answer will not be protected. You have three minutes for this task.

Time has gone!


1. What formidable weapon bears the girl's name? (Katyusha.)

2. In what year was the Red Army formed? (In 1918)

3. What weapon is named after its inventor? (Kalashnikov assault rifle.)

4. What are shoulder badges called in the Russian army? (epaulettes.)

5. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Cabin boy.)

6. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

7. What device can be used to determine the cardinal points? (Using a compass.)

1st leader. Fighting bravely on the battlefield, a soldier may be injured. And who will help him if not a friend?

Our final competition - "Mummy".

Imagine that your captain is wounded in the arm. You need to bandage it, do it quickly and efficiently.

Each team is given one roll of toilet paper. After the students have bandaged the captain's hand, they approach the jury, which evaluates the quality of the completed task.

1st leader. While the teams are doing the task, let's hold a "Fan Contest" - a poster contest.

The jury evaluates this competition.

2nd host. So, now let's give time to the distinguished jury to sum up the results of the tournament. Meanwhile, we will hold a “military song contest”. Let's split into two teams by class together with the fans. Your task is to remember as many songs related to the military theme as possible and sing them.

1st leader. And now we give the floor to the jury.

The jury announces the winners of the tournament and awards them with diplomas.

1st student.

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition.

Ensuring success.

2nd student.

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short:

We say goodbye to everyone

Until happy new meetings!”.

In Russia, February 23, for many years, celebrate the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Unofficially, many Russians celebrate it as Men's Day. Congratulations are accepted by men of all ages: both small and old. To make the holiday a success and be remembered, you can spend interesting contests and games. Contests for February 23, for boys are presented to your attention.

1 contest "Intelligence"

1. The outcome of the battle in our favor. (victory)

2. What a soldier thinks and what he eats. (bowler)

3. Big naval chief. (admiral)

4. Warship. (cruiser)

5. Favorite fish of sailors. (herring)

6. Bang, bang and past. (milk)

7. Combat vehicle. (tank)

8. Sea cook. (cook)

9. For her, and “it’s not at all scary to die ...” (homeland)

10. "It's hard to study ...". (easy in combat)

11. "Who will come to Russian land with a sword ...". (he will die by the sword)

12. What are the military ranks. (private, foreman, sergeant, corporal, ensign, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general) 13. Name the outstanding military leaders. (Kutuzov, Suvorov, Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Eremenko, Chuikov)

14. Name the types of small arms. (pistol, rifle, machine gun, machine gun, flamethrower, grenade launcher, ultrasound, musket, mortar)

2 competition "Quickness" Who will inflate the balloon faster. (who will quickly disassemble and assemble a pen, Lego, etc.)

3 competition "Agility" Who will keep the balloon on his head longer. (you can toss your head)

4 competition "Strength" Amwrestling in two teams to identify the winners. Competition of the strongest pair ("best of the best")

5 competition "Ingenuity"

Which month has 28 days? (in every month)

What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she sleeps in winter)

What is the giraffe in front and the walrus behind? (letter G)

Why do hungry wolves go around in winter? (on the ground)

What happens to a cat when it turns 2 years old? (third goes)

How much does a three-ruble bun cost? (3 rubles)

What do crocodile, monkey and man have? (letter O)

What is above us upside down? (fly)

Why do ships go to sea? (from shore)

Team captains (or those who wish from the team) and one girl from each class participate. The girls must either be chosen by the teacher or invited by the participant himself, then at the end of the competition the quality of the invitation is also evaluated. A prerequisite: the team captain compliments a girl from another class. The captains speak in turn and the one who compliments last wins, and the opponent will not be able to add anything more. The leading teacher must ensure that the words are not repeated, and the captains say compliments while looking at the girls, and not to the side. Time for the competition - 2-3 minutes.

All participants are divided into 2 teams. Two people from the team are blindfolded. One of them is given a marker, the other a sheet of paper. They are given the task to draw a House, a cat, etc. The rest tell how and to whom to move the sheet or what to draw. The result is confusion. The team with the most realistic drawing wins.

On the eve of the men's holiday, I want to hold a very interesting and fun concert at the school, so that it will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, many teachers and parents have a question: how to celebrate February 23 at school in a fun way to be remembered for a long time? You can organize an unusual holiday with a variety of competitions and games. To do this, you should carefully consider an interesting idea, determine the most funny contests to the day of the defender of the fatherland. It is very important to have a joyful and wonderful holiday.

When holding a school holiday on February 23, you need to come up with a wide variety of competitions.

You can use the following:

  • Competition Defenders. This competition on February 23 for the school is best done with friends in high school. For its implementation, it is necessary to divide all the boys into several teams. In any team, you need to send several girls. On a signal, each boy should move a classmate to the opposite side. The winner is the team that will cope with the conditions in the shortest time, as well as who will have more girls on the opposite side.
  • Characteristic. For given task girls need to be involved. To do this, it is necessary to prepare each piece of paper with a pen, the teacher must prepare certain cards with the names and surnames of classmates. Each schoolgirl comes to the table, chooses a card, and in a certain time gives a description to a classmate whose name will be written on the card. It is necessary to select beautiful epithets that describe the character and behavior of the student. The girl who has the most adjectives in a certain time wins.
  • The battle. If the question arises: how interesting it is to celebrate February 23 at school with classmates, you need to remember about a fun and funny competition. To carry it out, you need to borrow a bench from the gym, prepare two pillows. Two boys stand on opposite sides, on command they begin to fight with pillows, the one who stands on a small bench wins, you can also come up with several rounds, the winner will be the one who has more victories.

Funny contests

Congratulations to the boys

  • Strongest. For this competition, a certain number of matchboxes should be prepared, and the inside must be removed. After that, put the upper part on the box, on command, each student must flatten the matchbox with one blow. The winner is the one who can best flatten the box.
  • Minefield. For this competition it is necessary for the whole class to be divided into two teams. After that, arrange bottles of soda water. The essence of the competition is that it is necessary for each team member to run to the opposite side of the class, running around all the bottles, while not touching them. Go back the same way. The best team is the one that completes the task faster and more accurately.
  • Rope. Competition for boys is best done for students primary school. To do this, you need to divide all the students into two teams, prepare a rope. The essence of the competition is to pull the rope to your side. The competition can be made fun and provocative, hold several stages. The team that can pull the opponents to their side wins.
  • Patrol. A very interesting and creative competition for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for school classes. The essence of the task is that certain things are selected, they are covered with a special veil. On command, the cape is removed for a certain time, after which the guys must remember as many things as possible that are there. After a certain time, the cover is closed again, given a piece of paper and a pen, for a certain period of time it is necessary to write more items that are under the cape. The one with the most items on the list wins.
  • Scene. You can prepare a special scene of a military theme. To do this, it is important to choose a work, determine the roles between classmates, prepare props and clothes.
  • Dance. How to celebrate February 23 at school yet? Girls can prepare a beautiful and cheerful dance on a military theme.

War dance


Finally, I would like to add that in order to get a truly cheerful and joyful holiday on February 23, you need to come up with a variety of creative contests that will cause only positive emotions among schoolchildren.

The most important thing is to prepare good prizes that need to be awarded to the winners, other guys should also not be left without attention. This way you can involve as many students of different classes as possible in participation.

Congratulatory dance video:

Video of a funny scene for Defender of the Fatherland Day:

Sports holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.


    to acquaint students with the formation of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    improve student health

    develop their physical abilities,

    to instill interest in sports,

    promote a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: skittles, hoops, colored cubes or toys, flags; skis, sticks, prizes or certificates, decoration of the gym with posters, drawings about sports.

Host: Who is the defender of the Fatherland?

On February 23 we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. "Fatherland" of the same root as the words "father", "fatherland", "father's house". Fatherland is our country, Motherland. Our holiday is dedicated to all men who have worn, are wearing and will wear epaulettes. Of course, this is a national holiday, because there are simply no people in Russia who would not fall under this category. After all, when an alarming time comes for the country, the Fatherland calls for help from everyone, young and old. All children, both boys and girls, are future defenders of the Fatherland. Therefore, already today you must cultivate in yourself such qualities as the ability to be friends, keep your word, be honest, kind, and also cultivate strength, dexterity, and a desire to help others. Today we will check how strong, friendly you are, how you can work in a team.

Now girls are turning to the boys with words of congratulations.

Girls read poetry.

This holiday is very important.

Celebrating in February

Feast of the brave warriors

Holiday of Peace on Earth.

Saved the planet from war

Our army of soldiers

Hello to all heroes

Hundreds of little guys!

Our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations:

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

When to your brawls

Looking at them from the side

We believe: with your preparation -

We will always protect the country!

So let's go friends

With all my heart, without further ado,

Protect us from all adversity

But only, chur, without bruises.

Let there be peace, so that day after day

We study at the desks,

So that our knowledge later

Give to the Fatherland, Motherland.

We are against grief and war

We want to grow up happy!

Let the sun shine from above

Over cities, fields.

Moderator: And now I present to you the jury, which will follow our competitions and judge honestly. The jury includes: a life safety teacher, parents, soldiers from a sponsored military unit.

Representation of teams: name, motto.

1 team "Brave guys"

Motto: Our motto is to prepare for battle!

Together all my friends are with me!

2 team "Defenders of the country"

Motto: We are not used to being afraid

We will win any game!

Moderator: Russian soldiers need not only to be physically developed, but to have ingenuity, ingenuity, intelligence, so the first competition is intellectual.

1 competition. You have 30 seconds to answer 7 questions.

1. Is the outcome of the battle in your favor? (victory)

2. What and from what does the soldier eat? (spoon, pot)

3. Who is always right in the army? (commander)

4. Big boss for sailors? (admiral)

5. Warship. (cruiser)

6. What is the favorite fish of sailors because it is the most commonly fed fish? (herring)

7. There are no own eyes, but it helps to see the enemy. (binoculars)

    A sailor's garment. (vest)

    An inverted bowler hat helped protect a person. (helmet)

    Sailors cook. (cook)

    What is the name of the sailors' favorite dance? (bullseye)

    What is a ship's brake called? (anchor)

    Rumor and snitch in the army? (radio operator)

    Fighting machine? (APC)

Questions for viewers

    Isn't it scary to die for her? (homeland)

    What is the name of the ladder on the ship? (ladder)

    Who drives the ships at sea? (captain)

    What is the name of the team of the ship, plane, tank? (crew)

    Specialty of an infantryman? (shooter)

Host: And now we start the competition. Soldiers, in order to be on time everywhere, must do everything quickly.

2 competition. Who gets dressed faster.

The participant needs to dress: felt boots, hat, scarf, mittens. Then run to the mark and go back. The other participant repeats the same.

3 contest. Pass unnoticed through the minefield.

There are such people in the army - scouts. They need to go everywhere first and go unnoticed. You need to go through the minefield (between the pins) with a goose step. Back to run back.

4 contest. Overcoming obstacle course.

Climb through the barrier, jump over the “ditch” hoop, run along the bench. They come back running.

5 contest. Accurate shooter .

Each soldier must be proficient with weapons. Accurately throw the ball at the target. For each hit - a point.

6 contest. It is necessary to get over the bumps in the swamp .

The bumps are sheets of paper. Condition: the foot should not stand on the floor.

7 contest. Who is faster?

Pass the puck between the pins with the stick.

8 contest. Relay "Sunshine".

A hoop lies at a distance of 15-20m. Each participant takes a gymnastic stick in turn, runs to the hoop and lays out his ray. This is how the sun will turn out. Who has the most beautiful and who will be the first?

9 competition. "Biathlon".

With a ski on one leg, run to the limit mark, "shoot" the prepared "weapon" into the balloon and return back. Each hit is 1 point.

10 competition "Festive".

Run to the opposite side of the hall, take 1 sheet with the letter and go back. The relay is considered completed when the team lined up, holding the composed word in front of them.

Word used: Happy Holidays!

Summarizing. Now let's play a game together.


We know a lot of funny games.
We play with pleasure
In these games every time
Let's play now.

If you agree, say in chorus: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
If you disagree, clap your hands.
*Which of you is always ready to live life without doctors?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.
* Who does not want to be healthy,
Vigorous, slim and cheerful?
* Which of you does not walk gloomy,
Do you love sports and exercise?
* Who is not afraid of frost,
Skating flies like a bird?
* Well, who will start dinner
With imported chewing gum, sweets?
*Who loves tomatoes,
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?
* Who has eaten and brushes their teeth
Every day twice a day?
* Which of you, from the kids,
Walks dirty to the ears?
*Who, according to the schedule
Doing physical exercises?

February 23 is a special holiday for both women and men. On this day, they congratulate the present and future defenders who protect the state and people. All the importance of the celebrated event should be understood and realized even by schoolchildren from a very early age.


The competition can be used both for a team competition and for a game where each participant has his own individual right to win. The facilitator reads to the boys excerpts from the works that they have been learning for school year, and the children should name the author of the lines they heard.


This competition is based on the rules of arm wrestling. It can be included in a team competition, for example, as a competition for captains, or it can be held as a competition for individual participants.


The competition is perfect for individual competition. The boys are given sheets of paper, from which they should make airplanes for themselves as soon as possible. The competition begins at the command of the leader. The winner is the boy (boys), whose airplane turned out to be the most perfect and of high quality.

There is also an opportunity to hold a whole range of competitions with airplanes. For example, in the first, ask the boys to make them, in the second - to decorate, in the third - to fly, in the fourth - to go through obstacles with the airplane, etc.


Competition for team play. Two boys are invited to participate, their task is to alternately name the brands of cars known to them. The one with the best knowledge in this area wins.

"Mini Basketball"

The competition is suitable for both individual and team competition. To conduct it, all team members are asked to stand in a column. Each participant, when his turn comes, is given two nuts. Two meters in front of the first participant is a bucket. The first participant starts the game, the task of each is to get the nuts into the bucket. After the attempts made by the first team, the second team is invited to the competition. As a result, for each hit, the team receives 1 point.


For the competition, teams or individual participants are provided with small puzzles (large or small, as well as their number depends on age). Whoever assembled the puzzle correctly in the shortest time wins the competition.

According to the method of this game, you can hold similarity contests. For example, take apart ballpoint pens and ask the boys to fold them at speed. Also in the competition, you can use a designer or other items that can be quickly expanded and then folded. It will be nice if music plays during the execution.

Contests for February 23 should be applied differently. They may have a cheerful, funny character, require intellectual knowledge or demonstrate the valiant skills of schoolchildren. Many children especially like funny contests on February 23rd.

"Nature lover"

Each boy pulls out an envelope in which he finds a card with the name of an animal. The task is to name what kind of animal it is, its main characteristics and place of residence. The most complete and thorough answer gets the first place.


Every gentleman should be able to make compliments. Two girls and two boys are invited to the competition. Little men should alternately say beautiful compliments to their ladies. The more gallant and eloquent gentleman wins.

"Tug of War"

The competition requires a long and thick rope. A red ribbon is tied in the middle. A line is drawn between the two teams, as well as one more line at a distance of 1 meter from the main one on each side. Participants stand on their sides and take the rope in their hands. The task of the teams is to pull the middle of the rope to their side so that the opponent crosses the center line.


Command task. Participants must find the item using maps and clues. Schoolchildren receive the first hint card from the leader, all subsequent ones get it thanks to their own mind and ingenuity. Tasks can be in the form of riddles, plans of the area, where the next clue or hidden object will be marked with a circle or a cross.


The boys are provided with pencils and sheets of paper. Each of them should draw one of their classmates on the sheets. After completing the task, all the portraits are placed along the board and the audience must guess who exactly is depicted in each of the drawings.

"Bag jumping"

If the competition is held for individual participants, each of them is provided with a bag in which, after the start signal, he must jump to the indicated line as quickly as possible. If the game is a team game, each is given one bag.

The first participants, on a signal, jump into the bag and jump to the indicated line and back (you can go around the ball), passing the baton to the next player. The team that crosses the distance first wins.

Cheerful tankers

Team competition. In front of each team is a stand with a paper. The task of the participants is to draw a tank on the drawing paper one by one with their eyes closed. Each person can only complete one element. The eyes of the participants are tied immediately before the exit. Whoever has the most accurate drawing wins the competition.

"Eat an apple"

Two participants are invited for the competition. Girls stand on a chair and hold on outstretched hand apples hanging from a stick on a string. The task of the boys is to eat the hanging apple faster.

Cool contests for February 23 can be offered to come up with the children themselves, as creative work. As a result, the most interesting options can be noted and included in the competitive program of school competitions for the men's holiday.

When organizing a competitive program, all age characteristics of children must be taken into account. Children are very fond of contests and games, so choosing contests for schoolchildren of different plots, there is no doubt that children will enjoy the event.